Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Abbott, N;
Cameron, L;
Thompson, J;
Evaluating the impact of a defender role-play intervention on adolescent's defender intentions and responses towards name-calling.
School Psychology International
(In press).
Abu-Amsha, O;
Gordon, R;
Benton, L;
Vasalou, M;
Webster, B;
Access to Higher Education: Reflections on a Participatory Design Process with Refugees.
Journal on Education in Emergencies
, 5
pp. 156-176.
Abuabara, K;
Ye, M;
McCulloch, CE;
Sullivan, A;
Margolis, DJ;
Strachan, DP;
Paternoster, L;
... Langan, SM; + view all
Clinical onset of atopic eczema: Results from 2 nationally representative British birth cohorts followed through midlife.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
, 144
pp. 710-719.
Adamson, J;
Cardi, V;
Kan, C;
Harrison, A;
Macdonald, P;
Treasure, J;
Evaluation of a novel transition support intervention in an adult eating disorders service: ECHOMANTRA.
International Review of Psychiatry
, 31
pp. 382-390.
Aggio, D;
Papachristou, E;
Papacosta, O;
Lennon, LT;
Ash, S;
Whincup, P;
Wannamethee, SG;
Trajectories of physical activity from midlife to old age and associations with subsequent cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
(In press).
Ahmadzadeh, YI;
Eley, TC;
Plomin, R;
Dale, PS;
Lester, KJ;
Oliver, BR;
McMillan, A;
Children of the Twins Early Development Study (CoTEDS): A Children-of-Twins Study.
Twin Research and Human Genetics
, 22
pp. 514-522.
Aicken, CRH;
Wayal, S;
Blomquist, PB;
Fabiane, SM;
Gerressu, M;
Hughes, G;
Mercer, CH;
Pathways to, and use of, sexual healthcare among Black Caribbean sexual health clinic attendees in England: evidence from cross-sectional bio-behavioural surveys.
BMC Health Services Research
, 19
, Article 668. 10.1186/s12913-019-4396-3.
Akasaki, M;
Ploubidis, GB;
Dodgeon, B;
Bonell, CP;
The clustering of risk behaviours in adolescence and health consequences in middle age.
Journal of Adolescence
, 77
pp. 188-197.
Akhtar, N;
Khan, A;
Pervez, A;
Batool, I;
Interpersonal Problems in Arranged and Love Marriages.
Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
, 15
pp. 18-22.
Aksoy, O;
Crosscutting circles in a social dilemma: Effects of social identity and inequality on cooperation.
Social Science Research
, 82
pp. 148-163.
Al Saikhan, L;
Park, C;
Hardy, R;
Hughes, A;
Prognostic implications of left ventricular strain by speckle-tracking echocardiography in the general population: A meta-analysis.
Vascular Health and Risk Management
, 15
pp. 229-251.
Alderson, P;
Education, conflict, peace-building and critical realism.
Education and Conflict Review
, 2
pp. 54-58.
Alderson, P;
Review of Children, Childhood and Youth in the British World.
Children, Youth and Environments.
, 29
pp. 174-176.
Alderson, P;
Review of Children’s Rights: Today’s Global Challenge, by John Wall.
The International Journal of Children’s Rights
, 27
pp. 411-415.
Alderson, P;
Sustainable prosperity for all?
Blog for CUSP – Centre for Understanding Sustainable Properity
Allsop, Y;
Assessing computational thinking process using a multiple evaluation approach.
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction
, 19
pp. 30-55.
Allsopp, J;
Chase, E;
Best interests, durable solutions and belonging: future prospects for unaccompanied migrant minors coming of age in Europe.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
, 45
pp. 293-311.
Amos, R;
Levinson, R;
Socio-scientific inquiry-based learning: An approach for engaging with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals through school science.
International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning
, 11
pp. 29-49.
Anders, J;
Erzsébet Bukodi and John H. Goldthorpe (2018), Social Mobility and Education in Britain: Research, Politics and Policy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, £19.99, pp. 260, pbk.
Journal of Social Policy
(In press).
Anderson, E;
White, J;
Elizabeth Anderson interviewed by John White.
Journal of Philosophy of Education
, 53
pp. 5-20.
Anwyl-Irvine, AL;
Massonnié, J;
Flitton, A;
Kirkham, N;
Evershed, JK;
Gorilla in our midst: An online behavioral experiment builder.
Behavior Research Methods
(In press).
Apaydin, V;
Hassett, B;
Should I stay or should I go? Ideals and realities of archaeology in the conflict regions.
Journal of Community Archaeology & Heritage
, 6
pp. 36-50.
Appel, R;
Trofimovich, P;
Saito, K;
Isaacs, T;
Webb, S;
Lexical aspects of comprehensibility and nativeness from the perspective of native-speaking English raters.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics
, 170
24 -52.
Archer, L;
Nomikou, E;
Mau, A;
King, H;
Godec, S;
DeWitt, J;
Dawson, E;
Can the subaltern 'speak' science? An intersectional analysis of performances of 'talking science through muscular intellect' by 'subaltern' students in UK urban secondary science classrooms.
Cultural Studies of Science Education
, 14
pp. 723-751.
Armstrong, S;
Dearden, L;
Kobayashi, M;
Nagase, N;
Student loans in Japan: Current problems and possible solutions.
Economics of Education Review
, 71
pp. 120-134.
Aronson, JK;
Barends, E;
Boruch, R;
Brennan, M;
Chalmers, I;
Chislett, J;
Cunliffe-Jones, P;
... Vale, L; + view all
Key concepts for making informed choices.
, 572
pp. 303-306.
Ash, A;
The Unfamiliar Grey Matter(s): Talking Brains.
, 2019
pp. 1-22.
Ashworth, M;
Palikara, O;
Van Herwegen, J;
Comparing parental stress of children with neurodevelopmental disorders: The case of Williams syndrome, Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorders.
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities
, 32
pp. 1047-1057.
Auld, E;
Morris, P;
The OECD and IELS: Redefining early childhood education for the 21st century.
Policy Futures in Education
, 17
pp. 11-26.
Auld, E;
Morris, P;
Science by streetlight and the OECD’s measure of global competence: A new yardstick for internationalisation?
Policy Futures in Education
(In press).
Auld, E;
Rappleye, J;
Morris, P;
PISA for Development: how the OECD and World Bank shaped education governance post-2015.
Comparative Education
, 55
pp. 197-219.
Azam, ND;
Novin, S;
Oosterveld, P;
Rieffe, C;
Aggression in Malaysian adolescents: Validation of the IRPA self-report to measure reactive and proactive aggression.
European Journal of Developmental Psychology
, 16
pp. 225-235.
Baker, D;
Fomukong-Boden, A;
Edwards, S;
‘Don’t follow them, look at me!’: Contemplating a haptic digital prototype to bridge the conductor and visually impaired performer.
Music Education Research
, 21
pp. 295-314.
Baldwin-Edwards, M;
Blitz, BK;
Crawley, H;
The politics of evidence-based policy in Europe's 'migration crisis'.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
, 45
pp. 2139-2155.
Ball, SJ;
A horizon of freedom: Using Foucault to think differently about education and learning.
Power and Education
, 11
pp. 132-144.
Bamberger, A;
Morris, P;
Weinreb, Y;
Yemini, M;
Hyperpoliticised internationalisation in a pariah university: An Israeli institution in the occupied West Bank.
International Journal of Educational Development
, 66
pp. 119-128.
Bangpan, M;
Felix, L;
Dickson, K;
Mental health and psychosocial support programmes for adults in humanitarian emergencies: a systematic review and meta-analysis in low and middle-income countries.
BMJ Global Health
, 4
, Article e001484.. 10.1136/bmjgh-2019-001484.
Bannach-Brown, A;
Przybyła, P;
Thomas, J;
Rice, ASC;
Ananiadou, S;
Liao, J;
Macleod, MR;
Machine learning algorithms for systematic review: reducing workload in a preclinical review of animal studies and reducing human screening error.
Systematic Reviews
, 8
, Article 23. 10.1186/s13643-019-0942-7.
Barbuscia, A;
Myrskylä, M;
Goisis, A;
The psychosocial health of children born after medically assisted reproduction: Evidence from the UK Millennium Cohort Study.
SSM - Population Health
, 7
, Article 100355. 10.1016/j.ssmph.2019.100355.
Barker, Meghanne;
Blank Faces: Introduction to the Special Issue.
Semiotic Review
, 7
pp. 1-11.
Barker, Meghanne;
Dancing Dolls: Animating Childhood in a Contemporary Kazakhstani Institution.
Anthropological Quarterly
, 92
pp. 311-343.
Barker, Meghanne M;
Intersubjective Traps over Tricks on the Kazakhstani Puppet Stage: Animation as Dicentization.
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology
, 29
pp. 375-396.
Barnard, S;
Mallaband, B;
Leder Mackley, K;
Enhancing skills of academic researchers: The development of a participatory threefold peer learning model.
Innovations in Education and Teaching International
, 56
pp. 173-183.
Barr, N;
Chapman, BJ;
Dearden, L;
Dynarski, SM;
Reflections on the US College Loans System: Lessons from Australia and England.
Economics of Education Review
, 71
pp. 32-48.
Barrett, M;
Flynn, L;
Brown, JE;
Welch, G;
Beliefs and Values About Music in Early Childhood Education and Care: Perspectives From Practitioners.
Frontiers in Psychology
, 10
Barrett, MS;
Zhukov, K;
Welch, GF;
Strengthening music provision in early childhood education: a collaborative self-development approach to music mentoring for generalist teachers.
Music Education Research
, 21
pp. 59-548.
Bartie, A;
Fleming, L;
Freeman, M;
Hulme, T;
Hutton, A;
Readman, P;
'History taught in the pageant way': Education and Historical Performance in Twentieth-Century Britain.
History of Education
, 48
pp. 156-179.
Barua, P;
Bangpan, M;
Narattharaksa, K;
Suphanchaimat, R;
Chaiyakunapruk, N;
Healthcare Policies for Stateless Populations in ASEAN Countries: A Scoping Review.
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Bauman, A;
Bittman, M;
Gershuny, J;
A short history of time use research; implications for public health.
BMC Public Health
, 19
, Article 607. 10.1186/s12889-019-6760-y.
Baxter, L;
Fitzgibbon, S;
Moultrie, F;
Goksan, S;
Jenkinson, M;
Smith, S;
Andersson, J;
... Slater, R; + view all
Optimising neonatal fMRI data analysis: Design and validation of an extended dHCP preprocessing pipeline to characterise noxious-evoked brain activity in infants.
, 186
pp. 286-300.
Benton, L;
Varotsis, G;
Vasalou, A;
Leading by example: Exploring the influence of design examples on children’s creative ideation.
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
, 122
pp. 174-183.
Berg, ML;
Super-diversity, austerity, and the production of precarity: Latin Americans in London.
Critical Social Policy
, 39
pp. 184-204.
Berg, ML;
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, E;
Waters, J;
[Editorial comment].
Migration and Society
, 2
Berg, ML;
Gidley, B;
Krausova, A;
Welfare micropublics and inequality: urban super-diversity in a time of austerity.
Ethnic and Racial Studies
, 42
pp. 2723-2742.
Berger, Thor;
Engzell, Per;
American geography of opportunity reveals European origins.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
, 116
pp. 6045-6050.
Bezemer, J;
Kress, G;
Semiotic work in the science classroom.
Cultural Studies of Science Education
Birkelund, GE;
Chan, TW;
Ugreninov, E;
Midtbøen, A;
Rogstad, J;
Do terrorist attacks affect ethnic discrimination in the labour market? Evidence from two randomized field experiments.
The British Journal of Sociology
, 70
pp. 241-260.
Bittman, M;
Cleary, E;
Wilkinson-Bibicos, C;
Gershuny, J;
The social disorganization of eating: a neglected determinant of the Australian epidemic of overweight/obesity.
BMC Public Health
, 19
, Article 454. 10.1186/s12889-019-6768-3.
Bixby, H;
Bentham, J;
Zhou, B;
Di Cesare, M;
Paciorek, CJ;
Bennett, JE;
Taddei, C;
... Ezzati, M; + view all
Rising rural body-mass index is the main driver of the global obesity epidemic in adults.
, 569
pp. 260-264.
Blatchford, P;
Russell, A;
Class size, grouping practices and classroom management.
International Journal of Educational Research
, 96
pp. 154-163.
Blatchford, P;
Russell, A;
New ways of thinking about research on class size: an international perspective. Introduction to the special section.
International Journal of Educational Research
, 96
pp. 120-124.
Blitz, B;
Simic, A;
The modern slavery regime: a critical evaluation.
Journal of the British Academy
, 7
(Supp. 1)
pp. 1-34.
Bloemert, J;
Jansen, E;
Paran, A;
Student motivation in Dutch secondary school EFL literature lessons.
Applied Linguistics Review
, 13
pp. 573-596.
Bloemert, J;
Paran, A;
Jansen, E;
van de Grift, W;
Students’ perspective on the benefits of EFL literature education.
The Language Learning Journal
, 47
pp. 371-384.
Blum, N;
Berlin, A;
Isaacs, A;
Burch, WJ;
Willott, C;
Medical students as global citizens: a qualitative study of medical students' views on global health teaching within the undergraduate medical curriculum.
BMC Medical Education
, 19
, Article 175. 10.1186/s12909-019-1631-x.
Boardman, K;
Levy, R;
‘I hadn’t realised that whilst the babies and toddlers are sleeping, the other children can’t get to the books!’ The complexities of ‘access’ to early reading resources for under-threes.
Early Years
(In press).
Bojesen, E;
Suissa, J;
Minimal utopianism in the classroom.
Educational Philosophy and Theory
, 51
pp. 286-297.
Bond, M;
Flipped learning and parent engagement in secondary schools: A South Australian case study.
British Journal of Educational Technology
, 50
pp. 1294-1319.
Bonell, C;
Allen, E;
Opondo, C;
Warren, E;
Elbourne, DR;
Sturgess, J;
Bevilacqua, L;
... Viner, RM; + view all
Examining intervention mechanisms of action using mediation analysis within a randomised trial of a whole-school health intervention.
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health
, 73
pp. 455-464.
Bonell, C;
Beaumont, E;
Dodd, M;
Elbourne, DR;
Bevilacqua, L;
Mathiot, A;
McGowan, J;
... Allen, E; + view all
Effects of school environments on student risk-behaviours: evidence from a longitudinal study of secondary schools in England.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
, 73
pp. 502-508.
Bonell, C;
Allen, E;
Warren, E;
McGowan, J;
Bevilacqua, L;
Jamal, F;
Sadique, Z;
... Viner, RM; + view all
Modifying the secondary school environment to reduce bullying and aggression: the INCLUSIVE cluster RCT.
Public Health Research
, 7
pp. 1-164.
Borgonovi, F;
Pokropek, A;
Education and Attitudes Toward Migration in a Cross Country Perspective.
Frontiers in Psychology
, 10
, Article 2224. 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02224.
Borra, C;
González, L;
Sevilla, A;
The Impact of Scheduling Birth Early on Infant Health.
Journal of the European Economic Association
, 17
pp. 30-78.
Borra, C;
Sevilla, AS;
Competition for University Places and Parental Time Investments: Evidence From the United Kingdom.
Economic Inquiry
, 57
pp. 1460-1479.
Bosanquet, P;
Radford, J;
Teaching assistant and pupil interactions: The role of repair and topic management in scaffolding learning.
British Journal of Educational Psychology
, 89
pp. 177-190.
Bosco, A;
Paulauskaite, L;
Hall, I;
Crabtree, J;
Soni, S;
Biswas, A;
Cooper, V;
... Hassiotis, A; + view all
Process evaluation of a randomised controlled trial of PBS-based staff training for challenging behaviour in adults with intellectual disability.
PLoS One
, 14
, Article e0221507. 10.1371/journal.pone.0221507.
Bradbury, Alice;
Rethinking ‘fixed ability thinking’ and grouping practices: questions, disruptions and barriers to change in primary and early years education.
, 61
pp. 41-52.
Bradbury, A;
Datafied at four: the role of data in the 'schoolification' of early childhood education in England.
Learning, Media and Technology
, 44
pp. 7-21.
Bradbury, A;
Making little neo-liberals: The production of ideal child/learner subjectivities in primary school through choice, self-improvement and 'growth mindsets'.
Power and Education
, 11
pp. 309-326.
Bradbury, A;
Taking the 'early yearsy' route: resistance and professionalism in the enactment of assessment policy in early childhood in England.
Education 3-13
, 47
pp. 819-830.
Brady, AM;
Anxiety of performativity and anxiety of performance: self-evaluation as bad faith.
Oxford Review of Education
, 45
pp. 605-618.
Bragg, S;
Boddy, J;
Stryker, R;
Sims-Schouten, W;
The Future of Childhood Studies and Children & Society.
[Editorial comment].
Children and Society
, 33
pp. 301-308.
Bravo-Moreno, A;
Choice Mums and Children’s Education. Does Feminism Matter? A Qualitative Study.
The Qualitative Report
, 24
pp. 921-947.
Bravo-Moreno, A;
Deconstructing “Single” Mothers by Choice: Transcending Blood, Genes, and the Biological Nuclear Family?
, 9
pp. 1-14.
Brehm, W;
Education’s big short: learning peonage in American universities.
Globalisation, Societies and Education
, 17
pp. 296-309.
Brehm, W;
Historical memory and educational privatisation: a portrait from Cambodia.
Ethnography and Education
, 14
pp. 34-50.
Brehm, W;
Aktas, F;
All education for some? International development and shadow education in Cambodia.
International Journal of Comparative Education and Development
(In press).
Bridger Staatz, C;
Hardy, R;
Number of children and body composition in later life among men and women: Results from a British birth cohort study.
, 14
, Article e0209529. 10.1371/journal.pone.0209529.
Bridger Staatz, C;
Kelly, Y;
Lacey, R;
Hardy, R;
Socioeconomic position and body composition across the life course: a systematic review protocol.
Systematic Reviews
, 8
, Article 263. 10.1186/s13643-019-1197-z.
Bright, P;
Filippi, R;
Editorial: Perspectives on the "Bilingual Advantage": Challenges and Opportunities.
Frontiers In Psychology
, 10
, Article 1346. 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01346.
Britton, A;
Mehta, G;
O'Neill, D;
Bell, S;
Association of thirty-year alcohol consumption typologies and fatty liver: Findings from a large population cohort study.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence
, 194
pp. 225-229.
Brookman-Byrne, A;
Mareschal, D;
Tolmie, AK;
Dumontheil, I;
The Unique Contributions of Verbal Analogical Reasoning and Nonverbal Matrix Reasoning to Science and Maths Problem‐Solving in Adolescence.
Mind, Brain, and Education
, 13
pp. 211-223.
Brooks, R;
Asserting the nation: the dominance of national narratives in policymakers’ constructions of higher education students.
Sociological Research Online
(In press).
Brown, Andrew;
Huang, David;
Enabling collaborative work in higher education: An exploration of enhancing research collaborations within an institution.
Journal of Research Administration
, 50
pp. 63-89.
Brown, M;
Gilbert, E;
Calderwood, L;
Taylor, K;
Morgan, H;
Collecting biomedical and social data in a longitudinal survey: A comparison of two approaches.
Longitudinal and Life Course Studies
, 10
pp. 453-469.
Bryson, A;
Barry, M;
Gomez, R;
Lomas, G;
Kaufman, B;
Wilkinson, A;
The ’Good Workplace’: The Role of Joint Consultative Committees, Unions and HR Policies in Employee Ratings of Workplaces in Britain.
Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership
(In press).
Bryson, A;
Dale-Olsen, H;
Nergaard, K;
Gender differences in the union wage premium? A comparative case study.
European Journal of Industrial Relations
, 26
pp. 173-190.
Bryson, A;
Davies, R;
Accounting for geographical variance in the union satisfaction gap.
Industrial Relations Journal
, 50
pp. 104-125.
Bryson, A;
Erhel, C;
Salibekyan, Z;
Perceptions of Non-Pecuniary Job Quality Using Linked Employer-Employee Data.
European Journal of Industrial Relations
(In press).
Bryson, A;
Forth, J;
Management practices and SME performance.
Scottish Journal of Political Economy
, 66
pp. 527-558.
Bryson, A;
Forth, J;
State substitution for the trade union good: the case of paid holiday entitlements.
Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership
, 2
pp. 5-23.
Bryson, A;
Freeman, RB;
The Role of Employee Stock Purchase Plans — Gift and Incentive? Evidence from a Multinational Corporation.
British Journal of Industrial Relations
, 57
pp. 86-106.
Bryson, A;
Kleiner, M;
Re-examining Advances in Occupational Licensing Research: Issues and Policy Implications.
British Journal of Industrial Relations
, 57
pp. 721-731.
Bryson, A;
Stokes, L;
Wilkinson, D;
Who Is Better Off? Wellbeing and Commitment Among Staff in Schools and Elsewhere.
Education Economics
, 27
pp. 488-506.
Bryson, A;
White, M;
HRM and Small-Firm Employee Motivation: Before and After the Great Recession.
ILR Review
, 72
pp. 749-773.
Bryson, A;
White, M;
Migrants and Low-Paid Employment in British Workplaces.
Work, Employment and Society
(In press).
Bryson, AJ;
Davies, R;
Family, Place and the Intergenerational Transmission of Union Membership.
British Journal of Industrial Relations
, 57
pp. 624-650.
Bubb, S;
Earley, P;
Eddy-Spicer, D;
Crawford, M;
James, C;
Headteacher performance management in England: Balancing internal and external accountability through performance leadership.
Educational Management Administration and Leadership
, 47
pp. 170-188.
Burger, K;
The socio-spatial dimension of educational inequality: A comparative European analysis.
Studies in Educational Evaluation
, 62
pp. 171-186.
Burger, K;
The subjective importance of children's participation rights: A discrimination perspective.
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
, 89
pp. 65-76.
Calafato, R;
Paran, A;
Age as a factor in Russian EFL teacher attitudes towards literature in language education.
Teaching and Teacher Education
, 79
pp. 28-37.
Caldwell, DM;
Davies, SR;
Hetrick, SE;
Palmer, JC;
Caro, P;
Lopez-Lopez, JA;
Gunnell, D;
... Welton, NJ; + view all
School-based interventions to prevent anxiety and depression in children and young people: a systematic review and network meta-analysis.
The Lancet Psychiatry
, 6
pp. 1011-1020.
Camuñas, N;
Mavrou, I;
Miguel-Tobal, JJ;
Ansiedad y tristeza-depresión: Una aproximación desde la teoría de la indefensión-desesperanza.
Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica
, 24
pp. 19-28.
Candappa, M;
Border Politics, the 'Hostile Environment' for Migration, and Education in the UK.
Hungarian Educational Research Journal
, 9
pp. 414-433.
Cao, Y;
Hardy, R;
Wulaningsih, W;
Associations of medical conditions, lifestyle and unintentional weight loss in early old age: The 1946 British Birth Cohort.
, 14
, Article e0211952. 10.1371/journal.pone.0211952.
Cara, O;
Creese, B;
Prisoners' Basic Skills and Subsequent Education Involvement: An Analysis of Individualised Learner Records Data in England.
International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education (IJBIDE)
, 4
Carpentieri, JD;
The evolution of evidence problems in adult literacy and numeracy: how did we get into the current impasse and how can we get out of it?
International Journal of Lifelong Education
, 38
pp. 644-656.
Carr, D;
Bodies That Count: Augmentation, Community, and Disability in a Science Fiction Game.
Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies
, 14
pp. 421-436.
Carr, D;
Puff, C;
Games, play, meaning and Minecraft.
Well Played
, 8
Carvalho, T;
Fejzo, A;
Wright, P;
Visible Maths Pedagogy: Do students understand teachers’ intentions?
Mathematics Teaching
, 269
pp. 32-36.
Casanova Fernández, M;
Mavrou, I;
Literacidad en refugiados y solicitantes de protección internacional: Factores determinantes de la escritura en español como segunda lengua.
Revista Nebrija de Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza de Lenguas
, 13
Cebulla, A;
Hudson-Sharp, N;
Stokes, L;
Wilkinson, D;
Work-Life imbalance in extended working lives: Domestic divisions of labour and partners' perceptions of job pressures of non-retiring older workers.
Sozialer Fortschritt
, 68
pp. 289-311.
Cebulla, A;
Wilkinson, D;
Responses to an Ageing Workforce: Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom.
Business Systems Research
, 10
pp. 120-137.
Cerni, T;
Bassetti, B;
Masterson, J;
Effects of Orthographic Forms on the Acquisition of Novel Spoken Words in a Second Language.
Frontiers in Communication
, 4
, Article 31. 10.3389/fcomm.2019.00031.
Chamberlain, C;
Ralph, N;
Hokke, S;
Clark, Y;
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A Co-design Methodology for Blended Teacher Professional Development in Contexts of Mass Displacement.
NORRAG SPECIAL ISSUE 02: Data collection and evidence building to support education in emergencies
, 2019
(In press).
Kerr-Gaffney, J;
Harrison, A;
Tchanturia, K;
Cognitive and Affective Empathy in Eating Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Frontiers in Psychiatry
, 10
, Article 102. 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00102.
Kerr-Gaffney, J;
Harrison, A;
Tchanturia, K;
Eye-tracking research in eating disorders: A systematic review.
International Journal of Eating Disorders
, 52
pp. 3-27.
Kim, MJ;
Reparations for "Comfort Women": Feminist Geopolitics and Changing Gender Ideologies in South Korea.
Cornell International Affairs Review
, 12
pp. 5-43.
Kitagawa, K;
Co-Constructing a Narrative of 'Never Give Up' in Preparing for a Mega-Tsunami: An Exemplar of 'All-Of-Society Engagement'?
, 9
, Article 486. 10.3390/geosciences9120486.
Kitagawa, K;
Exploring 'everyday-life preparedness': Three case studies from Japan.
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
, 34
pp. 265-274.
Kitagawa, K;
Questioning 'integrated' disaster risk reduction and 'all of society' engagement: can 'preparedness pedagogy' help?
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education
, 49
pp. 851-867.
Klingenberg, MKR;
Pelletier, C;
The practice of selecting for values in nursing.
Journal of Organizational Ethnography
, 8
pp. 312-324.
Kneale, Dylan;
Harris, Katherine;
McDonald, Vanessa M;
Thomas, James;
Grigg, Jonathan;
Effectiveness of school-based self-management interventions for asthma among children and adolescents: findings from a Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis.
, 74
pp. 432-438.
Kneale, D;
French, R;
Spandler, H;
Young, I;
Purcell, C;
Boden, Z;
Brown, S;
... Tingay, K; + view all
Conducting sexualities research: an outline of emergent issues and case studies from ten Wellcome-funded projects [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review].
Wellcome Open Research
, 4
, Article 137. 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.15283.1.
Kneale, D;
Henley, J;
Thomas, J;
French, R;
Inequalities in older LGBT people's health and care needs in the United Kingdom: a systematic scoping review.
Ageing & Society
(In press).
Kneale, D;
Rojas-García, A;
Thomas, J;
Obstacles and opportunities to using research evidence in local public health decision-making in England.
Health Research Policy and Systems
, 17
, Article 61. 10.1186/s12961-019-0446-x.
Kneale, D;
Thomas, J;
O'Mara-Eves, A;
Wiggins, R;
How can additional secondary data analysis of observational data enhance the generalisability of meta‐analytic evidence for local public health decision‐making?
Research Synthesis Methods
, 10
pp. 44-56.
Komporozos-Athanasiou, A;
Renedo, A;
McKevitt, C;
Citizen Participation in Neoliberal Times.
Sociological Research Online
, 24
pp. 370-375.
Kucirkova, N;
Children's Reading With Digital Books: Past Moving Quickly to the Future.
Child Development Perspectives
(In press).
Kucirkova, N;
How Could Children's Storybooks Promote Empathy? A Conceptual Framework Based on Developmental Psychology and Literary Theory.
Frontiers in Psychology
, 10
, Article 121. 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00121.
Kucirkova, N;
The Learning Value of Personalization in Children's Reading Recommendation Systems: What Can We Learn From Constructionism?
International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning
, 11
Kucirkova, N;
Socio-material directions for developing empirical research on children’s e-reading: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of the literature across disciplines.
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy
, 21
pp. 148-174.
Kucirkova, N;
Theorising materiality in children's digital books.
Libri & Liberi
, 8
pp. 279-292.
Kucirkova, N;
Flewitt, R;
The future-gazing potential of digital personalisation in young children's reading: views from education professionals and app designers.
Early Child Development and Care
, 190
pp. 135-149.
Kucirkova, N;
Rowe, D;
Oliver, L;
Piestrzynski, L;
Systematic Review of Young Children’s Writing on Screen: What do we know and what do we need to know.
(In press).
Kuh, D;
Hardy, R;
Blodgett, JM;
Cooper, R;
Developmental factors associated with decline in grip strength from midlife to old age: a British birth cohort study.
BMJ Open
, 9
, Article e025755. 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-025755.
Kuh, DJL;
Cooper, R;
Sattar, N;
Welsh, P;
Hardy, R;
Ben-Shlomo, Y;
Systemic Inflammation and Cardio-Renal Organ Damage Biomarkers in Middle Age Agre Associated with Physical Capability Up to 9 Years Later: Findings from a British Birth Cohort Study.
, 139
pp. 1988-1999.
Kwan, I;
Rutter, D;
Anderson, B;
Stansfield, C;
Personal care and practical support at home: a systematic review of older people’s views and experiences.
Working with Older People
, 23
la Roi, C;
Meyer, IH;
Frost, DM;
Differences in sexual identity dimensions between bisexual and other sexual minority individuals: Implications for minority stress and mental health.
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
, 89
pp. 40-51.
Lahiff, A;
Li, J;
Unwin, L;
Zenner-Höffkes, L;
Pilz, M;
Industrial Standardisation as a Driver for Cross-national Convergence in Training Processes: Aviation Apprenticeships in England and Germany.
European Journal of Training and Development
(In press).
Lake, E;
'Playing it safe' or 'throwing caution to the wind': Risk-taking and emotions in a mathematics classroom.
, 7
pp. 50-64.
Lall, P;
Rees, R;
Law, GCY;
Dunleavy, G;
Cotič, Ž;
Car, J;
Influences on the Implementation of Mobile Learning for Medical and Nursing Education: Qualitative Systematic Review by the Digital Health Education Collaboration.
Journal of Medical Internet Research
, 21
, Article e12895. 10.2196/12895.
Lam, S;
Galdames, S;
Tong, VCH;
From a little idea to a project: Establishing a student-staff partnership program to support international students in their MA programme.
International Journal for Students as Partners
, 3
pp. 190-196.
Lane, C;
Van Herwegen, J;
Freeth, M;
Exploring the approximate number system in Sotos syndrome: insights from a dot comparison task.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
, 63
pp. 917-925.
Lane, CA;
Barnes, J;
Nicholas, JM;
Sudre, CH;
Cash, DM;
Parker, TD;
Malone, IB;
... Schott, JM; + view all
Associations between blood pressure across adulthood and late-life brain structure and pathology in the neuroscience substudy of the 1946 British birth cohort (Insight 46): an epidemiological study.
Lancet Neurology
(In press).
Langdon, F;
Daly, C;
Milton, E;
Jones, K;
Palmer, M;
Challenges for principled induction and mentoring of new teachers: Lessons from New Zealand and Wales.
London Review of Education
, 17
pp. 249-265.
Lapping, C;
Glynos, J;
'Two for joy': Towards a better understanding of free associative methods as sites of transference in empirical research.
Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society
, 24
pp. 432-451.
Large, I;
Pellicano, E;
Mojzisch, A;
Krug, K;
Developmental trajectory of social influence integration into perceptual decisions in children.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
, 116
pp. 2713-2722.
Latham, RM;
Mark, KM;
Oliver, BR;
Mothers' and fathers' perceptions of marital relationships and coparenting twins during school transition.
Journal of Family Studies
, 28
pp. 1-18.
Law, J;
Tulip, J;
Stringer, H;
Cockerill, M;
Dockrell, J;
Teachers observing classroom communication: An application of the Communicating Supporting Classroom Observation Tool for children aged 4-7 years.
Child Language Teaching and Therapy
, 35
pp. 203-220.
Lewis, A;
The need for contextualisation in the analysis of curriculum content in conflict.
Education and Conflict Review
, 2
pp. 28-32.
Li, B;
Bose, MGN;
Stockmann, L;
Rieffe, C;
Emotional functioning and the development of internalizing and externalizing problems in young boys with and without autism spectrum disorder.
(In press).
Liu, J;
Wong, K;
Dong, F;
Raine, A;
Tuvblad, C;
The Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire – Child (SPQ-C): Psychometric properties and relations to behaviour problems with multi-informant ratings.
Psychiatry Research
, 275
pp. 204-211.
Llaurado, A;
Dockrell, JE;
Children's Plans for Writing: Characteristics and Impact on Writing Performance.
Journal of Literacy Research
, 51
pp. 336-356.
Lodge, WG;
‘What’s in a name? The power of the English language in secondary school science education’.
Cultural Studies of Science Education
(In press).
Lőrinc, M;
Ryan, L;
D’Angelo, A;
Kaye, N;
De-individualising the ‘NEET problem’: An ecological systems analysis.
European Educational Research Journal
Lu, C;
Saunders, J;
Welch, G;
A pilot study of seven-year-old children’s singing behaviour, development and engagement in China.
The Changing Face of Music and Art Education (CFMAE): Interdisciplinary Journal for Music and Art Pedagogy
, 9
pp. 23-49.
Luckin, R;
Cukurova, M;
Designing educational technologies in the age of AI: A learning sciences-driven approach.
British Journal of Educational Technology
, 50
pp. 2824-2838.
MacDonald, JJ;
Sitting at 6.5: Problematizing IELTS and Admissions to Canadian Universities.
TESL Canada Journal
, 36
pp. 160-171.
Macura, B;
Suškevičs, M;
Garside, R;
Hannes, K;
Rees, R;
Rodela, R;
Systematic reviews of qualitative evidence for environmental policy and management: An overview of different methodological options.
Environmental Evidence
, 8
, Article 24. 10.1186/s13750-019-0168-0.
Maddock, J;
Castillo-Fernandez, J;
Wong, A;
Cooper, R;
Richards, M;
Ong, KK;
Ploubidis, GB;
... Hardy, R; + view all
DNA methylation age and physical and cognitive ageing.
The Journals of Gerontology: Series A
(In press).
Magee, A;
Pherali, T;
Freirean critical consciousness in a refugee context: a case study of Syrian refugees in Jordan.
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education
, 49
pp. 266-282.
Magee, A;
Pherali, T;
Paulo Freire and critical consciousness in conflict-affected contexts.
Education and Conflict Review
, 2
pp. 44-48.
Maglio, F;
Pherali, T;
Ethics of Educational Research in Crisis-Affected Environments.
NORRAG SPECIAL ISSUE 02: Data collection and evidence building to support education in emergencies
, 2019
(In press).
Maguire, D;
Vulnerable Prisoner Masculinities in an English Prison.
Men and Masculinities
(In press).
Maguire, M;
Braun, A;
Headship as policy narration: generating metaphors of leading in the English primary school.
Journal of Educational Administration and History
, 51
pp. 103-116.
Magwood, O;
Kpadé, V;
Thavorn, K;
Oliver, S;
Mayhew, AD;
Pottie, K;
Correction: Effectiveness of home-based records on maternal, newborn and child health outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
PLoS One
, 14
, Article e0212698. 10.1371/journal.pone.0212698.
Magwood, O;
Kpade, V;
Thavron, K;
Oliver, S;
Mayhew, A;
Pottie, K;
Effectiveness of home-based records on maternal, newborn and child health outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
, 14
, Article e0209278. 10.1371/journal.pone.0209278.
Majid, Nasreen;
Bobik-Dawes, Renata;
Developing deeper thinking in Key Stage 2 mathematics. Primary Mathematics.
Primary Mathematics
, 23
pp. 23-25.
Mallows, D;
Designed-in and contingent scaffolding in the teaching practice groups model.
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics
, 9
pp. 58-66.
Mansfield, C;
Gu, Q;
"I'm finally getting that help that I needed": Early career teacher induction and professional learning.
The Australian Educational Researcher
, 46
pp. 639-659.
Manyukhina, Y;
Wyse, D;
Learner Agency and the Curriculum: a Critical Realist Perspective.
The Curriculum Journal
, 30
pp. 223-243.
Maras, K;
Crane, L;
Walker, I;
Memon, A;
Perceived credibility of autistic witnesses and the effect of diagnostic information on credibility ratings.
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
, 68
, Article 101442. 10.1016/j.rasd.2019.101442.
Marginson, S;
Limitations of human capital theory.
Studies in Higher Education
, 44
pp. 287-301.
Marini, G;
A PhD in social sciences and humanities: impacts and mobility to get better salaries in an international comparison.
Studies in Higher Education
, 44
pp. 1332-1343.
Marini, G;
Yang, L;
Research Productivity of Chinese Young Thousand Talents.
International Higher Education
, 97
pp. 17-18.
Markova, I;
Zadeh, S;
Zittoun, T;
Introduction to the special issue on generalisation from dialogical single case studies.
Culture & Psychology
Markwick, A;
Working scientifically and assessing mathematics mastery.
Primary Science
, 158
pp. 25-27.
Marshall, I;
Marshall, R;
Wallace, B;
Brassey, J;
Thomas, J;
Rapid reviews may produce different results to systematic reviews: a meta-epidemiological study.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
, 109
pp. 30-41.
Martins, MA;
Sousa, O;
Castro, SL;
Dockrell, J;
Papadopoulos, T;
Mifsud, C;
Views from Portuguese teachers on multilingualism and educational practices in multilingual classrooms.
Analise Psicologica
, 37
pp. 493-506.
Massonnie, J;
Bianco, M;
Lima, L;
Bressoux, P;
Longitudinal predictors of reading comprehension in French at first grade: Unpacking the oral comprehension component of the simple view.
Learning and Instruction
, 60
pp. 166-179.
Massonnie, J;
Rogers, CJ;
Mareschal, D;
Kirkham, NZ;
Is Classroom Noise Always Bad for Children? The Contribution of Age and Selective Attention to Creative Performance in Noise.
Frontiers In Psychology
, 10
, Article 381. 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00381.
Matheson, L;
Wilding, S;
Wagland, R;
Nayoan, J;
Rivas, C;
Downing, A;
Wright, P;
... Watson, E; + view all
The psychological impact of being on a monitoring pathway for localised prostate cancer: a UK-wide mixed methods study.
, 28
pp. 1567-1575.
Mavrou, I;
Ainciburu, MC;
Medidas de longitud en la investigación empírica de ASL
¿Medidas de complejidad sintáctica o de fluidez?
Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada
, 32
pp. 125-154.
Mavrou, I;
Bustos-López, F;
“Cuando tarjeta de residencia se torna emocional”. Análisis del léxico emocional de inmigrantes de la Comunidad de Madrid.
pp. 127-136.
Mavrou, I;
Bustos-López, F;
The influence of working memory and emotional intelligence on emotional expression in Spanish as a second language.
Revista de Linguistica y Lenguas Aplicadas
, 14
pp. 117-129.
Mazenod, A;
Hodgen, J;
Francis, B;
Taylor, B;
Tereshchenko, A;
Students' university aspirations and attainment grouping in secondary schools.
Higher Education
, 78
pp. 511-527.
McCloud, T;
Bann, D;
Financial stress and mental health among higher education students in the UK up to 2018: rapid review of evidence.
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health
(In press).
McElroy, E;
Kearney, M;
Touhey, J;
Evans, J;
Cooke, Y;
Shevlin, M;
The CSS-12: Development and validation of a short-form version of the cyberchondria severity scale.
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
, 22
pp. 330-335.
McElroy, E;
McIntyre, JC;
Bentall, RP;
Wilson, T;
Holt, K;
Kullu, C;
Nathan, R;
... Corcoran, R; + view all
Mental health, deprivation, and the neighbourhood social environment: a network analysis.
Clinical Psychological Science
(In press).
McElroy, E;
Napoleone, E;
Wolpert, M;
Patalay, P;
Structure and Connectivity of Depressive Symptom Networks Corresponding to Early Treatment Response.
, 8
pp. 29-36.
McElroy, E;
Patalay, P;
In search of disorders: internalizing symptom networks in a large clinical sample.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
(In press).
McElroy, E;
Shevlin, M;
Murphy, S;
Roberts, B;
Makhashvili, N;
Javakhishvili, J;
Bisson, J;
... Hyland, P; + view all
ICD-11 PTSD and complex PTSD: structural validation using network analysis.
World Psychiatry : Official Journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA)
, 18
pp. 236-237.
McIntosh, S;
McKinley, J;
Milligan, LO;
Mikolajewska, A;
Issues of (in)visibility and compromise in academic work in UK universities.
Studies in Higher Education
(In press).
Mckinley, J;
Evolving the TESOL Teaching–Research Nexus.
TESOL Quarterly
, 53
pp. 875-884.
McKinley, J;
Rose, H;
Standards of English in academic writing: The authors respond.
Journal of Second Language Writing
, 44
pp. 114-116.
McMahon, DD;
Walker, Z;
Leveraging Emerging Technology to Design an Inclusive Future with Universal Design for Learning.
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal
, 9
pp. 75-93.
Meetoo, Veena;
Beyond ‘between two cultures’: micro processes of racialised and gendered positioning of South Asian and Muslim girls in an ‘everyday’ British multicultural school context.
Gender and Education
, 33
pp. 864-880.
Melendez-Torres, GJ;
Sutcliffe, K;
Burchett, HED;
Rees, R;
Thomas, J;
Developing and testing intervention theory by incorporating a views synthesis into a qualitative comparative analysis of intervention effectiveness.
Research Synthesis Methods
, 10
pp. 389-397.
Meloni, F;
The Ambivalence of Belonging: The Impact of Illegality on the Social Belonging of Undocumented Youth.
Anthropological Quarterly
, 92
pp. 451-479.
Mengisidou, M;
Marshall, C;
Deficient Explicit Access to Phonological Representations Explains Phonological Fluency Difficulties in Greek Children With Dyslexia and/or Developmental Language Disorder.
Frontiers in Psychology
, 10
, Article 638. 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00638.
Midgley, N;
Cirasola, A;
Austerberry, C;
Ranzato, E;
West, G;
Martin, P;
Redfern, S;
... Park, T; + view all
Supporting foster carers to meet the needs of looked after children: A feasibility and pilot evaluation of the Reflective Fostering Programme.
Developmental Child Welfare
(In press).
Midouhas, E;
Kokosi, T;
Flouri, E;
Neighbourhood-level air pollution and greenspace and inflammation in adults.
Health Place
, 58
, Article 102167. 10.1016/j.healthplace.2019.102167.
Midouhas, E;
Kokosi, T;
Flouri, E;
The quality of air outside and inside the home: Associations with emotional and behavioural problem scores in early childhood.
BMC Public Health
, 19
, Article 406. 10.1186/s12889-019-6733-1.
Millett, TVP;
Queering the Art Classroom: Queering Matters.
The International Journal of Art & Design Education
, 38
pp. 809-822.
Mills, M;
Hextall, I;
The co-operative schools movement in England: who, where and why.
International Journal of Inclusive Education
, 23
pp. 1116-1133.
Mills, M;
Howell, A;
Lynch, D;
Dungan, J;
Approaches to Improving School Attendance: Insights From Australian Principals.
Leadership and Policy in Schools
Mincu, Monica;
Davies, Peter;
The governance of a school network and implications for initial teacher education.
Journal of Education Policy
, 36
pp. 436-453.
Mintz, J;
A comparative study of the impact of enhanced input on inclusion at pre-service and induction phases on the self-efficacy of beginning teachers to work effectively with children with special educational needs.
British Educational Research Journal
, 45
pp. 254-274.
Misra, D;
A path-dependent analysis of the effect of location on the development of new universities.
Higher Education
(In press).
Mohamed, M;
Morris, P;
Buying, selling and outsourcing educational reform: the Global Education Industry and ‘policy borrowing’ in the Gulf.
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education
(In press).
Moore, Darren A;
Richardson, Michelle;
Gwernan-Jones, Ruth;
Thompson-Coon, Jo;
Stein, Ken;
Rogers, Morwenna;
Garside, Ruth;
... Ford, Tamsin J; + view all
Non-Pharmacological Interventions for ADHD in School Settings: An Overarching Synthesis of Systematic Reviews.
Journal of Attention Disorders
, 23
pp. 220-233.
Moore, AP;
Rivas, CA;
Stanton-Fay, S;
Harding, S;
Goff, LM;
Designing the Healthy Eating and Active Lifestyles for Diabetes (HEAL-D) self-management and support programme for UK African and Caribbean communities: a culturally tailored, complex intervention under-pinned by behaviour change theory.
BMC Public Health
, 19
, Article 1146. 10.1186/s12889-019-7411-z.
Moote, J;
Investigating the Longer-Term Impact of the CREST Inquiry-Based Learning Programme on Student Self-regulated Processes and Related Motivations: Views of Students and Teachers.
Research in Science Education
, 49
pp. 265-294.
Morris, P;
Bamberger, A;
Yemini, M;
Neoliberalism, internationalisation and higher education: connections, contradictions and alternatives.
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education
, 40
pp. 203-216.
Morris, P;
Barroso-Hurtado, D;
Pruebas internacionales y la búsqueda de la escolarización de «clase mundial»: un análisis crítico de narrativas políticas [International tests and the quest for «world class» schooling: A critical analysis of policy narratives].
Foro de Educación
, 17
pp. 45-72.
Morris, S;
Farran, EK;
Dumontheil, I;
Field Independence Associates with Mathematics and Science Performance in 5-to 10-Year-Olds after Accounting for Domain-General Factors.
Mind, Brain and Education
, 13
pp. 268-278.
Mueller, MAE;
Flouri, E;
Kokosi, T;
The role of the physical environment in adolescent mental health.
Health & Place
, 58
, Article 102153. 10.1016/j.healthplace.2019.102153.
Muller, J;
Young, M;
Knowledge, power and powerful knowledge re-visited.
Curriculum Journal
, 30
pp. 196-214.
Munoz Chereau, B;
Timmis, S;
Making Mature Undergraduates’ Experience Visible: Exploring Sense of Belonging and Use of Digital Technologies.
Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning
, 21
pp. 32-56.
Muñoz-Chereau, B;
Exploring gender gap and school differential effects in mathematics in Chilean primary schools.
School Effectiveness and School Improvement
, 30
pp. 83-103.
Musgrave, J;
Levy, R;
Including children with chronic health conditions in early childhood education and care settings.
Journal of Early Childhood Research
(In press).
Musiat, P;
Potterton, R;
Gordon, G;
Spencer, L;
Zeiler, M;
Waldherr, K;
Kuso, S;
... Schmidt, U; + view all
Web-based indicated prevention of common mental disorders in university students in four European countries - Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
Internet Interventions
, 16
pp. 35-42.
Natsidis, P;
Schiffer, PH;
Salvador-Martínez, I;
Telford, MJ;
Computational discovery of hidden breaks in 28S ribosomal RNAs across eukaryotes and consequences for RNA Integrity Numbers.
Scientific Reports
, 9
, Article 19477. 10.1038/s41598-019-55573-1.
Negri, O;
White, RC;
Remington, A;
A Friendly Article: The Qualitative Investigation of Anthropomorphism in Autistic and Nonautistic Adults.
Autism in Adulthood
, 1
pp. 286-296.
Norbury, CF;
McCartney, E;
Slonims, V;
Dockrell, JE;
Ebbels, SH;
Public health approaches still have room for individualized services: response to commentaries on 'Evidence-based pathways to intervention for children with language disorders'.
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorder
, 54
pp. 28-29.
Norris, EJ;
Finnerty, A;
Hastings, J;
Stokes, G;
Michie, S;
A scoping review of ontologies related to human behaviour change.
Nature Human Behaviour
, 3
pp. 164-172.
Noss, R;
Hoyles, C;
Microworlds, Constructionism and Mathematics = Micromundos, Construccionismo y Matemáticas.
Educación Matemática
, 31
pp. 7-21.
Novella, R;
Olivera, J;
Gender Differences in Cognitive Abilities Among the Elderly Poor of Peru.
, 42
pp. 95-109.
Nygaard, L;
The Institutional Context of ‘Linguistic Injustice’: Norwegian Social Scientists and Situated Multilingualism.
, 7
p. 10.
O'Connell, RE;
Owen, C;
Padley, M;
Simon, A;
Brannen, J;
Which Types of Family are at Risk of Food Poverty in the UK? A Relative Deprivation Approach.
Social Policy and Society
, 18
pp. 1-18.
O'Connor, AM;
Tsafnat, G;
Thomas, J;
Glasziou, P;
Gilbert, SB;
Hutton, B;
A question of trust: can we build an evidence base to gain trust in systematic review automation technologies?
Systematic Reviews
, 8
, Article 143. 10.1186/s13643-019-1062-0.
O'Connor, RAG;
Stockmann, L;
Rieffe, C;
Spontaneous helping behavior of autistic and non-autistic (Pre-)adolescents: A matter of motivation?
Autism Research
, 12
pp. 1796-1804.
O'Neill, D;
Benzeval, M;
Boyd, A;
Calderwood, L;
Cooper, C;
Corti, L;
Dennison, E;
... Park, A; + view all
Data Resource Profile: Cohort and Longitudinal Studies Enhancement Resources (CLOSER).
International Journal of Epidemiology
(In press).
O’Brien, T;
Roberts, A;
A domains-based approach to meeting social, emotional and mental health needs.
Support for Learning
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pp. 179-192.
O’Connor, AM;
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Still moving toward automation of the systematic review process: a summary of discussions at the third meeting of the International Collaboration for Automation of Systematic Reviews (ICASR).
Systematic Reviews
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Oakley, A;
Fact, fiction and method in the early history of social research: Clementina Black and Margaret Harkness as case-studies.
Women's History Review
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pp. 360-379.
Oakley, A;
Legacies of Altruism: Richard Titmuss, Marie Meinhardt, and Health Policy Research in the 1940s.
Social Policy and Society
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pp. 383-392.
Oketch, M;
Access, poverty and learning achievement for primary school leavers in Kenya: analysis of evidence from 47 counties.
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education
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Top research priorities for preterm birth: results of a prioritisation partnership between people affected by preterm birth and healthcare professionals.
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Suffering of silenced people in northern Rwanda.
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A new methodological approach for evaluating the impact of educational intervention implementation on learning outcomes.
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Attentional Control in Bilingualism: An Exploration of the Effects of Trait Anxiety and Rumination on Inhibition.
Behavioral Sciences
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Análisis macroestructural de presentaciones académicas orales en español L2.
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Making Power Visible: “Slow Activism” to Address Staff Sexual Misconduct in Higher Education.
Violence Against Women
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Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood
Palmer, MJ;
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Prevalence and correlates of 'sexual competence' at first heterosexual intercourse among young people in Britain.
BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health
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Dissociation in How Core Autism Features Relate to Interoceptive Dimensions: Evidence from Cardiac Awareness in Children.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
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The codevelopment of internalizing symptoms, externalizing symptoms, and cognitive ability across childhood and adolescence.
Development and Psychopathology
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Papachristou, E;
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Kokosi, T;
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Main and interactive effects of inflammation and perceived neighbourhood cohesion on psychological distress: Results from a population-based study in the UK.
Quality of Life Research
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Papachristou, E;
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Midouhas, E;
Lewis, G;
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The Role of Primary School Composition in the Trajectories of Internalising and Externalising Problems across Childhood and Adolescence.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
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Park, A;
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Participant engagement in longitudinal studies: current practice, opportunities and challenges.
Social Research Practice
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Parsons, TJ;
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Atkins, JL;
Papacosta, O;
Ash, S;
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Healthier diet quality and dietary patterns are associated with lower risk of mobility limitation in older men.
European Journal of Nutrition
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pp. 2335-2343.
Parsons, TJ;
Papachristou, E;
Atkins, JL;
Papacosta, O;
Ash, S;
Lennon, LT;
Whincup, PH;
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Physical frailty in older men: prospective associations with diet quality and patterns.
Age and Ageing
, 48
pp. 355-360.
Pavlopoulou, G;
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‘I don't live with autism; I live with my sister’. Sisters’ accounts on growing up with their preverbal autistic siblings.
Research in Developmental Disabilities
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Pearce, A;
An Emerging "Holocaust Memorial Problem?" The Condition of Holocaust Culture in Britain.
The Journal of Holocaust Research
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pp. 117-137.
Pearce, A;
In the thick of it: ‘high politics’ and the holocaust in millennial Britain.
Patterns of Prejudice
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pp. 98-110.
Pelletier, C;
Buchan, K;
Hall-Jackson, M;
Learning from failure: exploring the psychodynamics of work in a clinical simulation centre.
Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society
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pp. 72-90.
Pelletier, C;
Chrysikou, V;
Gibson, W;
Park, S;
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The gift in A&E: re-framing the medical case presentation through Mauss.
Social Theory and Health
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pp. 389-406.
Pellicano, E;
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Knowing autism: The place of experiential expertise.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences
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A study of mentors in Wales 'coming to closure'.
Professional Development in Education
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pp. 405-417.
Pensiero, N;
Schoon, I;
Social inequalities in educational attainment. The changing impact of parents’ social class, social status, education, and family: England 1986 and 2010.
Longitudinal and Life Course Studies
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Perez, JLDG;
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Sleep differences in the UK between 1974 and 2015: Insights from detailed time diaries.
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Perez-Milans, M;
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‘Indelible stains’? Introduction to special issue on Gender and Memory.
European Journal of Women's Studies
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Radically Relational Tools: A Design Framework to Explore Materials through Embodied Processes.
International Journal of Design
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Using a Student Authentication and Authorship Checking System as a Catalyst for Developing an Academic Integrity Culture: a Bulgarian Case Study.
Journal of Academic Ethics
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pp. 245-269.
Phan, HP;
Women's access to resources: Matrilineal kinship, the patriarchal state and social differentiation in Vietnam.
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Education and conflict: Emergence, growth and diversification of the field.
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Developing global partnerships in higher education for peacebuilding: a strategy for pathways to impact.
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Philippe, H;
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Mitigating Anticipated Effects of Systematic Errors Supports Sister-Group Relationship between Xenacoelomorpha and Ambulacraria.
Current Biology
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Phoenix, A;
Situating Children’s Family Troubles: Poverty and Serial Migration.
Journal of Family Issues
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The peer relations of pupils with special educational needs in mainstream primary schools: The importance of meaningful contact and interaction with peers.
British Journal of Educational Psychology
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Pitchford, NJ;
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Secondary Benefits to Attentional Processing Through Intervention With an Interactive Maths App.
Frontiers in Psychology
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Ploubidis, GB;
McElroy, E;
Moreira, HC;
A longitudinal examination of the measurement equivalence of mental health assessments in two British birth cohorts.
Longitudinal and Life Course Studies
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pp. 471-489.
Pongiglione, B;
Fitzsimons, E;
Overweight and obesity in childhood and adolescence: Findings from the UK millennium cohort study, up to age 14.
Longitudinal and Life Course Studies
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pp. 27-49.
Potter, JP;
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Digital media learning in the third space.
Media Practice and Education
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pp. 1-11.
Pozzi, F;
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Passarelli, M;
Persico, D;
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Ranking Meets Distance Education: Defining Relevant Criteria and Indicators for Online Universities.
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning
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pp. 42-63.
Pradhan, U;
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Disjunctured reciprocity: paradoxes of community-school relationship in Nepal.
Globalisation, Societies and Education
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Pradhan, Uma;
Multi-Ethnic Citizens in a Multi-Ethnic State: Constructing State-Citizen Relations Through 'Difference' in the Adivasi Janajati Scholarship Programmes in Nepal.
South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies
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pp. 937-953.
Pradhan, Uma;
Simultaneous identities: ethnicity and nationalism in mother tongue education in Nepal.
Nations and Nationalism
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pp. 718-738.
Pradhan, Uma;
Valentin, Karen;
Towards a Relational Approach to the State: Understanding Social and Political Transformation in Nepal.
South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies
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pp. 880-885.
Preece, S;
Elite bilingual identities in higher education in the Anglophone world: the stratification of linguistic diversity and reproduction of socio-economic inequalities in the multilingual student population.
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development
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pp. 404-420.
Price, JE;
Mendizabal-Espinosa, RM;
'Juggling amidst complexity' – Hospice staff's experience of providing palliative care for infants referred from a neonatal unit.
Journal of Neonatal Nursing
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pp. 189-193.
Price, JE;
Mendizabal-Espinosa, RM;
Podsiadly, E;
Marshall-Lucette, S;
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Perinatal/neonatal palliative care: Effecting improved knowledge and multi-professional practice of midwifery and children's nursing students through an inter-professional education initiative.
Nurse Education in Practice
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Pridmore, PJ;
Strengthening Municipal Governance to tackle the drivers of Child Malnutrition in Mombasa, Kenya.
SAGE Research Methods Cases Part 2
Purves, R;
Local authority instrumental music tuition as a form of neo-liberal parental investment: findings from a deviant, idiographic case study.
Power and Education
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Qiong, L;
Gu, Q;
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Resilience of Chinese Teachers: Why Perceived Work Conditions and Relational Trust Matter.
Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives
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pp. 143-159.
Qu, X;
Chinese Teachers’ Views of Educational Exclusion of Children with Disabilities in Relation to Equality.
International Journal of Inclusive Education
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Qu, X;
Rethinking norms and collectivism in China's inclusive education – moving teachers' understanding beyond integration.
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs
, 19
pp. 353-361.
Quinn, M;
Digital schools? Teachers still matter.
Impact: Journal of the Chartered College of Teaching
pp. 12-13.
Reiss, M;
Evolution education: treating evolution as a sensitive rather than a controversial issue.
Ethics and Education
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pp. 351-366.
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Science, religion and education.
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pp. 21-50.
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Bennett, J;
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Students becoming researchers.
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pp. 69-75.
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Rushton, E;
From science teacher to 'teacher scientist': Exploring the experiences of research-active science teachers in the UK.
International Journal of Science Education
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pp. 1541-1461.
Reiss, MJ;
And Finally….
The Expository Times
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Reiss, MJ;
Science, Religion, and Ethics: The Boyle Lecture 2019.
Zygon: Journal of Religion & Science
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pp. 793-807.
Remington, A;
Hanley, M;
O'Brien, S;
Riby, DM;
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Implications of capacity in the classroom: Simplifying tasks for autistic children may not be the answer.
Research in Developmental Disabilities
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pp. 197-204.
Renwick, L;
Lavelle, M;
James, K;
Stewart, D;
Richardson, M;
Bowers, L;
The physical and mental health of acute psychiatric ward staff, and its relationship to experience of physical violence.
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
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pp. 268-277.
Révész, AJ;
Michel, M;
Lee, M;
Exploring second language writers' pausing and revision behaviours: A mixed methods study.
Studies in Second Language Acquisition
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Richardson, M;
Healy, M;
Examining the Ethical Environment in Higher Education.
British Educational Research Journal
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pp. 1089-1104.
Richardson, M;
Khouja, C;
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Interventions to prevent Lyme disease in humans: A systematic review.
Preventive Medicine Reports
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pp. 16-22.
Richardson, M;
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Using the theoretical domains framework and the behavioural change wheel in an overarching synthesis of systematic reviews.
BMJ Open
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Rigato, S;
Banissy, MJ;
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Cortical signatures of vicarious tactile experience in four-month-old infants.
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
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pp. 75-80.
Riley, K;
Agency and belonging: What transformative actions can schools take to help create a sense of place and belonging?
Educational and Child Psychology
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pp. 91-103.
Ringrose, J;
Renold, E;
JARRING: Making PhEmaterialist research practices matter.
MAI: Feminism and Visual Culture
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Ringrose, J;
Whitehead, S;
Regehr, K;
Jenkinson, A;
Play-Doh Vulvas and Felt Tip Dick Pics: Disrupting phallocentric matter(s) in Sex Education.
Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology
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pp. 259-291.
Ringrose, JL;
Tolman, D;
Ragonese, M;
Hot right now: Diverse girls navigating technologies of racialized sexy femininity.
Feminism and Psychology
, 29
pp. 76-95.
Ríos-Jara, H;
Cooperation and competition in the wave of British student protests 2009-2011.
Interface: A journal for and about social movements
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pp. 63-90.
Rivas, C;
Vigurs, C;
Cameron, J;
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A realist review of which advocacy interventions work for which abused women under what circumstances.
Cochrane Systematic Review - Prototype
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, Article CD013135. 10.1002/14651858.CD013135.pub2.
Roberts, C;
Gilbert, E;
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Research Synthesis.
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Roberts, J;
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Popular culture and genetics; friend, foe or something more complex?
European Journal of Medical Genetics
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pp. 368-375.
Roberts-Holmes, G;
School readiness, governance and early years ability grouping.
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood
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Roberts-Holmes, G;
Kitto, E;
Early years ability grouping and the pedagogical constraints upon children’s learning identities.
Education 3-13
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pp. 854-861.
Roberts-Holmes, GP;
Governing and commercialising early childhood education: Profiting from The International Early Learning and Well-being Study (IELS).
Policy Futures in Education
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pp. 27-40.
Rodrigo, MMT;
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Moreno, M;
De Santos, M;
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Ibigkas!: The Iterative Development of a Mobile Collaborative Game for Building Phonemic Awareness and Vocabular.
Computer-Based Learning in Context
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pp. 28-42.
Rolleston, C;
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Beyond the Basics: Access and Equity in the Expansion of Post-compulsory Schooling in Vietnam.
International Journal of Educational Development
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pp. 223-233.
Rolleston, C;
Schendel, R;
Grijalva Espinosa, A;
Assessing ‘approaches to learning’ in Botswana, Ghana and Kenya.
Research in Comparative and International Education
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Rosen, R;
Poverty and Family Troubles: Mothers, Children, and Neoliberal “Antipoverty” Initiatives.
Journal of Family Issues
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pp. 2330-2353.
Ross, W;
Vallée-Tourangeau, F;
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Mental Arithmetic and Interactivity: the Effect of Manipulating External Number Representations on Older Children’s Mental Arithmetic Success.
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Rumbelow, M;
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Modelling motion from nature.
Mathematics Teaching
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pp. 16-19.
Rutter, CE;
Silverwood, RJ;
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Asher, I;
Garcia-Marcos, L;
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Are Environmental Factors for Atopic Eczema in ISAAC Phase Three due to Reverse Causation?
Journal of Investigative Dermatology
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pp. 1023-1036.
Ruz, FA;
Horvitz, MM;
Assael, TR;
El hechizo del SIMCE.
Revista Chilena de Pedagogía
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pp. 54-70.
Saito, K;
Individual differences in second language speech learning in classroom settings: Roles of awareness in the longitudinal development of Japanese learners’ English /ɹ/ pronunciation.
Second Language Research
, 35
pp. 149-172.
Saito, K;
The role of aptitude in second language segmental learning:The case of Japanese learners’ English /ɹ/ pronunciation attainment in classroom settings.
Applied Psycholinguistics
, 40
pp. 183-204.
Saito, K;
To What Extent Does Long‐Term Foreign Language Education Help Improve Spoken Second Language Lexical Proficiency?
TESOL Quarterly
, 53
pp. 82-107.
Saito, K;
Magne, V;
Suzukida, Y;
Tran, M;
Ilkan, M;
Exploring the dynamic nature of second language listeners’ perceived fluency: A mixed-methods approach.
TESOL Quarterly
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pp. 1139-1150.
Saito, K;
Plonsky, L;
Effects of Second Language Pronunciation Teaching Revisited: A Proposed Measurement Framework and Meta-Analysis.
Language Learning
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pp. 652-708.
Saito, K;
Suzuki, S;
Oyama, T;
Akiyama, Y;
How Does Longitudinal Interaction Promote Second Language Speech Learning? Roles of Learner Experience and Proficiency Levels.
Second Language Research
(In press).
Saito, K;
Tierney, A;
Sun, H;
Explicit and implicit aptitude effects on second language speech learning: Scrutinizing segmental, prosodic and temporal sensitivity and performance via behavioral and neurophysiological measures.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition
, 22
1123 -1140.
Saito, K;
Tran, M;
Suzukida, Y;
Sun, H;
Magne, V;
Ilkan, M;
HOW DO L2 LISTENERS PERCEIVE THE COMPREHENSIBILITY OF FOREIGN-ACCENTED SPEECH? Roles of L1 Profiles, L2 Proficiency, Age, Experience, Familiarity and Metacognition.
Studies in Second Language Acquisition
, 41
pp. 1133-1149.
Saito, Kazuya;
Suzukida, Yui;
Sun, Hui;
Aptitude, Experience, and Second Language Pronunciation Proficiency Development in Classroom Settings: A Longitudinal Study.
Studies in Second Language Acquisition
, 41
pp. 201-225.
Sakata, N;
Christensen, C;
Ware, H;
Wang, S;
Addressing the messiness of data analysis: Praxis, readiness and tips from doctoral research.
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education
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pp. 318-336.
Samuel, R;
Burger, K;
Negative Life Events, Self-Efficacy, and Social Support: Risk and Protective Factors for School Dropout Intentions and Dropout.
Journal of Educational Psychology
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Sánchez Tyson, L;
Trusting Children: Lifelong Learning And Autonomy Within The Unschooling Movement.
Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning
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pp. 23-40.
Sanchez Tyson, L;
Watson Vega, V;
Editorial: New directions in lifelong learning.
London Review of Education
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pp. 316-317.
Sanchez Tyson, L;
Watson Vega, V;
Why we need to talk about lifelong learning and intercultural universities.
London Review of Education
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pp. 347-361.
Savage, R;
Teaching Assistants, Computers and Classroom Management.
Labour Economics
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pp. 21-36.
Scheef, AR;
Walker, ZM;
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Salient employability skills for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Singapore: the perspectives of job developers.
International Journal of Developmental Disabilities
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pp. 1-9.
Schiffer, PH;
Danchin, EGJ;
Burnell, AM;
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Signatures of the Evolution of Parthenogenesis and Cryptobiosis in the Genomes of Panagrolaimid Nematodes.
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Schoon, I;
From the life-course cube to an open state-space system. Commentary.
Advances in Life Course Research
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Schoon, I;
Le bien-être des enfants face à la privation socioéconomique et à l’instabilité familiale au Royaume-Uni. La cohorte UK millenium.
Revue des Politiques Sociales et Familiales
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Schoon, I;
Bynner, J;
Young people and the Great Recession: Variations in the school-to-work transition in Europe and the United States.
Longitudinal and Life Course Studies
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pp. 153-173.
Schoon, I;
Heckhausen, J;
Conceptualizing Individual Agency in the Transition from School to Work: A Social-Ecological Developmental Perspective.
Adolescent Research Review
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Schoon, I;
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Intergenerational transmission of family adversity: Examining constellations of risk factors.
PLoS One
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Schucan Bird, K;
Pitman, L;
How diverse is your reading list? Exploring issues of representation and decolonisation in the UK.
Higher Education
(In press).
Schucan Bird, K;
Shemilt, I;
The crime, mental health, and economic impacts of prearrest diversion of people with mental health problems: A systematic review.
Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health
(In press).
Sedawi, W;
Assaraf, OBZ;
Reiss, MJ;
Regenerating Our Place: Fostering a Sense of Place Through Rehabilitation and Place-Based Education.
Research in Science Education
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Sedgewick, F;
Crane, LM;
Hill, V;
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Friends and Lovers: The Relationships of Autistic and Neurotypical Women.
Autism in Adulthood
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'It is different for girls': Gender differences in the friendships and conflict of Autistic and neurotypical adolescents.
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Changes and Continuities in Citizenship Education: What kind of Citizenship Education does the 2018 Social Studies Programme of Study Envisage?
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Sen, A;
Militarisation of citizenship education curriculum in Turkey.
Journal of Peace Education
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pp. 78-103.
Sergeant, DC;
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Orchestrated sex: The representation of male and female musicians in world-class symphony orchestras.
Frontiers in Psychology
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Serrano, R;
Pellicer-Sánchez, A;
Young L2 learners' online processing of information in a graded reader during reading-only and reading-while-listening conditions: A study of eye-movements.
Applied Linguistics Review
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Shah, Q;
Citizenship education in the United Kingdom and the adult migrant.
Education, Citizenship and Social Justice
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Shanbaum, P;
Tu ets qui controla: interfícies ubiqües i instal·lacions artístiques amb mitjans digitals interactius.
pp. 64-71.
Sheldrake, R;
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Children’s Aspirations Towards Science-related Careers.
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education
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Sheldrake, R;
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Reiss, MJ;
Students’ Changing Attitudes and Aspirations Towards Physics During Secondary School.
Research in Science Education
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pp. 1809-1834.
Sheriston, L;
Holliman, A;
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Student adaptability and achievement on a psychology conversion course.
Psychology Teaching Review
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pp. 22-29.
Shum, SJB;
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Learning analytics and AI: Politics, pedagogy and practices.
British Journal of Educational Technology
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pp. 2785-2793.
Shure, D;
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Interventions integrating health and academic education in schools to prevent substance misuse and violence: a systematic review.
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Interrelation between empathy and friendship development during (pre)adolescence and the moderating effect of developmental language disorder: A longitudinal study.
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Brain literacy empowers educators to meet diverse learner needs.
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A review of interview preparation via virtual and mixed reality for individuals with intellectual and developmental disorder.
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Philosophy and Teacher Education in England: The Long View.
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A Reply to Bridging Gulfs Within and Between East and West.
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Domain-Specific Inhibitory Control Training to Improve Children’s Learning of Counterintuitive Concepts in Mathematics and Science.
Journal of Cognitive Enhancement
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A curriculum in transition: TL/L1 use in Dutch EFL literature lessons.
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From Iberia to the Southern Levant: The Movement of Silver Across the Mediterranean in the Early Iron Age.
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Evaluating co-operative schools: values, democracy and leadership.
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A scoping review of ‘think-family’ approaches in healthcare.
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Metabolomic correlates of central adiposity and earlier life body mass index.
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Challenges of cultivating critical citizens in Hong Kong: Voices from Liberal Studies pre-service teachers.
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English Teachers and Research: Becoming Our Own Experts.
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Dialogical exemplars as communicative tools: Resituating knowledge from dialogical single case studies.
Culture & Psychology
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Stories of Sameness and Difference: The Views and Experiences of Children and Adolescents with a trans* Parent.
Journal of GLBT Family Studies
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Zarabadi, S;
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Feeling Medusa: Tentacular Troubling of Academic Positionality, Recognition and Respectability.
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Zawacki-Richter, Olaf;
Marín, Victoria I;
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Systematic review of research on artificial intelligence applications in higher education – where are the educators?
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Educating for the social,the emotional and the sustainable.
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Case Studies.
Professional Development of Teacher Educators in Further Education Pathways, Knowledge, Identities, and Vocationalism.
Routledge: London, UK.
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Professional Development of Teacher Educators in Further Education Pathways, Knowledge, Identities, and Vocationalism.
Routledge: London, UK.
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Highways and byways: pathways to becoming teacher educators.
Professional Development of Teacher Educators in Further Education Pathways, Knowledge, Identities, and Vocationalism.
Routledge: London, UK.
Loo, S;
Professional education of teacher educators.
Professional Development of Teacher Educators in Further Education Pathways, Knowledge, Identities, and Vocationalism.
Routledge: London, UK.
Loo, S;
Professional identities of teacher educators.
Professional Development of Teacher Educators in Further Education Pathways, Knowledge, Identities, and Vocationalism.
Routledge: London, UK.
Loo, S;
Researching the further education teacher educators’ landscape.
Professional Development of Teacher Educators in Further Education Pathways, Knowledge, Identities, and Vocationalism.
Routledge: London, UK.
Loo, S;
Teacher educators’ knowledge: types, sources and application in the training of teachers.
Professional Development of Teacher Educators in Further Education Pathways, Knowledge, Identities, and Vocationalism.
Routledge: London, UK.
Loo, S;
Teacher educators’ profiles.
Professional Development of Teacher Educators in Further Education Pathways, Knowledge, Identities, and Vocationalism.
Routledge: London, UK.
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Digital Feminist Activism: #MeToo and the Everyday Experiences of Challenging Rape Culture.
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Automiglioramento, sapere professionale e ricerca empirica. Uno sguardo a esperienze internazionale.
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È possibile una scuola diversa? Una ricerca sperimentale per migliorare la qualità scolastica.
Il Mulino: Bologna, Italy.
Newman, M;
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Systematic Reviews in Educational Research: Methodology, Perspectives and Application.
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Feminist Posthumanism.
SAGE Research Methods Foundations.
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Randomized Control Trials: Limitations for Explaining and Improving Learning Outcomes.
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Oliver, M;
Digital Technologies and doctoral research.
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Enhancing the Role of ICT in Doctoral Research Processes.
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Teaching for 3 Cs: centring imagination in teacher education.
Social Theory for Teacher Education Research: Beyond the Technical-Rational.
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Bloomsbury: London, UK.
Pelletier, C;
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Exploration: Wigs, Brown Sauce and Theatrical Dames - Clinical Simulation as Play.
In: James, A and Nerantzi, C, (eds.)
The Power of Play in Higher Education: Creativity in Tertiary Learning.
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Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, Switzerland.
Pensiero, N;
Giancola, O;
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Socioeconomic Inequality and Student Outcomes in Italy.
In: Volante, L and Schnepf, SV and Jerrim, J and Klinger, D, (eds.)
Socioeconomic Inequality and Student Outcomes - National Trends, Policies, and Practices - Education Policy & Social Inequality.
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How children understand biology.
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Theorizing Feminist Ethics of Care in Early Childhood Practice.
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Students’ Awareness of Working Life Skills in the UK, Finland and Germany.
In: McLoughlin, E and Finlayson, O and Erduran, S and Childs, P, (eds.)
Bridging Research and Practice in Science Education.
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Springer, Cham
Standish, P;
On being resolute.
In: Appelqvist, H, (ed.)
Wittgenstein and the Limits of Language.
Routledge: London, UK.
Starkey, HW;
Learning to Live Together: Children's Rights, Identities and Citizenship.
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Transnational Perspectives on Democracy, Citizenship, Human Rights and Peace Education.
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Equity of Access to Pre-Primary Education and Long-Term Benefits: A Cross-Country Analysis.
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The SAGE Handbook of Comparative Studies in Education.
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Evidence surveillance to keep up to date with new research.
Systematic Searching Practical ideas for improving results.
Facet: London, UK.
Unterhalter, E;
Balancing Pessimism of the Intellect and Optimism of the Will: Some Reflections on the Capability Approach, Gender, Empowerment, and Education.
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Articulation and a Theorisation of Educational Change: Reflections on Harold Wolpe’s Work on South Africa.
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Race, Class and the Post-Apartheid Democratic State.
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Waters, J;
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Geographies of connection? The Chicken Project and other international acts by state secondary schools in England.
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Wong, KK-Y;
Schizophrenia and Crime.
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Woodin, T;
Useable pasts for a co-operative university: as different as light from darkness?
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Reclaiming the University for the Public Good Experiments and Futures in Co-operative Higher Education.
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Benton, L;
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What’s Missing: The Role of Instructional Design in Children’s Games-Based Learning.
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Communicating learning analytics: Stakeholder participation and early stage requirement analysis.
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Fraca, E;
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A Hybrid Learning Space for Physically-Active Mathematics: the case of Numberfit.
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CEUR Workshop Proceedings: Delft, Netherlands.
Fraca Santamaria, ME;
Mavrikis, M;
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Highmore, A;
Towards a Hybrid Learning Space for Engaging Primary Pupils in Physically-Active Mathematics: the case of Numberfit.
Proceedings of the Hybrid learning spaces - design, data, didactics. ECTEL workshop - HLS D3 2019.
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Gamage, DK;
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Gender Equality and Positive Action: Evidence from UK Universities.
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University students’ engagement with an asynchronous online course on digital technologies for mathematical learning.
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Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 11).
Freudenthal Group, Utrecht University and ERME: Utrecht, the Netherlands.
(In press).
Golding, J;
What price coherence? Challenges of embedding a coherent curriculum in a market-driven and high-stakes assessment regime.
Proceedings of ICMI Study 24 Conference.
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Golding, J;
Batiibwe, MSK;
Mixed mode approaches to sustainable mathematics teacher educator development in areas with limited access to digital technologies.
Proceedings of the 5th Strathmore International Mathematics Conference (Promoting Challenge-Driven Research in Mathematical Sciences and Building Collaborative Research Networks).
Strathmore University
Gomery, D;
University Technical Colleges: Pedagogy Meets Market Demands.
Pedagogical concerns and market demands in VET. Proceedings of the 3rd Crossing Boundaries in VET conference Vocational Education and Training Network - VETNET.
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Griffiths, L;
Pratt, D;
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A MOOC for Adult Learners of Mathematics and Statistics: Tensions and Compromises in Design.
Topics and Trends in Current Statistics Education Research.
(pp. pp. 351-371).
Springer Nature
Huang, X;
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A Process for the Semi-Automated Generation of Life-Sized, Interactive 3D Character Models for Holographic Projection.
Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on 3D Immersion (IC3D).
Hughes, G;
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Systematic peer reviewing versus a discussion forum for promoting online learner success: an evaluation of innovative learning design for postgraduate students.
Proceedings of the 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning 2019.
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National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL): Dublin, Ireland.
Huibers, T;
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3rd KidRec workshop: What does good look like?
Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, IDC 2019.
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ACM: Boise, ID, USA.
Kang, J;
Aletta, F;
Oberman, T;
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Lionello, M;
Mitchell, A;
Towards soundscape indices.
Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics: integrating 4th EAA Euroregio 2019: 9-13 September 2019 in Aachen, Germany.
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International Congress on Acoustics: Berlin, Germany.
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Disciplinary learning in project-based undergraduate engineering education: The case for new knowledge.
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Male, T;
Governance in multi-academy trusts (MATs) - Evidence from the field.
Proceedings of ECER 2019.
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European Educational Research Association (EERA): Hamburg, Germany.
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Participatory design to lower the threshold for intelligent support authoring.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education AIED 2019.
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Springer, Cham
Mitchell, Val;
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Digital Touch Experiences: Educating the Designers.
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Nag Chowdhuri, M;
Two primary school teachers’ pedagogical design capacity of using mathematics textbooks in Delhi, India.
Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.
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Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University, Netherlands and European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
Patel, D;
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McCormick, I;
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Value Creation Framework to Assess MOOC-based Learning.
Proceedings of the Pan-Commonwealth Forum 9 (PCF9), 2019.
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Body and Embodiment in Dance Performance.
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MOCO '19: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Movement and Computing.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, USA.
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Lee, VR;
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Marshall, P;
Youth Concerns and Responses to Self-Tracking Tools and Personal Informatics Systems.
Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
The Association for Computing Machinery
Shanbaum, P;
You are the controller: the ubiquitous interface and interactive digital media art installations.
In: Marzo, JL, (ed.)
Proceedings of After Post-Truth Interface Politics, 2nd International Conference.
Contact GREDITS (Grup de Recerca en Disseny i Transformació Social / Group of Research in Design and Social Transformation): Barcelona, Spain.
Spinuzzi, C;
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Fourth-Generation Activity Theory: An Integrative Literature Review and Implications for Professional Communication.
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Social Ecosystems: a place-based and inclusive approach to Working, Living and Learning.
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Edge Foundation: Glasgow, UK.
Thouless, H;
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Paper Plate Patterns: Pre-school teachers working as a community of practice.
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Proceedings of 43rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Maths Education (IGPME 2019).
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University of Pretoria, South Africa: Pretoria, South Africa.
Tunnicliffe, SD;
Essential stage in Science learning: Play and narratives – meeting Challenges in the present age of need for Sustainable Development.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Education (ICE7).
University of Education, Lahore: Lahore, Pakistan.
Tunnicliffe, SD;
Play and narratives - developing scientifically literate children - a contribution to sustainability of our planet?
Proceedings of a Workshop held at the Rajiv Ghandi Science Centre in Mauritius for the Minister of Education in Early Years and Core School Science.
Rajiv Ghandi Science Centre: Port Louis, Mauritius.
Williams, H;
What's the same and what's different: The use of the Mathematics Mastery programme in a special school for pupils with moderate learning difficulties.
Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics.
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Designing for Digital Playing Out.
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ACM, New York, USA: New York.
Wright, P;
Visible pedagogy and challenging inequity in school mathematics.
In: Heuvel-Panhuizen, Marja van den and Veldhuis, Michiel, (eds.)
Proceedings of CERME 11 - Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.
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Hanging Pictures or Searching the Web: Informing the Design of a Decision-Making System that Empowers Teachers to Appropriate Educational Resources to Their School’s Infrastructure.
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Statistical Analysis Plan: Young Journalist Academy.
The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF): London, UK.
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Evaluation Protocol: Grammar and Writing Research Project.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Ang, L;
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Manor Park Talks: Effective Strategies Review.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Baines, E;
Blatchford, P;
Executive summary - School break and lunch times and young people's social lives: a follow-up national study.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Baines, E;
Blatchford, P;
Full report - School break and lunch times and young people's social lives: a follow-up national study.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Baines, E;
Blatchford, P;
Research briefing - School break and lunch times and young people's social lives: a follow-up national study.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Bakopoulou, I;
Vivash, J;
Wall, K;
Brackenbury, G;
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Supporting Spoken Language in the Classroom: Case Studies.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Bettencourt, M;
Carroll, C;
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Munroe, J;
Walsh-Saunders, K;
Rothwell, S;
Promoting the achievement of looked after children and young people in Barnet.
(Promoting the Achievement of Looked After Children (PALAC)
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Blum, A;
Bourn, D;
Study Abroad and Student Mobility: Stories of Global Citizenship.
Development Education Research Centre, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Bradbury, Alice;
Inappropriate, Unhelpful, Unnecessary: the Headteachers’ Verdict on Baseline.
More Than a Score: London, UK.
Bradbury, Alice;
Pressure, Anxiety and Collateral Damage: the Headteachers’ Verdict on SATs.
More Than A Score
Breadmore, Helen L;
Vardy, Emma;
Cunningham, Anna J;
Kwok, Rosa KW;
Carroll, Julia M;
Literacy Development: Evidence Review.
Education Endowment Foundation: London, UK.
Brehm, William;
Community Based Education in Afghanistan: Why do students outperform their peers in public schools?
World Bank Cambodia: Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Brehm, William;
Formative Evaluation of the Secondary Education Improvement Project’s School Based Managed Activities.
World Bank Group
Bretscher, N;
Hodgen, J;
Anders, J;
Statistical Analysis Plan: SMART Spaces: Spaced Learning Revision Programme.
Education Endowment Foundation: London, UK.
Brewis, Georgina;
Ellis Paine, Angela;
Hardill, Irene;
Lindsey, Rose;
Macmillan, Rob;
It’s time to talk: Voluntary action, the state and welfare provision.
UKRI: Economic and Social Research Council: London, UK.
Broady, Rachel;
Button, Amanda;
Campbell, Sarah;
Chase, Elaine;
Corlyon, Judy;
Currie, Andrea;
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Understanding Poverty in all its Forms: A participatory research study into poverty in the UK.
ATD Fourth World: London, UK.
Brunton, V;
Kneale, D;
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Sutcliffe, K;
Thomas, J;
Caffeinated energy drinks and effects in UK young people.
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EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Bubb, S;
Pupil Registration Regulations 2016 Amendments: views from LAs and schools.
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Bubb, S;
Crossley-Holland, J;
Cordiner, J;
Cousin, S;
Earley, P;
Understanding the Middle Tier: Comparative Costs of Academy and LA-maintained School Systems.
Sara Bubb Associates: London, UK.
Carroll, C;
Black, E;
Bettencourt, M;
The education of children in care in North East England.
(Promoting the Achievement of Looked After Children (PALAC)
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Carroll, C;
Russell, A;
Wall, K;
Shaw, A;
Effective practice for special educational needs and/or disabilities content in initial teacher training.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Chase, E;
Kennedy, E;
Laurillard, D;
Abu Moghli, M;
Pherali, T;
Shuayb, M;
A Co-designed Blended Approach for Teacher Professional Development in Contexts of Mass Displacement.
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE): New York, NY, USA.
Cordero, K;
Chiuminatto, P;
Duncan, S;
Vera, E;
Qué leo y qué quiero leer: Estudio de preferencias e intereses de lectura en usuarios de Bibliotecas DIBAM y Bibliotecas Viva de la Región Metropolitana de entre 18 y 29 años.
Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio Gobierno de Chile: Santiago, Chile.
Crawford, Claire;
Dearden, Lorraine;
Greaves, Ellen;
Farquharson, Christine;
Edwards, Amy;
Trevelyan, Grace;
Wallace, Emma;
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Magic Breakfast: evaluation report and executive summary.
(Magic Breakfast
Education Endowment Foundation: London, UK.
Daly, C;
Greer, J;
A companion to DfE Advice to ITE providers (November 2018) Addressing teacher workload in Initial Teacher Education.
(Promoting Quality in Teacher Education
Universities' Council for the Education of Teachers: London, UK.
Daly, C;
Greer, J;
A second companion paper to DfE advice on addressing teacher workload. Professionally acceptable workload: learning to act differently towards effective
(Promoting Quality in Teacher Education
UCET (Universites' Council for the Education Teachers): London, UK.
Global Education Digest 2018.
Development Education Research Centre, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Ehren, M;
Wollaston, N;
Goodwin, J;
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The Nature, Prevalence and Effectiveness of Strategies Used to Prepare Pupils for Key Stage 2 Maths Tests.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Flewitt, R;
Cowan, K;
Valuing Young Children’s Signs of Learning: Observation and Digital Documentation of Play in Early Years Classrooms.
The Froebel Trust: London, UK.
Foliano, F;
Rolfe, H;
Buzzeo, J;
Runge, J;
Wilkinson, D;
Changing Mindsets: Effectiveness trial.
Education Endowment Foundation: London, UK.
Godec, S;
King, H;
Archer, L;
Naturfaglig Kapita: motiverer flere – og flere ulike – elever i naturfag.
Realfagsløyper: Oslo, Norway.
Golding, J;
East African teacher educators learning at a distance.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Golding, J;
Progression through a mathematics specialist school: a study of trajectories of the first two cohorts through King's College London Mathematics School.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Green, Francis;
Henseke, Golo;
Training Trends in Britain.
(Unionlearn Research Paper
Unionlearn: London, UK.
Harkness, S;
Borkowska, M;
Pelikh, A;
Employment pathways and occupational change after childbirth.
Government Equalities Office: London, UK.
Heslop, J;
Parkes, J;
Johnson Ross, F;
Alito, F;
Turner, E;
The Code of Conduct on Prevention of School-Related Gender-Based Violence: A study of policy enactment in Ethiopia.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Hick, P;
Solomons, Y;
Mintz, J;
Research Report 27: Initial Teacher Education for Inclusion Final Report.
National Council for Special Education Ireland (NCSE): Dublin, Ireland.
Hodgen, J;
Adkins, M;
Ainsworth, S;
Evans, S;
Catch Up Numeracy: Evaluation report and executive summary.
Education Endowment Foundation (EEF): London, UK.
Hodgen, J;
Taylor, R;
Anders, J;
Tereshchenko, A;
Francis, R;
The Student Grouping Study: investigating the effects of setting and mixed attainment grouping.
Education Endowment Foundation: London, UK.
Hollingworth, K;
Hauari, H;
Cameron, C;
Getting it right: for Care Experienced students in Higher education.
Thomas Coram Research Unit, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Holmes, W;
Chakroun, B;
Miao, F;
Mendes, V;
Domiter, A;
Fan, H;
Kharkova, I;
+ view all
Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development Synthesis Report. Mobile Learning Week 2019.
UNESCO. Education Sector: Paris, France.
Jones, N;
Presler-Marshall, E;
Małachowska, A;
Jones, E;
Sajdi, J;
Banioweda, K;
Yadete, W;
+ view all
Qualitative research toolkit to explore child marriage dynamics and how to fast-track prevention.
Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence: London, UK.
Jones, N;
Presler-Marshall, E;
Małachowska, A;
Jones, E;
Sajdi, J;
Banioweda, K;
Yadete, W;
+ view all
Qualitative research toolkit: GAGE’s approach to researching
with adolescents.
Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence: London, UK.
Langdon, F;
Daly, C;
Milton, E;
Jones, K;
Palmer, M;
Principled induction and mentoring of new teachers.
(International Teacher CPD Report
, pp. pp. 107-111
Chartered College of Teaching: London, UK.
Lester, S;
Lorenc, T;
Sutcliffe, K;
Khatwa, M;
Stansfield, C;
Sowden, A;
Thomas, J;
What helps to support people affected by Adverse Childhood Experiences? A review of evidence.
(EPPI-Centre reports
, pp. pp. 1-221
EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Li, R;
Kitchen, H;
George, B;
Richardson, M;
Fordham, E;
OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education: Georgia.
(OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education
OECD Publishing: Paris, France.
London Leadership Strategy;
Teaching Assistants Deployment: Review Guide.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Marks, Rachel;
Barclay, Nancy;
Barnes, Alison;
Treacy, Páraic;
Research Review of BSRLM 2003-2017.
BSRLM: London, UK.
Marks, Rachel;
Barclay, Nancy;
Harvey-Swanston, Richard;
Examining Newly Qualified Teachers’ use of Textbooks to
Support a Mastery Approach to Mathematics Teaching in Primary Schools:
A case-study.
University of Brighton, Maths No Problem!: Brighton, UK.
Milana, Milana;
Tarozzi, Massimiliano;
Addressing global citizenship education (GCED) in adult learning and education (ALE).
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning: Hamburg, Germany.
Mitchell, E;
Ramsey, C;
Upper Sixths and Higher Education: 2019 Survey.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Moss, Gemma;
Brooks, Greg;
Brown, John;
Burton, Maxine;
Collins, Claire;
Convery, Andy;
Duncan, Sam;
+ view all
Post-16 Phonics Approaches: A toolkit.
The Education and Training Foundation: London, UK.
Nussey, C;
Rigon, A;
Bringing Agenda 2030 to life. Africa Sustainable Development Report.
Caritas Africa In partnership with CAFOD and University College London: Nairobi, Kenya.
Nussey, C;
Rigon, A;
Bringing Agenda 2030 to Life. Kenya Sustainable Development Report.
Caritas Kenya In partnership with CAFOD and University College London: Nairobi, Kenya.
Nussey, C;
Rigon, A;
Bringing Agenda 2030 to Life. Liberia Sustainable Development Report.
National Commission for Justice, Peace and Caritas Liberia (NCJPC): Monrovia, Liberia.
Nussey, C;
Rigon, A;
Bringing Agenda 2030 to life. Sierra Leone Sustainable Development Report.
Caritas Sierra Leone In partnership with CAFOD and University College London: Freetown, Sierra Leone.
Nussey, C;
Rigon, A;
Bringing Agenda 2030 to Life. Zambia Sustainable Development Report.
Caritas Zambia In partnership with CAFOD and University College London: Lusaka, Zambia.
Page, T;
Bull, A;
Bullough, J;
What would a survivor-centred higher education sector look like?, in: A New Vision for Further and Higher Education: Essay Collection.
Centre for Labour and Social Studies (CLASS): London, UK.
Pavlopoulou, G;
A strengths-based approach to autism research with siblings.
National Autistic Society and Network Autism
Pearson, .com;
GCSE Mathematics Qualification – UK. Regulated qualification efficacy report.
Pelikh, A;
Birth cohorts in Understanding Society: a description.
(Understanding Society Working Paper Series
Understanding Society: Essex, UK.
Quinn, M;
McGill, R;
UCL Verbal Feedback Project Report.
UCL (University College London): London, UK.
Quinn, M;
Teacher Action Research Project (TARP): Inform, Inspire and Impact.
UCL Widening Access and Participation: London, UK.
Rivas, C;
Tkacz, D;
Antao, L;
Mentzakis, E;
Gordon, M;
Anstee, S;
Giordano, R;
Automated analysis of free-text comments and dashboard representations in patient experience surveys: a multimethod co-design study.
National Institute for Health Research: Southampton, UK.
Schendel, R;
McCowan, T;
Rolleston, C;
Tabulawa, R;
Adu-Yeboah, C;
Omingo, M;
Pedagogies for Critical Thinking: Implications of project findings for higher education policies and practices in Ghana, Kenya and Botswana.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Sheldrake, R;
Amos, R;
Reiss, M;
Children and Nature: A research evaluation for The Wildlife Trusts.
The Wildlife Trusts: Newark, UK.
Shure, N;
Anders, J;
Wyse, D;
Bohling, K;
Barnard, M;
Evaluation Protocol: Speech Bubbles.
The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF): London, UK.
Shure, N;
Anders, J;
Wyse, D;
Bohling, K;
Farghly, F;
Heal, J;
Solomon, P;
+ view all
The Craft of Writing.
The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF): London, UK.
Shure, N;
Anders, J;
Wyse, D;
Bohling, K;
Farghly, F;
Heal, J;
Solomon, P;
+ view all
Power of Pictures.
The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF): London, UK.
Shure, N;
Anders, J;
Wyse, D;
Bohling, K;
Farghly, F;
Heal, J;
Solomon, P;
+ view all
Young Journalist Academy.
The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF): London, UK.
Shure, N;
Anders, J;
Wyse, D;
Bohling, K;
Solomon, P;
Barnard, M;
Evaluation Protocol: First Thing Music.
The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF): London, UK.
Singal, Nidhi;
Sabates, Ricardo;
Nag Chowdhuri, Meghna;
Childhood Disability in Punjab and Sindh Provinces: using the Child Functioning
Module. Policy Brief for ITA-ASER Pakistan.
ITA-ASER Pakistan
UCL Centre for Inclusive Education;
Whole School SEND Index: an analysis of SEND data nationally and by RSC region.
Whole School SEND
Unterhalter, E;
Parkes, J;
Howell, C;
Achieving gender equality in and through education.
Global Partnership for Education: Washington, DC, USA.
Wall, K;
Van Herwegen, J;
Shaw, A;
Russell, A;
Roberts, A;
A Study of the Drivers, Demand and Supply for Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)-Related Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for School Staff.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Wiggins, M;
Jerrim, J;
Tripney, J;
Khatwa, M;
Gough, D;
The RISE project: evidence-informed school improvement. Evaluation report.
Education Endowment Foundation: London, UK.
Wright, H;
Dorsett, R;
Anders, J;
Buzzeo, J;
Runge, J;
Sanders, M;
Improving Working Memory: Evaluation report and executive summary.
The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF): London, UK.
Wright, P;
Visible Maths Pedagogy Project: Report from Year 2.
Visible Maths Pedagogy research project: London, UK.
Wyse, D;
Flewitt, R;
Manyukhina, Y;
Helen Hamlyn Centre for Pedagogy Progress Report 2018-19.
Helen Hamlyn Centre for Pedagogy, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Working / discussion paper
Adamecz-Völgyi, A;
Henderson, M;
Shure, N;
Is 'First in Family' a Good Indicator for Widening University Participation?
(IZA Discussion Paper
IZA Institute of Labor Economics: Bonn, Germany.
Datta, S;
Kingdon, GG;
Gender Bias in Intra-Household Allocation of Education in India: Has It Fallen over Time?
(IZA Discussion Paper
IZA - Institute of Labor Economics: Bonn, Germany.
Duncan, S;
Reading Aloud in Britain Today (RABiT): Discussion, reflection and next steps for Adult Learners and Adult Education Teachers.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Duncan, S;
Reading Aloud in Britain Today (RABiT): Discussion, reflection and next steps for Prison Reading Groups and Prison Libraries.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Duncan, S;
Reading Aloud in Britain Today (RABiT): Discussion, reflection and next steps for Teachers and Trainee Teachers.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Duncan, S;
Reading Aloud in Britain Today (RABiT): Discussion, reflection and next steps for Women, Library Users, Everyone and Anyone...
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Duncan, S;
Capildeo, V;
Reading Aloud in Britain Today (RABiT): Discussion, reflection and next steps with a focus on poetry.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Duncan, S;
Spalding, C;
Reading Aloud in Britain Today (RABiT): Discussion, reflection and next steps for the Reading Agency's Reading Ahead.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Edge, K;
Gender, generation and leadership: Lessons for recruiting and retaining the next generations of women leaders.
(Occasional Paper
Centre for Strategic Education: Melbourne, Australia.
He, Q;
Borgonovi, F;
Paccagnella, M;
Using process data to understand adults' problem-solving behaviour in the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC): Identifying generalised patterns across multiple tasks with sequence mining.
(OECD Education Working Paper
Organisation for Economic Development (OECD): Paris, France.
Jerrim, J;
Parker, P;
Shure, N;
Bullshitters. Who Are They and What Do We Know about Their Lives?
(IZA Discussion Paper
IZA Institute of Labor Economics: Bonn, Germany.
Joshi, H;
Bryson, A;
Wilkinson, D;
Ward, K;
The Gender Gap in Wages over the Life Course: Evidence from a British Cohort Born in 1958.
(IZA Discussion Papers
IZA Institute of Labor Economics: Bonn, Germany.
Macmillan, Lindsey;
Tominey, Emma;
Parental Inputs and Socio-Economic Gaps in Early Child Development.
(IZA Discussion Paper
IZA - Institute of Labor Economics: Bonn, Germany.
Male, T;
While Chicago Burns?
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Marini, G;
Locke, W;
Whitchurch, C;
The future higher education workforce in locally and globally engaged higher education institutions: a review of literature on the topic of 'the academic workforce'.
Centre for Global Higher Education: London, UK.
Mitchell, A;
Oberman, T;
Aletta, F;
Erfanianghasab, M;
Kachlicka, M;
Lionello, M;
Kang, J;
SSID Protocol for Data Collection of Urban Soundscapes: In situ audio-video recordings & questionnaires.
: London.
Natsidis, P;
Schiffer, PH;
Salvador-Martínez, I;
Telford, MJ;
Computational discovery of hidden breaks in 28S ribosomal RNAs across eukaryotes and consequences for RNA Integrity Numbers.
BioRxiv: Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA.
Parsons, Samantha;
Platt, Lucinda;
Growing up lonely? Exploring the social outcomes of three generations identified with special education needs or disabilities in childhood.
(Social Policy Working Paper
LSE Department of Social Policy: London, UK.
Ruttenberg, D;
Porayska-Pomsta, K;
White, SJ;
Holmes, J;
Sound Impairment Effect on Cognitive Skill Performance.
OSF Preprints: Charlottesville, VA, USA.
Shure, N;
Henderson, M;
Adamecz-Völgyi, A;
'First in Family' University Graduates in England.
(IZA Discussion Paper
IZA Institute of Labor Economics: Bonn, Germany.
Spours, K;
A Social Ecosystem Model: conceptual developments and implications for VET.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Whitchurch, C;
Locke, W;
Marini, G;
A delicate balance: optimising individual aspirations and institutional missions in higher education.
(CGHE Working Paper
Centre for Global Higher Education: London, UK.
Conference item
Alderson, P;
Sutcliffe, K;
Mendizabal, R;
Dialectic and informed and voluntary consent: the pulse of freedom.
Presented at: International Association for Critical Realism (IACR) 22nd Annual Conference, Southampton, UK.
Anders, Jake;
Bryson, Alex;
Hórvath, Hedvig;
Nasim, Bilal;
The Effects of Pay Decentralisation on Teachers' Pay and Teacher Retention.
Presented at: 4th IZA Workshop on the Economics of Education, Bonn, Germany.
Anders, J;
Bryson, A;
Horváth, H;
Nasim, B;
The Effects of Pay Decentralisation on Teachers' Pay and Teacher Retention.
Presented at: School Teachers' Review Body (STRB) Meeting.
Brehm, W;
Constructing Memory in Contemporary Cambodia: "Cautious resistance and calculated conformity".
Presented at: 2019 Comparative and International Education Society Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Brehm, W;
A successful university-to-university international partnership? Critical lessons from history.
Presented at: EU-Japan Dialogues in a Changing World, Tokyo, Japan.
Bubb, S;
The Mentoring of New Headteachers/Principals.
Presented at: ECER 2019, Hamburg, Germany.
Bubb, S;
Crossley-Holland, J;
Cousin, S;
Counting the cost of a fragmented school system: issues for the reform and leadership of the middle tier.
Presented at: BELMAS SIG, London, UK.
Chan, Hoi Ying Stephanie;
The social construction of musical identities in Hong Kong's school music education.
Presented at: Hong Kong Sociological Association Conference 2019, Hong Kong.
Crisan, C;
Powerful pedagogical knowledge: attending to the quality of teachers’ knowledge.
Presented at: NOFA7, Nordic Conference on Teaching and Learning in Curriculum Subjects, Stockholm, Sweden.
Daly, C;
The best of intentions? Reducing workload in initial teacher education.
Presented at: National Primary Teacher Education Council Annual Conference 2019, Nottingham, UK.
Daly, C;
Learning partners in educative mentoring: principles and practice.
Presented at: Primary Partnership Development Conference, London, UK.
Daly, C;
Research impact and academic life: the difference we want to make.
Presented at: University of South Wales Teaching and Research Conference 2019, Newport, Australia.
Godfrey, D;
Collaborative school Improvement through peer review.
Presented at: 9th British Council Schools Conference: Building learning communities through collaborative expertise, Medellin, Colombia.
Golding, J;
Epistemic quality in the intended curriculum: what is it, why does it matter, and what are the implications for policy?
Presented at: European Conference for Education Research (ECER) 2019, Hamburg, Germany.
Golding, J;
Teacher capacity for developing problem solving.
Presented at: CERME 11, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Greer, J;
Daly, C;
Professionally Acceptable Workload: Changing our habitus.
Presented at: 2019 UCET Annual Conference, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK.
Hooper, A;
Golding, J;
Grima, G;
Preparing for high-stakes assessment of aspirational curricula: the role of educative resources.
Presented at: 20th AEA-Europe Annual Conference 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.
Jones, H;
'It is awesome and you get to swap fun, funny and fantasy!' How a comic lending library impacted on the reading habits of Y3 pupils.
Presented at: UKLA 55th International Conference, Sheffield, UK.
(In press).
Joshi, H;
Bryson, A;
Ward, K;
Wilkinson, D;
The Gender Pay Gap: Evidence from the National Child Development Study.
Presented at: 31st European Association of Labour Ecconomists (EALE) Conference, Uppsala, Sweden.
Locke, W;
Whitchurch, C;
Marini, G;
A Delicate Balance: Optimising individual aspirations and institutional missions in higher education.
Presented at: The HE workforce: exploring global perspectives, London, UK.
Loo, S;
Teaching knowledge, professional identities and symbolic representations of qualified teachers with occupational experiences.
Presented at: The London Learning and Skills Research Network Event 2019, University of Greenwich, London.
Loo, S;
Sutton, B;
Practitioner Inquiry, Informal Learning and Occupational Education: Learning and transformation.
Presented at: The Universities Association for Lifelong Learning Work and Learning Network Annual Conference 2019, University of the Arts, London,.
Male, T;
Governance in multi-academy trusts (MATs) in England - evidence from the field.
Presented at: ECER 2019, Hamburg, Germany.
Marini, G;
Academic Freedom and Political Legitimation in a Contemporary Globalised World.
Presented at: 2019 European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, Wrocław, Poland.
Marini, G;
Determinants of employment destinations of PhD holders: industrial sectors and economic conditions.
Presented at: (Post) Academic Careers: PhD graduates and Employability in- and outside Academia, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
McCrory, Amanda;
Callender, Christine;
Sappor, Gideon;
Lewis, Jacqueline;
Race, ethnicity and science: Exploring the community cultural wealth of BME pupils in Key Stage 4 and 5; student and teacher perspectives.
Presented at: BERA Conference 2019, Manchester, UK.
McCrory, Amanda;
Callender, Christine;
Sappor, Gideon;
Lewis, Jacqueline;
Race, ethnicity and science: Exploring the community wealth of BME pupils - a parents' perspective.
Presented at: ECER 2019, Hamburg, Germany.
McCrory, Amanda;
Phillips, Sheldon;
The mutual metamorphosis of the doctoral supervisor and student relationship.
Presented at: 7th IOE-BNU International Conference: Innovation in Education and Pedagogy, Beijing, China.
Muñoz, B;
Ehren, M;
Huthinson, J;
'Intractable' schools: can an Ofsted judgement prevent sustainable improvement?
Presented at: 18th Biennial EARLI Conference (EARLI 2019), Aachen, Germany.
Neumann, Tim;
An online platform to help teachers design meaningful and practicable learning activities: the Learning Designer.
Presented at: ALT Annual Conference 2019, Edinburgh, UK.
O'Regan, J;
Global English, so English for All?
Presented at: 9th English Language Teaching Conference: Global English, so English for All, La Paz, Bolivia.
O'Regan, JP;
Capital and the Hegemony of English in a Capitalist World-System.
Presented at: 24th conference of the International Association for World Englishes, Limerick, Ireland.
Redmond, B;
Golding, J;
Grima, G;
Reformed GCSE Mathematics qualifications: teacher's views of the impact on students starting A levels.
Presented at: Ofqual Education Research seminar, Warwick, UK.
Redmond, B;
Grima, G;
Golding, J;
Post 16 Qualification Reforms: Impacts on mathematics teaching, learning and assessment in England.
Presented at: 20th AEA-Europe Annual Conference 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.
Rogers, L;
The importance of practice-focused research across the FE and Skills Sector.
Presented at: Education and Training Foundation Annual Research Conference, London, UK.
Rogers, L;
Inclusivity and disengagement from education.
Presented at: DECP Annual Conference 2019, Bath, UK.
Shirazi, A;
Amos, R;
Gendered science questioning: To boys or not to boys, that is the question.
Presented at: ESERA 2019, Bologna, Italy.
Whitchurch, C;
Marini, G;
Locke, W;
The future higher education workforce in locally and globally engaged Higher Education Institutions.
Presented at: CGHE 2019 annual conference, London, UK.
Xu, X;
Marini, G;
Establishing an Academic Career as 外国人 (Wàiguó Rén) in Mainland China: International Faculty's Relocation and Engagement in Chinese Research Universities.
Presented at: China and Higher Education. Knowledge diplomacy and the role of higher education in Chinese international relations, Manchester, UK.
Young, Sara;
'My Mum didn't really wanna stay in Poland and my Dad didn't wanna come to England': the changing pattern of family migration from Poland to the UK.
Presented at: IMISCOE Spring Conference: Transforming Mobility and Immobility: Brexit and Beyond, Sheffield, UK.
Zawacki-Richter, O;
Marín, V;
Bond, M;
Bedenlier, S;
Open educational resources in distributed learning infrastructures: An international comparative study.
Presented at: Strategies Beyond Borders - Transforming Higher Education in a Digital Age, Berlin, Germany.
Barrow, E;
Grima, G;
Golding, J;
How are Abacus resources supporting transformational mathematics learning and assessment?
Presented at: 20th annual meeting of the Association for Educational Assessment – Europe (AEA-Europe 2019), Lisbon, Portugal.
Gold, N;
Purves, R;
Himonides, E;
Computers, Making, Music, and Design.
Presented at: Computational Sciences for the 21st Century: 3rd UCL eResearch Domain Symposium, London, UK.
Halstead, E;
Leavitt, V;
Fiore, D;
Mueser, K;
A Pilot Study of a Manualized Resilience-Based Telehealth Program for Support Partners of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis.
Presented at: Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC) Annual Meeting 2019, Seattle, WA, USA.
Krishnaswamy, V;
Golding, J;
The GCSE Mathematics saga… How is the reform implemented and does the assessment fit the purpose?
Presented at: 20th annual meeting of the Association for Educational Assessment – Europe (AEA-Europe 2019), Lisbon, Portugal.
Mengisidou, M;
Marshall, C;
Stavrakaki, S;
Slower retrieval processes explain verbal fluency difficulties in dyslexia and DLD.
Presented at: 1st Society for Research on Learning Disorders Conference, Padova, Italy.
Tunnicliffe, S;
Tunnicliffe, SD;
Experiencing science in free choice play pre school.
Presented at: 67th Annual NSTA National Conference on Science Education, St Louis ,MO, USA.
Abbott-Jones, Amanda;
A Mixed Method Study Focusing on Adult Dyslexic Higher Education Students and their Experiences with Anxiety and Coping.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
ALShamare, Awatif Habeeb;
Investigating the Role of Social Media in Supporting Parents and Teachers of Students with Down’s Syndrome: Focus on Early Intervention Services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Alshathri, Sulaiman;
Implementing blended learning to satisfy growing demand for higher education in Saudi Arabia.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
An, Sukyoung;
Learners’ language use during task-based peer interaction in second language class of primary school.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Anand, Kusha;
Teaching India and Pakistan relations: Teachers’ pedagogical responses and strategies.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Andrade Baena, Gina;
Essays on Family Choices in Developing Economies.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Ashraf, Sadia;
Parents’ Views Regarding Their Children’s Education and Future in Pakistan.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Atkinson, Karen Ann;
Experiences of Practice Educators Supporting Disabled Physiotherapy Students: a Critical Exploration.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), University of London.
Bai, Jing Kun Bai;
Democratization during the Post Mao era. An Analysis of Citizenship Education in Chinese Universities.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Bailey, Nicola;
What is the legacy for the women who accessed support from the full service extended school initiative?
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Balmer, Denise Joan;
The potential of earth science for the development of primary school science.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Best, Rebecca Katherine;
Exploring the Educational Experiences of Children and Young People Adopted from Care: Using the Voices of Children and Parents to Inform Practice.
Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London).
Bevilacqua, Leonardo;
Outcomes, Developmental Processes and Protective Factors in Different Conduct Problems Trajectories.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Brewis, Linda Elisa Jennifer;
Accountability of quality and fair access in Indonesian higher education: policymaker and practitioner perspectives.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Britto, Patricia Monisola;
The Role of Metacognition in Supporting the Development of Looked After Children’s Reading Skills.
Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London).
Brown, Paulet;
Pupils' and teaching staff's lived experience of a Year 7 transition intervention in South East England: A phenomenographic study.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Bukhatir, Safa Abdelrahman;
Learning from Experiences and Investing in Opportunities: A Narrative Inquiry about the Career Progress of Public Kindergarten Principals in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Bussey, Maria;
Judgement, Capabilities and Practice: Exploing how clinical supervisors make trust judgements and whether they can be captured by a capability model.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Chien, Li-Jung;
'Possibility Thinking' and pedagogy in Taiwan's Education System.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Collins, Jason;
How can practitioners support the special educational needs and disabilities of young people and young adults on community-based sentences?
Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London).
Colwell, Stephen John;
Hall of Mirrors: policy, mythology and media practice curriculum development in higher education for England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Cooper, Robert;
How Senior Executives Learn and Apply that Learning to their Practices.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Coulthard, Karen;
What's Not To Like? A Case Study Exploring the Extended School for Disadvantaged Primary School Children.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Curran, Sean;
Queer activism begins at home: situating LGBTQ voices in National Trust historic houses.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
de Paula, Bruno Henrique;
Platform, culture, identities: exploring young people's game-making.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Derrick, Jay;
Learning, Innovation and ‘tacit pedagogy’ in workplace practice: a comparison of two high-performing organisations in different sectors.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Dickson, Kelly;
Systematic reviews to inform policy: institutional mechanisms and social interactions to support their production.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Dilnot, Catherine Elizabeth;
Navigating choices to a professional career: the role of subject choice in widening access to universities and the professions.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Donovan, Jennifer Letricia;
Exploring the efficacy of a dynamic assessment procedure of spelling in children with dyslexia.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Fakhouri, Najwa Michel;
Mentoring Practices and Power Relations in a Multicultural Work Environment: Case Study of a Qatari Organization.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Fasoyiro, Olufunke Abosede;
An Exploration of the Factors that shape the Early Professional Development of New Teachers: the experiences of non-teacher trained graduate teachers in Nigeria.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Fatania, Jillen;
An initial evaluation of a group school-based therapeutic intervention for low-level symptoms of anxiety in adolescents.
Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London).
Faure Walker, Rob;
The Emergence of ‘Extremism’ and ‘Radicalisation’: An investigation into the discursive conditions that have enabled UK counter-terrorism strategy to focus on ‘radicalisation’ and ‘extremism’, and a theorisation of the impact of this focus.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University of London).
Freedman, Abigail;
The experiences of transgender young people and their parents: Informing the work of Educational Psychologists.
Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London).
Freedman, Lisa;
Building a school for the future: the rebuilding of St Paul's School, London, 1878-1884.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Gafu, Gulzhanat;
The effects of the introduction of an elite globalised university on other institutions: the case of Kazakhstan.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Gandolfi, Haira Emanuela;
Exploring and implementing an intercultural model of history of science to teach about nature of science.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Gilligan, Katie;
Space for Mathematics: Spatial cognition as a contributor to the development of mathematics skills in children.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Gomery, Dianne;
Technical Education in 'Lived Markets': University Technical College leaders' perceptions of and responses to competitive pressure.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Gordon, Erica Donna;
Problems, pressures and policies affecting the progress of the Caribbean Examinations Council examinations: a postcolonial response to secondary education in Jamaica.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Graves, Robert;
Exploring the contribution of emotional intelligence and value systems to outcomes for vulnerable students in their final year of formal education in a Pupil Referral Unit setting.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Grief, Susan Marion;
The Uses of Writing in Microbusinesses.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Griffin-O'Brien, Claire;
Fostering independence through care? A study of the preparedness and deployment of Special Needs Assistants when supporting pupils’ behavioural care needs and independence development in mainstream primary schools in Ireland.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Groves, Michelle Marie;
Mapping Professional Identities of Dance Teachers across Time, Space and Practice: towards a model of professional identity formation.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Gutierrez Cofre, Gabriel;
School Composition and Educational Impacts: Four Papers on Socioeconomic Segregation and Peer Effects.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Gutiérrez Menéndez, Luz María;
From the Utopia of Quietness to the Fear of Stillness: A Taxonomic Research Study to Understanding 'Silence' through the medium of radio and its Implications for Media, Education and Psychology.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Halligan, Cathleen Margaret Hannah;
An investigation into the practices teachers use to engage students in the lowest attaining GCSE English sets.
Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London).
Hayashi, Masumi;
Abstract and Operational Definitions of Psychological/ Emotional Abuse and Neglect (PEA) of Children.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Hodgkiss, Alex;
The role of spatial cognition in children’s science learning.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Holmes, John Peter;
'I love teaching but I hate being a teacher': how can effective teachers flourish?
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Huang, Pingping;
Textbook Learning: The Representation of Knowledge and Power Relationships in English Learning Textbooks in China.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Insley, Jane;
Institutionalised Invisibility: Histories of Models and their Makers.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Ishikawa, Masako;
Written languaging, learners’ aptitude and second language learning.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Jiang, Anna Yuanqun;
The Pedagogue as Translator: Native and Non-native Teachers in EFL Classrooms.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Joiko Mujica, Sara Genoveva;
‘Estoy aprendiendo yo con los niños, otra vez cómo es el sistema’: The schooling experience of Latin American migrant parents in Chilean schools.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Joye, Nelly;
Spelling with a developmental language disorder: predictors, strategies and error patterns in French- and English-speaking students at the end of primary school.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Kamuli, Khabusi Emmanuel;
An exploration of drop-in among students who are at risk of dropping out of lower secondary school in Eritrea.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Kazmi, Asyia;
Teaching and learning mathematics in Karachi's low-cost private schools.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Kennedy, Natacha;
Young Trans People: The Sociology of Identity and Language, Epiphany, Existential Learning, Authenticity, and the Recontextualisation and Mythologisation of Gender.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Kenny, Lorcan;
Understanding executive function in young autistic people: moving from the lab to the everyday.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Klaus, Sarah Maria;
Using Cultural Brokering Strategies to Improve the Early Childhood Education of Roma, Gypsy and Traveller Children: Case Studies from the UK and Serbia.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Kukita, Stephanie Mitsuko;
Connecting the 'Local' and 'Global': Japanese Secondary School Students' Perceptions and Attitudes Towards the World.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Kusanagi, Kanako;
Recontextualization of professional development: bureaucratization of lesson study in a junior secondary school in Java.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Laungani, Diksha Narendra;
Preparing for employment: An exploration of the transition experiences of young people with mild and moderate learning difficulties and their parents of a supported internship programme.
Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London).
Lee, Siew Fung;
Free nursery places for 'disadvantaged' 2-year-olds: from 'abilities-machines' to ‘tradeables'.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Makris, Stavros;
Approaches to creativity by Cypriot Primary music teachers.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Martin, Kate;
A critical realist study of shared decision-making in young people's mental health inpatient units.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Martin, Sophie;
‘It makes me feel a sense of belonging.’ : Using person centred approaches to elicit and promote the voices of young women placed in a specialist SEMH provision.
Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London).
Mat Noor, Mohd Syafiq Aiman;
Improving pedagogical practices of teaching inquiry in primary science in Malaysia: a classroom action research study.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Matthews, Valentine Olusegun;
Matched panel data estimates of the impact of academy status on the 2002-2009 Sponsored Academies.
Masters thesis (M.Phil), UCL (University College London).
McClymont, David;
The Current Workplace Experience of Further Education Lecturers and Managers: Still Restrictive After All These Years?
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Melgoza Navarro, Danielle Marie;
How does collaborative media production on tablets enable and foster critical thinking in young children?
Masters thesis (M.Phil), UCL (University College London).
Melliss, Nick;
Sacred and profane knowledge and the problem of identity: an exploration of the relationship between knowledge and identity in three different disciplinary fields in Higher Education.
Masters thesis (M.Phil), UCL (University College London).
Mengisidou, Maria;
Using verbal fluency tasks to investigate the lexicon in Greek-speaking children with literacy and language disorders.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Minafra, Annamaria;
Exploring Kinaesthetic and Body Self-Awareness in Professional Musicians.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Misra, Debananda;
Universities and regions — the role of regional engagement in the development of new universities in India.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Mohamed, Maryam;
Buying and selling education policies: Educational reform in the Gulf.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Murphy, Debra;
Making their way through the UCAS process: how 16–18 year olds navigate the pedagogic space that supports degree choice in school.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Nair, Suguna;
Informal and formal learning and the pursuit of environmental education in young children: the role of Forest School.
Masters thesis (M.Phil), UCL (University College London).
Nicholson-Roberts, Bryony-Rose;
‘A little pebble in a pond’: A multiple case study exploring how the Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) project operates in secondary schools.
Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London).
Nussey, Charlotte;
Adult Education, Gender and Violence in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Nygaard, Lynn Alison Parker;
Ready or not: Negotiating gender and institutional environment on the path to professorship.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Patterson, Valerie;
Supplementary Schools: Sites of Social Capital?
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Pavlopoulou, Georgia;
In their own words, in their own photos: Siblinghood experiences, perspectives and needs of typically developing and autistic children.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Pelikh, Alina;
Transition to adulthood in England and Wales: The analysis of life trajectories of young adults.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of Liverpool.
Peruzzo, Francesca;
The government of disability in times of austerity: disability dispositif in Italian higher education.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Popov, Jelena;
Graduate transition to work: from qualifications and skills towards horizontal expertise.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Portugal, Andrea;
A critical analysis of contemporary early childhood policies: The experience of the ‘Cuna Mas’ National Programme.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Poulter, Sarah Veronica;
Generalist student teachers' experiences of the role of music in supporting children's phonological development.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Qu, Xiao;
Inclusive Education in Chinese Primary Schools – A Critical Realist Analysis.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Rensimer, Lee William;
Going Global: Representation and Sense-Making in the British International Branch Campuses of the United Arab Emirates.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Richmond, Martyn John;
The entrepreneurial self: food cultures and young people's transition to adulthood.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Ricketts, Laura;
Exploring the role a Black Supplementary School plays in supporting Black boys labelled with “challenging behaviour” at GCSE level.
Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London).
Robb, Amy Jane;
Dual-Registration: A Multi-Informant Exploration of the Experiences of Pupils, Parents, Teachers and Educational Psychologists.
Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London).
Ross, Johanna Woodcock;
Issues in Social Work Communication with Parents who are Christian: An Empirical Study Under-laboured by Critical Realist Principles.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Sakata, Nozomi;
Learner-Centred Pedagogy and its Implications for Pupils' Schooling Experiences and Learning Outcomes: A Mixed-Methods Case Study in Tanzania.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Sarin, Meera Nath;
The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act (RTE) in India.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Sato, Tomoka;
Vernacular Cosmopolitanism in the Context of Neoliberalism: The Case of Plurilingual Asian Students in Japanese Higher Education.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Sawtell, Mary Barbara;
An exploration of practitioner-researcher collaboration on randomized controlled trials of complex interventions.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Sell, Joanna E.M.;
Faith, Relationships and Sex Education: Giving voice to young people of different faiths and none in regard to faith-sensitive relationships and sex education.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Shiroyama, Yoshiko;
Effect of promoting second language learners’ awareness of their interactional patterns on their performance in decision-making tasks in pairs.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Silverman, Joyce Faith;
An exploration of unconscious operations and group mentalities in mathematics lessons in a secondary state school in England.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Stokes, Gillian;
"It’s a bit of an oxymoron": A multimethod investigation into professionals’ views of children’s involvement in medicines research and development.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Taylor, Eleanor;
Exploring perceptions of enablers and barriers to positive outcomes in a primary Pupil Referral Unit: The perspectives of pupils, primary caregivers and staff.
Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London).
Thawer, Shelina;
Opportunities Galore! Growth Unlimited! Business, Higher Education Policy and the Neoliberalisation of Indian Higher Education.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
The, SYB;
Designing and Improving Instructional Strategies for Promoting Cognitive Engagement in a Collaborative Learning Environment.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Twumasi-Ankrah, Yvette;
Being Black, Being British, Being Ghanaian: Second Generation Ghanaians, Class, Identity, Ethnicity and Belonging.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Webb, Sheila;
Interpreting Kant in Education: Dissolving Dualisms and Embodying Mind.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Wenham, Lucy Jane;
Misunderstood, misinterpreted and mismanaged: voices of students marginalised in a secondary school.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Wilde, Eva Margaret;
Music, Education and ADHD: An exploratory multiple case study.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Williams, Maria Patricia;
The Contribution of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini (1850-1917) to Catholic Educational Practice in the Late Ninteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Wood, Jonathan Robert;
The transmission of silver and silver extraction technology across the Mediterranean in Late Prehistory: An archaeological science approach to investigating the westward expansion of the Phoenicians.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Zheng, Chengde Derek;
An exploratory study of the perceptions, experiences and aspirations of mainstream secondary pupils with dyslexia, their parents and educational professionals in a London borough and Singapore.
Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London).
Zwarteveen, Sa-Ra;
Critical, Creative and Collaborative Learning in a School Film Club: Film Education and Critical Pedagogies in Practice.
Masters thesis (M.A), UCL Institute of Education.
Digital scholarly resource
Alderson, Priscilla;
Practical and useful research? First, sort out the theory.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Brehm, W;
Researching National and Regional identity in Southeast Asian Schools.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Bubb, S;
Counting the cost of a fragmented school system.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Iqbal, H;
Translating for Mum and Dad: BBC News Report.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Komporozos-Athanasiou, A;
Speculating on Chaos in Financialized Capitalism: Speculations, Spectacles, Spectres.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Lee, Bradford;
Plonsky, Luke;
Saito, Kazuya;
Is it better to learn how to ‘hear’ the sounds of a new language, or practice saying them? (OASIS Summary).
[Digital scholarly resource].
O'Neill, D;
CLOSER’s new teaching resource: helping students understand and use longitudinal data analysis.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Richardson, M;
Social class still stops too many pupils from fulfilling their A-level potential.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Rycroft-Smith, L;
Clark-Wilson, A;
What are the issues around using dynamic mathematical technology in mathematics learning, in: Cambridge Mathematics, Issue 17.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Saito, Kazuya;
To what extent does long-term foreign language education improve spoken second language vocabulary proficiency? (OASIS Summary).
[Digital scholarly resource].
Saito, Kazuya;
Dewaele, Jean-Marc;
The effect of perception of teacher characteristics on Spanish EFL Learners’ Anxiety and Enjoyment (OASIS Summary).
[Digital scholarly resource].
Saito, Kazuya;
Plonsky, Luke;
Instruction helps second language pronunciation but this depends on the measures used (OASIS Summary).
[Digital scholarly resource].
Spours, K;
Uncertain Terrain: Realignment of the political blocs and the Regressive Alliance.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Spours, K;
Mahony, N;
Foley, F;
Common Platforms: A New Stage of Alliance-Based and Participatory Politics.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Himonides, E;
Silken Threads (Audio CD and booklet) Veronica Doubleday and John Baily Recorded, engineered, produced and mastered by Dr Evangelos Himonides, UCL.
Audio CD and printed booklet (20 pp.).
London, UK.
Journal (full / special issue)
Diamantidaki, Fotini and Kefalaki, Margarita (Eds).
Journal of Education Innovation and Communication, December 2019, The value of pedagogical knowledge: an international perspective.
[Whole issue].
Journal of Education Innovation and Communication
, 1
Diamantidaki, F and Kefalaki, M (Eds).
Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching (JALT): Special issue: International Perspectives and interactions in Education.
[Whole issue].
Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching (JALT): International Perspectives and Interactions in Education
, 2
Diamantidaki, F and Kefalaki, M (Eds).
Journal of Education Innovation and Communication (JEICOM).
[Whole issue].
Journal of Education Innovation and Communication (JEICOM)
, 1
Kefalaki, Margarita and Diamantidaki, Fotini (Eds).
Journal of Education Innovation and Communication: Redefining Communication: Social Media and the Age of Innovation.
[Whole issue].
Journal of Education Innovation and Communication
, 1
McCrory, Amanda and Gatt, Suzanne (Eds).
The Journal of Emergent Science 16.
[Whole issue].
The Journal of Emergent Science
, 16
McCrory, Amanda and Gatt, Suzanne (Eds).
The Journal of Emergent Science 17.
[Whole issue].
The Journal of Emergent Science
, 17
Pherali, T (Ed).
Theories and conceptual frameworks in education, confict and peacebuilding.
[Whole issue].
Education and Conflict Review
, 2
Robins, C and Davey, A (Eds).
Arts Special Issue 'Changing Pedagogies in the Art College'.
[Whole issue].
, 8