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Ahmed, M; Anninga, B; Goyal, S; Young, P; Pankhurst, QA; Douek, M; (2015) Magnetic sentinel node and occult lesion localization in breast cancer (MagSNOLL Trial). British Journal of Surgery , 102 (6) pp. 646-652. 10.1002/bjs.9800. Green open access

Ahmed, M; Anninga, B; Pouw, JJ; Vreemann, S; Peek, M; Van Hemelrijck, M; Pinder, S; ... Douek, M; + view all (2015) Optimising magnetic sentinel lymph node biopsy in an in vivo porcine model. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine , 11 (4) pp. 993-1002. 10.1016/j.nano.2015.01.010. Green open access

Alles, Erwin J; Nikitichev, Daniil; Desjardins, Adrien E; (2015) Fabrication and Characterisation of Miniature Parabolic Acoustic Lenses. In: 2015 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers): Taipei, Taiwan. Green open access

Altmann, A; Ng, B; Landau, SM; Jagust, WJ; Greicius, MD; (2015) Regional brain hypometabolism is unrelated to regional amyloid plaque burden. Brain 10.1093/brain/awv278. Green open access

Andrews, KA; Frost, C; Modat, M; Cardoso, MJ; Rowe, CC; Villemagne, V; Fox, NC; ... Schott, JM; + view all (2015) Acceleration of hippocampal atrophy rates in asymptomatic amyloidosis. Neurobiology of Aging , 39 pp. 99-107. 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2015.10.013. Green open access

Ansari, R; Zhang, E; Mathews, S; Desjardins, AE; Beard, PC; (2015) Photoacoustic endoscopy probe using a coherent fibre optic bundle. In: Ntziachristos, V and Zemp, R, (eds.) Proceedings of SPIE 9539, Opto-Acoustic Methods and Applications in Biophotonics II. SPIE: Munich, Germany. Green open access

Aristovich, KY; Dos Santos, GS; Holder, DS; (2015) Investigation of potential artefactual changes in measurements of impedance changes during evoked activity: implications to electrical impedance tomography of brain function. Physiol Meas , 36 (6) pp. 1245-1259. 10.1088/0967-3334/36/6/1245. Green open access

Arloth, J; Bader, DM; Röh, S; Altmann, A; (2015) Re-Annotator: Annotation Pipeline for Microarray Probe Sequences. PLoS One , 10 (10) , Article e0139516. 10.1371/journal.pone.0139516. Green open access

Avery, JP; (2015) Improving Electrical Impedance Tomography of brain function with a novel servo-controlled electrode helmet. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Azadbakht, H; Parkes, LM; Haroon, HA; Augath, M; Logothetis, NK; de Crespigny, A; D'Arceuil, HE; (2015) Validation of High-Resolution Tractography Against In Vivo Tracing in the Macaque Visual Cortex. Cerebral Cortex , 25 (11) pp. 4299-4309. 10.1093/cercor/bhu326. Green open access


Bagnéris, C; Rogala, KB; Baratchian, M; Zamfir, V; Kunze, MBA; Dagles, S; Pirker, KF; ... Kay, CWM; + view all (2015) Probing the Solution Structure of IκB Kinase (IKK) Subunit γ and its Interaction with Kaposi′s Sarcoma Associated Herpes Virus Flice Interacting Protein and IKK Subunit β by EPR Spectroscopy. Journal of Biological Chemistry , 290 (27) pp. 16539-16549. 10.1074/jbc.M114.622928. Green open access

Basta, D; Endrizzi, M; Vittoria, FA; Kallon, GKN; Millard, TPM; Diemoz, PC; Olivo, A; (2015) Note: Design and realization of a portable edge illumination X-ray phase contrast imaging system. Review of Scientific Instruments , 86 (9) , Article 096102. 10.1063/1.4930238. Green open access

Bergeles, C; Berthet-Rayne, P; McCormac, P; Garcia-Peraza-Herrera, LC; Onyenso, K; Cao, F; Vyas, K; ... Yang, GZ; + view all (2015) Accessible digital ophthalmoscopy based on liquid-lens technology. In: Hutchison, D and Kanade, T and Kittler, J and Kleinberg, JM, (eds.) Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2015. (pp. pp. 571-578). Springer International Publishing Switzerland: Munich, Germany. Green open access

Blanco-Andujar, C; Ortega, D; Southern, P; Pankhurst, QA; Thanh, NT; (2015) High performance multi-core iron oxide nanoparticles for magnetic hyperthermia: microwave synthesis, and the role of core-to-core interactions. Nanoscale , 7 (5) pp. 1768-1775. 10.1039/c4nr06239f. Green open access

Bocchetta, M; Gordon, E; Manning, E; Barnes, J; Cash, DM; Espak, M; Thomas, DL; ... Rohrer, JD; + view all (2015) Detailed volumetric analysis of the hypothalamus in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia. Journal of Neurology , 262 (12) pp. 2635-2642. 10.1007/s00415-015-7885-2. Green open access

Bocchetta, M; Gordon, E; Marshall, CR; Slattery, CF; Cardoso, MJ; Cash, DM; Espak, M; ... Rohrer, JD; + view all (2015) The habenula: an under-recognised area of importance in frontotemporal dementia? [Letter]. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 10.1136/jnnp-2015-312067. (In press). Green open access

Borg, M; (2015) The use of a figure-of-merit (FOM) for optimization in digital mammography: an exploratory study in Malta. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bousse, A; Bertolli, O; Atkinson, D; Arridge, S; Ourselin, S; Hutton, B; Thielemans, K; (2015) Maximum-Likelihood Joint Image Reconstruction/Motion Estimation in Attenuation-Corrected Respiratory Gated PET/CT using a Single Attenuation Map. IEEE Trans Med Imaging , 35 (1) pp. 217-228. 10.1109/TMI.2015.2464156. Green open access

Brigadoi, S; Cooper, RJ; (2015) How short is short? Optimum source-detector distance for short-separation channels in functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Neurophotonics , 2 (2) , Article 025005. 10.1117/1.NPh.2.2.025005. Green open access

Buckley, K; Kerns, JG; Vinton, J; Gikas, PD; Smith, C; Parker, AW; Matousek, P; (2015) Towards the in vivo prediction of fragility fractures with Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectoscopy , 46 (7) pp. 610-618. 10.1002/jrs.4706. Green open access

Burgos, N; Cardoso, MJ; Guerreiro, F; Veiga, C; Modat, M; McClelland, J; Knopf, A-C; ... Ourselin, S; + view all (2015) Robust CT Synthesis for Radiotherapy Planning: Application to the Head and Neck Region. In: Navab, N and Hornegger, J and Wells, WM and Frangi, AF, (eds.) Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). (pp. pp. 476-484). Springer, Mach: Munich, Germany. Green open access

Burgos, N; Cardoso, MJ; Mendelson, AF; Schott, JM; Atkinson, D; Arridge, SR; Hutton, BF; (2015) Subject-specific Models for the Analysis of Pathological FDG PET Data. In: Navab, N and Hornegger, J and Wells, WM and Frangi, AF, (eds.) Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). (pp. pp. 651-658). Springer, Cham: Munich, Germany. Green open access

Burgos, N; Cardoso, MJ; Thielemans, K; Modat, M; Dickson, J; Schott, JM; Atkinson, D; ... Ourselin, S; + view all (2015) Multi-contrast attenuation map synthesis for PET/MR scanners: assessment on FDG and Florbetapir PET tracers. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging , 42 (9) pp. 1447-1458. 10.1007/s00259-015-3082-x. Green open access


Caldwell, M; Hapuarachchi, T; Highton, D; Elwell, C; Smith, M; Tachtsidis, I; (2015) BrainSignals Revisited: Simplifying a Computational Model of Cerebral Physiology. PLoS One , 10 (5) , Article e0126695. 10.1371/journal.pone.0126695. Green open access

Caldwell, M; Moroz, T; Hapuarachchi, T; Bainbridge, A; Robertson, NJ; Cooper, CE; Tachtsidis, I; (2015) Modelling Blood Flow and Metabolism in the Preclinical Neonatal Brain during and Following Hypoxic-Ischaemia. PLoS One , 10 (10) , Article e0140171. 10.1371/journal.pone.0140171. Green open access

Calvert, N; Betcke, MM; Morton, EJ; Speller, R; (2015) Reconstruction of electron density from time resolved in-plane Compton backscatter measurements. In: Proceedings: Three Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine.

Cardoso, MJ; Modat, M; Vercauteren, T; Ourselin, S; (2015) Scale factor point spread function matching: beyond aliasing in image resampling. In: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2015. (pp. pp. 675-683). Springer International Publishing Green open access

Cardoso, MJ; Modat, M; Wolz, R; Melbourne, A; Cash, D; Rueckert, D; Ourselin, S; (2015) Geodesic Information Flows: Spatially-Variant Graphs and Their Application to Segmentation and Fusion. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging , 34 (9) pp. 1976-1988. 10.1109/TMI.2015.2418298. Green open access

Cash, DM; Frost, C; Iheme, LO; Ünay, D; Kandemir, M; Fripp, J; Salvado, O; ... Ourselin, S; + view all (2015) Assessing atrophy measurement techniques in dementia: Results from the MIRIAD atrophy challenge. Neuroimage , 123 pp. 149-164. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.07.087. Green open access

Chadebecq, F; Vercauteren, T; Wimalasundera, R; Attilakos, G; David, AL; Deprest, J; Ourselin, S; (2015) Practical Dry Calibration With Medium Adaptation For Fluid-Immersed Endoscopy. Presented at: Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, London, UK. (In press). Green open access

Chisholm, KI; Ida, KK; Davies, AL; Tachtsidis, I; Papkovsky, DB; Dyson, A; Singer, M; ... Smith, KJ; + view all (2015) Hypothermia protects brain mitochondrial function from hypoxemia in a murine model of sepsis. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 10.1177/0271678X15606457. (In press). Green open access

Citerio, G; Marzorati, C; Timsit, JF; Perner, A; Bakker, J; Bassetti, M; Benoit, D; ... Azoulay, E; + view all (2015) Outcome of Manuscripts Rejected From Intensive Care Medicine: An In Silico Study. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental , 3 (S1) , Article A23. 10.1186/2197-425X-3-S1-A23. Green open access

Clarkson, MJ; Zombori, G; Thompson, S; Totz, J; Song, Y; Espak, M; Johnsen, S; ... Ourselin, S; + view all (2015) The NifTK software platform for image-guided interventions: platform overview and NiftyLink messaging. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery , 10 (3) pp. 301-316. 10.1007/s11548-014-1124-7. Green open access

Conti, C; Colombo, C; Realini, M; Matousek, P; (2015) Subsurface analysis of painted sculptures and plasters using micrometre-scale spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (micro-SORS). Journal of Raman Spectroscopy , 46 (5) pp. 476-482. 10.1002/jrs.4673. Green open access

Crick, CR; Noimark, S; Peveler, WJ; Bear, JC; Ivanov, AP; Edel, JB; Parkin, IP; (2015) Advanced analysis of nanoparticle composites - a means toward increasing the efficiency of functional materials. RSC Advances , 5 (66) pp. 53789-53795. 10.1039/c5ra08788k. Green open access


d'Esposito, A; Nikitichev, D; Desjardins, A; Walker-Samuel, S; Lythgoe, MF; (2015) Quantification of light attenuation in optically cleared mouse brains. Journal of Biomedical Optics , 20 (8) , Article 80503. 10.1117/1.JBO.20.8.080503. Green open access

Dabnichki, P; Garcia Souto, MDP; (2015) Non-invasive core temperature measurement method for mass screening based on infrared images of the body. Presented at: SET for BRITAIN, London, UK. Green open access

Dempsey, LA; Cooper, RJ; Roque, T; Correia, T; Magee, E; Powell, S; Gibson, AP; (2015) Data-driven approach to optimum wavelength selection for diffuse optical imaging. Journal of Biomedical Optics , 20 (1) , Article 016003. 10.1117/1.JBO.20.1.016003. Green open access

Devrecker, A; Rosa, B; Desjardins, A; Alles, E; Garcia-Peraza Herrera, L; Maneas, E; Stoyanov, D; ... Vander Poorten, E; + view all (2015) Fluidic Actuation for Intra-operative In Situ Imaging. In: Proceedings of 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). (pp. pp. 1415-1421). IEEE: Hamburg, Germany. Green open access

Diemoz, PC; Endrizzi, M; Vittoria, FA; Hagen, CK; Kallon, G; Basta, D; Marenzana, M; ... Olivo, A; + view all (2015) Laboratory implementation of edge illumination X-ray phase-contrast imaging with energy-resolved detectors. In: Proc. SPIE. Green open access

Diemoz, PC; Vittoria, FA; Hagen, CK; Endrizzi, M; Coan, P; Brun, E; Wagner, UH; ... Olivo, A; + view all (2015) Single-image phase retrieval using an edge illumination X-ray phase-contrast imaging setup. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation , 22 (4) pp. 1072-1077. 10.1107/S1600577515008978. Green open access

Doolan, PJ; (2015) The use of proton radiography to reduce uncertainties in proton treatment planning. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Doolan, PJ; Royle, G ; Gibson, A; Lu, H-M; Prieels, D; Bentefour, E H; (2015) Dose ratio proton radiography using the proximal side of the Bragg peak. Medical Physics , 42 (4) pp. 1871-1883. 10.1118/1.4915492. Green open access

Doolan, PJ; Testa, M; Sharp, G; Bentefour, EH; Royle, G; Lu, HM; (2015) Patient-specific stopping power calibration for proton therapy planning based on single-detector proton radiography. Physics in Medicine and Biology , 60 (5) 1901 - 1917. 10.1088/0031-9155/60/5/1901. Green open access

Downey, LE; Mahoney, CJ; Buckley, AH; Golden, HL; Henley, SM; Schmitz, N; Schott, JM; ... Warren, JD; + view all (2015) White matter tract signatures of impaired social cognition in frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Neuroimage Clinical , 8 pp. 640-651. 10.1016/j.nicl.2015.06.005. Green open access

Dowrick, T; Blochet, C; Holder, D; (2015) In vivo bioimpedance measurement of healthy and ischaemic rat brain: implications for stroke imaging using electrical impedance tomography. Physiological Measurement , 36 (6) pp. 1273-1282. 10.1088/0967-3334/36/6/1273. Green open access

Du, X; Clancy, N; Arya, S; Hanna, GB; Kelly, J; Elson, DS; Stoyanov, D; (2015) Robust surface tracking combining features, intensity and illumination compensation. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery , 10 (12) pp. 1915-1926. 10.1007/s11548-015-1243-9. Green open access

Duffell, LD; Brown, GL; Mirbagheri, MM; (2015) Facilitatory effects of anti-spastic medication on robotic locomotor training in people with chronic incomplete spinal cord injury. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation , 12 (29) 10.1186/s12984-015-0018-4. Green open access

Duffell, LD; Brown, GL; Mirbagheri, MM; (2015) Interventions to Reduce Spasticity and Improve Function in People With Chronic Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: Distinctions Revealed by Different Analytical Methods. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair , 29 (6) pp. 566-576. 10.1177/1545968314558601. Green open access


Eaton-Rosen, Z; Melbourne, A; Orasanu, E; Cardoso, MJ; Modat, M; Bainbridge, A; Kendall, GS; ... Ourselin, S; + view all (2015) Longitudinal measurement of the developing grey matter in preterm subjects using multi-modal MRI. Neuroimage , 111 580 - 589. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.02.010. Green open access

Ehrhardt, MJ; Thielemans, K; Pizarro, L; Atkinson, D; Ourselin, S; Hutton, BF; Arridge, SR; (2015) Joint reconstruction of PET-MRI by exploiting structural similarity. INVERSE PROBLEMS , 31 (1) , Article ARTN 015001. 10.1088/0266-5611/31/1/015001. Green open access

Ellwood, R; Zhang, E; Beard, P; Cox, B; (2015) Orthogonal Fabry-Perot sensor array system for minimal-artifact 3D photoacoustic tomography. In: Oraevsky, AA and Wang, LV, (eds.) Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2015. SPIE Green open access

Endrizzi, M; Basta, D; Olivo, A; (2015) Laboratory-based X-ray phase-contrast imaging with misaligned optical elements. [Letter]. Applied Physics Letters , 107 (12) , Article 124103. 10.1063/1.4931778. Green open access

Endrizzi, M; Murat, BIS; Fromme, P; Olivo, A; (2015) Edge-illumination X-ray dark-field imaging for visualising defects in composite structures. Composite Structures , 145 pp. 895-899. 10.1016/j.compstruct.2015.08.072. Green open access

Endrizzi, M; Vittoria, FA; Kallon, G; Basta, D; Diemoz, PC; Vincenzi, A; Delogu, P; ... Olivo, A; + view all (2015) Achromatic approach to phase-based multi-modal imaging with conventional X-ray sources. Optics Express , 23 (12) pp. 16473-16480. 10.1364/OE.23.016473. Green open access

Ezzati, M; Bainbridge, A; Broad, KD; Kawano, G; Oliver-Taylor, A; Rocha-Ferreira, E; Alonso-Alconada, D; ... Robertson, NJ; + view all (2015) Immediate remote ischemic postconditioning after hypoxia ischemia in piglets protects cerebral white matter but not grey matter. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism , 36 (8) pp. 1396-1411. 10.1177/0271678X15608862. Green open access


Fairney, J; Liu, G; Shmueli, K; Golay, X; (2015) SAS: Symmetric Analysis of Z-Spectra, a Method to Evaluate B0 Correction Techniques for CEST Data in Clinical Systems Using Non-Exchanging Phantoms. In: Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 23 (2015). ISMRM Green open access

Faragasso, A; Stilli, A; Bimbo, J; Wurdemann, HA; Althoefer, K; (2015) Multi-axis stiffness sensing device for medical palpation. In: Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). (pp. pp. 2711-2716). IEEE: Hamburg, Germany. Green open access

Ferraris, S; Mendelson, A; Ballesio, G; Vercauteren, T; (2015) Counting sub-multisets of fixed cardinality. ArXiv Green open access

Fonseca, M; Zeqiri, B; Beard, P; Cox, B; (2015) Characterisation of a PVCP based tissue-mimicking phantom for Quantitative Photoacoustic Imaging. In: Ntziachristos, V and Zemp, R, (eds.) Opto-Acoustic Methods and Applications in Biophotonics II. SPIE Green open access

Frodsham, G; Pankhurst, QA; (2015) Biomedical applications of high gradient magnetic separation: progress towards therapeutic haeomofiltration. Biomedical Engineering-biomedizinische Technik , 60 (5) pp. 393-404. 10.1515/bmt-2015-0056. Green open access


Garcia-Souto, P; Hughes, G; Tughral, U; Yerworth, R; Gibson, A; (2015) 360° peer assessment: improving reliability and engagement. Presented at: UCL Teaching and Learning Conference 2015, London, UK. Green open access

Ghoggali, W; (2015) Optimization of the performance of a pixellated germanium Compton camera. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ghosh, A; (2015) Electrical Impedance Tomography of Fast Neural Activity In The Brain. Doctoral thesis , UCL(University College London). Green open access

Giacometti, A; Campagnolo, A; MacDonald, L; Mahony, S; Robson, S; Weyrich, T; Terras, MM; (2015) UCL Multispectral Processed Images of Parchment Damage Dataset. [Dataset]. UCL (University College London): London, UK. Green open access

giacometti, A; Terras, MM; Campagnolo, A; macdonald, L; Mahony, S; Robson, S; Weyrich, T; (2015) The Value of Critical Destruction: Evaluating Multispectral Image Processing Methods for the Analysis of Primary Historical Texts. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities , 32 (1) 10.1093/llc/fqv036. Green open access

Giagka, V; Demosthenous, A; Donaldson, N; (2015) Flexible active electrode arrays with ASICs that fit inside the rat's spinal canal. Biomedical Microdevices , 17 , Article 106. 10.1007/s10544-015-0011-5. Green open access

Giagka, Vasiliki; (2015) Flexible Active Electrode Arrays For Epidural Spinal Cord Stimulation. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Guggenheim, JA; Allen, TJ; Plumb, A; Zhang, EZ; Rodriguez-Justo, M; Punwani, S; Beard, PC; (2015) Photoacoustic imaging of human lymph nodes with endogenous lipid and hemoglobin contrast. Journal of Biomedical Optics , 20 (5) 050504. 10.1117/1.JBO.20.5.050504. Green open access


Hagen, CK; Coan, P; Bravin, A; Olivo, A; Diemoz, PC; (2015) A continuous sampling scheme for edge illumination x-ray phase contrast imaging. Journal of Applied Physics , 118 (5) , Article 054901. 10.1063/1.4927729. Green open access

Hagen, CK; Maghsoudlou, P; Totonelli, G; Diemoz, PC; Endrizzi, M; Rigon, L; Menk, RH; ... Olivo, A; + view all (2015) High contrast microstructural visualisation of natural acellular matrices by means of phase-based x-ray tomography. Scientific Reports , 5 , Article 18156. 10.1038/srep18156. Green open access

Hampshire, TE; (2015) Feature extraction to aid disease detection and assessment of disease progression in CT and MR colonography. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hoang Duc, AK; Eminowicz, G; Mendes, R; Wong, SL; McClelland, J; Modat, M; Cardoso, MJ; ... Ourselin, S; + view all (2015) Validation of clinical acceptability of an atlas-based segmentation algorithm for the delineation of organs at risk in head and neck cancer. Medical Physics , 42 (9) pp. 5027-5034. 10.1118/1.4927567. Green open access

Hoang Duc, AK-B; (2015) Atlas-Based Methods in Radiotherapy Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hochuli, R; Beard, PC; Cox, B; (2015) Effect of wavelength selection on the accuracy of blood oxygen saturation estimates obtained from photoacoustic images. In: Oraevsky, AA and Wang, LV, (eds.) Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2015. SPIE Green open access

Hochuli, R; Powell, S; Arridge, S; Cox, B; (2015) Forward and Adjoint Radiance Monte Carlo Models for Quantitative Photoacoustic Imaging. In: Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2015. SPIE Green open access

Hu, Y; Gibson, E; Ahmed, HU; Moore, CM; Emberton, M; Barratt, DC; (2015) Population-based prediction of subject-specific prostate deformation for MR-to-ultrasound image registration. Medical Image Analysis , 26 (1) pp. 332-344. 10.1016/j.media.2015.10.006. Green open access

Huynh, N; Zhang, E; Betcke, M; Arridge, S; Beard, P; Cox, B; (2015) A real-time ultrasonic field mapping system using a Fabry Perot single pixel camera for 3D photoacoustic imaging. In: Oraevsky, AA and Wang, LV, (eds.) Proc. SPIE 9323, Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2015. SPIE Green open access


Jaros, J; Nikl, V; Treeby, BE; (2015) Large-scale ultrasound simulations using the hybrid OpenMP/MPI decomposition. In: (Proceedings) EASC '15 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Exascale Applications and Software. (pp. pp. 115-119). ACM Green open access

Jehl, M; Avery, J; Malone, E; Holder, D; Betcke, T; (2015) Correcting electrode modelling errors in EIT on realistic 3D head models. Physiological Measurement , 36 (12) p. 2423. 10.1088/0967-3334/36/12/2423. Green open access

Jehl, M; Dedner, A; Betcke, T; Aristovich, K; Klöfkorn, R; Holder, D; (2015) A fast parallel solver for the forward problem in electrical impedance tomography. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng , 62 (1) 126 - 137. 10.1109/TBME.2014.2342280. Green open access

Jerling, AE; (2015) Fabry-Pérot fibre optic hydrophones for determining the acoustic and thermal characteristics of high intensity and high pressure ultrasound fields. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Jiao, J; Markiewicz, Pawel; Burgos, N; Atkinson, D; Hutton, B; Arridge, S; Ourselin, S; (2015) Detail-Preserving PET Reconstruction with Sparse Image Representation and Anatomical Priors. Information Processing in Medical Imaging , 24 pp. 540-551. Green open access

Johnsen, SF; Taylor, ZA; Han, L; Hu, Y; Clarkson, MJ; Hawkes, DJ; Ourselin, S; (2015) Detection and modelling of contacts in explicit finite-element simulation of soft tissue biomechanics. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery , 10 pp. 1873-1891. 10.1007/s11548-014-1142-5. Green open access

Johnsen, SF; Thompson, S; Clarkson, MJ; Modat, M; Song, Y; Totz, J; Gurusamy, K; ... Ourselin, S; + view all (2015) Database-Based Estimation of Liver Deformation under Pneumoperitoneum for Surgical Image-Guidance and Simulation. In: Navab, N and Hornegger, J and Wells, WM and Frangi, AF, (eds.) Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2015 : 18th International Conference Proceedings, Part II. (pp. pp. 450-458). Springer International Publishing Green open access


Kallon, GK; Wesolowski, M; Vittoria, FA; Endrizzi, M; Basta, D; Millard, TP; Diemoz, PC; (2015) A laboratory based edge-Illumination x-ray phase-contrast imaging setup with two-directional sensitivity. Applied Physics Letters , 107 (20) , Article 204105. Green open access

Kerns, JG; Buckley, K; Parker, AW; Birch, HL; Matousek, P; Hildred, A; Goodship, AE; (2015) The use of laser spectroscopy to investigate bone disease in King Henry VIII's sailors. JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE , 53 516 - 520. 10.1016/j.jas.2014.11.013. Green open access

Kochan, M; Daga, P; Burgos, N; White, M; Cardoso, MJ; Mancini, L; Winston, GP; ... Ourselin, S; + view all (2015) Simulated field maps for susceptibility artefact correction in interventional MRI. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery , 10 (9) pp. 1405-1416. 10.1007/s11548-015-1253-7. Green open access


Lancashire, HT; (2015) Implantable Electrodes for Upper Limb Prosthetic Control. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Larson, FV; Lai, M-C; Wagner, AP; MRC AIMS Consortium; Baron-Cohen, S; Holland, AJ; (2015) Testing the 'Extreme Female Brain' Theory of Psychosis in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder with or without Co-Morbid Psychosis. PLOS ONE , 10 (6) , Article e0128102. 10.1371/journal.pone.0128102. Green open access

Lee, Kit-Hang; Guo, Ziyan; Chow, Gary CT; Chen, Yue; Luk, Wayne; Kwok, Ka-Wai; (2015) GPU-based proximity query processing on unstructured triangular mesh model. In: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). IEEE: Seattle, WA, USA. Green open access

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