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Abdallah, Tala; (2023) Investigating the Psychosocial Outcomes of Picky Eating Beyond Childhood. Doctoral thesis (D.Clin.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Abu-Zhaya, Rana; Goffman, Lisa; Brosseau-Lapré, Françoise; Roepke, Elizabeth; Seidl, Amanda; (2023) The Effect of Somatosensory Input on Word Recognition in Typical Children and Those With Speech Sound Disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research , 66 (1) pp. 84-97. 10.1044/2022_jslhr-22-00226. Green open access

Adedeji, Victoria I; Kirkby, Julie A; Vasilev, Martin R; Slattery, Timothy J; (2023) Children’s Reading of Sublexical Units in Years Three to Five: A Combined Analysis of Eye-Movements and Voice Recording. Scientific Studies of Reading 10.1080/10888438.2023.2259522. (In press). Green open access

Adiputri, Levina; Gutman, Leslie Morrison; (2023) Using the behaviour change wheel to examine facilitators and barriers to assertive contraception-use conversations for Indonesian women. Culture, Health & Sexuality 10.1080/13691058.2023.2238014. (In press). Green open access

Afzal, Nimrah; Ye, Siyan; Page, Amy CC; Trickey, David; Lyttle, Mark DD; Hiller, Rachel MM; Halligan, Sarah LL; (2023) A systematic literature review of the relationship between parenting responses and child post-traumatic stress symptoms. European Journal of Psychotraumatology , 14 (1) , Article 2156053. 10.1080/20008066.2022.2156053. Green open access

Ahmed, Imaduddin; Garfias Royo, Margarita; Opabola, Eyitayo; Nurdin, Sukiman; Meilianda, Ella; Idris, Yunita; Rusydy, Ibnu; ... Parikh, Priti; + view all (2023) Assessment of WASH infrastructure in schools in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia using structured observations and principal interviews. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 10.2166/washdev.2023.147. (In press). Green open access

Ahmed, Kalim; Flouri, Eirini; Vigliocco, Gabriella; (2023) Poor written pragmatic skills are associated with internalising symptoms in childhood: evidence from a UK birth cohort study. Frontiers in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry , 2 , Article 1075836. 10.3389/frcha.2023.1075836. Green open access

Aho, Kaarina; Roads, Brett D; Love, Bradley C; (2023) Signatures of cross-modal alignment in children's early concepts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 120 (42) , Article e2309688120. 10.1073/pnas.2309688120. Green open access

Aho, Kaarina Terese; (2023) Integrating Across Conceptual Spaces. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Aisbitt, GM; Nolte, T; Fonagy, P; (2023) Editorial Perspective: The digital divide – inequalities in remote therapy for children and adolescents. Child and Adolescent Mental Health , 28 (1) pp. 105-107. 10.1111/camh.12545. Green open access

Akingbuwa, Wonuola A; Hammerschlag, Anke R; Allegrini, Andrea G; Sallis, Hannah; Kuja-Halkola, Ralf; Rimfeld, Kaili; Lichtenstein, Paul; ... Middeldorp, Christel M; + view all (2023) Multivariate analyses of molecular genetic associations between childhood psychopathology and adult mood disorders and related traits. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics , 192 (1-2) pp. 3-12. 10.1002/ajmg.b.32922. Green open access

Akkad, Haya; Hope, Thomas MH; Howland, Charlotte; Ondobaka, Sasha; Pappa, Katerina; Nardo, Davide; Duncan, John; ... Crinion, Jenny; + view all (2023) Mapping spoken language and cognitive deficits in post-stroke aphasia. NeuroImage: Clinical , 39 , Article 103452. 10.1016/j.nicl.2023.103452. Green open access

Akter, S; Forbes, G; Vazquez Corona, M; Miller, S; Althabe, F; Coomarasamy, A; Gallos, ID; ... Bohren, MA; + view all (2023) Perceptions and experiences of the prevention, detection, and management of postpartum haemorrhage: a qualitative evidence synthesis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , 2023 (11) , Article CD013795. 10.1002/14651858.CD013795.pub2. Green open access

Alhaider, Rima S.; (2023) The influence of language on the formation of number concepts; Evidence from pre-school children who are bilingual in English and Arabic. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ali, Afia; Aguirre, Elisa; Carter, Joanna; Hoare, Sarah; Brackley, Kate; Goulden, Nia; Hoare, Zoe; ... Spector, Aimee; + view all (2023) Group cognitive stimulation therapy versus usual care for people with intellectual disabilities and dementia (CST-IDD) in the UK: protocol for a mixed-methods feasibility randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open , 13 (4) , Article e072391. 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-072391. Green open access

Ali, Sayeeda; (2023) Experiences of Intergenerational Trauma among Second and Third Generation British Bangladeshis in relation to the Bangladesh Liberation War (1971) and Immigration to Britain. Doctoral thesis (D.Clin.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Aliaga, Alvaro; Gerin, Mattia I; Salas, Christian; (2023) Employment status among individuals afflicted by acquired brain injury: exploring economic consequences for both the affected person and their family (Situación laboral en personas con lesión cerebral adquirida: estudio sobre el impacto económico individual y familiar). Studies in Psychology , 44 (2-3) pp. 433-463. 10.1080/02109395.2023.2254164. Green open access

Allan, Stephanie; O’Driscoll, Ciarán; McLeod, Hamish J; Gleeson, John; Farhall, John; Morton, Emma; Bell, Imogen; ... Gumley, Andrew; + view all (2023) Fear of psychotic relapse: exploring dynamic relationships with common early warning signs of relapse using electronic once-a-day self-reports. Psychosis 10.1080/17522439.2022.2162955. (In press). Green open access

Allcott-Watson, Hannah; Chater, Angel; Troop, Nick; Howlett, Neil; (2023) A systematic review of interventions targeting physical activity and/or healthy eating behaviours in adolescents: practice and training. Health Psychology Review 10.1080/17437199.2023.2173631. (In press). Green open access

Allison, Ayşe Lisa Ustaoğlu; (2023) Understanding and changing the public's behaviour relating to plastic waste. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Alshangiti, Wafaa; Evans, Bronwen; Wibrow, Mark; (2023) Investigating the Effects of Speaker Variability on Arabic children’s Acquisition of English Vowels. Arab World English Journal , 14 (1) pp. 3-27. 10.24093/awej/vol14no1.1. Green open access

Alvarez-Monjaras, Mauricio; Lotmore, Melissa; Razzaque, Russell; Hopfenbeck, Mark Steven; Pilling, Stephen; (2023) The community mental health team fidelity scale: A measure of program fidelity of social networks interventions for severe mental illness. Frontiers in Psychology , 14 , Article 1076791. 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1076791. Green open access

Alzaidi, MSA; Xu, Y; Xu, A; Szreder, M; (2023) Analysis and computational modelling of Emirati Arabic intonation – A preliminary study. Journal of Phonetics , 98 , Article 101236. 10.1016/j.wocn.2023.101236. Green open access

Ambler, K; Petrides, KV; Vernon, PA; (2023) Relations between a self-defeating interpersonal style and trait emotional intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences , 203 , Article 112026. 10.1016/j.paid.2022.112026. Green open access

Anderson, Clare; Hayes, Ben; (2023) How can Educational Psychologists evaluate group supervision to ensure positive impact for supervisees' development and skills, and for the children and families for whom they work? Educational and Child Psychology , 40 (4) pp. 84-105. 10.53841/bpsecp.2023.40.4.84. Green open access

Anderson, Niall; Blythe, John; Lefevre, Carmen; Michie, Susan; (2023) Maintaining cyberhygiene in the Internet of Things (IoT): An expert consensus study of requisite user behaviours. Qeios , Article KIR04H. 10.32388/kir04h. Green open access

Ansah, AA; Vivacqua, AS; Zhong, S; Boll, S; Constantinides, M; Verma, H; El Ali, A; ... Executive Committee, S; + view all (2023) Reflecting on Hybrid Events: Learning from a Year of Hybrid Experiences. In: CHI EA '23: Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (pp. p. 517). ACM Green open access

Apostolidou, Eftychia; (2023) ‘It’s about Gut Instinct’ & ‘Roller Coasters’: Reflexive Thematic Analysis of the Assessing Social Worker’s role in Adoption Matching beyond ‘box-ticking’. Doctoral thesis (D.Psych), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Aras, Aylin; Fonagy, Peter; Campbell, Chloe; Rosan, Camilla; (2023) Psychometric Properties of Parental Embodied Mentalizing Assessment Tool and Its Validity in Perinatal Mental Health Setting. In: Panayiotou, Georgia and Greiff, Samuel, (eds.) Abstracts and programme book of the 18th European Congress of Psychology. (pp. pp. 15-16). Hogrefe: Oxford, United Kingdom. Green open access

Aras, Aylin; Fonagy, Peter; Rosan, Camilla; Campbell, Chloe; (2023) Group-based psychological interventions for parents with mental health symptoms and a child under the age of 5: A Scoping Review. In: Panayiotou, Georgia and Greiff, Samuel, (eds.) Abstracts and programme book of the 18th European Congress of Psychology. (pp. p. 15). Hogrefe: Oxford, United Kingdom. Green open access

Armstrong, Stephanie Laura; (2023) Camaraderie, cuts, and COVID-19: Factors affecting the wellbeing of NHS psychological therapists. Doctoral thesis (D.Clin.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Arnold, Samuel Rc; Higgins, Julianne M; Weise, Janelle; Desai, Aishani; Pellicano, Elizabeth; Trollor, Julian N; (2023) Confirming the nature of autistic burnout. Autism 10.1177/13623613221147410. (In press). Green open access

Arnold, Samuel Rc; Higgins, Julianne M; Weise, Janelle; Desai, Aishani; Pellicano, Elizabeth; Trollor, Julian N; (2023) Towards the measurement of autistic burnout. Autism 10.1177/13623613221147401. (In press). Green open access

Asbrand, J; Gerdes, S; Breedvelt, J; Guidi, J; Hirsch, C; Maercker, A; Douilliez, C; ... Bockting, C; + view all (2023) Clinical Psychology and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Survey Among Members of the European Association of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatment (EACLIPT). Clinical Psychology in Europe , 5 (1) , Article e8109. 10.32872/cpe.8109. Green open access

Assary, Elham; Krebs, Georgina; Eley, Thalia C; (2023) Practitioner Review: Differential susceptibility theory: might it help in understanding and treating mental health problems in youth? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 10.1111/jcpp.13801. (In press). Green open access

Astle, Duncan E; Moore, Anna; Marryat, Louise; Viding, Essi; Mansfield, Karen L; Fazel, Mina; Pierce, Matthias; ... Ford, Tamsin J; + view all (2023) We need timely access to mental health data: implications of the Goldacre review. The Lancet Psychiatry , 10 (4) pp. 242-244. 10.1016/S2215-0366(23)00030-5. Green open access

Augurzky, Petra; Bonnet, Marion; Breheny, Richard; Cremers, Alexandre; Ebert, Cornelia; Mayr, Clemens; Romoli, Jacopo; ... Sudo, Yasutada; + view all (2023) Putting plural definites into context. In: Proceedings of Sinn Und Bedeutung, 27. (pp. pp. 19-32). Open Journal Systems Green open access

Austerberry, Chloe; (2023) Using Genetically Informative Family Data to Examine the Early Development of Complex Traits. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Avanesi, V; Rockstroh, J; Mildner, T; Zargham, N; Reicherts, L; Friehs, MA; Kontogiorgos, D; ... Malaka, R; + view all (2023) From C-3PO to HAL: Opening The Discourse About The Dark Side of Multi-Modal Social Agents. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, CUI 2023. (pp. pp. 1-7). ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Green open access


Bacon, Georgia; Sweeney, Angela; Batchelor, Rachel; Grant, Claire; Mantovani, Nadia; Peter, Sarah; Sin, Jacqueline; (2023) At the Edge of Care: A Systematic Review and Thematic Synthesis of Parent and Practitioner Views and Experiences of Support for Parents with Mental Health Needs and Children’s Social Service Involvement. Health & Social Care in the Community , 2023 , Article 6953134. 10.1155/2023/6953134. Green open access

Bai, Yushi; (2023) The Impact of Self-Criticism and Dependency on Adolescent Depression, Treatment Outcome, and Therapeutic Process in Brief Psychotherapies for Depression. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bailey, Daniel P; Kilbride, Cherry; Harper, Jamie H; Victor, Christina; Brierley, Marsha L; Hewson, David J; Chater, Angel M; (2023) The Frail-LESS (LEss Sitting and Sarcopenia in Frail older adults) intervention to improve sarcopenia and maintain independent living via reductions in prolonged sitting: a randomised controlled feasibility trial protocol. Pilot and Feasibility Studies , 9 , Article 1. 10.1186/s40814-022-01225-7. Green open access

Bailey, Fiona; (2023) Attachment and the Psychedelic Experience: An Exploration of the Relationship between Attachment Style, Mystical Experience, Emotional Breakthrough, Communitas and Changes in Subsequent Wellbeing. Doctoral thesis (D.Clin.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bailey, M; Meiser-Stedman, R; Hiller, R; Haag, K; Lobo, S; Halligan, SL; (2023) Child posttraumatic stress symptoms in an acute injury sample: Patterns of associations among child report, parent report, and child heart rate parameters. Journal of Traumatic Stress 10.1002/jts.22913. (In press). Green open access

Bain, Lori; (2023) Addressing inequalities in the care of Black people with psychosis: A qualitative approach evaluating the impact of the ‘See Me’ film training on mental health professionals. Doctoral thesis (D.Clin.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bains, Amrita; Spaulding, Carina; Ricketts, Jessie; Krishnan, Saloni; (2023) Using a willingness to wait design to assess how readers value text. npj Science of Learning , 8 , Article 17. 10.1038/s41539-023-00160-3. Green open access

Bakkum, Lianne; Schuengel, Carlo; Foster, Sarah LL; Fearon, RM Pasco; Duschinsky, Robbie; (2023) Trauma and loss in the Adult Attachment Interview: Situating the unresolved state of mind classification in disciplinary and social context. History of the Human Sciences 10.1177/09526951221143645. Green open access

Balaskas, Andreas; Schueller, Stephen M; Cox, Anna L; Rashleigh, Chuck; Doherty, Gavin; (2023) Examining young adults daily perspectives on usage of anxiety apps: A user study. PLOS Digital Health , 2 (1) , Article e0000185. 10.1371/journal.pdig.0000185. Green open access

Baldwin, Jessie; Wang, Biyao; Karwatowska, Lucy; Schoeler, Tabea; Tsaligopoulou, Anna; Munafo, Marcus; Pingault, JB; (2023) Childhood Maltreatment and Mental Health Problems: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Quasi-Experimental Studies. American Journal of Psychiatry 10.1176/appi.ajp.20220174. (In press). Green open access

Baldwin, Jessie R; (2023) Editorial Perspective: Misaligned incentives in mental health research - the case for Registered Reports. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 10.1111/jcpp.13898. (In press). Green open access

Baldwin, Jessie R; Bowes, Lucy; Chow, Athena RW; (2023) Improving the Way that We Conceptualise Adverse Childhood Experiences – A Commentary on Sisitsky et al. (2023). Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology , 51 pp. 1801-1803. 10.1007/s10802-023-01107-3. Green open access

Balogh, Annamaria; (2023) Using cognitive tasks to measure clinically relevant cognition in depression and anxiety: Implications for cognitive behavioural therapy. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Baltramonaityte, Vilte; Pingault, Jean-Baptiste; Cecil, Charlotte AM; Choudhary, Priyanka; Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta; Penninx, Brenda WJH; Felix, Janine; ... EarlyCause Consortium, .; + view all (2023) A multivariate genome-wide association study of psycho-cardiometabolic multimorbidity. PLoS Genetics , 19 (6) , Article e1010508. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1010508. Green open access

Barber, Brittany Victoria; Kephart, George; Martin-Misener, Ruth; Vallis, Michael; Matthews, Stephen; Atkins, Lou; Cassidy, Christine; ... Rainham, Daniel; + view all (2023) Integrating health geography and behavioral economic principles to strengthen context-specific behavior change interventions. Translational Behavioral Medicine , Article ibad065. 10.1093/tbm/ibad065. (In press). Green open access

Bard, H Ariel; O'Driscoll, Ciarán; Miller, Christopher B; Henry, Alasdair L; Cape, John; Espie, Colin A; (2023) Insomnia, depression, and anxiety symptoms interact and individually impact functioning: A network and relative importance analysis in the context of insomnia. Sleep Medicine , 101 pp. 505-514. 10.1016/j.sleep.2022.12.005. Green open access

Barge, Lydia Christina Gay; (2023) Reactive Attachment Disorder in UK children looked after. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Barnby, Joseph M; Dayan, Peter; Bell, Vaughan; (2023) Formalising social representation to explain psychiatric symptoms. Trends in Cognitive Sciences , 27 (3) pp. 317-332. 10.1016/j.tics.2022.12.004. Green open access

Barnett, Phoebe; (2023) What’s specific about the nature of mental health difficulties in students and how can this inform treatment? Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Barnett, Phoebe; Saunders, Rob; Buckman, Joshua EJ; Naqvi, Syed Ali; Singh, Satwant; Stott, Joshua; Wheatley, Jon; (2023) The association between trajectories of change in social functioning and psychological treatment outcome in university students: a growth mixture model analysis. Psychological Medicine 10.1017/S0033291723000363. (In press). Green open access

Barrow, Nicholas; (2023) Robot Ethics. [Review]. Journal of Applied Philosophy 10.1111/japp.12681. (In press).

Barry, John; (2023) The belief that masculinity has a negative influence on one's behavior is related to reduced mental well-being. International Journal of Health Sciences , 17 (4) pp. 29-43. Green open access

Barry, John; (2023) From foster homes to Air Force, Cambridge and beyond: an interview with Rob Henderson. Male Psychology Green open access

Barry, John; (2023) How would you know if you are discriminating against men? Male Psychology: The Magazine Green open access

Barry, John; (2023) Landmark research study finds clear evidence of pro-women/antimen bias. Male Psychology: The Magazine Green open access

Barry, John; (2023) Taking an historical view of men’s mental health: an interview with medical historian Ali Haggett. Male Psychology Green open access

Barry, John; (2023) ‘Toxic masculinity’ is toxic terminology. Male Psychology: The Magazine Green open access

Barry, John; Liddon, Louise; Seager, Martin; (2023) “Men won't CLAM up if you're male-friendly!” A brief guide to supporting men’s mental health. Male Psychology , 3 (8) pp. 1-7. Green open access

Bartoš, František; Maier, Maximilian; Shanks, David R; Stanley, TD; Sladekova, Martina; Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan; (2023) Meta-analyses in psychology often overestimate evidence for and size of effects. Royal Society Open Science , 10 (7) , Article 230224. 10.1098/rsos.230224. Green open access

Bashir, Zaariyah H.; (2023) Towards an understanding of trust: the experiences of survivors of Human Trafficking. Doctoral thesis (D.Clin.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Baxter, Rebecca Louise; (2023) The efficacy of a language intervention on the acquisition of past tense in children with Down syndrome. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Beale, Sarah; Hoskins, Susan; Byrne, Thomas; Fong, Wing Lam Erica; Fragaszy, Ellen; Geismar, Cyril; Kovar, Jana; ... Virus Watch Collaborative; + view all (2023) Differential Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection by Occupation: Evidence from the Virus Watch prospective cohort study in England and Wales. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology , 18 , Article 5. 10.1186/s12995-023-00371-9. Green open access

Bear, Holly Alice; Moon, Zoe; Wasil, Akash; Ahuvia, Isaac; Edbrooke-Childs, Julian; Wolpert, Miranda; (2023) Development and validation of the illness perceptions questionnaire for youth anxiety and depression (IPQ-Anxiety and IPQ-Depression). Counselling Psychology Quarterly pp. 1-29. 10.1080/09515070.2023.2232320. (In press). Green open access

Beckett, Ashley; Scott, Jake Riley; Chater, Angel Marie; Ferrandino, Louise; Aldous, Jeffrey William Frederick; (2023) The Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and Its Components in Firefighters: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 20 (19) , Article 6814. 10.3390/ijerph20196814. Green open access

Bell, Georgia; (2023) Understanding the utility of primary care psychological therapies for risk reduction and therapy outcomes in dementia. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bell, Vaughan; Tamayo-Agudelo, William; Revill, Grace; Okai, David; Poole, Norman; (2023) Association between stroke and psychosis across four nationally representative psychiatric epidemiological studies. BJPsych Open , 9 (3) , Article e71. 10.1192/bjo.2023.47. Green open access

Belyk, Michel; Carignan, Christopher; McGettigan, Carolyn; (2023) An open-source toolbox for measuring vocal tract shape from real-time magnetic resonance images. Behavior Research Methods 10.3758/s13428-023-02171-9. (In press). Green open access

Benavides-Varela, S; Laurillard, D; Piperno, G; Fava Minor, D; Lucangeli, D; Butterworth, B; (2023) Digital games for learning basic arithmetic at home. In: Progress in Brain Research. (pp. 35-61). Elsevier

Benn, Yael; Ivanova, Anna A; Clark, Oliver; Mineroff, Zachary; Seikus, Chloe; Silva, Jack Santos; Varley, Rosemary; (2023) The language network is not engaged in object categorization. Cerebral Cortex 10.1093/cercor/bhad289. (In press). Green open access

Bennett, Eleanor M.; (2023) The experience of and engagement with Perinatal Mental Health Services amongst mothers with and without personality disorder. Doctoral thesis (D.Clin.Psy), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bennett, Kate M; Panzeri, Anna; Derrer-Merk, Elfriede; Butter, Sarah; Hartman, Todd K; Mason, Liam; McBride, Orla; ... Bertamini, Marco; + view all (2023) Predicting resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom: Cross-sectional and longitudinal results. PLoS One , 18 (5) , Article e0283254. 10.1371/journal.pone.0283254. Green open access

Bernal, J; Schreiber, S; Menze, I; Ostendorf, A; Pfister, M; Geisendörfer, J; Nemali, A; ... Ziegler, G; + view all (2023) Arterial hypertension and β-amyloid accumulation have spatially overlapping effects on posterior white matter hyperintensity volume: a cross-sectional study. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy , 15 (1) , Article 97. 10.1186/s13195-023-01243-4. Green open access

Bernard, Ria Frances Louisa; (2023) Investigating risk for elevated anxiety and depression symptoms in children who stutter relative to non-stuttering peers. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bernard, Ria Frances Louisa; Norbury, Courtenay Frazier; (2023) Factors Associated With Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Children Who Stutter. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools , 54 (2) pp. 535-549. 10.1044/2022_lshss-22-00086. Green open access

Berthouze, Nadia; Wang, C; Gao, Y; Fan, C; Hu, J; Lam, TL; Lane, ND; (2023) Learn2Agree: Fitting with Multiple Annotators Without Objective Ground Truth. In: Trustworthy Machine Learning for Healthcare: First International Workshop, TML4H 2023, Virtual Event, May 4, 2023, Proceedings. (pp. pp. 147-162). Springer Nature Green open access

Besch, Vincent; Magnin, Charline; Greiner, Christian; Prada, Paco; Debbane, Martin; Poulet, Emmanuel; (2023) Examining readmission factors in psychiatric emergency care for individuals with personality disorders: A 6-year retrospective study. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment , 14 (3) pp. 321-333. 10.1037/per0000616. Green open access

Bhatnagar, T; Upadhyay, V; Rao, PVM; Marquardt, N; Miodownik, M; Holloway, C; (2023) Brilliance and Resilience: A New Perspective to the Challenges, Practices and Needs of University Students with Visual Impairments in India. In: Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2023. (pp. pp. 67-88). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Bhatnagar, Tigmanshu; Upadhyay, Vikas; Sharma, Anchal; Rao, PV Madhusudhan; Miodownik, Mark; Marquardt, Nicolai; Holloway, Catherine; (2023) Pixelated Interactions: Exploring Pixel Art for Graphical Primitives on a Pin Array Tactile Display. In: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference. (pp. pp. 1194-1208). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Green open access

Bhatt, Jem; Kohl, Gianna; Scior, Katrina; Charlesworth, Georgina; Muller, Majon; Dröes, Rose-Marie; (2023) Comparing the stigma experiences and comfort with disclosure in Dutch and English populations of people living with dementia. Dementia 10.1177/14713012231188503. (In press). Green open access

Bi, Tao; (2023) Informing the design of voice-based technology for capturing runners' subjective and affective experience while running. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Billing, Addison Drew Niemeyer; (2023) Social behaviour in adults and infants: behavioural and optical imaging investigations. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Billings, Jo; Zhan Yuen Wong, Nicholas; Nicholls, Helen; Burton, Peter; Zosmer, Maya; Albert, Idit; Grey, Nick; ... Greene, Talya; + view all (2023) Post-incident psychosocial interventions after a traumatic incident in the workplace: a systematic review of current research evidence and clinical guidance. European Journal of Psychotraumatology , 14 (2) , Article 2281751. 10.1080/20008066.2023.2281751. Green open access

Birch, S; Bow, S; Lang, J; Dunsmuir, S; (2023) Interprofessional collaboration between educational psychologists and speech and language therapists in the UK: facilitators and barriers. European Journal of Special Needs Education 10.1080/08856257.2023.2172890. (In press). Green open access

Birt, Linda; Charlesworth, Georgina; Moniz Cook, Esme; Leung, Phuong; Higgs, Paul; Orrell, Martin; Poland, Fiona; (2023) 'The dynamic nature of being a person': An ethnographic study of people living with dementia in their communities. Gerontologist , 63 (8) pp. 1320-1329. 10.1093/geront/gnad022. Green open access

Blackman, Graham; Neri, Giulia; Al-Doori, Omar; Teixeira-Dias, Maria; Mazumder, Asif; Pollak, Thomas A; Hird, Emily J; ... McGuire, Philip; + view all (2023) Prevalence of Neuroradiological Abnormalities in First-Episode Psychosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2023.2225. (In press). Green open access

Blain, Bastien; Pinhorn, India; Sharot, Tali; (2023) Sensitivity to intrinsic rewards is domain general and related to mental health. Nature Mental Health , 1 pp. 679-691. 10.1038/s44220-023-00116-x. Green open access

Blankers, Matthijs; Smits, Maaike L; Feenstra, Dine J; Horn, Eva K; Kamphuis, Jan Henk; Bales, Dawn L; Lucas, Zwaan; ... Luyten, Patrick; + view all (2023) Economic evaluation of day hospital versus intensive outpatient mentalization-based treatment alongside a randomized controlled trial with 36-month follow-up. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment (In press). Green open access

Blay, Martin; Hasler, Roland; Nicastro, Rosetta; Pham, Eleonore; Weibel, Sebastien; Debbane, Martin; Perroud, Nader; (2023) Body modifications in borderline personality disorder patients: prevalence rates, link with non-suicidal self-injury, and related psychopathology. Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation , 10 , Article 7. 10.1186/s40479-023-00213-4. Green open access

Blott, Lena M; Gowenlock, Anna Elizabeth; Kievit, Rogier; Nation, Kate; Rodd, Jennifer M; (2023) Studying Individual Differences in Language Comprehension: The Challenges of Item-Level Variability and Well-Matched Control Conditions. Journal of Cognition , 6 (1) , Article 54. 10.5334/joc.317. Green open access

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