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....Ex-Gratia Pensioners
....Provost and Vice Provost Offices
........Casuals - As and When Payments
........Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
........Professional Services
........School of Education
............UCL Institute of Education
................Centre for Languages and Intl Educatn
....................Centre for Prep Studies - Astana
....................UG International Summer School
................IOE - Catering and Conferences
................IOE - Centre for Doctoral Education
................IOE - Culture, Communication and Media
....................IOE - UCL Knowledge Lab
................IOE - Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment
....................Centre for Teachers and Teaching Research
....................IOE - Centre Holocaust ED
....................IOE - CPA Press
................IOE - Directorate
....................IOE - Academic Programmes Office
....................IOE - Academic Stnds and Qlty Enhncmnt Unt
....................IOE - British Education Res Ass (BERA)
....................IOE - Enterprise
....................IOE - External Relations
....................IOE - Finance
....................IOE - Governance and Operations
....................IOE - Governance and Planning
....................IOE - Initial Teacher Education
....................IOE - International Office
....................IOE - Press
....................IOE - Research
....................IOE - Teaching, Quality and Learning Innov
................IOE - Education, Practice and Society
....................IOE - Centre Global Higher Ed
....................IOE - Humanities and Social Science
....................IOE - Lifelong Learning and Comparative Edu
....................IOE - National Research and Development Ctr
................IOE - Learning and Leadership
....................Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities
....................IOE - Early Years and Primary Education
....................IOE - International Literacy Centre
....................IOE - UCL Centre for Educational Leadership
................IOE - Psychology and Human Development
....................IOE - PHD Centre for Inclusive Educ
................IOE - Social Research Institute
....................IOE - Centre for Longitudinal Studies
....................IOE - Closer
....................IOE - Quantitative Social Studies
....................IOE - Social Science Research Unit
....................IOE - Thomas Coram Research Unit
........School of Life and Medical Sciences
............Faculty of Brain Sciences
................Div of Psychology and Lang Sciences
....................Clinical, Edu and Hlth Psychology
....................Experimental Psychology
....................Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
....................Language and Cognition
....................Speech, Hearing and Phonetic Sciences
....................UCL Interaction Centre
................Division of Psychiatry
....................Epidemiology and Applied Clinical Research
....................Institute of Mental Health
....................Marie Curie Palliative Care
....................Mental Health Neuroscience
....................Mental Health of Older People
................Institute of Ophthalmology
....................Inst Ophthalmology - EM Unit/Imaging SRF
................The Ear Institute
................UCL Institute of Prion Diseases
....................MRC Prion Unit at UCL
....................UCL Institute of Prion Diseases Support
................UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology
....................Brain Repair and Rehabilitation
....................Clinical and Experimental Epilepsy
....................Clinical and Movement Neurosciences
....................Clinical Neuroscience
....................Department of Neuromuscular Diseases
....................Imaging Neuroscience
....................IoN - Audio-Visual Centre
....................IoN Central Administration
....................IoN Computer Unit
....................IoN Library
....................IoN RLW Inst of Neurological Sci
....................Neurodegenerative Diseases
....................UK Dementia Research Institute
................UK Dementia Research Institute HQ
............Faculty of Life Sciences
................Cruciform Teaching Facilities Unit
................Div of Biosciences
....................Biosciences Dissecting Room
....................Cell and Developmental Biology
....................Genetics, Evolution and Environment
....................Neuro, Physiology and Pharmacology
....................Structural and Molecular Biology
................Gatsby Computational Neurosci Unit
................Lab for Molecular Cell Bio MRC-UCL
................The Sainsbury Wellcome Centre
................UCL School of Pharmacy
....................Pharma and Bio Chemistry
....................Practice and Policy
............Faculty of Medical Sciences
................Cancer Institute
....................CRUK Cancer Trials Centre
....................Research Department of Cancer Bio
....................Research Department of Haematology
....................Research Department of Oncology
....................Research Department of Pathology
................Div of Infection and Immunity
....................Africa Health Research Institute
................Div of Medicine
....................Department of Education
....................Department of Imaging
....................Experimental and Translational Medicine
....................Inst for Liver and Digestive Hlth
....................Renal Medicine
....................Respiratory Medicine
....................Wolfson Inst for Biomedical Research
................Div of Surgery and Interventional Sci
....................Department of Ortho and MSK Science
....................Department of Surgical Biotechnology
....................Department of Targeted Intervention
................Eastman Dental Institute
....................Biomaterials and Tissue Eng
....................Clinical Research
....................EDI Continuing Professional Develop.
....................EDI Craniofacial and Development Sci
....................EDI MaxFac, Diagnostic, Med and Surg Sci
....................Microbial Diseases
....................Restorative Dental Sciences
................UCL Medical School
....................Clinical and Professional Practice Unit
....................Research Department of Open Learning
....................Whittington Facilities and Gen Support
............Faculty of Population Health Sciences
................Inst of Clinical Trials and Methodology
....................Comprehensive CTU at UCL
....................MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL
....................MRC Clinical Trials Unit Supp Team
................Institute for Global Health
....................Infection and Population Health
................Institute of Cardiovascular Science
....................Childrens Cardiovascular Disease
....................Clinical Science
....................Hatter Cardiovascular Institute
....................Population Science and Experimental Medicine
........................MRC Unit for Lifelong Hlth and Ageing
....................Pre-clinical and Fundamental Science
................Institute of Epidemiology and Health
....................Applied Health Research
....................Behavioural Science and Health
....................Epidemiology and Public Health
....................Primary Care and Population Health
................Institute of Health Informatics
....................Clinical Epidemiology
....................Infectious Disease Informatics
................UCL EGA Institute for Womens Health
....................Maternal and Fetal Medicine
....................Reproductive Health
....................Womens Cancer
................UCL GOS Institute of Child Health
....................Developmental Biology and Cancer Dept
....................Developmental Neurosciences Dept
....................Genetics and Genomic Medicine Dept
....................ICH - Directors Office
....................ICH - Education Administration Team
....................ICH - Events
....................ICH - Finance
....................ICH - Human Resources
....................ICH - Laboratory Management
....................Infection, Immunity and Inflammation Dept
....................Population, Policy and Practice Dept
........UCL BEAMS
............Faculty of Engineering Science
................Centre for Engineering Education
................Centre for Innovative Finance
................Dept of Biochemical Engineering
................Dept of Chemical Engineering
................Dept of Civil, Environ and Geomatic Eng
................Dept of Computer Science
....................CoMPLEX: Mat&Phys in Life Sci and Exp Bio
................Dept of Electronic and Electrical Eng
................Dept of Mechanical Engineering
................Dept of Med Phys and Biomedical Eng
................Dept of Security and Crime Science
................Engineering Science Faculty Office
....................Engineering Innovation Centres
....................Institute of Healthcare Engineering
................UCL Australia
................UCL School of Management
............Faculty of Maths and Physical Sciences
................Dept of Chemistry
................Dept of Earth Sciences
................Dept of Mathematics
....................Clinical Operational Research Unit
................Dept of Physics and Astronomy
................Dept of Science and Technology Studies
................Dept of Space and Climate Physics
....................Advanced Instrumentation Systems
................Dept of Statistical Science
................Inst for Risk and Disaster Reduction
................London Centre for Nanotechnology
................MAPS Faculty Office
....................Institute for Materials Discovery
............Faculty of the Built Environment
................Bartlett School Env, Energy and Resources
................Built Environment Faculty Office
................Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis
................Development Planning Unit
................Inst for Innovation and Public Purpose
................The Bartlett Sch of Const and Proj Mgt
....................Bartlett Real Estate Institute
....................Inst for Dig Innovation in the Built Env
................The Bartlett School of Architecture
................The Bartlett School of Planning
................UCL Institute for Global Prosperity
........UCL SLASH
............Faculty of Arts and Humanities
................Arts and Sciences (BASc)
................Centre for Editing Lives and Letters
................Dept of English Lang and Literature
....................Survey of English Usage
................Dept of Greek and Latin
................Dept of Hebrew and Jewish Studies
................Dept of Information Studies
................Dept of Philosophy
................European and Intl Social and Political Studs
....................Translation Studies
................The Slade School of Fine Art
............Faculty of Laws
................The Bentham Project
............Faculty of S&HS
................Dept of Anthropology
................Dept of Economics
................Dept of Geography
................Dept of History
................Dept of History of Art
................Dept of Political Science
................Institute of Archaeology
....................Institute of Archaeology ASE
....................Institute of Archaeology Gordon Square
................Institute of the Americas
................SHS Faculty Office
....................UCL Institute for Advanced Studies
................Social and Economic Global Env
........VP: Advancement
............Communications and Marketing
................CAM Digital
................CAM MarComms
................CAM Media Relations
................CAM Strategic Planning Business Partner
................CAM Student Recruitment
............OVPA Development
............OVPA Strategy and Operations
........VP: Central Health
........VP: Education
............Dean of Students (Academic)
............Online Programmes
............Strategy and Operations
............Student and Registry Services
................Academic Services
....................Academic Policy and Quality Assurance
....................Casework and Governance
....................Examination Operations
....................Student Data
....................Student Records
....................Student Systems
................Access and Admissions
....................Access and Widening Participation
....................Student Immigration and Compliance
................Careers Service
................Information and Data Services
................Registrars Office
................Student Administration
....................Student Funding
....................Student Records and Research Degrees
................Student Support and Wellbeing
....................Development, Communications and Projects
....................Disability, Mental Health and Wellbeing
....................Psychological and Counselling Services
....................Student Centre and Enquiries
....................Study Abroad and Internatl Student Support
............UCL Arena Centre
........VP: Health
............Academic Careers Office
............Clinical Research Support Centre
................Joint Research Office
............SLMS Partnerships and Projects
............SLMS Research Coordination
............Translational Research Office
........VP: Innovation and Enterprise
............Business and Innovation Partnerships
............Information and Project Management
............Innovation Planning
............Knowledge Exchange Projects
............UCL Advances - Ctr for Entrepreneurship
............UCL Business Ltd
............UCL Consultants Ltd
........VP: International
............Global Engagement Office
............UCL - Qatar
........VP: Research
............Doctoral School
............Library Services
Any of these
All of these
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Book chapter
Proceedings paper
Working / discussion paper
Conference item
Digital scholarly resource
Journal (full / special issue)
Scholarly edition
Default is (Any).
Publication status
Default is (Any).
In press
Full text availability
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Full text available
Citation only
Open access documents
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Open access
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