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Number of items: 179.
Academic Network on Global Education & Learning;
Global Education Digest 2021.
(Global Education Digest Report Series
, pp. pp. 1-154
Development Education Research Centre: London, UK.
Ariza, MR;
Christodoulou, A;
van Harskamp, M;
Knippels, MCPJ;
Kyza, EA;
Levinson, R;
Agesilaou, A;
Socio‐scientific inquiry‐based learning as a means toward environmental citizenship.
, 13
, Article 11509. 10.3390/su132011509.
Barrow, E;
Golding, J;
Grima, G;
‘It’s been worth the effort’: Primary school teachers learning to teach mathematics remotely during the pandemic.
In: Marks, RM, (ed.)
BSRLM Proceedings: Vol 41 No 2.
(pp. 01).
British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics: Online.
Barrow, E;
Golding, J;
Grima, G;
Mind the gap: Mathematics teaching and learning in Power Maths primary schools in a pandemic autumn.
In: Marks, RM, (ed.)
BSRLM Proceedings: Vol 14 No 1.
(pp. 05).
BSRLM: Online.
Barrow, Ellen;
Golding, Jennie;
Grima, Grace;
A year of pandemic: managing the impact in Power Maths primary schools in England, 2020-2021.
Presented at: AEA-Europe conference 2021, Online conference.
Bourn, D;
Pedagogy of hope: global learning and the future of education.
International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning
, 13
pp. 65-78.
Bourn, D;
Soysal, N;
Transformative Learning and Pedagogical Approaches in Education for Sustainable Development: Are Initial Teacher Education Programmes in England and Turkey Ready for Creating Agents of Change for Sustainability?
, 13
, Article 8973. 10.3390/su13168973.
Bravo González, P;
Reiss, M;
Science teachers' views of creating and teaching Big Ideas of science education: experiences from Chile.
Research in Science and Technological Education
(In press).
Bretscher, N;
Challenging assumptions about relationships between mathematics pedagogy and ICT integration: surveying teachers in English secondary schools.
Research in Mathematics Education
, 23
pp. 142-158.
Bretscher, N;
Geraniou, E;
Clark-Wilson, A;
Crisan, C;
Learning from the pandemic: Capitalising on opportunities and overcoming challenges for mathematics teaching and learning practices with and through technology.
In: Marks, Rachel, (ed.)
Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 41(3).
Briggs, Andrew;
Reiss, Michael J.;
Dimensions and Pillars of Human Flourishing.
In: Briggs, A and Reiss, MJ, (eds.)
Human Flourishing: Scientific insight and spiritual wisdom in uncertain times.
(pp. 1-22).
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Brooks, C;
Quality at scale: Strategies for large-scale initial teacher education programmes.
Teaching and Teacher Education
, 107
, Article 103490. 10.1016/j.tate.2021.103490.
Brooks, C;
Quality conundrums in initial teacher education.
Initial Teacher Education at Scale: Quality Conundrums.
(pp. 1-30).
Routledge: London, UK.
Brooks, C;
Research capacity in initial teacher education: trends in joining the 'village'.
Teaching Education
, 32
pp. 7-26.
Brooks, C;
McIntyre, J;
Mutton, T;
Teacher education policy making during the pandemic: shifting values underpinning change in England?
Teachers and Teaching
(In press).
Brooks, C;
Kitto, E;
Folk Pedagogies of Change: Developing an Early Years Education Development Strategy for China.
Early Years
(In press).
Buchanan, D;
Hargreaves, E;
Quick, L;
'My life is like a massive jigsaw with pieces missing'. How 'lower-attaining' children experience school in terms of their well-being.
Education 3-13
, 49
pp. 1000-1012.
Buchanan, D;
Warwick, I;
First do no harm: using 'ethical triage' to minimise causing harm when undertaking educational research among vulnerable participants.
Journal of Further and Higher Education
, 45
pp. 1090-1103.
Calleja, J;
Foster, C;
Hodgen, J;
Integrating ‘Just-in-Time’ Learning in the Design of Mathematics Professional Development.
Mathematics Teacher Education and Development
(In press).
Chapman, A;
Changing LUK: Nation and Narration in the First and
the Third Editions of Life in the United Kingdom.
In: Brauch, N and Berger, S and Lorenz, C, (eds.)
Analysing Historical Narratives: On Academic, Popular and Educational Framings of the Past.
(pp. 304-326).
Berghahn Books: Oxford, UK.
Cheong, MC;
Azada-Palacios, R;
Beye, K;
Lang, AP;
Saud, NB;
Tong, Y;
Collective autobiographical reflexivity on active and compassionate citizenship in the COVID-19 crisis.
Perspectives in Education
, 39
pp. 304-322.
Christodoulou, A;
Levinson, R;
Davies, P;
Grace, M;
Nicholl, J;
Rietdijk, W;
The use of Cartography of Controversy within socioscientific issues-based education: students' mapping of the badger-cattle controversy in England.
International Journal of Science Education
, 43
pp. 2479-2500.
Clark, Lauren;
Bridging the Power Gap: GTAs and Student-Staff Partnership.
Postgraduate Pedagogies
, 1
pp. 91-108.
Clark, Lauren;
Standen, Alex;
Hansen, Jesper;
Hastie, Alex;
Kunz, Sarah;
Introduction to Postgraduate Pedagogies: Centring Graduate Teaching Assistants in Higher Education.
Postgraduate Pedagogies
, 1
pp. 7-25.
Clarke, M;
Mills, M;
“We have never been public:” Continuity and change in the policy production of “the public” in education in England.
European Educational Research Journal
Cooper, Thomas;
Majid, Nasreen;
Can manipulatives benefit pupils' mathematical thinking at Upper KS2?
Primary Mathematics
, 25
pp. 2-5.
Crisan, C;
Mentor-Mentees conversations: Making explicit the teaching and learning of Mathematics.
Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics.
British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics: London, UK.
Crisan, C;
Subject specific mentoring: Making mathematics the focus of mentor-mentees conversations.
Presented at: Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM) 2021 Conference, Online conference.
Crisan, C;
Bretscher, N;
Clark-Wilson, A;
Geraniou, E;
Neate, A;
Shore, C;
Learning from the pandemic: Capitalising on opportunities and overcoming challenges for mathematics teaching and learning practices with and through technology.
Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 41(2).
Crisan, C;
Bretscher, N;
Geraniou, E;
Clark-Wilson, A;
Learning from the pandemic: Capitalising on opportunities and overcoming challenges for mathematics teaching and learning practices with and through technology.
Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 41(1).
Crisan, C;
Campbell, K;
Clark, L;
Gourlay, L;
Katsapi, E;
Riding, K;
Warwick, I;
Learning from Lockdown: Listening to students' voices about the challenges and benefits in the post-COVID-19 digital practices.
Presented at: UCL Education Conference 2021, Online conference.
Crisan, C;
Promoting a research-informed mathematics teaching practice.
The Mathematics Teaching Journal
, 275
pp. 28-30.
Critten, S;
Holliman, A;
Hughes, D;
Wood, C;
Cunnane, H;
Pillinger, C;
Deacon, H;
A longitudinal investigation of prosodic sensitivity and emergent literacy.
Reading and Writing
, 34
pp. 371-389.
Daly, C;
Gandolfi, H;
Pillinger, C;
Glegg, P;
Hardman, MA;
Stiasny, B;
Taylor, B;
The Early Career Framework – A Guide for Mentors and Early Career Teachers.
(Guidance Paper from the Centre for Teachers & Teaching Research
Centre for Teachers and Teaching Research, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Deng, Z;
Constructing ‘powerful’ curriculum theory.
Journal of Curriculum Studies
, 53
pp. 179-196.
Deng, Z;
Bringing Content Back In: Perspectives from German Didaktik, American Curriculum Theory and Chinese Education.
In: Green, B and Roberts, P and Brennan, M, (eds.)
Curriculum Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing World: Transnational Perspectives in Curriculum Inquiry.
(pp. 105-122).
Palgrave Macmillan
Dunlop, Lynda;
Rushton, Elizabeth AC;
Atkinson, Lucy;
Blake, Celena;
Calvert, Saul;
Cornelissen, Eef;
Decle, Clementine CM;
... Yuan, Xinyue; + view all
An introduction to the co-creation of policy briefs with youth and academic teams.
Journal of Geography in Higher Education
(In press).
Edwards, C;
Teaching the "non-examinable": Estella Lewis’s contribution to post-war history education in the UK.
Paedagogica Historica
(In press).
El-Abd, Maria;
Chaaban, Youmen;
Du, Xiangyun;
Wang, Li;
Exploring quality teacher education programmes in Lebanon, Qatar, and China.
Research in Post-Compulsory Education
, 26
pp. 461-478.
Elhawary, D;
Hargreaves, E;
Why Won’t They Speak English? Guidelines for Teachers on Using Pairwork to Enhance Speaking in the EFL Primary Classroom.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Ellington, Peter;
Powerful Knowledge in Accounting Education.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Elwick, A;
Alternative universities: speculative design for innovation in higher education.
Educational Review
, 73
pp. 129-130.
Es, L;
Chapman, A;
Interview with Arthur Chapman.
Turkish History Education Journal
, 10
pp. 57-64.
Fazza, H;
Mahgoub, M;
Student engagement in online and blended learning in a higher education institution in the Middle East: Challenges and solutions.
Studies in Technology Enhanced Learning
, 2
pp. 417-431.
Finn, M;
Hammond, L;
Healy, G;
Todd, JD;
Marvell, A;
McKendrick, JH;
Yorke, L;
Looking ahead to the future of GeogEd: creating spaces of exchange between communities of practice.
(In press).
Fraser-Pearce, J;
Spiritual education as a subspecies of relational education?
British Journal of Religious Education
, 44
pp. 112-121.
Gao, J;
Brooks, C;
Xu, Y;
Kitto, E;
What kind of parenting promotes 0-3-year-olds' development? A review of research evidence in international and China-specific literature.
Centre for Teacher and Early Years Education, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Gao, J;
Li, M;
Xu, Y;
Qin, S;
Guo, W;
Tian, Z;
Lok, J;
+ view all
(Re)constructing school readiness from Chinese young children's perspectives: Interim Report.
Centre for Teacher and Early Years Education, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Gao, J;
Xu, Y;
Kitto, E;
Bradford, H;
Brooks, C;
Promoting culturally-sensitive teacher agency in Chinese kindergarten teachers: an integrated learning approach.
Early Years
(In press).
Garrecht, C;
Reiss, MJ;
Harms, U;
'I wouldn't want to be the animal in use nor the patient in need' - the role of issue familiarity in students' socioscientific argumentation.
International Journal of Science Education
(In press).
Glackin, Melissa;
Greer, Kate;
Environmental Education-Related Policy Enactment in Japanese High Schools.
Journal of Education for Sustainable Development
, 15
pp. 165-185.
Glackin, Melissa;
Greer, Kate;
Making the case for A-level biology residential
fieldwork: what has nature got to do with it?
School Science Review
, 102
pp. 21-26.
Golding, J;
Flexible learner or imposter? Learning A Level mathematics in England through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA
, 40
, Article , Volume 40, Issue 4, December 2021, Pages,. 10.1093/teamat/hrab025.
Golding, J;
Grima, G;
Reformed mathematics A Levels in England: Higher Education perceptions of impact of the first two cycles.
Pearson UK: London.
Golding, J;
Lyakhova, S;
School mathematics education and digital technologies.
Joint Mathematical Council of the UK: London, UK.
Golding, J;
Smart, T;
Call for views: methodology technical note.
The Royal Society: London, UK.
Golding, Jennie;
Grima, Grace;
TIMSS-based teacher workshops adding value to policy and practice in England.
Presented at: IEA International Research Conference 2021, Dubai, UAE.
Golding, J;
The Lure of Infinity.
Mathematics in School
(In press).
Golding, J;
Transition to university: contributions of a specialist mathematics school.
Teaching Mathematics and its Applications
, 40
pp. 40-55.
Golding, J;
Batiibwe, SK;
A design approach to mathematics teacher educator development in East Africa.
Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education
, 6
pp. 1-16.
Golding, J;
Grima, G;
A pandemic summer: Impact on teaching and learning for mastery in Power Maths primary schools.
In: Marks, R, (ed.)
BSRLM Proceedings.
Gong, Q;
Brooks, C;
Duan, Y;
A teacher's role in making a given knowledge curriculum into a powerful knowledge curriculum.
, 106
pp. 39-48.
Gourlay, L;
Campbell, K;
Clark, L;
Crisan, C;
Katsapi, E;
Riding, K;
Warwick, I;
Engagement discourses, relationality and the student voice: connectedness, questioning and inclusion in post-Covid digital practices.
Journal of Interactive Media in Education
, 1
, Article 15. 10.5334/jime.655.
Greer, Kate;
Glackin, Melissa;
‘What counts’ as climate change education? Perspectives from policy influencers.
School Science Review
, 103
pp. 16-22.
Grima, Grace;
Golding, Jennie;
Understanding learning loss during the pandemic – implications for assessment.
Presented at: AEA-Europe conference 2021, Online conference.
Hammond, L;
Recognising and exploring children’s geographies in school geography.
Children's Geographies
(In press).
Hammond, L;
London, Race and Territories: Young People's Stories of Divided City.
London Review of Education
, 19
pp. 1-14.
Hardman, MA;
Daly, C;
Gandolfi, H;
Glegg, P;
Pillinger, C;
Stiasny, B;
Taylor, B;
The Early Career Framework – A Guide for School Leaders and Induction Leads.
(Guidance Paper from the Centre for Teachers & Teaching Research
Centre for Teachers and Teaching Research, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Hargreaves, E;
Life-history research with children: Extending and enriching the approach.
Children & Society
(In press).
Hargreaves, E;
Elhawary, D;
Children’s experiences of agency when learning English in the classroom of a collectivist culture.
, 98
, Article 102476. 10.1016/j.system.2021.102476.
Hargreaves, E;
Quick, L;
Buchanan, D;
Systemic threats to the growth mindset: classroom experiences of agency among children designated as 'lower-attaining'.
Cambridge Journal of Education
, 51
pp. 283-299.
Hargreaves, E;
Buchanan, D;
Quick, L;
“Look at them! They all have friends and not me”: the role of peer relationships in schooling from the perspective of primary children designated as ‘lower-attaining’.
Educational Review
(In press).
Hargreaves, E;
Quick, L;
Buchanan, D;
‘I got rejected’: investigating the status of ‘low-attaining’ children in primary-schooling.
Pedagogy, Culture & Society
, 29
pp. 79-97.
Hargreaves, E;
Quick, L;
Buchanan, D;
Parity of participation? Primary-school children reflect critically on being successful during schooling.
Oxford Review of Education
(In press).
Hayward, J;
Gronland, G;
Conspiracy theories in the Classroom: Guidance for teachers.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Hayward, Jeremy;
Conspiracy theories and citizenship education.
Teaching Citizenship
, 54
pp. 12-17.
Hill, Mark;
Custodio, Irene;
Golding, Jennie;
Grima, Grace;
A study of gender, self-perception, and mathematics: The 2020 England, Wales, and Northern Ireland PISA Field Trial.
Presented at: AEA-Europe conference 2021, Online conference.
Hordern, J;
Muller, J;
Deng, Z;
Towards powerful educational knowledge? Addressing the challenges facing educational foundations, curriculum theory and Didaktik.
Journal of Curriculum Studies
, 53
pp. 143-152.
Jankvist, UT;
Geraniou, E;
“Whiteboxing” the Content of a Formal Mathematical Text in a Dynamic Geometry Environment.
Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education
, 7
pp. 222-246.
Jenkins, Sean;
Web-Based Homework versus Paper-Based Homework in United Arab Emirates Secondary Mathematics.
Doctoral thesis (M.Phil), UCL (University College London).
Jenkinson, A;
Bragg, S;
Ringrose, J;
Wiggins, A;
Boldry, K;
UCL Community Engaged Learning Project: School Uniform Guidance.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Jenkinson, A;
Whitehead, S;
Emmerson, L;
Wiggins, A;
Worton, S;
Ringrose, J;
Bragg, S;
Good Practice Guide for Teaching Relationships and Sex(uality) Education (RSE).
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Jerome, L;
Svennevig, H;
Kerr, D;
Moorse, L;
Baker, Z;
Hayward, J;
Huddelstone, T;
... Liddle, A; + view all
20/20 Vision - What does the next 20 years hold for citizenship education?
Teaching Citizenship
, 54
Jones, E;
Saville, K;
Moving Up: Lessons from Researching Transitions During a Global Pandemic.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Jopling, Michael;
Riordan, Sally;
Optimierung im englischen Schulsystem: Was Schüler*innen sagen.
, 44
pp. 47-55.
Kambouri, M;
Wilson, T;
Pieridou, M;
Quinn, SF;
Liu, J;
Making Partnerships Work: Proposing a Model to Support Parent-Practitioner Partnerships in the Early Years.
Early Childhood Education Journal
(In press).
Leaton Gray, S;
Biometrics Institute 20th Anniversary Report.
Biometrics Institute: London, UK.
Leaton Gray, S;
Mägdefrau, J;
Riel, M;
Life in the digital slow lane: how deprived young people are set up to fail.
British Journal of Educational Studies
(In press).
Leaton Gray, S;
Saville, K;
Hargreaves, E;
Jones, E;
Perryman, J;
Moving Up: Secondary school transition processes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Levinson, R;
Kurup, P;
Xia, L;
Informed-Decision Regarding Global Warming and Climate Change Among High School Students in the United Kingdom.
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education
(In press).
Lewis, Nicolas;
Morgan, John;
Trouble with social cohesion: The geographies and politics of COVID-19 in Aotearoa New Zealand.
New Zealand Geographer
, 77
pp. 170-173.
Liu, X;
Zhao, X;
Starkey, H;
Ideological and political education in Chinese Universities: structures and practices.
Asia Pacific Journal of Education
(In press).
Lodge, W;
'Complex and confusing': the language demands of science texts.
Research in Science & Technological Education
, 39
pp. 489-505.
Lodge, W;
Reiss, M;
Visual representations of women in a Jamaican school science textbook.
International Journals of Science Education
(In press).
Lodge, W;
Confronting repressive ideologies with critical pedagogy in science classrooms.
Cultural Studies of Science Education
(In press).
Loo, Sai;
From face-to-face to fully online deliveries: teaching and learning for all?
In: Regan, Louise and Duckett, Ian, (eds.)
Reimagining Education: Curriculum and Assessment.
Manifesto Press with Socialist Educational Association: London, UK.
Loo, Sai;
Hafez, Rania;
Supporting FE teachers, tutors and managers to create and sustain a climate of practitioner inquiry: London Learning and Skills Research Network.
FE News
Majid, Nasreen;
The developing professional identity of Primary Mathematics Specialist Teachers [PMaSTs]; how primary teachers’ biographical processes and experiences shape their new professional identities and career trajectories.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), University of Reading.
Majid, Nasreen;
The Arts and Mathematics.
In: Ogier, Susan and Tutchell, Suzy, (eds.)
Teaching the Arts in the Primary Curriculum.
Sage: London, UK.
Marks, Rachel;
Foster, Colin;
Barclay, Nancy;
Barnes, Alison;
Treacy, Páraic;
A comparative synthesis of UK mathematics education research: what are we talking about and do we align with international discourse?
Research in Mathematics Education
, 23
pp. 39-62.
Markwick, A;
Having fun with microscopy.
School Science Review
, 103
pp. 27-30.
Markwick, A;
Teaching rates of reaction post-16.
Education in Chemistry
(In press).
Markwick, A;
Warren, D;
Teaching rates of reaction post-16: part 2.
Education in Chemistry
, 58
pp. 32-33.
Markwick, A;
Teaching Adaptation: some tried and tested activities.
Primary Science
, 168
pp. 29-32.
Mason, K;
Grima, G;
Redmond, B;
Hill, J;
Carter, P;
Golding, J;
Meredith, J;
A Level Mathematics: Qualification Efficacy Report.
Pearson UK: London, UK.
McKenzie, Marcia;
Chopin, Nicola;
Greer, Kate;
Advancing Global Climate Literacy and Action.
Monitoring and Evaluating Climate Communication and Education (MECCE): Saskatoon, Canada.
Miller, D;
Rabho, LA;
Awondo, P;
De Vries, M;
Duque, M;
Garvey, P;
Haapio-Kirk, L;
+ view all
El Smartphone Global: Más allá de una tecnología para jóvenes - A Spanish Translation of The Global Smartphone (Marcela Fuentealba and Ian Davidson, Trans.).
Ageing with Smartphones.
UCL Press: London, UK.
Mills, M;
Mockler, N;
Stacey, M;
Taylor, B;
‘The village and the world’: research with, for and by teachers in an age of data.
Teaching Education
, 32
pp. 1-6.
Mills, M;
Mockler, N;
Stacey, M;
Taylor, R;
Teachers' orientations to educational research and data in England and Australia: implications for teacher professionalism.
Teaching Education
, 32
pp. 77-98.
Mohammed, Victoria Olubunmi;
Students' and teachers' perspectives on the learning of school science in Lagos, Nigeria.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Morgan, C;
Conceptualising and researching mathematics classrooms as sites of communication.
In: Planas, N and Morgan, C and Schütte, M, (eds.)
Classroom research on mathematics and language: seeing learners and teachers differently.
Routledge: London, UK.
Morgan, C;
Planas, N;
Schütte, M;
Developing a perspective on multiplicity in the study of language in mathematics classrooms.
In: Planas, N and Morgan, C and Schútte, M, (eds.)
Classroom research on mathematics and language: seeing learners and teachers differently.
Routledge: London, UK.
Moula, Z;
Walshe, N;
Eco-Capabilities: Teacher and artist reflections on nature-based art interventions for children's wellbeing.
Presented at: European Conference of Educational Research (ECER) 2021, Geneva, Switzerland (Online).
Moula, Z;
Walshe, N;
Lee, E;
Making Nature Explicit in Children’s Drawings of Wellbeing and Happy Spaces.
Child Indicators Research
, 14
pp. 1653-1675.
Newall, Emma;
Evolution and the Controversy: Existential and Psychoanalytic Perspectives.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Nixon, Graeme;
Smith, David;
Fraser-Pearce, Jo;
Irreligious Educators? An Empirical Study of the Academic Qualifications, (A)theistic Positionality, and Religious Belief of Religious Education Teachers in England and Scotland.
, 12
, Article 184. 10.3390/rel12030184.
Pearce, A;
Körber, A;
Editorial: Understanding the role of experience(s) in history education research.
[Editorial comment].
History Education Research Journal
, 18
pp. 1-6.
Pearce, J;
Stones, A;
Reiss, MJ;
Mujtaba, T;
'Science is purely about the truth so I don't think you could compare it to non-truth versus the truth.' Students' perceptions of religion and science, and the relationship(s) between them: religious education and the need for epistemic literacy.
British Journal of Religious Education
, 43
pp. 174-189.
Pettigrew, A;
Karayianni, E;
‘The Holocaust is a place where … ’: the position of Auschwitz and the camp system in English secondary school students’ understandings of the Holocaust.
Holocaust Studies
, 27
pp. 60-76.
Redmond, B;
Golding, J;
Grima, G;
‘Hard to focus, difficult to learn’: Covid19 Impacts on teaching, learning and progression for A Levels in Mathematics.
In: Marks, RM, (ed.)
BSRLM Proceedings: Vol 41 No 2.
(pp. p. 16).
BSRLM: Online.
Redmond, Ben;
Golding, Jennie;
Grima, Grace;
What is lost when exams are cancelled?
Presented at: AEA-Europe conference 2021, Online conference.
Redmond, B;
Golding, J;
Grima, G;
Covid 19: Impacts on teaching, learning and progression for A Levels in Mathematics.
In: Marks, R, (ed.)
(Proceedings) BSRLM Day conference.
Reiss, M;
Futures of Education in a Digitally Globalized Era.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Reiss, M;
Robots as persons? Implications for moral education.
Journal of Moral Education
, 50
pp. 68-76.
Reiss, M;
[Digital scholarly resource].
Reiss, M;
Vaccine hesitancy: Why trust science and science education?
In: McCloughlin, T, (ed.)
The Nature of Science in Biology: A Source for Educators.
Graphikon Teo: Dublin, Ireland.
Reiss, M;
Norman, Z;
The emergence of an environmental ethos on Luna.
In: Rappaport, M and Szocik, K, (eds.)
The Human Factor in the Settlement of the Moon An Interdisciplinary Approach.
(pp. 221-232).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Reiss, M;
The use of AI in education: Practicalities and ethical considerations.
London Review of Education
, 19
, Article 5. 10.14324/LRE.19.1.05.
Reiss, M;
Berry, M;
In: Reiss, M and Winterbottom, M, (eds.)
Teaching Secondary Biology 3rd Edition.
(pp. 155-180).
Hodder Education: London, UK.
Reiss, M;
Winterbottom, M;
The principles behind secondary biology teaching.
In: Reiss, M and Winterbottom, M, (eds.)
Teaching Secondary Biology 3rd Edition.
Hodder Education: London, UK.
Richardson, M;
Clesham, R;
Rise of the machines? The evolving role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in high stakes assessment.
London Review of Education
, 19
pp. 1-13.
Riddle, S;
Howell, A;
McGregor, G;
Mills, M;
Student engagement in schools serving marginalised communities.
International Journal of Inclusive Education
(In press).
Riordan, J-P;
Hardman, M;
Cumbers, D;
Pedagogy Analysis Framework: a video-based tool for combining teacher, pupil & researcher perspectives.
Research in Science & Technological Education
(In press).
Riordan, Sally;
Jopling, Michael;
Starr, Sean;
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A manifesto for Education for Environmental Sustainability: implications for science education.
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Science education in the context of the climate crisis.
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Youth perspectives on contributions to the SSR special issue: science education in the context of the climate emergency.
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The language of play. A cross linguistic look at notions of 'play' in STEM engagement activities.
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Engaging primary students with the issue of air pollution through citizen science: lessons to be learnt.
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Building Teacher Identity in Environmental and Sustainability Education: The Perspectives of Preservice Secondary School Geography Teachers.
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Rushton, Elizabeth AC;
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Atkinson, Lucy;
Price, Laura;
Stubbs, Joshua E;
Turkenburg-van Diepen, Maria;
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The challenges and affordances of online participatory workshops in the context of young people's everyday climate crisis activism: insights from facilitators.
Children's Geographies
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Crowther, Darcy Beardmore;
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Newell, Pierce;
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What enables student geography teachers to thrive during their PGCE year and beyond?
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The experiences of active participation in academic conferences for high school science students.
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Sheldrake, R;
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Sissling, Susan;
The environment for secondary school science teachers’ continuing professional development in England: policy influencers’ and practitioners’ perspectives.
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The place of public examinations in future school assessment.
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Classroom counternarratives as transformative multicultural citizenship education.
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Addressing Extremism Through the Classroom. A Research Report from the Centre for Teachers & Teaching Research.
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