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Abdi, S; Spann, A; Borilovic, J; de Witte, L; Hawley, M; (2019) Understanding the care and support needs of older people: a scoping review and categorisation using the WHO international classification of functioning, disability and health framework (ICF). BMC Geriatrics , 19 , Article 195. 10.1186/s12877-019-1189-9. Green open access

Abels, K; (2019) On “sluicing” with apparent massive pied-piping. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 10.1007/s11049-018-9432-1. (In press). Green open access

Ackema, P; Neeleman, A; (2019) Processing Differences Between Person and Number: A Theoretical Interpretation. Frontiers in Psychology , 10 , Article 211. 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00211. Green open access

Aczel, B; Szaszi, B; Sarafoglou, A; Kekecs, Z; Kucharský, Š; Benjamin, D; Chambers, CD; ... Wagenmakers, E-J; + view all (2019) A consensus-based transparency checklist. Nature Human Behaviour 10.1038/s41562-019-0772-6. (In press). Green open access

Ajnakina, O; Stubbs, B; Francis, E; Gaughran, F; David, AS; Murray, RM; Lally, J; (2019) Hospitalisation and length of hospital stay following first-episode psychosis: systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Psychological Medicine 10.1017/S0033291719000904. (In press). Green open access

Akram, H; Mokrysz, C; Curran, HV; (2019) What are the psychological effects of using synthetic cannabinoids? A systematic review. Journal of Psychopharmacology , 33 (3) pp. 271-283. 10.1177/0269881119826592. Green open access

Al-Laith, M; Jasenecova, M; Abraham, S; Bosworth, A; Bruce, IN; Buckley, CD; Ciurtin, C; ... Cope, AP; + view all (2019) Arthritis prevention in the pre-clinical phase of RA with abatacept (the APIPPRA study): a multi-centre, randomised, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled clinical trial protocol. Trials , 20 (1) , Article 429. 10.1186/s13063-019-3403-7. Green open access

Allegrini, AG; Cheesman, R; Rimfeld, K; Selzam, S; Pingault, J-B; Eley, TC; Plomin, R; (2019) The p factor: genetic analyses support a general dimension of psychopathology in childhood and adolescence. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 10.1111/jcpp.13113. (In press). Green open access

Allegrini, AG; Selzam, S; Rimfeld, K; von Stumm, S; Pingault, JB; Plomin, R; (2019) Genomic prediction of cognitive traits in childhood and adolescence. Molecular Psychiatry , 24 pp. 819-827. 10.1038/s41380-019-0394-4. Green open access

Allen, JG; Fonagy, P; (2019) Mentalizing in Psychotherapy. In: Roberts, L and Hales, R and Yudofsky, S, (eds.) The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook Of Psychiatry. American Psychiatric Publishing: Washington, DC, USA.

Allsopp, K; Brewin, CR; Barrett, A; Williams, R; Hind, D; Chitsabesan, P; French, P; (2019) Responding to mental health needs after terror attacks. BMJ , 366 , Article l4828. 10.1136/bmj.l4828. Green open access

Alshangiti, W; Evans, B; Wibrow, M; (2019) Learning to speak in a second language: Does multiple talker production training benefit production of English vowels in Arabic children? In: Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. (pp. pp. 2193-2197). International Phonetic Association Green open access

Alvarez Monjaras, Mauricio; (2019) Fidelity measurement for the implementation of social networks interventions in complex mental health. Doctoral thesis (D.Clin.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Alvarez-Monjarás, M; McMahon, TJ; Suchman, NE; (2019) Does maternal reflective functioning mediate associations between representations of caregiving with maternal sensitivity in a high-risk sample? Psychoanalytic Psychology , 36 (1) pp. 82-92. 10.1037/pap0000166. Green open access

Alvarez-Monjaras, M; Rutherford, HJV; Mayes, LC; (2019) Personality Organization and Maternal Addiction: A Structural-Developmental Psychodynamic Contribution. Psychoanalytic Psychology , 36 (4) pp. 321-327. 10.1037/pap0000274. Green open access

Alzaidi, MS; Xu, Y; Xu, A; (2019) Prosodic encoding of focus in Hijazi Arabic. Speech Communication , 106 pp. 127-149. 10.1016/j.specom.2018.12.006. Green open access

Amris, K; Jones, LE; Williams, ACDC; (2019) Pain from torture: assessment and management. PAIN Reports , 4 (6) , Article e794. 10.1097/PR9.0000000000000794. Green open access

Anderson, CA; Wiggins, IM; Kitterick, PT; Hartley, DEH; (2019) Pre-operative Brain Imaging Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Helps Predict Cochlear Implant Outcome in Deaf Adults. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology , 20 pp. 511-528. 10.1007/s10162-019-00729-z. Green open access

Anderson, R; Bloch, S; Armstrong, M; Stone, P; Low, J; (2019) Communication between healthcare professionals and relatives of patients approaching the end of life: A systematic review of qualitative evidence. Palliative Medicine , 33 (8) pp. 926-941. 10.1177/0269216319852007. Green open access

Andrews, JL; Foulkes, L; Griffin, C; Blakemore, SJ; (2019) The effect of social preference on academic diligence in adolescence. Royal Society Open Science , 6 (9) , Article 190165. 10.1098/rsos.190165. Green open access

Angus, C; Brown, J; Beard, E; Gillespie, D; Buykx, P; Kaner, E; Michie, S; (2019) Socioeconomic inequalities in the delivery of Brief Interventions for smoking and excessive drinking: Findings from a cross-sectional household survey in England. BMJ Open , 9 (4) , Article e023448. 10.1136/ bmjopen-2018-023448. Green open access

Aref-Adib, G; McCloud, T; Ross, J; O'Hanlon, P; Appleton, V; Rowe, S; Murray, E; ... Lobban, F; + view all (2019) Factors affecting implementation of digital health interventions for people with psychosis or bipolar disorder, and their family and friends: a systematic review. The Lancet Psychiatry , 6 (3) pp. 257-2662. 10.1016/S2215-0366(18)30302-X. Green open access

Arefjord, N; Morken, K; Lossius, K; (2019) Mentalizing and substance use disorder. In: Bateman, A and Fonagy, P, (eds.) Handbook of mentalizing in mental health practice. American Psychiatric Publishing: Washington DC, USA. (In press).

Arkonac, SE; Smith, T; Brumby, DP; Ramesh Babu, HV; (2019) In-car distractions and automated driving: A preliminary simulator study. In: (Proceedings) Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications: Adjunct Proceedings. (pp. pp. 346-351). ACM: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Armando, M; Hutsebaut, J; Debbané, M; (2019) A Mentalization-Informed Staging Approach to Clinical High Risk for Psychosis. Frontiers in Psychiatry , 10 , Article 385. 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00385. Green open access

Asen, E; Campbell, C; Fonagy, P; (2019) Social systems: Mentalizing beyond the microcosm of the individual and family. In: Bateman, A and Fonagy, P, (eds.) Handbook of mentalizing in mental health practice. American Psychiatric Publishing: Washington DC, USA. (In press).

Asen, E; Midgley, N; (2019) Mentalization-based approaches to working with families. In: Bateman, A and Fonagy, P, (eds.) Handbook of Mentalizing in Mental Health Practice. (pp. 136-149). American Psychiatric Association Publishing: Washington, D.C., USA.

Atkins, L; Kelly, MP; Littleford, C; Leng, G; Michie, S; (2019) From the National Health Service to local government: perceptions of public health transition in England. Public Health , 174 pp. 11-17. 10.1016/j.puhe.2019.05.016. Green open access

Atkins, T; Hayes, B; (2019) Evaluating the impact of an autogenic training relaxation intervention on levels of anxiety amongst adolescents in school. Educational and Child Psychology , 36 (3) pp. 33-51. Green open access

Ayaz, A; Stäuble, A; Hamada, M; Wulf, M-A; Saleem, AB; Helmchen, F; (2019) Layer-specific integration of locomotion and sensory information in mouse barrel cortex. Nature Communications , 10 (1) , Article 2585. 10.1038/s41467-019-10564-8. Green open access

Aylward, J; Hales, C; Robinson, E; Robinson, OJ; (2019) Translating a rodent measure of negative bias into humans: the impact of induced anxiety and unmedicated mood and anxiety disorders. Psychological Medicine 10.1017/S0033291718004117. (In press). Green open access

Aylward, J; Valton, V; Ahn, W-Y; Bond, RL; Dayan, P; Roiser, JP; Robinson, OJ; (2019) Altered learning under uncertainty in unmedicated mood and anxiety disorders. Nature Human Behaviour , 3 pp. 1116-1123. 10.1038/s41562-019-0628-0. Green open access


Babo-Rebelo, M; Buot, A; Tallon-Baudry, C; (2019) Neural responses to heartbeats distinguish self from other during imagination. NeuroImage , 191 pp. 10-20. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.02.012. Green open access

Baeuchl, C; Chen, H-Y; Su, Y-S; Hämmerer, D; Klados, MA; Li, S-C; (2019) Interactive effects of dopamine transporter genotype and aging on resting-state functional networks. PLOS ONE , 14 (5) , Article e0215849. 10.1371/journal.pone.0215849. Green open access

Baião, R; Fearon, RMP; Belsky, J; Baptista, J; Carneiro, A; Pinto, R; Nogueira, M; ... Mesquita, A; + view all (2019) Child’s oxytocin response to mother-child interaction: The contribution of child genetics and maternal behavior. Psychoneuroendocrinology , 102 pp. 79-83. 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2018.11.022. Green open access

Bainbridge, WA; Berron, D; Schütze, H; Cardenas-Blanco, A; Metzger, C; Dobisch, L; Bittner, D; ... Düzel, E; + view all (2019) Memorability of photographs in subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment: Implications for cognitive assessment. Alzheimer's and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring , 11 pp. 610-618. 10.1016/j.dadm.2019.07.005. (In press). Green open access

Baldwin, JR; Arseneault, L; Caspi, A; Moffitt, TE; Fisher, HL; Odgers, CL; Ambler, A; ... Danese, A; + view all (2019) Adolescent Victimization and Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors: A Genetically Sensitive Cohort Study. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry , 58 (5) pp. 506-513. 10.1016/j.jaac.2018.07.903. Green open access

Baldwin, JR; Danese, A; (2019) Considering the Source of Information in the Evaluation of Maltreatment Experiences—Reply. JAMA Psychiatry 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2019.1685. (In press).

Baldwin, JR; Danese, A; (2019) Pathways from childhood maltreatment to cardiometabolic disease: a research review. Adoption and Fostering , 43 (3) pp. 329-339. 10.1177/0308575919856175. Green open access

Baldwin, JR; Reuben, A; Newbury, JB; Danese, A; (2019) Agreement Between Prospective and Retrospective Measures of Childhood Maltreatment. JAMA Psychiatry , 76 (6) p. 584. 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2019.0097. Green open access

Bales, D; (2019) Mentalization-based treatment in partial hospitalization settings. In: Bateman, A and Fonagy, P, (eds.) Handbook of Mentalizing in Mental Health Practice. American Psychiatric Association Publishing: Washington, D.C., USA.

Ballespí, S; Vives, J; Alonso, N; Sharp, C; Salvadora, M; Fonagy, P; Barrantes-Vidal, N; (2019) To know or not to know? Mentalization as a protector from somatic complaints. PLoS ONE , 14 (5) , Article e0215308. 10.1371/journal.pone.0215308. Green open access

Bandukda, M; Singh, A; Berthouze, N; Holloway, C; (2019) Understanding Experiences of Blind Individuals in Outdoor Nature. In: Brewster, S and Fitzpatrick, G and Cox, A and Kostakos, V, (eds.) CHI EA '19: Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Bar-Zeev, Y; Bovill, M; Bonevski, B; Gruppetta, M; Oldmeadow, C; Palazzi, K; Atkins, L; ... Orcher, L; + view all (2019) Improving smoking cessation care in pregnancy at Aboriginal Medical Services: 'ICAN QUIT in Pregnancy' step-wedge cluster randomised study. BMJ Open , 9 (6) , Article e025293. 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-025293. Green open access

Barker, ED; Ing, A; Biondo, F; Jia, T; Pingault, J-B; Du Rietz, E; Zhang, Y; ... IMAGEN Consortium, .; + view all (2019) Do ADHD-impulsivity and BMI have shared polygenic and neural correlates? Molecular Psychiatry 10.1038/s41380-019-0444-y. (In press). Green open access

Barnby, JM; Bell, V; Rains, LS; Mehta, MA; Deeley, Q; (2019) Beliefs are multidimensional and vary in stability over time - psychometric properties of the Beliefs and Values Inventory (BVI). PeerJ , 7 , Article e6819. 10.7717/peerj.6819. Green open access

Barnes, S; Bloch, SJ; (2019) Why is measuring communication difficult? A critical review of current speech pathology concepts and measures. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics , 33 (3) pp. 219-236. 10.1080/02699206.2018.1498541. Green open access

Barnes, S; Toocaram, S; Nickels, L; Beeke, S; Best, W; Bloch, S; (2019) Everyday conversation after right hemisphere damage: A methodological demonstration and some preliminary findings. Journal of Neurolinguistics , 52 , Article 100850. 10.1016/j.jneuroling.2019.100850. Green open access

Barnett, C; Armes, J; Smith, C; (2019) Speech, language and swallowing impairments in functional neurological disorder: a scoping review. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders , 54 (3) pp. 309-320. 10.1111/1460-6984.12448. Green open access

Barnett, P; Mackay, E; Matthews, H; Gate, R; Greenwood, H; Ariyo, K; Bhui, K; ... Smith, S; + view all (2019) Ethnic variations in compulsory detention under the Mental Health Act: a systematic review and meta-analysis of international data. Lancet Psychiatry 10.1016/S2215-0366(19)30027-6. (In press). Green open access

Barry, DN; Barnes, GR; Clark, IA; Maguire, EA; (2019) The neural dynamics of novel scene imagery. The Journal of Neuroscience , 39 (22) pp. 4375-4386. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2497-18.2019. Green open access

Barry, DN; Maguire, EA; (2019) Consolidating the Case for Transient Hippocampal Memory Traces. [Letter]. Trends in Cognitive Sciences , 23 (8) pp. 635-636. 10.1016/j.tics.2019.05.008. Green open access

Barry, DN; Maguire, EA; (2019) Remote Memory and the Hippocampus: A Constructive Critique. Trends in Cognitive Sciences , 23 (2) pp. 128-142. 10.1016/j.tics.2018.11.005. Green open access

Barry, DN; Tierney, TM; Holmes, N; Boto, E; Roberts, G; Leggett, J; Bowtell, R; ... Maguire, EA; + view all (2019) Imaging the human hippocampus with optically-pumped magnetoencephalography. Neuroimage 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116192. (In press). Green open access

Barry, J; Hadley, R; Newby, C; (2019) Anxious childhood attachment predicts childlessness in later life. Psychreg Journal of Psychology , 3 (3) pp. 7-27. 10.5281/zenodo.3558895. Green open access

Barry, J; Holloway, K; Seager, M; (2019) Are clinical psychologists, psychotherapists and counsellors overlooking the needs of their male clients. Psychotherapy Section Review , 69 (spring) Green open access

Bartke, S; Bosworth, SJ; Snower, DJ; Chierchia, G; (2019) Motives and comprehension in a public goods game with induced emotions. Theory and Decision , 86 (2) pp. 205-238. 10.1007/s11238-018-9677-5. Green open access

Bateman, A; Fonagy, P; (2019) A randomized controlled trial of a mentalization-based intervention (MBT-FACTS) for families of people with borderline personality disorder. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment , 10 (1) pp. 70-79. 10.1037/per0000298. Green open access

Bateman, A; Fonagy, P; (2019) Preface. In: Bateman, A and Fonagy, P, (eds.) Handbook of Mentalizing in Mental Health Practice. American Psychiatric Association Publishing: Washington DC, USA.

Bateman, A; Fonagy, P; Campbell, C; (2019) Borderline personality disorder. In: Bateman, A and Fonagy, P, (eds.) Handbook of mentalizing in mental health practice. American Psychiatric Association Publishing: Washington DC, USA. (In press).

Bateman, A; Kongerslev, M; Bo Hansen, S; (2019) Mentalization-based treatment group therapy (MBT-G) for adults and adolescents. In: Bateman, A and Fonagy, P, (eds.) Handbook of mentalizing in mental health practice. American Psychiatric Association Publishing: Washington DC, USA. (In press).

Bateman, A; Motz, A; Yakeley, J; (2019) Mentalization-based treatment for antisocial personality disorder in community and prison settings. In: Bateman, A and Fonagy, P, (eds.) Handbook of mentalizing in mental health practice. American Psychiatric Association Publishing: Washington DC, USA. (In press).

Bateman, A; Unruh, BT; Fonagy, P; (2019) Mentalization-based treatment: Individual therapy techniques. In: Bateman, A and Fonagy, P, (eds.) Handbook of mentalizing in mental health practice. American Psychiatric Association Publishing: Washington DC, USA. (In press).

Batteux, E; Ferguson, E; Tunney, RJ; (2019) Do our risk preferences change when we make decisions for others? A meta-analysis of self-other differences in decisions involving risk. PLoS One , 14 (5) , Article e0216566. 10.1371/journal.pone.0216566. Green open access

Batteux, E; Ferguson, E; Tunney, RJ; (2019) Do we make decisions for other people based on our predictions of their preferences? evidence from financial and medical scenarios involving risk. Thinking & Reasoning 10.1080/13546783.2019.1592779. (In press). Green open access

Batteux, E; Ferguson, E; Tunney, RJ; (2019) Exploring How Accountability Affects the Medical Decisions We Make for Other People. Frontiers In Psychology , 10 , Article 79. 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00079. Green open access

Batteux, E; Ferguson, E; Tunney, RJ; (2019) On the Likelihood of Surrogates Conforming to the Substituted Judgment Standard When Making End-of-Life Decisions for Their Partner. Medical Decision Making 10.1177/0272989X19862800. (In press). Green open access

Bazazi, S; von Zimmermann, J; Bahrami, B; Richardson, D; (2019) Self-serving incentives impair collective decisions by increasing conformity. PLoS One , Article e0224725. 10.1371/journal.pone.0224725. Green open access

Beard, E; Brown, J; West, R; Drummond, C; Kaner, E; Michie, S; (2019) Predictive Validity, Diagnostic Accuracy and Test-Retest Reliability of the Strength of Urges to Drink (SUTD) Scale. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 16 (19) , Article 3714. 10.3390/ijerph16193714. Green open access

Beard, E; Marsden, J; Brown, J; Tombor, I; Stapleton, J; Michie, S; West, R; (2019) Understanding and using time series analyses in addiction research. Addiction , 114 (10) pp. 1866-1884. 10.1111/add.14643. Green open access

Beard, E; West, R; Jarvis, M; Michie, S; Brown, J; (2019) 'S'-shaped curve: modelling trends in smoking prevalence, uptake and cessation in Great Britain from 1973 to 2016. Thorax , 74 (9) pp. 875-881. 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2018-212740. Green open access

Beard, E; West, R; Lorencatto, F; Gardner, B; Michie, S; Owens, L; Shahab, L; (2019) What do cost-effective health behaviour-change interventions contain? A comparison of six domains. PLoS One , 14 (4) , Article e0213983. 10.1371/journal.. Green open access

Beard, EV; Brown, J; West, R; Kaner, E; Meier, P; Boniface, S; Michie, S; (2019) Associations between socio-economic factors and alcohol consumption: a population survey of adults in England. PLoS One , 14 (2) , Article e0209442. 10.1371/journal.pone.0209442. Green open access

Bechlivanidis, C; Schlottmann, A; Lagnado, DA; (2019) Causation without realism. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General , 148 (5) pp. 785-804. 10.1037/xge0000602. Green open access

Beck, B; Gnanasampanthan, S; Iannetti, GD; Haggard, P; (2019) No temporal contrast enhancement of simple decreases in noxious heat. Journal of Neurophysiology , 121 (5) pp. 1778-1786. 10.1152/jn.00335.2018. Green open access

Beck, B; Pena-Vivas, V; Fleming, S; Haggard, P; (2019) Metacognition across sensory modalities: Vision, warmth, and nociceptive pain. Cognition , 186 pp. 32-41. 10.1016/j.cognition.2019.01.018. Green open access

Bello, Paul; O'Neill, Kevin; Bridewell, Will; (2019) Artificial agency requires attention: The case of intentional action ? In: Chella, Antonio and Gamez, David and Lincoln, Patrick and Manzotti, Riccardo and Pfautz, Jonathan, (eds.) CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR: Stanford, CA, US. Green open access

Belyk, M; Murphy, BK; Beal, DS; (2019) Accessory to dissipate heat from transcranial magnetic stimulation coils. Journal of Neuroscience Methods , 314 pp. 28-30. 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2019.01.008. Green open access

Belyk, M; Schultz, BG; Correia, J; Beal, DS; Kotz, SA; (2019) Whistling shares a common tongue with speech: bioacoustics from real-time MRI of the human vocal tract. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences , 286 (1911) , Article 20191116. 10.1098/rspb.2019.1116. Green open access

Bendall, Caroline; (2019) An ethnographic study of psychiatric ward life: Exploring experiences of restrictive practices from the perspectives of patients and staff. Doctoral thesis (D.Clin.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Benjamin, L; Newton, C; Ebbels, S; (2019) Investigating the effectiveness of idiom intervention for 9-16-year-olds with developmental language disorder. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 10.1111/1460-6984.12519. (In press). Green open access

Bennett, S; Heyman, I; Coughtrey, A; Buszewicz, M; Byford, S; Dore, C; Fonagy, P; ... Shafran, R; + view all (2019) Assessing feasibility of routine identification tools for mental health disorder in neurology clinics. Archives of Disease in Childhood , 104 (12) pp. 1161-1166. 10.1136/archdischild-2018-316595. Green open access

Bermon, A; Uribe-Rodríguez, AF; Pérez-Rivero, PF; Prieto-Merino, D; Cáceres Rivera, DI; Guio, E; Atkins, L; ... Casas, JP; + view all (2019) Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of text messages targeting adherence to cardiovascular medications in secondary prevention: the txt2heart Colombia randomised controlled trial protocol. BMJ Open , 9 (12) , Article e028017. 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028017. Green open access

Berron, D; Cardenas-Blanco, A; Bittner, D; Metzger, CD; Spottke, A; Heneka, MT; Fliessbach, K; ... Düzel, E; + view all (2019) Higher CSF Tau Levels Are Related to Hippocampal Hyperactivity and Object Mnemonic Discrimination in Older Adults. Journal of Neuroscience , 39 (44) pp. 8788-8797. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1279-19.2019. Green open access

Best, W; Sze, WP; Edmundson, A; Nickels, L; (2019) What counts as evidence? Swimming against the tide: Valuing both clinically informed experimentally controlled case series and randomized controlled trials in intervention research. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention , 13 (3) pp. 107-135. 10.1080/17489539.2019.1597444. Green open access

Bethan, T; Lindsay, D; Sonny Christian, R; D'Lima, D; Sheila, A; Hutan, A; Ara, D; (2019) Patient safety in inpatient mental health settings: a systematic review. BMJ Open , 9 , Article e030230. 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030230. Green open access

Betts, MJ; Cardenas-Blanco, A; Kanowski, M; Spottke, A; Teipel, SJ; Kilimann, I; Jessen, F; (2019) Locus coeruleus MRI contrast is reduced in Alzheimer's disease dementia and correlates with CSF Aβ levels. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring , 11 pp. 281-285. 10.1016/j.dadm.2019.02.001. Green open access

Bevington, D; Fuggle, P; (2019) AMBIT: From worker and client to communities of minds. In: Bateman, A and Fonagy, P, (eds.) Handbook of mentalizing in mental health practice. American Psychiatric Association Publishing: Washington DC, USA. (In press).

Bhatnagar, T; CHO, Y; Marquardt, N; Holloway, C; (2019) Expressive haptics for enhanced usability of mobile interfaces in situations of impairments. In: Proceedings of the CHI'19 Workshop: Addressing the Challenges of Situationally-Induced Impairments and Disabilities in Mobile Interaction. Green open access

Bhome, R; McWilliams, A; Huntley, JD; Fleming, SM; Howard, RJ; (2019) Metacognition in functional cognitive disorder- a potential mechanism and treatment target. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry , 24 (5) pp. 311-321. 10.1080/13546805.2019.1651708. Green open access

Bi, T; Berthouze, N; Singh, A; Costanza, E; (2019) Understanding the Shared Experiences of Runners and Spectators in Long-Distance Running Events. In: Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems:CHI '19. (pp. p. 461). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Binetti, N; Cheng, T; Mareschal, I; Brumby, D; Julier, S; Bianchi-Berthouze, N; (2019) Assumptions about the positioning of virtual stimuli affect gaze direction estimates during Augmented Reality based interactions. Scientific Reports , 9 (1) , Article 2566. 10.1038/s41598-019-39311-1. Green open access

Birt, L; Griffiths, R; Charlesworth, G; Higgs, P; Orrell, M; Leung, P; Poland, F; (2019) Maintaining Social Connections in Dementia: A Qualitative Synthesis. Qualitative Health Research 10.1177/1049732319874782. (In press). Green open access

Blakemore, S-J; (2019) Adolescence and mental health. The Lancet , 393 (10185) pp. 2030-2031. 10.1016/S0140-6736(19)31013-X. Green open access

Blakemore, S-J; (2019) Editorial. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience , Article 100617. 10.1016/j.dcn.2019.100617. (In press). Green open access

Blakey, E; Tecwyn, EC; McCormack, T; Lagnado, DA; Hoerl, C; Lorimer, S; Buehner, MJ; (2019) When causality shapes the experience of time: Evidence for temporal binding in young children. Developmental Science , 22 (3) , Article e12769. 10.1111/desc.12769. Green open access

Blandford, A; Dykes, PC; Franklin, BD; Furniss, D; Galal-Edeen, GH; Schnock, KO; Bates, DW; (2019) Intravenous Infusion Administration: A Comparative Study of Practices and Errors Between the United States and England and Their Implications for Patient Safety. Drug Safety , 42 (10) pp. 1157-1165. 10.1007/s40264-019-00841-2. Green open access

Bleiberg, E; Safier, E; (2019) Mentalization-based couples therapy (MBT-CO). In: Bateman, A and Fonagy, P, (eds.) Handbook of mentalizing in mental health practice. American Psychiatric Association Publishing: Washington DC, USA. (In press).

Bloch, S; Leydon, G; (2019) Conversation analysis and telephone helplines for health and illness: A narrative review. Research on Language and Social Interaction , 52 (3) pp. 193-211. 10.1080/08351813.2019.1631035. Green open access

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