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Abbring, JH; de Paula, A; (2017) Editorial: Special Issue on Econometrics of Networks. The Econometrics Journal , 20 (3) SI-SII. 10.1111/ectj.12106. Green open access

Adam, K; Marcet, A; Beutel, J; (2017) Stock Price Booms and Expected Capital Gains. American Economic Review , 107 (8) pp. 2352-2408. 10.1257/aer.20140205. Green open access

Adda, J; Dustmann, C; Stevens, K; (2017) The Career Costs of Children. Journal of Political Economy , 125 (2) pp. 293-337. 10.1086/690952. Green open access

Addo, J; Agyemang, C; De-Graft Aikins, A; Beune, E; Schulze, MB; Danquah, I; Galbete, C; ... Smeeth, L; + view all (2017) Association between socioeconomic position and the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in Ghanaians in different geographic locations: the RODAM study. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health , 71 (7) pp. 633-639. 10.1136/jech-2016-208322. Green open access

Adena, M; Huck, S; (2017) Matching donations without crowding out? Some theoretical considerations, a field, and a lab experiment. Journal of Public Economics , 148 pp. 32-42. 10.1016/j.jpubeco.2017.02.002. Green open access

Adlington, LW; (2017) The Corning Archaeological Reference Glasses: New Values for "Old" Compositions. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology , 27 (1) , Article 2. 10.5334/pia-515. Green open access

Adlington, LW; Freestone, IC; (2017) Using handheld pXRF to study medieval stained glass: A methodology using trace elements. MRS Advances , 2 (33-34) pp. 1785-1800. 10.1557/adv.2017.233. Green open access

Advani, AN; (2017) Essays in the Economics of Networks. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ahmed, N; Dwyer, C; (2017) ‘Living, changing light’: stained glass art and gendered creativity in the suburban church. Culture and Religion , 18 (4) pp. 371-187. 10.1080/14755610.2017.1376695. Green open access

Alan, S; Baydar, N; Boneva, T; Crossley, TF; Ertac, S; (2017) Transmission of risk preferences from mothers to daughters. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization , 134 pp. 60-77. 10.1016/j.jebo.2016.12.014. Green open access

Albalate, D; Bel, G; Geddes, RR; (2017) How Much Vertical Integration? Contractual Choice and Public–Private Partnerships in the United States. Review of Industrial Organization , 51 pp. 25-42. 10.1007/s11151-016-9540-1. Green open access

Albalate, D; Bel, G; González-Gómez, F; Picazo-Tadeo, AJ; (2017) Weakening political connections by means of regulatory reform: Evidence from contracting out water services in Spain. Journal of Regulatory Economics , 52 pp. 211-235. 10.1007/s11149-017-9338-6. Green open access

Albornoz, F; Berlinski, S; Cabrales, A; (2017) Motivation, resources and the organization of the school system. Journal of the European Economic Association 10.1093/jeea/jvx001. Green open access

Alderton, E; Sayer, CD; Davies, R; Lambert, SJ; Axmacher, JC; (2017) Buried alive: Aquatic plants survive in ‘ghost ponds’ under agricultural fields. Biological Conservation , 212 (Part A) pp. 105-110. 10.1016/j.biocon.2017.06.004. Green open access

Alderton, Emily; (2017) “Ghost ponds” : Resurrecting lost ponds and species to assist aquatic biodiversity conservation. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Alipour, R; (2017) Persian crucible steel production: Chāhak tradition. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Allaby, RG; Stevens, C; Lucas, L; Maeda, O; Fuller, DQ; (2017) Geographic mosaics and changing rates of cereal domestication. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences , 372 (1735) , Article 20160429. 10.1098/rstb.2016.0429. Green open access

Allen, C; Sillar, W; Lazzari, M; (2017) Pensamiento de una etnógrafa acerca de la interpretación den la arqueología Andina = An ethnographer's thoughts about interpretation in the archaeology of the Andes. Mundo de Antes , 11 pp. 13-68. Green open access

Almeida-Warren, K; Sommer, V; Piel, AK; Pascual-Garrido, A; (2017) Raw material procurement for termite fishing tools by wild chimpanzees in the Issa valley, Western Tanzania. American Journal of Physical Anthropology , 164 (2) pp. 292-304. 10.1002/ajpa.23269. Green open access

Amicone, SR; (2017) Pottery Technology At The Dawn Of The Metal Age: A View From Vinča Culture. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Amini, C; Dal Bianco, S; Signorelli, M; (2017) The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis and the Role of External and Internal Factors in Emerging Economies. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade , 53 (2) pp. 229-249. 10.1080/1540496X.2016.1216840. Green open access

Anderson, G; Fenwick, C; Rosser-Owen, M; (2017) The Aghlabids and Their Neighbors: An Introduction. In: Anderson, G and Fenwick, C and Rosser-Owen, M, (eds.) The Aghlabids and their Neighbors: Art and Material Culture in Ninth-Century North Africa. (pp. 1-30). Brill: Leiden/Boston. Green open access

Andrews, P; MacKenzie, R; Quinn, PS; (2017) Crucible steel production at Derwentcote Forge, County Durham. Historical Metallurgy , 50 pp. 53-66. Green open access

Angrisani, M; Guarino, A; Jehiel, P; Kitagawa, T; (2017) Information redundancy neglect versus overconfidence: a social learning experiment. (cemmap working paper 32/17). Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK. Green open access

Antoniou, V; Capineri, C; Haklay, ME; (2017) VGI and Beyond: From Data to Mapping. In: Kent, AJ and Vujakovic, P, (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Mapping and Cartography. (pp. 475-488). Routledge: Abingdon, United Kingdom. Green open access

Arabindoo, P; (2017) Unprecedented natures? An anatomy of the Chennai floods. City 10.1080/13604813.2016.1239410. (In press). Green open access

Arellano, M; Blundell, R; Bonhomme, S; (2017) Earnings and Consumption Dynamics: A Nonlinear Panel Data Framework. Econometrica , 85 (3) pp. 693-734. 10.3982/ECTA13795. Green open access

Arena, V; (2017) Semantic Battles: Servius and the Statue of Marsyas. In: Nebelin, M and Tiersch, C, (eds.) Semantische Kämpfe in Rom? Kontinuität und Transformation der politischen Sprache in Rom zwischen Republik und Prinzipat. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht: Göttingen, Germany.

Arena, V; (2017) Roman reflections on Voting Practices: also a Pythagorean Affair. In: Ferente, S and Kunčević, L and Pattenden, M, (eds.) Cultures of Voting in Pre-modern Europe. Routledge: London, United Kindom. Green open access

Arena, Valentina; (2017) Fighting Corruption: Political Thought and Practice in the Late Roman Republic. In: Gelner, G and Kroeze, R and Vitória, A, (eds.) Anti-corruption in History: From Antiquity to the Modern Era. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Armand, A; Carneiro, P; Locatelli, A; Mihreteab, S; Keating, J; (2017) Do public health interventions crowd out private health investments? Malaria control policies in Eritrea. Labour Economics , 45 pp. 107-115. 10.1016/j.labeco.2016.11.003. Green open access

Armstrong, CG; Shoemaker, AC; McKechnie, I; Ekblom, A; Szabó, P; Lane, PJ; McAlvay, AC; ... Crumley, CL; + view all (2017) Anthropological contributions to historical ecology: 50 questions, infinite prospects. PLOS One , 12 (2) , Article e0171883. 10.1371/journal.pone.0171883. Green open access

Arroyo-Kalin, M; (2017) Amazonian Dark Earths. In: nicosia, C and Stoops, G, (eds.) Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology. Wiley-Blackwell

Arroyo-Kalin, M; Stevens, CJ; Wengrow, D; Fuller, DQ; Wollstonecroft, M; (2017) Civilisation and Human Niche Construction. Archaeology International , 20 pp. 106-109. 10.5334/ai.368. Green open access

Arroyo-Kalin, Manuel; (2017) Las tierras antrópicas amazónicas: algo más que un puñado de tierra. In: Rostain, S and Jaimes Betancourt, C, (eds.) Las Siete Maravillas de la Amazonia precolombina. (pp. 99-117). 4- EIAA/BAS/Plural Publicaciones: La Paz.

Attanasio, O; Guarin, A; Medina, C; Meghir, C; (2017) Vocational Training for Disadvantaged Youth in Colombia: A Long-Term Follow-Up. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics , 9 (2) pp. 131-143. 10.1257/app.20150554. Green open access

Attanasio, O; Meghir, C; Nix, E; Salvati, F; (2017) Human capital growth and poverty: Evidence from Ethiopia and Peru. Review of Economic Dynamics , 25 pp. 234-259. 10.1016/j.red.2017.02.002. Green open access

Attanasio, OP; Kaufmann, KM; (2017) Education choices and returns on the labor and marriage markets: Evidence from data on subjective expectations. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization , 140 pp. 35-55. 10.1016/j.jebo.2017.05.002. Green open access


Baatiema, L; De-Graft Aikins, A; Sav, A; Mnatzaganian, G; Chan, CKY; Somerset, S; (2017) Barriers to evidence-based acute stroke care in Ghana: a qualitative study on the perspectives of stroke care professionals. BMJ Open , 7 (4) , Article e015385. 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015385. Green open access

Baatiema, L; Otim, M; Mnatzaganian, G; Aikins, AD-G; Coombes, J; Somerset, S; (2017) Towards best practice in acute stroke care in Ghana: a survey of hospital services. BMC Health Services Research , 17 (1) , Article 108. 10.1186/s12913-017-2061-2. Green open access

Baatiema, L; Otim, ME; Mnatzaganian, G; De-Graft Aikins, A; Coombes, J; Somerset, S; (2017) Health professionals' views on the barriers and enablers to evidence-based practice for acute stroke care: a systematic review. Implementation Science , 12 , Article 74. 10.1186/s13012-017-0599-3. Green open access

Bachi, B; Spiegler, R; (2017) Buridanic competition. Games and Economic Behavior , 107 pp. 298-315. 10.1016/j.geb.2017.10.024. Green open access

Baird, D; Fairbairn, A; Martin, L; (2017) The animate house, the institutionalization of the household in Neolithic central Anatolia. World Archaeology , 49 (5) pp. 753-776. 10.1080/00438243.2016.1215259. Green open access

Balasse, M; Tresset, A; Bălăşescu, A; Blaise, E; Tornero, C; Gandois, H; Fiorillo, D; ... Ivanova, M; + view all (2017) Animal Board Invited Review: Sheep birth distribution in past herds: a review for prehistoric Europe (6th to 3rd millennia BC). Animal , 11 (12) pp. 2229-2236. 10.1017/S1751731117001045. Green open access

Balolia, KL; Soligo, C; Wood, B; (2017) Sagittal crest formation in great apes and gibbons. Journal of Anatomy , 230 (6) pp. 820-832. 10.1111/joa.12609. Green open access

Bandiera, O; Burgess, R; Das, N; Gulesci, S; Rasul, I; Sulaiman, M; (2017) Labor Markets and Poverty in Village Economies. The Quarterly Journal of Economics , 32 (2) pp. 811-870. 10.1093/qje/qjx003. Green open access

Barclay, A; Bello, S; Bradley, P; Harding, P; Higbee, L; Manning, A; Powell, J; ... Barton, N; + view all (2017) A new Later Upper Palaeolithic open-air site with articulated horse bone in the Colne Valley, Berkshire. Antiquity , 91 (360) , Article e4. 10.15184/aqy.2017.216. Green open access

Bargallo, A; Mosquera, M; Lozano, S; (2017) In pursuit of our ancestors' hand laterality. Journal of Human Evolution , 111 pp. 18-32. 10.1016/j.jhevol.2017.06.001. Green open access

Barlacchi, G; Perentis, C; Mehrotra, A; Musolesi, M; Lepri, B; (2017) Are you getting sick? Predicting influenza-like symptoms using human mobility behaviors. EPJ Data Science , 6 , Article 27. 10.1140/epjds/s13688-017-0124-6. Green open access

Barry, A; (2017) Democratic pressure. [Review]. Dialogues in Human Geography , 7 (3) pp. 341-343. 10.1177/2043820617733200. Green open access

Barry, A; (2017) Minor political geographies. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space , 35 (4) pp. 589-592. 10.1177/0263775817710089. Green open access

Barst, BD; Ahad, JME; Rose, NL; Jautzy, JJ; Drevnick, PE; Gammon, PR; Sanei, H; (2017) Lake-sediment record of PAH, mercury, and fly-ash particle deposition near coal-fired power plants in Central Alberta, Canada. Environmental Pollution , 231 (P1) pp. 644-653. 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.08.033. Green open access

Barton, SNF; (2017) Alienation and Authenticity in Brixton: An ethnography of a changing neighbourhood. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bassi, V; Huck, S; Rasul, I; (2017) A note on charitable giving by corporates and aristocrats: Evidence from a field experiment. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics , 66 pp. 104-111. 10.1016/j.socec.2016.04.012. Green open access

Bayrakdar, S; Coulter, R; (2017) Parents, local house prices, and leaving home in Britain. Population, Space and Place 10.1002/psp.2087. (In press). Green open access

Beaudry, P; Galizia, D; Portier, F; (2017) Is the Macroeconomy Locally Unstable and Why Should We Care? NBER Macroeconomics Annual , 31 (1) pp. 479-530. 10.1086/690244. Green open access

Bebbington, PA; (2017) Studies in informational price formation, prediction markets, and trading. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Beck, Catherine Susan; (2017) Patronage and the Royal Navy, 1775-1815. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Becker, SI; Harris, AM; York, A; Choi, J; (2017) Conjunction search is relational: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance , 43 (10) pp. 1828-1842. 10.1037/xhp0000371. Green open access

Bedelian, C; (2017) Review of ‘The Governance of Rangelands’ edited by Pedro M Herrera, Jonathan Davies and Pablo Manzano Baena. [Review]. Pastoralism , 7 , Article 27. 10.1186/s13570-017-0102-4. Green open access

Bedelian, C; Ogutu, JO; (2017) Trade-offs for climate-resilient pastoral livelihoods in wildlife conservancies in the Mara ecosystem, Kenya. Pastoralism , 7 (1) 10.1186/s13570-017-0085-1. Green open access

Beger, A; Hill, DW; Metternich, NW; Minhas, S; Ward, MD; (2017) Splitting It Up: The spduration Split-Population Duration Regression Package for Time-Varying Covariates. The R Journal , 9 (2) pp. 474-486. Green open access

Bel, G; Bel-Piñana, P; Rosell, J; (2017) Myopic PPPs: Risk allocation and hidden liabilities for taxpayers and users. Utilities Policy , 48 pp. 147-156. 10.1016/j.jup.2017.06.002. Green open access

Bel, G; Esteve, M; Matthews, P; Metze, T; (2017) Editorial statement. [Editorial comment]. Local Government Studies , 43 (2) pp. 139-141. 10.1080/03003930.2017.1270554. Green open access

Bel, G; Fageda, X; (2017) What have we learned from the last three decades of empirical studies on factors driving local privatisation? Local Government Studies , 43 (4) pp. 503-511. 10.1080/03003930.2017.1303486. Green open access

Bel, G; Rosell, J; (2017) The impact of socioeconomic characteristics on CO₂ emissions associated with urban mobility: Inequality across individuals. Energy Economics , 64 pp. 251-261. 10.1016/j.eneco.2017.04.002. Green open access

Belfield, C; Blundell, R; Cribb, J; Hood, A; Joyce, R; (2017) Two Decades of Income Inequality in Britain: The Role of Wages, Household Earnings and Redistribution. Economica , 84 (334) pp. 157-179. 10.1111/ecca.12220. Green open access

Bell, JW; (2017) ‘We Have Run Out of Poor People’: The Democratic Party’s identity crisis in the 1950s. In: Morgan, I and Mason, R, (eds.) The Liberal Consensus reconsidered: American politics and society in the postwar era. (pp. 208-226). University of Florida Press: Gainesville, USA. Green open access

Bellamy, R; Lacey, J; (2017) Introduction. In: Bellamy, R and Lacey, J, (eds.) Political Theory and the European Union. Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Bellamy, R; (2017) A European Republic of Sovereign States: Sovereignty, republicanism and the European Union. European Journal of Political Theory , 16 (2) pp. 188-209. 10.1177/1474885116654389. Green open access

Bellamy, R; Kröger, S; (2017) A demoicratic justification of differentiated integration in a heterogeneous EU. Journal of European Integration , 39 (5) pp. 625-639. 10.1080/07036337.2017.1332058. Green open access

Bellamy, R; Lacey, J; Nicolaïdis, K; (2017) European boundaries in question? Journal of European Integration , 39 (5) pp. 483-498. 10.1080/07036337.2017.1333118. Green open access

Bellamy, RP; Lacey, J; (2017) The Nature of European Solidarity: How National Citizenship is Supplemented by and Constrains European Citizenship. In: de Quadros, F and Sidjanski, D, (eds.) The Future of Europe: The Reform of the Eurozone and the Deepening of Political Union. (pp. 517-522). AA FDL Editora: Lisbon, Portugal.

Bello, SM; Wallduck, R; Parfitt, SA; Stringer, CB; (2017) An Upper Palaeolithic engraved human bone associated with ritualistic cannibalism. PLoS ONE , 12 (8) , Article e0182127. 10.1371/journal.pone.0182127. Green open access

Bennion, H; Sayer, C; Clarke, S; Davidson, TA; Rose, N; Goldsmith, B; Rawcliffe, R; ... Wiik, E; + view all (2017) Sedimentary macrofossil records reveal ecological change in English lakes: implications for conservation. Journal of Paleolimnology 10.1007/s10933-017-9941-7. (In press). Green open access

Benzonelli, A; Freestone, I; Martinon-Torres, M; (2017) A better shade of black: effects of manufacturing parameters on the development of ancient black bronzes. Archaeometry , 59 (6) pp. 1034-1049. 10.1111/arcm.12299. Green open access

Bevan, A; Colledge, S; Fuller, D; Fyfe, R; Shennan, S; Stevens, C; (2017) Holocene fluctuations in human population demonstrate repeated links to food production and climate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 114 (49) E10524-E10531. 10.1073/pnas.1709190114. Green open access

Bevan, AH; (2017) Pandora's pithos. History and Anthropology , 29 (1) pp. 7-14. 10.1080/02757206.2017.1397651. Green open access

Bevan, AH; (2017) Radiocarbon Dataset and Analysis from Bevan, A., Colledge, S., Fuller, D., Fyfe, R., Shennan, S. and C. Stevens 2017. Holocene fluctuations in human population demonstrate repeated links to food production and climate. [Dataset]. UCL Institute of Archaeology: London, UK. Green open access

Bharadwaj, B; Brierley, CM; (2017) Ratcheting up ambition on climate policy. (ECRC Research Reports 182 ). Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Bishop, IJ; Bennion, H; Patmore, IR; Sayer, CD; (2017) How effective are plant macrofossils as a proxy for macrophyte presence? The case of Najas flexilis in Scotland. Journal of Paleolimnology 10.1007/s10933-017-9988-5. (In press). Green open access

Bjarnason, A; Soligo, C; Elton, S; (2017) Phylogeny, phylogenetic inference, and cranial evolution in pitheciids and Aotus. American Journal of Primatology , 79 (3) , Article e22621. 10.1002/ajp.22621. Green open access

Black, B; Espin-Sanchez, J-A; French, E; Litvak, K; (2017) The Long-Term Effect of Health Insurance on Near-Elderly Health and Mortality. American Journal of Health Economics , 3 (3) pp. 281-311. 10.1162/ajhe_a_00076. Green open access

Black, GF; Davies, A; Iskander, D; Chambers, M; (2017) Reflections on the ethics of participatory visual methods to engage communities in global health research. Global Bioethics , 29 (1) pp. 22-38. 10.1080/11287462.2017.1415722. Green open access

Blair, RA; Blattman, C; Hartman, A; (2017) Predicting local violence: Evidence from a panel survey in Liberia. Journal of Peace Research , 54 (2) pp. 298-312. 10.1177/0022343316684009. Green open access

Blanco, JFPU; Amaya Panche, J; Diaz Aguirre, CF; (2017) La teoría y la realidad del discurso de protección ambiental y las políticas extractivas en Bolivia. Revista Internacional de Cooperación y Desarrollo , 4 (1) pp. 137-155. 10.21500/23825014.3121. Green open access

Blumenau, J; Eggers, AC; Hangartner, D; Hix, S; (2017) Open/Closed List and Party Choice: Experimental Evidence from the UK. British Journal of Political Science , 47 (04) pp. 809-827. 10.1017/S0007123415000629. Green open access

Blundell, R; (2017) Foreword: On the importance of taking a life-cyle view in understanding generational issues. Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics , 2017 pp. 491-492. 10.24187/ecostat.2017.491d.1901. Green open access

Blundell, R; (2017) What Have We Learned from Structural Models? American Economic Review , 107 (5) pp. 287-292. 10.1257/aer.p20171116. Green open access

Blundell, R; Horowitz, J; Parey, M; (2017) Nonparametric Estimation of a Nonseparable Demand Function under the Slutsky Inequality Restriction. The Review of Economics and Statistics , 99 (2) pp. 291-304. 10.1162/REST_a_00636. Green open access

Boateng, D; Wekesah, F; Browne, JL; Agyemang, C; Agyei-Baffour, P; Aikins, AD-G; Smit, HA; ... Klipstein-Grobusch, K; + view all (2017) Knowledge and awareness of and perception towards cardiovascular disease risk in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review. PLOS ONE , 12 (12) , Article e0189264. 10.1371/journal.pone.0189264. Green open access

Bogaard, A; Filipović, D; Fairbairn, A; Green, L; Stroud, E; Fuller, D; Charles, M; (2017) Agricultural innovation and resilience in a long-lived early farming community: The 1,500-year sequence at Neolithic to early Chalcolithic Çatalhöyük, central Anatolia. Anatolian Studies , 67 10.1017/S0066154617000072. Green open access

Boles, OJC; (2017) Pastoralist Settlement and the Anthropogenic Savannah: the archaeo-ecology of Mili Sita, Kenya. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bonacchi, C; Petersson, B; (2017) Digital Co-production in Archaeology. An Editorial. [Editorial comment]. Internet Archaeology , 46 10.11141/ia.46.1. Green open access

Bonhomme, S; Jochmans, K; Robin, J-M; (2017) Nonparametric estimation of non-exchangeable latent-variable models. Journal of Econometrics , 201 (2) pp. 237-248. 10.1016/j.jeconom.2017.08.006. Green open access

Bonnitcha, J; Poulsen, L; Waibel, M; (2017) The Political Economy of the Investment Treaty Regime. [Book]. (1st ed.). Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Bonsor, HC; MacDonald, AM; Ahmed, KM; Burgess, WG; Basharat, M; Calow, RC; Dixit, A; ... Zahid, A; + view all (2017) Hydrogeological typologies of the Indo-Gangetic basin alluvial aquifer, South Asia. Hydrogeology Journal 10.1007/s10040-017-1550-z. (In press). Green open access

Boräng, F; Cornell, A; Grimes, M; Schuster, JWC; (2017) Cooking the Books: Bureaucratic Politicization and Policy Knowledge. Governance 10.1111/gove.12283. Green open access

Boyko, CT; Clune, SJ; Cooper, RFD; Coulton, CJ; Dunn, NS; Pollastri, S; Leach, JM; ... Tyler, N; + view all (2017) How Sharing Can Contribute to More Sustainable Cities. Sustainability , 9 (5) 10.3390/su9050701. Green open access

Bradley, J; Postel-Vinay, F; Turon, H; (2017) Public sector wage policy and labor market equilibrium: a structural model. Journal of the European Economic Association , 15 (6) pp. 1214-1257. 10.1093/jeea/jvw026. Green open access

Brathwaite, R; Addo, J; Kunst, AE; Agyemang, C; Owusu-Dabo, E; De-Graft Aikins, A; Beune, E; ... Smeeth, L; + view all (2017) Smoking prevalence differs by location of residence among Ghanaians in Africa and Europe: The RODAM study. PLOS ONE , 12 (5) , Article e0177291. 10.1371/journal.pone.0177291. Green open access

Brendecke, A; Martín Romera, MÁ; (2017) The "Habitus" of the Royal Officer: Ideal, Perception and Exercise of Office in the Spanish Monarchy (Xv-xviii Centuries). [Review]. Studia Historica, Historia Moderna , 39 (1) pp. 23-51. 10.14201/shhmo20173912351. Green open access

Bressey, C; (2017) Radical History Then and Now. History Workshop Journal , 83 (1) pp. 217-222. 10.1093/hwj/dbx004. Green open access

Bridge, M; Short, H; (2017) Death of a princess Camellia japonica 'Princesse Charlotte' ring count. International Camellia Journal (49) pp. 119-121. Green open access

Bridge, MC; Tyers, C; (2017) The Fleece, Westgate Street, Gloucester, Gloucestershire: tree-ring analysis of oak and elm timbers. (Historic England Research Report Series 36/2017 ). Historic England Green open access

Briffa, Josef Mario; (2017) The figural world of the southern Levant during the late Iron Age. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bristley, JH; (2017) Animal economics: livestock, pastoralism and capitalism in post-socialist Mongolia. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Broadley, RE; (2017) A study of the distribution, form and context of Anglo-Saxon vessel glass in 7th-11th Century England. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Brookes, SJ; Baker, J; (2017) Gateways, gates, and gatu: Liminal spaces at the centre of things. Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung , 6 Green open access

Brookes, SJ; Langlands, A; (2017) Stowford: an early medieval hundred meeting place. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine , 110 pp. 237-241. Green open access

Brookes, SJ; Tente, C; Prata, S; (2017) Interpreting Rock-Cut Grave Cemeteries: the early medieval necropolis and enclosure of São Gens, Portugal. Medieval Archaeology , 61 (2) pp. 215-238. 10.1080/00766097.2017.1374093. Green open access

Bryson, KD; (2017) The evolving binary: perspectives on infra- and ultrahumanisation. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Buchli, V; (2017) The social condenser: again, again and again—the case for the Narkomfin Communal House, Moscow. The Journal of Architecture , 22 (3) pp. 387-402. 10.1080/13602365.2017.1326679. Green open access

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