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Abbas, Leila; (2001) Rho GTPases and early zebrafish development. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Abbiendi, G; Ainsley, C; Åkesson, PF; Alexander, G; Allison, J; Anagnostou, G; Anderson, KJ; ... Hanson, GG; + view all (2001) Precise determination of the Z resonance parameters at LEP: "Zedometry". European Physical Journal C , 19 (4) pp. 587-651. 10.1007/s100520100627. Green open access

Abbiendi, G; Ackerstaff, K; Ainsley, C; Åkesson, PF; Alexander, G; Allison, J; Anderson, KJ; ... Hanson, GG; + view all (2001) Measurement of triple gauge boson couplings from W⁺W⁻ production at LEP energies up to 189 GeV. The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields , 19 (1) pp. 1-14. 10.1007/s100520100597. Green open access

Abels, K; (2001) Zur Kasuswahl beim direkten Objekt in verneinten Sätzen im Russischen: Eine übersetzungsrelevante Studie zur Syntax und Semantik. Masters thesis , Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.

Abeyakoon, Dil; (2001) Identifying the barriers for the administration of medication in mainstream primary schools for children with chronic illness. Masters thesis (M.Sc), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Abou Sleiman, Patrick Martin; (2001) Development of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis for dominantly inherited cancer predisposition syndromes. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Aboukhamseen, S.M.; (2001) Data-driven methods for the assessment and improvement of forecasts. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Aboukhamseen, Suja Manssour; (2001) Data-driven methods for the assessment and improvement of forecasts. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Achermann, JC; Ito, M; Silverman, BL; Habiby, RL; Pang, S; Rosler, A; Jameson, JL; (2001) Missense mutations cluster within the carboxyl-terminal region of DAX-1 and impair transcriptional repression. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism , 86 (7) 3171 - 3175. 10.1210/jc.86.7.3171. Green open access

Adams, A; Blandford, A; (2001) Digital libraries in a clinical setting: Friend or foe? In: UNSPECIFIED (pp. 213-224). Green open access

Adams, Anne; (2001) Users' perceptions of privacy in multimedia communications. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of London.

Adams, B.J.; (2001) A geomorphological interpretation of saltmarsh channel network morphology and function. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Adlard, Alan James; (2001) Speech perceptual acuity in children with reading difficulty. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Adler, C; Ahammed, Z; Allgower, C; Amonett, J; Anderson, BD; Anderson, M; Averichev, GS; ... STAR Collaboration, The; + view all (2001) Pion interferometry of root s(NN)=130 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC. Physical Review Letters , 87 (8) , Article 082301. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.082301. Green open access

Adler, C; Ahammed, Z; Allgower, C; Amonett, J; Anderson, BD; Anderson, M; Averichev, GS; ... Zubarev, AN; + view all (2001) Erratum: Publisher's note - D̄ and He production in √s = 130 GeV Au + Au collisions (Physical Review Letters (2001) 87 (262301)). Physical Review Letters , 87 (27 I) , Article e279902. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.279902. Green open access

Affolder, T; Akimoto, H; Akopian, A; Albrow, MG; Amaral, P; Amidei, D; Anikeev, K; ... CDF Collaboration, .; + view all (2001) Observation of diffractive J/psi production at the Fermilab Tevatron. Physical Review Letters , 87 (24) , Article 241802. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.241802. Green open access

Affolder, T; Akimoto, H; Akopian, A; Albrow, MG; Amaral, P; Amidei, D; Anikeev, K; ... CDF Collaboration, The; + view all (2001) Search for Gluinos and Squarks Using Like-Sign Dileptons in p ¯ p Collisions at √ s = 1.8 TeV. Physical Review Letters , 87 (25) , Article 251803. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.251803. Green open access

Affolder, T; Akimoto, H; Akopian, A; Albrow, MG; Amaral, P; Amendolia, SR; Amidei, D; ... CDF Collaboration, The; + view all (2001) First measurement of the ratio B(t -> Wb)/B(t -> Wq) and associated limit on the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa element vertical bar V-tb vertical bar. Physical Review Letters , 86 (15) 3233 - 3238. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.86.3233. Green open access

Affolder, T; Akimoto, H; Akopian, A; Albrow, MG; Amaral, P; Amendolia, SR; Amidei, D; ... CDF Collaboration, The; + view all (2001) Measurement of the top quark p(T) distribution. Physical Review Letters , 87 (10) , Article 102001. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.102001. Green open access

Affolder, T; Akimoto, H; Akopian, A; Albrow, MG; Amaral, P; Amidei, D; Anikeev, K; ... CDF Collaboration; + view all (2001) Charged-particle multiplicity p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.8 TeV. PHYS REV LETT , 8721 (21) , Article 211804. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.211804. Green open access

Affolder, T; Akimoto, H; Akopian, A; Albrow, MG; Amaral, P; Amidei, D; Anikeev, K; ... CDF Collaboration, .; + view all (2001) Measurement of d sigma/dM and forward-backward charge asymmetry for high-mass Drell-Yan e(+)e(-) pairs from p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.8 TeV. PHYS REV LETT , 8713 (13) , Article 131802. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.131802. Green open access

Affolder, T; Akimoto, H; Akopian, A; Albrow, MG; Amaral, P; Amidei, D; Anikeev, K; ... CDF Collaboration; + view all (2001) Double diffraction dissociation at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. PHYS REV LETT , 8714 (14) , Article 141802. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.141802. Green open access

Agalianos, A; Noss, R; Whitty, G; (2001) Logo in mainstream schools: the struggle over the soul of an educational innovation. British Journal of Sociology of Education , 22 (4) pp. 479-500. 10.1080/01425690120094449. Green open access

Agalianos, A; Noss, Richard; Whitty, Geoff; (2001) Logo in mainstream schools: the struggle over the soul of an educational innovation. British Journal of Sociology of Education , 22 (4) pp. 479-500. Green open access

Agarwal-Hollands, Usha; Andrews, Richard; (2001) From scroll - to codex - and back again. Education, Communication and Information , 1 (1) pp. 59-73. Green open access

Agrawal, R.R.; (2001) The role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in physiology and pathology of reproductive function. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Aguas, Marco Diogo; (2001) Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of metal oxides; Reactions in external magnetic fields. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ahern, A.; (2001) The potential impact of new urban public transport systems on travel behaviour. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Aickin, David; (2001) From Plantation Medicine to Public Health: The State and Medicine in British Guiana 1838-1914. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Akers, Ian Arthur; (2001) The activation of lung fibroblasts by human mast cell tryptase: A role for protease activated receptor-2 (PAR-2). Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Akiko, Nishio; (2001) Issues facing Japanese postgraduate students studying at the University of London, with special reference to gender. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Akinsiku, Akinyemi Olutosin; (2001) Ubiquinone binding sites of mitochondrial bc1 complex. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Al-Damluji, Saad; (2001) Molecular mechanisms of Transport-P. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Al-Dughaim, Mohammed Dughaim Mohammed; (2001) The image of the enemy in Kuwaiti children. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Al-Janai, Mona Bader H.; (2001) Psychological impact of the Iraqi occupation on Kuwaiti mothers and their children: Interpretation of children's behavioural problems in the light of their mothers' stress and psychological disorders. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Al-Nakl, Khadija Ali; (2001) Developing environmental education in Kuwaiti middle schools : an Islamic perspective. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Al-Nowaiser, Abeer; (2001) The oral health and oral microflora of children with chronic renal failure and children undergoing renal transplantation. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Al-Salameen, Muna Ayesh; (2001) Benthic foraminifera as indicators of pollution by heavy metals in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Alba, MM; Lee, D; Pearl, FMG; Shepherd, AJ; Martin, N; Orengo, CA; Kellam, P; (2001) VIDA: a virus database system for the organization of animal virus genome open reading frames. Nucleic Acids Research , 29 (1) 133 - 136. 10.1093/nar/29.1.133. Green open access

Alderman, Charles Jason John; (2001) The role of oxidative stress in the regulation of dendritic cell function. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D.), University College London. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2001) Children, healing, suffering and voluntary consent. In: Bendelow, G and Carpenter, M and Vautier, C and Williams, S, (eds.) Gender, health, and healing: the public/private divide. (pp. 198-211). Routledge: London, United Kindom. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2001) Social aspects of congenital heart disease. In: Tynan, M and Anderson, Robert H and Macartney, M and Baker, F, (eds.) Paediatric Cardiology. (pp. 1947-1959). Churchill Livingstone: London, United Kingdom.

Alderson, Priscilla; (2001) On Doing Qualitative Research Linked to Ethical Health Care. The Wellcome Trust: London, UK. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2001) Down's syndrome: cost, quality and value of life. Social Science & Medicine , 53 (5) pp. 627-638. 10.1016/S0277-9536(00)00365-8. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2001) Life and death: Agency and dependency in young children's health care. Children'z Issues , 5 (1) pp. 23-27. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2001) Prenatal screening, ethics and Down's syndrome: a literature review. Nursing Ethics , 8 (4) pp. 360-374. 10.1177/096973300100800408. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2001) Research by Children. International Journal of Social Research Methodology , 4 (2) pp. 139-153. 10.1080/13645570120003. Green open access

Alderson, P; Aro, AR; Dragonas, T; Ettorre, E; Hemminki, E; Jalinoja, P; Santalahti, P; (2001) Prenatal screening and genetics. European Journal of Public Health , 11 (2) pp. 231-233. 10.1093/eurpub/11.2.231. Green open access

Alderson, P; Farsides, B; Williams, C; (2001) Cross currents in genetics and ethics around the millennium 1999-2001: final report to the Wellcome Trust. Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London: London, UK. Green open access

Alderson, Priscilla; (2001) Research by Children. International Journal of Social Research Methodology , 4 (2) pp. 139-153. Green open access

Alderson, Priscilla; Scott, P; Thapar, N; (2001) Living with a congenital condition: the views of adults who have cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anaemia, Down's syndrome, spina bifida or thalassaemia. In: Ettore, E., (ed.) Before birth: understanding prenatal screening. (pp. 156-171). Ashgate Press: Aldershot.

Alexander, D.C.; Pierpaoli, C.; Basser, P.J.; Gee, J.C.; (2001) Spatial transformations of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance images. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging , 20 (11) pp. 1131-1139. 10.1109/42.963816. Green open access

Alexander, Natasha; (2001) Experiences of self-injury in lesbian and bisexual women. Doctoral thesis (D.Clin.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Alfe, D.; Price, G.D.; Gillan, M.J.; (2001) Thermodynamics of hexagonal-close-packed iron under Earth’s core conditions. Physical Review B , 64 (4) 045123. 10.1103/PhysRevB.64.045123. Green open access

Ali, Emua; (2001) Somali women in London : education and gender relations. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Ali, Shahbano Amjad; (2001) Ruthenium and osmium clusters containing imido and sulfido ligands and their reactions with unsaturated organic molecules. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ali, Shazia; (2001) Adsorption of the poloxamer surfactants onto model hydrophobic surfaces in suspension systems. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Alic, Arna; (2001) Involvement of proteases and kinases in mast cell activation. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Allen, Ruth; (2001) A prospective, longitudinal study of the family and patient coping with adolescent cancer from the time of diagnosis. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Allen, Sophie Rebecca; (2001) Causation and the mind: Metaphysical presuppositions in the philosophy of mind. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Allsopp, Anne.; (2001) The education and employment of girls in Luton 1874-1924 : widening opportunities and lost freedoms. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.

AlSarheed, Maha Abdullah; (2001) Barriers towards the provision of orthodontic treatment for visual or hearing impaired children in Saudi Arabia (Riyadh). Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL. Green open access

Ameen, Reem Mohammad; (2001) Phenotypic and functional characterization of cord blood natural killer cells. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Amos, J; Baxter, D; Croft, J; Hazell, R; (2001) A Practical Guide to the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The Constitution Unit: London, UK. Green open access

Andrews, C. M.; (2001) Studies on the haemotoxicity of busulphan and chloramphenicol in the b6c3f1 mouse. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Antoine, Daniel; (2001) Evaluating the periodicity of incremental structures in dental enamel as a means of studying growth in children from past human populations. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of London. Green open access

Anttila, Milla; (2001) Concentration estimates and the central limit problem for convex bodies. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Anwar, Udoy Syeed; (2001) Effects of a single dose of oral iodised oil during pregnancy, on thyroid & iodide status of women & children, pregnancy outcome and infant mortality in a goitrous area of Bangladesh. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Apperly, J.A.; (2001) The relationship between proliferation and differentiation during oligodendrocyte development. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Aricescu, Alexandru Radu; (2001) Molecular characterisation of CRYPα, an axonal receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Arifhodzic, Lejla; (2001) Novel bis-quinolinium cyclophanes as SKca channel blockers. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Arnold, Eucille Elaine; (2001) Broken attachments of women from the West Indies separated from mothers in early childhood. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Arrowsmith, Joseph Edmund; (2001) The neuroprotective effects of remacemide hydrochloride in patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass surgery. Doctoral thesis (M.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Arthern, RJ; Wingham, DJ; Ridout, AL; (2001) Controls on ERS altimeter measurements over ice sheets: Footprint-scale topography, backscatter fluctuations, and the dependence of microwave penetration depth on satellite orientation. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres , 106 (D24) 33471 - 33484. 10.1029/2001JD000498. Green open access

Ashworth, A.; Hardman, H.; Liu, W.-C.; Maguire, S.; Middleton, S.; Dearden, L.; Emmerson, C.; + view all (2001) Education maintenance allowance: the first year: a quantitative evaluation. Department for Education and Employment: London, UK. Green open access

Aslanpour, Zohreh; (2001) A study of oral counselling and audit processes for dispensed medications in community pharmacy. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D.), University College London. Green open access

Assa, Natasha Valerievna; (2001) Authority, society and justice in late imperial Russia : The case of the Ruling Senate and Zemstvos. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Athie-Morales, Veronica; (2001) Interleukin-12 signalling pathways in human T lymphocytes. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Atkinson, C.E.; (2001) A novel approach to the rational design of artificial enzymes. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Atkinson, Giles David; (2001) Sustainable development: Economics and measurement. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Attali, I.; Caromel, D.; Courbis, C.; Henrio, L.; Nilsson, H.; (2001) An integrated development environment for Java Card. Computer Networks , 36 (4) pp. 291-305. 10.1016/S1389-1286(01)00162-1. Green open access

Attali, I.; Courbis, C.; Degenne, P.; Fau, A.; Fillon, J.; Parigot, D.; Pasquier, C.; (2001) SmartTools: a generator of interactive environments tools. In: Wilhelm, R., (ed.) Compiler Construction : 10th International Conference, CC 2001: Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2001, Genova, Italy, April 2-6, 2001. (pp. pp. 355-360). Springer Verlag Green open access

Attanasio, O.; Emmerson, C.; (2001) Differential mortality in the UK. (IFS Working Papers W01/16). Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK. Green open access

Attanasio, O.; Jappelli, T.; (2001) Intertemporal choice and the cross-sectional variance of marginal utility. The Review of Economics and Statistics , 83 (1) pp. 13-27. 10.1162/003465301750160009. Green open access

Attanasio, O.; Rohwedder, S.; (2001) Pension wealth and household saving: evidence from pension reforms in the UK. (IFS Working Papers W01/21). Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK. Green open access

Attwell, PJE; Rahman, S; Yeo, CH; (2001) Acquisition of eyeblink conditioning is critically dependent upon normal function in cerebellar cortical lobule HVI. Journal of Neuroscience , 21 (15) 5715 - 5722. Green open access

Ayana, M; Pound, P; Lampe, F; Ebrahim, S; (2001) Improving stroke patients' care: a patient held record is not enough. BMC Health Services Research , 1 , Article 1. 10.1186/1472-6963-1-1. Green open access


Babar, C; (2001) Measurements of the Branching Fractions of Exclusive Charmless B Meson Decays with Eta-prime and Omega Mesons. Physical Review Letters , 87 (22) , Article 221802. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.221802. Green open access

Bachtold, A; de Jonge, M; Grove-Rasmussen, K; McEuen, PL; Buitelaar, M; Schönenberger, C; (2001) Suppression of tunneling into multiwall carbon nanotubes. Physical Review Letters , 87 (16) , Article 166801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.166801. Green open access

Badia, L; Lund, VJ; (2001) A case of rhinoscleroma treated with ciprofloxacin. Journal of Laryngology and Otology , 115 (3) pp. 220-222. 10.1258/0022215011907028. Green open access

Bahsoon, R.; Mansour, N.; (2001) Methods and metrics for selective regression testing. In: Proceeds of the ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Beirut, Lebanon. (pp. pp. 463-465). IEEE Computer Society Press Green open access

Baines, E; Kutnick, P; Martin, C; (2001) Classroom contexts: Connections between class size and within class grouping. British Journal of Educational Psychology , 71 (2) pp. 283-302. 10.1348/000709901158523. Green open access

Bains, Randip Kaur; (2001) Neuroendocrine physiology in the transgenic SLOB rat: A new obesity model. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Baker, Robert William; (2001) Investigation of glucocorticoid and local immunological function in tuberculosis and inflammation. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ball, K.M.; (2001) The complex plank problem. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society , 33 (4) pp. 433-442. 10.1112/S002460930100813X. Green open access

Balme, Matthew Russell; (2001) Small scale tectonism on Venus: An experimental and image based study. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Balthasar, Nina; (2001) Transgenic studies of growth hormone secretagogue physiology. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Baluja, K.L.; Mason, N.J.; Morgan, L.A.; Tennyson, J.; (2001) Electron collisions with OClO using the R-matrix method. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics , 34 (20) pp. 4041-4052. 10.1088/0953-4075/34/20/315. Green open access

Banks, Julia Barbara; (2001) Isolation and characterisation of cytokine-modulating proteins from bacteria implicated in infective endocarditis. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bardos, Julia Ildiko; (2001) Characterisation of HPC3, a new human polycomb group protein. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Barnes, Joanne; (2001) An examination of the role of the pharmacist in the safe, effective and appropriate use of complementary medicines. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Barnett, SAL; Roderick, P; Martin, D; Diamond, I; (2001) A multilevel analysis of the effects of rurality and social deprivation on premature limiting long term illness. Epidemiology and Community Health , 55 (1) pp. 44-51. Green open access

Barrett, S; (2001) Poland in Transition: The Return of the Native. [Book]. SSEES Occasional Papers: Vol.54. UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES): London, UK. Green open access

Bartels, Andreas Martin Sebastian; (2001) The modularity of processing and perception in the visual brain. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Batchelor, Hannah; (2001) An investigation into the adhesion of alginate solutions in œsophageal tissue. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D.), University College London (United Kingdom). Green open access

Battarbee, RW; Juggins, S; Gasse, F; Anderson, NJ; Bennion, H; Cameron, NG; Ryves, DB; + view all (2001) European Diatom Database (EDDI). An information system for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. (ECRC Research Report 81 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Batty, M; Torrens, PM; (2001) Modeling complexity: The limits to prediction. In: Green open access

Batty, M; Chapman, D; Evans, S; Haklay, M; Kueppers, S; Shiode, N; Smith, A; (2001) Visualizing the City: Communicating Urban Design to Planners and Decision-Makers. Esri Press Green open access

Batty, M; Torrens, P; (2001) Modeling complexity: the limits to prediction. (CASA Working Papers 36). Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis: London, UK. Green open access

Bavasso, Antonio; (2001) Communications in EU law: Antitrust, market power and public interest. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Baxendale, Helen E.; (2001) Analysis of the molecular basis of the immune response to Streptococcus pneumoniae capsular polysaccharide. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Beale, Charles W.; (2001) From jazz to jazz in education : an investigation of tensions between player and educator definitions of jazz. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Becker, S; Burgess, N; (2001) Modelling spatial recall, mental imagery and neglect. ADVANCES IN NEURAL INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEMS 13 , 13 pp. 96-102. Green open access

Bedford, H; de Louvois, J; Halket, S; Peckham, C; Hurley, R; Harvey, D; (2001) Meningitis in infancy in England and Wales: follow up at age 5 years. BMJ , 323 (7312) pp. 533-536. 10.1136/bmj.323.7312.533. Green open access

Beggs, Simon; (2001) Plasticity of primary sensory neurons and their central connections: Normal development and the effects of neonatal axotomy. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bell, Robert Midgley; (2001) The role of nitric oxide in myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion injury. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Benjamin, Shereen; (2001) Student identity work and the micro. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.

Benjamin, Shereen; (2001) Student identity work and the micro. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.

Berger, CF; Berger, EL; Bhat, PC; Butterworth, JM; Ellis, SD; Flaugher, B; Giele, WT; ... Prosper, H; + view all (2001) Snowmass 2001: Jet Energy Flow Project. In: Graf, N, (ed.) e-Proceedings of Snowmass 2001. Green open access

Berry, Christopher J.; (2001) Achievement effects of multigrade and monograde schools in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.

Berry, J; (2001) Battle of the beasts: treatment of a pest infestation in the mounted mammal collection at Liverpool Museum. In: Kingsley, H and Pinniger, D and Xavier-Rowe, A and Winsor, P, (eds.) (Proceedings) Integrated Pest Management for Collections, Proceedings of 2001: A Pest Odyssey, 1-3 October 2001. (pp. pp. 130-134). Earthscan/James & James: London, UK. Green open access

Betson, Martha Elizabeth; (2001) Regulation of cell-cell adhesion in keratinocytes: The reciprocal relationship between cadherins and Rho family GTPases. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Beyer, Theresa; (2001) Prediction of molecular crystal structures. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bhatia, Ajay Singh; (2001) FcgammaRIIIa: Tissue distribution and regulation of expression. Doctoral thesis (M.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Birch, David John; (2001) The perivascular innervation of human mesenteric blood vessels in health and inflammatory bowel disease. Doctoral thesis (M.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bishop, Anne Louise; (2001) Functional analysis of the Rac-binding protein POSH. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bishop, K.; (2001) The first phase of the internationalisation process: export determinants in firms of the Former Soviet Union. (Economics Working Papers 2). Centre for the Study of Economic and Social Change in Europe, SSEES, UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Bishop, Kate Nanette; (2001) The interactions of the viral restriction gene, Fv1, and its target. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bjerrum, CJ; Surlyk, F; Callomon, JH; Slingerland, RL; (2001) Numerical paleoceanographic study of the Early Jurassic Transcontinental Laurasian Seaway. Paleoceanography , 16 (4) 390 - 404. 10.1029/2000PA000512. Green open access

Blair, R.J.R.; (2001) Neuro-cognitive models of aggression, the antisocial personality disorders and psychopathy. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry , 71 pp.727 - 731. 10.1136/jnnp.71.6.727. Green open access

Blakeney, Susan Loma; (2001) Liquid crystal display as a polarisation filter. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Blandford, A; Stelmaszewska, H; Bryan-Kinns, N; (2001) Use of multiple digital libraries: A case study. In: (pp. pp. 179-188). Green open access

Blandford, A.; Green, T.; (2001) From tasks to conceptual structures: misfit analysis. In: Blandford, A. and Vanderdonckt, J. and Gray, P., (eds.) Conférence conjointe AFIHM-BCS sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine: Interactions sans frontières / Joint AFIHM-BCS conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Interactions without frontiers: IHM-HCI 2001 Vol II. (pp. pp. 113-116). Cépaduès-Éditions: Toulouse, France. Green open access

Blandford, A.; Stelmaszewska, H.; (2001) Shooting the information rapids. In: Blandford, A. and Vanderdonckt, J. and Gray, P., (eds.) Conférence conjointe AFIHM-BCS sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine: Interactions sans frontières / Joint AFIHM-BCS conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Interactions without frontiers: IHM-HCI 2001 Vol II. (pp. pp. 51-54). Cépaduès-Éditions: Toulouse, France. Green open access

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