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Acman, Mislav; Wang, Ruobing; van Dorp, Lucy; Shaw, Liam P; Wang, Qi; Luhmann, Nina; Yin, Yuyao; ... Balloux, Francois; + view all (2022) Role of mobile genetic elements in the global dissemination of the carbapenem resistance gene blaNDM. Nature Communications , 13 (1) , Article 1131. 10.1038/s41467-022-28819-2. Green open access

Adisasmito, Wiku B; Almuhairi, Salama; Behravesh, Casey Barton; Bilivogui, Pépé; Bukachi, Salome A; Casas, Natalia; Cediel Becerra, Natalia; ... Zhou, Lei; + view all (2022) One Health: A new definition for a sustainable and healthy future. PLoS Pathogens , 18 (6) , Article e1010537. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1010537. Green open access

Albaladejo Robles, Gonzalo; (2022) Understanding how terrestrial vertebrate life-history shape responses to climatic seasonality and landscape heterogeneity. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Albaladejo‐Robles, Gonzalo; Böhm, Monika; Newbold, Tim; (2022) Species life‐history strategies affect population responses to temperature and land‐cover changes. Global Change Biology 10.1111/gcb.16454. (In press). Green open access

Ali, Aminah T; Liebert, Anke; Lau, Winston; Maniatis, Nikolas; Swallow, Dallas M; (2022) The hazards of genotype imputation in chromosomal regions under selection: A case study using the Lactase gene region. Annals of Human Genetics , 86 (1) pp. 24-33. 10.1111/ahg.12444. Green open access

Ali, JR; Blonder, BW; Pigot, AL; Tobias, JA; (2022) Bird extinctions threaten to cause disproportionate reductions of functional diversity and uniqueness. Functional Ecology 10.1111/1365-2435.14201. (In press). Green open access

Aman, Yahyah; Erinjeri, Annmary Paul; Tataridas-Pallas, Nikolaos; Williams, Rhianna; Wellman, Rachel; Chapman, Hannah; Labbadia, John; (2022) Loss of MTCH-1 suppresses age-related proteostasis collapse through the inhibition of programmed cell death factors. Cell Reports , 41 (8) , Article 111690. 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111690. Green open access

Amiour, S; Chekroud, K; Font-Verdera, F; Anver, S; Liébana, R; Hafdi, O; Viver, T; (2022) Overview of the Diversity of Extremely Saline Soils from a Semi-Arid Region Using 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing: A Case Study of the Sebkhas in Algerian High Plateaus. Microbiology , 91 (6) pp. 671-681. 10.1134/S0026261722100472. Green open access

Amponsah‐Mensah, Kofi; Cunningham, Andrew A; Wood, James LN; Ntiamoa‐Baidu, Yaa; (2022) Roosting behavior and roost selection by Epomophorus gambianus (Pteropodidae) in a west African rural landscapee. Biotropica , 54 (4) pp. 1030-1041. 10.1111/btp.13127. Green open access

Anderson, Jake A; McClean, Colin J; Sim, Sarah; Pettorelli, Nathalie; Jelling, Ahmad; Tangah, Joseph; Hill, Jane K; (2022) Weak edge effects on trees in Bornean rainforest remnants bordering oil palm. Biotropica , 54 (4) pp. 921-932. 10.1111/btp.13115. Green open access

Anderson, Lucy; Camus, M Florencia; Monteith, Katy M; Salminen, Tiina S; Vale, Pedro F; (2022) Variation in mitochondrial DNA affects locomotor activity and sleep in Drosophila melanogaster. Heredity 10.1038/s41437-022-00554-w. (In press). Green open access

Andrews, Caitlin E; Anderson, Sandra H; Walt, Karin; Thorogood, Rose; Ewen, John G; (2022) Evaluating the success of functional restoration after reintroduction of a lost avian pollinator. Conservation Biology , 36 (4) , Article e13892. 10.1111/cobi.13892. Green open access

Andrzejaczek, Samantha; Lucas, Tim; Goodman, Maurice; Hussey, Nigel; Armstrong, Amelia; Carlisle, Aaron; Coffey, Daniel; ... Curnick, David James; + view all (2022) Diving into the vertical dimension of elasmobranch movement ecology. Science Advances , 8 (33) , Article eabo1754. 10.1126/sciadv.abo1754. Green open access

Azat, C; Alvarado-Rybak, M; Solano-Iguaran, JJ; Velasco, A; Valenzuela-Sánchez, A; Flechas, SV; Peñafiel-Ricaurte, A; ... Bacigalupe, LD; + view all (2022) Synthesis of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infection in South America: amphibian species under risk and areas to focus research and disease mitigation. Ecography , Article e05977. 10.1111/ecog.05977. (In press). Green open access


Bahuguna, S; Atilano, M; Glittenberg, M; Lee, D; Arora, S; Wang, L; Zhou, J; ... Ligoxygakis, P; + view all (2022) Bacterial recognition by PGRP-SA and downstream signalling by Toll/DIF sustain commensal gut bacteria in Drosophila. PLoS Genetics , 18 (1) , Article e1009992. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1009992. Green open access

Balloux, François; Tan, Cedric; Swadling, Leo; Richard, Damien; Jenner, Charlotte; Maini, Mala; van Dorp, Lucy; (2022) The past, current and future epidemiological dynamic of SARS-CoV-2. Oxford Open Immunology , 3 (1) , Article iqac003. 10.1093/oxfimm/iqac003. Green open access

Banks-Leite, C; Betts, MG; Ewers, RM; Orme, CDL; Pigot, AL; (2022) The macroecology of landscape ecology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution , 37 (6) pp. 480-487. 10.1016/j.tree.2022.01.005. Green open access

Bates, Kieran A; Sommer, Ulf; Hopkins, Kevin P; Shelton, Jennifer MG; Wierzbicki, Claudia; Sergeant, Christopher; Tapley, Benjamin; ... Fisher, Matthew C; + view all (2022) Microbiome function predicts amphibian chytridiomycosis disease dynamics. Microbiome , 10 , Article 44. 10.1186/s40168-021-01215-6. Green open access

Bayley, DTI; Mogg, AOM; (2022) Mushroom to manoeuvre? Using photogrammetry to track the movement and survival of free-living corals. Coral Reefs 10.1007/s00338-022-02331-x. (In press). Green open access

Beckmann, Katie M; Cromie, Ruth L; Sainsbury, Anthony W; Hilton, Geoff M; Ewen, John G; Soorae, Pritpal S; Kock, Richard A; (2022) Wildlife health outcomes and opportunities in conservation translocations. Ecological Solutions and Evidence , 3 (3) , Article e12164. 10.1002/2688-8319.12164. Green open access

Belcher, Laurence J; Madgwick, Philip G; Kuwana, Satoshi; Stewart, Balint; Thompson, Christopher RL; Wolf, Jason B; (2022) Developmental constraints enforce altruism and avert the tragedy of the commons in a social microbe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 119 (29) , Article e2111233119. 10.1073/pnas.2111233119. Green open access

Bengtsson, Rebecca; Baker, Kate; Cunningham, Andrew; Greig, David; John, Shinto; Macgregor, Shaheed; Seilern-Moy, Katharina; ... Lawson, Becki; + view all (2022) The genomic epidemiology of Escherichia albertii. Research Square: Durham, NC, USA. Green open access

Bergstrom, Anders; Stanton, David WG; Taron, Ulrike H; Frantz, Laurent; Sinding, Mikkel-Holger S; Ersmark, Erik; Pfrengle, Saskia; ... Skoglund, Pontus; + view all (2022) Grey wolf genomic history reveals a dual ancestry of dogs. Nature , 607 pp. 313-320. 10.1038/s41586-022-04824-9. Green open access

Bonnet, T; Morrissey, MB; de Villemereuil, P; Alberts, SC; Arcese, P; Bailey, LD; Boutin, S; ... Kruuk, LEB; + view all (2022) Genetic variance in fitness indicates rapid contemporary adaptive evolution in wild animals. Science , 376 (6596) pp. 1012-1016. 10.1126/science.abk0853. Green open access

Boyce, DG; Tittensor, DP; Garilao, C; Henson, S; Kaschner, K; Kesner-Reyes, K; Pigot, A; ... Worm, B; + view all (2022) A climate risk index for marine life. Nature Climate Change , 12 (9) pp. 854-862. 10.1038/s41558-022-01437-y. Green open access

Brace, Selina; Diekmann, Yoan; Booth, Thomas; Macleod, Ruairidh; Timpson, Adrian; Stephen, Will; Emery, Giles; ... Barnes, Ian; + view all (2022) Genomes from a medieval mass burial show Ashkenazi-associated hereditary diseases pre-date the 12th century. Current Biology 10.1016/j.cub.2022.08.036. (In press). Green open access

Bradshaw, Sasha L; Meade, Lara; Tarlton-Weatherall, Jessica; Pomiankowski, Andrew; (2022) Meiotic drive adaptive testes enlargement during early development in the stalk-eyed fly. Biology Letters , 18 (11) , Article 20220352. 10.1098/rsbl.2022.0352. Green open access

Braga Ferreira, G; Newbold, T; Oliveira, M; Pringle, H; Pinheiro, M; Pinho, F; Carbone, C; (2022) Limited temporal response of Cerrado mammals to anthropogenic pressure in areas under distinct levels of protection. Journal of Zoology , 317 (1) pp. 43-55. 10.1111/jzo.12958. Green open access

Braso-Vives, Marina; Marletaz, Ferdinand; Echchiki, Amina; Mantica, Federica; Acemel, Rafael D; Gomez-Skarmeta, Jose L; Hartasanchez, Diego A; ... Robinson-Rechavi, Marc; + view all (2022) Parallel evolution of amphioxus and vertebrate small-scale gene duplications. Genome Biology , 23 , Article 243. 10.1186/s13059-022-02808-6. Green open access

Briand, Samuel; Dessimoz, Christophe; El-Mabrouk, Nadia; Nevers, Yannis; (2022) A Linear Time Solution to the Labeled Robinson-Foulds Distance Problem. Systematic Biology 10.1093/sysbio/syac028. (In press). Green open access

Brittain, S; Rowcliffe, M; Kentatchime, F; Tudge, S; Kamonge-Tagne, T; Milner-Gulland, EJ; (2022) Comparing interview methods with camera trap data to inform occupancy models of hunted mammals in forest habitats. Conservation Science and Practice , 4 (4) , Article e12637. 10.1111/csp2.12637. Green open access

Brittain, Stephanie; Rowcliffe, Marcus; Earle, Samantha; Kentatchime, Fabrice; Kamonge-Tagne, CT; Milner-Gulland, EJ; (2022) Power to the people: analysis of occupancy models informed by local knowledge. Conservation Science and Practice , 4 (8) , Article e12753. 10.1111/csp2.12753. Green open access

Brown, Anna-Leigh; Wilkins, Oscar G; Keuss, Matthew J; Hill, Sarah E; Zanovello, Matteo; Lee, Weaverly Colleen; Bampton, Alexander; ... Fratta, Pietro; + view all (2022) TDP-43 loss and ALS-risk SNPs drive mis-splicing and depletion of UNC13A. Nature , 603 pp. 131-137. 10.1038/s41586-022-04436-3. Green open access

Browning, Ella; Freeman, Robin; Boughey, Katherine L; Jones, Kate E; Isaac, Nick JB; (2022) Accounting for spatial autocorrelation and environment are important to derive robust bat population trends from citizen science data. Ecological Indicators , 136 , Article 108719. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.108719. Green open access

Burgess, Benjamin; Jackson, Michelle; Murrell, David; (2022) Are experiment sample sizes adequate to detect biologically important interactions between multiple stressors? bioRxiv Green open access

Burgess, Benjamin J; Jackson, Michelle C; Murrell, David J; (2022) Are experiment sample sizes adequate to detect biologically important interactions between multiple stressors? Ecology and Evolution , 12 (9) , Article e9289. 10.1002/ece3.9289. Green open access

Burton, Victoria J; Contu, Sara; De Palma, Adriana; Hill, Samantha LL; Albrecht, Harald; Bone, James S; Carpenter, Daniel; ... Purvis, Andy; + view all (2022) Land use and soil characteristics affect soil organisms differently from above-ground assemblages. BMC Ecology and Evolution , 22 (1) , Article 135. 10.1186/s12862-022-02089-4. Green open access


Caballero, Armando; Wang, Jinliang; López-Fanjul, Carlos; (2022) Obituary in memoriam of Professor William G. (Bill) Hill. Heredity , 128 (2) pp. 77-78. 10.1038/s41437-021-00496-9. Green open access

Caliebe, Amke; Tekola-Ayele, Fasil; Darst, Burcu F; Wang, Xuexia; Song, Yeunjoo E; Gui, Jiang; Sebro, Ronnie A; ... Dube, Marie-Pierre; + view all (2022) Including diverse and admixed populations in genetic epidemiology research. Genetic Epidemiology , 46 (7) pp. 347-371. 10.1002/gepi.22492. Green open access

Camprubi, E; Harrison, SA; Jordan, SF; Bonnel, J; Pinna, S; Lane, N; (2022) Do Soluble Phosphates Direct the Formose Reaction towards Pentose Sugars? Astrobiology , 22 (8) pp. 981-991. 10.1089/ast.2021.0125. Green open access

Camus, M Florencia; Alexander-Lawrie, Bridie; Sharbrough, Joel; Hurst, Gregory DD; (2022) Inheritance through the cytoplasm. Heredity 10.1038/s41437-022-00540-2. (In press). Green open access

Capdevila, P; Noviello, N; McRae, L; Freeman, R; Clements, CF; (2022) Global patterns of resilience decline in vertebrate populations. Ecology Letters , 25 (1) pp. 240-251. 10.1111/ele.13927. Green open access

Capdevila, Pol; Noviello, Nicola; McRae, Louise; Freeman, Robin; Clements, Christopher; (2022) Body mass and latitude as global predictors of vertebrate populations exposure to multiple threats. bioRxiv: Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA. Green open access

Capdevila, Pol; Noviello, Nicola; McRae, Louise; Freeman, Robin; Clements, Christopher F; (2022) Body mass and latitude as global predictors of vertebrate populations exposure to multiple threats. Ecography , 2022 (12) , Article e06309. 10.1111/ecog.06309. Green open access

Cappelli, Sara; Spalloni, Alida; Feiguin, Fabian; Visani, Giulia; Šušnjar, Urša; Brown, Anna-Leigh; NYGC ALS, Consortium; ... Buratti, Emanuele; + view all (2022) NOS1AP is a novel molecular target and critical factor in TDP-43 pathology. Brain Communications , 4 (5) , Article fcac242. 10.1093/braincomms/fcac242. Green open access

Cardador, L; Abellán, P; Blackburn, T; (2022) Incorporating phylogeographic information in alien bird distribution models increases geographic extent but not accuracy of predictions. Biological Invasions , 24 pp. 683-695. 10.1007/s10530-021-02673-7. Green open access

Carrignon, Simon; Bentley, R Alexander; Silk, Matthew; Fefferman, Nina H; (2022) How social learning shapes the efficacy of preventative health behaviors in an outbreak. PLOS ONE , 17 (1) , Article e0262505. 10.1371/journal.pone.0262505. Green open access

Carruthers, Madeleine; Edgley, Duncan E; Saxon, Andrew D; Gabagambi, Nestory P; Shechonge, Asilatu; Miska, Eric A; Durbin, Richard; ... Genner, Martin J; + view all (2022) Ecological speciation promoted by divergent regulation of functional genes within African cichlid fishes. Molecular Biology and Evolution , 39 (11) , Article msac251. 10.1093/molbev/msac251. Green open access

Colnaghi, Marco; (2022) The impact of deleterious mutations on the transition to meiotic sex and the structure of the germline. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Colnaghi, Marco; Lane, Nick; Pomiankowski, Andrew; (2022) Repeat sequences limit the effectiveness of lateral gene transfer and favored the evolution of meiotic sex in early eukaryotes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 119 (35) , Article e2205041119. 10.1073/pnas.2205041119. Green open access

Cornford, Richard; Millard, Joseph; Gonzalez-Suarez, Manuela; Freeman, Robin; Johnson, Thomas Frederick; (2022) Automated synthesis of biodiversity knowledge requires better tools and standardised research output. Ecography , 2022 (3) , Article e06068. 10.1111/ecog.06068. Green open access

Crouse, Wesley L; Das, Swapan Kumar; Le, Thu; Keele, Gregory; Holl, Katie; Seshie, Osborne; Craddock, Ann; ... Solberg Woods, Leah C; + view all (2022) Transcriptome-wide analyses of adipose tissue in outbred rats reveal genetic regulatory mechanisms relevant for human obesity. Physiological Genomics , 54 (6) pp. 206-219. 10.1152/physiolgenomics.00172.2021. Green open access

Cunningham, Andrew; Bell, Diana J; (2022) Monkeypox: we cannot afford to ignore yet another warning. CABI One Health 10.1079/cabionehealth.2022.0005. (In press). Green open access

Currie, J; Burant, JB; Marconi, V; Blain, SA; Emry, S; Hébert, K; Xie, G; ... Freeman, R; + view all (2022) Assessing the representation of species included within the Canadian Living Planet Index. Facets , 7 pp. 1121-1141. 10.1139/FACETS-2022-0063. Green open access

Curtis, D; (2022) Analysis of rare coding variants in 200,000 exome-sequenced subjects reveals novel genetic risk factors for type 2 diabetes. Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews , 38 (1) , Article e3482. 10.1002/dmrr.3482. Green open access

Curtis, D; (2022) Exploration of weighting schemes based on allele frequency and annotation for weighted burden association analysis of complex phenotypes. Gene , 809 , Article 146039. 10.1016/j.gene.2021.146039. Green open access

Curtis, David; (2022) Clinical features of UK Biobank subjects carrying protein-truncating variants in genes implicated in schizophrenia pathogenesis. Psychiatric Genetics , 32 (4) pp. 156-161. 10.1097/YPG.0000000000000318. Green open access

Curtis, David; (2022) Comment on "Evaluation of a Gene-Environment Interaction of PON1 and Low-Level Nerve Agent Exposure with Gulf War Illness: A Prevalence Case-Control Study Drawn from the U.S. Military Health Survey's National Population Sample". Environ Health Perspect , 130 (6) , Article 68003. 10.1289/EHP11558. Green open access

Curtis, David; (2022) Identification of specific genes involved in schizophrenia aetiology - what difference does it make? The British Journal of Psychiatry , 221 (2) pp. 437-439. 10.1192/bjp.2021.153. Green open access

Curtis, David; (2022) RE: Extending the vulnerability–stress model of mental disorders: three-dimensional NPSR1 × environment × coping interaction study in anxiety. British Journal of Psychiatry , 222 (1) pp. 44-45. 10.1192/bjp.2022.167. Green open access

Curtis, David; (2022) Weighted burden analysis in 200,000 exome-sequenced subjects characterises rare variant effects on BMI. International Journal of Obesity , 46 (4) pp. 782-792. 10.1038/s41366-021-01053-4. Green open access

Czarkwiani, Anna; Taylor, Jack; Oliveri, Paola; (2022) Neurogenesis during Brittle Star Arm Regeneration Is Characterised by a Conserved Set of Key Developmental Genes. Biology , 11 (9) , Article 1360. 10.3390/biology11091360. Green open access


da Silva, CC; de Lima, CL; da Silva, ACG; Moreno, GMM; Musah, A; Aldosery, A; Dutra, L; ... dos Santos, WP; + view all (2022) Spatiotemporal forecasting for dengue, chikungunya fever and Zika using machine learning and artificial expert committees based on meta-heuristics. Research on Biomedical Engineering , 38 pp. 499-537. 10.1007/s42600-022-00202-6. Green open access

da Silva, Rafael Carvalho; do Nascimento, Fabio Santos; Wenseleers, Tom; Oi, Cintia Akemi; (2022) Juvenile hormone modulates hydrocarbon expression and reproduction in the german wasp Vespula germanica. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution , 10 , Article 1024580. 10.3389/fevo.2022.1024580. Green open access

da Silva, Rafael Carvalho; Prato, Amanda; Tannure-Nascimento, Ivelize; Oi, Cintia Akemi; Wenseleers, Tom; Nascimento, Fabio; (2022) Cuticular hydrocarbons as caste-linked cues in Neotropical swarm-founding wasps. PeerJ , 10 , Article e13571. 10.7717/peerj.13571. Green open access

Danaher, Cody; Newbold, Tim; Cardille, Jeffrey; Chapman, Abbie SA; (2022) Prioritizing conservation in sub-Saharan African lakes based on freshwater biodiversity and algal bloom metrics. Conservation Biology , Article e13914. 10.1111/cobi.13914. (In press). Green open access

Dancer, Anthony; Jones, Katherine; (2022) Evidence of deterrence from patrol data: Trialling application of a differenced-CPUE metric. Conservation Science and Practice , 4 (8) , Article e12746. 10.1111/csp2.12746. Green open access

Darby, JH; Harris, MP; Wanless, S; Quinn, JL; Bråthen, VS; Fayet, AL; Clairbaux, M; ... Jessopp, MJ; + view all (2022) A new biologging approach reveals unique flightless molt strategies of Atlantic puffins. Ecology and Evolution , 12 (12) , Article e9579. 10.1002/ece3.9579. Green open access

Daversa, David R; Bosch, Jaime; Manica, Andrea; Garner, Trenton WJ; Fenton, Andy; (2022) Host Identity Matters—Up to a Point: The Community Context of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Transmission. The American Naturalist , 200 (4) pp. 584-597. 10.1086/720638. Green open access

De-Souza, Evandro A; Cummins, Nadia; Taylor, Rebecca C; (2022) IRE-1 endoribonuclease activity declines early in C. elegans adulthood and is not rescued by reduced reproduction. Frontiers in Aging , 3 , Article 1044556. 10.3389/fragi.2022.1044556. Green open access

Derakhshan, Maria; Kessler, Noah J; Ishida, Miho; Demetriou, Charalambos; Brucato, Nicolas; Moore, Gudrun E; Fall, Caroline HD; ... Silver, Matt J; + view all (2022) Tissue- and ethnicity-independent hypervariable DNA methylation states show evidence of establishment in the early human embryo. Nucleic Acids Research , Article gkac503. 10.1093/nar/gkac503. (In press). Green open access

Dunn, Nicholas; Savolainen, Vincent; Weber, Sam; Andrzejaczek, Samantha; Carbone, Chris; Curnick, David; (2022) Elasmobranch diversity across a remote coral reef atoll revealed through environmental DNA metabarcoding. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlac014. (In press). Green open access

Dunn, Ruth E; Green, Jonathan A; Wanless, Sarah; Harris, Mike P; Newell, Mark A; Bogdanova, Maria I; Horswill, Catharine; ... Matthiopoulos, Jason; + view all (2022) Modelling and mapping how common guillemots balance their energy budgets over a full annual cycle. Functional Ecology 10.1111/1365-2435.14059. (In press). Green open access

Durant, Sarah M; Marino, Agnese; Linnell, John DC; Oriol-Cotterill, Alayne; Dloniak, Stephanie; Dolrenry, Stephanie; Funston, Paul; ... Yirga, Gidey; + view all (2022) Fostering Coexistence Between People and Large Carnivores in Africa: Using a Theory of Change to Identify Pathways to Impact and Their Underlying Assumptions. Frontiers in Conservation Science , 2 , Article 698631. 10.3389/fcosc.2021.698631. Green open access

Dylus, David; Nevers, Yannis; Altenhoff, Adrian M; Gürtler, Antoine; Dessimoz, Christophe; Glover, Natasha M; (2022) How to build phylogenetic species trees with OMA [version 2; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]. F1000Research , 9 , Article 511. 10.12688/f1000research.23790.2. Green open access


Etard, A; Pigot, A; Newbold, T; (2022) Intensive human land uses negatively affect vertebrate functional diversity. Ecology Letters , 25 (2) pp. 330-343. 10.1111/ele.13926. Green open access

Etard, Adrienne; (2022) Traits influence responses to land-use and climate change in terrestrial vertebrates. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Evershed, Richard P; Davey Smith, George; Roffet-Salque, Mélanie; Timpson, Adrian; Diekmann, Yoan; Lyon, Matthew S; Cramp, Lucy JE; ... Thomas, Mark G; + view all (2022) Dairying, diseases and the evolution of lactase persistence in Europe. Nature , 608 (7922) pp. 336-345. 10.1038/s41586-022-05010-7. Green open access


Fabbri, Serena; Owsianiak, Mikolaj; Newbold, Tim; Hauschild, Michael Z; (2022) Development of climate tipping damage metric for life-cycle assessment-the influence of increased warming from the tipping. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment , 27 pp. 1199-1212. 10.1007/s11367-022-02096-z. Green open access

Ferguson-Gow, Henry; Nicholas, Owen; Outhwaite, Charolotte L; Green, Rosie; Scheelbeek, Pauline; Eustachio Colombo, Patricia; Wheeler, Amber; ... Pearson, Richard G; + view all (2022) Potential for positive biodiversity outcomes under diet-driven land use change in Great Britain [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]. Wellcome Open Research , 7 , Article 147. 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.17698.1. Green open access

Ferreira, Diogo F; Gibb, Rory; López-Baucells, Adrià; Nunes, Nuno J; Jones, Kate E; Rocha, Ricardo; (2022) Species-specific responses to land-use change in island insectivorous bats. Journal for Nature Conservation , 67 , Article 126177. 10.1016/j.jnc.2022.126177. Green open access

Fletcher, IK; Hernández-Villena, J; Moreno, JE; Drakeley, C; Jones, Katherine; Eugenia Grillet, M; Lowe, R; (2022) Synergies between environmental degradation and climate variation on malaria re-emergence in southern Venezuela: a spatiotemporal modelling study. Lancet Planetary Health , 6 (9) e739-e748. 10.1016/S2542-5196(22)00192-9. Green open access

Flouri, Tomáš; Huang, Jun; Jiao, Xiyun; Kapli, Paschalia; Rannala, Bruce; Yang, Ziheng; (2022) Bayesian phylogenetic inference using relaxed-clocks and the multispecies coalescent. Molecular Biology and Evolution 10.1093/molbev/msac161. (In press). Green open access

Flouri, Tomas; Huang, Jun; Jiao, Xiyun; Kapli, Paschalia; Rannala, Bruce; Yang, Ziheng; (2022) Correction to: Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference using Relaxed-clocks and the Multispecies Coalescent. [Corrigendum]. Molecular Biology and Evolution , 39 (12) , Article msac246. 10.1093/molbev/msac246. Green open access

Folly, Arran J; Sewgobind, Sanam; Hernández‐Triana, Luis M; Mansfield, Karen L; Lean, Fabian ZX; Lawson, Becki; Seilern‐Moy, Katharina; ... Johnson, Nicholas; + view all (2022) Evidence for overwintering and autochthonous transmission of Usutu virus to wild birds following its redetection in the United Kingdom. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 10.1111/tbed.14738. (In press). Green open access

Ford, CE; Brookes, LM; Skelly, E; Sergeant, C; Jordine, T; Balloux, F; Nichols, RA; (2022) Non-Lethal Detection of Frog Virus 3-Like (RUK13) and Common Midwife Toad Virus-Like (PDE18) Ranaviruses in Two UK-Native Amphibian Species. Viruses , 14 (12) , Article 2635. 10.3390/v14122635. Green open access

Franklinos, lydia; Jones, Katherine; (2022) Joint spatiotemporal modelling reveals seasonally dynamic patterns of Japanese encephalitis vector abundance across India. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases , 16 (2) , Article e0010218. 10.1371/journal.pntd.0010218. Green open access

Fraser, Helen C; Kuan, Valerie; Johnen, Ronja; Zwierzyna, Magdalena; Hingorani, Aroon D; Beyer, Andreas; Partridge, Linda; (2022) Biological mechanisms of aging predict age-related disease co-occurrence in patients. Aging Cell 10.1111/acel.13524. (In press). Green open access


Garrett, Liam Rodney; Niccoli, Teresa; (2022) Frontotemporal Dementia and Glucose Metabolism. Frontiers in Neuroscience , 04 , Article 837269. 10.3389/fnins.2022.812222. Green open access

Gems, D; (2022) The hyperfunction theory: An emerging paradigm for the biology of aging. Ageing Research Reviews , 74 , Article 101557. 10.1016/j.arr.2021.101557. Green open access

Gems, David; Kern, Carina; (2022) Biological Constraint as a Cause of Aging. Preprints Green open access

Gems, David; Kern, Carina C; (2022) Is "cellular senescence" a misnomer? GeroScience 10.1007/s11357-022-00652-x. (In press). Green open access

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