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Abbas, Alhabib; Andreopoulos, Yiannis; (2022) PAC-Bayesian Bounds on Rate-Efficient Classifiers. In: Chaudhuri, Kamalika and Jegelka, Stefanie and Song, Le and Szepesvari, Csaba and Niu, Gang and Sabato, Sivan, (eds.) Proceedings of Machine Learning Research. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR): Baltimore, MA, USA. Green open access

Abdullah, Salinna; Zamani, Majid; Demosthenous, Andreas; (2022) A Compact CNN-Based Speech Enhancement With Adaptive Filter Design Using Gabor Function And Region-Aware Convolution. IEEE Access , 10 pp. 130657-130671. 10.1109/access.2022.3228744. Green open access

Adinehvand, Mohammad; Asadi, Ehsan; Lai, Chow Yin; Khayyam, Hamid; Hoseinnezhad, Reza; (2022) Design and adaptive control of a kinematically redundant robot with enhanced trajectory tracking for climbing in tight spaces. Mechanism and Machine Theory , 177 , Article 104994. 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2022.104994. Green open access

Ajanović, Zlatan; Aličković, Emina; Branković, Aida; Delalić, Sead; Kurtić, Eldar; Malikić, Salem; Mehonić, Adnan; ... Trbalić, Bahrudin; + view all (2022) Vision for Bosnia and Herzegovina in Artificial Intelligence Age: Global Trends, Potential Opportunities, Selected Use-cases and Realistic Goals. arXiv.org: Ithaca (NY), USA. Green open access

Alanezi, Mohammed A; Mohammad, Abdullahi; Sha’aban, Yusuf A; Bouchekara, Houssem REH; Shahriar, Mohammad S; (2022) Auto-Encoder Learning-Based UAV Communications for Livestock Management. Drones , 6 (10) , Article 276. 10.3390/drones6100276. Green open access

Albeladi, FT; Gillgrass, S; Nabialek, J; Mishra, P; Forrest, R; Albiladi, TR; Shutts, S; ... Smowton, PM; + view all (2022) Multi-mode Interference Reflector based InAs-QD Laser. In: Proceedings of the 28th International Semiconductor Laser Conference (ISLC). IEEE: Matsue, Japan. Green open access

Ali, M; Batchelor, JC; Ullah, I; Gomes, NJ; (2022) Ultra-thin EBG backed flexible antenna for 24 GHz ISM band WBAN. In: AMTA 2022 - Proceedings: 2022 Antenna Measurement Techniques Association Symposium. IEEE: Denver, CO, USA. Green open access

Alkharsan, H; Parsonson, CWF; Shabka, Z; Mu, X; Ottino, A; Zervas, G; (2022) Optimal and Low Complexity Control of SOA-Based Optical Switching with Particle Swarm Optimisation. In: 2022 European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC 2022. IEEE: Basel, Switzerland. Green open access

Almarri, N; Jiang, D; Demosthenous, A; (2022) In-Body Energy Harvesting Power Management Interface for Post Heart Transplantation Monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS) 2022. (pp. pp. 1-4). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Green open access

Alsawadi, Motasem S; Rio, Miguel; (2022) Skeleton Split Strategies for Spatial Temporal Graph Convolution Networks. Computers, Materials & Continua , 71 (3) pp. 4643-4658. 10.32604/cmc.2022.022783. Green open access

Alsawadi, Motasem S.; Rio, Miguel; (2022) Skeleton-Split Framework using Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Action Recognition. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Bio-Engineering for Smart Technologies (BioSMART) 2021. (pp. pp. 1-5). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Green open access

Alsawadi, MS; El-Kenawy, ESM; Rio, M; (2022) Using BlazePose on Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Action Recognition. Computers, Materials and Continua , 74 (1) pp. 19-36. 10.32604/cmc.2023.032499. Green open access

Alsawadi, MS; Rio, M; (2022) Human Action Recognition using BlazePose Skeleton on Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical Engineering (ICITACEE) 2022. (pp. pp. 206-211). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Green open access

Aminian, Gholamali; Abroshan, Mahed; Khalili, Mohammad Mahdi; Toni, Laura; Rodrigues, Miguel RD; (2022) An Information-theoretical Approach to Semi-supervised Learning under Covariate-shift. In: Camps-Valls, G and Ruiz, FJR and Valera, I, (eds.) International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. Journal Machine Learning Research (JMLR) Green open access

Aminian, Gholamali; Bu, Yuheng; Wornell, Gregory W; Rodrigues, Miguel RD; (2022) Tighter Expected Generalization Error Bounds via Convexity of Information Measures. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2022. (pp. pp. 2481-2486). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Green open access

Aminian, Gholamali; Vega, Roberto; Rivasplata, Omar; Toni, Laura; Rodrigues, Miguel; (2022) Semi-Counterfactual Risk Minimization Via Neural Networks. In: Proceedings of the 15th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2022). (pp. pp. 1-20). European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning Green open access

Andreopoulos, Yiannis; Stejerean, Cosmin; (2022) Advances in Quality Assessment Of Video Streaming Systems: Algorithms, Methods, Tools. In: MM '22: Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, United States. Green open access


Babu, Nithin; Virgili, Marco; Al-jarrah, Mohammad; Jing, Xiaoye; Alsusa, Emad; Popovski, Petar; Forsyth, Andrew; ... Papadias, Constantinos B; + view all (2022) Energy-Efficient Trajectory Design of a Multi-IRS Assisted Portable Access Point. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 10.1109/tvt.2022.3202953. (In press). Green open access

Bäni, L; Artuso, M; Bachmair, F; Bartosik, M; Beck, H; Bellini, V; Belyaev, V; ... Stone, R; + view all (2022) Radiation tolerance of diamond detectors. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (pp. 012172). IOP Publishing Green open access

Bayford, R; Damaso, R; Jiang, D; Rahal, M; Demosthenous, A; (2022) Development of a Biosensor for fast point-of-care Blood Analysis of Troponin. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference , 2022 pp. 910-913. 10.1109/EMBC48229.2022.9871851. Green open access

Bayford, R; Damaso, R; Neshatvar, N; Ivanenko, Y; Rademacher, T; Yu, W; Seifnaraghi, N; ... Demosthenous, A; + view all (2022) Locating Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles Using Electrical Impedance Tomography. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering , 69 (1) pp. 494-502. 10.1109/TBME.2021.3100256. Green open access

Beasley, Piers; Ritchie, Matthew; (2022) bladeRAD: Development of an Active and Passive, Multistatic Enabled, Radar System. In: 2021 18th European Radar Conference (EuRAD). IEEE (In press). Green open access

Beasley, Piers; Ritchie, Matthew; (2022) Multistatic Radar Synchronisation Using COTS GPS Disciplined Oscillators. In: Proceedings of the IET Radar Conference 2022. IET/IEEE (In press). Green open access

Beghelli, Alejandra; Jones, Sara; (2022) What an original app! : a study on the novelty of software products. International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation , 10 (2) pp. 101-122. 10.1080/21650349.2021.1997649. Green open access

Behera, AK; Bandyopadhyay, B; Spurgeon, SK; (2022) Arbitrary Pole Placement with Sliding Mode Control. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems. (pp. pp. 272-277). IEEE: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Green open access

Belio-Apaolaza, I; Seddon, J; Moro-Melgar, D; Indiran, HP; Graham, C; Balakier, K; Cojocari, O; (2022) Photonically-driven Schottky diode based 0.3 THz heterodyne receiver. Optics Express , 30 (24) pp. 43223-43236. 10.1364/OE.471102. Green open access

Bell, Maria; Robinson, Elise; Day, Sally; Gilbert, Thomas Jamin; Hamilton, Antonia F De C; Ward, Jamie A; (2022) Lessons on Collecting Data from Autistic Children using Wrist-worn Sensors. Proceedings of the 2022 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers pp. 6-10. 10.1145/3544794.3558478. Green open access

Bernhard, J; Chance, S; De Laet, T; Edström, K; (2022) FACE TO FACE AGAIN - REPORT FROM THE DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION RESEARCH AT SEFI 2022. In: Proceedings of the SEFI 2022 - 50th Annual Conference of The European Society for Engineering Education. (pp. pp. 2340-2356). SEFI: Barcelona, Spain. Green open access

Bernini, AW; Fice, MJ; Balakier, K; (2022) Low-power-consumption coherent receiver architecture for satellite optical links. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Space Optical Systems and Applications, ICSOS 2022. (pp. pp. 149-153). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Green open access

Besirli, Mustafa; Ture, Kerim; Beghetti, Maurice; Dehollain, Catherine; Mattavelli, Marco; Maloberti, Franco; Barrettino, Diego; (2022) An Energy-Efficient Bridge-to-Digital Converter for Implantable Pressure Monitoring Systems. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems pp. 1-10. 10.1109/tbcas.2022.3187828. (In press). Green open access

Bessin, F; Gordienko, V; Ferreira, FM; Doran, N; (2022) Mach-Zehnder FOPA for Dual Polarization Wavelength-Division-Multiplexed 100G Signal Amplification. In: 2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO). (pp. SF3M.2). IEEE: San Jose, CA, USA. Green open access

Bogunovic, Ilija; Li, Zihan; Krause, Andreas; Scarlett, Jonathan; (2022) A Robust Phased Elimination Algorithm for Corruption-Tolerant Gaussian Process Bandits. In: Koyejo, S and Mohamed, S and Agarwal, A and Belgrave, D and Cho, K and Oh, A, (eds.) Advances In Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (NEURIPS 2022). Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) Green open access

Boras, Georgios; (2022) Structural and Optical Characterization of III-V Nanostructures Monolithically Grown on Si Substrates. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bórquez-Paredes, Danilo; Beghelli, Alejandra; Leiva, Ariel; Jara, Nicolás; Lozada, Astrid; Morales, Patricia; Saavedra, Gabriel; (2022) Agent-based distributed protocol for resource discovery and allocation of virtual networks over elastic optical networks. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking , 14 (8) pp. 667-679. 10.1364/jocn.450314. Green open access

Borsatti, D; Cerroni, W; Clayman, S; (2022) From Category Theory to Functional Programming: A Formal Representation of Intent. In: Clemm, A and Maier, G and Machuca, CM and Ramakrishnan, KK and Risso, F and Chemouil, P and Limam, N, (eds.) Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft). (pp. pp. 31-36). IEEE: Milan, Italy. Green open access

Brown, R; Ratiu, BP; Jia, H; Azizur-Rahman, KM; Dang, M; Tang, M; Liang, B; ... Li, Q; + view all (2022) Mid-infrared InAs/InAsSb Type-II superlattices grown on silicon by MOCVD. Journal of Crystal Growth , 598 , Article 126860. 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2022.126860. Green open access

Bu, Yuheng; Aminian, Gholamali; Toni, Laura; Wornell, Gregory W; Rodrigues, Miguel RD; (2022) Characterizing and Understanding the Generalization Error of Transfer Learning with Gibbs Algorithm. In: Camps-Valls, G and Ruiz, FJR and Valera, I, (eds.) International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. Journal Machine Learning Research (JMLR) Green open access

Buglia, H; Sillekens, E; Vasylchenkova, A; Bayvel, P; Galdino, L; (2022) On the impact of launch power optimization and transceiver noise on the performance of ultra-wideband transmission systems [Invited]. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking , 14 (5) B11-B21. 10.1364/jocn.450726. Green open access

Buglia, Henrique; Sillekens, Eric; Vasylchenkova, Anastasiia; Killey, Robert; Bayvel, Polina; Galdino, Lidia; (2022) An Extended Version of the ISRS GN model in Closed-Form Accounting for Short Span Lengths and Low Losses. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2022. Optica Publishing Group Green open access


Calderón, F; Bórquez-Paredes, D; Jara, N; Olivares, R; Leiva, A; Beghelli, A; Saavedra, G; (2022) Dynamic resource allocation in different ultrawideband optical network topologies. In: Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series (SUM). IEEE: Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Green open access

Calderón, F; Lozada, A; Morales, P; Bórquez-Paredes, D; Jara, N; Olivares, R; Saavedra, G; ... Leiva, A; + view all (2022) Heuristic Approaches for Dynamic Provisioning in Multi-Band Elastic Optical Networks. IEEE Communications Letters , 26 (2) pp. 379-383. 10.1109/LCOMM.2021.3132054. Green open access

Calvi, L; van Geijn, R; Leufkens, L; Habets, R; Gurunatha, KL; Stout, K; Mann, D; ... Buskens, P; + view all (2022) The impact of bead milling on the thermodynamics and kinetics of the structural phase transition of VO2 particulate materials and their potential for use in thermochromic glazing. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells , 242 , Article 111783. 10.1016/j.solmat.2022.111783. Green open access

Cang, Y; Chen, M; Zhao, J; Yang, Z; Hu, Y; Huang, C; Wong, KK; (2022) Joint Deployment and Resource Management for VLC-enabled RISs-assisted UAV Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 10.1109/TWC.2022.3165853. (In press). Green open access

Cao, Victoria; Park, Jae-Seong; Tang, Mingchu; Zhou, Taojie; Seeds, Alwyn; Chen, Siming; Liu, Huiyun; (2022) Recent Progress of Quantum Dot Lasers Monolithically Integrated on Si Platform. Frontiers in Physics , 10 , Article 839953. 10.3389/fphy.2022.839953. Green open access

Capraru, Richard; Ritchie, Matthew; Wang, Jian-Gang; Soong, Boon Hee; (2022) Exploring Deep Transfer Learning Interference classification on Neural Style Transfer Generated Synthetic SAR Datasets. In: Proceedings of the IEEE APWCS 2022. IEEE: Seoul, Korea. (In press). Green open access

Casagrande, V; Boem, F; (2022) A distributed scenario-based stochastic MPC for fault-tolerant microgrid energy management. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine. (pp. pp. 704-709). Elsevier Green open access

Casagrande, V; Prodan, I; Spurgeon, SK; Boem, F; (2022) Resilient Distributed MPC Algorithm for Microgrid Energy Management under Uncertainties. In: 2022 European Control Conference (ECC). (pp. pp. 602-607). IEEE: London, United Kingdom. Green open access

Chadha, A; Anam, MA; Treder, M; Fadeev, I; Andreopoulos, Y; (2022) Toward Generalized Psychovisual Preprocessing For Video Encoding. SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal , 131 (4) pp. 39-44. 10.5594/JMI.2022.3160801. Green open access

Chadha, Aaron; Katsavounidis, Ioannis; Bhunia, Ayan Kumar; Stejerean, Cosmin; Khan, Mohammad Umar; Andreopoulos, Yiannis; (2022) Domain-Specific Fusion Of Objective Video Quality Metrics. In: Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia. (pp. pp. 1387-1395). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, United States. Green open access

Chai, Z; Wong, KK; Tong, KF; Chen, Y; Zhang, Y; (2022) Performance of Machine Learning Aided Fluid Antenna System with Improved Spatial Correlation Model. In: 2022 1st International Conference on 6G Networking, 6GNet 2022. IEEE: Paris, France. Green open access

Chai, Zhi; Wong, Kai-Kit; Tong, Kin-Fai; Chen, Yu; Zhang, Yangyang; (2022) Port Selection for Fluid Antenna Systems. IEEE Communications Letters , 26 (5) pp. 1180-1184. 10.1109/LCOMM.2022.3152451. Green open access

Chairez, I; Chalanga, A; Poznyak, A; Spurgeon, S; Poznyak, T; (2022) Simultaneous state and parameter estimation method for a conventional ozonation system. Computers and Chemical Engineering , 167 , Article 108018. 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2022.108018. Green open access

Chan, Shun; (2022) Group III-V Quantum Dot Solar Cells. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Chance, S; Tilley, E; (2022) Innovations in the design of an architectural engineering curriculum. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Disrupt, Innovate, Regenerate and Transform, E and PDE 2022. The Design Society: London, UK. Green open access

Chance, Shannon; Martin, Diana; Deegan, Catherine; (2022) The assessment of ethics: Lessons for planners from engineering education’s global strategy. Educational Planning , 29 (3) pp. 23-40. Green open access

Chattopadhyay, Shirsopratim; Labram, John G; (2022) The effect of substrate curvature on capacitance and transfer characteristics for thin film transistors on the surface of spheres. Journal of Applied Physics , 132 (17) , Article 174502. 10.1063/5.0118236. Green open access

Che, J; Zhang, Z; Yang, Z; Chen, X; Zhong, C; Ng, DWK; (2022) Unsourced Random Massive Access with Beam-Space Tree Decoding. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications , 40 (4) pp. 1146-1161. 10.1109/JSAC.2022.3143241. Green open access

Chen, Boli; Pan, Xiao; Evangelou, Simos; (2022) Optimal Energy Management of Series Hybrid Electric Vehicles with Engine Start-Stop System. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 10.1109/TCST.2022.3192920. (In press). Green open access

Chen, L; Alwi, H; Edwards, C; Sato, M; (2022) Flight Evaluation of an LPV Sliding Mode Observer for Sensor FTC. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology , 30 (3) pp. 1319-1327. 10.1109/tcst.2021.3096946. Green open access

Chen, L; Edwards, C; Alwi, H; Sato, M; (2022) Simultaneous Fault and Input Time Delay Estimation for an Actuator System: Theory and Flight Data Validation. IEEE Control Systems Letters , 6 pp. 1172-1177. 10.1109/LCSYS.2021.3090654. Green open access

Chen, Lejun; Edwards, Christopher; Alwi, Halim; Sato, Masayuki; Nateghi, Shamila; Shtessel, Yuri; (2022) Sliding mode observers for robust fault estimation in linear parameter varying systems. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 10.1002/rnc.6307. (In press). Green open access

Chen, LuLu; Adeyemo, Stephanie O; Fonseka, H Aruni; Liu, Huiyun; Kar, Srabani; Yang, Hui; Velichko, Anton; ... Zhang, Yunyan; + view all (2022) Long-Term Stability and Optoelectronic Performance Enhancement of InAsP Nanowires with an Ultrathin InP Passivation Layer. Nano Letters , 22 (8) pp. 3433-3439. 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c00805. Green open access

Chen, X; Jiang, D; Demosthenous, A; (2022) Highly Efficient Smart 3-Coil Wireless Power Transfer System with Automatic Tracking. In: Proceedigns of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS) 2022. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Green open access

Chen, Y; Xu, T; Darwazeh, I; (2022) Index Modulation Pattern Design for Non-Orthogonal Multicarrier Signal Waveforms. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 10.1109/TWC.2022.3166850. (In press). Green open access

Chen, Y; Xu, T; Darwazeh, I; (2022) Min-Max Hamming Distance Considerations for Activation Pattern Design in Index Modulation. In: 2022 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, ICCC 2022. (pp. pp. 544-549). IEEE: Sanshui, Foshan, China. Green open access

Chen, Z; Chen, G; Tang, J; Zhang, S; So, DKC; Dobre, OA; Wong, KK; (2022) Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted B5G/6G Wireless Communications: Challenges, Solution and Future Opportunities. IEEE Communications Magazine 10.1109/MCOM.002.2200047. (In press). Green open access

Chen, Z; Tang, J; Du, X; Zhang, XY; Wu, Q; Wong, KK; (2022) Joint Location and Channel Error Optimization for Beamforming Design for Multi-RIS Assisted MIMO System. In: 2022 IEEE 12th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM). (pp. pp. 181-185). IEEE: Trondheim, Norway. Green open access

Chen, Z; Tang, J; Tang, H; Zhang, X; Chun So, DK; Zhao, N; Wong, KK; (2022) Hybrid Beamforming Optimization for UAV-Enabled mmWave Beamspace MIMO System. In: 2021 IEEE 21st International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT). (pp. pp. 638-643). IEEE Green open access

Chu, Z; Wong, KK; Tong, KF; (2022) On Surface Wave Propagation Characteristics of Porosity-Based Reconfigurable Surfaces. In: 2022 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC). (pp. pp. 479-481). IEEE: Yokohama, Japan. Green open access

Chu, Z; Wong, KK; Tong, KF; (2022) Reconfigurable Surface Wave Platform Using Fluidic Conductive Structures. In: 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting, APS/URSI 2021 - Proceedings. (pp. pp. 909-910). IEEE Green open access

Church, S; Zhang, Y; Al-Abri, R; Al-Amari, N; Liu, H; Parkinson, P; (2022) Disentangling Gain, Distributed Losses and End-Facet Losses in Freestanding Nanowire Lasers using Automated High-Throughput Micro-Spectroscopy. In: Proceedings Optica Advanced Photonics Congress 2022. Optica Publishing Group Green open access

Ciriano Tejel, Virginia; (2022) High-fidelity, compact readout of spins in silicon quantum dots. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Clayman, S; Sayit, M; (2022) The Effects of Packet Wash on SVC Video in Limited Bandwidth Environments. In: 2022 IEEE 23rd International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR). (pp. pp. 17-22). IEEE: Taicang, Jiangsu, China. Green open access

Consani, Gioele; (2022) Superconducting qubits for quantum annealing applications. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Cruz Moreno, Sandra Ieri; Chance, Shannon; Bowe, Brian; (2022) An argument for incorporating sociological approaches into phenomenological analyses in engineering education research. In: Towards a new future in engineering education, new scenarios that European alliances of tech universities open up. (pp. pp. 1903-1910). European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) Green open access


Deakin, Callum; (2022) Dual optical frequency comb analog to digital conversion. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Deakin, Callum; Liu, Zhixin; (2022) Frequency interleaving dual comb photonic ADC with 7 bits ENOB up to 40 GHz. In: Proceedings Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (Part of CLEO: 2022). Optica Publishing Group Green open access

Deng, H; Yang, J; Jia, H; Tang, M; Maglio, B; Jarvis, L; Shutts, S; ... Liu, H; + view all (2022) Si-based 1.3 μm InAs/GaAs QD Lasers. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) 2022. (pp. pp. 1-2). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Green open access

Deng, Huiwen; Jarvis, Lydia; Li, Zhibo; Liu, Zizhuo; Tang, Mingchu; Li, Keshuang; Yang, Junjie; ... Smowton, Peter M; + view all (2022) The role of different types of dopants in 1.3 μm InAs/GaAs quantum-dot lasers. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics , 55 (21) , Article 215105. 10.1088/1361-6463/ac55c4. Green open access

Dhulashia, Dilan; Temiz, Murat; Ritchie, Matthew; (2022) Performance of Range and Velocity Estimation in a Multistatic Radar Network with Receiver Swarms. In: Proceedings of the Radar 2022 International Conference on Radar Systems. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation: Edinburgh, UK. Green open access

Dhulashia, Dilan; Temiz, Murat; Ritchie, Matthew A; (2022) Jamming Effects on Hybrid Multistatic Radar Network Range and Velocity Estimation Errors. IEEE Access 10.1109/access.2022.3157607. (In press). Green open access

DIng, Y; Yan, XG; Mao, Z; Jiang, B; Spurgeon, SK; (2022) Decentralized Sliding Mode Control for Output Tracking of Large-Scale Interconnected Systems. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. (pp. pp. 7094-7099). IEEE: Austin, TX, USA. Green open access

Ding, Y; Yan, XG; Mao, Z; Jiang, B; Spurgeon, SK; (2022) Sliding Mode Based Decentralized Tracking Control of Underactuated Four-Body Systems. In: ASCC 2022 - 2022 13th Asian Control Conference, Proceedings. (pp. pp. 1765-1770). IEEE Green open access

Ding, Yueheng; Yan, Xinggang; Mao, Zehui; Jiang, Bin; Spurgeon, Sarah K; (2022) Decentralised output tracking of interconnected systems with unknown interconnections using sliding mode control. International Journal of Systems Science , 54 (2) pp. 283-294. 10.1080/00207721.2022.2114115. Green open access

Ding, Yueheng; Yan, Xinggang; Mao, Zehui; Spurgeon, Sarah; Jiang, Bin; (2022) System structure based decentralized sliding mode output tracking control for nonlinear interconnected systems. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 10.1002/rnc.6467. (In press). Green open access

Dizdar, Onur; Kaushik, Aryan; Clerckx, Bruno; Masouros, Christos; (2022) Energy Efficient Dual-Functional Radar-Communication: Rate-Splitting Multiple Access, Low-Resolution DACs, and RF Chain Selection. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society , 3 pp. 986-1006. 10.1109/ojcoms.2022.3183950. Green open access

Dong, H; Zhuang, W; Chen, B; Wang, Y; Lu, Y; Liu, Y; Xu, L; (2022) A Comparative Study of Energy-efficient Driving Strategy for Connected Internal Combustion Engine and Electric Vehicles at Signalized Intersections. Applied Energy , 310 , Article 118524. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.118524. Green open access

Dong, Haoxuan; Zhuang, Weichao; Chen, Boli; Lu, Yanbo; Liu, Shuaipeng; Xu, Liwei; Pi, Dawei; (2022) Predictive energy-efficient driving strategy design of connected electric vehicle among multiple signalized intersections. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies , 137 , Article 103595. 10.1016/j.trc.2022.103595. Green open access

Duan, Jingyu; (2022) Gate-based sensing of silicon quantum dot devices towards 2D scaling. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Dzieciol, Hubert; Koike-Akino, Toshiaki; Wang, Ye; Parsons, Kieran; (2022) Inverse regular perturbation with ML-assisted phasor correction for fiber nonlinearity compensation. Optics Letters , 47 (14) pp. 3471-3474. 10.1364/ol.460929. Green open access


Edström, Kristina; Mitchell, John; Male, Sally; Bernhard, Jonte; Chance, Shannon; Nikolic, Sasha; Roach, Kate; (2022) Reviewing Manuscripts in Engineering Education Research Journals. In: Proceedings of the 50th Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI). (pp. pp. 2271-2272). SEFI: Barcelona, Spain. Green open access


Feng, W; Tang, J; Wu, Q; Zhang, X; Jin, S; Tang, B; Wong, KK; (2022) NOMA-based Resource Allocation for RIS-assisted Multi-UAV Systems. In: IEEE International Conference on Communications. (pp. pp. 4553-4558). IEEE: Seoul, Republic of Korea. Green open access

Fernandez, Federico Anibal; Shen, Dezhi; Yang, Mengyang; (2022) Accurate modelling of the optics of high resolution liquid crystal devices including diffractive effects. Liquid Crystals 10.1080/02678292.2022.2070784. (In press). Green open access

Fernandez Laguna, Victor M; Panoiu, Nicolae C; (2022) Nonlinear optics in diamond-fin photonic nanowires: soliton formation and frequency comb generation. Optics Express , 30 (20) , Article 36368. 10.1364/oe.468922. Green open access

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Wei, Zhongxiang; Masouros, Christos; Poor, H Vincent; Petropulu, Athina P; Hanzo, Lajos; (2022) Physical Layer Anonymous Precoding: The Path to Privacy-Preserving Communications. IEEE Wireless Communications , 29 (2) pp. 154-160. 10.1109/MWC.103.2100283. Green open access

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Xu, H; Yang, T; Wong, K-K; Caire, G; (2022) Achievable Regions and Precoder Designs for the Multiple Access Wiretap Channels with Confidential and Open Messages. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 10.1109/JSAC.2022.3145916. (In press). Green open access

Xu, J; Ai, B; Chen, W; Yang, A; Sun, P; Rodrigues, M; (2022) Wireless Image Transmission Using Deep Source Channel Coding With Attention Modules. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology , 32 (4) pp. 2315-2328. 10.1109/TCSVT.2021.3082521. Green open access

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Xu, Tongyang; Liu, Fan; Masouros, Christos; Darwazeh, Izzat; (2022) An Experimental Proof of Concept for Integrated Sensing and Communications Waveform Design. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society , 3 pp. 1643-1655. 10.1109/ojcoms.2022.3209641. Green open access

Xu, Y; Tang, J; Li, B; Zhao, N; Niyato, D; Wong, KK; (2022) Adaptive Aggregate Transmission for Device-to-Multi-Device Aided Cooperative NOMA Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 10.1109/JSAC.2022.3143267. (In press). Green open access


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Yang, Junwen; Li, Ang; Liao, Xuewen; Masouros, Christos; (2022) Low Complexity SLP: An Inversion-Free, Parallelizable ADMM Approach. arXiv: Ithaca (NY), USA. Green open access

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YUAN, XIN; BRADY, DAVIDJ; SUO, JINLI; ARGUELLO, HENRY; RODRIGUES, MIGUEL; KATSAGGELOS, AGGELOSK; (2022) Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Deep Learning for High-Dimensional Sensing. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing , 16 (4) pp. 603-607. 10.1109/JSTSP.2022.3185190. Green open access

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Zaman, Shakila; Khandaker, Muhammad RA; Khan, Risala T; Tariq, Faisal; Wong, Kai-Kit; (2022) Thinking Out of the Blocks: Holochain for Distributed Security in IoT Healthcare. IEEE Access , 10 pp. 37064-37081. 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3163580. Green open access

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Zeng, Haiyong; Wang, Jingjing; Wei, Zhongxiang; Zhu, Xu; Jiang, Yufei; Wang, Yuanchen; Masouros, Christos; (2022) Multicluster-Coordination Industrial Internet of Things: The Era of Nonorthogonal Transmission. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine , 17 (3) pp. 2-11. 10.1109/mvt.2022.3168502. Green open access

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Zhang, Jianjun; Masouros, Christos; Huang, Yongming; (2022) CSI-Free Geometric Symbol Detection via Semi-supervised Learning and Ensemble Learning. IEEE Transactions on Communications 10.1109/tcomm.2022.3209888. Green open access

Zhang, Jianjun; Masouros, Christos; Rodrigues, Miguel; (2022) Robust Symbol-Level Precoding Beyond CSI Models: A Probabilistic-Learning Based Approach. In: 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM). IEEE: Madrid, Spain. Green open access

Zhang, S; Yang, Z; Chen, M; Liu, D; Wong, KK; Poor, HV; (2022) Performance Optimization for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Multicast MIMO Networks. In: 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2022 - Proceedings. (pp. pp. 5838-5843). IEEE: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Green open access

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Zhang, Yunyan; Fonseka, H Aruni; Yang, Hui; Yu, Xuezhe; Jurczak, Pamela; Huo, Suguo; Sanchez, Ana M; (2022) Thermally-driven formation of Ge quantum dots on self-catalysed thin GaAs nanowires. Nanoscale Horizons , 7 pp. 311-318. 10.1039/D1NH00638J. Green open access

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Zhao, Longfei; (2022) Fabrication and characterisation of SiOₓ ReRAM devices. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Zheng, TX; Chen, X; Wang, C; Wong, KK; Yuan, J; (2022) Physical Layer Security in Large-Scale Random Multiple Access Wireless Sensor Networks: A Stochastic Geometry Approach. IEEE Transactions on Communications 10.1109/TCOMM.2022.3167047. Green open access

Zheng, TX; Wen, Y; Liu, HW; Ju, Y; Wang, HM; Wong, KK; Yuan, J; (2022) Physical-layer Security of Uplink mmWave Transmissions in Cellular V2X Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 10.1109/TWC.2022.3179706. (In press). Green open access

Zhi, Zhuo; Elbadawi, Moe; Daneshmend, Adam; Orlu, Mine; Basit, Abdul; Demosthenous, Andreas; Rodrigues, Miguel; (2022) Multimodal Diagnosis for Pulmonary Embolism from EHR Data and CT Images. In: 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). (pp. pp. 2053-2057). IEEE: Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom. Green open access

Zhou, Chao; Rodrigues, Miguel RD; (2022) Blind Unmixing Using A Double Deep Image Prior. In: ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). (pp. pp. 1665-1669). IEEE: Singapore, Singapore. Green open access

Zhou, G; Pan, C; Ren, H; Wang, K; Chai, KK; Wong, KK; (2022) User cooperation for IRS-aided secure MIMO systems. Intelligent and Converged Networks , 3 (1) pp. 86-102. 10.23919/ICN.2022.0001. Green open access

Zhou, T; Ma, J; Tang, M; Li, H; Martin, M; Baron, T; Liu, H; ... Zhang, Z; + view all (2022) Monolithically Integrated Ultralow Threshold Topological Corner State Nanolasers on Silicon. ACS Photonics , 9 (12) pp. 3824-3830. 10.1021/acsphotonics.2c00711. Green open access

Zhou, Z; Dzieciol, H; Clark, K; Slavik, R; Sakr, H; Harrington, K; Richardson, D; ... Liu, Z; + view all (2022) Low-latency Optically-switched Data Centre Interconnects enabled by Hollow Core Anti-resonant Fiber. In: 2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO). IEEE: San Jose, CA, USA. Green open access

Zhou, Z; Wei, J; Clark, KA; Sillekens, E; Deakin, C; Sohanpal, R; Luo, Y; ... Liu, Z; + view all (2022) Multipoint-to-point data aggregation using a single receiver and frequency-multiplexed intensity-modulated ONUs. In: 2022 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, OFC 2022 - Proceedings. Optica Publishing Group (In press). Green open access

Zhou, Zepeng; Zhu, Fanglai; Xu, Dezhi; Chen, Boli; Guo, Shenghui; Dai, Yuchen; (2022) Event-Triggered Multi-Lane Fusion Control for 2-D Vehicle Platoon Systems with Distance Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (In press). Green open access

Zhou, Zichuan; Clark, Kari; Deakin, Callum; Liu, Zhixin; (2022) Clock Synchronized Transmission of 51.2GBd Optical Packets for Optically Switched Data Center Interconnects. Journal of Lightwave Technology (In press). Green open access

Zhou, Zichuan; Clark, Kari; Verma, Ashish; Matsui, Yasuhiro; Liu, Zhixin; (2022) Optical Clock Synchronization for O-band Directly Modulated Laser Based Data Center Interconnection. In: Proceedings of the 2023 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC). Optica Publishing Group (OFC): San Diego, CA, USA. Green open access

Zhou, Zichuan; Dzieciol, Hubert; Clark, Kari; Slavik, Radan; Sakr, Hesham; Harrington, Kerrianne; Richardson, David; ... Liu, Zhixin; + view all (2022) Low-latency Optically-switched Data Centre Interconnects enabled by Hollow Core Anti-resonant Fiber. In: Proceedings Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (Part of CLEO: 2022). Optica Publishing Group Green open access

Zhou, Zichuan; Nopchinda, Dhecha; Lo, Mu-Chieh; Darwazeh, Izzat; Liu, Zhixin; (2022) Simultaneous Clock and RF Carrier Distribution for Beyond 5G Networks Using Optical Frequency Comb. In: Proceedings of The European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC). Optica Publishing Group Green open access

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