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Abboud, M; Clark-Wilson, AM; Jones, K; Rogalski, J; (2018) Analysing teachers' classroom experiences of teaching with dynamic geometry environments: Comparing and contrasting two approaches. Annales de Didactiques et de Sciences Cognitives - spécial English-French (2018) , 23 pp. 93-118. Green open access

Adams, D; Bragg, S; Corble, A; Darking, M; Davies, C; Flegg, M; Gordon-Walker, M; + view all (2018) New Practices for New Publics. University of Brighton: Brighton, UK. Green open access

Aggio, D; Papachristou, E; Papacosta, O; Lennon, LT; Ash, S; Whincup, PH; Wannamethee, SG; (2018) Association Between Twenty-Year Trajectories of Non-Occupational Physical Activity From Midlife to Old Age and Biomarkers of Cardiovascular Disease: A 20-Year Longitudinal Study of British Men. American Journal of Epidemiology , 187 (11) pp. 2315-2323. 10.1093/aje/kwy157. Green open access

Aggio, D; Papachristou, E; Papacosta, O; Lennon, LT; Ash, S; Whincup, PH; Wannamethee, SG; (2018) Trajectories of self-reported physical activity and predictors during the transition to old age: a 20-year cohort study of British men. nternational Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity , 15 , Article 14. 10.1186/s12966-017-0642-4. Green open access

Aggio, D; Papachristou, E; Papacosta, O; Lennon, LT; Ash, S; Whincup, PH; Wannamethee, SG; (2018) Twenty-Year Trajectories of Physical Activity Types from Midlife to Old Age. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001802. (In press). Green open access

Ahn, JV; Sera, F; Cummins, S; Flouri, E; (2018) Associations between objectively measured physical activity and later mental health outcomes in children: findings from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health , 72 (2) pp. 94-100. 10.1136/jech-2017-209455. Green open access

Aksoy, O; Billari, FC; (2018) Political Islam, Marriage, and Fertility: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. American Journal of Sociology , 123 (5) pp. 1296-1340. 10.1086/696193. Green open access

Al Eissa, MM; Fiorentino, A; Sharp, SI; O'Brien, NL; Wolfe, K; Giaroli, G; Curtis, D; ... McQuillin, A; + view all (2018) Exome sequence analysis and follow up genotyping implicates rare ULK1 variants to be involved in susceptibility to schizophrenia. Annals of human genetics , 82 (2) pp. 88-92. 10.1111/ahg.12226. Green open access

Al Saikhan, L; Park, C; Hardy, R; Hughes, A; (2018) Prognostic implications of left ventricular strain by speckle-tracking echocardiography in population-based studies: a systematic review protocol of the published literature. BMJ Open , 8 (7) , Article e023346. 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023346. Green open access

Alcott, B; Rose, P; (2018) Does private schooling narrow wealth inequalities in learning outcomes? Evidence from East Africa. In: Srivastava, P and Walford, G, (eds.) Non-State Actors in Education in the Global South. Routledge: Abingdon, UK. Green open access

Alcott, B; Rose, P; Sabates, R; Cherfils, M; (2018) Experience and lessons of learning intervention programmes across the PAL Network members. (REAL Centre Research and Policy Paper 18/4). Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL) Centre, University of Cambridge: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Alcott, B; Rose, P; Sabates, R; Cherfils, M; Alonso, ML; (2018) Assessment for Action: An Organic, Free-Range Approach to Raising Learning for All. (REAL Centre Research and Policy Paper 18/5). Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL) Centre, University of Cambridge: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Alcott, B; Rose, P; Sabates, R; Torres, R; (2018) Measuring equity for national education planning. In: Chien, C-L and Huebler, F, (eds.) Handbook on Measurement of Equity in Education. (pp. 80-107). UNESCO Institute for Statistics: Montreal, Canada. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2018) Book Review: Down’s Syndrome Screening and Reproductive Politics by Gareth Thomas. [Review]. Sociological Review Green open access

Alderson, P; (2018) Giving Children’s Views “Due Weight” in Medical Law. International Journal of Children’s Rights , 26 pp. 16-37. 10.1163/15718182-02601001. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2018) God, words and us: Three levels of reality, truth and faith. The Friend: The Quaker Magazine , 176 (17) pp. 12-13. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2018) How the rights of all school students and teachers are affected by special educational needs or disability (SEND) services: Teaching, psychology, policy. London Review of Education , 16 (2) pp. 175-190. 10.18546/LRE.16.2.01. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2018) Humans and animals. Resurgence & Ecologist , 308 , Article 5109. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2018) Review of Children, Citizenship and Environment: Nurturing a Democratic Imagination in a Changing World, written by Bronwyn Hayward. [Review]. The International Journal of Children's Rights , 26 pp. 186-188. 10.1163/15718182-02601009. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2018) Review of Jason Pobjoy, The Child in International Refugee Law. [Review]. International Journal of Children’s Rights , 26 (4) pp. 837-840. 10.1163/15718182-02604009. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2018) Review of Young and Free: [Post]colonial Ontologies of Childhood, Memory and History in Australia, written by Joanne Faulkner. International Journal of Children's Rights , 26 pp. 183-185. 10.1163/15718182-02601008. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2018) Common criticisms of children’s rights and 25 years of the IJCR. In: Freeman, M, (ed.) Children’s Rights: New Issues, New Themes, New Perspectives. (pp. 39-50). Brill: Leiden, Netherlands. Green open access

Alderson, P; Goodey, C; (2018) New Foreword. In: Enabling Education: Experiences in special and ordinary schools. Tufnell Press: London, UK. Green open access

Alkubaisi, H; (2018) Decentralised Management in Independent Secondary Schools in Qatar’s Educational Reform Initiative. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Allan, HT; Magnusson, C; Evans, K; Horton, K; Curtis, K; Ball, E; Johnson, M; (2018) Putting knowledge to work in clinical practice: Understanding experiences of preceptorship as outcomes of interconnected domains of learning. Journal Of Clinical Nursing , 27 (1-2) pp. 123-131. 10.1111/jocn.13855. Green open access

Allemano, Jane; (2018) Understanding the education culture gap: Teachers' perceptions of their role in preparing ESOL learners for speaking tests. Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Allen, R; Burgess, S; Mayo, J; (2018) The teacher labour market, teacher turnover and disadvantaged schools: new evidence for England. Education Economics , 26 (1) pp. 4-23. 10.1080/09645292.2017.1366425. Green open access

Allen, JL; Bird, E; Chhoa, C; (2018) Bad Boys and Mean Girls: Callous-Unemotional Traits, Management of Disruptive Behavior in School, the Teacher-Student Relationship and Academic Motivation. Frontiers in Education , 3 , Article 108. 10.3389/feduc.2018.00108. Green open access

Allen, JL; Jones, A; (2018) Callous-unemotional traits and Autism. Psychology Review Magazine , 23 (4) pp. 29-31. Green open access

Allen, JL; Lerman, R; (2018) Teacher Responses to Anxiety in Children Questionnaire (TRAC): psychometric properties and relationship with teaching staff characteristics. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties , 23 (2) pp. 154-168. 10.1080/13632752.2017.1376974. Green open access

Allen, R; Higham, R; (2018) Quasi-markets, school diversity and social selection: Analysing the case of free schools in England, five years on. London Review of Education , 16 (2) 10.18546/LRE.16.2.02. Green open access

Allen, RF; Sims, S; (2018) Do pupils from low-income families get low-quality teachers? Indirect evidence from English schools. Oxford Review of Education , 44 (4) pp. 441-458. 10.1080/03054985.2017.1421152. Green open access

Allen, RF; Sims, S; (2018) Identifying schools with high usage and high loss of newly qualified teachers. National Institute Economic Review , 243 (1) R27-R36. 10.1177/002795011824300112. Green open access

Allinson, JP; Hardy, R; Donaldson, GC; Wedzicha, JA; (2018) Childhood Exposures, Asthma, Smoking, Interactions and the Catch-Up Hypothesis. Annals of the American Thoracic Society , 15 (10) pp. 1241-1242. 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201807-444LE. Green open access

Allsop, Y; (2018) Learning fundamental programming concepts using the ‘To Be A Whale’ game, Case Study Report. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Almås, I; Attanasio, O; Jalan, J; Oteiza, F; Vigneri, M; (2018) Using data differently and using different data. Journal of Development Effectiveness , 10 (4) pp. 462-481. 10.1080/19439342.2018.1530279. Green open access

Alonso Saralegui, M; Mavrou, I; (2018) Percepciones sobre el significado emocional y las lenguas preferidas para tratar temas emocionales en hablantes bilingües y multilingües. Revista Nebrija de Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza de Lenguas , 12 (25) 10.26378/rnlael1225199. Green open access

Alshwaikh, J; Morgan, CR; (2018) A framework for the study of written and spoken discourse: school mathematics in Palestine. ZDM , 50 (6) pp. 1041-1051. 10.1007/s11858-018-0970-0. Green open access

Alston, Katharine Conway; (2018) Family learning and museum interpretation. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Alyani, Náder; (2018) Learning to innovate collaboratively with technology: exploring strategic workplace skill webs in a telecom services firm in Tehran. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Amos, R; Reiss, M; (2018) Learning in nature: primary school children develop through biological experiences which connect the curriculum. Presented at: XII Conference of European Researchers in Didactics of Biology (ERIDOB 2018), Zaragoza, Spain. Green open access

Amos, R; Christodoulou, A; (2018) Really working scientifically: strategies for engaging students with socio-scientific inquiry-based learning (SSIBL). School Science Review (371) Green open access

Amott, P; (2018) Identification – A process of self-knowing realised within narrative practices for education professionals during times of transition. Professional Development in Education , 44 pp. 476-491. 10.1080/19415257.2017.1381638. Green open access

Amott, PM; (2018) Developing a theoretical model of professional identity transformation for early career teacher educators. Presented at: 9th TEAN Conference - The Ambition of Teacher Education, Birmingham, UK. Green open access

Amuedo-Dorantes, C; Arenas-Arroyo, E; Sevilla, A; (2018) Immigration enforcement and economic resources of children with likely unauthorized parents. Journal of Public Economics , 158 pp. 63-78. 10.1016/j.jpubeco.2017.12.004. Green open access

Anders, J; Burgess, S; Portes, J; (2018) The Long-Term Outcomes of Refugees: Tracking the Progress of the East African Asians. (IZA Discussion Papers 11609). Institute of Labor Economics: Bonn, Germany. Green open access

Anders, J; Shure, N; (2018) Statistical Analysis Plan: Craft of Writing. Education Endowment Foundation: London, UK. Green open access

Anders, J; Shure, N; (2018) Statistical Analysis Plan: Power of Pictures. Education Endowment Foundation: London, UK. Green open access

Anders, JD; Dorsett, R; Stokes, L; (2018) The relative effectiveness of blended versus face-to-face adult English and maths learning. (DfE Research Report 791 ). Department for Education: London, UK. Green open access

Anders, J; (2018) Educational Systems and Inequalities: International Comparisons. [Review]. Journal of Social Policy , 47 (4) pp. 861-863. 10.1017/S0047279418000466. Green open access

Anders, J; Henderson, M; Moulton, V; Sullivan, A; (2018) Incentivising Specific Combinations of Subjects – Does It Make Any Difference to University Access? National Institute Economic Review , 243 (1) R37-R52. 10.1177/002795011824300113. Green open access

Anders, JD; Moulton, V; Henderson, M; Sullivan, A; (2018) The role of schools in explaining individuals' subject choices at age 14. Oxford Review of Education , 44 , Article Special Issue: Inequalities and the Curriculum. 10.1080/03054985.2018.1409973. Green open access

Anders, JD; Stokes, L; Hudson-Sharp, N; Dorsett, R; Rolfe, H; George, A; Buzzeo, J; + view all (2018) Mathematical Reasoning: Evaluation report and executive summary. Education Endowment Foundation: London, UK. Gold open access

Andrew, A; Attanasio, O; Fitzsimons, E; Grantham-McGregor, S; Meghir, C; Rubio-Codina, M; (2018) Impacts 2 years after a scalable early childhood development intervention to increase psychosocial stimulation in the home: A follow-up of a cluster randomised controlled trial in Colombia. PLoS Medicine , 15 (4) , Article e1002556. 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002556. Green open access

Andrianopoulou, Monika; (2018) Aural education and its pedagogical conceptualisation in higher music education. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ang, L; (2018) A Cross-Disciplinary Study of Early Childhood Development and Peacebuilding: New Conceptualisations of Early Childhood for Global Sustainable Development. Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education , 12 (1) pp. 1-21. 10.17206/apjrece.2018.12.1.1. Green open access

Ang, L; (2018) Methodological reflections on the use of systematic reviews in early childhood research. Journal of Early Childhood Research , 16 (1) pp. 18-31. 10.1177/1476718X17750206. Green open access

Ang, L; Tabu, M; (2018) Conceptualising Home-Based Child Care: A Study of Home-Based Settings and Practices in Japan and England. International Journal of Early Childhood 10.1007/s13158-018-0218-8. (In press). Green open access

Apaydin, V; (2018) The entanglement of the heritage paradigm: values, meanings and uses. International Journal of Heritage Studies , 24 (5) pp. 491-507. 10.1080/13527258.2017.1390488. Green open access

Archer, L; Dawson, E; DeWitt, J; Godec, S; King, H; Mau, A; Nomikou, E; (2018) Using Bourdieu in practice? Urban secondary teachers’ and students’ experiences of a Bourdieusian-inspired pedagogical approach. British Journal of Sociology of Education , 39 (3) pp. 283-298. 10.1080/01425692.2017.1335591. Green open access

Archer, L; DeWitt, J; King, H; (2018) Improving science participation: Five evidence-based messages for policy-makers and funders. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Archer, L; Francis, B; Miller, S; Taylor, B; Tereschenko, A; Mazenod, A; Pepper, D; (2018) The symbolic violence of setting: A Bourdieusian analysis of mixed methods data on secondary students' views about setting. British Educational Research Journal , 44 (1) pp. 119-140. 10.1002/berj.3321. Green open access

Areces, D; Dockrell, J; García, T; González-Castro, P; Rodríguez, C; (2018) Analysis of cognitive and attentional profiles in children with and without ADHD using an innovative virtual reality tool. PLoS One , 13 (8) , Article e0201039. 10.1371/journal.pone.0201039. Green open access

Ash, A; (2018) Talking Brains. [Solo exhibition]. Cambridge, UK. 01 - 16 February 2018. Green open access

Ashraf, Maleeha; Eduan, Wilson; (2018) Barriers To Mentorship For Academic Returnees: Experiences From Pakistan Higher Education. In: Qureshi, Muhammad Imran, (ed.) Proceedings of the Asia International Multidisciplinary Conference (AIMC 2017). Future Academy: Johor, Malaysia. Green open access

Ashwin, P; Carpentier, V; Case, J; Marshall, D; McCowan, T; McKenna, S; Naidoo, R; ... Walker, M; + view all (2018) What have we learned about pathways to the public good from South African undergraduate education? In: Ashwin, P and Case, JM, (eds.) Higher Education Pathways: South African Undergraduate Education and the Public Good. (pp. 291-298). African Minds: Cape Town, South Africa. Green open access

ASPIRES2 project; (2018) ASPIRES 2: Research and Policy Briefing. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

ASPIRES2 project; (2018) ASPIRES 2: Research and Policy Briefing: Women in Physics. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Austin, Sarah Joyce; (2018) A mixed methods exploration of the role of friends and identity in multiracial adolescent girls' mental health. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Awuku, Samuel Kwaku; (2018) The anatomy of ICT policies for development and education implementation - the case of secondary schools in Ghana. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Badini, I; Toivainen, T; Oliver, BR; Kovas, Y; (2018) Early Predictors Of Creative Writing At Age 9. In: The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences. (pp. pp. 63-74). Future Academy: London, UK. Green open access

Baker, D; Green, L; (2018) Disability arts and visually impaired musicians in the community. In: Bartleet, BL and Higgins, L, (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Community Music. (pp. 477-502). Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Ball, SJ; (2018) Factories for Learning: Making: Race, Class and Inequality in the Neoliberal Academy Christy Kulz Manchester University Press. 2017. 208 pages. £14.99 paperback. [Review]. Social Forces , 97 (1) , Article e14. 10.1093/sf/soy073. Green open access

Balladares Hernández, Jaime; (2018) A longitudinal study of the predictors of reading in children from low and high socioeconomic backgrounds. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ballin, B; McGuire, A; Murphy, L; (2018) Towards an understanding of the contribution of global learning to the wellbeing and mental health of young people with special educational needs. (Global Learning Programme Innovation Fund Research Series 4 ). Global Learning Programme (GLP) – England: London, UK. Green open access

Bann, D; Johnson, W; Li, L; Kuh, D; Hardy, R; (2018) Socioeconomic inequalities in childhood and adolescent body-mass index, weight, and height from 1953 to 2015: an analysis of four longitudinal, observational, British birth cohort studies. The Lancet Public Health , 3 (4) 10.1016/S2468-2667(18)30045-8. Green open access

Bann, D; Scholes, S; Fluharty, M; Shure, N; (2018) Physical activity in adolescence: cross-national comparisons of levels, distributions and disparities across 52 countries. BioRxiv: Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA. Green open access

Barendregt, W; Eriksson, E; Bekker, T; Vasalou, A; Börjesson, P; Torgersson, O; (2018) Intermediate-level knowledge in child-computer interaction. In: Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children. (pp. pp. 699-704). The Association for Computing Machinery Green open access

Barker, E; (2018) The Fluidity of Aspiration: How might we effectively support young working class males in carving out their futures? [Lecture]. Presented at: He Can We Can, Norwich, UK. Green open access

Barker, Edmund J; (2018) Bodies-in-Transition: an ethnography of the opportunities and constraints of BTEC performing arts students. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of East Anglia.

Barnham, Chris; (2018) Peirce, Vygotsky and Concept Formation. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Barrett, MS; Flynn, LM; Welch, GF; (2018) Music value and participation: An Australian case study of music provision and support in Early Childhood Education. Research Studies in Music Education 1321103X1877309-1321103X1877309. 10.1177/1321103X18773098. Green open access

Barrow, E; Golding, J; Redmond, B; Grima, G; (2018) “I get better and better all the time”: Impact of resources on pupil and teacher confidence. In: Golding, J and Bretscher, N and Crisan, C and Geraniou, E and Hodgen, J and Morgan, C, (eds.) Proceedings of the 9th British Congress of Mathematics Education:BCME9. (pp. pp. 8-15). BSRLM: University of Warwick, UK. Green open access

Bartie, Angela; Fleming, Linda; Freeman, Mark; Hulme, Tom; Readman, Paul; (2018) Performing the Past: Identity, Civic Culture and Historical Pageants in Twentieth-Century English Small Towns. In: Klusáková, Luďa, (ed.) Small Towns in Europe in the 20th and 21st Centuries: Heritage and Development Strategies. Karolinum Press, Charles University: Prague, Czech Republic.

Bartie, A; Fleming, L; Freeman, M; Hulme, T; Hutton, A; Readman, P; (2018) Historical Pageants and the Medieval Past in Twentieth-Century England. The English Historical Review , 123 (563) pp. 866-902. 10.1093/ehr/cey158. Green open access

Bartoszeck, A; Vandrovieski, W; Tratch, V; Czelusniak, F; Tunnicliffe, SD; (2018) What do Brazilian school children know about birds in their country? European Journal of Educational Research , 7 (3) pp. 485-499. 10.12973/eu-jer.7.3.485. Green open access

Baruah, M; Parker, KN; (2018) Resetting the table for UK health: meals as medicine set to revolutionise general practice. British Journal of General Practice , 68 (673) p. 376. 10.3399/bjgp18X698093. Green open access

Basma, B; Savage, R; (2018) Teacher Professional Development and Student Literacy Growth: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Educational Psychology Review , 30 (2) pp. 457-481. 10.1007/s10648-017-9416-4. Green open access

Bates, Alison; (2018) Cygnet Psycho-educational Intervention Programme for Parents of Children on the Autistic Spectrum: A study exploring changes in the parents' perceived self-efficacy, wellbeing and their children’s behaviour. Doctoral thesis (D.Ed.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bates, E; Evers, K; Leewis, L; Zhou, J; Vasalou, A; Lalioti, V; Augustin, K; (2018) The bits & atoms of play: critical engagements with intercultural meaning making. In: Giannakos, MN and Jaccheri, L and Divitini, M, (eds.) IDC '18: Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children. (pp. pp. 761-764). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Batool, H; Akhtar, N; Pervez, A; (2018) Hope, Comparison Satisfaction and Burnout in Psychologist and Physicians. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society , 15 (2) pp. 8-11. Green open access

Batty, GD; Ploubidis, GB; Goodman, A; Bann, D; (2018) Association of nursery and early school attendance with later health behaviours, biomedical risk factors, and mortality: evidence from four decades of follow-up of participants in the 1958 birth cohort study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health , 72 (7) pp. 658-663. 10.1136/jech-2018-210667. Green open access

Bazalgette, Cary; (2018) Some secret language: how toddlers learn to understand movies. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Beller, E; Clark, J; Tsafnat, G; Adams, C; Diehl, H; Lund, H; Ouzzani, M; ... Wedel-Heinen, I; + view all (2018) Making progress with the automation of systematic reviews: Principles of the International Collaboration for the Automation of Systematic Reviews (ICASR). Systematic Reviews , 7 , Article 77. 10.1186/s13643-018-0740-7. Green open access

Bencze, L; Reiss, MJ; Sharma, A; Weinstein, M; (2018) STEM Education as “Trojan Horse”: Deconstructed and Reinvented for All. In: Bryan, L and Tobin, K, (eds.) 13 Questions: Reframing Education's Conversation: Science. (pp. 69-87). Peter Lang: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Benhenda, Asma; (2018) Teacher Screening, On the Job Evaluations and Performance. (DoQSS Working Paper 18-06). UCL Social Research Institute: London, UK. Green open access

Benhenda, Asma; (2018) What is the cost of grade retention? (DoQSS Working Paper 18-07). UCL Social Research Institute: London, UK. Green open access

Bennett, J; Dunlop, L; Knox, KJ; Reiss, MJ; Torrance Jenkins, R; (2018) Practical Independent Research Projects in Science: a Synthesis and Evaluation of the Evidence of Impact on High School Students. International Journal of Science Education , 40 (14) pp. 1755-1773. 10.1080/09500693.2018.1511936. Green open access

Bennett, SJ; Hayes, SJ; Uji, M; (2018) Stroboscopic vision when interacting with multiple moving objects: Perturbation is not the same as elimination. Frontiers in Psychology , 9 , Article 1290. 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01290. Green open access

Bentall, C; (2018) Competing or complementary priorities? Global Citizenship Education in UK Higher Education. Presented at: British Association of International and Comparative Education (BAICE) Conference 2018, York, UK. Green open access

Benton, L; Kalas, I; Saunders, P; Hoyles, C; Noss, R; (2018) Beyond jam sandwiches and cups of tea: An exploration of primary pupils' algorithm‐evaluation strategies. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning , 34 (5) pp. 590-601. 10.1111/jcal.12266. Green open access

Benton, L; Saunders, P; Kalas, I; Hoyles, C; Noss, R; (2018) Designing for learning mathematics through programming: A case study of pupils engaging with place value. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction , 16 pp. 68-76. 10.1016/j.ijcci.2017.12.004. Green open access

Benton, L; Vasalou, A; Berkling, K; Barendregt, W; Mavrikis, M; (2018) A Critical Examination of Feedback in Early Reading Games. In: Mandryk, R and Hancock, M and Perry, M and Cox, A, (eds.) CHI '18: Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Berg, ML; Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, E; (2018) Introduction to the Issue. Encountering Hospitality and Hostility. [Editorial comment]. Migration and Society , 1 (1) pp. 1-6. 10.3167/arms.2018.010102. Green open access

Berkling, K; Faller, H; Piertzik, M; Barendregt, W; Benton, L; (2018) Uncovering Failures of Game Design for Educational Content (and How to Fix Them). In: Escudeiro, P and Costagliola, G and Zvacek, S and Uhomoibhi, J and McLaren, BM, (eds.) Computers Supported Education: 9th International Conference, CSEDU 2017, Porto, Portugal, April 21-23, 2017, Revised Selected Papers. (pp. pp. 300-324). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Bernardinelli, D; Rutt, S; Greany, T; Higham, R; (2018) Multi-academy Trusts: do they make a difference to pupil outcomes? UCL IOE Press: London, UK. Green open access

Best, W; Hughes, LM; Masterson, J; Thomas, M; Fedor, A; Roncoli, S; Fern-Pollak, L; ... Kapikian, A; + view all (2018) Intervention for children with word-finding difficulties: A parallel group randomised control trial. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology , 20 (7) pp. 708-719. 10.1080/17549507.2017.1348541. Green open access

Bezemer, J; Jewitt, C; (2018) Multimodality: A Guide for Linguists. In: Litosseliti, L, (ed.) Research Methods in Linguistics Second Edition. Bloomsbury Publishing: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Bhansali, A; Parker, KN; MacAninch, E; (2018) A Feasibility Study to Evaluate Participant Experience and Perceived Impact of a Culinary Medicine Pilot Course for Doctors. Presented at: NNEdPro 4th Internantional Summit: Conference on Medical and Public Health Nutrition Education and Research, Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Bhorkar, Shalini; Bray, Mark; (2018) The expansion and roles of private tutoring in India: From supplementation to supplantation. International Journal of Educational Development , 62 pp. 148-156. 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2018.03.003. Green open access

Bingham, D; (2018) Sustaining and developing extended working lives – understandings and perceptions from one UK higher education workplace. Presented at: BELMAS Annual Conference 2018 - Education Policy and Sustainability: global perspectives from the field of educational leadership, Windsor, UK. Green open access

Blatchford, P; Webster, R; (2018) Classroom contexts for learning at primary and secondary school: Class size, groupings, interactions and special educational needs. British Educational Research Journal , 44 (4) pp. 681-703. 10.1002/berj.3454. Green open access

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