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Addison, N; (2007) Identity politics and the queering of art education: inclusion and the confessional route to salvation. International Journal of Art and Design Education , 26 (1) pp. 10-20. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2007) Childhood, youth and the economy. Soundings (35) pp. 115-126. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2007) Competent children? Minors' consent to health care treatment and research. Soc Sci Med , 65 (11) pp. 2272-2283. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2007.08.005. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2007) The ethics of space in clinical practice. Clinical Ethics , 2 (2) pp. 85-91. 10.1258/147775007781029591. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2007) When does citizenship begin? Economics and early childhood. In: Invernizzi, A and Williams, J, (eds.) Children and Citizenship. (pp. 108-119). Sage: London, United Kindom. Green open access

Alderson, P; Alderson, P; (2007) The flat child society. Soundings Compass blog Green open access

Allen, J; Potter, J; Sharp, J; Turvey, K; (2007) Primary ICT: knowledge, understanding and practice. 3rd ed. Learning Matters: Exeter.

Allen, R; Vignoles, A; (2007) What should an index of school segregation measure? Oxford Review of Education , 33 (5) pp. 643-668. 10.1080/03054980701366306. Green open access

Ang Ling-Yin, Lynn; (2007) Cultural diversity and the Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage in England. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal , 15 (2) pp. 147-293. 10.1080/13502930701321428. Green open access

Argyri, E; (2007) Crosslinguistic influence in English-Greek bilingual acquisition. In: 17th International Symposium: Selected Papers of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. (pp. pp. 325-337). Aristotle University of Thessaloniki: Thessaloniki, Greece. Green open access

Armstrong, F; (2007) Disability, Education and Social Change in England since 1960. History of Education , 36 (4-5) pp. 551-568. 10.1080/00467600701496849. Green open access

Armstrong, F; (2007) Inclusive Education. In: Richards, G and Armstrong, F, (eds.) Key Issues for Teaching Assistants: Working in diverse and inclusive classrooms. (pp. 7-18). Routledge: Abingdon, UK. Green open access


Baines, E; Blatchford, P; Kutnick, P; (2007) Pupil Grouping for Learning: developing a social pedagogy of the classroom. In: Gillies, RM and Ashman, A and Terwel, J and Gillies, RM, (eds.) The Teacher's Role in Implementing Cooperative Learning in the Classroom. (pp. 57-72). Springer US: New York.

Beard, R; (2007) The National Literacy Strategy in England: origins, evaluations and implications. In: Matsagouras,, E, (ed.) School Literacy. (pp. 299-332). Grigoris Publications: Athens.

Beard, R; (2007) Teaching writing: using research to inform practice. In: Rijlaarsdam,, G and Van den Bergh,, H and Couzijn,, M, (eds.) Effective Learning and Teaching of Writing: A Handbook of Writing in Education. (pp. 275-289). Kluwer Academic Publishers

Beard, R; Burrell,, A; Swinnerton,, B; Pell,, G; (2007) Investigating development in writing in 9-11 year olds. In: Conrick,, M and Howard,, M, (eds.) From Applied Linguistics to Linguistics Applied: Issues, practices, trends. (pp. 56-75). British Association for Applied Linguistics: Birmingham, UK.

Blatchford, P; Russell, A; Bassett, P; Brown, P; Martin, C; (2007) The effect of class size on the teaching of pupils aged 7-11 years. School Effectiveness and School Improvement , 18 (2) pp. 147-172. 10.1080/09243450601058675. Green open access

Blatchford, P; Russell, A; Bassett, P; Brown, P; Martin, C; (2007) The role and effects of teaching assistants in English primary schools (years 4 to 6) 2000-2003. Results from the Class Size and Pupil-Adult Ratios (CSPAR) KS2 Project. British Educational Research Journal , 33 (1) pp. 5-26. 10.1080/01411920601104292. Green open access

Brant, J; (2007) Secondary School Education in England: The Business and Economics Curriculum Examined. The Korean Journal of Economics Education , 14 (1) pp. 117-141.

Brock, J; Jarrold, C; Farran, EK; Laws, G; Riby, DM; (2007) Do children with Williams syndrome really have good vocabulary knowledge? Methods for comparing cognitive and linguistic abilities in developmental disorders. Clin Linguist Phon , 21 (9) pp. 673-688. 10.1080/02699200701541433. Green open access

Brooks, Clare; (2007) Towards understanding the influence of subject knowledge in the practice of 'expert' geography teachers. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Bubb, S; Earley, P; (2007) The school workforce in London. In: Brighouse, T and Fullick, L, (eds.) Education in a Global City: Essays on London. (pp. 147-168). Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Burgess, L; Addison, N; (2007) Conditions for learning: Partnerships for engaging secondary pupils with contemporary art. International Journal of Art and Design Education , 26 (2) pp. 185-198. 10.1111/j.1476-8070.2007.00528.x. Green open access

Burrell, A; Riley, J; (2007) Assessing Children's Oral Storytelling in their first year of School. International Journal of Early Years Education , 15 (2) pp. 181-196. 10.1080/09669760701289136. Green open access


Cameron, C; (2007) Education and self-reliance among care leavers. Adoption & Fostering , 31 (1) pp. 39-49.

Cameron, C; (2007) Understandings of care work with young children: reflections on children?s independence in a video observation study. Childhood , 14 (4) pp. 467-486. Green open access

Cameron, C; McQuail, S; Petrie, P; (2007) Implementing the social pedagogic approach for workforce training and education in England: a preliminary study. Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access

Carpentier, V; (2007) Educational Policymaking: Economic and Historical Perspectives. In: Crook, D and McCulloch, G, (eds.) History, Politics and Policy Making in Education: A Festschrift Presented to Richard Aldrich. (pp. 30-48). Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Carpentieri, J; Howard, U; Mallows, D; Teo, P; Vorhaus, J; (2007) Five years on: research, development and changing practice. National Research and Development Centre for adult literacy and numeracy, Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access

Casey, H; Derrick, J; Duncan, S; Mallows, D; (2007) Getting the practical teaching element right: A guide for literacy, numeracy and ESOL teacher educators. National Research and Development Centre for adult literacy and numeracy, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Chandler, S; Charman, T; Baird, G; Simonoff, E; Loucas, T; Meldrum, D; Scott, M; (2007) Validation of the social communication questionnaire in a population cohort of children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry , 46 (10) pp. 1324-1332. 10.1097/chi.0b013e31812f7d8d. Green open access

Cigman, R; author, D; (2007) A Question of Universality: Inclusive Education and the Principle of Respect. Journal of Philosophy of Education , 41 (4) pp. 775-793. Green open access

Clark, E; Paran, A; (2007) The employability of non-native-speaker teachers of EFL: A UK survey. System , 35 (4) pp. 407-430. 10.1016/j.system.2007.05.002. Green open access

Clark-Wilson, A; Oldknow, A; (2007) Innovative multimedia approaches to mathematics education. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching – ICTMT 07. : Hradec Králové, Czech Republic. Green open access

Clymer, JB; Wiliam, D; Clymer, JB; (2007) Improving the way we grade science. Educational Leadership , 64 (4) pp. 36-42.

Coleman, M; (2007) Gender and educational leadership in England: a comparison of secondary headteachers' views over time. School Leadership and Management , 27 (4) pp. 383-399. 10.1080/13632430701562991. Green open access


Derry, J; (2007) Epistemology and conceptual resources for the development of learning technologies. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED LEARNING , 23 (6) pp. 503-510. 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2007.00246.x. Green open access

Diamantopoulou, S; (2007) Tate Britain: Ideas Factory Action Research Project. London Digest , 1 p. 3. Green open access

Diamantopoulou, S; (2007) Tate Britain's Ideas Factory Action Research Project Report: A Multimodal Approach to its Impact on Children's Literacy. Tate Britain: London, UK.

Dockrell, Julie E; Messer, David; (2007) Language profiles and naming in children with word finding difficulties. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica , 59 (6) pp. 318-323. 10.1159/000108338. Green open access

Dockrell, JE; Braisby, N; Best, RM; (2007) Children's acquisition of science terms: Simple exposure is insufficient. LEARNING AND INSTRUCTION , 17 (6) pp. 577-594. 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2007.09.005. Green open access

Dockrell, JE; Law, J; (2007) Measuring and understanding patterns of change in intervention studies with children: Implications for evidence-based practice. Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention , 1 (2) pp. 86-97. 10.1080/17489530701437204. Green open access

Donlan, C; Cowan, R; Newton, EJ; Lloyd, D; (2007) The role of language in mathematical development: Evidence from children with specific language impairments. Cognition , 103 (1) pp. 23-33. 10.1016/j.cognition.2006.02.007. Green open access

Durden, GP; (2007) Improving the quality of argument in GCSE Business Studies. Teaching Business and Economics , 11 (1) pp. 20-23. Green open access


Earley, P; Weindling, D; (2007) Do school leaders have a shelf life? Career stages and headteacher performance. Educational Management Administration and Leadership , 35 (1) pp. 73-88. 10.1177/1741143207071386. Green open access

Ebbels, SH; van der Lely, HKJ; Dockrell, JE; (2007) Intervention for verb argument structure in children with persistent SLI: A Randomized control trial. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research , 50 (5) pp. 1330-1349. 10.1044/1092-4388(2007/093). Green open access

Elliott, J; Dodgeon, B; Elliott, J; (2007) A descriptive analysis of the drinking behaviour of the 1958 cohort at age 33 and the 1970 cohort at age 34. Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Elliott, J; Morrow, V; author, D; (2007) Imagining the Future: Preliminary analysis of NCDS essays written by children at age 11. Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Evans, K; (2007) Concepts of bounded agency in education, work, and the personal lives of young adults. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY , 42 (2) pp. 85-93. 10.1080/00207590600991237. Green open access


Fargher, Mary; (2007) Linking lessons learnt from the Spatially Speaking project with research findings on pedagogies with GIS. In: Proceedings of the 27th Annual Esri International User Conference. ESRI: Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

Fargher, Mary; (2007) Spatially Speaking A project by the Geographical Association in Partnership with BECTA, ESRI UK and Digital Worlds. The Geographical Association: Sheffield UK. Green open access

Farran, EK; Brown, JH; Cole, VL; Houston-Price, C; Karmiloff-Smith, A; (2007) The development of perceptual grouping in infants with Williams syndrome. International Journal of Developmental Science , 1 (3) pp. 253-271. 10.3233/DEV-2007-1309. Green open access

Farran, EK; Wilmut, K; (2007) Texture segmentation in Williams syndrome. Neuropsychologia , 45 (5) pp. 1009-1018. 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2006.09.005. Green open access

Finlay, I; Spours, K; Steer, R; Coffield, F; Gregson, M; Hodgson, A; (2007) ‘the heart of what we do’: Policies on teaching, learning and assessment in the learning and skills sector. Journal of Vocational Education and Training , 59 (2) pp. 137-153. 10.1080/13636820701342442. Green open access

Furneaux, Clare; Paran, Amos; Fairfax, Beverly; (2007) Teacher stance as reflected in feedback on student writing: An empirical study of secondary school teachers in five countries. IRAL - International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching , 45 pp. 69-94. 10.1515/IRAL.2007.00. Green open access


Gatt, S; Tunnicliffe, SD; Borg, K; Lautier, K; (2007) Young Maltese children's ideas about plants. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL EDUCATION , 41 (3) pp. 117-121. 10.1080/00219266.2007.9656080. Green open access

Gillett, Andy; Wray, Liz; Purposes, British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic; (2007) Assessing the Effectiveness of EAP Programmes. [Book]. BALEAP: British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes

Gordon, G; Whitchurch, C; (2007) Managing Human Resources in Higher Education: The Implications of a Diversifying Workforce. Higher Education Management and Policy , 19 (2) pp. 131-153. Green open access

Gough, D; (2007) Weight of evidence: a framework for the appraisal of the quality and relevance of evidence. Research Papers in Education , 22 (2) pp. 213-228. Green open access

Gough, D; (2007) Giving voice: evidence-informed policy and practice as a democratizing process. In: Reiss, M and DePalma, R and Atkinson, E, (eds.) Marginality and Difference in Education and Beyond. (pp. 31-43). Trentham Books: Stoke on Trent.

Gough, D; author, D; (2007) The Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating (EPPI). In: Burns, T and Schuller, T, (eds.) Evidence in Education: Linking Research and Policy. (pp. 63-69). Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI), OECD: Paris. Green open access

Grainger, P; Hodgson, A; Spours, K; (2007) A pan-London approach to 14-19 learning: a figment of the imagination or a potential reality? In: Brighouse, T and Fullick, L, (eds.) Education in a Global City: Essays from London. (pp. 253-281). Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Gray, J; (2007) A study of cultural content in the British ELT GLobal Coursebook : a cultural studies approach. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Green, A; (2007) Globalisation and the Changing Nature of the State in East Asia. Globalisation, Societies and Education , 5 (1) pp. 23-38. 10.1080/14767720601133041. Green open access

Guile, D; (2007) Moebius strip enterprises and expertise in the creative industries: New challenges for lifelong learning? International Journal of Lifelong Education , 26 (3) pp. 241-261. 10.1080/02601370701362168. Green open access

Guile, D; Okumoto, K; (2007) ‘we are trying to reproduce a crafts apprenticeship’: From government blueprint to workplace-generated apprenticeship in the knowledge economy. Journal of Vocational Education and Training , 59 (4) pp. 551-574. 10.1080/13636820701651016. Green open access


Hallam, S; Ireson, J; (2007) Secondary school pupils' satisfaction with their ability grouping placements. British Educational Research Journal , 33 (1) pp. 27-45. 10.1080/01411920601104342. Green open access

Hallam, S; Rogers, L; Shaw, J; Rhamie, J; (2007) The provision of educationally focused parenting programmes in England. European Journal of Special Needs Education , 22 (3) pp. 307-326. 10.1080/08856250701430901. Green open access

Han, C; (2007) History education and 'Asian' values for an 'Asian' democracy: the case of Singapore. Compare: A Journal of Comparative Education , 37 (3) pp. 383-398. 10.1080/03057920701330271. Green open access

Hanchane, S; Mostafa, T; (2007) School choice: income, peer effects, and the formation of Inequalities. (LEST working paper series ). HAL: Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société: Villeurbanne, France. Green open access

Hansen, K; Joshi, H; (2007) Millennium Cohort Study Second Survey: A User's Guide to Initial Findings. Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London: London, UK. Green open access

Harden, A; Kavanagh, J; Powell, C; Oliver, K; Oakley, A; (2007) A scoping review of the evidence relevant to life checks for young people aged 9 to 14 years. EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Heilbronn, R; (2007) Teacher education and training :the development of practical judgement through 'practiceship'. UNSPECIFIED thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Hill, VC; Yankah, E; Warwick, I; Maxwell, C; Aggleton, P; (2007) The emotional well-being and mental health of young Londers: A focused review of evidence. Thomas Coram, Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London Green open access

Hodgson, A; Edward, S; Gregson, M; (2007) Riding the waves of policy? The case of basic skills in adult and community learning in England. Journal of Vocational Education and Training , 59 (2) pp. 213-229. 10.1080/13636820701342913. Green open access

Hodgson, A; Spours, K; (2007) Specialised diplomas: Transforming the 14-19 landscape in England? Journal of Education Policy , 22 (6) pp. 657-673. 10.1080/02680930701625676. Green open access

Hodgson, A; Spours, K; (2007) Creating 'political space' for policy learning in 14-19 education and training in England. In: Raffe, D and Spours, K, (eds.) Policy-making and Policy Learning in 14-19 Education. (pp. 186-208). Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Hodgson, A; Steer, R; Spours, K; Edward, S; Coffield, F; Finlay, I; Gregson, M; (2007) Learners in the english learning and skills sector: The implications of half-right policy assumptions. Oxford Review of Education , 33 (3) pp. 315-330. 10.1080/03054980701324677. Green open access

Hogan, A; (2007) Flesh. Culture, Communication and Media, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Hoyles, C; Bakker, A; Kent, P; Noss, R; (2007) Attributing meanings to representations of data: the case of statistical process control. Mathematical Thinking and Learning , 9 (4) pp. 331-360. 10.1080/10986060701533326. Green open access

Hoyles, C; Healy, L; (2007) Curriculum change and geometrical reasoning. In: Boero, P, (ed.) Theorems in school: from history, epistemology and cognition to classroom practice. (pp. 81-115). Sense: Rotterdam.

Hoyles, C; Noss, R; (2007) The meanings of statistical variation in the context of work. In: Lesh, R and Hamilton, E and Kaput, J, (eds.) Foundations for the future in mathematics education. (pp. 7-35). Lawrence Erlbaum: Mahwah, NJ; London.

Hoyles, C; Noss, R; Kent, P; Bakker, A; Bhinder, C; (2007) Techno-mathematical literacies in the workplace: a critical skills gap. Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP): London. Green open access

Hughes, G; (2007) Diversity, identity and belonging in e-learning communities: Some theories and paradoxes. Teaching in Higher Education , 12 (5-6) pp. 709-720. 10.1080/13562510701596315. Green open access

Hughes, G; (2007) Using blended learning to increase learner support and improve retention. Teaching in Higher Education , 12 (3) pp. 349-363. 10.1080/13562510701278690. Green open access

Hunt, F; (2007) Schooling citizens: A study of policy in practice in South African schools. Doctoral thesis , University of Sussex.

Hurry, J; Sylva, K; (2007) Long-term outcomes of early reading intervention. Journal of Research in Reading , 30 (3) pp. 227-248. 10.1111/j.1467-9817.2007.00338.x. Green open access

Hurry, J; Doctor, E; (2007) Assessing literacy in children and adolescents. Child and Adolescent Mental Health , 12 (1) pp. 38-45. 10.1111/j.1475-3588.2006.00420.x. Green open access


Jara, Magdalena; Mellar, Harvey; (2007) Exploring the mechanisms for assuring quality of e-learning courses in UK higher education institutions. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning pp. 1-6. Green open access

Jones, L; Reiss, M; (2007) Cultural authority and the polarized nature of the evolution/creationism controversy. In: Jones, LS and Reiss, MJ, (eds.) Teaching about Scientific Origins: Taking Account of Creationism. (pp. 1-10). Peter Lang: New York.

Joshi, H; Makepeace, G; Dolton, P; (2007) More or less unequal? Evidence on the pay of men and women from the British birth cohort studies. Gender, Work and Organization , 14 (1) pp. 37-55. 10.1111/j.1468-0432.2007.00331.x. Green open access


Kent, P; Noss, R; Guile, D; Hoyles, C; Bakker, A; (2007) Characterizing the Use of Mathematical Knowledge in Boundary-Crossing Situations at Work. Mind, Culture, and Activity , 14 (1-2) pp. 64-82. 10.1080/10749030701307747. Green open access

Khamis, A; Sammons, P; (2007) Investigating educational change: The Aga Khan University Institute for educational development teacher education for school improvement model. International Journal of Educational Development , 27 (5) pp. 572-580. 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2006.12.006. Green open access

Kokotsaki, D; Hallam, S; (2007) Higher Education music students? perceptions of the benefits of participative music making. Music Education Research , 9 (1) pp. 93-109. 10.1080/14613800601127577. Green open access


Lapping, C; (2007) Interpreting 'resistance' sociologically: a reflection on the recontextualisation of psychoanalytic concepts into sociological analysis. Sociology , 41 (4) pp. 627-644. Green open access

Laurillard, D; (2007) Modelling benefits-oriented costs for technology enhanced learning. HIGHER EDUCATION , 54 (1) pp. 21-39. 10.1007/s10734-006-9044-2. Green open access

Leaton Gray, SH; Whitty, G; (2007) Comprehensive schooling and social inequality in London: past, present and possible future. In: Brighouse, T and Fullick, L, (eds.) Education in a global city: essays from London. (pp. 95-121). Institute of Education, University of London: London, UK. Green open access

Leaton Gray, SH; (2007) Teacher as Technician: semi-professionalism after the 1988 Education Reform Act and its effect on conceptions of pupil identity. Policy Futures in Education , 5 (2) p. 194. 10.2304/pfie.2007.5.2.194. Green open access

Levinson, Ralph; (2007) Towards a pedagogical framework for the teaching of controversial socio-scientific issues to secondary school students in the age range 14-19. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Lord, P; Jones, M; Harland, J; Bazalgette, C; Reid, M; Potter, J; Kinder, K; (2007) Special effects: the distinctiveness of learning outcomes in relation to moving image education projects: final report. Creative Partnerships, London.


Macmillan, L; Gregg, P; Blanden, J; (2007) Accounting for intergenerational Income Persistence: Non-cognitive Skills, Ability and Education. Economic Journal , 117 C46-C60. Green open access

Male, T; (2007) A Leadership Case Study in Early Childhood Settings: Transforming from a Nursery to a Children’s Centre. Green open access

Male, T; (2007) Exploring International Collaborations in Research, Preparation, and Practice. In: UCEA Convention 2007 - Fostering Compassion and Understanding Across Borders: An International Dialogue on the Future of Educational Leadership. University Council for Education Administration (UCEA): Alexandria, Virginia. Green open access

Male, T; (2007) Headship or System Leadership – Which Way to the Future? Green open access

Maxwell, C; (2007) 'Alternative' Narratives of Young People's Heterosexual Experiences in the UK. Sexualities , 10 (5) pp. 539-558. 10.1177/1363460707083168. Green open access

Mayall, B; (2007) Chickenshed Evaluation by EdComs: A Commentary. Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

McCowan, T; (2007) Expansion without equity: An analysis of current policy on access to higher education in Brazil. HIGHER EDUCATION , 53 (5) pp. 579-598. 10.1007/s10734-005-0097-4. Green open access

Meecham, P; (2007) Misfits: Technology in Art and Design. In: Addison, N and Burgess, L, (eds.) Learning to Teach Art & Design in the Secondary School. (pp. 245-259). Routledge: London.

Meetoo, V; Mirza, H; (2007) There is nothing honourable about honour killings: gender, violence and the limits of multiculturalism. Women's Studies International Forum , 30 (3) pp. 187-200. Green open access

Miers, AC; Rieffe, C; Terwogt, MM; Cowan, R; Linden, W; (2007) The relation between anger coping strategies, anger mood and somatic complaints in children and adolescents. JOURNAL OF ABNORMAL CHILD PSYCHOLOGY , 35 (4) pp. 653-664. 10.1007/s10802-007-9120-9. Green open access

Morgan, C; (2007) Who is not multilingual now? Educational Studies in Mathematics , 64 pp. 239-242. Green open access

Moss, G; Jewitt, C; Leva?i?, R; Armstrong, V; Cardini, A; Castle, F; (2007) Interactive Whiteboards, Pedagogy, and Pupil Performance: An Evaluation of the Schools Whiteboard Expansion Project (London Challenge). Department for Education and Skills/Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access

Mostafa, T; Hanchane, S; (2007) Educational Quality, Communities, and Public School Choice: a Theoretical Analysis. (LEST working paper series ). HAL: Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société: Villeurbanne, France. Green open access


Neumann, T; Carrington, A; (2007) A mass collaboration approach to e-learning. Association for Learning Technology online newsletter , 8 Green open access

Noss, R; Bakker, A; Hoyles, C; Kent, P; (2007) Situating graphs as workplace knowledge. Educational Studies in Mathematics , 90 pp. 367-384. Green open access


O'Mara, AJ; Marsh, HW; (2007) An application of multilevel modelling to meta-analysis and comparison with traditional approaches. Presented at: 6th International Amsterdam Multilevel Conference, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Green open access

O'Regan, J; (2007) Linguistic Landscapes, Western Deathscapes. Presented at: Hybrides, Differences, Visions: The Study of Culture II, Modena, Italy. Green open access

O'Regan, JP; MacDonald, MN; (2007) Consultation Report on the Development of UK National Occupational Standards in Intercultural Working: Phase I. CILT the National Centre for Languages Green open access

O'Regan, JP; (2007) Foreign death in China: symbolism, ritual and belief in the Old Protestant Cemetery in Macau. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch , 47 pp. 127-164. Green open access

O'Regan, JP; MacDonald, MN; (2007) Cultural Relativism and the Discourse of Intercultural Communication: Aporias of Praxis in the Intercultural Public Sphere. Language and Intercultural Communication , 7 (4) pp. 267-278. 10.2167/laic287.0. Green open access

Oketch, M; Rolleston, C; (2007) Policies on free primary and secondary education in East Africa: a review of the literature. (Research Monograph 10 ). CREATE: Consortium for Research on Educational Access, Transitions, and Equity: Brighton, UK. Green open access


Pachler, N; (2007) Choices in language education: principles and policies. Cambridge Journal of Education , 37 (1) pp. 1-15. 10.1080/03057640601178782. Green open access

Pachler, N; (2007) Mobile learning: towards a research agenda. In: Green open access

Pachler, N; (2007) Research Methods in Informal and Mobile Learning: Book of Abstracts. WLE Centre, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Papageorgi, loulia; (2007) Understanding Performance Anxiety in the Adolescent Musician. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Parker, M; Hurry, J; (2007) Teachers' use of questioning and modelling comprehension skills in primary classrooms. Educational Review , 59 (3) pp. 299-314. 10.1080/00131910701427298. Green open access

Pelletier, C; (2007) Learning through design : subjectivity and meaning in young people's computer game production work. UNSPECIFIED thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Pelletier, C; (2007) Producing gender through digital interactions: the social purposes which young people set out to achieve through computer game design. In: Weber, S and Dixon, S, (eds.) Growing Up Online: Young People and Digital Technologies. (pp. 129-148). Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke.

Pellicano, L; (2007) Links between theory of mind and executive function in young children with autism : Clues to developmental primacy. Developmental Psychology , 43 (4) pp. 974-990. 10.1037/0012-1649.43.4.974. Green open access

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