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Abbott, N; Cameron, L; Thompson, J; (2019) Evaluating the impact of a defender role-play intervention on adolescent's defender intentions and responses towards name-calling. School Psychology International 10.1177/0143034319893410. (In press). Green open access

Abbott-Jones, Amanda; (2019) A Mixed Method Study Focusing on Adult Dyslexic Higher Education Students and their Experiences with Anxiety and Coping. Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Abu-Amsha, O; Gordon, R; Benton, L; Vasalou, M; Webster, B; (2019) Access to Higher Education: Reflections on a Participatory Design Process with Refugees. Journal on Education in Emergencies , 5 (1) pp. 156-176. 10.33682/tm40-9q50. Green open access

Abuabara, K; Ye, M; McCulloch, CE; Sullivan, A; Margolis, DJ; Strachan, DP; Paternoster, L; ... Langan, SM; + view all (2019) Clinical onset of atopic eczema: Results from 2 nationally representative British birth cohorts followed through midlife. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology , 144 (3) pp. 710-719. 10.1016/j.jaci.2019.05.040. Green open access

Adamecz-Völgyi, A; Henderson, M; Shure, N; (2019) Is 'First in Family' a Good Indicator for Widening University Participation? (IZA Discussion Paper 12826). IZA Institute of Labor Economics: Bonn, Germany. Green open access

Adamecz-Volgyi, A; Szabó-Morvai, Á; Kertesi, G; Bárdits, A; (2019) The impacts of abortion restrictions on birth outcomes. In: Fazekas, K and Szabó-Morvai, Á, (eds.) The Hungarian Labour Market 2018. (pp. 95-97). Institute of Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Budapest, Hungary. Green open access

Adamecz-Volgyi, A; (2019) The effects of teenage motherhood. In: Fazekas, K and Szabó-Morvai, Á, (eds.) The Hungarian Labour Market 2018. (pp. 151-155). Institute of Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Budapest, Hungary. Green open access

Adamecz-Volgyi, A; (2019) Is there a glass ceiling in Hungary? Gender wage gap by educational attainment. In: Fazekas, K and Szabó-Morvai, Á, (eds.) The Hungarian Labour Market 2018. (pp. 63-65). Institute of Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Budapest, Hungary. Green open access

Adamson, J; Cardi, V; Kan, C; Harrison, A; Macdonald, P; Treasure, J; (2019) Evaluation of a novel transition support intervention in an adult eating disorders service: ECHOMANTRA. International Review of Psychiatry , 31 (4) pp. 382-390. 10.1080/09540261.2019.1573721. Green open access

Aggio, D; Papachristou, E; Papacosta, O; Lennon, LT; Ash, S; Whincup, P; Wannamethee, SG; (2019) Trajectories of physical activity from midlife to old age and associations with subsequent cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 10.1136/jech-2019-212706. (In press). Green open access

Ahmadzadeh, YI; Eley, TC; Plomin, R; Dale, PS; Lester, KJ; Oliver, BR; McMillan, A; (2019) Children of the Twins Early Development Study (CoTEDS): A Children-of-Twins Study. Twin Research and Human Genetics , 22 (6) pp. 514-522. 10.1017/thg.2019.61. Green open access

Aicken, CRH; Wayal, S; Blomquist, PB; Fabiane, SM; Gerressu, M; Hughes, G; Mercer, CH; (2019) Pathways to, and use of, sexual healthcare among Black Caribbean sexual health clinic attendees in England: evidence from cross-sectional bio-behavioural surveys. BMC Health Services Research , 19 (1) , Article 668. 10.1186/s12913-019-4396-3. Green open access

Akasaki, M; Ploubidis, GB; Dodgeon, B; Bonell, CP; (2019) The clustering of risk behaviours in adolescence and health consequences in middle age. Journal of Adolescence , 77 pp. 188-197. 10.1016/j.adolescence.2019.11.003. Green open access

Akhtar, N; Khan, A; Pervez, A; Batool, I; (2019) Interpersonal Problems in Arranged and Love Marriages. Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology , 15 (2) pp. 18-22. Green open access

Aksoy, O; (2019) Crosscutting circles in a social dilemma: Effects of social identity and inequality on cooperation. Social Science Research , 82 pp. 148-163. 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2019.04.009. Green open access

Al Saikhan, L; Park, C; Hardy, R; Hughes, A; (2019) Prognostic implications of left ventricular strain by speckle-tracking echocardiography in the general population: A meta-analysis. Vascular Health and Risk Management , 15 pp. 229-251. 10.2147/VHRM.S206747. Green open access

Alderson, P; Sutcliffe, K; Mendizabal, R; (2019) Dialectic and informed and voluntary consent: the pulse of freedom. Presented at: International Association for Critical Realism (IACR) 22nd Annual Conference, Southampton, UK. Green open access

Alderson, Priscilla; (2019) Practical and useful research? First, sort out the theory. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/practical-and-useful-r... Green open access

Alderson, P; (2019) Education, conflict, peace-building and critical realism. Education and Conflict Review , 2 pp. 54-58. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2019) Review of Children, Childhood and Youth in the British World. [Review]. Children, Youth and Environments. , 29 (1) pp. 174-176. 10.7721/chilyoutenvi.29.1.0174. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2019) Review of Children’s Rights: Today’s Global Challenge, by John Wall. [Review]. The International Journal of Children’s Rights , 27 (2) pp. 411-415. 10.1163/15718182-02702008. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2019) Sustainable prosperity for all? Blog for CUSP – Centre for Understanding Sustainable Properity Green open access

Alderson, P; (2019) Ethics in health research. In: Saks, M and Allsop, J, (eds.) Researching Health Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods. (pp. 389-408). SAGE: London, UK.

Alderson, P; Yoshida, T; (2019) Babies' rights, when human rights begin. In: Murray, J and Swadener, B and Smith, K, (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Young Children's Rights. Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Allsop, Y; (2019) Assessing computational thinking process using a multiple evaluation approach. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction , 19 pp. 30-55. 10.1016/j.ijcci.2018.10.004. Green open access

Allsopp, J; Chase, E; (2019) Best interests, durable solutions and belonging: future prospects for unaccompanied migrant minors coming of age in Europe. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies , 45 (2) pp. 293-311. 10.1080/1369183X.2017.1404265. Green open access

ALShamare, Awatif Habeeb; (2019) Investigating the Role of Social Media in Supporting Parents and Teachers of Students with Down’s Syndrome: Focus on Early Intervention Services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Alshathri, S; Male, T; (2019) eLearning in Saudi Arabian Universities: Toward Blended Learning. In: Tatnall, A, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies. Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Alshathri, Sulaiman; (2019) Implementing blended learning to satisfy growing demand for higher education in Saudi Arabia. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Amos, R; Levinson, R; (2019) Socio-scientific inquiry-based learning: An approach for engaging with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals through school science. International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning , 11 (1) pp. 29-49. 10.18546/ijdegl.11.1.03. Green open access

An, Sukyoung; (2019) Learners’ language use during task-based peer interaction in second language class of primary school. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Anand, Kusha; (2019) Teaching India and Pakistan relations: Teachers’ pedagogical responses and strategies. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Anders, J; Shure, N; (2019) Statistical Analysis Plan: Young Journalist Academy. The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF): London, UK. Green open access

Anders, J; Stoll, L; (2019) Schools Partnership Programme. The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF): London, UK. Green open access

Anders, Jake; Bryson, Alex; Hórvath, Hedvig; Nasim, Bilal; (2019) The Effects of Pay Decentralisation on Teachers' Pay and Teacher Retention. Presented at: 4th IZA Workshop on the Economics of Education, Bonn, Germany. Green open access

Anders, J; (2019) Erzsébet Bukodi and John H. Goldthorpe (2018), Social Mobility and Education in Britain: Research, Politics and Policy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, £19.99, pp. 260, pbk. [Review]. Journal of Social Policy 10.1017/S0047279419000904. (In press). Green open access

Anders, J; Bryson, A; Horváth, H; Nasim, B; (2019) The Effects of Pay Decentralisation on Teachers' Pay and Teacher Retention. Presented at: School Teachers' Review Body (STRB) Meeting. Green open access

Anders, J; Wyse, D; Aarts, S; Dockrell, J; Torgerson, C; Manyukhina, Y; Cushing, I; + view all (2019) Evaluation Protocol: Grammar and Writing Research Project. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Anders, JD; Henderson, M; (2019) Socioeconomic Inequality and Student Outcomes in English Schools. In: Volante, L and Schnepf, S and Jerrim, J and Klinger, D, (eds.) Socioeconomic Inequality and Student Outcomes - National Trends, Policies, and Practices - Education Policy & Social Inequality. (pp. 41-62). Springer: Singapore. Green open access

Anderson, E; White, J; (2019) Elizabeth Anderson interviewed by John White. Journal of Philosophy of Education , 53 (1) pp. 5-20. 10.1111/1467-9752.12336. Green open access

Andrade Baena, Gina; (2019) Essays on Family Choices in Developing Economies. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ang, L; Harmey, S; (2019) Manor Park Talks: Effective Strategies Review. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Ang, L; (2019) Exploring constructions of children’s identity and childhood in the global South from a policy. In: Salamon, A and Chng, A, (eds.) Multiple Early Childhood Identities. Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Anwyl-Irvine, AL; Massonnié, J; Flitton, A; Kirkham, N; Evershed, JK; (2019) Gorilla in our midst: An online behavioral experiment builder. Behavior Research Methods 10.3758/s13428-019-01237-x. (In press). Green open access

Apaydin, V; Hassett, B; (2019) Should I stay or should I go? Ideals and realities of archaeology in the conflict regions. Journal of Community Archaeology & Heritage , 6 (1) pp. 36-50. 10.1080/20518196.2018.1549821. Green open access

Appel, R; Trofimovich, P; Saito, K; Isaacs, T; Webb, S; (2019) Lexical aspects of comprehensibility and nativeness from the perspective of native-speaking English raters. International Journal of Applied Linguistics , 170 (1) 24 -52. 10.1075/itl.17026.app. Green open access

Archer, L; Nomikou, E; Mau, A; King, H; Godec, S; DeWitt, J; Dawson, E; (2019) Can the subaltern 'speak' science? An intersectional analysis of performances of 'talking science through muscular intellect' by 'subaltern' students in UK urban secondary science classrooms. Cultural Studies of Science Education , 14 pp. 723-751. 10.1007/s11422-018-9870-4. Green open access

Armstrong, F; (2019) Social Constructivism and Action Research: transforming teaching and learning though collaborative practice. In: Armstrong,, Felicity and Tsokova, Diana, (eds.) Action Research for Inclusive Education: Participation and Democracy in Teaching and Learning. (pp. 17-30). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Armstrong, S; Dearden, L; Kobayashi, M; Nagase, N; (2019) Student loans in Japan: Current problems and possible solutions. Economics of Education Review , 71 pp. 120-134. 10.1016/j.econedurev.2018.10.012. Green open access

Aronson, JK; Barends, E; Boruch, R; Brennan, M; Chalmers, I; Chislett, J; Cunliffe-Jones, P; ... Vale, L; + view all (2019) Key concepts for making informed choices. Nature , 572 (7769) pp. 303-306. 10.1038/d41586-019-02407-9. Green open access

Ash, A; (2019) The Unfamiliar Grey Matter(s): Talking Brains. Synnyt/Origins , 2019 (2) pp. 1-22. Green open access

Ashraf, Sadia; (2019) Parents’ Views Regarding Their Children’s Education and Future in Pakistan. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ashworth, M; Palikara, O; Van Herwegen, J; (2019) Comparing parental stress of children with neurodevelopmental disorders: The case of Williams syndrome, Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities , 32 (5) pp. 1047-1057. 10.1111/jar.12594. Green open access

Atkinson, Karen Ann; (2019) Experiences of Practice Educators Supporting Disabled Physiotherapy Students: a Critical Exploration. Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), University of London. Green open access

Auld, E; Morris, P; (2019) The OECD and IELS: Redefining early childhood education for the 21st century. Policy Futures in Education , 17 (1) pp. 11-26. 10.1177/1478210318823949. Green open access

Auld, E; Morris, P; (2019) Science by streetlight and the OECD’s measure of global competence: A new yardstick for internationalisation? Policy Futures in Education 10.1177/1478210318819246. (In press). Green open access

Auld, E; Rappleye, J; Morris, P; (2019) PISA for Development: how the OECD and World Bank shaped education governance post-2015. Comparative Education , 55 (2) pp. 197-219. 10.1080/03050068.2018.1538635. Green open access

Azam, ND; Novin, S; Oosterveld, P; Rieffe, C; (2019) Aggression in Malaysian adolescents: Validation of the IRPA self-report to measure reactive and proactive aggression. European Journal of Developmental Psychology , 16 (2) pp. 225-235. 10.1080/17405629.2017.1360177. Green open access


Bai, Jing Kun Bai; (2019) Democratization during the Post Mao era. An Analysis of Citizenship Education in Chinese Universities. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bailey, Nicola; (2019) What is the legacy for the women who accessed support from the full service extended school initiative? Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Baines, E; Blatchford, P; (2019) Executive summary - School break and lunch times and young people's social lives: a follow-up national study. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Baines, E; Blatchford, P; (2019) Full report - School break and lunch times and young people's social lives: a follow-up national study. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Baines, E; Blatchford, P; (2019) Research briefing - School break and lunch times and young people's social lives: a follow-up national study. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Baines, E; (2019) Ability Grouping. In: Hattie, J and Anderman, EM, (eds.) Visible Learning Guide to Student Achievement: Schools Edition. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxford. Green open access

Baker, D; Fomukong-Boden, A; Edwards, S; (2019) ‘Don’t follow them, look at me!’: Contemplating a haptic digital prototype to bridge the conductor and visually impaired performer. Music Education Research , 21 (3) pp. 295-314. 10.1080/14613808.2019.1605344. Green open access

Bakopoulou, I; Vivash, J; Wall, K; Brackenbury, G; Dockrell, J; (2019) Supporting Spoken Language in the Classroom: Case Studies. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Baldwin-Edwards, M; Blitz, BK; Crawley, H; (2019) The politics of evidence-based policy in Europe's 'migration crisis'. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies , 45 (12) pp. 2139-2155. 10.1080/1369183X.2018.1468307. Green open access

Ball, SJ; (2019) A horizon of freedom: Using Foucault to think differently about education and learning. Power and Education , 11 (2) pp. 132-144. 10.1177/1757743819838289. Green open access

Balmer, Denise Joan; (2019) The potential of earth science for the development of primary school science. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bamberger, A; Morris, P; Weinreb, Y; Yemini, M; (2019) Hyperpoliticised internationalisation in a pariah university: An Israeli institution in the occupied West Bank. International Journal of Educational Development , 66 pp. 119-128. 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2018.09.005. Green open access

Bangpan, M; Felix, L; Dickson, K; (2019) Mental health and psychosocial support programmes for adults in humanitarian emergencies: a systematic review and meta-analysis in low and middle-income countries. BMJ Global Health , 4 (5) , Article e001484.. 10.1136/bmjgh-2019-001484. Green open access

Bannach-Brown, A; Przybyła, P; Thomas, J; Rice, ASC; Ananiadou, S; Liao, J; Macleod, MR; (2019) Machine learning algorithms for systematic review: reducing workload in a preclinical review of animal studies and reducing human screening error. Systematic Reviews , 8 (1) , Article 23. 10.1186/s13643-019-0942-7. Green open access

Barbuscia, A; Myrskylä, M; Goisis, A; (2019) The psychosocial health of children born after medically assisted reproduction: Evidence from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. SSM - Population Health , 7 , Article 100355. 10.1016/j.ssmph.2019.100355. Green open access

Barker, Meghanne; (2019) Blank Faces: Introduction to the Special Issue. Semiotic Review , 7 pp. 1-11. Green open access

Barker, Meghanne; (2019) Dancing Dolls: Animating Childhood in a Contemporary Kazakhstani Institution. Anthropological Quarterly , 92 (2) pp. 311-343. 10.1353/anq.2019.0017. Green open access

Barker, Meghanne M; (2019) Intersubjective Traps over Tricks on the Kazakhstani Puppet Stage: Animation as Dicentization. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology , 29 (3) pp. 375-396. 10.1111/jola.12227. Green open access

Barnard, S; Mallaband, B; Leder Mackley, K; (2019) Enhancing skills of academic researchers: The development of a participatory threefold peer learning model. Innovations in Education and Teaching International , 56 (2) pp. 173-183. 10.1080/14703297.2018.1505538. Green open access

Barr, N; Chapman, BJ; Dearden, L; Dynarski, SM; (2019) Reflections on the US College Loans System: Lessons from Australia and England. Economics of Education Review , 71 pp. 32-48. 10.1016/j.econedurev.2018.07.007. Green open access

Barreto, R; (2019) The Reinforcement of Narratives for Social Change: The Power of Art Through the Media. In: Ćurčić, A and Jović, A and Milić, V, (eds.) Proceedings of the Third International Symposium of Students of English, Croatian and Italian Studies: Express the Repressed. (pp. pp. 4-15). University of Split, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences: Split, Croatia. Green open access

Barrett, M; Flynn, L; Brown, JE; Welch, G; (2019) Beliefs and Values About Music in Early Childhood Education and Care: Perspectives From Practitioners. Frontiers in Psychology , 10 (724) 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00724. Green open access

Barrett, MS; Zhukov, K; Welch, GF; (2019) Strengthening music provision in early childhood education: a collaborative self-development approach to music mentoring for generalist teachers. Music Education Research , 21 (5) pp. 59-548. 10.1080/14613808.2019.1647154. Green open access

Barrow, E; Grima, G; Golding, J; (2019) How are Abacus resources supporting transformational mathematics learning and assessment? Presented at: 20th annual meeting of the Association for Educational Assessment – Europe (AEA-Europe 2019), Lisbon, Portugal. Green open access

Bartie, A; Fleming, L; Freeman, M; Hulme, T; Hutton, A; Readman, P; (2019) 'History taught in the pageant way': Education and Historical Performance in Twentieth-Century Britain. History of Education , 48 (2) pp. 156-179. 10.1080/0046760X.2018.1516811. Green open access

Barua, P; Bangpan, M; Narattharaksa, K; Suphanchaimat, R; Chaiyakunapruk, N; (2019) Healthcare Policies for Stateless Populations in ASEAN Countries: A Scoping Review. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 10.1007/s10903-019-00945-y. Green open access

Bauman, A; Bittman, M; Gershuny, J; (2019) A short history of time use research; implications for public health. BMC Public Health , 19 (2) , Article 607. 10.1186/s12889-019-6760-y. Green open access

Baxter, L; Fitzgibbon, S; Moultrie, F; Goksan, S; Jenkinson, M; Smith, S; Andersson, J; ... Slater, R; + view all (2019) Optimising neonatal fMRI data analysis: Design and validation of an extended dHCP preprocessing pipeline to characterise noxious-evoked brain activity in infants. Neuroimage , 186 pp. 286-300. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.11.006. Green open access

Benton, L; Varotsis, G; Vasalou, A; (2019) Leading by example: Exploring the influence of design examples on children’s creative ideation. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies , 122 pp. 174-183. 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2018.09.007. Green open access

Benton, L; Vasalou, A; Barendregt, W; Bunting, L; Revesz, A; (2019) What’s Missing: The Role of Instructional Design in Children’s Games-Based Learning. In: Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Paper No. 582 - CHI '19. ACM: Glasgow, UK. Green open access

Berg, ML; (2019) Super-diversity, austerity, and the production of precarity: Latin Americans in London. Critical Social Policy , 39 (2) pp. 184-204. 10.1177/0261018318790744. Green open access

Berg, ML; Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, E; Waters, J; (2019) Editorial. [Editorial comment]. Migration and Society , 2 (1) v-vi. 10.3167/arms.2019.020101. Green open access

Berg, ML; Gidley, B; Krausova, A; (2019) Welfare micropublics and inequality: urban super-diversity in a time of austerity. Ethnic and Racial Studies , 42 (15) pp. 2723-2742. 10.1080/01419870.2018.1557728. Green open access

Berger, Thor; Engzell, Per; (2019) American geography of opportunity reveals European origins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 116 (13) pp. 6045-6050. 10.1073/pnas.1810893116. Green open access

Best, Rebecca Katherine; (2019) Exploring the Educational Experiences of Children and Young People Adopted from Care: Using the Voices of Children and Parents to Inform Practice. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bettencourt, M; Carroll, C; Wall, K; Munroe, J; Walsh-Saunders, K; Rothwell, S; (2019) Promoting the achievement of looked after children and young people in Barnet. (Promoting the Achievement of Looked After Children (PALAC) ). UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Bevilacqua, Leonardo; (2019) Outcomes, Developmental Processes and Protective Factors in Different Conduct Problems Trajectories. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bezemer, J; Kress, G; (2019) Semiotic work in the science classroom. Cultural Studies of Science Education 10.1007/s11422-019-09957-4. Green open access

Bezemer, J; Murtagh, G; Cope, A; (2019) Inspecting Objects: Visibility Manoeuvres in Laparoscopic Surgery. In: Reber, E and Gerhardt, C, (eds.) Embodied Activities in Face-to-face and Mediated Settings Social Encounters in Time and Space. Palgrave Macmillan: London, UK. Green open access

Billingsley, B; Chappell, K; Reiss, MJ; (2019) Closing Remarks. In: Science and Religion in Education. (pp. 349-353). Springer: Cham, Switzerland.

Bingham, DM; (2019) Older Workforces: Re-imagining Later Life Learning. [Book]. (1st ed.). Routledge: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Birkelund, GE; Chan, TW; Ugreninov, E; Midtbøen, A; Rogstad, J; (2019) Do terrorist attacks affect ethnic discrimination in the labour market? Evidence from two randomized field experiments. The British Journal of Sociology , 70 (1) pp. 241-260. 10.1111/1468-4446.12344. Green open access

Bittman, M; Cleary, E; Wilkinson-Bibicos, C; Gershuny, J; (2019) The social disorganization of eating: a neglected determinant of the Australian epidemic of overweight/obesity. BMC Public Health , 19 (2) , Article 454. 10.1186/s12889-019-6768-3. Green open access

Bixby, H; Bentham, J; Zhou, B; Di Cesare, M; Paciorek, CJ; Bennett, JE; Taddei, C; ... Ezzati, M; + view all (2019) Rising rural body-mass index is the main driver of the global obesity epidemic in adults. [Letter]. Nature , 569 pp. 260-264. 10.1038/s41586-019-1171-x. Green open access

Blatchford, P; Russell, A; (2019) Class size, grouping practices and classroom management. International Journal of Educational Research , 96 pp. 154-163. 10.1016/j.ijer.2018.09.004. Green open access

Blatchford, P; Russell, A; (2019) New ways of thinking about research on class size: an international perspective. Introduction to the special section. International Journal of Educational Research , 96 pp. 120-124. 10.1016/j.ijer.2018.09.011. Green open access

Blitz, BK; D'Angelo, A; Kofman, E; (2019) Counting the Population in Need of International Protection Globally. In: Evans, J and Ruane, S and Southall, H, (eds.) Data in Society: Challenging Statistics in an Age of Globalisation. (pp. 91-101). Policy Press: Bristol, UK. Green open access

Blitz, B; Simic, A; (2019) The modern slavery regime: a critical evaluation. Journal of the British Academy , 7 (Supp. 1) pp. 1-34. 10.5871/jba/007s1.001. Green open access

Bloemert, J; Jansen, E; Paran, A; (2019) Student motivation in Dutch secondary school EFL literature lessons. Applied Linguistics Review , 13 (4) pp. 573-596. 10.1515/applirev-2019-0041. Green open access

Bloemert, J; Paran, A; Jansen, E; van de Grift, W; (2019) Students’ perspective on the benefits of EFL literature education. The Language Learning Journal , 47 (3) pp. 371-384. 10.1080/09571736.2017.1298149. Green open access

Blum, A; Bourn, D; (2019) Study Abroad and Student Mobility: Stories of Global Citizenship. Development Education Research Centre, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Blum, N; Berlin, A; Isaacs, A; Burch, WJ; Willott, C; (2019) Medical students as global citizens: a qualitative study of medical students' views on global health teaching within the undergraduate medical curriculum. BMC Medical Education , 19 (1) , Article 175. 10.1186/s12909-019-1631-x. Green open access

Boardman, K; Levy, R; (2019) ‘I hadn’t realised that whilst the babies and toddlers are sleeping, the other children can’t get to the books!’ The complexities of ‘access’ to early reading resources for under-threes. Early Years 10.1080/09575146.2019.1605336. (In press). Green open access

Bojesen, E; Suissa, J; (2019) Minimal utopianism in the classroom. Educational Philosophy and Theory , 51 (3) pp. 286-297. 10.1080/00131857.2018.1472576. Green open access

Bond, M; (2019) Flipped learning and parent engagement in secondary schools: A South Australian case study. British Journal of Educational Technology , 50 (3) pp. 1294-1319. 10.1111/bjet.12765. Green open access

Bonell, C; Allen, E; Opondo, C; Warren, E; Elbourne, DR; Sturgess, J; Bevilacqua, L; ... Viner, RM; + view all (2019) Examining intervention mechanisms of action using mediation analysis within a randomised trial of a whole-school health intervention. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health , 73 (5) pp. 455-464. 10.1136/jech-2018-211443. Green open access

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