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(2016) The Cultural Evolution of Neolithic Europe. EUROEVOL Dataset 1: Sites, Phases and Radiocarbon Data. Journal of Open Archaeology Data , 5 10.5334/joad.40. Green open access

(2016) The Cultural Evolution of Neolithic Europe. EUROEVOL Dataset 2: Zooarchaeological Data. Journal of Open Archaeology Data , 5 10.5334/joad.41. Green open access

(2016) Lucifer Over Luxor: Archaeology, Egyptology, and Occultism in Kenneth Anger’s Magick Lantern Cycle. Present Pasts , 7 (1) 10.5334/pp.73. Green open access

(2016) The Phenomenology of Metal Detecting: Insights from a Unique Type of Landscape Experience. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology , 25 (2) , Article 13. 10.5334/pia.496. Green open access

Aarts, SHLM; (2016) Lives in Language: Otto Jespersen 1860-1943. Babel: the Language Magazine (14) pp. 29-31. Green open access

Abraham, H; (2016) Exempting Corporations from Court Fees – Between Corporate Law and Civil Procedure. Haifa University Law Journal , 9 (1) pp. 50-62. Green open access

Abse Gogarty, Larne; (2016) Citizen Artist Tania Bruguera interviewed by Larne Abse Gogarty. Art Monthly, London , 400 pp. 1-5. Green open access

Abse Gogarty, Larne; (2016) Faith Ringgold: Who's Afraid of Aunt Jemima (1983). Kunst und Politik Jahrbuch der Guernica-Gesellschaft , 18 Green open access

Abse Gogarty, LK; (2016) Commitment and Desire in Sharon Hayes’s Ricerche: three 2013. Tate Papers (25) Green open access

Acworth, RI; Halloran, LJS; Rau, GC; Cuthbert, MO; Bernardi, TL; (2016) An objective frequency domain method for quantifying confined aquifer compressible storage using Earth and atmospheric tides. Geophysical Research Letters , 43 (22) 11,671-11,678. 10.1002/2016GL071328. Green open access

Acworth, RI; Rau, GC; Cuthbert, MO; Jensen, E; Leggett, K; (2016) Long-term spatio-temporal precipitation variability in arid-zone Australia and implications for groundwater recharge. Hydrogeology Journal , 24 (4) pp. 905-921. 10.1007/s10040-015-1358-7. Green open access

Adair, A; (2016) Record of the seventeenth conference of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists, at the University of Glasgow, 3–7 August 2015. Anglo-Saxon England , 45 pp. 1-5. 10.1017/S0263675100080194. Green open access

Addie, JD; (2016) From the Urban University to Universities in Urban Society. Regional Studies , 51 (7) pp. 1089-1099. 10.1080/00343404.2016.1224334. Green open access

Addie, JD; (2016) Theorizing suburban infrastructure: A framework for critical and comparative analysis. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers , 41 (3) pp. 273-285. 10.1111/tran.12121. Green open access

Addie, JD; Keil, R; (2016) ‘It’s Not Going to be Suburban, It’s Going to be All Urban’: Assembling Post-suburbia in the Toronto and Chicago Regions. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 10.1111/1468-2427.12303. Green open access

Adjaye-Gbewonyo, K; Avendano, M; Subramanian, SV; Kawachi, I; (2016) Income inequality and depressive symptoms in South Africa: A longitudinal analysis of the National Income Dynamics Study. Health & Place , 42 pp. 37-46. 10.1016/j.healthplace.2016.08.013. Green open access

Agius, DA; Cooper, JP; Semaan, L; Zazzaro, C; Carter, R; (2016) Remembering the Sea: Personal and Communal Recollections of Maritime Life in Jizan and the Farasan Islands, Saudi Arabia. Journal of Maritime Archaeology , 11 (2) pp. 127-177. 10.1007/s11457-016-9159-2. Green open access

Agócs, Péter; (2016) Hagyományteremtés, intertextualitás és műfaj Pindaros kardal-lírájában. Ókor , 2016 (3) Green open access

Agosto, A; Cavaliere, G; Kristensen, D; Rahbek, A; (2016) Modeling corporate defaults: Poisson autoregressions with exogenous covariates (PARX). Journal of Empirical Finance , 38 (Part B) pp. 640-663. 10.1016/j.jempfin.2016.02.007. Green open access

Agyemang, C; Meeks, K; Beune, E; Owusu-Dabo, E; Mockenhaupt, FP; Addo, J; de Graft Aikins, A; ... Stronks, K; + view all (2016) Obesity and type 2 diabetes in sub-Saharan Africans - Is the burden in today's Africa similar to African migrants in Europe? The RODAM study. BMC Medicine , 14 , Article 166. 10.1186/s12916-016-0709-0. Green open access

Al-Azri, K; Melita, LN; Strange, AP; Festy, F; Al-Jawad, M; Cook, R; Parekh, S; (2016) Optical coherence tomography use in the diagnosis of enamel defects. Journal of Biomedical Optics , 21 (3) , Article 36004. 10.1117/1.JBO.21.3.036004. Green open access

Al-Bashaireh, K; Al-Mustafa, S; Freestone, IC; Al-Housan, A; (2016) Composition of Byzantine glasses from Umm el-Jimal, northeast Jordan: Insights into glass origins and recycling. Journal of Cultural Heritage , 21 pp. 809-818. 10.1016/j.culher.2016.04.008. Green open access

Albin, E; Mantouvalou, V; (2016) Active Industrial Citizenship of Domestic Workers: Lessons Learned from Unionising Attempts in Israel and the United Kingdom. Theoretical Inquiries in Law , 17 (1) pp. 321-350. 10.1515/til-2016-0012. Green open access

Aleksov, B; (2016) The Ambigious Nation. Case Studies from Southeastern Europe in the Twentieth Century. Central Europe , 14 (1) 10.1080/14790963.2016.1236594. Green open access

Aleksov, B; (2016) Bojan Mitrović, Marija Mitrović, Storia della cultura e della letteratura serba. Lecce: ARGO, 2015. 256 pp. [Review]. BALCANICA - Annual of the Institute for Balkan Studies , XLVII Green open access

Aleksov, B; (2016) Islam in Bosnien-Herzegowina und die Netzwerke der Jungmuslime (1918–1983). Slavic Review , 75 (2) pp. 484-485. 10.5612/slavicreview.75.2.484. Green open access

Alexiou, A; Singleton, A; Longley, PA; (2016) A Classification of Multidimensional Open Data for Urban Morphology. Built Environment , 42 (3) pp. 382-395. 10.2148/benv.42.3.382. Green open access

Allaby, RG; Kitchen, J; Fuller, D; (2016) Surprisingly Low Limits of Selection in Plant Domestication. Evolutionary Bioinformatics , 2015 (S2) pp. 41-51. 10.4137/EBO.S33495. Green open access

Allington-Wood, TE; (2016) Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Stone: An Ecology of the Inhuman, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 2015. Object , 18 pp. 69-71. Green open access

Altaweel, M; (2016) T.J. Wilkinson, Edgar Peltenburg & Eleanor Barbanes Wilkinson (ed.) Carchemish in context: The Land of Carchemish Project, 2006–2010 (BANEA Monograph 4). 2016. xi+238 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations. Oxford & Philadelphia (PA): Oxbow; 978-1-78570-111-5 hardback £45. [Review]. Antiquity , 90 (354) pp. 1705-1707. 10.15184/aqy.2016.198. Green open access

Amini, C; Dal Bianco, S; (2016) Poverty Elasticity to Growth and Inequality: New Evidence from Macro Data. Journal of Developing Areas , 50 (2) 10.1353/jda.2016.0080. Green open access

Anderson, ME; (2016) Thrasymachus’ Sophistic Account of Justice in Republic i. Ancient Philosophy , 36 (1) pp. 151-172. 10.5840/ancientphil201636110. Green open access

Andujar, R; (2016) Uncles ex Machina: Familial Epiphany in Euripides' Electra. Ramus: Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature , 45 (2) pp. 165-191. 10.1017/rmu.2016.9. Green open access

Angelova, L; Ormsby, B; Richardson, E; (2016) Diffusion of water from a range of conservation treatment gels into paint films studied by unilateral NMR: Part I: Acrylic emulsion paint. Microchemical Journal , 124 (Jan) pp. 311-320. 10.1016/j.microc.2015.09.012. Green open access

Anghel, B; Cabrales, A; Carro, JM; (2016) Evaluating A Bilingual Education Program In Spain: The Impact Beyond Foreign Language Learning. Economic Inquiry , 54 (2) pp. 1202-1223. 10.1111/ecin.12305. Green open access

Antoine, P; Moncel, M-H; Limondin-Lozouet, N; Locht, J-L; Bahain, J-J; Moreno, D; Voinchet, P; ... Hardy, B; + view all (2016) Palaeoenvironment and dating of the Early Acheulean localities from the Somme River basin (Northern France): New discoveries from the High Terrace at Abbeville-Carriere Carpentier. Quaternary Science Reviews , 149 pp. 338-371. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.07.035. Green open access

Antolin, F; Alonso, N; Berihuete, M; Brombacher, C; Chondrou, D; Ertug, F; Garcia-Granero, JJ; ... Wollstonecroft, M; + view all (2016) Grütze, Bulgur, Mehl und Griess. Bericht zum internationalen Arbeitstreffen „Archäobotanische Identifikation von Getreidespeisen“ (Basel, 2./3. Uni 2015), mit einem praktischen Leitfaden zu ihrer integrativen Untersuchung. Jahrbuch Archäologie Schweiz , 99 pp. 143-151. Green open access

Araujo, MC; Carneiro, P; Cruz-Aguayo, Y; Schady, N; (2016) Teacher Quality and Learning Outcomes in Kindergarten. The Quarterly Journal of Economics , 131 (3) pp. 1415-1453. 10.1093/qje/qjw016. Green open access

Arena, V; (2016) Review of Y. Baraz 'A Written Republic: Cicero's Philosophical Politics'. Klio: Beitraege zur Alten Geschichte , 98 (1) pp. 354-356. 10.1515/klio-2016-0024. Green open access

Arena, V; (2016) The Roman Republic of Jean Jacques Rousseau. History of Political Thought , 37 (1) pp. 8-31. Green open access

Arena, V; Piras, G; (2016) Preface: towards an edition of the fragments of the Roman republican antiquarians. Res Publica Litterarum: studies in the classical tradition , XXXIX 10.1400/266352. Green open access

Armada, X-L; Martinón-Torres, M; (2016) The ALBIMEH Project – Atlantic Late Bronze Age Metal Hoards Compared. Archaeology International , 19 pp. 49-53. 10.5334/ai.1908. Green open access

Armeni, C; (2016) Participation in Environmental Decision-making: Reflecting on planning and community benefits for major wind farms. Journal of Environmental Law , 28 (3) pp. 415-441. 10.1093/jel/eqw021. Green open access

Arroyo, A; de la Torre, I; (2016) Assessing the function of pounding tools in the Early Stone Age: A microscopic approach to the analysis of percussive artefacts from Beds I and II, Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania). Journal of Archaeological Science , 74 pp. 23-34. 10.1016/j.jas.2016.08.003. Green open access

Arroyo, A; Hirata, S; Matsuzawa, T; de la Torre, I; (2016) Nut Cracking Tools Used by Captive Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and Their Comparison with Early Stone Age Percussive Artefacts from Olduvai Gorge. PLoS One , 11 (11) , Article e0166788. 10.1371/journal.pone.0166788. Green open access

Asavarut, P; Norsworthy, PJ; Cook, J; Taylor-Robinson, SD; Harrison, RV; (2016) Diet and disease: Transgressing boundaries between science and society—understanding neglected diseases through the lens of cultural studies and anthropology. Medical Humanities , 42 (3) pp. 181-183. 10.1136/medhum-2016-010893. Green open access

Ashton, N; Lewis, SG; Parfitt, SA; Davis, RJ; Stringer, C; (2016) Handaxe and non-handaxe assemblages during Marine Isotope Stage 11 in northern Europe: recent investigations at Barnham, Suffolk, UK. Journal of Quaternary Science , 31 (8) pp. 837-843. 10.1002/jqs.2918. Green open access

Attard, M; Haklay, M; Capineri, C; (2016) The Potential of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) in Future Transport Systems. Urban Planning , 1 (4) p. 6. 10.17645/up.v1i4.612. Green open access

Avitabile, V; Herold, M; Heuvelink, GBM; Lewis, SL; Phillips, OL; Asner, GP; Armston, J; ... Willcock, S; + view all (2016) An integrated pan-tropical biomass map using multiple reference datasets. Global Change Biology , 22 (4) pp. 1406-1420. 10.1111/gcb.13139. Green open access

Azaria, D; (2016) The Scope and Content of Sovereign Rights in relation to Non-Living Resources in the Continental Shelf and the Exclusive Economic Zone. The Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies , 3 (2) Green open access

Azaria, D; (2016) State Responsibility and Community Interest in International Energy Law: A European Perspective. Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law , 5 (2) pp. 169-201. 10.4337/cilj.2016.02.02. Green open access

Azaria, D; (2016) Whaling and International Law. [Review]. British Yearbook of International Law , 86 pp. 196-199. 10.1093/bybil/brx001. Green open access

Bâcle, B; (2016) Les contre-écritures de Maine de Biran (1766-1824) et de Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834). TRANS- , 20 10.4000/trans.1355. Green open access

Bailey-Ross, C; Gray, S; Ashby, J; Terras, MM; Hudson-Smith, A; Warwick, C; (2016) Engaging the Museum Space: Mobilising Visitor Engagement with Digital Content Creation. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities , 32 (4) pp. 689-708. 10.1093/llc/fqw041. Green open access

Baker, AG; Cornelissen, P; Bhagwat, SA; Vera, FWM; Willis, KJ; (2016) Quantification of population sizes of large herbivores and their long-term functional role in ecosystems using dung fungal spores. Methods in Ecology and Evolution , 7 (11) pp. 1273-1281. 10.1111/2041-210X.12580. Green open access

Baker, AG; Zimny, M; Keczynski, A; Bhagwat, SA; Willis, KJ; Latalowa, M; (2016) Pollen productivity estimates from old-growth forest strongly differ from those obtained in cultural landscapes: Evidence from the Biaowiea National Park, Poland. The Holocene , 26 (1) pp. 80-92. 10.1177/0959683615596822. Green open access

Baker-Henningham, H; Vera-Hernández, M; Alderman, H; Walker, S; (2016) Irie Classroom Toolbox: a study protocol for a cluster-randomised trial of a universal violence prevention programme in Jamaican preschools. BMJ Open , 6 (5) , Article e012166. 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012166. Green open access

Ballantyne, R; Bellini, GR; Hales, J; Launaro, A; Leone, N; Millett, M; Verdonck, L; (2016) Interamna Lirenas and its Territory (Comune Di Pignataro Interamna, Provincia Di Frosinone, Regione Lazio). Papers of the British School at Rome , 84 pp. 322-325. 10.1017/S0068246216000246. Green open access

Barnes, L; (2016) Private Debt and the Anglo-Liberal Growth Model. Government and Opposition , 51 (4) pp. 529-552. 10.1017/gov.2015.17. Green open access

Baron, SA; (2016) Dissidence, Compromise, and Submission in Higher Education Today. Moveable Type , 2016 (8) pp. 7-11. Green open access

Baron, SA; (2016) In Pursuit of Fact: Joyce and Flaubert's Documentary Letter-Writing. Genetic Joyce Studies , 16 Green open access

Barry, AM; Maslin, M; (2016) The politics of the anthropocene: a dialogue. Geo: Geography and Environment , 3 (2) , Article e00022. 10.1002/geo2.22. Green open access

Baturo, A; Mikhaylov, S; (2016) Blair disease? Business careers of the former democratic heads of state and government. Public Choice , 166 (3-4) pp. 335-354. 10.1007/s11127-016-0325-8. Green open access

Beck, J; McCain, CM; Axmacher, JC; Ashton, LA; Bärtschi, F; Brehm, G; Choi, SW; ... Novotny, V; + view all (2016) Elevational species richness gradients in a hyperdiverse insect taxon: a global meta-study on geometrid moths. Global Ecology and Biogeography , 26 (4) pp. 412-424. 10.1111/geb.12548. Green open access

Behrman, JR; Tincani, MM; Todd, PE; Wolpin, KI; (2016) Teacher Quality in Public and Private Schools under a Voucher System: The Case of Chile. Journal of Labor Economics , 34 (2) pp. 319-362. 10.1086/683642. Green open access

Bekkers, E; Francois, J; Manchin, M; (2016) Trade costs, quality and the skill premium. Canadian Journal of Economics , 49 (3) pp. 1153-1178. 10.1111/caje.12228. Green open access

Bel, D; Gradus, R; (2016) Effects of unit-based pricing on household waste collection demand: A meta-regression analysis. Resource and Energy Economics , 44 pp. 169-182. 10.1016/j.reseneeco.2016.03.003. Green open access

Bellamy, R; (2016) Turtles all the way down? Is the political constitutionalist appeal to disagreement self-defeating? A reply to Cormac Mac Amhlaigh. International Journal of Constitutional Law , 14 (1) pp. 204-216. 10.1093/icon/mow014. Green open access

Bellamy, R; (2016) Which republicanism, whose freedom? Political Theory , 44 (5) pp. 669-678. 10.1177/0090591716663361. Green open access

Bellamy, R; Kröger, S; (2016) The politicization of European integration: National parliaments and the democratic disconnect. Comparative European Politics 10.1057/cep.2015.39. Green open access

Benoit, K; Conway, D; Lauderdale, BE; Laver, M; Mikhaylov, S; (2016) Crowd-sourced Text Analysis: Reproducible and Agile Production of Political Data. American Political Science Review , 110 (2) pp. 278-295. 10.1017/S0003055416000058. Green open access

Bensimon, F; (2016) Calais: 1816-2016. History Today Green open access

Bentzen-Bilkvist, D; Migliano, A; Vinicius, L; (2016) Behavioural Phenotypes and the Structure of Human Cognition. Evolutionary Biology , 44 (1) pp. 113-119. 10.1007/s11692-016-9399-y. Green open access

Berger, A; Crucifix, M; Hodell, DA; Mangili, C; McManus, JF; Otto-Bliesner, B; Pol, K; ... Past Interglacials Working Group of PAGES, .; + view all (2016) Interglacials of the last 800,000 years. Reviews of Geophysics , 54 (1) pp. 162-219. 10.1002/2015RG000482. Green open access

Berkowitz, M; (2016) Before Auschwitz: Jewish Prisoners in the Prewar Concentration Camps. By Kim Wünschmann (Harvard University Press, 2015, 376pp. £33.95). [Review]. The British Journal of Criminology: an international review of crime and society , 56 (4) pp. 825-828. 10.1093/bjc/azw040. Green open access

Berkowitz, M; (2016) A British-Jewish Film Genre? Consider Gasbags (1941). Jewish Film & New Media , 4 (2) pp. 139-160.

Berkowitz, M; (2016) E. Lawrence Levy and Muscular Judaism 1851–1932: Sport, Culture, and Assimilation in Nineteenth-Century Britain Together with 'The Autobiography of an Athlete'. [Review]. The International Journal of the History of Sport , 32 (18) pp. 1-2. 10.1080/09523367.2016.1138647. Green open access

Berkowitz, M; (2016) Introduction. Jewish Historical Studies: Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England , 47 ix-xiii. 10.14324/111.444.jhs.2016v47.001. Green open access

Berkowitz, M; (2016) On Photography: Walter Benjamin. [Review]. Jewish Quarterly , 63 (1) pp. 71-73. 10.1080/0449010X.2016.1162469. Green open access

Bermúdez de Castro, JM; Martín-Francés, L; Modesto-Mata, M; Martínez de Pinillos, M; Martinón-Torres, M; García-Campos, C; Carretero, JM; (2016) Virtual reconstruction of the Early Pleistocene mandible ATD6-96 from Gran Dolina-TD6-2 (Sierra De Atapuerca, Spain). American Journal of Physical Anthropology , 159 (4) pp. 729-736. 10.1002/ajpa.22919. Green open access

Beverton, A; (2016) "We Knew no North, no South": U.S.-Mexican War Veterans and the Construction of Public Memory in the Post-Civil War United States, 1874-1897. American Nineteenth Century History , 17 (1) pp. 1-22. 10.1080/14664658.2016.1167317. Green open access

Biedermann, Z; (2016) The Temporal Politics of Spiritual Conquest: History, Geography and Franciscan Orientalism in the Conquista Espiritual do Oriente of Friar Paulo da Trindade. Culture & History Digital Journal , 5 (2) , Article e014. 10.3989/chdj.2016.014. Green open access

Bikakis, A; Fodor, P; Giurca, A; Morgenstern, L; (2016) Introduction to the special issue on the International Web Rule Symposia 2012–2014. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming , 16 (3) pp. 243-246. 10.1017/S1471068416000028. Green open access

Birch, SEP; Miracle, PT; Stevens, RE; O'Connell, TC; (2016) Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene Migratory Behavior of Ungulates Using Isotopic Analysis of Tooth Enamel and Its Effects on Forager Mobility. PLOS One , 11 (6) , Article e0155714. 10.1371/journal.pone.0155714. Green open access

Blanes, R; Flynn, A; Maskens, M; Tinius, J; (2016) Micro-utopias: anthropological perspectives on art, relationality, and creativity. Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia , 5 (1) pp. 5-20. 10.4000/cadernosaa.1017. Green open access

Blundell, R; (2016) Coase Lecture-Human Capital, Inequality and Tax Reform: Recent Past and Future Prospects. Economica , 83 (330) pp. 201-218. 10.1111/ecca.12186. Green open access

Blundell, R; Costa Dias, M; Meghir, C; Shaw, J; (2016) Female Labor Supply, Human Capital and Welfare Reform. Econometrica , 84 (5) pp. 1705-1753. 10.3982/ECTA11576. Green open access

Boakes, EH; Gliozzo, G; Seymour, V; Harvey, M; Smith, C; Roy, DB; Haklay, M; (2016) Patterns of contribution to citizen science biodiversity projects increase understanding of volunteers' recording behaviour. Scientific Reports , 6 , Article 33051. 10.1038/srep33051. Green open access

Bocaege, E; Hillson, S; (2016) Disturbances and noise: Defining furrow-form enamel hypoplasia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology , 161 (4) pp. 744-751. 10.1002/ajpa.23070. Green open access

Bocquentin, F; Garrard, A; (2016) Natufian collective burial practice and cranial pigmentation: A reconstruction from Azraq 18 (Jordan). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports , 10 pp. 693-702. 10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.05.030. Green open access

Boivin, N; Zeder, M; Fuller, D; Crowther, A; Larson, G; Erlandson, J; Denham, T; (2016) Ecological consequences of human niche construction: Examining long-term anthropogenic shaping of global species distributions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 113 (23) pp. 6388-6396. 10.1073/pnas.1525200113. Green open access

Bolanos-Garcia-Escribano, A; (2016) Baños Piñero, Rocío and Díaz Cintas, Jorge (eds) (2015). Audiovisual Translation in a Global Context: Mapping and Ever-changing Landscape. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 291, £65.00. ISBN: 978-1-137-55288-4 (hardback). JoSTrans : the Journal of Specialised Translation (26) pp. 308-311. Green open access

Boles, OJC; Lane, PJ; (2016) The Green, Green Grass of Home: an archaeo-ecological approach to pastoralist settlement in central Kenya. Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa , 51 (4) pp. 507-530. 10.1080/0067270X.2016.1249587. Green open access

Bonacchi, C; Hingley, R; Yarrow, T; (2016) Exploring Ancient Identities in Modern Britain. Archaeology International , 19 pp. 54-57. 10.5334/ai.1909. Green open access

Bonhomme, S; Jochmans, K; Robin, J-M; (2016) Estimating Multivariate Latent-structure Models. Annals of Statistics , 44 (2) pp. 540-563. 10.1214/15-AOS1376. Green open access

Bonhomme, S; Jochmans, K; Robin, J-M; (2016) Non-parametric estimation of finite mixtures from repeated measurements. Journal Of The Royal Statistical Society Series B-statistical Methodology , 78 (1) pp. 211-229. 10.1111/rssb.12110. Green open access

Borgerson, J; Miller, D; (2016) Scalable sociality and "How the world changed social media": conversation with Daniel Miller. Consumption Markets & Culture , 19 (6) pp. 520-533. 10.1080/10253866.2015.1120980. Green open access

Borzyskowski, IV; (2016) Resisting democracy assistance: Who seeks and receives technical election assistance? The Review of International Organizations , 11 (2) pp. 247-282. 10.1007/s11558-016-9249-9. Green open access

Boxall, P; Jonik, M; Coetzee, JM; Franklin, S; Milne, D; Felski, R; Salisbury, L; ... Smith, A; + view all (2016) 30@30: the future of literary thinking. Textual Practice , 30 (7) pp. 1149-1185. 10.1080/0950236X.2016.1252578. Green open access

Boyle, JF; Sayer, CD; Hoare, D; Bennion, H; Heppel, K; Lambert, SJ; Appleby, PG; ... Davy, AJ; + view all (2016) Toxic metal enrichment and boating intensity: sediment records of antifoulant copper in shallow lakes of eastern England. Journal of Paleolimnology , 55 (3) pp. 195-208. 10.1007/s10933-015-9865-z. Green open access

Bozio, A; Laroque, G; O'Dea, C; (2016) Discount rate heterogeneity among older households: a puzzle? Journal of Population Economics , 30 (2) pp. 647-680. 10.1007/s00148-016-0623-y. Gold open access

Bracewell, W; (2016) Ritual Brotherhood Across Frontiers in the Eastern Adriatic Hinterland, Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries. History and Anthropology , 27 (3) pp. 338-358. 10.1080/02757206.2016.1155990. Green open access

Braithwaite, A; Dasandi, N; Hudson, D; (2016) Does poverty cause conflict? Isolating the causal origins of the conflict trap. Conflict Management and Peace Science , 33 (1) pp. 45-66. 10.1177/0738894214559673. Green open access

Bray, PM; (2016) Lazy Proust and Literary ‘Work’. Nottingham French Studies , 55 (1) pp. 18-28. 10.3366/nfs.2016.0136. Green open access

Bredtmann, J; Crede, CJ; Otten, S; (2016) The Effect of Gender Equality on International Soccer Performance. International Journal of Sport Finance , 11 (4) pp. 288-309. Green open access

Bredtmann, J; Crede, CJ; Otten, S; (2016) Olympic medals: Does the past predict the future? Significance , 13 (3) pp. 22-25. 10.1111/j.1740-9713.2016.00915.x. Green open access

Brener, A; (2016) No-Man is an Island: UK and EU Banking Regulatory Engagement after “Brexit”. European Business Law Review , 27 (7) pp. 1029-1056. Green open access

Bridge, M; (2016) Progress in British Dendrochronology. Archaeology International , 19 pp. 58-62. 10.5334/ai.1910. Green open access

Brierley, CM; Fedorov, AV; (2016) Comparing the impacts of Miocene–Pliocene changes in inter-ocean gateways on climate: Central American Seaway, Bering Strait, and Indonesia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters , 444 pp. 116-130. 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.03.010. Green open access

Brodie, G; (2016) The sweetheart factor: Tracing translation in Martin Crimp’s writing for theatre. Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance , 9 (1) pp. 83-96. 10.1386/jafp.9.1.83_1. Green open access

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