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Abbott, NJ; Spruin, E; (2017) Improving the student experience in higher education: An action research approach to implementing collaborative learning strategies. Innovative Practice in Higher Education , 3 (1) pp. 65-90. Green open access

Abrams, D; Powell, C; Palmer, SB; Van de Vyver, J; (2017) Toward a contextualised social developmental account of children's group-based inclusion and exclusion: The developmental model of subjective group dynamics. In: Rutland, A and Nesdale, D and Spears Brown, C, (eds.) The Wiley Handbook of Group Processes in Children and Adolescents. (pp. 124-143). John Wiley & Sons: West Sussex, UK.

Abu Moghli, Mai; (2017) The Struggle to Reclaim Human Rights Education in Palestinian Authority Schools in the Occupied West Bank. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Adamecz-Volgyi, A; Scharle, A; Csillag, M; Molnar, T; (2017) Might training programmes ease labour shortage? The targeting and effectiveness of training programmes organised or financed by local employment offices of the Hungarian Public Employment Service. In: Fazekas, K and Kollo, J, (eds.) The Hungarian Labour Market 2017. (pp. 171-181). Institute of Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Budapest, Hungary.

Aidonopoulou-Read, Anastasia-Tereza; (2017) Formative assessment for non-verbal students with autism and severe learning difficulties: a case study. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Ainley, J; Pratt, D; (2017) Computational Modelling and Children's Expressions of Signal and Noise. Statistics Education Research Journal , 16 (2) pp. 15-36. Green open access

Akl, EA; Meerpohl, JJ; Elliott, J; Kahale, LA; Schünemann, HJ; Living Systematic Review Network; (2017) Living systematic reviews: 4. Living guideline recommendations. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology , 91 pp. 47-53. 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2017.08.009. Green open access

Aksoy, O; (2017) Motherhood, sex of the offspring, and religious signaling. Sociological Science , 4 pp. 511-527. 10.15195/v4.a21. Green open access

Al-Johani, KM; (2017) Second language learners of English in transition: an investigation of female learner identity in a Saudi context. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Alam, KMN; Morgan, C; (2017) Why do few children at rural secondary madrasas in Bangladesh choose to study an optional course in Higher Mathematics? In: BSRLM Proceedings: Vol 37 No 1 at Birkbeck College, University of London, London. BSRLM Green open access

Alcott, B; (2017) Cognitive Framing and Its Theoretical Implications for Tuition Fee Policies in England. (Working Papers Series, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge 04/2016). Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Alcott, B; (2017) Does Teacher Encouragement Influence Students' Educational Progress? A Propensity-Score Matching Analysis. Research in Higher Education , 58 pp. 773-804. 10.1007/s11162-017-9446-2. Green open access

Alderson, P; Scott, P; Thapar, N; (2017) Living with a congenital condition: The views of adults who have cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anaemia, Down's syndrome, spina bifida or thalassaemia. In: Before Birth: Understanding Prenatal Screening. (pp. 156-171). Routledge Green open access

Alderson, P; (2017) Book review: Reconstructing Sociology: The Critical Realist Approach. The Sociological Review , 65 (3) pp. 552-554. 10.1177/0038026117701357. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2017) "Children Out of Place" and Human Rights: In Memory of Judith Ennew, edited by Invernizzi, Antonella, Liebel, Manfred, Milne, Brian and Budde, Rebecca. [Review]. International Journal of Children’s Rights , 25 (3-4) pp. 871-876. 10.1163/15718182-02503010. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2017) Children's consent and the zone of parental discretion. Clinical Ethics 10.1177/1477750917691887. (In press). Green open access

Alderson, P; (2017) Common Criticisms of Children's Rights and 25 Years of the ijcr. [Review]. International Journal of Children's Rights , 25 (2) pp. 307-319. 10.1163/15718182-02502001. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2017) Cradles of morality. Resurgence & Ecologist , 302 Green open access

Alderson, P; (2017) EYFS Best Practice: All about… children’s rights. Nursery World pp. 21-24. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2017) Respecting children. The Friend: The Quaker Magazine , 175 (8) pp. 10-11. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2017) Schools Out! The Hidden History of Britain’s School Strikes, written by Steve Cunningham and Michael Lavalette. [Review]. International Journal of Children's Rights , 25 (1) pp. 265-267. 10.1163/15718182-02501011. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2017) Utopian research with children. In: Christensen, P and James, A, (eds.) Research with Children: Perspectives and Practices. (pp. 203-221). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2017) Children's rights and power. In: Jones, S, (ed.) 30 Years of Social Change. (pp. 80-84). Jessica Kingsley: London, United Kindom. Green open access

Alhouti, I; Male, T; (2017) Kuwait Principals: Preparation, Induction and Continuing Development. International Studies in Educational Administration , 45 (1) pp. 89-105. Green open access

Allen, JL; (2017) Intelligence. In: Schreck, CJ and Leiber, MJ and Ventura Miller, H and Welch, K, (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Juvenile Delinquency and Justice. Wiley: London, UK.

Allen, JL; Sandberg, S; Chhoa, C; Fearn, T; Rapee, R; (2017) Parent-Dependent Stressors and the Onset of Anxiety Disorders in Children: Links with Parental Psychopathology. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry pp. 1-11. 10.1007/s00787-017-1038-3. Green open access

Allen, R; Allnutt, J; (2017) The impact of Teach First on pupil attainment at age 16. British Educational Research Journal , 43 (4) pp. 627-646. 10.1002/berj.3288. Green open access

Allen, R; Bartley, J; (2017) The Role of the Eleven-Plus Test Papers and Appeals in Producing Social Inequalities in Access to Grammar Schools. National Institute Economic Review , 240 (1) R30-R41. 10.1177/002795011724000112. Green open access

Allinson, JP; Hardy, R; Donaldson, GC; Shaheen, SO; Kuh, D; Wedzicha, JA; (2017) Combined Impact of Smoking and Early Life Exposures on Adult Lung Function Trajectories. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine , 196 (8) pp. 1021-1030. 10.1164/rccm.201703-0506OC. Green open access

Aloe, AM; Becker, BJ; Duvendack, M; Valentine, JC; Shemilt, I; Waddington, H; (2017) Quasi-experimental study designs series—paper 9: collecting data from quasi-experimental studies. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology , 89 pp. 77-83. 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2017.02.013. Green open access

Altintas, E; Sullivan, O; (2017) Trends in Fathers' Contribution to Housework and Childcare under Different Welfare Policy Regimes. Social Politics , 24 (1) pp. 81-108. 10.1093/sp/jxw007. Green open access

Amos, R; Christodoulou, A; (2017) Teaching science using socio-scientific inquiry-based learning: UK pre-service teachers' perspectives. Presented at: ESERA conference 2017, Dublin, Ireland. Green open access

Amott, PM; (2017) Telling Stories – A model for considering the impact of narrative practices on supporting identity and identification, based on a study of teacher educators in career transition. In: Proceedings of the British Educational Research Association Conference 2017. Green open access

Anders, J; Henderson, M; Moulton, V; Sullivan, A; (2017) A note on subject choice at age 14 and socio-economic inequality in access to university. (CLS Working Paper 2017/10). Centre for Longitudinal Studies, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Anders, JD; (2017) The influence of socioeconomic status on changes in young people's expectations of applying to university. Oxford Review of Education , 43 (4) pp. 381-401. 10.1080/03054985.2017.1329722. Green open access

Anders, JD; Brown, C; Ehren, M; Greany, T; Nelson, R; Heal, J; Groot, A; + view all (2017) Evaluation of Complex Whole-School Interventions: Methodological and Practical Considerations. Education Endowment Foundation: London, UK. Green open access

Anders, JD; Dorsett, R; (2017) HMP Peterborough Social Impact Bond - cohort 2 and final cohort impact evaluation. Ministry of Justice: London, UK. Green open access

Anders, JD; Dorsett, R; (2017) A review of the matching process for the impact analysis of the HMP Peterborough Social Impact Bond. Ministry of Justice: London, UK. Green open access

Anders, JD; Dorsett, R; (2017) What young English people do once they reach school-leaving age: A cross-cohort comparison for the last 30 years. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies , 8 (1) pp. 75-103. 10.14301/llcs.v8i1.399. Green open access

Anders, JD; Henderson, M; Moulton, V; Sullivan, A; (2017) Socio-economic status and subject choice at 14: do they interact to affect university access. Nuffield Foundation: London, UK. Green open access

Anders, JD; Jerrim, J; (2017) The socio-economic gradient in educational attainment and labour market outcomes: A cross-national comparison. In: Pathways to Adulthood: Educational opportunities, motivation and attainment in times of social change. (pp. 25-50). UCL IOE Press: London, UK. Green open access

Anderson, C; (2017) Leadership experience of London-based Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP): A case study analysis. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Anderson, EL; Caleyachetty, R; Stafford, M; Kuh, D; Hardy, R; Lawlor, DA; Fraser, A; (2017) Prospective associations of psychosocial adversity in childhood with risk factors for cardiovascular disease in adulthood: the MRC National Survey of Health and Development. International Journal for Equity in Health , 16 (1) , Article 170. 10.1186/s12939-017-0656-1. Green open access

Anderson, EL; Fraser, A; Caleyachetty, R; Hardy, R; Lawlor, DA; Howe, LD; (2017) Associations of adversity in childhood and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in mid-adulthood. Child Abuse & Neglect , 76 pp. 138-148. 10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.10.015. Green open access

Ang, L; Brooker, E; Stephen, C; (2017) A Review of the Research on Childminding: Understanding Children’s Experiences in Home-Based Childcare Settings. Early Childhood Education Journal , 45 (2) pp. 261-270. 10.1007/s10643-016-0773-2. Green open access

Ang, L; Ince, A; (2017) Pedagogical Innovation and Leadership in the Early Years: final report. East London Early Years and Schools Partnership: London, UK.

Apaydin, V; (2017) Heritage Values and Communities: Examining Heritage Perceptions and Public Engagements. Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology & Heritage Studies , 5 (3-4) p. 349. 10.5325/jeasmedarcherstu.5.3-4.0349. Green open access

Archer, L; DeWitt, J; Dawson, E; Godec, S; King, H; Mau, A; Nomikou, E; (2017) Killing curiosity? An analysis of celebrated identity performances among teachers and students in nine London Secondary Science Classrooms. Science Education , 101 (5) pp. 741-764. 10.1002/sce.21291. Green open access

Archer, L; Moote, J; Francis, B; DeWitt, J; Yeomans, L; (2017) The "Exceptional" Physics Girl: A Sociological Analysis of Multimethod Data From Young Women Aged 10-16 to Explore Gendered Patterns of Post-16 Participation. American Educational Research Journal , 54 (1) pp. 88-126. 10.3102/0002831216678379. Green open access

Archer, L; Moote, J; Francis, B; DeWitt, J; Yeomans, L; (2017) Stratifying science: a Bourdieusian analysis of student views and experiences of school selective practices in relation to ‘Triple Science’ at KS4 in England. Research Papers in Education , 32 (3) pp. 296-315. 10.1080/02671522.2016.1219382. Green open access

Atta, E; (2017) Gendered Academic Subjectivities in Cyprus: A Psychosocial Approach to the Affective Performances of Academic Staff and Their Investments in Neoliberal and Postfeminist Discourses. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Avelar, M; Ball, SJ; (2017) Mapping new philanthropy and the heterarchical state: The Mobilization for the National Learning Standards in Brazil. International Journal of Educational Development 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2017.09.007. (In press). Green open access


Bagge, SR; Westgate, B; Few, K; Clarke, P; Adlam, A; Walsh, J; O'Brien, M; (2017) Acceptability and feasibility of collecting psychosocial data from fathers of very low birth weight infants. Journal of Child Health Care , 21 (3) pp. 283-291. 10.1177/1367493517715147. Green open access

Bagley, C; Hallam, S; (2017) Is there a role for educational psychologists in facilitating managed moves? Educational Psychology in Practice , 33 (3) pp. 323-333. 10.1080/02667363.2017.1324767. Green open access

Bahor, Z; Liao, J; Macleod, MR; Bannach-Brown, A; McCann, SK; Wever, KE; Thomas, J; ... Sena, E; + view all (2017) Risk of bias reporting in the recent animal focal cerebral ischaemia literature. Clinical Science , 131 (20) pp. 2525-2532. 10.1042/CS20160722. Green open access

Bain, Jennifer; Golmohammadi, Lili; McCauley Bowstead, Jay; (2017) Mapping Disjunctions in Design Learning: Toward a Pedagogy of Possibility. Multiplexer , 1 (2) Green open access

Baird, A; Amiriparian, S; Cummins, N; Alcorn, AM; Batliner, A; Pugachevskiy, S; Freitag, M; ... Schuller, B; + view all (2017) Automatic Classification of Autistic Child Vocalisations: A Novel Database and Results. In: Lacerda, Francisco, (ed.) Proceedings of Interspeech 2017. (pp. pp. 849-853). International Speech Communication Association: Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

Ball, SJ; (2017) Laboring to Relate: Neoliberalism, Embodied Policy, and Network Dynamics. Peabody Journal of Education , 92 (1) pp. 29-41. 10.1080/0161956X.2016.1264802. Green open access

Bangpan, M; Dickson, KE; Felix, L; Chiumento, A; (2017) The impact of mental health and psychosocial support interventions on people affected by humanitarian emergencies: A systematic review. (Humanitarian Evidence Programme ). Oxfam GB: Oxford, UK.

Bann, D; Hamer, M; Parsons, S; Ploubidis, GB; Sullivan, A; (2017) Does an elite education benefit health? Findings from the 1970 British Cohort Study. International Journal of Epidemiology , 46 (1) pp. 293-302. 10.1093/ije/dyw045. Green open access

Bann, D; Johnson, W; Li, L; Kuh, D; Hardy, RJ; (2017) Socioeconomic inequalities in body mass index across adulthood: coordinated analyses of individual participant data from three British birth cohort studies initiated in 1946, 1958 and 1970. PLOS Medicine , 14 (1) , Article e1002214. 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002214. Green open access

Barker, Meghanne; (2017) Belonging and belongings: kinship narratives and material anchors at a second home in Kazakhstan. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford , 9 (1) pp. 65-82. Green open access

Barker, Meghanne; Prentice, Michael; (2017) Intertextuality and Interdiscursivity. In: Oxford Bibliographies Online. Oxford University Press Green open access

Barnett, R; Bengtsen, S; (2017) Universities and Epistemology: From a Dissolution of Knowledge to the Emergence of a New Thinking. Education Sciences , 7 (1) p. 38. 10.3390/educsci7010038. Green open access

Bärnighausen, T; Tugwell, P; Røttingen, J-A; Shemilt, I; Rockers, P; Geldsetzer, P; Lavis, J; ... Atun, R; + view all (2017) Quasi-experimental study designs series—paper 4: uses and value. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology , 89 pp. 21-29. 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2017.03.012. Green open access

Barrett, Anna Frances; (2017) An exploration of anxiety problems in a secondary school. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Barros, CG; Swardfager, W; Moreno, S; Bortz, G; Ilari, B; Jackowski, AP; Ploubidis, G; ... Cogo-Moreira, H; + view all (2017) Assessing Music Perception in Young Children: Evidence for and Psychometric Features of the M-Factor. Frontiers in Neuroscience , 11 , Article 18. 10.3389/fnins.2017.00018. Green open access

Bartie, A; Fleming, L; Freeman, M; Hulme, T; Readman, P; Tupman, C; (2017) 'And those who live, how shall I tell their fame?' Historical pageants, collective remembrance and the First World War, 1919-1939. Historical Research , 90 (249) pp. 636-661. 10.1111/1468-2281.12189. Green open access

Bartoszeck, AB; Tunnicliffe, SD; (2017) Development of biological literacy through drawing organisms. In: Katz, P, (ed.) Drawing for Science Education: An International Perspective. (pp. 55-65). SensePublishers: Rotterdam, Netherlands. Green open access

Beaney, KE; Smith, AJP; Folkersen, L; Palmen, J; Wannamethee, SG; Jefferis, BJ; Whincup, P; ... Consortium, U; + view all (2017) Functional Analysis of the Coronary Heart Disease Risk Locus on Chromosome 21q22. Disease Markers , 2017 , Article 1096916. 10.1155/2017/1096916. Green open access

Bennett, M; Ng-Knight, T; Hayes, B; (2017) Autonomy-supportive teaching and its antecedents: differences between teachers and teaching assistants and the predictive role of perceived competence. European Journal of Psychology of Education , 32 (4) pp. 643-667. 10.1007/s10212-016-0321-x. Green open access

Benton, L; Hoyles, C; Kalas, I; Noss, R; (2017) Bridging Primary Programming and Mathematics: some findings of design research in England. Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education , 3 (2) pp. 115-138. 10.1007/s40751-017-0028-x. Green open access

Berg, ML; (2017) Mobility and Schooling in Cuba. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.brown.edu/research/projects/tracing-cu...

Bevilacqua, L; Hale, D; Barker, ED; Viner, R; (2017) Conduct problems trajectories and psychosocial outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 10.1007/s00787-017-1053-4. Green open access

Bevilacqua, L; Shackleton, N; Hale, D; Allen, E; Bond, L; Christie, D; Elbourne, D; ... Viner, RM; + view all (2017) The role of family and school-level factors in bullying and cyberbullying: a cross-sectional study. BMC Pediatrics , 17 (1) , Article 160. 10.1186/s12887-017-0907-8. Green open access

Bezemer, J; (2017) Visual research in clinical education. Medical Education , 51 (1) pp. 105-113. 10.1111/medu.13163. Green open access

Bezemer, J; Cope, A; Korkiakangas, T; Kress, G; Murtagh, G; Weldon, S-M; Kneebone, R; (2017) Microanalysis of video from the operating room: an underused approach to patient safety research. BMJ Quality & Safety , 26 (7) pp. 583-587. 10.1136/bmjqs-2016-005816. Green open access

Bezemer, J; Diamantopoulou, S; Jewitt, C; Kress, G; Mavers, D; (2017) Использование подхода социальной семиотики в мультимодальном анализе: исследование обучения в школах, музеях и больницах. МЕТОД: Московский ежегодник трудов из обществоведческих дисциплин , 7 pp. 227-247. Green open access

Bezemer, J; Kress, G; (2017) Continuity and change: semiotic relations across multimodal texts in surgical education. Text & Talk , 37 (4) pp. 509-530. 10.1515/text-2017-0014. Green open access

Bhatta, P; Pherali, T; (2017) Nepal: Patterns of Privatisation in Education. A case study of low-fee private schools and private chain schools. Education International: Brussels, Belgium. Green open access

Billingsley, B; Hardman, MA; (2017) Epistemic insight and the power and limitations of science in multidisciplinary arenas. School Science Review , 99 (367) pp. 16-17. Green open access

Billingsley, B; Hardman, MA; (2017) Epistemic insight: teaching and learning about the nature of science in real-world and multidisciplinary arenas. School Science Review , 98 (365) pp. 57-58. Green open access

Bingham, D; (2017) Professional learning and development for older workers; a study of one UK higher education institution. Presented at: SRHE International Conference on Research into Higher Education 2017: Newer & Early Career Researchers Conference, Newport, Wales. Green open access

Bingham, DM; (2017) Exploring professional development for older workers in the higher education workplace. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bingham, DM; Bubb, S; (2017) Leadership for Wellbeing. In: Earley, P and Greany, T, (eds.) School Leadership and Education System Reform. Bloomsbury Academic: London, UK. Green open access

Bishop, DVM; Snowling, MJ; Thompson, PA; Greenhalgh, T; Adams, C; Archibald, L; Baird, G; ... CATALISE-2 Consortium, .; + view all (2017) Phase 2 of CATALISE: a multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study of problems with language development: Terminology. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry , 58 (10) pp. 1068-1080. 10.1111/jcpp.12721. Green open access

Blanden, J; Hansen, K; McNally, S; (2017) Quality in Early Years Settings and Children's School Achievement. (CEP Discussion Paper 1468). Centre for Economic Performance, the London School of Economics and Political Science: London, UK.

Blandford, S; (2017) Understanding Applied Learning: Developing Practice in Education. [Book]. (1st ed.). Routledge Taylor Francis: London, UK.

Blandford, S; (2017) Achievement for All in International Classrooms: Improving Outcomes for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. [Book]. (1st ed.). Bloomsbury Academic: London, UK.

Blitz, BK; (2017) The state and the stateless: The legacy of Hannah Arendt reconsidered. In: Bloom, T and Tonkiss, K and Cole, P, (eds.) Understanding Statelessness. (pp. 70-84). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Blitz, BK; d'Angelo, A; Kofman, E; Montagna, N; (2017) Health Challenges in Refugee Reception: Dateline Europe 2016. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 14 (12) , Article 1484. 10.3390/ijerph14121484. Green open access

Block, D; Gray, J; (2017) French language textbooks as ideologically imbued cultural artefacts: Political economy, neoliberalism and (self) branding. In: Coffey, S and Wingate, U, (eds.) New Directions for Research in Foreign Language Education. (pp. 115-131). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Bockerman, P; Bryson, A; Viinikainen, J; Hakulinen, C; Hintsanen, M; Pehkonen, J; Viikari, J; (2017) The biometric antecedents to happiness. PLOS ONE , 12 (9) , Article e0184887. 10.1371/journal.pone.0184887. Green open access

Boliver, Vikki; Crawford, Claire; Powell, Mandy; Craige, Will; (2017) Admissions in Context; The use of contextual information by leading universities. The Sutton Trust: London, UK. Green open access

Bonell, C; Mathiot, A; Allen, E; Bevilacqua, L; Christie, D; Elbourne, D; Fletcher, A; ... Viner, RM; + view all (2017) Initiating change locally in bullying and aggression through the school environment (INCLUSIVE) trial: update to cluster randomised controlled trial protocol. Trials , 18 , Article 238. 10.1186/s13063-017-1984-6. Green open access

Booth, Charlotte; Songco, Annabel; Parsons, Sam; Heathcote, Lauren; Vincent, John; Keers, Robert; Fox, Elaine; (2017) The CogBIAS longitudinal study protocol: cognitive and genetic factors influencing psychological functioning in adolescence. BMC Psychology , 5 (1) , Article 41. 10.1186/s40359-017-0210-3. Green open access

Borra, C; Browning, M; Sevilla, A; (2017) Marriage and Housework. (IZA Discussion Papers 10740). Institute of Labor Economics: Bonn, Germany. Green open access

Botting, N; Jones, A; Marshall, CR; Denmark, T; Atkinson, J; Morgan, G; (2017) Non-verbal executive function is mediated by language: A study of deaf and hearing children. Child Development , 88 (5) pp. 1689-1700. 10.1111/cdev.12659. Green open access

Bourn, D; Hunt, F; Ahmed, H; (2017) Childhood development stages and learning on global issues. (K4D Helpdesk Report ). Institute of Development Studies (IDS): Brighton, UK. Green open access

Bourn, D; Hunt, F; Bamber, P; (2017) A review of education for sustainable development and global citizenship education in teacher education. (UNESCO GEM Background Paper ). UNESCO: Paris, France. Green open access

Brackenbury, G; Carroll, C; Cameron, C; Herbert, E; Roberts, A; Brown, K; Elliott, K; + view all (2017) Promoting the achievement of looked after children and young people in the London Borough of Hounslow. (Promoting the Achievement of Looked After Children (PALAC) ). UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Bradbury, A; Roberts-Holmes, G; (2017) Creating an Ofsted story: the role of early years assessment data in schools' narratives of progress. British Journal of Sociology of Education , 38 (7) pp. 943-955. 10.1080/01425692.2016.1202748. Green open access

Bradbury, A; Roberts-Holmes, G; (2017) Grouping in Early Years and Key Stage 1: A 'necessary evil'? National Education Union: London, UK.

Bradbury, A; Roberts-Holmes, G; (2017) How data impacts on early years educators. Early Years Educator 10.12968/eyed.2018.19.10.38. Green open access

Bradbury, A; Roberts-Holmes, GP; (2017) Assessment: Reducing children to numbers. Nursery World Green open access

Brady, A; (2017) Exile and Inclusion: Excerpts from Albert Camus' "Exile and the Kingdom". Educational Frontiers: The Anxiety of Inclusion Green open access

Brady, A; (2017) Technicisation and Recognition of Effective Teaching in Inspection Policy. In: Proceedings of the IoE-KUL Doctoral Seminar. KU Leuven Green open access

Bragg, S; Manchester, H; (2017) Considerate, convivial and capacious? Finding a language to capture ethos in ‘creative’ schools. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education , 38 (6) pp. 864-879. 10.1080/01596306.2016.1227302. Green open access

Brannen, JM; O'connell, R; (2017) Food practices, intergenerational transmission and memory. The Journal of Psychosocial Studies , 10 (2) pp. 44-58. Green open access

Brant, JW; Vincent, K; (2017) Teacher education in England: professional preparation in times of change. In: Trippestad, TA and Swennen, A and Werler, T, (eds.) The Struggle for Teacher: Education International Perspectives on Governance and Reforms. Bloomsbury: London, UK. Green open access

Braun, A; (2017) Education Policy and the Intensification of Teachers' Work: The Changing Professional Culture of Teaching in England and Implications for Social Justice. In: Parker, S and Gulson, K and Gale, T, (eds.) Policy and Inequality in Education. (pp. 169-185). Springer: Singapore.

Brede, J; Remington, A; Kenny, L; Warren, K; Pellicano, E; (2017) Excluded from school: Autistic students' experiences of school exclusion and subsequent re-integration into school. Autism & Developmental Language Impairments , 2 pp. 1-20. 10.1177/2396941517737511. Green open access

Brehm, W; (2017) Cambodia’s social media warnings for Trump’s America. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.eastasiaforum.org/2017/01/19/cambodias... Green open access

Brehm, W; (2017) Education's Big Short: Betting against SLABS, Bubbles, and Human Capital Theory. Presented at: 65th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Political Economy (JSPE), Tokyo, Japan. Green open access

Brehm, W; (2017) The Trauma of Remembering: Politics and National Identity in Post-Khmer Rouge Cambodia. Presented at: 2017 Consortium for Southeast Asian Studies in Asia Conference, Bangkok, Thailand. Green open access

Brehm, W; (2017) The is and the ought of Knowing: Ontological Observations on Shadow Education Research in Cambodia. Southeast Asian Studies , 6 (3) pp. 485-503. 10.20495/seas.6.3_485. Green open access

Bretscher, N; (2017) Beyond a positive stance: integrating technology is demanding on teachers' mathematical knowledge for teaching. In: Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education: Dublin, Ireland. Green open access

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