Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Aasa-Chapman, MM;
Cheney, KM;
Hue, S;
Forsman, A;
O'Farrell, S;
Pellegrino, P;
Williams, IG;
In Vivo emergence of HIV-1 highly sensitive to neutralizing antibodies.
PLoS One
, 6
, Article e23961. 10.1371/journal.pone.0023961.
Abanilla, PK;
Huang, K-Y;
Shinners, D;
Levy, A;
Ayernor, K;
de-Graft Aikins, A;
Ogedegbe, O;
Cardiovascular disease prevention in Ghana: feasibility of a faith-based organizational approach.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization
, 89
pp. 648-656.
Abioye, T;
Mudera, V;
Bozec, L;
Nanoscale properties of collagen in ageing.
Abstracts of the Tissue and Cell Engineering Society (TCES) meeting 19-21 July 2011, University of Leeds.
(pp. 33 - 33).
Abrahams, I;
Reiss, M;
Sharpe, R;
Getting practical: the evaluation.
School Science Review
, 93
pp. 37-44.
Achermann, JC;
SF-1 and DAX-1 in human disease.
Doctoral thesis , University of Cambridge (Special Regulations).
Acres, K;
Bruce, C;
Newton, C;
A Comparison of Computer-Administered Language Assessments and Traditional Methods of Testing.
Presented at: British Aphasiology Society (BAS) 2011 Biennial International Conference, Reading, UK.
Adams, R;
A Most Secret Service: William Herle and the Circulation of Intelligence.
In: Adams, R and Cox, R, (eds.)
Diplomacy and Early Modern Culture.
(pp. 63-81).
Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, Hampshire.
Addae-Dapaah, K;
Chieh, SJ;
Green mark certification: does the market understand?
Journal of Sustainable Real Estate
, 3
pp. 162-191.
Ahuja, R;
Altaf, A;
Bolton, P;
Dalton, C;
Frazao Pinheiro, S;
George, G;
Gorre, C;
+ view all
Framework Report: The AIDS Accountability Workplace Scorecard, September 2011.
AIDS Accountability International: Sweden.
Aimar, S;
Counterfactuals, Overdetermination and Mental Causation.
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society
, 111
pp. 469-477.
Aldashev, G;
Carletti, T;
Righi, S;
Follies subdued: Informational efficiency under adaptive expectations and confirmatory bias.
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
, 80
pp. 110-121.
Alderson, P;
Children's rights in research about religion and spirituality.
In: Ridgely, Susan B, (ed.)
The Study of Children in Religions: A Methods Handbook.
(pp. 50-64).
NYU Press
Alderson, P;
Education, Asylum and The ‘Non-Citizen’ Child: The Politics of Compassion and Belonging by Halleli et al.
Children & Society
, 25
pp. 88-89.
Alderson, P;
Review of Children as decision makers in education: sharing experiences across cultures.
Comparative Education Review
, 55
pp. 143-145.
Alderson, P;
Review of Majia Nadesan’s Governing childhood into the 21st century: biopolitical technologies of childhood management and education.
Youth & Policy
, 107
pp. 113-115.
Alderson, P;
Trends in research about health in early childhood: Economics and equity, from micro-studies to big business.
Journal of Early Childhood Research
, 9
pp. 125-136.
Alioli, S;
Hamilton, K;
Nason, P;
Oleari, C;
Re, E;
Jet pair production in POWHEG.
The Journal of High Energy Physics
, 2011
, Article 81. 10.1007/JHEP04(2011)081.
Alioli, S;
Hamilton, K;
Re, E;
Practical improvements and merging of Powheg simulations for vector boson production.
The Journal of High Energy Physics
, 2011
, Article 104. 10.1007/JHEP09(2011)104.
Allen, A;
Bell, SJ;
Glass half empty? Urban water poverty halfway through the Decade of Water for Life.
International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development
, 3
pp. 1-7.
Allsop, Y;
Does collaboration occur when children are learning with the support of a wiki?
TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
, 10
Amos, R;
Reiss, M;
Residential fieldwork: contributions to school science from a five-year initiative for inner-city students in the UK.
In: Yarden, A and Carvalho, G and Carvalho, GS, (eds.)
Authenticity in biology education: benefits and challenges. a selection of papers presented at the 8th Conference of European Researchers in Didactics of Biology (ERIDOB), 13-17 July 2010, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal.
(pp. 379-390).
Centro de Investiga��o em Estudos da Crian�a, Institute of Education, Minho University: Braga, Portugal.
Andres, L;
Alternative Initiatives, Cultural Intermediaries and Urban Regeneration: the Case of La Friche (Marseille).
European Planning Studies
, 19
pp. 795-811.
Andres, L;
Les usages temporaires des friches urbaines, enjeux pour l’aménagement.
Andres, L;
Marseille 2013 or the final round of a long and complex regeneration strategy?
Town Planning Review
, 82
pp. 61-76.
Andres, L;
Grésillon, B;
Les figures de la friche dans les villes culturelles et créatives.
Espace géographique
, 40
pp. 15-30.
Arabindoo, P;
Chennai as "cut-out" city.
In: Gandy, M, (ed.)
Urban Constellations.
(pp. 119-122).
Jovis Verlag GmbH: Berlin, Germany.
Arabindoo, P;
Mobilising for water: hydro-politics of rainwater harvesting in Chennai.
International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development
, 3
106 - 126.
Arabindoo, P;
Book Review: Going South: Living in the Endless City
eds Ricky Burdett and Deyan Sudjic
Phaidon Press, 432pp, £40.
Architecture Today
, AT220
p. 8.
Armada, XL;
Rovira, S;
El soporte de Les Ferreres de Calaceite (Teruel): una revisión desde su tecnología y contexto.
Archivo Español de Arqueología
, 84
9 - 41.
Asenova, A;
Reiss, M;
The role of visualization of biological knowledge in the formation of sets of educational skills.
Sophia University E-learning Journal
, 2011
pp. 1-9.
Avgerinou, C;
Alamanos, Y;
Kourakli, A;
Tavernarakis, I;
Zikos, P;
Aktypi, A;
Kaiafas, P;
... Symeonidis, A; + view all
Epidemiology of myelodysplastic syndromes in the area of Southwestern Greece during the period 1990–2009.
Achaiki Iatriki
, 30
pp. 105-124.
Ayris, P;
Education, Research and Development in Europe: How Libraries are changing.
Presented at: IFLA Presidential Meeting 2011: Libraries Driving Access to Knowledge: Action for Europe, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands The Hague, Netherlands.
Ayris, P;
LERU and Open Access and E-Presses.
Presented at: Meeting - LERU University Press Directors, Oxford, UK.
Ayris, P;
Managing a Crisis: Ways to Develop Library Services in Changing Times.
Presented at: 20th Pan-Hellenic Academic Libraries Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Open Access: In Support of Research.
(Research Communications Strategy Project
Centre for Research Communications, University of Nottingham/ JISC: Nottingham, UK.
Overview of Open Access in 2010.
Presented at: 19th EBLIDA Annual Conference: One Profession, One Future?, Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Málaga, Spain.
Bailey, JV;
Murray, E;
Rait, G;
Mercer, CH;
Morris, RW;
Peacock, R;
Cssell, J;
The "lumping or splitting" debate - making systematic review results useful for policy-makers.
Evidence-Based Child Health: A Cochrane Review Journal
, 6
pp. 2273-2274.
Bangpan, M;
Newman, M;
Tripney, J;
Matthews, P;
Niza, C;
Sinclair, J;
Fraud and error in financial, welfare and revenue services: a systematic map of the empirical research evidence with particular reference to 'notification of changes of circumstances'.
(Working Papers
Department for Work and Pensions: London.
Bark, P;
Psychological aspects of patient safety.
In: Tingle, J and Bark, P, (eds.)
Patient Safety, Law Policy and Practice.
(pp. 64-84).
Routledge: London, UK.
Baron, A;
Mazoyer, S;
Smigaj, W;
Lalanne, P;
Attenuation Coefficient of Single-Mode Periodic Waveguides.
, 107
, Article 153901. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.153901.
Battarbee, RW;
Curtis, CJ;
Shilland, EM;
The Round Loch of Glenhead: Recovery from acidification, climate change monitoring and future threats.
ENSIS Ltd. Environmental Change Research Centre. University College London: Inverness, Scotland.
Beaumont, M;
Socially empty space and dystopian utopianism in the late Nineteenth Century.
In: Gregory, R and Kohlmann, B, (eds.)
Utopian Spaces of Modernism: British Literature and Culture, 1885-1945.
(pp. 19-34).
Palgrave Macmillan: London, UK.
Beavan, D;
ComPair: compare and visualise the usage of language.
Digital Humanities 2011 Conference Abstracts.
(pp. 93 - 97).
Stanford University: Stanford, US.
Becker, R;
Burman, E;
Hansbo, P;
A hierarchical NXFEM for fictitious domain simulations.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
, 86
549 - 559.
Beeharee, AK;
Laqua, S;
Sasse, A;
Navigating haystacks at 70mph: intelligent search for intelligent in-car services.
(Proceedings) 3rd International Multimodal Interfaces for Automobile Applications (MIAA) workshop at IUI 2011.
beguin, A;
Ehren, M;
Aspects of accountability and assessment in the Netherlands.
Zeitschrift f�r Erziehungswissenschaft
, 13
pp. 25-36.
Behrens, MM;
Swipe ‘I like’: location based digital narrative through embedding the ‘Like’ button in the real world.
Presented at: 5th International Conference on Communities & Technologies - Digital Cities 7, Brisbane, Australia.
Bell, S;
Chilvers, AJ;
Cobham, T;
Shaping a better world: How this challenge differs across two modes of engineering practice.
In: Fernandez, M and Ralph, G, (eds.)
[Arup 2012] Research Review.
(pp. 66-67).
Arup: London, UK.
Ben Abdesslem, F;
Henderson, T;
Brostoff, S;
Sasse, MA;
Context-based Personalised Settings for Mobile Location Sharing.
Presented at: ACM Recommender Systems 2011 (RecSys): Workshop on Personalization in Mobile Applications, Chicago, Illinois, US.
Benedyk, R;
Furniss, DJ;
Using Digital Stories to enhance course induction for HCI students.
Presented at: British HCI 2011: Health, Wealth and Happiness: HCI Educators Workshop, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK.
Binmore, KG;
Jeremy Bentham: Ogre or Prophet?
Journal of Bentham Studies
, 13
pp. 1-24.
Birnie, K;
... HALcyon study team, .; + view all
Childhood socioeconomic position and objectively measured physical capability levels in adulthood: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
PLoS One
, 26
, Article e15564.. 10.1371/journal.pone.0015564.
Bixley, M;
Dean, M;
Blagdon, D;
Langley, J;
Stanton, D;
In search of consensus on aphasia management.
Bulletin of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
pp. 18-20.
Black, GB;
Making Sense of Personality Disorder, Stigma and Forensic Status: A Social Psychology Perspective.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Blagg, SL;
Battom, SE;
Annesley, SJ;
Keller, T;
Parkinson, K;
Wu, JMF;
Fisher, PR;
Cell type-specific filamin complex regulation by a novel class of HECT ubiquitin ligase is required for normal cell motility and patterning.
, 138
pp. 1583-1593.
Blyth, MG;
Parau, EI;
Vanden-Broeck, J;
Hydroelastic waves on fluid sheets.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
, 689
541 - 551.
Bonathan, Christine;
How do patients understand chronic orofacial pain?
Doctoral thesis (D.Clin.Psy), UCL (University College London).
Bonnelle, V;
Leech, R;
Kinnunen, KM;
Ham, TE;
Beckmann, CF;
De Boissezon, X;
Greenwood, RJ;
Default mode network connectivity predicts sustained attention deficits following traumatic brain injury.
Journal of Neuroscience
Boucher, CA;
Case, RL;
Thurston, KS;
Li, X;
Needham, A;
Ward, H;
Hyink, D;
... Sandford, RN; + view all
Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases are novel components of the polycystin complex.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease
, 1812
pp. 1225-1238.
Bourn, D;
Brown, K;
Young People and International Development: Engagement and Learning.
(Development Education Research Centre Research Reports
, pp. pp. 1-36
Development Education Research Centre, Institute of Education, University College London: London, UK.
Bowersox, J;
Comparative and Transnational History: Central European Approaches and New Perspectives, edited by Heinz-Gerhard Haupt and Jürgen Kocka.
Canadian Journal of History
, 46
pp. 489-491.
Bozkurt, M;
Harman, M;
Generating realistic inputs using web services.
(CS Research Notes
RN/ 11).
UCL Department of Computer Science: London, UK.
Braack, M;
Burman, E;
Taschenberger, N;
Duality Based A Posteriori Error Estimation for Quasi-Periodic Solutions Using Time Averages.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
, 33
2199 - 2216.
Bracewell, CW;
Lovrich’s joke: authority, laughter and savage breasts in an 18th-c. travel polemic.
Études Balkaniques
224 - 249.
Brant, J;
The Case for Values in Economics Education.
Citizenship, Social and Economics Education
, 10
pp. 117-128.
Brody, M;
Szendroi, K;
A kimeríto felsorolás értemezésu fókusz válasz.
In: Bartos, H, (ed.)
Általános Nyelvészeti Tanulmányok XXIII: Új irányok és eredmények a mondattani kutatásban.
Akademiai Kiado: Budapest, Hungary.
Bromley, R;
Burden, A;
Curtis, C;
Evans, C;
Feuchtmayr, H;
Grant, H;
Heaton, T;
+ view all
Freshwater umbrella - the effects of nitrogen deposition on freshwaters in the UK.
(ECRC Research Report
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Brown, A;
Copello, A;
Day, E;
Dervan, J;
Drummond, C;
Fry, J;
Gilman, M;
+ view all
Alcohol Dependence and Harmful Alcohol use: Draft quality standard.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
Brueton, V;
Tierney, J;
Stenning, S;
Nazareth, I;
Meredith, S;
Harding, S;
Rait, G;
Strategies to reduce attrition in randomised trials.
, 12 Sup
, Article A128. 10.1186/1745-6215-12-S1-A128.
Bultitude, K;
McDonald, D;
Custead, S;
The Rise and Rise of Science Festivals: An international review of organised events to celebrate science.
International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public Engagement
, 1
165 - 188.
Bunn, JJ;
Multiple Narratives, Multiple Views: Observing Archival Description.
Doctoral thesis , University College London.
Maddeleşen/Sorunlaşan Bedenler (Bela Bedenler) (BAYER, D ; CAKIRLAR, C, Trans.).
, 65-66
52 - 86.
Cabrera, RQ;
Sella, A;
Bailey, E;
Leynaud, O;
McMillan, PF;
High-pressure synthesis and structural behavior of sodium orthonitrate Na3NO4.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry
, 184
915 - 920.
Cinephilic Bodies: Todd Haynes's Cinema of Queer Pastiche.
KÜLT: Istanbul Bilgi University Cultural Studies Journal
, 1
pp. 162-200.
Masculinity, Scatology, Mooning and the Queer/able Art of Gilbert & George: On the Visual Discourse of Male Ejaculation and Anal Penetration.
Paragraph: A Journal of Modern Critical Theory
, 34
86 - 104.
Catalogue Note on Taner Ceylan's 1879 (2011).
Contemporary Art/ Turkish: London, April 07, 2011.
Sotheby's: London, UK.
Cameron, C;
Petrie, P;
Wigfall, V;
Kleipoedszus, S;
Jasper, A;
Final report of the social pedagogy pilot programme: development and implementation.
Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London: London.
Carletti, T;
Righi, S;
Emerging structures in social networks guided by opinions’ exchanges.
Advances in Complex Systems
, 14
pp. 13-30.
Carpentier, V;
Unterhalter, E;
Globalization, higher education and inequalities: Problems and prospects.
In: King, R and Marginson, S and Naidoo, R, (eds.)
Handbook on Globalization and Higher Education.
(pp. 148-168).
Edward Elgar Publishing
Carpinelli, M;
Oliva, P;
Golosio, B;
Pogorelsky, I;
Yakimenko, V;
Delogu, P;
Endrizzi, M;
Phase Contrast Imaging Using a Single Picosecond X-ray Pulse of the Inverse Compton Source at the Bnl Accelerator Test Facility.
Proceedings of 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference.
(pp. pp. 1062-1064).
PAC'11 OC / IEEE: New York, NY, USA.
Carrascal, M;
Sendra, P;
Espacio Q. Laboratorio de Creatividad Urbana.
In: García Vázquez, P and González Martínez, P and Sendra, P and Carrascal, MF, (eds.)
Actas de la II Jornada de Creatividad Urbana.
(pp. pp. 2-9).
ETS Arquitectura, Universidad de Sevilla: Seville.
Cassar, M;
Energy Reduction and the Conservation of Cultural Heritage: a Review of Past, Present and Forthcoming Initiatives.
International Preservation News
, 55
6 - 9.
Cassidy, DB;
Hisakado, TH;
Tom, HWK;
Mills, AP;
Bromley, MWJ;
Cota, LC;
Reply: Cassidy et al.
Physical Review Letters
, 106
, Article 209302. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.209302.
Causer, T;
Norfolk Island's 'suicide lotteries': myth and reality.
In: Australia, AB, (ed.)
Islands Of History.
(pp. 61-68).
Anchor Books: Sydney, Australia.
Causer, T;
'The worst types of sub-human beings'? The myth and reality of the convicts of the Norfolk Island penal settlement, 1825-1855.
In: Australia, AB, (ed.)
Islands Of History.
(pp. 8-31).
Anchor Books: Sydney, Australia.
Cellerai, C;
Harari, A;
Stauss, H;
Yerly, S;
Geretti, AM;
Carroll, A;
Yee, T;
... Kinloch, S; + view all
Early and prolonged antiretroviral therapy is associated with an HIV-1-specific T-cell profile comparable to that of long-term non-progressors.
PLoS One
, 6
, Article e18164. 10.1371/journal.pone.0018164.
Cellerai, C;
Harari, A;
Stauss, H;
Yerly, S;
Geretti, AM;
Carroll, A;
Yee, T;
... Loes, SK; + view all
Early and Prolonged Antiretroviral Therapy Is Associated with an HIV-1-Specific T-Cell Profile Comparable to That of Long-Term Non-Progressors.
PLoS One
, 6
, Article e18164. 10.1371/journal.pone.0018164.
Chan, Chee Shun Jason;
The cognitive vulnerability to depressive rumination in people diagnosed with major depressive disorder.
Doctoral thesis (D.Clin.Psy), UCL (University College London).
Chaney, SJ;
“A Hideous Torture on Himself”: Madness and Self-Mutilation in Victorian Literature.
Journal of Medical Humanities
, 32
279 - 289.
Chatrchyan, S;
Khachatryan, V;
Sirunyan, AM;
Tumasyan, A;
Adam, W;
Bergauer, T;
Dragicevic, M;
... Collaboration, CMS; + view all
Measurement of the inclusive W and Z production cross sections in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV with the CMS experiment.
Journal Of High Energy Physics
, 2011
, Article 132. 10.1007/JHEP10(2011)132.
Cheema, U;
Hadjipanayi, E;
Mudera, V;
Deng, D;
Liu, W;
Brown, RA;
Endothelial cell migration and aggregation in response to hypoxia-induced signalling.
Abstracts of the Tissue and Cell Engineering Society (TCES) meeting 28-30 July 2010, University of Manchester.
(pp. 5 - 5).
Christie, CM;
Speaking spontaneously : an examination of the University of Cumbria approach to the teaching of modern foreign languages.
UNSPECIFIED thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Chrysikou, E;
Presentation of Art4More festival and promotion of Therapeutic Architecture.
The Scanner
, 43
pp. 36-37.
Chrysikou, E;
Architecture for the mentally ill: Analysis of therapeutic spaces for clients with severe conditions.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Clarke, B;
Causality in medicine with particular reference to the viral causation of cancers.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Clarke, B;
Causation and melanoma classification.
, 32
19 - 32.
Clarke, M;
Newton, C;
Cherguit, J;
Donlan, C;
Wright, JA;
Short-term outcomes of communication aid provision.
Journal of Assistive Technologies
, 5
pp. 169-180.
Clements, M;
Pernaute, B;
Vella, F;
Rodriguez, TA;
Crosstalk between Nodal/Activin and MAPK p38 Signaling Is Essential for Anterior-Posterior Axis Specification.
Current Biology
, 21
pp. 1289-1295.
Coast, E;
Randall, S;
Golaz, V;
Gnoumou, B;
Problematic polygamy: implications of changing typologies and definitions of polygamy.
Presented at: Sixth African Population Conference: African Population: Past, Present and Future, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Cohen, JM;
Khandavilli, S;
Camberlein, E;
Hyams, C;
Baxendale, HE;
Brown, JS;
Protective Contributions against Invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae Pneumonia of Antibody and Th17-Cell Responses to Nasopharyngeal Colonisation.
, 6
, Article e25558. 10.1371/journal.pone.0025558.
Connolly, Theresa;
The influence of diagnostic labels on stigma toward people with schizophrenia and intellectual disability.
Doctoral thesis (D.Clin.Psy), UCL (University College London).
Corcoran, S;
Review of Theophili Antecessoris Paraphrasis Institutionum (J.H.A. Lokin, R. Meijering, B.H. Stolte and N. van der Wal, eds; A.F. Murison, trans.) and Analecta Groningana ad ius graeco-romanum pertinentia (J.H.A. Lokin; T. van Bochove, ed.).
Journal of Roman Studies
, 101
338 - 340.
Corcoran, S;
Observations on the Sasanian Law-Book in the light of Roman legal writing.
In: Rio, A, (ed.)
Law, Custom, and Justice in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: Proceedings of the 2008 Byzantine Colloquium.
(pp. pp. 77-113).
Centre for Hellenic Studies, King's College London: London, UK.
Coupaye, L;
Les ignames décorées des Nyamikum Abelam (Papouasie-Nouvell-Guinée): Profils théoriques et profils matériels.
In: Wateau, F and Perlès, C and Soulier, P, (eds.)
Profils d'objets : approches d'anthropologues et d'archéologues.
(pp. 177-189).
De Boccard: Paris, France.
Crisan, C;
Rodd, M;
Teachers of Mathematics to mathematics teachers: a report on a TDA Mathematics Development Programme for Teachers.
BSRLM Proceedings: Vol 31 No 3.
(pp. pp. 29-34).
British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics: Oxford, UK.
Crisan, C;
Rodd, M;
Teachers of mathematics to mathematics teachers: a TDA Mathematics Development Programme for Teachers.
Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, 31(3).
(pp. pp. 29-34).
British Society for the Learning of Mathematics: Oxford, UK.
Curtis, N;
Jones, MEH;
Shi, J;
O'Higgins, P;
Evans, SE;
Fagan, M;
Functional relationship between skull form and feeding mechanics in Sphenodon, and implications for diapsid skull development.
PLoS One
, 6
, Article e29804. 10.1371/journal.pone.0029804.
Das, A;
Chiang, A;
Davla, S;
Priya, R;
Reichert, H;
Vijayraghavan, K;
Rodrigues, V;
Identification and analysis of a glutamatergic local interneuron lineage in the adult Drosophila olfactory system.
Neural Systems & Circuits
, 1
, Article 4. 10.1186/2042-1001-1-4.
Davies, JP;
Believing the Evidence.
In: Vasilaki, D and Dawid, P and Twining, W, (eds.)
Evidence, Inference and Enquiry.
(pp. 395-494).
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Davies, JP;
Disciplining the Disciplines.
In: Vasilaki, D and Dawid, P and Twining, W, (eds.)
Evidence, Inference and Enquiry.
(pp. 37-72).
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Dawson, AD;
XHTML workbook v4.15 (XHTML 1.01).
(4.15 ed.).
: UCL Department of Information Studies, London UK.
Dawson, E;
Display Case: Whose Museum?
Museum: The Magazine of the American Alliance of Museums
, 90
pp. 25-58.
Dawson, Ruth;
An interactive model of antisocial behaviour in young offenders: The role of callous-unemotional traits, materialism and risk-taking behaviour.
Doctoral thesis (D.Clin.Psy), UCL (University College London).
De Cristofaro, E;
Sharing Sensitive Information with Privacy.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
BIDs, Economic Recession and the Future of Stakeholder-led Public Realm Management.
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors: London, UK.
Demeyer, HD;
De taal schettert en schreeuwt in de grauwzone
Taal- en maatschappijkritiek in het werk van J.M.H. Berckmans.
Spiegel der Letteren
, 53
pp. 493-522.
Demires Ozkul, Basak;
Changing Settlement Patterns for Home and Work in England and Wales 1981-2001.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Demjén, Z;
The role of second-person narration in representing mental states in Sylvia Plath's Smith Journal.
Journal of Literary Semantics
, 40
pp. 1-21.
Denison, EB;
Architecture and the Landscape of Modernity in China up to 1949.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL.
Doughty, O;
Experiences of the transition from a "delusional" to a "non-delusional" state of mind: a research project employing an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Downs, LM;
Wallin-Håkansson, B;
Boursnell, M;
Marklund, S;
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