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Abdalla, Y; Ferianc, M; Awad, A; Kim, J; Elbadawi, M; Basit, AW; Orlu, M; (2024) Smart laser Sintering: Deep Learning-Powered powder bed fusion 3D printing in precision medicine. International Journal of Pharmaceutics , 661 , Article 124440. 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2024.124440. Green open access

Abdou, SBS; New, WK; Leow, CY; Won, S; Wong, KK; Ding, Z; (2024) Sum-Rate Maximization for UAV Relay-Aided Fluid Antenna System with NOMA. In: 2024 IEEE 7th International Symposium on Telecommunication Technologies: Exploring Future Frontiers in Telecommunication and Vehicular Technologies, ISTT 2024. (pp. pp. 53-58). IEEE: Langkawi Island, Malaysia. Green open access

Abdullah, Salinna; Zamanim, Majid; Demosthenous, Andreas; (2024) Hardware Efficient Speech Enhancement With Noise Aware Multi-Target Deep Learning. IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems , 5 pp. 141-152. 10.1109/ojcas.2024.3389100. Green open access

Aguirre, Fernando; Sebastian, Abu; Le Gallo, Manuel; Song, Wenhao; Wang, Tong; Yang, J Joshua; Lu, Wei; ... Lanza, Mario; + view all (2024) Hardware implementation of memristor-based artificial neural networks. Nature Communications , 15 , Article 1974. 10.1038/s41467-024-45670-9. Green open access

Aita, Vittorio; Shevchenko, Mykyta; Rodríguez-Fortuño, Francisco J; Zayats, Anatoly V; (2024) Propagation of focused scalar and vector vortex beams in anisotropic media: A semianalytical approach. Physical Review B , 109 (12) , Article 125433. 10.1103/physrevb.109.125433. Green open access

Alava, Y Ashlea; Kumar, K; Harsas, C; Mehta, P; Hathi, P; Chen, C; Ritchie, DA; (2024) Simultaneous study of acoustic and optic phonon scattering of electrons and holes in undoped GaAs/AlxGa1−xAs heterostructures. Applied Physics Letters , 125 (25) , Article 252105. 10.1063/5.0234082. Green open access

Alhussan, Mohammad; Boem, Francesca; Ghoreishizadeh, Sara; Mandalari, Anna Maria; (2024) Live Demonstration: Hacking Health: Unveiling Vulnerabilities in Wireless Wearable Sensors. In: Proceedings of the 2024 BioSensors Conference (BioSensors). IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers): Cambridge, UK. (In press). Green open access

Alhussan, Mohammad; Boem, Francesca; Ghoreishizadeh, Sara S; Mandalari, Anna Maria; (2024) Demo: From Eavesdropping to Exploitation: Exposing Vulnerabilities in BLE-Enabled Wearable Medical Devices. In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks. EWSN: Abu Dhabi, UAE. (In press).

Alhussan, Mohammad; Boem, Francesca; Ghoreishizadeh, Sara S; Mandalari, Anna Maria; (2024) PhD school: From Eavesdropping to Exploitation: Exposing Vulnerabilities in BLE-Enabled Wearable Medical Devices. In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks. EWSN: Abu Dhabi, UAE. (In press).

Ali, I; Xue, F; Henriquez, CP; Niederhoffer, T; Idil, AS; Iang, DJ; Lancashire, HT; (2024) Initial L ife Test of Silicone E ncapsulated FR 4 Printed Circuit Boards for Pre-Clinical A ctive Implants. In: IMAPSource Proceedings 2023 (EMPC). (pp. pp. 224-227). IMAPS - International Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging Society Green open access

Almarri, Noora; (2024) Novel Power Management and Energy Harvesting Systems for Batteryless Implantable Devices. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Almarri, Noora; Chang, Jinke; Song, Wenhui; Jiang, Dai; Demosthenous, Andreas; (2024) Piezoelectric energy harvesting and ultra-low-power management circuits for medical devices. Nano Energy , 131 (Part-B) , Article 110196. 10.1016/j.nanoen.2024.110196. Green open access

Almegbel, Khalid; Tong, Kin-Fai; (2024) Low-Profile Proximity Coupled Cavity-less Magneto-electric Dipole Antenna. In: 2024 IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT). (pp. pp. 166-168). IEEE: Sendai, Japan. Green open access

AlMutairi, AbdulAziz; Xhameni, Aferdita; Guo, Xuyun; Chircă, Irina; Nicolosi, Valeria; Hofmann, Stephan; Lombardo, Antonio; (2024) Controlled Fabrication of Native Ultra-Thin Amorphous Gallium Oxide From 2D Gallium Sulfide for Emerging Electronic Applications. Advanced Materials Interfaces , Article 2400481. 10.1002/admi.202400481. (In press). Green open access

Alsawadi, Motasem; (2024) Advancing Action Recognition through Artificial Intelligence: A Comprehensive Approach for Home Safety Monitoring using Skeleton Data and Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Alshehry, A; Darwazeh, I; (2024) Harmonic Suppression for Electro-Optic Communication Systems. In: 2024 IEEE 30th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT). IEEE: Amman, Jordan. Green open access

Aminian, Gholamali; Masiha, Saeed; Toni, Laura; Rodrigues, Miguel RD; (2024) Learning Algorithm Generalization Error Bounds via Auxiliary Distributions. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory 10.1109/jsait.2024.3391900. (In press). Green open access

Anselmi, Gianluca; Vekaria, Yash; D'Souza, Alexander; Callejo, Patricia; Mandalari, Anna Maria; Shafiq, Zubair; (2024) Watching TV with the Second-Party: A First Look at Automatic Content Recognition Tracking in Smart TVs. In: IMC '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM on Internet Measurement Conference. (pp. pp. 622-634). ACM Green open access


Babu, N; Masouros, C; Papadias, CB; Eldar, YC; (2024) Precoding for Multi-Cell ISAC: from Coordinated Beamforming to Coordinated Multipoint and Bi-Static Sensing. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 10.1109/TWC.2024.3417713. (In press). Green open access

Babu, Nithin; Kosasih, Alva; Masouros, Christos; Björnson, Emil; (2024) Symbol-Level Precoding for Near-Field ISAC. IEEE Communications Letters , 28 (9) 2041 -2045. 10.1109/lcomm.2024.3438882. Green open access

Babu, Nithin; Masouros, Christos; (2024) Symbol-Level Precoding for Multi-Cell ISAC. In: 2024 IEEE 4th International Symposium on Joint Communications & Sensing (JC&S). (pp. pp. 1-5). IEEE: Leuven, Belgium. Green open access

Babu, Nithin; Masouros, Christos; Papadias, Constantinos B; Eldar, Yonina C; (2024) Precoding for Multi-Cell ISAC: from Coordinated Beamforming to Coordinated Multipoint and Bi-Static Sensing. arXiv.org: Ithaca (NY), USA. Green open access

Bankes, William; Hughes, George; Bogunovic, Ilija; Wang, Zi; (2024) REDUCR: Robust Data Downsampling Using Class Priority Reweighting. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Learning Representations. (pp. pp. 1-23). ICLR (International Conference on Learning Representations) (In press). Green open access

Bannon, A; Woollard, M; Ritchie, M; Constandinou, T; (2024) Magic Mirrors: Active Frequency-Selective Surface Beacons for Synchronization, Communication, and Identification in Biomedical Radar. In: 2024 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf24). IEEE: Denver, CO, USA. Green open access

Barbosa, F; Ferreira, F; Brisson, A; Biswas, A; Dadras, M; Fink, E; Roudas, I; (2024) Modal Dispersion Performance of Mode Vector Modulation. In: International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. (pp. pp. 1-5). IEEE: Bari, Italy. Green open access

Barbosa, FA; Rodigheri, M; Lennard, S; Li, MJ; Ferreira, FM; (2024) Single-Mode Coherent Transmission over Universal Fiber for Data Center Interconnects. In: Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2024. (pp. pp. 1-3). Optica Publishing Group

Beasley, Piers J.; (2024) Multistatic RF Sensing with Active and Passive Nodes. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Beghelli, Alejandra; Doherty, Michael; (2024) XLRON: Accelerated Reinforcement Learning Environments for Optical Networks. In: Technical Digest Series. Optica Publishing Group: San Diego, California, US.

Bernhard, Jonte; van den Bogaard, Maartje; Broadbent, Rebecca; Chance, Shannon; Daniel, Scott; Direito, Inês; Du, Xiangyun; ... Wint, Natalie; + view all (2024) Engineering Education Research: Writing For Publication. In: Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Conference of SEFI. Zenodo: Lausanne, Switzerland. Green open access

Bernini, Alexis Winston; (2024) Analogue Homodyne Coherent Optical Receiver for Ground to Satellite Communications. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bessin, F; Gordienko, V; Ferreira, FM; Doran, NJ; (2024) Demonstration of a stable, high-performance Mach-Zehnder Polarization-Insensitive Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifier. In: Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2024. (pp. pp. 1-3). Optica Publishing Group

Børsen,, T; Cordeiro, CC; Giménez, E; Johnson, AW; Josa, I; Lord, S; Lunn, S; ... Rodrigues, RD; + view all (2024) Teaching Engineering Ethics In The Disciplines: Strategies To Integrate Ethics Into The Classroom. In: Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Conference of SEFI. Zenodo: Lausanne, Switzerland. Green open access

Brescia, Walter; Gomes, Pedro; Toni, Laura; Mascolo, Saverio; De Cicco, Luca; (2024) MilliNoise: a Millimeter-wave Radar Sparse Point Cloud Dataset in Indoor Scenarios. In: MMSys '24: Proceedings of the 15th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference. (pp. pp. 422-428). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): Bari, Italy. Green open access

Bryson, JB; Kourgiantaki, A; Jiang, D; Demosthenous, A; Greensmith, L; (2024) An optogenetic cell therapy to restore control of target muscles in an aggressive mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. eLife , 12 , Article RP88250. 10.7554/eLife.88250. Green open access

Buglia, H; Sillekens, E; Galdino, L; Killey, R; Bayvel, P; (2024) Throughput Maximisation in Ultra-wideband Hybrid-amplified Links. In: Proceedings of the 2024 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC). IEEE: San Diego, CA, USA. Green open access

Buglia, Henrique; Killey, Robert I; Bayvel, Polina; (2024) Ultra-wideband Modelling of Optical Fibre Nonlinearity in Hybrid-amplified Links. Journal of Lightwave Technology 10.1109/jlt.2024.3439999. (In press). Green open access

Buglia, Henrique; Sillekens, Eric; Galdino, Lidia; Killey, Robert; Bayvel, Polina; (2024) Impact of launch power optimisation in hybrid-amplified links. In: Proceedings of the 50th European Conference on Optical Communication. (pp. pp. 966-969). VDE VERLAG GmbH Green open access

Bustamante, José; Miyahara, Yoichi; Fairgrieve-Park, Logan; Spruce, Kieran; See, Patrick; Curson, Neil; Stock, Taylor JZ; (2024) Needle in a haystack: Efficiently finding atomically defined quantum dots for electrostatic force microscopy. Review of Scientific Instruments , 95 (8) , Article 083709. 10.1063/5.0208571.


Cabrera-Tinoco, H; Borja-Castro, L; Valencia-Bedregal, R; Perez-Carreño, A; Aguiar, J Albino; Moreno, NO; Holmes, SN; ... De Los Santos Valladares, L; + view all (2024) Comparison of structural, electronic and magnetic properties in nickel-doped graphene containing different pyridinic-N coordination. Materials Today Communications , Article 110104. 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2024.110104. (In press). Green open access

Cai, Y; Sohanpal, R; Luo, Y; Heidt, AM; Liu, Z; (2024) On the Noise Scaling of Parametric Frequency Combs. In: IET Conference Proceedings. (pp. pp. 648-651). Institution of Engineering and Technology Green open access

Cai, Yijia; Liu, Zhixin; (2024) Spacing Tunable Frequency Comb with a Maintained Spectral Shape. In: CLEO 2024. (pp. SF3O.1-SF3O.1). Optica Publishing Group

Cao, Victoria; (2024) Advanced O-Band III-V Quantum-Dot Based Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Cao, Victoria; Pan, Shujie; Wu, Dingyi; Zhang, Hongguang; Tang, Mingchu; Seeds, Alwyn; Liu, Huiyun; ... Chen, Siming; + view all (2024) A novel bidirectionally operated chirped quantum-dot based semiconductor optical amplifier using a dual ground state spectrum. APL Photonics , 9 (4) , Article 046110. 10.1063/5.0194677. Green open access

Carniello, P; Lasagni, C; Ferreira, FM; Hanik, N; (2024) Is the Weak Coupling Nonlinear SDM Channel Worse Than the Strong Coupling One? In: International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. (pp. pp. 1-4). IEEE: Bari, Italy. Green open access

Carniello, Paolo; Marques Ferreira, Filipe M; Hanik, Norbert; (2024) Scaling of the Nonlinear Coupling Coefficient in Multimode Fibers. In: Proceedings of the 49th European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2023). (pp. pp. 1394-1397). IET: Hybrid Conference, Glasgow, UK. Green open access

Casagrande, V; Ferianc, M; Rodrigues, M; Boem, F; (2024) Learning-based MPC with uncertainty estimation for resilient microgrid energy management. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine. (pp. pp. 556-561). Elsevier BV Green open access

Casagrande, Vittorio; (2024) Learning-based and distributed model predictive control architectures for resilient microgrid energy management. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Casagrande, Vittorio; Ferianc, Martin; Rodrigues, Miguel RD; Boem, Francesca; (2024) Online End-to-End Learning-Based Predictive Control for Microgrid Energy Management. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology pp. 1-16. 10.1109/TCST.2024.3494733. (In press). Green open access

Champagnie, Kale; Chen, Boli; Arvin, Farshad; Hu, Junyan; (2024) Online Multi-Robot Coverage Path Planning in Dynamic Environments Through Pheromone-Based Reinforcement Learning. In: Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). (pp. pp. 1000-1005). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): Bari, Italy. Green open access

Chance, S; Seniuk Cicek, J; Bielefeld, AR; Hladik, S; Martin, D; Riley, DM; (2024) Navigating Global Engineering Education Accreditation: Assessing Ethical Integration and Charting Pathways for Progress. In: Larrondo Petrie, Maria M and Texier, Jose and Rivas Matta, Rodolfo Andrés, (eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd LACCEI international Multi-conference for Engineering, Education and Technology. Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions: San Jose, Costa Rica. Green open access

Chance, Shannon; Johri, Adiya; Børsen, Tom; Martin, Diana; Edström, Kristina; Mitchell, John; Male, Sally; (2024) Leading the Development of EER Books and Special Issues. In: Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Conference of SEFI. Zenodo: Lausanne, Switzerland. Green open access

Chen, Guangji; Li, Jun; Wu, Qingqing; Hua, Meng; Meng, Kaitao; Lyu, Zhonghao; (2024) Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided AirComp: Multi-Timescale Design and Performance Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology pp. 1-6. 10.1109/TVT.2024.3510040. (In press). Green open access

Chen, Jianrui; Wang, Jingjing; Wei, Zhongxiang; Ren, Yong; Masouros, Christos; Han, Zhu; (2024) Joint Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Trajectory and Energy Optimization for Underwater Covert Communications. IEEE Transactions on Communications , 72 (11) 7327 - 7341. 10.1109/TCOMM.2024.3412782. Green open access

Chen, Mingyang; Jiang, Jingjing; Chen, Boli; (2024) A Game-based Optimal and Safe Lane Change Control of Autonomous Vehicles in Mixed Traffic Scenario. In: 2024 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). (pp. pp. 52-57). IEEE: Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. Green open access

Chen, Mingyang; Li, Bingbing; Bian, Yougang; Weichao, Zhuang; Evangelou, Simos; Pan, Xiao; Chen, Boli; (2024) Intersection Signal-Vehicle Coupled Coordination with Mixed Autonomy Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 10.1109/TTE.2024.3394595. (In press). Green open access

Chen, T; Cui, L; He, W; Zhao, Z; Liu, H; Qian, L; Yu, B; (2024) Fabrication of Conical Microstructure Array for Stable Droplet Generation Over Wide Flow Rate Range. Small , Article 2404819. 10.1002/smll.202404819. (In press).

Chen, Y; Chen, M; Xu, H; Yang, Z; Wong, KK; Zhang, Z; (2024) Joint Beamforming and Antenna Design for Near-Field Fluid Antenna System. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 10.1109/LWC.2024.3506124. (In press). Green open access

Chen, Y; Xu, H; Xu, T; (2024) Enhancing Communication Resilience through Fluid Antenna Index Modulation. In: 2024 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, ICCC 2024. (pp. pp. 1304-1309). IEEE: Hangzhou, China. Green open access

Chen, Yue; Zhang, Weijian; Lu, Yuezhen; Chen, Minzhen; Chen, Jing; Lu, Hongyi; Niu, Yubiao; ... Huang, Zhigao; + view all (2024) Inhibiting the current spikes within the channel layer of LiCoO2-based three-terminal synaptic transistors. Applied Physics Reviews , 11 (4) , Article 041407. 10.1063/5.0200811.

Chen, Zhen; Zhang, Xiu Yin; So, Daniel KC; Wong, Kai-Kit; Chae, Chan-Byoung; Wang, Jiangzhou; (2024) Federated Learning Driven Sparse Code Multiple Access in V2X Communications. IEEE Network p. 1. 10.1109/MNET.2024.3375935. (In press). Green open access

Chian, DM; Wen, CK; Wu, CH; Wang, FK; Wong, KK; (2024) A Novel Channel Model for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces with Consideration of Polarization and Switch Impairments. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 10.1109/TAP.2024.3372131. (In press). Green open access

Chu, Zhiyuan; New, Wee Kiat; Tong, Kin-Fai; Wong, Kai-Kit; Liu, Haizhe; Chae, Chan-Byoung; Zhang, Yangyang; (2024) On Propagation Loss for Reconfigurable Surface Wave Communications. IEEE Transactions on Communications p. 1. 10.1109/tcomm.2024.3454017. (In press). Green open access

Chu, Zhiyuan; Tong, Kin-Fai; Wong, Kai-Kit; Chae, Chan-Byoung; Chan, Chi Hou; (2024) On Propagation Characteristics of Reconfigurable Surface Wave Platform: Simulation and Experimental Verification. IEEE Access , 12 168744 -168754. 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3491492. Green open access

Chu, Zhiyuan; Tong, Kin-Fai; Wong, Kai-Kit; Chae, Chan-Byoung; Zhang, Yangyang; (2024) Partitioning surface wave propagation on reconfigurable porous plane. Scientific Reports , 14 , Article 207. 10.1038/s41598-023-50560-z. Green open access

Clark, Kari A; Zhou, Zichuan; Liu, Zhixin; (2024) Clock synchronizing radio access networks to picosecond precision using optical clock distribution and clock phase caching. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking , 16 (1) A89-A89. 10.1364/jocn.500459. Green open access

Clayman, Stuart; Sayit, Müge; Griffin, David; Rio, Miguel; (2024) Using Edge-Based Packet Trimming for Effective Bandwidth Utilization in 6G. In: Proceedings of the 2024 3rd International Conference on 6G Networking (6GNet). (pp. pp. 54-62). IEEE: Paris, France. Green open access

Clayman, Stuart; Sayıt, Müge; Griffin, David; Rio, Miguel; (2024) Enhancing Bandwidth Utilization for Video Streaming with Packet Trimming in 6G. In: Proceedings of the 2024 20th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). IEEE: Prague, Czech Republic. Green open access

Comis, F; Lo, MC; Shevchenko, M; Ruocco, A; (2024) Analysis of the Penetration Depth of Integrated Bragg Reflectors for Precise Microcavity Design. In: Proceedings: CLEO 2024. Optica Publishing Group: Charlotte, NC, USA.

Comis, F; Shevchenko, M; Lo, MC; Ruocco, A; (2024) Experimental analysis and modeling of the penetration depth of uniform and apodized integrated Bragg reflectors. Optics Express , 32 (26) pp. 47447-47457. 10.1364/OE.534778. Green open access

Cong, L; Li, D; Meng, K; Zhu, S; (2024) Road-Aware Localization With Salient Feature Matching in Heterogeneous Networks. In: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC. IEEE: Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Green open access

Correa, SL; Contreras, LM; Dias, EV; Furtado, LR; Cunha, KMR; Xavier, RF; Freitas, LA; ... Cardoso, KV; + view all (2024) Supporting MANOaaS and Heterogenous MANOaaS Deployment Within the Zero-Touch Network and Service Management Framework. IEEE Communications Standards Magazine , 8 (2) pp. 4-11. 10.1109/MCOMSTD.0001.2100088. Green open access

Cui, Fan; (2024) Engineered III-V Semiconductor Nanostructured Materials for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Cui, Y; Wei, Z; Masouros, C; Zhu, X; Tang, H; (2024) On the Closed-Form Detection Error Rate Analysis in Physical Layer Anonymous Communications. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology pp. 1-6. 10.1109/TVT.2024.3375919. (In press). Green open access

Cui, Yifan; Wei, Zhongxiang; Masouros, Christos; Zhu, Xu; Tang, Hong; (2024) On the Closed-Form Detection Error Rate Analysis in Physical Layer Anonymous Communications. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology , 73 , Article 8. 10.1109/TVT.2024.3375919. Green open access


Dang, Manyu; (2024) Optimisation of III-V Buffer on Si Substrates. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Degl’Innocenti, R; Lu, Y; Hale, LL; Zaman, AM; Addamane, SJ; Brener, I; Mitrofanov, O; (2024) THz Near-field spectroscopy of metamaterial resonators. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 2725. (pp. 012002). IOP Publishing: Paris, France. Green open access

Deng, Huiwen; (2024) Doping Strategies of InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Lasers. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Dhulashia, D; Ritchie, MA; (2024) Multistatic radar distribution geometry effects on parameter estimation accuracy. IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation 10.1049/rsn2.12529. (In press). Green open access

Dhulashia, Dilan; (2024) RF sensor fusion in congested and contested electromagnetic environments. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Dong, Jason T; Gul, Yilmaz; Engel, Aaron N; van Schijndel, Teun AJ; Dempsey, Connor P; Pepper, Michael; Palmstrøm, Christopher J; (2024) Enhanced mobility of ternary InGaAs quantum wells through digital alloying. Physical Review Materials , 8 (6) , Article 064601. 10.1103/physrevmaterials.8.064601. Green open access

Doosti-Aref, Abed; Masouros, Christos; Basar, Ertugrul; Arslan, Huseyin; (2024) Pairwise Sequency Index Modulation With OTSM for Green and Robust Single-Carrier Communications. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters , 13 (4) pp. 1083-1087. 10.1109/lwc.2024.3360256. Green open access

Doosti-Aref, Abed; Masouros, Christos; Zhu, Xu; Basar, Ertugrul; Coleri, Sinem; Arslan, Huseyin; (2024) Performance Analysis of OTSM under Hardware Impairments and Imperfect CSI. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology , 73 (9) 10.1109/tvt.2024.3386817. Green open access


Edström, Kristina; Knight, David; Main, Joyce; Thomson, Gareth; Bernhard, Jonte; van den Bogaard, Maartje; Chance, Shannon; ... Mitchell, John; + view all (2024) Engineering Education Research: Reviewing Journal Manuscripts Fairly, Constructively, And Effectively. In: Book of Proceedings for the 52nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education. Zenodo: Lausanne, Switzerland. Green open access

Elson, DJ; Jarmolovicius, M; Mikhailov, V; Luo, J; Inniss, D; Beppu, S; Baxter, G; ... Wakayama, Y; + view all (2024) Continuous 16.4-THz Bandwidth Coherent DWDM Transmission in O-band using a Single Fibre Amplifier System. Journal of Lightwave Technology 10.1109/JLT.2024.3503764. (In press). Green open access

Elson, DJ; Jarmolovičius, M; Yoshikane, N; Tsuritani, T; Sillekens, E; Bayvel, P; Killey, R; (2024) Span Order Dependency for Nonlinear Interference Noise over In-homogeneous Multispan O-band Coherent Transmission. In: 2024 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, OFC 2024 - Proceedings. IEEE: San Diego, CA, USA. Green open access

Elson, DJ; Mikhailov, V; Luo, J; Beppu, S; Baxter, G; Stolte, R; Stewart, L; ... Wakayama, Y; + view all (2024) Continuous 16.4-THz Bandwidth Coherent DWDM Transmission in O-band using a Single Fibre Amplifier System. In: 2024 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, OFC 2024 - Proceedings. IEEE: San Diego, CA, USA. Green open access

Eskandari, M; Burr, AG; Cumanan, K; Wong, KK; (2024) CGAN-Based Slow Fluid Antenna Multiple Access. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 10.1109/LWC.2024.3452941. Green open access


Faramarzi, S; Javadi, S; Zeinali, F; Zarini, H; Mili, MR; Bennis, M; Li, Y; (2024) Meta Reinforcement Learning for Resource Allocation in Aerial Active-RIS-Assisted Networks With Rate-Splitting Multiple Access. IEEE Internet of Things Journal p. 1. 10.1109/JIOT.2024.3397007. (In press). Green open access

Feinstein, Natasha; Fry-Bouriaux, Louis; Bose, Sougato; Warburton, PA; (2024) Effects of ⁢⁢Effects of XX catalysts on quantum annealing spectra with perturbative crossings. Physical Review A , 110 (4) , Article 042609. 10.1103/physreva.110.042609. Green open access

Feng, Chen; Tzimiropoulos, Georgios; Patras, Ioannis; (2024) CLIPCleaner: Cleaning Noisy Labels with CLIP. In: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia. (pp. pp. 876-885). ACM Green open access

Feng, Chen; Tzimiropoulos, Georgios; Patras, Ioannis; (2024) NoiseBox: Towards More Efficient and Effective Learning with Noisy Labels. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 10.1109/tcsvt.2024.3426994. (In press). Green open access

Ferianc, Martin; (2024) Making Neural Networks Confidence-Calibrated and Practical. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ferreira, FM; Barbosa, FA; Yadav, R; Htay, Z; Lennard, S; Kostial, J; Rodrigueri, M; (2024) On the Limits of Multimode SDM Transmission Capacity. In: 2024 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series (SUM). IEEE: Bridgetown, Barbados. Green open access

Fu, Hailing; Gibson, George; Liu, Zhuowen; Chen, Boli; Lu, Maobin; Chen, Chen; Jiang, Dong; ... Deng, Fang; + view all (2024) Piezoelectric Wireless Power Transfer using Halbach Array for the Internet of Implanted Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal (In press). Green open access


Galis, Alex; (2024) Future Sustainable Internet Energy-Defined Networking. Future Internet , 16 (1) , Article 23. 10.3390/fi16010023. Green open access

Ghadi, Farshad Rostami; Kaveh, Masoud; Martín, Diego; (2024) Performance Analysis of RIS/STAR-IOS-aided V2V NOMA/OMA Communications over Composite Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles , 9 (1) pp. 279-286. 10.1109/tiv.2023.3337898. Green open access

Ghadi, Farshad Rostami; Kaveh, Masoud; Wong, Kai-Kit; Zhang, Yangyang; (2024) Performance Analysis of FAS-Aided Backscatter Communications. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 10.1109/LWC.2024.3416700. (In press). Green open access

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Wang, Ji Tong; Tonkaev, Pavel; Koshelev, Kirill; Lai, Fangxing; Kruk, Sergey; Song, Qinghai; Kivshar, Yuri; (2024) Resonantly enhanced second- and third-harmonic generation in dielectric nonlinear metasurfaces. Opto-Electronic Advances , 7 (5) , Article 230186. 10.29026/oea.2024.230186. Green open access

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Wang, Xiao-Yang; Yang, Shaoshi; Chen, Mingyang; Masouros, Christos; (2024) Fingerprint-Spectrum-Based Synchronization in Asynchronous Perceptive Mobile Networks. In: Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC. (pp. pp. 316-320). IEEE: Lucca, Italy. Green open access

Wang, Xiao-Yang; Yang, Shaoshi; Zhang, Jianhua; Masouros, Christos; Zhang, Ping; (2024) Clutter Suppression, Time-Frequency Synchronization, and Sensing Parameter Association in Asynchronous Perceptive Vehicular Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications , 42 (10) 2719 -2736. 10.1109/jsac.2024.3414581. Green open access

Wang, XY; Yang, S; Zhai, HY; Masouros, C; Andrew Zhang, J; (2024) Windowing Optimization for Fingerprint-Spectrum -Based Passive Sensing in Perceptive Mobile Networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications 10.1109/TCOMM.2024.3446610. (In press). Green open access

Wang, Y; Wen, Y; Li, A; Hu, X; Masouros, C; (2024) Intelligent Block-Level Interference Exploitation Beamforming Design: An ADMM Approach. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2024. (pp. pp. 1-6). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Green open access

Wang, Yiran; Hu, Xiaoyan; Li, Ang; Wong, Kai Kit; Yang, Kun; (2024) CI-Based Block-Level Precoding for ISAC System. In: 2024 16th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Proceedings. (pp. pp. 869-874). IEEE: Hefei, China. Green open access

Wang, Yiran; Hu, Xiaoyan; Li, Ang; Wong, Kai-Kit; Yang, Kun; (2024) Symbol-Scaling based Constructive Interference Waveform Design for ISAC Systems. In: 2024 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). (pp. pp. 962-967). IEEE: Hangzhou, China. Green open access

Wang, Yiran; Wen, Yunsi; Li, Ang; Hu, Xiaoyan; Masouros, Christos; (2024) Block-Level Interference Exploitation Precoding for MU-MISO: An ADMM Approach. IEEE Transactions on Communications 10.1109/tcomm.2024.3480981. (In press). Green open access

Waqar, N; Wong, KK; Chae, CB; Murch, R; Jin, S; Sharples, A; (2024) Opportunistic Fluid Antenna Multiple Access via Team-Inspired Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 10.1109/TWC.2024.3387855. (In press). Green open access

Wei, Guorui; Li, Ang; Masouros, Christos; (2024) Exploiting Power Amplifier Nonlinearities through Symbol-Level Interference Exploitation Precoding in the MU-MIMO Downlink. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 10.1109/twc.2024.3349772. (In press). Green open access

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Wei, Z; Wang, J; Masouros, C; Xu, T; Chen, J; Li, A; (2024) Sub-Block Level Interference Exploitation Precoding in Satellite Communications. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, IWCMC 2024. (pp. pp. 537-542). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Green open access

Wei, Zhongxiang; Masouros, Christos; Zhu, Xu; Wang, Ping; Petropulu, Athina P; (2024) PHY Layer Anonymous Precoding: Sender Detection Performance and Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications , 23 (5) pp. 4531-4545. 10.1109/twc.2023.3319532. Green open access

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Wen, Yunsi; Wang, Haonan; Li, Ang; Liao, Xuewen; Masouros, Christos; (2024) Low-Complexity Interference Exploitation MISO Precoding Under Per-Antenna Power Constraint. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 10.1109/twc.2024.3367410. (In press). Green open access

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Wong, KK; Wang, C; Zhang, H; Li, G; Wang, CC; Chae, CB; Murch, R; (2024) Virtual FAS by Learning-Based Imaginary Antennas. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters p. 1. 10.1109/LWC.2024.3382220. (In press). Green open access

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Wu, Jinhui; Fanghong, Guo; Fuwen, Yang; Francesca, Boem; (2024) Unscented Predictive Control for Battery Energy Storage Systems in Networked Microgrids. In: (Proceedings) 2024 UKACC 14th International Conference on Control (CONTROL 2024). (In press). Green open access

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Wu, Zheyu; Liu, Ya-Feng; Chen, Wei-Kun; Masouros, Christos; (2024) Quantized Constant-Envelope Waveform Design for Massive MIMO DFRC Systems. arXiv.org: Ithaca (NY), USA. Green open access


Xia, Rui; Song, Xiaohang; Zhang, Dawei; Zhao, Dongya; Spurgeon, Sarah K; (2024) Data-driven integral sliding mode predictive control with optimal disturbance observer. Journal of the Franklin Institute , 361 (17) , Article 107278. 10.1016/j.jfranklin.2024.107278.

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Xiao, H; Hu, X; Li, A; Wang, W; Su, Z; Wong, KK; Yang, K; (2024) STAR-RIS Enhanced Joint Physical Layer Security and Covert Communications for Multi-antenna mmWave Systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 10.1109/TWC.2024.3354452. (In press). Green open access

Xiao, H; Hu, X; Mu, P; Wang, W; Zheng, TX; Wong, KK; Yang, K; (2024) STAR-RIS Aided Covert Communications. In: Proceedings - IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM. (pp. pp. 4229-4234). IEEE: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Green open access

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Xiao, H; Zhang, S; Zhao, D; Yan, X; Spurgeon, SK; (2024) Output feedback integral sliding mode predictive control for linear discrete time systems. European Journal of Control , 80 , Article 101131. 10.1016/j.ejcon.2024.101131.

Xiao, Han; Hu, Xiaoyan; Wang, Wenjie; Wong, Kai-Kit; Yang, Kun; (2024) Frequency Diverse RIS (FD-RIS) Enhanced Wireless Communications via Joint Distance-Angle Beamforming. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 10.1109/LWC.2024.3471664. (In press). Green open access

Xin, Zhang; Ghoreishizadeh, Sara; (2024) Detecting Deterioration in Electrochemical Sensing Au Electrodes with Admittance Measurement. In: Proceedings of the 2024 BioSensors Conference (BioSensors). IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers): Cambridge, UK. (In press). Green open access

Xu, B; Chen, Y; Cui, Q; Tao, X; Wong, KK; (2024) Sparse Bayesian Learning-Based Channel Estimation for Fluid Antenna Systems. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 10.1109/LWC.2024.3500218. (In press). Green open access

Xu, B; Jin, C; Park, JS; Liu, H; Lin, X; Cui, J; Chen, D; (2024) Emerging near-infrared luminescent materials for next-generation broadband optical communications. InfoMat , Article e12550. 10.1002/inf2.12550. (In press). Green open access

Xu, H; Wong, KK; Xu, Y; Caire, G; (2024) Coding-Enhanced Cooperative Jamming for Secret Communication: The MIMO Case. IEEE Transactions on Communications 10.1109/TCOMM.2024.3355308. (In press). Green open access

Xu, Hao; Wong, Kai-Kit; Caire, Giuseppe; (2024) A New Achievable Region of the K-User MAC Wiretap Channel with Confidential and Open Messages Under Strong Secrecy. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 10.1109/TIT.2024.3471662. (In press). Green open access

Xu, Hao; Wong, Kai-Kit; New, Wee Kiat; Ghadi, Farshad Rostami; Zhou, Gui; Murch, Ross; Chae, Chan-Byoung; ... Jin, Shi; + view all (2024) Capacity Maximization for FAS-assisted Multiple Access Channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications p. 1. 10.1109/tcomm.2024.3516499. (In press). Green open access

Xu, Hao; Wong, Kai-Kit; New, Wee Kiat; Li, Guyue; Ghadi, Farshad Rostami; Zhu, Yongxu; Jin, Shi; ... Zhang, Yangyang; + view all (2024) Coding-Enhanced Cooperative Jamming for Secret Communication in Fluid Antenna Systems. IEEE Communications Letters 10.1109/lcomm.2024.3418338. (In press). Green open access

Xu, Hao; Wong, Kai-Kit; New, Wee Kiat; Tong, Kin-Fai; Zhang, Yangyang; Chae, Chan-Byoung; (2024) Revisiting Outage Probability Analysis for Two-User Fluid Antenna Multiple Access System. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 10.1109/twc.2024.3363499. Green open access

Xu, Liang; Li, Deshi; Meng, Kaitao; Liu, Mingliu; Zhu, Shuya; (2024) Duration-adaptive Video Highlight Pre-caching for Vehicular Communication Network. In: Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP). (pp. pp. 833-838). IEEE: Hangzhou, China. Green open access

Xu, Peng; Chen, Gaojie; Quan, Jianping; Huang, Chong; Krikidis, Ioannis; Wong, Kai-Kit; Chae, Chan-Byoung; (2024) Deep Learning Driven Buffer-Aided Cooperative Networks for B5G/6G: Challenges, Solutions, and Future Opportunities. IEEE Wireless Communications 10.1109/MWC.013.2300261. (In press). Green open access

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Yang, H; Lin, X; Wong, KK; Zhao, Y; (2024) Fast Fluid Antenna Multiple Access With Path Loss Consideration and Different Antenna Architecture. In: 2023 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). (pp. pp. 2386-2393). IEEE: Exeter, United Kingdom. Green open access

Yang, Halvin; Xu, Hao; Wong, Kai-Kit; Chae, Chan-Byoung; Murch, Ross; Jin, Shi; Zhang, Yangyang; (2024) Position Index Modulation for Fluid Antenna System. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications p. 1. 10.1109/TWC.2024.3446658. (In press). Green open access

Yang, Jiaqian; (2024) Ultra-wide Band Transmission and Signal Processing in Optical Communication Networks. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

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Yang, Junwen; Li, Ang; Liao, Xuewen; Masouros, Christos; (2024) ADMM-SLPNet: A Model-Driven Deep Learning Framework for Symbol-Level Precoding. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology , 73 (1) 1376 -1381. 10.1109/tvt.2023.3301241. Green open access

Yang, Junwen; Li, Ang; Liao, Xuewen; Masouros, Christos; (2024) Low Complexity SLP: An Inversion-Free, Parallelizable ADMM Approach. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications , 23 (9) 12424 -12439. 10.1109/twc.2024.3392443. Green open access

Yang, Junwen; Li, Ang; Liao, Xuewen; Masouros, Christos; Swindlehurst, A Lee; (2024) Block-Level MU-MISO Interference Exploitation Precoding: Optimal Structure and Explicit Duality. IEEE Internet of Things Journal , 11 (21) pp. 35519-35535. 10.1109/JIOT.2024.3438569. Green open access

Yang, Lilin; Li, Guyue; Guo, Tao; Xu, Hao; Hu, Aiqun; (2024) Physical-Layer Secret Key Generation for Dual-Task Scenarios. China Communications , 21 (7) pp. 252-266. 10.23919/JCC.ja.2023-0091. Green open access

Yang, Rui; Vercesi, Valeria; Seeds, Alwyn; Liu, Chin; (2024) Photonic sampling of microwave signals with adjustable sampling frequencies using an optical frequency comb. Optics Express , 32 (17) pp. 30898-30908. 10.1364/OE.532840. Green open access

Yao, J; Jin, M; Wu, T; Elkashlan, M; Yuen, C; Wong, KK; Karagiannidis, GK; (2024) FAS-Driven Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10.1109/JIOT.2024.3518623. (In press). Green open access

Yao, J; Jin, M; Wu, T; Li, Q; Wong, KK; (2024) Joint Optimization for Over-the-Air Computation in AF Relay-Assisted Cognitive Radio Networks. Proceedings of the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology pp. 1-6. 10.1109/TVT.2024.3409366. (In press). Green open access

Yao, J; Wu, T; Lai, X; Jin, M; Pan, C; Elkashlan, M; Wong, KK; (2024) Proactive Monitoring via Jamming in Fluid Antenna Systems. IEEE Communications Letters 10.1109/LCOMM.2024.3398005. (In press). Green open access

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Yu, Sheng; Haspolat, Cuneyt; Yalcin, Yaprak; Msaddi, Saleh; Chen, Boli; Evangelou, Simos A; Jaimoukha, Imad M; (2024) Motor-Temperature-Aware Optimal Energy Management for Dual-Motor Electric Buses. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC) 2024. (pp. pp. 1-6). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Green open access

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Zhang, H; Wang, J; Wang, C; Wang, CC; Wong, KK; Wang, B; Chae, CB; (2024) Learning-Induced Channel Extrapolation for Fluid Antenna Systems Using Asymmetric Graph Masked Autoencoder. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 10.1109/LWC.2024.3386153. (In press). Green open access

Zhang, Hao; Chen, Boli; Lei, Nuo; Li, Bingbing; Chen, Chaoyi; Wang, Zhi; (2024) Coupled velocity and energy management optimization of connected hybrid electric vehicles for maximum collective efficiency. Applied Energy , 360 , Article 122792. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2024.122792. Green open access

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Zhang, J; Tang, J; Feng, W; Zhang, XY; So, DKC; Wong, KK; Chambers, J; (2024) Throughput Maximization for RIS-assisted UAV-enabled WPCN. IEEE Access , 12 pp. 13418-13430. 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3352085. Green open access

Zhang, Jianjun; Huang, Yongming; Masouros, Christos; You, Xiaohu; (2024) Data-Induced Intelligent Kalman Filtering for Beam Prediction and Tracking of Millimeter Wave Communications. In: GLOBECOM 2023 - 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference. (pp. pp. 4817-4822). IEEE: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Green open access

Zhang, Jianjun; Huang, Yongming; Masouros, Christos; You, Xiaohu; Ottersten, Bjorn; (2024) Hybrid Data-Induced Kalman Filtering Approach and Application in Beam Prediction and Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , 72 pp. 1412-1426. 10.1109/TSP.2024.3374548. Green open access

Zhang, Jianjun; Liu, Fan; Masouros, Christos; Huang, Yongming; (2024) Exploiting Interference in Joint Radar-Communication Transmission. In: GLOBECOM 2023 - 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference. (pp. pp. 1326-1331). IEEE: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Green open access

Zhang, Jichen; Rao, Junhui; Li, Zan; Ming, Zhaoyang; Chiu, Chi-Yuk; Wong, Kai-Kit; Tong, Kin-Fai; (2024) A Novel Pixel-Based Reconfigurable Antenna Applied in Fluid Antenna Systems With High Switching Speed. IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation 10.1109/ojap.2024.3489215. (In press). Green open access

Zhang, Juping; Zheng, Gan; Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Wong, Kai-Kit; Burton, Fraser; (2024) Hybrid Quantum-Classical Neural Networks for Downlink Beamforming Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications p. 1. 10.1109/TWC.2024.3442091. (In press). Green open access

Zhang, K; Liu, C; Peng, Z; Li, C; Tian, J; Li, C; Cerrillo, JG; ... Brabec, CJ; + view all (2024) Binary cations minimize energy loss in the wide-band-gap perovskite toward efficient all-perovskite tandem solar cells. Joule , 8 (10) pp. 2863-2882. 10.1016/j.joule.2024.07.003.

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Zhang, Songling; Chen, Mingzhe; Zhang, Wenjing; Yang, Zhaohui; Liu, Danpu; Zhang, Zhilong; Wong, Kai-Kit; (2024) Performance Optimization for Multicast Mm Wave MIMO Networks with Mobile Users. In: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), Proceedings. (pp. pp. 846-851). IEEE Green open access

Zhang, Y; Jiang, D; Demosthenous, A; (2024) A Differential SPDT T/R Switch for PMUT Biomedical Ultrasound Systems. In: Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). IEEE: Singapore. Green open access

Zhang, Y; Sgambato, BG; Rahal, M; Tanga, MX; Farina, D; Jiang, D; Demosthenous, A; (2024) A Four-Channel Analog Front-End ASIC for Wearable A-Mode Ultrasound Hand Kinematic Tracking Applications. In: BioCAS 2023 - 2023 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, Conference Proceedings. IEEE (In press). Green open access

Zhang, Y; Sgambato, BG; Zhang, J; Jakob, A; Fournelle, M; Rahal, M; Tang, MX; ... Demosthenous, A; + view all (2024) Live Demonstration: A Wearable Eight-Channel A-Mode Ultrasound System for Hand Gesture Recognition and Interactive Gaming. In: Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). IEEE: Singapore. Green open access

Zhang, Y; Xu, T; Masouros, C; Darwazeh, I; (2024) A Non-Orthogonal Waveform Enabled Spectrally Efficient Over-the-Air ISAC Transmission. In: 2024 IEEE 25th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC). (pp. pp. 586-590). IEEE: Lucca, Italy. Green open access

Zhang, Yaohua; Jiang, Dai; Demosthenous, Andreas; (2024) A High-Voltage Differential SPDT T/R Switch for Ultrasound Systems. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 10.1109/tcsi.2024.3426558. (In press). Green open access

Zhang, Ye; Li, Fei; Gao, Shouli; Zhao, Dongya; Yan, Xing-Gang; Spurgeon, Sarah K; (2024) Output consensus for interconnected heterogeneous systems via a combined model predictive control and integral sliding mode control with application to CSTRs. Control Engineering Practice , 153 , Article 106100. 10.1016/j.conengprac.2024.106100. (In press).

Zhang, Zhaoyang; Debbah, Mérouane; Eldar, Yonina C; Hoang, Dinh Thai; Tong, Wen; Wong, Kai-Kit; (2024) Guest Editorial: Sustainable Big AI Model for Wireless Networks. IEEE Wireless Communications , 31 (3) pp. 18-19. 10.1109/MWC.2024.10558824. Green open access

Zhao, Dongya; Gao, Shouli; Li, Fei; Yan, Xinggang; Spurgeon, Sarah K; (2024) Model-free adaptive tensor product control for a class of nonlinear systems. Control Engineering Practice , 147 , Article 105912. 10.1016/j.conengprac.2024.105912. Green open access

Zhao, R; Hu, X; Liu, C; Xiao, H; Zheng, TX; Wong, KK; Lu, G; (2024) Joint Beamforming and Mode Selection Design for Hybrid RIS Assisted Integrated Sensing and Communications. In: Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). IEEE: Dubai, UAE. Green open access

Zhao, Rui; Hu, Xiaoyan; Liu, Chaowen; Wang, Wenjie; Liu, Boyang; Wong, Kai-Kit; (2024) Joint Transmit and Receive Beamforming Design for Secure Communications in ISAC Systems with Eavesdropper and Jammer. In: 2024 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). (pp. pp. 885-890). IEEE: Hangzhou, China. Green open access

Zhao, Ruixuan; Yang, Guitao; Li, Peng; Parisini, Thomas; Chen, Boli; (2024) State Estimation Using a Network of Observers for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Communication Delay. In: Proceedings of the 22nd European Control Conference (ECC). IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers): Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

Zheng, B; Ma, T; Tang, J; You, C; Lin, S; Wong, KK; (2024) Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Aided Multiuser Communication: Co-design of Transmit Diversity and Active/Passive Precoding. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 10.1109/TWC.2024.3400882. (In press). Green open access

Zheng, Beixiong; Ma, Tiantian; Tang, Jie; You, Changsheng; Lin, Shaoe; Wong, Kai-Kit; (2024) Joint Transmit Diversity and Active/Passive Precoding Design for IRS-Aided Multiuser Communication. In: ICC 2024 - IEEE International Conference on Communications. (pp. pp. 3719-3724). IEEE: Denver, CO, USA. Green open access

Zheng, Jianchao; Wu, Tuo; Lai, Xiazhi; Pan, Cunhua; Elkashlan, Maged; Wong, Kai-Kit; (2024) FAS-assisted NOMA Short-Packet Communication Systems. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology pp. 1-6. 10.1109/TVT.2024.3363115. (In press). Green open access

Zheng, Y; Tang, J; Zheng, B; Wong, KK; (2024) In-Depth Analysis of HARQ Performance in Active RIS-Assisted RSMA Systems. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 10.1109/LWC.2024.3445503. Green open access

ZHI, Zhuo; Elbadawi, Moe; Daneshmend, Adam; Orlu, Mine; Basit, Abdul; Demosthenous, Andreas; Rodrigues, Miguel; (2024) HgbNet: predicting hemoglobin level/anemia degree from irregular EHR. IEEE Access p. 1. 10.1109/access.2024.3473693. (In press). Green open access

Zhi, Zhuo; liu, ziquan; Elbadawi, moe; Daneshmend, adam; Orlu, mine; Basit, Abdul; Demosthenous, andreas; (2024) Borrowing Treasures from Neighbors: In-Context Learning for Multimodal Learning with Missing Modalities and Data Scarcity. In: Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning. (pp. pp. 1-15). PMLR: Vienna, Austria. Green open access

Zhi, Zhuo; liu, ziquan; wu, qiangqiang; Rodrigues, Miguel; (2024) Wasserstein Modality Alignment Makes Your Multimodal Transformer More Robust. In: Proceedings of ICML 2024. (pp. pp. 1-11). Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR ): Vienna, Austria. Green open access

Zhou, F; Ding, R; Wu, Q; Ng, DWK; Wong, KK; Al-Dhahir, N; (2024) A Partially Observable Deep Multi-Agent Active Inference Framework for Resource Allocation in 6G and Beyond Wireless Communications Networks. In: Proceedings - IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM. (pp. pp. 2662-2667). IEEE: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Green open access

Zhou, L; Yao, J; Jin, M; Wu, T; Wong, KK; (2024) Fluid Antenna-Assisted ISAC Systems. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 10.1109/LWC.2024.3476148. (In press). Green open access

Zhou, X; Zhu, Y; Xia, W; Zhang, J; Wong, KK; (2024) Generalized Superimposed Pilot Enabled URLLC in the Finite Blocklength Regime. In: 2023 IEEE Globecom Workshops, GC Wkshps 2023. (pp. pp. 1499-1504). IEEE Green open access

Zhou, Xingguang; Zhu, Yongxu; Xia, Wenchao; Zhang, Jun; Wong, Kai-Kit; (2024) Optimized Payload Length and Power Allocation for Generalized Superimposed Pilot in URLLC Transmissions. IEEE Transactions on Communications 10.1109/TCOMM.2024.3392806. (In press). Green open access

Zhou, Zichuan; (2024) Clock synchronised optical transceivers for short and medium reach optical communication. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Zhou, Zichuan; Kassem, Amany; Seddon, James; Sillekens, Eric; Darwazeh, Izzat; Bayvel, Polina; Liu, Zhixin; (2024) 938 Gb/s, 5-150 GHz Ultra-Wideband Transmission Over the Air Using Combined Electronic and Photonic-Assisted Signal Generation. Journal of Lightwave Technology 10.1109/jlt.2024.3446827. (In press). Green open access

Zhou, Zichuan; Kassem, Amany; Seddon, James; Sillekens, Eric; Darwazeh, Izzat; Bayvel, Polina; Liu, Zhixin; (2024) 938Gb/s, 145-GHz-bandwidth Wireless Transmission Over the Air Using Combined Electronic and Photonic-Assisted Signal Generation. In: 2024 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium - IMS 2024. (pp. pp. 776-779). IEEE: Washington, DC, USA. Green open access

Zhou, Zichuan; Kassem, Amany; Seddon, James; Sillekens, Eric; Darwazeh, Izzat; Bayvel, Polina; Liu, Zhixin; (2024) Dual band wireless transmission over 75-150GHz millimeter wave carriers using frequency-locked laser pairs. In: 2024 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC). IEEE: San Diego, CA, USA. Green open access

Zhou, Zichuan; Nopchinda, Dhecha; Darwazeh, Izzat; Liu, Zhixin; (2024) Clock and Carrier Synchronized Multi-Band Wireless Communications Enabled by Frequency Comb Dissemination in Radio Access Networks. Journal of Lightwave Technology 10.1109/jlt.2024.3455094. (In press). Green open access

Zhu, J; Luo, Q; Chen, G; Xiao, P; Xiao, Y; Wong, KK; (2024) Fluid Antenna Empowered Index Modulation for RIS-aided mmWave Transmissions. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 10.1109/TWC.2024.3511579. (In press). Green open access

Zhu, Shuya; Meng, Kaitao; Wang, Rui; Li, Deshi; (2024) Coordinated Computing Resource Allocation With Efficiency Maximization in Heterogeneous Platoon Edge Network. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 10.1109/tits.2024.3435760. (In press). Green open access

Zohoori, Soorena; Rahal, Mohamad; Habibollahi, Maryam; Jiang, Dai; Wu, Yu; Bardill, Andy; Seifnaraghi, Nima; ... Demosthenous, Andreas; + view all (2024) Live Demonstration: Real Time Imaging With Electrical Impedance Tomography. In: 2023 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS). (pp. p. 1). IEEE: Toronto, ON, Canada. Green open access

Zou, J; Masouros, C; Liu, F; Sun, S; (2024) Securing the Sensing Functionality in ISAC Networks: An Artificial Noise Design. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology , 73 (11) 17800 -17805. 10.1109/TVT.2024.3422036. Green open access

Zou, J; Sun, S; Masouros, C; Cui, Y; (2024) Sensing-Centric Energy-Efficient Waveform Design for Integrated Sensing and Communications. In: Proceedings - IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM. (pp. pp. 3105-3110). IEEE: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Green open access

Zou, Jiaqi; Sun, Songlin; Masouros, Christos; Cui, Yuanhao; Liu, Ya-Feng; Ng, Derrick Wing Kwan; (2024) Energy-Efficient Beamforming Design for Integrated Sensing and Communications Systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications 10.1109/TCOMM.2024.3369696. (In press). Green open access

Zou, Jiaqi; Xu, Hao; Wang, Chao; Xu, Lvxin; Sun, Songlin; Meng, Kaitao; Masouros, Christos; (2024) Shifting the ISAC Trade-Off With Fluid Antenna Systems. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters , 13 (12) pp. 3479-3483. 10.1109/lwc.2024.3473991. Green open access

Zou, Lei; (2024) Coupled Optoelectronic Oscillator based on Mode-locking Laser for 5G Wireless Networks and Beyond. Masters thesis (M.Phil), UCL (University College London). Green open access

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