Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Aaboud, M;
Aad, G;
Abbott, B;
Abdinov, O;
Abeloos, B;
Abidi, SH;
AbouZeid, OS;
... Zwalinski, L; + view all
Search for High-Mass Resonances Decaying to τν in pp Collisions at \sqrt{s} = 13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector.
Physical Review Letters
, 120
, Article 161802. 10.1103/physrevlett.120.161802.
Abah, SE;
Burté, F;
Marquet, S;
Brown, BJ;
Akinkunmi, F;
Oyinloye, G;
Afolabi, NK;
... Fernandez-Reyes, D; + view all
Low plasma haptoglobin is a risk factor for life-threatening childhood severe malarial anemia and not an exclusive consequence of hemolysis.
Scientific Reports
, 8
, Article 17527. 10.1038/s41598-018-35944-w.
Abbadi, M;
Spurgeon, S;
Growth Dynamics of Algal-bacterial Cocultures: A Control Engineering Perspective.
2018 European Control Conference (ECC).
(pp. pp. 2344-2349).
Abbadi, M;
Spurgeon, S;
Khan, N;
Warren, M;
Understanding the control of a vitamin B12 riboswitch.
2018 UKACC 12th International Conference on Control (CONTROL).
(pp. pp. 474-479).
Abrahão, S;
De Marco, L;
Ferrucci, F;
Gomez, J;
Gravino, C;
Sarro, F;
Definition and evaluation of a COSMIC measurement procedure for sizing Web applications in a model-driven development environment.
Information and Software Technology
(In press).
Acs, G;
Melis, L;
Castelluccia, C;
De Cristofaro, E;
Differentially Private Mixture of Generative Neural Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
, 31
pp. 1109-1121.
Adams, RA;
Napier, G;
Roiser, JP;
Mathys, C;
Gilleen, J;
Attractor-like dynamics in belief updating in schizophrenia.
Journal of Neuroscience
(In press).
Adeagbo, O;
Herbst, C;
Dlamini, N;
Mhlongo, T;
Sonnenberg, P;
Estcourt, C;
Blandford, A;
... Shahmanesh, M; + view all
"If She Tests Negative, It Means I Am Also Negative": Men's Construction of HIV Testing in South Africa.
Presented at: HIV Research for Prevention Meeting 2018 (HIVR4P) - AIDS Vaccine, Microbicide and ARV-Based Prevention Science, Madrid, Spain.
Aguirre, A;
Barthe, G;
Hsu, J;
Silva, A;
Almost sure productivity.
Proceedings of the 45th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2018).
(pp. 113.1-113.15).
LIPIcs , Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik: Prague, Czech Republic.
Aicardi, C;
Bitsch, L;
Bang Badum, N;
Datta, S;
Evers, K;
Farisco, M;
Fothergill, T;
+ view all
Opinion on 'Responsible Dual Use' Political, Security, Intelligence and Military Research of Concern in Neuroscience and Neurotechnology.
Human Brain Project
Akpan, Asangaedem;
Roberts, Charlotte;
Bandeen-Roche, Karen;
Batty, Barbara;
Bausewein, Claudia;
Bell, Diane;
Bramley, David;
... Banerjee, Jay; + view all
Standard set of health outcome measures for older persons.
BMC Geriatrics
, 18
, Article 36. 10.1186/s12877-017-0701-3.
Albert, E;
Gómez-Zamalloa, M;
Rubio, A;
Sammartino, M;
Silva, A;
SDN-Actors: Modeling and Verification of SDN Programs.
In: Havelund, K and Peleska, J and Roscoe, B and de Vink, E, (eds.)
Proceedings of International Symposium on Formal Methods 2018.
(pp. pp. 550-567).
Springer Nature: Cham, Switzerland.
Alfaro-Almagro, F;
Jenkinson, M;
Bangerter, NK;
Andersson, JLR;
Griffanti, L;
Douaud, G;
Sotiropoulos, SN;
... Smith, SM; + view all
Image processing and Quality Control for the first 10,000 brain imaging datasets from UK Biobank.
, 166
pp. 400-424.
Alglave, J;
Maranget, L;
McKenney, PE;
Parri, A;
Stern, A;
Frightening Small Children and Disconcerting Grown-ups: Concurrency in the Linux Kernel.
ASPLOS '18 Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems.
(pp. pp. 405-418).
ACM: Williamsburg, VA, USA.
Allamanis, M;
Barr, ET;
Bird, C;
Devanbu, P;
Marron, M;
Sutton, C;
Mining Semantic Loop Idioms.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
, 44
pp. 651-668.
Allamanis, M;
Barr, ET;
Devanbu, P;
Sutton, C;
A survey of machine learning for big code and naturalness.
ACM Computing Surveys
, 51
, Article 81. 10.1145/3212695.
Allan, M;
Ourselin, S;
Hawkes, DJ;
Kelly, JD;
Stoyanov, D;
3D Pose Estimation of Articulated Instruments in Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
, 37
Almeshari, M;
Dowell, J;
Nyhan, J;
Personalisation of digital museum guides through implicit recognition of visitor personas.
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Mobile Access to Cultural Heritage co-located with 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (Mobile HCI 2018).
(In press).
Alsaeed, D;
Furniss, D;
Blandford, A;
Smith, F;
Orlu, M;
Carers’ experiences of home enteral feeding: a survey exploring medicines administration challenges and strategies.
Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics
, 43
pp. 359-365.
Alshahwan, N;
Gao, X;
Harman, M;
Jia, Y;
Mao, K;
Mols, A;
Tei, T;
Deploying Search Based Software Engineering with Sapienz at Facebook.
In: Colanzi, TE and McMinn, P, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering.
(pp. pp. 3-45).
Springer Nature: Cham, Switzerland.
An, VVG;
Mirza, Y;
Mazomenos, E;
Vasconcelos, F;
Stoyanov, D;
Oussedik, S;
Arthroscopic simulation using a knee model can be used to train speed and gaze strategies in knee arthroscopy.
The Knee
, 25
pp. 1214-1221.
Anatürk, M;
Demnitz, N;
Ebmeier, KP;
Sexton, CE;
A systematic review and meta-analysis of structural magnetic resonance imaging studies investigating cognitive and social activity levels in older adults.
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews
, 93
pp. 71-84.
Andersson, JLR;
Graham, MS;
Drobnjak, I;
Zhang, H;
Campbell, J;
Susceptibility-induced distortion that varies due to motion: Correction in diffusion MR without acquiring additional data.
, 171
pp. 277-295.
Andrade, FM;
Severini, S;
Unitary equivalence between the Green's function and Schrödinger approaches for quantum graphs.
Physical Review A
, 98
, Article 062107. 10.1103/PhysRevA.98.062107.
Andrews, Jerone Theodore Alexander;
Representation learning for anomaly detection in computer vision.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Andriotis, P;
Stringhini, G;
Sasse, MA;
Studying users' adaptation to Android's run-time fine-grained access control system.
Journal of Information Security and Applications
, 40
pp. 31-43.
Angelini, O;
Di Matteo, T;
Complexity of Products: The Effect of Data Regularisation.
, 20
, Article 814. 10.3390/e20110814.
Antonio Gutierrez, P;
Perez-Ortiz, M;
Suarez, A;
Class Switching Ensembles for Ordinal Regression.
In: Rojas, I and Joya, G and Catala, A, (eds.)
Advances in Computational Intelligence (Proceedings Part 1).
(pp. pp. 408-419).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Araujo, A;
Ruebben, A;
Bentley, PJ;
Basanta, D;
Testing Three Hypotheses of the Contribution of Geometry and Migration Dynamics to Intestine Crypt Evolution.
In: Ikegami, T and Virgo, N and Witkowski, O and Oka, M and Suzuki, R and Iizuka, H, (eds.)
Artificial Life Conference Proceedings.
(pp. pp. 420-427).
MIT Press
Arbel, M;
Gretton, AL;
Kernel Conditional Exponential Family.
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Artifi- cial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2018.
(pp. pp. 1337-1346).
Arbel, M;
Sutherland, DJ;
Bińkowski, M;
Gretton, A;
On gradient regularizers for MMD GANs.
In: Bengio, S and Wallach, H and Larochelle, H and Grauman, K and Cesa-Bianchi, N and Garnett, R, (eds.)
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31 (NIPS 2018).
NIPS Proceedings: Montreal, Canada.
Arridge, SR;
Ito, K;
Jin, B;
Zhang, C;
Variational Gaussian approximation for Poisson data.
Inverse Problems
, 34
, Article 025005. 10.1088/1361-6420/aaa0ab.
Aste, T;
Divos, P;
Del Bano Rollin, S;
Bihari, Z;
Risk-Neutral Pricing and Hedging of In-Play Football Bets.
Applied Mathematical Finance
, 25
pp. 315-335.
Atkinson, D;
Usman, M;
Kakkar, LS;
Arridge, SR;
Geometry in MR Reconstruction.
Presented at: Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, Paris, France.
Aubry, F;
Vissicchio, S;
Bonaventure, O;
Deville, Y;
Robustly disjoint paths with segment routing.
In: Dimitropoulos, X and Dainotti, A and Vanbever, L and Benson, T, (eds.)
CoNEXT '18: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies.
(pp. pp. 204-216).
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, USA.
Ayobi, A;
Informing the Design of Personal Informatics Technologies for Unpredictable Chronic Conditions.
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '18).
(In press).
Ayobi, A;
Sonne, T;
Marshall, P;
Cox, AL;
Flexible and Mindful Self-Tracking: Design Implications from Paper Bullet Journals.
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '18).
ACM: Montreal, Canada.
Azouvi, S;
Hicks, A;
Murdoch, SJ;
Incentives in Security Protocols.
In: Matyáš, V and Švenda, P and Stajano, F and Christianson, B and Anderson, J, (eds.)
Security Protocols XXVI: 26th International Workshop, Cambridge, UK, March 19–21, 2018, Revised Selected Papers.
(pp. pp. 132-141).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Azouvi, S;
Maller, M;
Meiklejohn, S;
Egalitarian Society or Benevolent Dictatorship: The State of Cryptocurrency Governance.
In: Zohar, A and Eyal, I and Teague, V and Clark, J and Bracciali, A and Pintore, F and Sala, M, (eds.)
Financial Cryptography and Data Security: FC 2018 International Workshops, BITCOIN, VOTING, and WTSC, Nieuwpoort, Curaçao, March 2, 2018, Revised Selected Papers.
(pp. pp. 127-143).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Azouvi, S;
Yousaf, H;
Hicks, A;
Incentivising Privacy in Cryptocurrencies.
Presented at: OPERANDI 2018: Open Day for Privacy, Transparency and Decentralization, Barcelona, Spain.
Bailey, C;
Collins, DJ;
Tunariu, N;
Orton, MR;
Morgan, VA;
Feiweier, T;
Hawkes, DJ;
... Panagiotaki, E; + view all
Microstructure characterization of Bone Metastases from Prostate cancer with Diffusion MRI: Preliminary Findings.
Frontiers in Oncology
, 8
, Article 26. 10.3389/fonc.2018.00026.
Balduzzi, D;
Racaniere, S;
Martens, J;
Foerster, J;
Tuyls, K;
Graepel, T;
The Mechanics of n-Player Differentiable Games.
In: Dy, JG and Krause, A, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning.
(pp. pp. 363-372).
Balduzzi, D;
Tuyls, K;
Pérolat, J;
Graepel, T;
Re-evaluating evaluation.
In: Bengio, S and Wallach, HM and Larochelle, H and Grauman, K and Cesa-Bianchi, N and Garnett, R, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2018).
(pp. pp. 3272-3283).
Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation, Inc.: Montréal, Canada.
Banakou, D;
Kishore, S;
Slater, M;
Virtually being Einstein results in an improvement in cognitive task performance and a decrease in age bias.
Frontiers in Psychology
, 9
Banchi, L;
Grant, E;
Rocchetto, A;
Severini, S;
Modelling non-markovian quantum processes with recurrent neural networks.
New Journal of Physics
, 20
, Article 123030. 10.1088/1367-2630/aaf749.
Bano, S;
Asad, M;
Fetit, AE;
Rekik, I;
XmoNet: A Fully Convolutional Network for Cross-Modality MR Image Inference.
In: Rekik, I and Unal, G and Adeli, E and Park, SH, (eds.)
PRedictive Intelligence in MEdicine: First International Workshop, PRIME 2018, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2018, Granada, Spain, September 16, 2018, Proceedings.
(pp. pp. 129-137).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Bano, S;
Richter, P;
Javed, M;
Sundaresan, S;
Durumeric, Z;
Murdoch, S;
Mortier, R;
Scanning the Internet for Liveness.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review
, 48
pp. 2-9.
Bano, S;
Suveges, T;
Zhang, J;
McKenna, SJ;
Multimodal Egocentric Analysis of Focused Interactions.
IEEE Access
, 6
pp. 37493-37505.
Bano, Sophia;
Zhang, Jianguo;
McKenna, Stephen J.;
Finding Time Together: Detection and Classification of Focused Interaction in Egocentric Video.
Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW).
(pp. pp. 2322-2330).
IEEE: Venice, Italy.
Baomar, H;
Bentley, PJ;
Autonomous navigation and landing of large jets using Artificial Neural Networks and learning by imitation.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI).
IEEE: Honolulu, HI, USA.
Barbareschi, G;
Tebbutt, E;
Mines, K;
Training in priority assistive products: report from the first pilot.
World Health Organization (WHO)
Barbareschi, G;
Cheng, TJ;
Holloway, C;
The effect of technique and transfer board use on the performance of wheelchair transfers.
Healthcare Technology Letters
, 5
pp. 76-80.
Barbareschi, G;
Holloway, CSM;
Berthouze, N;
Sonenblum, S;
Sprigle, S;
Use of a Low Cost, Chest-Mounted Accelerometer to Evaluate Transfer Skills of Wheelchair Users During Everyday Activities.
JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies
, 5
, Article e11748. 10.2196/11748.
Barbareschi, Giulia;
YouTransfer, YouDesign: A participatory approach to design assistive technology for wheelchair transfers.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Barker, M;
Dombrowski, SU;
Colbourn, T;
Fall, CHD;
Kriznik, NM;
Lawrence, WT;
Norris, SA;
... Stephenson, J; + view all
Intervention strategies to improve nutrition and health behaviours before conception.
The Lancet
, 391
pp. 1853-1864.
Barnett, J;
Treleaven, P;
Algorithmic Dispute Resolution-The Automation of Professional Dispute Resolution Using AI and Blockchain Technologies.
The Computer Journal
, 61
pp. 399-408.
Barucca, P;
Caldarelli, G;
Squartini, T;
Tackling Information Asymmetry in Networks: A New Entropy-Based Ranking Index.
Journal of Statistical Physics
, 173
pp. 1028-1044.
Barucca, P;
Lillo, F;
The organization of the interbank network and how ECB unconventional measures affected the e-MID overnight market.
Computational Management Science
, 15
pp. 33-53.
Barucca, P;
Lillo, F;
Mazzarisi, P;
Tantari, D;
Disentangling group and link persistence in dynamic stochastic block models.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment
, 2018
, Article 123407. 10.1088/1742-5468/aaeb44.
Barucca, P;
Mazzarisi, P;
Tantari, D;
Lillo, F;
A dynamic network model with persistent links and node-specific latent variables, with an application to the interbank market.
Proceedings of CCS2018.
Complex Systems Society: Thessaloniki, Greece.
Basios, M;
Li, L;
Wu, F;
Kanthan, L;
Barr, E;
Darwinian Data Structure Selection.
In: Leavens, Gary T., (ed.)
Proceedings of ESEC/FSE '18 26th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering.
Batalle, D;
O'Muircheartaigh, J;
Makropoulos, A;
Kelly, CJ;
Dimitrova, R;
Hughes, EJ;
Hajnal, JV;
... Counsell, SJ; + view all
Different patterns of cortical maturation before and after 38 weeks gestational age demonstrated by diffusion MRI in vivo.
Batrinca, B;
Hesse, CW;
Treleaven, PC;
European Trading Volumes on Cross-market Holidays.
International Journal of Finance and Economics
, 23
pp. 675-704.
Batrinca, B;
Hesse, CW;
Treleaven, PC;
Examining drivers of trading volume in European markets.
International Journal of Finance and Economics
, 23
pp. 134-154.
Battiston, M;
Grussu, F;
Ianus, A;
Schneider, T;
Prados, F;
Fairney, J;
Ourselin, S;
... Samson, R; + view all
An optimized framework for quantitative Magnetization Transfer imaging of the cervical spinal cord in vivo.
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
, 79
pp. 2576-2588.
Batz, K;
Kaminski, BL;
Katoen, JP;
Matheja, C;
How long, O Bayesian network, will I sample thee?: A program analysis perspective on expected sampling times.
In: Ahmed, A, (ed.)
Proceedings of Programming Languages and Systems. ESOP 2018.
(pp. pp. 186-213).
Springer: Cham.
Baum, C;
Bootle, J;
Cerulli, A;
del Pino, R;
Groth, J;
Lyubashevsky, V;
Sub-linear lattice-based zero-knowledge arguments for arithmetic circuits.
In: Shacham, H and Boldyreva, A, (eds.)
Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2018: 38th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Proceedings, Part II.
(pp. pp. 669-699).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Bausch, J;
Cubitt, TS;
Lucia, A;
Perez-Garcia, D;
Wolf, MM;
Size-driven quantum phase transitions.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
, 115
pp. 19-23.
Becker, I;
Parkin, S;
Sasse, MA;
The Rewards and Costs of Stronger Passwords in a University: Linking Password Lifetime to Strength.
27th USENIX Security Symposium.
(pp. pp. 239-253).
USENIX Association
Bekhti, Y;
Lucka, F;
Salmon, J;
Gramfort, A;
A hierarchical Bayesian perspective on majorization-minimization for non-convex sparse regression: application to M/EEG source imaging.
Inverse Problems
, 34
, Article 085010. 10.1088/1361-6420/aac9b3.
Bella, A;
Shaw, M;
De Santis, E;
Ryadnov, MG;
Imaging Protein Fibers at the Nanoscale and In Situ.
Methods in Molecular Biology
, 1777
pp. 83-100.
Benrimoh, D;
Parr, T;
Vincent, P;
Adams, RA;
Friston, K;
Active Inference and Auditory Hallucinations.
Computational Psychiatry
, 2
pp. 183-204.
Beohar, H;
König, B;
Küpper, S;
Silva, A;
Conditional transition systems with upgrades.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE) 2017.
(pp. pp. 1-8).
IEEE: Danvers (MA), USA.
Beohar, H;
König, B;
Küpper, S;
Silva, A;
Wissmann, T;
A coalgebraic treatment of conditional transition systems with upgrades.
Logical Methods in Computer Science
, 14
Bermudez Villalva, D;
Onaolapo, J;
Stringhini, G;
Musolesi, M;
Under and over the surface: a comparison of the use of leaked account credentials in the Dark and Surface Web.
Crime Science
, 7
, Article 17. 10.1186/s40163-018-0092-6.
Bernard-Jones, E;
Onaolapo, J;
Stringhini, G;
BABELTOWER: How Language Affects Criminal Activity in Stolen Webmail Accounts.
(Proceedings) The Web Conference.
Besel, C;
Echeverria, J;
Zhou, S;
Full Cycle Analysis of a Large-scale Botnet Attack on Twitter.
In: Brandes, U and Reddy, C and Tagarelli, A, (eds.)
Proceedings of 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM).
(pp. pp. 170-177).
IEEE: Barcelona, Spain.
Bińkowski, M;
Sutherland, DJ;
Arbel, M;
Gretton, A;
Demystifying MMD GANs.
In: Bengio, Yoshua and LeCun, Yann, (eds.)
Proceedings of ICLR 2018 : International Conference on Learning Representations.
ICLR: Vancouver, BC, Canada,.
Blackshear, S;
Gorogiannis, N;
O'Hearn, P;
Sergey, I;
RacerD: compositional static race detection.
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages
, 2
, Article 144. 10.1145/3276514.
Blandford, A;
Gibbs, JL;
Newhouse, N;
Perski, O;
Singh, A;
Murray, E;
Seven Lessons for interdisciplinary research on interactive digital health.
Digital Health
, 4
pp. 1-13.
Blot, A;
Hoos, HH;
Kessaci, M-E;
Jourdan, L;
Automatic Configuration of Bi-objective Optimisation Algorithms: Impact of Correlation between Objectives.
30th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence Proceedings.
(pp. pp. 571-578).
Blot, A;
Kessaci, MÉ;
Jourdan, L;
Survey and unification of local search techniques in metaheuristics for multi-objective combinatorial optimisation.
Journal of Heuristics
, 24
pp. 853-877.
Blot, A;
Kessaci, MÉ;
Jourdan, L;
De Causmaecker, P;
Adaptive multi-objective local search algorithms for the permutation flowshop scheduling problem.
International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization.
(pp. pp. 241-256).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Blot, A;
López-Ibáñez, M;
Kessaci, MÉ;
Jourdan, L;
New initialisation techniques for multi-objective local search: Application to the bi-objective permutation flowshop.
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XV.
(pp. pp. 323-334).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Blumberg, SB;
Tanno, R;
Kokkinos, I;
Alexander, DC;
Deeper Image Quality Transfer: Training Low-Memory Neural Networks for 3D Images.
In: Frangi, AF and Schnabel, JA and Davatzikos, C and Alberola-López, C and Fichtinger, G, (eds.)
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2018: 21st International Conference, Proceedings, Part I.
(pp. pp. 118-125).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Bodenstedt, S;
Allan, M;
Agustinos, A;
Du, X;
García-Peraza-Herrera, LC;
Kenngott, H;
Kurmann, T;
... Speidel, S; + view all
Comparative evaluation of instrument segmentation and tracking methods in minimally invasive surgery.
Boeing, P;
Leon, M;
Nesbeth, DN;
Finkelstein, A;
Barnes, C;
Towards an Aspect-Oriented Design and Modelling Framework for Synthetic Biology.
, 6
, Article 167. 10.3390/pr6090167.
Bonchi, F;
Gadducci, F;
Kissinger, A;
Sobocinski, P;
Zanasi, F;
Rewriting with Frobenius.
In: Dawar, A and Grädel, E, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science.
(pp. pp. 165-174).
ACM: Oxford, United Kingdom.
Bonchi, F;
Sobocinski, P;
Zanasi, F;
Deconstructing Lawvere with distributive laws.
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming
, 95
pp. 128-146.
Bonet-Carne, E;
Daducci, A;
Johnston, E;
Jacobs, J;
Freeman, A;
Atkinson, D;
Hawkes, D;
... panagiotaki, E; + view all
VERDICT prostate parameter estimation with AMICO.
In: Kaden, E and Grussu, F and Ning, L and Tax, CMW and Veraart, J, (eds.)
Computational Diffusion MRI.
(pp. pp. 229-241).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Bonet-Carne, E;
Tariq, M;
Pye, H;
Appayya, MB;
Haider, A;
Bayley, C;
Jacobs, J;
... Panagiotaki, E; + view all
Histological Validation of in-vivo VERDICT MRI for Prostate using 3D Personalised Moulds.
Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018.
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)
(In press).
Bootle, J;
Cerulli, A;
Groth, J;
Jakobsen, S;
Maller, M;
Arya: Nearly linear-time zero-knowledge proofs for correct program execution.
In: Peyrin, T and Galbraith, S, (eds.)
Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2018: 24th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, December 2–6, 2018, Proceedings, Part I.
(pp. pp. 595-626).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Bootle, J;
Groth, J;
Efficient Batch Zero-Knowledge Arguments for Low Degree Polynomials.
PKC 2018: Public-Key Cryptography – PKC 2018.
(pp. pp. 561-588).
Springer Verlag
Borghini, G;
Candini, M;
Filannino, C;
Hussain, M;
Walsh, V;
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Correction: The Effect of Timing and Frequency of Push Notifications on Usage of a Smartphone-Based Stress Management Intervention: An Exploratory Trial.
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A Longitudinal Study of Small Group Interaction in Social Virtual Reality.
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Municio, E;
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Whisper: Programmable and Flexible Control on Industrial IoT Networks.
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Murcia Lopez, M;
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Newbold, JW;
Bianchi-Berthouze, N;
Gold, NE;
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MOCO '18 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Movement and Computing.
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ACM: Genoa, Italy.
Nour, MM;
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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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Saliency detection as a reactive process: unexpected sensory events evoke cortico-muscular coupling.
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In: Bratteteig, T and Sandnes, FE, (eds.)
NordiCHI '18: Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.
(pp. pp. 524-536).
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, USA.
O'Hearn, PW;
Continuous Reasoning: Scaling the impact of formal methods.
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science.
(pp. pp. 13-25).
ACM: New York (NY), USA.
Odedeyi, T;
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Matrix single stage distributed amplifier design for ultra wideband application.
Proceedings of the 2017 24th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS).
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IEEE: Batumi, Georgia.
Odedeyi, T;
Haigh, PA;
Darwazeh, I;
Transmission Line Synthesis Approach to Extending the Bandwidth of LEDs for Visible Light Communication.
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP) - 2018.
IEEE: Budapest, Hungary.
Odedeyi, TO;
Darwazeh, I;
Bandwidth Enhancement Technique for Bipolar Single Stage Distributed Amplifier Design.
In: Pasya,, Idnin and Seman, Fauziahanim Che, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC).
IEEE: Kuala Lumpur, Singapore.
Olmedo, F;
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Jansen, N;
Kaminski, BL;
Katoen, J-P;
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Conditioning in Probabilistic Programming.
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS)
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Olofsson, S;
Deisenroth, MP;
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Olugbade, TA;
Berthouze, N;
Marquardt, N;
Williams, A;
Human Observer and Automatic Assessment of Movement Related Self-Efficacy in Chronic Pain: from Exercise to Functional Activity.
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
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Onwuzurike, L;
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Blackburn, J;
Stringhini, G;
De Cristofaro, E;
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Current Biology
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Oxtoby, N;
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Pachtrachai, K;
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Adjoint Transformation Algorithm for Hand-Eye Calibration with Applications in Robotic Assisted Surgery.
Annals of Biomedical Engineering
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pp. 1606-1620.
Pachtrachai, K;
Vasconcelos, F;
Dwyer, G;
Pawar, V;
Hailes, S;
Stoyanov, D;
CHESS - Calibrating the Hand-Eye Matrix with Screw constraints and Synchronisation.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
, 3
Paixao, M;
Harman, M;
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An Empirical Study of Cohesion and Coupling: Balancing Optimisation and Disruption.
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
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pp. 394-414.
Paixao, M;
Krinke, J;
Han, D;
Harman, M;
CROP: linking code reviews to source code changes.
In: Zaidman, A and Kamei, Y and Hill, E, (eds.)
MSR '18: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories.
(pp. pp. 46-49).
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, USA.
Paixao, Matheus;
Software restructuring: understanding longitudinal architectural changes and refactoring.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Palombo, M;
Hill, I;
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Philippe, A-C;
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Machine learning based estimation of axonal permeability: validation on cuprizone treated in-vivo mouse model of axonal demyelination.
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Palombo, M;
Shemesh, N;
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In: Miller, KL and Port, JD, (eds.)
Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018.
ISMRM (International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine): Concord, CA, USA.
Palombo, M;
Shemesh, N;
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Alexander, D;
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A compartment based model for non-invasive cell body imaging by diffusion MRI.
In: Miller, KL and Port, JD, (eds.)
Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018.
ISMRM (International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine): Concord, CA, USA.
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A study of professional awareness using immersive virtual reality: The responses of general practitioners to child safeguarding concerns.
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Understanding dual realities and more in VR.
British Journal of Psychology
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Cortical microstructure in young onset Alzheimer's disease using neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging.
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Patel, DB;
What are men's user requirements towards digital health interventions whilst preparing for conception?
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Patel, DB;
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Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services Adjunct (MobileHCI '18).
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Pateman, M;
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ACM: Montreal, QC, Canada.
Pavelic, SK;
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Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, USA.
Peng, P;
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Perez, B;
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Pérez-Ortiz, M;
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Perez‐Moreno, A;
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Perillo, AM;
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SciTePress: Porto, Portugal.
Perski, O;
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Petke, J;
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Genetic Improvement of Software: a Comprehensive Survey.
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Petke, J;
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Specialising Software for Different Downstream Applications Using Genetic Improvement and Code Transplantation.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
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Petke, J;
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Genetic Improvement of Software (Dagstuhl Seminar 18052).
Dagstuhl Reports.
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Petke, J;
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Guest Editorial for the Special Section from the 9th International Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering.
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Petke, J;
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Proceedings of the 4th International Genetic Improvement Workshop, , GI@ICSE 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 2, 2018.
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement Workshop.
Phelan, Carolyn E;
Fourier transform methods for the pricing of barrier options and other exotic derivatives.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Phelan, CE;
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Fluctuation identities with continuous monitoring and their application to the pricing of barrier options.
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Phelps, S;
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Phillips, RC;
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Mutual-excitation of cryptocurrency market returns and social media topics.
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ACM: Moscow, Russian Federation.
Phillips, RC;
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Predicting cryptocurrency price bubbles using social media data and epidemic modelling.
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IEEE: Honolulu, HI, USA.
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A comparison of subnetwork classification methods.
Presented at: ISMRM 2018, Paris, France.
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Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Ptakauskaite, N;
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Cheshire, J;
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Personal Informatics Tools Benefit from Combining Automatic and Manual Data Capture in the Long-Term.
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2018).
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, USA.
(In press).
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Proceedings of the 25th Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS 2018).
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Assessment of tissue polarimetric properties using Stokes polarimetric imaging with circularly polarized illumination.
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Tapering Analysis of Airways with Bronchiectasis.
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SPIE: Texas, USA.
Quattrone, G;
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Analyzing and Predicting the Spatial Penetration of Airbnb in U.S. Cities.
EPJ Data Science
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Is the Sharing Economy About Sharing at All? A Linguistic Analysis of Airbnb Reviews.
Proceedings of the Twelfth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2018).
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Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI): Stanford, CA, USA.
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A comparison of code similarity analysers.
Empirical Software Engineering
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A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words: Code Clone Detection Based on Image Similarity.
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Ragkhitwetsagul, Chaiyong;
Code similarity and clone search in large-scale source code data.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Rashid, A;
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Scoping the Cyber Security Body of Knowledge.
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Rau, A;
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Raumonen, P;
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Segmentation of vessel structures from photoacoustic images with reliability assessment.
Biomedical Optics Express
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pp. 2887-2904.
Ravì, D;
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Effective deep learning training for single-image super-resolution in endomicroscopy exploiting video-registration-based reconstruction.
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
(In press).
Rial, A;
Danezis, G;
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Privacy-preserving smart metering revisited.
International Journal of Information Security
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pp. 1-31.
Ricciardi, A;
Grussu, F;
Brownlee, W;
Kanber, B;
Prados Carrasco, F;
Collorone, S;
Kaden, E;
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Biophysically meaningful MRI features for accurate classification of multiple sclerosis phenotypes.
Presented at: ISMRM 2018, Paris, France.
Ricciardi, A;
Grussu, F;
Samson, R;
Alexander, DC;
Wheeler-Kingshott, CAM;
Reconstruction of quantitative proton density maps from routine clinical data.
Presented at: ISMRM 2018, Paris, France.
Rigby, J;
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Cox, A;
"I Can Watch What I Want": A Diary Study of On-Demand and Cross-Device Viewing.
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Rigby, Jacob Mark;
Video Media in the Hyperconnected Age: Investigating Emergent Viewing Practices.
Doctoral thesis (Eng.D), UCL (University College London).
Rigby, JM;
Brumby, DP;
Cox, AL;
Gould, SJJ;
Old Habits Die Hard: A Diary Study of On-Demand Video Viewing.
In: Mandryk, RL and Hancock, M and Perry, m and Cox, AL, (eds.)
Proceedings of the CHI EA '18 Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
The Association for Computing Machinery: New York (NY), USA.
Righi, S;
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Social Closure and the Evolution of Cooperation via Indirect Reciprocity.
Scientific Reports
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Rimpilaeinen, V;
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Kaipio, JP;
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Bayesian Modelling of Skull Conductivity Uncertainties in EEG Source Imaging.
In: Eskola, H and Vaisanen, O and Viik, J and Hyttinen, J, (eds.)
Proceedings of the European Medical and Biological Engineering Confernce Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics:EMBEC & NBC 2017.
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Springer: Tampere, Finland.
Rinaldi, L;
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Smelling the Space Around Us: Odor Pleasantness Shifts Visuospatial Attention in Humans.
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pp. 971-979.
Ritter, H;
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A Scalable Laplace Approximation for Neural Networks.
6th International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2018 - Conference Track Proceedings.
International Conference on Representation Learning: Vancouver, Canada.
Ritter, H;
Botev, A;
Barber, D;
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International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee