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Aaron, Leah; (2024) Digital Arrival Infrastructures: Housing Platforms and Residency Governance in Berlin’s Rental Sector. Urban Planning , 9 , Article 8480. 10.17645/up.8480. Green open access

Abd el Gawad, Heba; (2024) Reclaiming the Archive: The Contribution of Egyptian Women to the Archaeologies of the Delta (1880–1924). In: Blouin, Katherine, (ed.) The Nile Delta: Histories from Antiquity to the Modern Period. (pp. 595-610). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Abd El Gawad, Heba; Stevenson, Alice; (2024) Egyptian Mummified Remains: Communities of Descent and Practice. In: Biers, Trisha and Clary, Katie Stringer, (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Museums, Heritage and Deat. (pp. 238-258). Routledge: Abingdon, UK. Green open access

Abd el-Gawad, Heba; Volk, Sharyn; Van de Ven, Annelies; Stevenson, Alice; (2024) From Ancient to Living Egypt: Centering Lived Experience in Teaching Egypt within and outside Museums. In: Thum, Jen and Walsh, Carl and Jiménez, Lissette M and Saladino Haney, Lisa, (eds.) Teaching Ancient Egypt in Museums Pedagogies in Practice. (pp. 201-217). Routledge: London, UK.

Aboudounya, Seebal; (2024) Export bans and inter-state tensions: The need for a revised WTO export bans framework to address worrying state behaviour at the peak of the pandemic. World and New World Journal Green open access

Aboudounya, Seebal; (2024) When Weber Meets Habermas: The Effect of Weberian Bureaucracy on Habermasian Deliberative Quality in International Deliberations. Political Studies 10.1177/00323217241255327. (In press). Green open access

Abouharb, M Rodwan; Reinsberg, Bernhard; (2024) IMF Lending: Partisanship, Punishment, and Protest. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Ahmed, Nabeela; Datta, Ayona; (2024) “Dirty Phone”: Infrastructures of Violence against Women in Urban Kerala. In: Truelove, Yaffa and Sabhlok, Anu, (eds.) Gendered Infrastructures: Space, Scale, and Identity. (pp. 174-188). West Virginia University Press: Morgantown, WV, USA.

Al-Amin, Hoor; Evers, Jaap; Hermans, Leon; (2024) A Street View of Groundwater Policymaking and Management in Azraq, Jordan. Water Alternatives , 17 (1) , Article A17-1-7. Green open access

Alam, Christina; (2024) Adopting a new technology in the Bronze Age - Examining the transmission and adoption of ceramic innovations in Western Anatolia and the Aegean using a cultural evolutionary framework. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Aldosery, A; Musah, A; De Gouveia, BO; Kostkova, P; (2024) Madeira Mosquito Surveillance App (MMSA): Leveraging Mobile Phone Apps for Enhanced Mosquito Surveillance. In: Rodrigues, N and Badia, SBI and Vilaca, JL and Duque, D and Cameirao, MD and Dias, N and Oliveira, E, (eds.) 2024 IEEE 12th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH). IEEE: Funchal, Portugal. Green open access

Allan, Jessica M; Guêné-Nanchen, Melina; Rochford, Line; Douglas, David JT; Axmacher, Jan C; (2024) Meta-analysis reveals that enhanced practices accelerate vegetation recovery during peatland restoration. Restoration Ecology , 32 (3) , Article e14015. 10.1111/rec.14015. Green open access

Altaweel, Mark; Khelifi, Adel; Mohammad H., Zafar; (2024) Using Generative AI for Reconstructing Cultural Artifacts: Examples Using Roman Coins. Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology , 7 (1) pp. 301-315. 10.5334/jcaa.146. Green open access

Amuso, Valentina; Van Woensel, Lieve; Brombo, Pierluigi; Goulden, Anna; Schwaiger, Maximilian; (2024) Stakeholder Engagement for Policy Design and Planning: The "3XKnowledge" Approach to Futures Analysis. (UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP) Policy Brief ). UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP): London, UK. Green open access

Anaya, SC; Quinn, PS; Amicone, S; Sconzo, P; (2024) A compositional and technological reassessment of the function of potters' marks on Early Bronze Age sherds from Tell el-'Abd, Syria. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports , 55 , Article 104492. 10.1016/j.jasrep.2024.104492. Green open access

Andrews, Murray; (2024) The Circle and the Cross: Historic Graffiti and Associated Features at All Saints’ Church, Spetchley. Transactions of the Worcestershire Archaeological Society , S3 29 pp. 103-112. Green open access

Andrews, Murray; (2024) A Civil War coin hoard, possibly from Buxted (East Sussex), from the collection of the 3rd Earl of Liverpool (1784-1851). British Numismatic Journal , 94 pp. 246-249.

Andrews, Murray; (2024) Faith and Fortune: Ritually Folded Coins in Medieval Norway. Journal of Archaeological Numismatics , 13/14 pp. 241-253.

Andrews, Murray; (2024) Lilies for Our Lady: a medieval graffito at St John’s church, Bromsgrove. Worcestershire Recorder , 109 pp. 10-11. (In press).

Andrews, Murray; (2024) London’s lost treasures: new evidence for late medieval and Tudor hoards from eighteenth- and nineteenth-century newsprint. British Numismatic Journal , 94 pp. 101-110. (In press).

Andrews, Murray; (2024) A new find of a Stephen type 7 Penny from Telemark, Norway. British Numismatic Journal , 94 pp. 222-225.

Andrews, Murray; (2024) New light on the Upton-upon-Severn (1878) hoard. British Numismatic Journal , 94 pp. 239-246.

Andrews, Murray; (2024) Roman coins from Bredon Hill and the Vale of Evesham in the Almonry Museum’. Transactions of the Worcestershire Archaeological Society , 3S 29 pp. 123-135. Green open access

Andrews, Murray; (2024) Three notes on Tudor coins in Norway. British Numismatic Journal , 94 pp. 231-239. Green open access

Andrews, Murray; Brookes, Stuart; Sladen, Lucy; (2024) The UCL Institute of Archaeology Field School 2024: from villas to Victorians at St Andrew's Church and the Old Rectory, Norton, Suffolk. Archaeology International , 27 (1) pp. 200-211. 10.14324/ai.27.1.18. Green open access

Andrews, Murray; Ghey, Eleanor; Scott, Wendy; (2024) Coin Hoards 2024. British Numismatic Journal , 94 pp. 251-271.

Andrighetto, Giulia; Gavrilets, Sergey; Gelfand, Michele; Mace, Ruth; Vriens, Eva; (2024) Social norm change: drivers and consequences. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci , 379 (1897) , Article 20230023. 10.1098/rstb.2023.0023. Green open access

Angrisani, Marco; Cipriani, Marco; Guarino, Antonio; Kendall, Ryan; Ortiz De Zarate Pina, Julen; (2024) Noncognitive Skills at the Time of COVID-19: An Experiment with Professional Traders and Students. Quarterly Journal of Finance 10.1142/S2010139224400032. (In press).

Arias, Melissa; Coals, Peter; Ardiantiono, .; Elves‐Powell, Joshua; Rizzolo, Jessica Bell; Ghoddousi, Arash; Boron, Valeria; ... Dickman, Amy; + view all (2024) Reflecting on the role of human-felid conflict and local use in big cat trade. Conservation Science and Practice , 6 (1) , Article e13030. 10.1111/csp2.13030. Green open access

Arifin; Shamsudduha, Mohammad; Ramdhan, Agus M; Reksalegora, Sena W; Taylor, Richard G; (2024) Characterizing deep groundwater using evidence from oil and gas exploration wells in the Lower Kutai Basin of Indonesia // Caractérisation des eaux souterraines profondes à l’aide de données provenant de puits d’exploration pétrolière et gazière dans le bassin inférieur de Kutai, en Indonésie. Hydrogeology Journal 10.1007/s10040-024-02776-0. (In press). Green open access

Aris, Chris; Hemer, Katie; Street, Emma; (2024) Variation in regional enamel growth rates in modern humans presenting dental evidence of vitamin D deficiency - a preliminary study. Dental Anthropology , 37 (1) pp. 3-19. Green open access

Aron, Raymond; (2024) Liberty and Equality (Samuel Garrett Zeitlin, Trans.). (UK ed.). Princeton University Press: Oxford, UK.

Attuyer, K; Robinson, J; (2024) Settings of community engagement: beyond the Janus-faced post-political in ‘neoliberalised’ London. City , 28 (5-6) pp. 1000-1029. 10.1080/13604813.2024.2424077. Green open access

Ayoub, P; Stoeckl, K; (2024) The Global Resistance to LGBTIQ Rights. Journal of Democracy , 35 (1) pp. 59-73. 10.1353/jod.2024.a915349. Green open access

Azouzi, Ilyas; (2024) Imperial Visions. Architectural Planning, Colonial Ideals, and Empire Building in Fascist Italy. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).


Baatiema, Leonard; Strachan, Daniel Llywelyn; Okoibhole, Lydia Osetohamhen; Kretchy, Irene Akwo; Kushitor, Mawuli; Awuah, Raphael Baffour; Sanuade, Olutobi Adekunle; ... Fottrell, Edward; + view all (2024) Contextual awareness, response and evaluation (CARE) of diabetes in poorurban communities in Ghana: the CARE diabetes project qualitative studyprotocol. Global Health Action , 17 (1) , Article 2364498. 10.1080/16549716.2024.2364498. Green open access

Baird, Timothy D; Woodhouse, Emily; McCabe, Terrence T; Barnes, Paul; Terta, Felista; Runda, Naomi; (2024) New pathways for women’s empowerment in pastoralist Maasai households, Tanzania. Journal of Rural Studies , 109 , Article 103333. 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2024.103333.

Baker, Sam A; Stewart, Fiona A; Piel, Alex K; (2024) A case of suspected chimpanzee scavenging in the Issa Valley, Tanzania. Primates , 65 pp. 41-48. 10.1007/s10329-023-01099-0. Green open access

Bakke, Kristin M; Rickard, Kit; O'Loughlin, John; Toal, Gerard; (2024) Politicizing Memory: Evidence from Ukraine. Problems of Post-Communism 10.1080/10758216.2024.2316037. (In press). Green open access

Balsari-Palsule, Sarica Robyn; (2024) Visual Worlds: Images, Time and the Parsi Community. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Barba, Pablo; (2024) Studying Age Identities Through Funerary Dimensions: A Discussion of Child and Adult Burials from Lower Egypt (4th mil. BCE). Childhood in the Past , 17 (2) pp. 68-92. 10.1080/17585716.2024.2380134. Green open access

Barbero-Palacios, L; Barrio, IC; García Criado, M; Kater, I; Petit Bon, M; Kolari, THM; Axmacher, JC; (2024) Herbivore diversity effects on Arctic tundra ecosystems – a systematic review. Environmental Evidence , 13 , Article 6. 10.1186/s13750-024-00330-9. Green open access

Barilla, César; Gonçalves, Duarte; (2024) The dynamics of instability. Theoretical Economics , 19 (1) pp. 365-405. 10.3982/te5295. Green open access

Barker, Connor R; Marais, Eloise A; McDowell, Jonathan C; (2024) Global 3D rocket launch and re-entry air pollutant and CO2 emissions at the onset of the megaconstellation era. Scientific Data , 11 , Article 1079. 10.1038/s41597-024-03910-z. Green open access

Barnes, Lucy; de Romemont, Julia; Lauderdale, Benjamin E; (2024) Public Preferences Over Changes to the Composition of Government Tax Revenue. British Journal of Political Science (BJPolS) 10.1017/S0007123424000127. (In press). Green open access

Barry, A; Gambino, E; (2024) Projects of transition. Economy and Society 10.1080/03085147.2024.2364524. (In press). Green open access

Bartolini, Nadia; Carvalho, Bárbara; May, Sarah; (2024) Rewilding, gender and the transformation of the Côa Valley. Area 10.1111/area.12929. (In press). Green open access

Beach, Charles; (2024) We don’t call it smuggling, we call it commerce: Trade unions for gasoline smugglers and the pimpineros of Norte de Santander, Colombia. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Beaudry, P; Hou, C; Portier, F; (2024) Monetary Policy When the Phillips Curve Is Quite Flat. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics , 16 (1) pp. 1-28. 10.1257/mac.20220088. Green open access

Bedelian, Claire; Ogutu, Joseph O; Homewood, Katherine; Keane, Aidan; (2024) Evaluating the determinants of participation in conservancy land leases and its impacts on household wealth in the Maasai Mara, Kenya: Equity and gender implications. World Development , 174 , Article 106442. 10.1016/j.worlddev.2023.106442. Green open access

Bel, Germà; Elston, Thomas; Esteve, Marc; Petersen, Ole Helby; (2024) Local government reform beyond privatization and amalgamation: advances in the analysis of inter-municipal cooperation. Journal of Economic Policy Reform 10.1080/17487870.2024.2341657. (In press).

Bellamy, Richard; Kröger, Sandra; (2024) Truthfulness, pluralism and the ethics of democratic representation. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 10.1177/13691481241287185. (In press). Green open access

Bellamy, Richard; Kröger, Sandra; (2024) L’intégration différenciée comme système équitable de coopération. In: Crignon, Philippe, (ed.) Le moment européen. Approches philosophiques de l’Union européenne. (pp. 21-60). Hermann: Paris, France.

Bellamy, Richard; McHugh, Hannah; (2024) Republicanism. In: Sandal, Nukhet, (ed.) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.

Benhabib, Jess; Cui, Wei; Miao, Jianjun; (2024) Capital income jumps and wealth distribution. Quantitative Economics , 15 (4) pp. 1197-1247. 10.3982/QE2096. Green open access

Bennion, Helen; Clarke, Gina; Frings, Patrick; Goldsmith, Ben; Lait, Joshua; Rose, Neil; Sime, Iain; ... Yang, Handong; + view all (2024) Paleolimnological evidence for variable impacts of fish farms on the water quality of Scottish freshwater lochs. Journal of Environmental Management , 369 , Article 122155. 10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.122155. Green open access

Bhat, Ghulam M; Ashton, Nick; Parfitt, Simon; Jukar, Advait; Dickinson, Marc R; Thusu, Bindra; Craig, Jonathan; (2024) Human exploitation of a straight-tusked elephant (Palaeoloxodon) in Middle Pleistocene deposits at Pampore, Kashmir, India. Quaternary Science Reviews , 342 , Article 108894. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108894. (In press). Green open access

Bhattacharyya, Gargi; (2024) Antiracists who are anticapitalist, anticapitalists who are anticolonial. Ethnic and Racial Studies pp. 1-7. 10.1080/01419870.2024.2389300. (In press).

Binenti, Silvia; (2024) Mundane objects of popular geopolitics: An ethnography of political t-shirts. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Blumenau, Jack; (2024) Citizens’ Preferences for Multidimensional Representation. Perspectives on Politics (In press). Green open access

Blumenau, Jack; Lauderdale, Benjamin; (2024) Liberals and Conservatives Rely on Very Similar Sets of Foundations When Comparing Moral Violations. American Political Science Review 10.1017/S0003055424000492. (In press). Green open access

Blumenau, Jack; Lauderdale, Benjamin; (2024) Polarization over the Priority of Political Problems. American Journal of Political Science (In press).

Blundell, Richard; (2024) Beyond tax credits and the minimum wage: the challenge of labour market inequality. Fiscal Studies 10.1111/1475-5890.12361. (In press). Green open access

Blundell, Richard; (2024) Old Age Risks, Consumption, and Insurance. The American Economic Review , 114 (2) pp. 575-613. 10.1257/aer.20220555. Green open access

Blundell, Richard; Corral, Vicente; Gómez-Lobo, Andrés; (2024) Long-Run Labour Income Distribution Dynamics: The Case of Chile 1990-2017. Estudios de Economía , 51 (2) pp. 441-482. Green open access

Bonacchi, Chiara; Witte, Jessica; Altaweel, Mark; (2024) Political uses of the ancient past on social media are predominantly negative and extreme. PLoS ONE , 19 (9) , Article e0308919. 10.1371/journal.pone.0308919. Green open access

Bornschier, Simon; Vogt, Manuel; (2024) The Politics of Extractivism: Mining, Institutional Responsiveness, and Social Resistance. World Development , 176 , Article 106493. 10.1016/j.worlddev.2023.106493. Green open access

Bouchard, E; Searle, EB; Drapeau, P; Liang, J; Gamarra, JGP; Abegg, M; Alberti, G; ... Paquette, A; + view all (2024) Global patterns and environmental drivers of forest functional composition. Global Ecology and Biogeography , 33 (2) pp. 303-324. 10.1111/geb.13790. Green open access

Breen, C; Tews, S; Nikolaus, J; Ray, N; Holly, G; Andreou, G; McGonigle, C; ... Blue, L; + view all (2024) Developing an integrated framework for Marine Cultural Heritage (MCH) and Marine Protected Areas (MPA) across Africa and the Middle East. Marine Policy , 165 , Article 106218. 10.1016/j.marpol.2024.106218.

Brickell, Katherine; Iskander, Dalia; Parsons, Laurie; Guermond, Vincent; (2024) Wakeful Geographies, Wakeful Bodies: Day and Nighttime Rhythms of Indebted Life and Capitalist Enclosure in Cambodia. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 10.1080/24694452.2024.2353173. (In press). Green open access

Broodbank, Cyprian; Lucarini, Giulio; Bokbot, Youssef; Benattia, Hamza; Bigoulimen, Aicha; Farr, Lucy; Garcia-Molsosa, Arnau; ... Wilkinson, Toby; + view all (2024) Oued Beht, Morocco: a complex early farming society in north-west Africa and its implications for western Mediterranean interaction during later prehistory. Antiquity: a quarterly review of archaeology 10.15184/aqy.2024.101. Green open access

Brookes, Stuart; (2024) Heroes, gods and monsters at assembly places. In: Allen, Michael J, (ed.) A Date with the Two Cerne Giants Reinvestigating an Iconic British Hill Figure(The National Trust Excavations 2020). Oxbow Books: Barnsley, UK.

Brookes, Stuart; (2024) ‘Anglo-Saxon’ identity: a critique from the graveside. In: Plumb, Oisín and Sanmark, Alexandra, (eds.) Alternative Facts and Plausible Fictions in the Northern European Past: How Politics and Culture Have Written and Rewritten History. Brepols: Turnhout, Belgium. Green open access

Brookes, Stuart; Scull, Christopher; Williamson, Tom; (2024) Lordship and Landscape in East Anglia AD400-800: The royal centre at Rendlesham, Suffolk, and its contexts. Society of Antiquaries of London: London, UK. Green open access

Brown, Juliet; (2024) Immersive Encounters with Boarding School Syndrome: A series of multimodal experiments. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Brownlie, Will J; Alexander, Peter; Maslin, Mark; Cañedo-Argüelles, Miguel; Sutton, Mark A; Spears, Bryan M; (2024) Global food security threatened by potassium neglect. Nature Food , 5 (2) pp. 111-115. 10.1038/s43016-024-00929-8. Green open access

Buckley, Michael; Oldfield, Ellie-May; Oliveira, Cristina; Boulanger, Clara; Kitchener, Andrew C; Fuller, Nicole R; Ardren, Traci; ... LeFebvre, Michelle J; + view all (2024) Species identification of modern and archaeological shark and ray skeletal tissues using collagen peptide mass fingerprinting. Frontiers in Marine Science , 11 , Article 1500595. 10.3389/fmars.2024.1500595. Green open access

Burningham, Helene; Gong, jie; Tricker, Richard; (2024) Contribution of Community and Citizen Science to the Monitoring of Coastal Cliff Erosion. Journal of Coastal Research (In press).

Butler, Beverley; (2024) On heritage pharmacology: Rethinking ‘heritage pathologies’ as tropes of care. History of the Human Sciences 10.1177/09526951241242402. (In press). Green open access

Butler, Beverley; (2024) Reimagining Heritage Conservation 'after Modernity' as Constellations and Cosmologies of Care and Protection. In: Meurs, Valerie Magar and Medina-González, Isabel and Alanís, Yolanda Madrid, (eds.) Trayectorias teóricas de la conservación. (pp. 251-276). Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia: Mexico City, Mexico. Green open access

Byrne, Michael; (2024) Escaping the Shadow: The Problems of Presidential Succession following a Transformational Predecessor. Masters thesis (M.Phil), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Campbell, Olympia LK; Padilla-Iglesias, Cecilia; Fiorio, Gregory; Mace, Ruth; (2024) Genetic markers of cousin marriage and honour cultures. Evolution and Human Behavior , 45 (6) , Article 106636. 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2024.106636. Green open access

Campbell, Olympia Louise Kathleen; (2024) Cousin Marriage, Honour, and Violence Against Women: A Cross-Cultural and Behavioural Ecological Approach. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Candy, I; Oliveira, D; Parkes, D; Sherriff, J; Thornalley, D; (2024) Marine Isotope Stage 11c in Europe: Recent advances in marine–terrestrial correlations and their implications for interglacial stratigraphy – a review. Boreas 10.1111/bor.12656. (In press). Green open access

Cárdenas Escutia, Carlos Eduardo; (2024) Righting historical wrongs: Transforming household workers’ rights in Mexico. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Carey, Chris; Hunnisett, Kim; Macphail, Richard; Bray, Lee; Toms, Phil; Wood, Jaime; Crabb, Andy; (2024) What happened before the Middle Bronze Age land divisions and roundhouses? Prehistoric soil erosion and landscape change on Dartmoor, UK. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports , 56 , Article 104506. 10.1016/j.jasrep.2024.104506. Green open access

Carneiro, Pedro; Galasso, Emanuela; Lopez Garcia, Italo; Bedregal, Paula; Cordero, Miguel; (2024) Impacts of a Large-Scale Parenting Program: Experimental Evidence from Chile. Journal of Political Economy , 132 (4) pp. 1113-1161. 10.1086/727288. Green open access

Carneiro, Pedro; Loken, Katrine; Salvanes, Kjell G; (2024) Still Flying: Reply to "Not a Flying Start after All?" by Lillebø et al. Journal of Political Economy (JPE) , 132 (12) pp. 4213-4222. 10.1086/732220. Green open access

Carrignon, Simon; Crema, Enrico R; Kandler, Anne; Shennan, Stephen; (2024) Postmarital residence rules and transmission pathways in cultural hitchhiking. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 121 (48) , Article e2322888121. 10.1073/pnas.2322888121. Green open access

Castañeda, Néstor; (2024) Review of Flores-Macías, G.A., 2022. Contemporary State Building: Elite taxation and Public Safety in Latin America. Cambridge University Press. Political Science Quarterly (In press).

Cavatorta, Elisa; Guarino, Antonio; Huck, Steffen; (2024) Social Learning with Partial and Aggregate Information: Experimental Evidence. Games and Economic Behavior , 146 pp. 292-307. 10.1016/j.geb.2024.05.005. (In press).

Cearns, Jennifer; (2024) Time against race: Aesthetic ‘merit’ and histories worth preserving on an American frontier. History and Anthropology 10.1080/02757206.2024.2349092. (In press). Green open access

Cearns, Jennifer; Knox, Hannah; (2024) Safeguarding Data. The Data Consensus and the Public Good in Children's Social Services. The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology , 42 (1) pp. 23-41. 10.3167/cja.2024.420103. Green open access

Ceccarelli, Paola; (2024) "Agatharchides of Samos (284)" In Jacoby Online. Brill's New Jacoby - Second Edition, Part II. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://scholarlyeditions.brill.com/reader/urn:cts... Green open access

Ceccarelli, Paola; (2024) Aretades of Knidos (BNJ2 285), in: Jacoby Online. Brill's New Jacoby, Second Edition, Part II. [Digital scholarly resource]. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163./1873-5363_bnj2_a285 (In press). Green open access

Ceccarelli, Paola; (2024) Chrysermos of Corinth (287), in: Jacoby Online. Brill's New Jacoby, Part III. [Digital scholarly resource]. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/1873-5363_bnj_a287 (In press). Green open access

Ceccarelli, Paola; (2024) "Derkyllos (288)" In Jacoby Online. Brill's New Jacoby - Second Edition, Part II. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://scholarlyeditions.brill.com/reader/urn:cts... Green open access

Ceccarelli, Paola; (2024) "Ktesiphon (294)" In Jacoby Online. Brill's New Jacoby - Second Edition, Part II. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://scholarlyeditions.brill.com/reader/urn:cts... Green open access

Cerkez, Nicolas; (2024) Essays on Economic Development. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Chae, Minsok; (2024) Essays in Labour Economics. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Champkin, James D; Bašić, Tea; Haubrock, Phillip J; Balzani, Paride; Sayer, Carl D; George, Laura K; Godard, Michael J; ... Copp, Gordon H; + view all (2024) Short-term growth, movement and response of European eel Anguilla anguilla to re-meandering of a small English chalk stream. Knowledge & Management of Aquatic Ecosystems (425) , Article 23. 10.1051/kmae/2024021. Green open access

Chang, Ruey-Lin; Nannucci, Simone; Mohamed, Sayed Awad; Marchand, Sylvie; Mahmoud, Yahia el-Shahat Mohamed; Kačičnik, Matjaž; Gaber, Mohamed; ... Crépy, Maël; + view all (2024) Philadelphia (2023). Bulletin archéologique des Écoles françaises à l'étranger: Égypte , 2024 10.4000/11sxj. Green open access

Chaudhary, N; Page, AE; Salali, GD; Dyble, M; Major-Smith, D; Migliano, AB; Vinicius, L; ... Viguier, S; + view all (2024) Hunter-Gatherer Children’s Close-Proximity Networks: Similarities and differences with cooperative and communal breeding systems. Evolutionary Human Sciences , 6 , Article e11. 10.1017/ehs.2024.1. Green open access

Chen, Tzuhao; Gasco, Mila; Esteve, Marc; (2024) The Adoption and Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Chatbots in Public Organizations: Evidence from U.S. State Governments. American Review of Public Administration (In press). Green open access

Chen, Yuan; (2024) Comparative study of social organisation and work burden in China. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Chen, Yuan; Ge, Erhao; Zhou, Liqiong; Du, Juan; Mace, Ruth; (2024) Gender inequality in workloads explained by operational sex ratio. iScience , 27 (6) , Article 110063. 10.1016/j.isci.2024.110063. Green open access

Cheng, Wenhao; (2024) Essays in Development and Social Economics. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Chesher, Andrew; Rosen, Adam M; (2024) Extending the Scope of Instrumental Variable Methods. The Econometrics Journal 10.1093/ectj/utae020. (In press).

Chong, K; (2024) Commentary on ‘The Racial Wealth Gap in South Africa and the United States’ by Chelwa, Maboshe and Hamilton. Review of Political Economy , 36 (2) pp. 441-443. 10.1080/09538259.2024.2319463. Green open access

Christensen, Timothy; Chen, Xiaohong; Kankanala, Sid; (2024) Adaptive Estimation and Uniform Confidence Bands for Nonparametric Structural Functions and Elasticities. The Review of Economic Studies , Article rdae025. 10.1093/restud/rdae025. (In press).

Chudá, Juliána; Výbošt’ok, Jozef; Tomaštík, Julián; Chudý, František; Tunák, Daniel; Skladan, Michal; Tucek, Ján; (2024) Prompt Mapping Tree Positions with Handheld Mobile Scanners Based on SLAM Technology. Land , 13 (1) , Article 93. 10.3390/land13010093. Green open access

Chukhrov, Keti; Potapov, Kyrill; (2024) Interview with Keti Chukhrov. Studies in East European Thought 10.1007/s11212-024-09636-3. (In press). Green open access

Church, Elizabeth; (2024) A (True) Alternative Approach to Osteological Sex Estimation. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

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