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Abayasiriwardana, KS; Wood, MK; Prele, CM; Birnie, KA; Robinson, BW; Laurent, GJ; McAnulty, RJ; (2019) Inhibition of collagen production delays malignant mesothelioma tumor growth in a murine model. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications , 510 (2) pp. 198-204. 10.1016/j.bbrc.2019.01.057. Green open access

Abeyakoon, O; Latifoltojar, A; Gong, F; Papoutsaki, M-V; Chowdhury, R; Glaser, M; Jeraj, H; ... Punwani, S; + view all (2019) Hyperpolarised 13C MRI: a new horizon for non-invasive diagnosis of aggressive breast cancer. BJR case reports , 5 (3) , Article 20190026. 10.1259/bjrcr.20190026. Green open access

Abignano, G; Blagojevic, J; Bissell, L-A; Dumitru, RB; Eng, S; Allanore, Y; Avouac, J; ... Del Galdo, F; + view all (2019) European multicentre study validates enhanced liver fibrosis test as biomarker of fibrosis in systemic sclerosis. Rheumatology , 58 (2) pp. 254-259. 10.1093/rheumatology/key271. Green open access

Abu-Hanna, J; Tannman, J-W; Abraham, D; Clapp, L; (2019) Treprostinil signals via the IP or EP2 receptor to inhibit dynamin-related protein (DRP1) and promote mitochondrial elongation in pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells (PASMCs) from patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Presented at: Pharmacology 2018, London, UK. Green open access

Abubakar, I; Lipman, M; (2019) Reducing loss to follow up during treatment for drug-resistant tuberculosis. European Respiratory Journal , 53 (1) , Article 1802268. 10.1183/13993003.02268-2018. Green open access

Abudhaise, H; Tu, VL; Watkins, J; Fuller, BJ; Davidson, BR; (2019) Reliability and Accuracy of Clinical Assessment and Digital Image Analysis for Steatosis Evaluation in Discarded Human Livers. Transplantation Proceedings , 51 (6) pp. 1679-1683. 10.1016/j.transproceed.2019.04.054. Green open access

Acar-Denizli, N; Kostov, B; Ramos-Casals, M; Sjögren Big Data Consortium; (2019) The Big Data Sjögren Consortium: a project for a new data science era. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology , 37 (3 (S118)) pp. 19-23. Green open access

Acedo, P; Fernandes, A; Zawacka-Pankau, J; (2019) Activation of TAp73 and inhibition of TrxR by Verteporfin for improved cancer therapy in TP53 mutant pancreatic tumors. Future Science , 5 (2) , Article FSO366. 10.4155/fsoa-2018-0082. Green open access

Acedo, P; Heinrich, H; van Herwaarden, Y; Nakov, R; Nitsche, U; Rodriguez-Lago, I; Salaga, M; (2019) UEG Young Talent Group: What do we do? United European Gastroenterology Journal , 7 (1) pp. 166-168. 10.1177/2397847319826451. Green open access

Acedo, P; Russo, FP; (2019) Young GI angle: A young point of view on translational medicine. [Editorial comment]. United European Gastroenterology Journal , 7 (6) pp. 864-865. 10.1177/2050640619857963. Green open access

Acosta-Herrera, M; Kerick, M; Gonzalez-Serna, D; Wijmenga, C; Franke, A; Gregersen, PK; Padyukov, L; ... Arnett, FC; + view all (2019) Genome-wide meta-analysis reveals shared new loci in systemic seropositive rheumatic diseases. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases , 78 (3) pp. 311-319. 10.1136/annrheumdis-2018-214127. Green open access

Adeleke, S; (2019) Fat fraction provides classification and treatment response assessment of metastatic lymph nodes for patients with radio-recurrent prostate cancer. Presented at: ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Montreal, QC, Canada. Green open access

Adeleke, S; Latifoltojar, A; Sidhu, H; Galazi, M; Shah, TT; Clemente, J; Davda, R; ... Punwani, S; + view all (2019) Localising occult prostate cancer metastasis with advanced imaging techniques (LOCATE trial): a prospective cohort, observational diagnostic accuracy trial investigating whole-body magnetic resonance imaging in radio-recurrent prostate cancer. BMC Medical Imaging , 19 , Article 90. 10.1186/s12880-019-0380-y. Green open access

Aker, M; Ganeshan, B; Afaq, A; Wan, S; Groves, A; Arulampalam, T; (2019) Magnetic Resonance Texture Analysis in Identifying Complete Pathological Response to Neoadjuvant Treatment in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum , 61 (12) 10.1097/DCR.0000000000001224. Green open access

Akintonde, A; Grimes, H; Moinuddin, S; Sharma, RA; McClelland, J; Thielemans, K; (2019) EP-2067 Data driven region of interest respiratory surrogate signal extraction from CBCT data. Presented at: 38th Annual Meeting of the European-Society-for-Radiotherapy-and-Oncology (ESTRO), Milan, Italy. Green open access

Akintonde, A; Thielemans, K; Sharma, R; Mouches, P; Mory, C; Rit, S; McClelland, J; (2019) Respiratory motion model derived from CBCT projection data. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy. ICCR (In press). Green open access

Al Rajeh, A; Steiner, MC; Aldabayan, Y; Aldhahir, A; Pickett, E; Quaderi, S; Hurst, JR; (2019) Use, utility and methods of telehealth for patients with COPD in England and Wales: a healthcare provider survey. BMJ Open Respiratory Research , 6 (1) , Article e000345. 10.1136/bmjresp-2018-000345. Green open access

Al-Khelaifi, F; Abraham, D; Diboun, I; Elrayess, MA; (2019) Proteomics and metabolomics research in exercise and sport. In: Barh, D and Ahmetov, I, (eds.) Sports, Exercise, and Nutritional Genomics: Current Status and Future Directions. (pp. 539-566). Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Al-Khelaifi, F; Diboun, I; Donati, F; Botrè, F; Abraham, D; Hingorani, A; Albagha, O; ... Elrayess, MA; + view all (2019) Metabolic GWAS of elite athletes reveals novel genetically-influenced metabolites associated with athletic performance. Scientific Reports , 9 (1) , Article 19889. 10.1038/s41598-019-56496-7. Green open access

Al-Khelaifi, F; Donati, F; Botrè, F; Latiff, A; Abraham, D; Hingorani, A; Georgakopoulos, C; ... Elrayess, MA; + view all (2019) Metabolic profiling of elite athletes with different cardiovascular demand. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports , 29 (7) pp. 933-943. 10.1111/sms.13425. Green open access

Al-Laith, M; Jasenecova, M; Abraham, S; Bosworth, A; Bruce, IN; Buckley, CD; Ciurtin, C; ... Cope, AP; + view all (2019) Arthritis prevention in the pre-clinical phase of RA with abatacept (the APIPPRA study): a multi-centre, randomised, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled clinical trial protocol. Trials , 20 (1) , Article 429. 10.1186/s13063-019-3403-7. Green open access

Albay, A; Artim-Esen, B; Pericleous, C; Wincup, C; Giles, I; Rahman, A; McDonnell, T; (2019) Domain I of β2GPI is capable of blocking serum IgA antiphospholipid antibodies binding in vitro: an effect enhanced by PEGylation. Lupus 10.1177/0961203319851571. (In press). Green open access

Aldabayan, Yousef; (2019) Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Cardiovascular Risk in COPD. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London. Green open access

Aldabayan, YS; Ridsdale, HA; Alrajeh, AM; Aldhahir, AM; Lemson, A; Alqahtani, JS; Brown, JS; (2019) Pulmonary rehabilitation, physical activity and aortic stiffness in COPD. Respiratory Research , 20 (1) , Article 166. 10.1186/s12931-019-1135-6. Green open access

Alkhanjaf, AAM; Raggiaschi, R; Crawford, M; Pinto, G; Godovac-Zimmermann, J; (2019) Moonlighting Proteins and Cardiopathy in the Spatial Response of MCF‐7 Breast Cancer Cells to Tamoxifen. Proteomics Clinical Applications , 13 (5) , Article 1900029. 10.1002/prca.201900029. Green open access

Almadori, A; Griffin, M; Ryan, CM; Hunt, DF; Hansen, E; Kumar, R; Abraham, DJ; ... Butler, PEM; + view all (2019) Stem cell enriched lipotransfer reverses the effects of fibrosis in systemic sclerosis. PLoS One , 14 (7) , Article e0218068. 10.1371/journal.pone.0218068. Green open access

Almansory, KO; Fraioli, F; (2019) Combined PET/MRI in brain glioma imaging. British Journal of Hospital Medicine , 80 (7) pp. 380-386. 10.12968/hmed.2019.80.7.380. Green open access

Alrajeh, AM; Aldabayan, YS; Aldhair, AM; Pickett, E; Quaderi, SA; Alqahtani, JS; Lipman, M; (2019) Global use, utility, and methods of tele-health in COPD: a health care provider survey. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease , 14 pp. 1713-1719. 10.2147/COPD.S202640. Green open access

Altman, MC; Rinchai, D; Baldwin, N; Whalen, E; Mathieu, G; Kabeer, B; Toufiq, M; ... Chaussabel, D; + view all (2019) A Novel Repertoire of Blood Transcriptome Modules Based on Co-expression Patterns across sixteen Disease and Physiological States. bioRxiv Green open access

Alyousef, AA; Nihtyanova, S; Denton, CP; Bosoni, P; Bellazzi, R; Tucker, A; (2019) Latent class multi-label classification to identify subclasses of disease for improved prediction. In: Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS). (pp. pp. 535-538). IEEE Green open access

Alzoubaidi, D; Graham, D; Bassett, P; Magee, C; Everson, M; Banks, M; Novelli, M; ... Haidry, R; + view all (2019) Comparison of two multiband mucosectomy devices for endoscopic resection of Barrett's esophagus-related neoplasia. Surgical Endoscopy , 33 pp. 3665-3672. 10.1007/s00464-018-06655-0. Green open access

Alzoubaidi, D; Lovat, LB; Haidry, R; (2019) Management of non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding: Where are we in 2018? Frontline Gastroenterology , 10 (1) 10.1136/flgastro-2017-100901. Green open access

Alzoubaidi, D; Ragunath, K; Wani, S; Penman, ID; Trudgill, NJ; Jansen, M; Banks, M; ... Haidry, R; + view all (2019) Quality indicators for Barrett's endotherapy (QBET): UK consensus statements for patients undergoing endoscopic therapy for Barrett's neoplasia. Frontline Gastroenterology 10.1136/flgastro-2019-101247. Green open access

Amin, AA; Agarwal, B; Jalan, R; (2019) Acute liver failure: updates in pathogenesis and management. Medicine , 47 (12) pp. 838-842. 10.1016/j.mpmed.2019.09.010. Green open access

Amin, AA; Alabsawy, EI; Jalan, R; Davenport, A; (2019) Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Management of Hepatorenal Syndrome. Seminars in Nephrology , 39 (1) pp. 17-30. 10.1016/j.semnephrol.2018.10.002. Green open access

Anand, S; Caplin, B; Gonzalez Quiroz, MA; Schensu, SL; Bhalla, V; Parada, X; Nanayakkara, N; ... Friedman, DJ; + view all (2019) Epidemiology, Molecular, and Genetic Methodologies to Evaluate Causes of CKDu Around the World: Report of The Working Group from ISN International Consortium of Collaborators on CKDu. Kidney International , 96 (6) pp. 1254-1260. 10.1016/j.kint.2019.09.019. Green open access

Annear, NMP; Appleton, RE; Bassi, Z; Bhatt, R; Bolton, PF; Crawford, P; Crowe, A; ... Kingswood, JC; + view all (2019) Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC): Expert Recommendations for Provision of Coordinated Care. Frontiers in Neurology , 10 , Article 1116. 10.3389/fneur.2019.01116. Green open access

Antcliffe, DB; Santhakumaran, S; Orme, RML; Ward, JK; Al-Beidh, F; O'Dea, K; Perkins, GD; ... Gordon, AC; + view all (2019) Levosimendan in septic shock in patients with biochemical evidence of cardiac dysfunction: a subgroup analysis of the LeoPARDS randomised trial. Intensive Care Medicine , 45 (10) pp. 1392-1400. 10.1007/s00134-019-05731-w. Green open access

Antonelli, M; Cardoso, MJ; Johnston, EW; Appayya, MB; Presles, B; Modat, M; Punwani, S; (2019) GAS: A genetic atlas selection strategy in multi-atlas segmentation framework. Medical Image Analysis , 52 pp. 97-108. 10.1016/j.media.2018.11.007. Green open access

Antonelou, M; Henderson, SR; Bhangal, G; Oliveira, B; Hamour, S; HARBER, M; Salama, AD; (2019) Binding Truths: Atypical anti-GBM disease mediated by IgA anti-GBM antibodies targeting the α1 chain of type IV collagen. Kidney International Reports , 4 (1) pp. 163-167. 10.1016/j.ekir.2018.08.005. Green open access

Antonelou, M; Perea Ortega, L; Harvey, J; Salama, AD; (2019) Anti-myeloperoxidase antibody positivity in patients without primary systemic vasculitis. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology , 37 (117) S 86-S 89. Green open access

Antoniou, S; Gaude, E; Ruparel, M; van der Schee, M; Janes, S; Rintoul, R; (2019) The potential of breath analysis to improve outcome for patients with lung cancer. Journal of Breath Research , 13 (3) , Article 034002. 10.1088/1752-7163/ab0bee. Green open access

Argemi, J; Latasa, MU; Atkinson, SR; Blokhin, IO; Massey, V; Gue, JP; Cabezas, J; ... Bataller, R; + view all (2019) Defective HNF4alpha-dependent gene expression as a driver of hepatocellular failure in alcoholic hepatitis. Nature Communications , 10 , Article 3126. 10.1038/s41467-019-11004-3. Green open access

Arstad, E; (2019) A Practical Iron-Based Newman-Kwart Rearrangement Under Oxidative Conditions. ChemRxiv Green open access

Arulkumaran, N; Navaratnarajah, A; Pillay, C; Brown, W; Duncan, N; McLean, A; Taube, D; (2019) Causes and risk factors for acute dialysis initiation among patients with end-stage kidney disease-a large retrospective observational cohort study. Clinical Kidney Journal , 12 (4) pp. 550-558. 10.1093/ckj/sfy118. Green open access

Asgarian, Z; Magno, L; Ktena, N; Harris, KD; Kessaris, N; (2019) Hippocampal CA1 Somatostatin Interneurons Originate in the Embryonic MGE/POA. Stem Cell Reports 10.1016/j.stemcr.2019.09.008. (In press). Green open access

Asgarian, Zeinab; (2019) Origin and specification of cortical and hippocampal interneurons. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Atramont, A; Lindecker-Cournil, V; Rudant, J; Tajahmady, A; Drewniak, N; Fouard, A; Singer, M; ... Legrand, M; + view all (2019) Association of Age With Short-term and Long-term Mortality Among Patients Discharged From Intensive Care Units in France. JAMA Network Open , 2 (5) , Article e193215. 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.3215. Green open access


Bageghni, SA; Hemmings, KE; Yuldasheva, NY; Maqbool, A; Gamboa-Esteves, FO; Humphreys, NE; Simonsen Jackson, M; ... Turner, NA; + view all (2019) Fibroblast-specific deletion of interleukin-1 receptor-1 reduces adverse cardiac remodeling following myocardial infarction. JCI Insight , 4 (17) , Article e125074. 10.1172/jci.insight.125074. Green open access

Bailey, C; Bourne, RM; Siow, B; Johnston, EW; Brizmohun Appayya, M; Pye, H; Heavey, S; ... Panagiotaki, E; + view all (2019) VERDICT MRI validation in fresh and fixed prostate specimens using patient-specific moulds for histological and MR alignment. NMR in Biomedicine , Article e4073. 10.1002/nbm.4073. (In press). Green open access

Banares, R; Ibanez-Samaniege, L; Maria Torner, J; Pavesi, M; Olmedo, C; Vega Catalina, M; Albillos, A; ... Arroyo, V; + view all (2019) Meta-analysis of individual patient data of albumin dialysis in acute-on-chronic liver failure: focus on treatment intensity. Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology , 12 pp. 1-12. 10.1177/1756284819879565. Green open access

Bárcena-Varela, M; Caruso, S; Llerena, S; Álvarez-Sola, G; Uriarte, I; Latasa, MU; Urtasun, R; ... Fernández-Barrena, MG; + view all (2019) Dual Targeting of Histone Methyltransferase G9a and DNA‐Methyltransferase 1 for the Treatment of Experimental Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Hepatology , 69 (2) pp. 587-603. 10.1002/hep.30168. Green open access

Bardin, P; Foussignière, T; Rousselet, N; Rebeyrol, C; Porter, JC; Corvol, H; Tabary, O; (2019) miR-636: A Newly-Identified Actor for the Regulation of Pulmonary Inflammation in Cystic Fibrosis. Frontiers In Immunology , 10 , Article 2643. 10.3389/fimmu.2019.02643. Green open access

Barendregt, AM; Bray, TJP; Hall-Craggs, MA; Maas, M; (2019) Emerging quantitative MR imaging biomarkers in inflammatory arthritides. European Journal of Radiology , 121 , Article 108707. 10.1016/j.ejrad.2019.108707. Green open access

Baron, M; Kahaleh, B; Bernstein, EJ; Chung, L; Clements, PJ; Denton, C; Domsic, RT; ... Vacca, A; + view all (2019) An interim report of the Scleroderma Clinical Trials Consortium working groups. Journal of Scleroderma and Related Disorders , 4 (1) pp. 17-27. 10.1177/2397198318783926. Green open access

Bascunana, P; Gendron, T; Sander, K; Jahreis, I; Polyak, A; Ross, TL; Bankstahl, M; ... Bankstahl, JP; + view all (2019) Ex vivo characterization of neuroinflammatory and neuroreceptor changes during epileptogenesis using candidate positron emission tomography biomarkers. Epilepsia , 60 (11) pp. 2325-2333. 10.1111/epi.16353. Green open access

Bass, EJ; Orczyk, C; Grey, A; Freeman, A; Jameson, C; Punwani, S; Ramachandran, N; ... Ahmed, HU; + view all (2019) Targeted biopsy of the prostate: improvement in detection of high-grade cancer, or the Will Rogers phenomenon? BJU International , 124 (4) pp. 643-648. 10.1111/bju.14806. Green open access

Beaton, L; Tregidgo, HFJ; Znati, SA; Forsyth, S; Clarkson, MJ; Bandula, S; Chouhan, M; ... Sharma, RA; + view all (2019) VEROnA Protocol: A Pilot, Open-Label, Single-Arm, Phase 0, Window-of-Opportunity Study of Vandetanib-Eluting Radiopaque Embolic Beads (BTG-002814) in Patients With Resectable Liver Malignancies. JMIR Research Protocols , 8 (10) , Article e13696. 10.2196/13696. Green open access

Becares, N; Gage, MC; Voisin, M; Shrestha, E; Martin-Gutierrez, L; Liang, N; Louie, R; ... Pineda-Torra, I; + view all (2019) Impaired LXRα Phosphorylation Attenuates Progression of Fatty Liver Disease. Cell Reports , 26 (4) 984-995.e6. 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.12.094. Green open access

Becares, N; Härmälä, S; China, L; Colas, RA; Maini, AA; Bennet, K; Skene, SS; ... O'Brien, A; + view all (2019) Immune Regulatory Mediators in Plasma from Patients with Acute Decompensation are Associated With 3-month Mortality. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 10.1016/j.cgh.2019.08.036. (In press). Green open access

Becares, N; Pineda-Torra, I; (2019) Identification of Nuclear Receptor Targets by Chromatin Immunoprecipitation in Fatty Liver. Lipid-Activated Nuclear Receptors , 1951 pp. 179-188. 10.1007/978-1-4939-9130-3_14. Green open access

Bellini, MI; Graham, Y; Hayes, C; Zakeri, R; Parks, R; Papalois, V; (2019) A woman’s place is in theatre: women’s perceptions and experiences of working in surgery from the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland women in surgery working group. BMJ Open , 9 (1) , Article e024349. 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024349. Green open access

Beltran, M; Tavares, M; Justin, N; Khandelwal, G; Ambrose, J; Foster, BM; Worlock, KB; ... Jenner, RG; + view all (2019) G-tract RNA removes Polycomb repressive complex 2 from genes. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology , 26 pp. 899-909. 10.1038/s41594-019-0293-z. Green open access

Besouw, MTP; Kleta, R; Bockenhauer, D; (2019) Bartter and Gitelman syndromes: questions of class. Pediatric Nephrology 10.1007/s00467-019-04371-y. (In press). Green open access

Best, LM; Freeman, SC; Sutton, AJ; Cooper, NJ; Tng, E-L; Csenar, M; Hawkins, N; ... Gurusamy, KS; + view all (2019) Treatment for hepatorenal syndrome in people with decompensated liver cirrhosis: a network meta-analysis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , 2019 (9) , Article CD013103. 10.1002/14651858.CD013103.pub2. Green open access

Betteridge, Z; Tansley, S; Shaddick, G; Chinoy, H; Cooper, RG; New, RP; Lilleker, JB; ... Winer, J; + view all (2019) Frequency, mutual exclusivity and clinical associations of myositis autoantibodies in a combined European cohort of idiopathic inflammatory myopathy patients. Journal of Autoimmunity , 101 pp. 48-55. 10.1016/j.jaut.2019.04.001. Green open access

Bichet, DG; Granier, S; Bockenhauer, D; (2019) GNAS: a new nephrogenic cause of inappropriate antidiuresis. [Editorial comment]. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology , 30 (5) pp. 722-725. 10.1681/ASN.2019020143. Green open access

Biebermann, H; Kleinau, G; Schnabel, D; Bockenhauer, D; Wilson, LC; Tully, I; Kiff, S; ... Grüters, A; + view all (2019) A new multi-system disorder caused by the Gαs mutation p.F376V. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism , 104 (4) pp. 1079-1089. 10.1210/jc.2018-01250. Green open access

Biffi, B; Gritti, M; Grasso, A; Milano, EG; Fontana, M; Alkareef, H; Davar, J; ... Capelli, C; + view all (2019) A workflow for patient-specific fluid-structure interaction analysis of the mitral valve: A proof of concept on a mitral regurgitation case. Medical Engineering & Physics 10.1016/j.medengphy.2019.09.020. (In press). Green open access

Biggs, CI; Stubbs, C; Graham, B; Fayter, AER; Hasan, M; Gibson, MI; (2019) Mimicking the Ice Recrystallization Activity of Biological Antifreezes. When is a New Polymer “Active”? Macromolecular Bioscience , 19 (7) , Article 1900082. 10.1002/mabi.201900082. Green open access

Blagojevic, J; Bellando-Randone, S; Abignano, G; Avouac, J; Cometi, L; Czirjak, L; Denton, CP; ... Matucci-Cerinic, M; + view all (2019) Classification, categorization and essential items for digital ulcer evaluation in systemic sclerosis: a DeSScipher/European Scleroderma Trials and Research group (EUSTAR) survey. Arthritis Research & Therapy , 21 (1) , Article 35. 10.1186/s13075-019-1822-1. Green open access

Bonet-Carne, E; Johnston, E; Daducci, A; Jacobs, JG; Freeman, A; Atkinson, D; Hawkes, DJ; ... Panagiotaki, E; + view all (2019) VERDICT‐AMICO: Ultrafast fitting algorithm for non‐invasive prostate microstructure characterization. NMR in Biomedicine , 32 (1) , Article e4019. 10.1002/nbm.4019. Green open access

Boon, J; Clarke, E; Kessaris, N; Goffinet, A; Molnár, Z; Hoerder-Suabedissen, A; (2019) Long-range projections from sparse populations of GABAergic neurons in murine subplate. Journal of Comparative Neurology , 527 (10) pp. 1610-1620. 10.1002/cne.24592. Green open access

Borgan, F; O'Daly, O; Hoang, K; Veronese, M; Withers, D; Batterham, R; Howes, O; (2019) Neural Responsivity to Food Cues in Patients With Unmedicated First-Episode Psychosis. JAMA Network Open , 2 (1) , Article e186893. 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2018.6893. Green open access

Boscolo Galazzo, I; Storti, SF; De Blasi, B; Barnes, A; de Vita, E; Koepp, M; Ducan, J; ... Fraioli, F; + view all (2019) Arterial Spin Labeling Reveals Disrupted Brain Networks and Functional Connectivity in Drug-Resistant Temporal Epilepsy. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 10.3389/fninf.2018.00101. Green open access

Bountagkidis, GK; Fragkos, KC; Frangos, CC; (2019) Correction: EU development aid towards sub-saharan africa: Exploring the normative principle [Soc. Sci., 4 (2015) (85-116)] DOI: 10.3390/socsci4010085. [Corrigendum]. Social Sciences , 8 (6) , Article 194. 10.3390/SOCSCI8060194. Green open access

Bousse, A; Cordurier, M; Emond, E; Thielemans, K; Hutton, B; Irarrazaval, P; Visvikis, D; (2019) PET Reconstruction with non-Negativity Constraint in Projection Space: Optimization Through Hypo-Convergence. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 10.1109/TMI.2019.2920109. (In press). Green open access

Bracchi, M; van Halsema, C; Post, F; Awosusi, F; Barbour, A; Bradley, S; Coyne, K; ... Pozniak, A; + view all (2019) British HIV Association guidelines for the management of tuberculosis in adults living with HIV 2019. HIV Medicine , 20 Sup (S6) s2-s83. 10.1111/hiv.12748. Green open access

Bray, T; Ciurtin, C; Hall-Craggs, M; (2019) Reply. [Letter]. Arthritis and Rheumatism , 71 (12) pp. 2130-2131. 10.1002/art.41049. Green open access

Bray, T; Jones, A; Bennett, A; Conaghan, P; Grainger, A; Hodgson, R; Hutchinson, C; ... Machado, P; + view all (2019) Recommendations for Acquisition and Interpretation of MRI of the Spine and Sacroiliac Joints in the Diagnosis of Axial Spondyloarthritis in the UK. Rheumatology , 58 (10) pp. 1831-1838. 10.1093/rheumatology/kez173. Green open access

Bray, TJP; Karsa, A; Bainbridge, A; Sakai, N; Punwani, S; Hall-Craggs, MA; Shmueli, K; (2019) Association of bone mineral density and fat fraction with magnetic susceptibility in inflamed trabecular bone. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 10.1002/mrm.27634. (In press). Green open access

Bray, TJP; Lopes, A; Fisher, C; Ciurtin, C; Sen, D; Hall-Craggs, MA; (2019) Sacroiliac Joint Ankylosis In Young Spondyloarthritis Patients Receiving Biologic Therapy: Observation of Serial MRI scans. Arthritis and Rheumatology , 71 (4) pp. 594-598. 10.1002/art.40750. Green open access

Brayshaw, LL; Smith, RCG; Badaoui, M; Irving, JA; Price, SR; (2019) Lanthanides compete with calcium for binding to cadherins and inhibit cadherin-mediated cell adhesion. Metallomics 10.1039/c8mt00317c. (In press). Green open access

Breen-Norris, J; Siow, B; Hipwell, B; Roberts, T; Lythgoe, M; Ianus, A; Alexander, D; (2019) Using Diffusion-Diffusion Exchange Spectroscopy to observe diffusion exchange in yeast. Diffusion Fundamentals , 31 , Article 3. Green open access

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