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Abd Razak, DS; Mills, G; Roberts, A; (2018) How do infrastructure owners build capabilities to reduce operational failure? In: Gorse, Chris and Neilson, CJ, (eds.) Proceedings of the 34th International ARCOM Conference (ARCOM 2018). (pp. pp. 756-765). ARCOM: Belfast, UK. Green open access

Abdelnour, S; Pemberton-Pigott, C; (2018) For cook and climate: Certify cookstoves in their contexts of use. Energy Research & Social Science , 44 pp. 196-198. 10.1016/j.erss.2018.05.014. Green open access

Adeoye, O; Spataru, C; (2018) Sustainable development of the West African Power Pool: Increasing solar energy integration and regional electricity trade. Energy for Sustainable Development , 45 pp. 124-134. 10.1016/j.esd.2018.05.007. Green open access

Aelbrecht, Wes; (2018) Constructing the urban imaginary: photography, decline and renaissance. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Agnolucci, PA; De Lipsis, V; Arvanitopoulos, TA; (2018) Modelling uk sub-sector industrial energy demand. Energy Economics , 67 pp. 366-374. 10.1016/j.eneco.2017.08.027. Green open access

Agustí-Juan, I; Hollberg, A; Habert, G; (2018) Early-design integration of environmental criteria for digital fabrication. In: Caspeele, R and Taerwe, L and Frangopol, DM, (eds.) Life Cycle Analysis and Assessment in Civil Engineering: Towards an Integrated Vision: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2018), 28-31 October 2018, Ghent, Belgium. (pp. pp. 447-452). CRC Press: Ghent, Belgium. Green open access

Ahern, S; (2018) The caterpillar and the crocodile: analytics and wellbeing. [Digital scholarly resource]. http://edquarter.com/Article/the-caterpillar-and-t...

Ahern, SJ; (2018) The potential and pitfalls of learning analytics as a tool for supporting student wellbeing. Journal of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education , 1 (2) pp. 165-172. 10.29311/jlthe.v1i2.2812. Green open access

Ahmad, I; Mazzei, L; Cane, D; Townsend, J; Curran, K; (2018) Modelling the progression of vinegar syndrome in acetate motion picture film. Presented at: Gordon Research Conference - Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research, Castelldefels, Spain. Green open access

Ahmad, I; Mazzei, L; Cane, D; Townsend, J; Curran, K; (2018) Modelling the progression of vinegar syndrome in acetate motion picture film. Presented at: IIC - Palace Museum 2018 Beijing Paper Conservation Symposium, Beijing, China. Green open access

Aifadopoulou, G; Chaniotakis, E; Stamos, I; Mamarikas, S; Mitsakis, E; (2018) An intelligent decision support system for managing natural and man-made disasters. International Journal of Decision Support Systems , 3 (1/2) pp. 91-105. 10.1504/ijdss.2018.094263. Green open access

Aish, F; Ander, M; Hryhab, E; Olsson, J; Tsigkari, M; Williams, C; (2018) Form finding nodal connections in grid structure. In: Mueller, C and Adriaenssens, S, (eds.) Proceedings of the IASS Symposium 2018: Creativity in Structural Design. International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS): Boston, MA, USA. Green open access

Akotia, J; Opoku, A; (2018) Sustainable Regeneration project delivery in the UK: A qualitative analysis of practitioners’ engagement. Journal of Facilities Management , 16 (1) 10.1108/JFM-05-2017-0024. Green open access

Aktas, YD; Altamirano, H; Ioannou, I; May, N; D'Ayala, D; (2018) Indoor Mould Testing and Benchmarking: A Public Report. UK Centre for Moisture in Buildings Green open access

Aktas, YD; Ioannou, I; Altamirano, H; Reeslev, M; D'Ayala, D; May, N; Canales, M; (2018) Surface and passive/active air mould sampling: A testing exercise in a North London housing estate. Science of the Total Environment , 643 pp. 1631-1643. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.06.311. Green open access

Al-Adhami, M; Ma, L; Wu, S; (2018) Exploring virtual reality in construction, visualization and building performance analysis. In: 2018 Proceedings of the 35th ISARC, Berlin, Germany. (pp. pp. 969-976). International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction: Berlin, Germany. Green open access

Al-Qarawi, N; Kamargianni, M; (2018) She Drives KSA: Phase 1 Survey Report. Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University: Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Green open access

Albuerne, A; Grau-Bove, J; Strlic, M; (2018) The Role of Heritage Data Science in Digital Heritage. In: Ioannides, M and Fink, E and Brumana, R and Patias, P and Doulamis, A and Martins, J and Wallace, M, (eds.) Digital Heritage - Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation and Protection. EuroMed Proceedings, Part I. (pp. pp. 616-622). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Aletta, F; Astolfi, A; (2018) Soundscapes of buildings and built environments. [Editorial comment]. Building Acoustics , 25 (3) pp. 195-197. 10.1177/1351010X18793279. Green open access

Aletta, F; Kang, J; (2018) Towards an Urban Vibrancy Model: A Soundscape Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 15 (8) , Article 1712. 10.3390/ijerph15081712. Green open access

Aletta, F; Oberman, T; Kang, J; (2018) Associations between Positive Health-Related Effects and Soundscapes Perceptual Constructs: A Systematic Review. [Review]. Int J Environ Res Public Health , 15 (11) , Article 2392. 10.3390/ijerph15112392. Green open access

Aletta, F; Van Renterghem, T; Botteldooren, D; (2018) Influence of Personal Factors on Sound Perception and Overall Experience in Urban Green Areas. A Case Study of a Cycling Path Highly Exposed to Road Traffic Noise. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 15 (6) , Article 1118. 10.3390/ijerph15061118. Green open access

Aletta, F; Vander Mynsbrugge, T; Van de Velde, D; De Vriendt, P; Thomas, P; Filipan, K; Botteldooren, D; (2018) Awareness of ‘sound’ in nursing homes: A large-scale soundscape survey in Flanders (Belgium). Building Acoustics , 25 (1) pp. 43-59. 10.1177/1351010X17748113. Green open access

Aletta, F; Xiao, J; (2018) What are the Current Priorities and Challenges for (Urban) Soundscape Research? Challenges , 9 (1) , Article 16. 10.3390/challe9010016. Green open access

Allard, P; Cocina, C; (2018) Infrastructure and land value: Who benefits from state investment? ARQ (99) pp. 148-153. 10.4067/S0717-69962018000200148. Green open access

Allen, Adriana; Koroma, B; Osuteye, Emmanuel; Rigon, Andrea; (2018) Urban risk in Freetown’s informal settlements: making the invisible visible, in: Briefing No. 6. (WP3 - Risk Root Cause Analysis and Historical Urban Trajectories ). Urban Africa Risk Knowledge (Urban ARK)

Allen, A; Zilbert Soto, L; Wesely, J; Belkow, T; Ferro, V; Lambert, R; Langdown, I; (2018) De las agencias estatales a los ciudadanos comunes: Una mirada crítica a las inversiones en mitigación de riesgos y su impacto para interrumpir las trampas de riesgo urbano en Lima, Perú. Medio Ambiente y Urbanización , 89 (1) pp. 107-145. Green open access

Allen, J; Bektas, T; Cherrett, T; Bates, O; Friday, A; McLeod, F; Piecyk, M; ... Wise, S; + view all (2018) The Scope for Pavement Porters: Addressing the Challenges of Last-Mile Parcel Delivery in London. Transportation Research Record , 2672 (9) pp. 184-193. 10.1177/0361198118794535. Green open access

Alraie, M; Collins, H; Rigon, A; (2018) A comparison of community sponsorship and government-led resettlement of refugees in the UK: Key Findings. Bartlett Development Planning Unit: London, UK. Green open access

Alvarez, Maria Khristine; (2018) #OCCUPYPABAHAY and the Politics of Placelessness: Dispatches from Manila, Philippines. The Funambulist (20) pp. 4-5. Green open access

Ameli, Nadia; Drummond, Paul; Grubb, Michael; (2018) Securing macro-economic gains from decarbonisation investment: the finance dimension and an Italian case study. GREEN-WIN project: Germany.

Amoros Elorduy, Nerea; (2018) East African Refugee Camps as learning assemblages: the built environment as an educational resource for encamped young children in the East African Rift. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Anandarajah, G; Dessens, O; McDowall, W; (2018) The future for bioenergy systems: the role of BECCS? In: Gough, C and Thornley, P and Mander, S and Vaughan, N and Falano, T, (eds.) Biomass Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS): Unlocking Negative Emissions. (pp. 205-226). Wiley: Hoboken, NJ, USA. Green open access

Anderson, B; (2018) Prosperity Index Pilot Wave 2017: Summary of Methodology and Description of Indicators. (IGP Working Paper Series ). UCL Institute for Global Prosperity: London, UK. Green open access

Anderson, B; Manouseli, D; Nagarajan, M; (2018) Estimating scenarios for domestic water demand under drought conditions in England and Wales. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply , 18 (6) pp. 2100-2107. 10.2166/ws.2018.035. Green open access

Andres, L; Bryson, J; Bakare, H; (2018) Managing Air Quality in Developing Countries. ASAP-East Africa Reading Pack no. 3. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.asap.uk.com/reading-packs-east-africa Green open access

Andres, L; Denoon-Stevens, S; Lewis, M; Nel, V; van Huyssteen, E; (2018) SAPER briefing note - Matching needs: planners in local government. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://saperproject.weebly.com/resources.html

Andres, L; Lewis, M; Nel, V; Denoon-Stevens, S; (2018) SAPER briefing note - Bridging the gap: the candidacy phase. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://saperproject.weebly.com/resources.html

Andron, S; (2018) Selling streetness as experience: the role of street art tours in branding the creative city. Sociological Review , 66 (5) pp. 1036-1057. 10.1177/0038026118771293. Green open access

Andron, S; (2018) To occupy, to inscribe, to thicken: spatial politics and the right to the surface. lo Squaderno (48) pp. 7-11. Green open access

Andron, Sabina; (2018) Graffiti, street art and the right to the surface: for a semiotic, cultural and legal approach to urban surfaces and inscriptions. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Aniket, K; (2018) Solow-Swan growth model and the fortunes of the commons. (MPRA Paper 87921). Munich Personal RePEc Archive: Munich, Germany. Green open access

Araguez Escobar, Marcela; (2018) Frameworks of uncertainty. Architectural strategies of control and change in the work of Cedric Price and Arata Isozaki (1955-1978). Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Aritenang, A; Son, JW; (2018) The effect of decentralization and free trade agreements on regional disparity in a developing economy: the case of Indonesia, 1993–2005. International Journal of Urban Sciences , 22 (4) pp. 546-564. 10.1080/12265934.2018.1425155. Green open access

Armstrong, B; Bonnington, O; Chalabi, Z; Davies, M; Doyle, Y; Goodwin, J; Green, J; ... Wilkinson, P; + view all (2018) The impact of home energy efficiency interventions and winter fuel payments on winter- and cold-related mortality and morbidity in England: a natural equipment mixed-methods study. Public Health Research , 6 (11) 10.3310/phr06110. Green open access

Arribas-Bel, D; Reades, J; (2018) Geography and computers: Past, present, and future. Geography Compass , 12 (10) , Article e12403. 10.1111/gec3.12403. Green open access

Atteneder, Siegfried; (2018) Urban Borderlands: Spatial Change in Amman and Tel Aviv-Jaffa. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Azzouz, A; Hill, P; Papadonikolaki, E; (2018) Digital innovation in Europe: Regional differences across one international firm. In: Gorse, C and Neilson, CJ, (eds.) Proceedings of the 34th Annual ARCOM Conference. (pp. pp. 240-249). Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Green open access


Baggs, E; (2018) A psychology of the in between? Constructivist Foundations , 13 (3) pp. 395-397. Green open access

Baggs, E; Chemero, A; (2018) Radical embodiment in two directions. Synthese 10.1007/s11229-018-02020-9. (In press). Green open access

Balarezo, MLG; Karimi, K; (2018) Urban Art and place. Spatial patterns of urban art and their contribution to urban regeneration. In: Colomer, V, (ed.) Proceedings of the 24th ISUF 2017 - City and Territory in the Globalization Age. (pp. pp. 587-597). Universitat Politècnica de València Green open access

Bar, Tal; (2018) Digital architecture and difference: a theory of ethical transpositions towards nomadic embodiments in digital architecture. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Barber, P; Kattein, J; Chinchilla, I; We Made That, A; Weber, P; (2018) Street Life. [Group exhibition]. London, UK. 24 January - 09 February 2018. Green open access

Baresic, D; Raucci, C; Rehmatulla, N; Smith, T; Rojon, I; (2018) LNG as a marine fuel in the EU: Market, bunkering infrastructure investments and risks in the context of GHG reductions. UMAS: London, UK.

Bartolomé, Jaime; (2018) Architectures of Joy: A theoretical and practical guide to the production of positive feelings in buildings. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Basiri, A; Haklay, M; Gardner, Z; (2018) The Impact of Biases in the Crowdsourced Trajectories on the Output of Data Mining Processes. In: Proceedings of VGI-ALIVE - AnaLysis, Integration, Vision, Engagement. Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe (AGILE): Lund, Sweden. Green open access

Bassiri, A; Asghari Oskoei, M; Basiri, A; (2018) Particle Filter and Finite Impulse Response Filter Fusion and Hector SLAM to Improve the Performance of Robot Positioning. Journal of Robotics , Article 7806854. 10.1155/2018/7806854. Green open access

Bates, O; Friday, A; Allen, J; Cherrett, T; McLeod, F; Bektas, T; Nguyen, T; ... Davies, N; + view all (2018) Transforming last-mile logistics: Opportunities for more sustainable deliveries. In: Perry, Mark and Cox, Anna, (eds.) Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Paper No. 526. ACM: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Batty, M; (2018) Artificial intelligence and smart cities. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science , 45 (1) pp. 3-6. 10.1177/2399808317751169. Green open access

Batty, M; (2018) Inventing Future Cities. [Book]. Mit Press: Cambridge, MA, USA.

Batty, M; (2018) Visualizing Aggregate Movement in Cities. Philosophical Transactions B: Biological Sciences , 373 (1753) , Article 20170236. 10.1098/rstb.2017-0236. Green open access

Bauer, N; McGlade, C; Hilaire, J; Ekins, P; (2018) Divestment prevails over the green paradox when anticipating strong future climate policies. Nature Climate Change , 8 (2) pp. 130-134. 10.1038/s41558-017-0053-1. Green open access

Baumann, H; (2018) The intimacy of infrastructure: vulnerability and abjection in Palestinian Jerusalem through the work of Khaled Jarrar. In: Boehmer, E and Davies, D, (eds.) Planned Violence: Post/colonial Urban Infrastructures and Literature. (pp. 137-157). Palgrave Mcmillan: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Baumann, H; (2018) The Violence of Infrastructural Connectivity: Jerusalem’s Light Rail as a Means of Normalisation. Middle East : Topics & Arguments , 10 pp. 30-38. 10.17192/meta.2018.10.7593. Green open access

Bavister, P; (2018) Artificial Intelligence and the generation of emotional response to sound and space. In: Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics Volume 40 Part 3: Auditorium Acoustics 2018. (pp. pp. 427-434). Institute of Acoustics (IOA): Hamburg, Germany. Green open access

Behrens, M; Mavromichalis, K; Fatah gen. Schieck, A; (2018) The Sentiment Cocoon: A Case Study of Media Architectural Interfaces. In: (Proceedings) Media Architecture Biennale. ACM (In press). Green open access

Bejol, P; Livingstone, ND; (2018) Revisiting currency swaps: hedging real estate investments in global city markets. Journal of Property Investment & Finance , 36 (2) pp. 191-209. 10.1108/JPIF-04-2017-0026. Green open access

Bekele, A; Alemu, D; Teklewold, T; Moore, HL; Hodge, C; Berg, S; (2018) Strategies for Animal Disease Control in Ethiopia: A Review of Policies, Regulations and Actors. Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health , 10 (12) pp. 256-265. 10.5897/JVMAH2018.0711. Green open access

Belesova, K; Hale, J; Aplin, J; Baghaei Lakeh, A; Davies, M; Dianati, K; Mberu, B; ... Zimmermann, N; + view all (2018) Complex Urban Systems for Sustainability and Health: A structured approach to support the development and implementation of city policies for population and planetary health. In: Proceedings of WHO International Healthy Cities Conference - 2018. WHO: Belfast, Ireland. Green open access

Bell, S; (2018) Engineering with the Trouble: the Engineering Exchange at UCL. Presented at: Engineering, Social Justice and Peace Conference (ESJP) 13, San Diego, CA, UK. Green open access

Bell, N; Cassar, M; Strlic, M; (2018) Evidence for Informed Preservation Planning and Advocacy: A Synoptic View. Studies in Conservation , 63 (Supl 1) pp. 8-14. 10.1080/00393630.2018.1475099. Green open access

Benros, D; (2018) A generic housing grammar for the generation of different housing languages: a generic housing shape grammar for Palladian villas, Prairie and Malagueira houses. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Beswick, J; Penny, J; (2018) Demolishing the Present to Sell off the Future? The Emergence of ‘Financialized Municipal Entrepreneurialism’ in London. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research , 42 (4) pp. 612-632. 10.1111/1468-2427.12612. Green open access

Bezemer, Dirk; Ryan-Collins, Josh; van Lerven, Frank; Zhang, Lu; (2018) Credit where it's due: A historical, theoretical and empirical review of credit guidance policies in the 20th century. (Working Paper Series: IIPP WP 2018-11). UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose: London, UK. Green open access

Bisaga, I; Parikh, P; (2018) To climb or not to climb? Investigating energy use behaviour among Solar Home System adopters through energy ladder and social practice lens. Energy Research and Social Science , 44 pp. 293-303. 10.1016/j.erss.2018.05.019. Green open access

Bleischwitz, R; (2018) Transformations and Disruptive Changes: Boosting Resource Efficient Economies via Saturation and the Nexus. In: Flachenecker, F and Rentschler, J, (eds.) Investing in Resource Efficiency: The Economics and Politics of Financing the Resource Transition. (pp. 169-187). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Bleischwitz, R; (2018) The Resource Nexus and its Relevance. In: Marsden, T, (ed.) The SAGE Handbook of Nature. (pp. 1175-1197). SAGE: London, UK. Green open access

Bleischwitz, R; Nechifor, V; Winning, M; Huang, B; Geng, Y; (2018) Extrapolation or saturation – revisiting growth patterns, development stages and decoupling. Global Environmental Change , 48 pp. 86-96. 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2017.11.008. Green open access

Bleischwitz, R; Spataru, C; VanDeveer, SD; Obersteiner, M; van der Voet, E; Johnson, C; Andrews-Speed, P; ... van Vuuren, DP; + view all (2018) Resource nexus perspectives towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Nature Sustainability , 1 pp. 737-743. 10.1038/s41893-018-0173-2. Green open access

Bleischwitz, R; Yong, G; Walz, R; Welfens, P; Kemp, R; (2018) Euro-China Green Economy theme: SINCERE (Sino-European Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency) - ESRC. Impact , 2018 (4) pp. 6-7. 10.21820/23987073.2018.4.6. Green open access

Bo, E; Shtrepi, L; Garcia, DP; Barbato, G; Aletta, F; Astolfi, A; (2018) The accuracy of predicted acoustical parameters in ancient open-air theatres: A case study in Syracusae. Applied Sciences , 8 (8) , Article 1393. 10.3390/app8081393. Green open access

Boakes, EH; Isaac, NJB; Fuller, RA; Mace, GM; McGowan, PJK; (2018) Examining the relationship between local extinction risk and position in range. Conservation Biology , 32 (1) pp. 229-239. 10.1111/cobi.12979. Green open access

Boano, C; Marten, R; (2018) Think Urban and Learn from the City: Exploring Urban Dimensions of Humanitarianism. Urban Crises Learning Fund managed by the Institute for Environment and Development: London, UK.

Bobrova, Y; Chiu, LF; Papachristos, G; (2018) Understanding homeowners’ renovation decisions resulting in low carbon retrofit. In: Proceedings of 5th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency - BEHAVE 2018. Zurich University of Applied Sciences: Zurich, Switzerland. (In press). Green open access

Bobrova, Y; Papachristos, G; Zimmermann, N; (2018) A dynamic model of psychological fatigue in the process of low carbon home retrofit. In: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. System Dynamics Society: Reykjavík, Iceland. (In press). Green open access

Bolton, T; (2018) Wrong Side of the Tracks? The Development of London’s Railway Terminus Neighbourhoods. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bondinuba, FK; Opoku, A; Owusu-Manu, D; Appiah Donkor-Hyiaman, K; (2018) Stimulating growth and improving the delivery of housing microfinance interventions: An analysis of critical demand factors. Journal of Facilities Management , 16 (3) pp. 238-252. 10.1108/JFM-04-2017-0019. Green open access

Borkowski, E; Donato, M; Zemella, G; Rovas, D; Raslan, R; (2018) Optimisation of the simulation of advanced control strategies for adaptive building skins. In: Proceedings of the BSO 18, Building Simulation and Optimization 2018. IBPSA - England (In press). Green open access

Borrion, A; Matsushita, J; Austen, K; Johnson, C; Bell, S; (2018) Development of LCA calculator to support community infrastructure co-design. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 10.1007/s11367-018-1492-2. (In press). Green open access

Boys, J; (2018) Cripping spaces? On dis/abling phenomenology in architecture. Log , 42 pp. 55-74. Green open access

Boys, J; (2018) The DisOrdinary Architecture Project: A Handy Guide for Doing Disability Differently in Architecture and Urban Design. The Funambulist , 19 pp. 36-43. Green open access

Branscome, E; (2018) Protecting the Brute: The Barbican Estate. In: Fenstad Langdalen, E and Pinochet, A and Szacka, LC, (eds.) Concrete Oslo. (pp. 226-247). Torpedo Press: Oslo, Norway. Green open access

Brigham, R; Grau-Bové, J; Rudnicka, A; Cassar, M; Strlic, M; (2018) Crowdsourcing as an Analytical Method: Metrology of Smartphone Measurements in Heritage Science. [Editorial comment]. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition , 57 (25) pp. 7423-7427. 10.1002/anie.201801743. Green open access

Brout, JJ; Edelstein, M; Erfanian, M; Mannino, M; Miller, LJ; Rouw, R; Kumar, S; (2018) Investigating Misophonia: A Review of the Empirical Literature, Clinical Implications, and a Research Agenda. [Review]. Frontiers In Neuroscience , 12 , Article 36. 10.3389/fnins.2018.00036. Green open access

Brown, D; (2018) Health in secondary urban centres: Insights from Karonga, Malawi. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/dpublog/tag/in-situ-urbani... Green open access

Brown, D; (2018) Urbanisation and health in the 21st century: A Southern perspective. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/development/news/20... Green open access

Brown, Donald; (2018) Small places, big problems: Planning healthy environments in emerging African towns - the case of Karonga Town, Malawi. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bucknall, R; Suarez De La Fuente, S; Szymko, S; Bowers, W; Sim, A; (2018) Evaluation of Electric-Turbo-Charging applied to Marine Diesel-Engines. In: (Proceedings) 14th International Naval Engineering Conference and Exhibition. Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology Green open access

Bunn, Roderic; (2018) Towards a theory of carrying capacity, evidence from long-term longitudinal case studies of occupant satisfaction in non-domestic buildings. Doctoral thesis (Eng.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Burman, E; Kimpian, J; Mumovic, D; (2018) Building Schools for the Future: Lessons Learned From Performance Evaluations of Five Secondary Schools and Academies in England. Frontiers in Built Environment , 4 , Article 22. 10.3389/fbuil.2018.00022. Green open access

Burman, E; Mumovic, D; (2018) The impact of ventilation strategy on overheating resilience and energy performance of schools against climate change: the evidence from two UK secondary schools. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC 2018). Green open access

Burman, E; Stamp, S; Jain, N; Shrubsole, C; Mumovic, D; Davies, M; (2018) Total energy and environmental performance of low carbon buildings: a cross sectoral study. In: Proceedings of the 8th annual CIBSE Technical Symposium. The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE): London, UK. Green open access

Butnar, I; Broad, O; Dodds, P; Welfle, A; Thornley, P; (2018) Climate vs biomass sustainability targets: are they compatible under a well below 2 °C trajectory? Presented at: 26th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE 2018), Copenhagen, Denmark. Green open access


Cabannes, Y; Douglass, M; Padawangi, R; (2018) Cities by and for the People. In: Cabannes, Y and Douglass, M and Padawangi, R, (eds.) Cities in Asia by and for the People. (pp. pp. 13-40). Amsterdam University Press: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Green open access

Cabannes, Y; Lipietz, B; (2018) Revisiting the democratic promise of participatory budgeting in light of competing political, good governance and technocratic logics. Environment and Urbanization , 30 (1) pp. 67-84. 10.1177/0956247817746279. Green open access

Camacho-Montano, SC; Wagner, A; Erhorn-Kluttig, H; Mumovic, D; Summerfield, A; (2018) Clearing the air on EU guidance projects for school buildings. Building Research and Information , 47 (5) pp. 624-634. 10.1080/09613218.2018.1448961. Green open access

Campkin, B; Marshall, L; (2018) London’s nocturnal queer geographies. Soundings , Autumn (70) pp. 82-96. 10.3898/SOUN.70.06.2018. Green open access

Cao, M; Hickman, R; (2018) Car dependence and housing affordability: an emerging social deprivation issue in London? Urban Studies , 55 (10) pp. 2088-2105. 10.1177/0042098017712682. Green open access

Cappuccio, V; Zimmermann, N; Willan, C; Burman, E; Davies, M; (2018) Organisational actors' motivations and building performance traps: Evidence from case studies and modelling on interactions of reputation, identity and collaboration. In: Record of the 36th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. System Dynamics Society: Reykjavík, Iceland. Green open access

Carmona, M; Clarke, W; Giordano, V; (2018) London: Reviewing Design Review. Urban Design Quarterly (148) pp. 18-20. Green open access

Carmona, M; De Magalhaes, CS; Natarajan, L; (2018) Design governance the CABE way, its effectiveness and legitimacy. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability , 11 (1) pp. 1-23. 10.1080/17549175.2017.1341425. Green open access

Carmona, MP; (2018) The design dimension of planning: making planning proactive again. In: Tomaney, J and Ferm, J, (eds.) Planning Practice: Critical Perspectives from the UK. Routledge: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

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Zimmermann, N; Symonds, P; Davies, M; Wilkinson, P; Dianati, K; Taylor, J; Milner, J; (2018) Urban systems complexity in sustainability and health: an interdisciplinary modelling study. Presented at: Planetary Health/GeoHealth Annual Meeting 2018. Green open access

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