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Abdussamie, N; Ojeda, R; Drobyshevski, Y; Thomas, G; Amin, W; (2016) Experimental investigation of extreme wave impacts on a rigid TLP model in cyclonic conditions. Ships and Offshore Structures , 12 (2) pp. 153-170. 10.1080/17445302.2015.1121608. Green open access

Abdussamie, N; Ojeda, R; Thomas, G; Amin, W; (2016) Offshore Platforms in Waves - CFD Simulations for Devastating Conditions. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium. (pp. pp. 108-118). International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE): Gold Coast, Australia.

Abolfathi, A; Changizi, MA; Brennan, MJ; (2016) Effect of asymmetry in the restoring force of the "click" mechanism in insect flight. Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 744 (1) , Article 012121. 10.1088/1742-6596/744/1/012121. Green open access

Abolfathi, A; O'Boy, DJ; Walsh, SJ; Dowsett, A; Fisher, SA; (2016) A survey on the variability of dynamic stiffness data of identical vehicles. In: Von Estorff, O and Schulte-Fortkamp, B and Kropp, W, (eds.) Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future. (pp. pp. 5296-5301). INTER-NOISE: Hamburg, Germany. Green open access

Abolfathi, A; O’Boy, DJ; Walsh, SJ; Dowsett, AM; Fisher, SA; (2016) Quantifying the variability in stiffness and damping of an automotive vehicle's trim-structure mounts. Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 744 (1) , Article 012197. 10.1088/1742-6596/744/1/012197. Green open access

Agrawal, R; Sherwood, J; Chhablani, J; Ricchariya, A; Kim, S; Jones, PH; Balabani, S; (2016) Red blood cells in retinal vascular disorders. Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases , 56 (1) pp. 53-61. 10.1016/j.bcmd.2015.10.003. Green open access

Akanji, O; Yang, J; Hutchins, D; Thomas, P; Davis, LA; Harput, S; Freear, S; ... Saffari, N; + view all (2016) The Effect of Boundary Conditions on Resonant Ultrasonic Spherical Chains. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control , 63 (11) pp. 1957-1966. 10.1109/TUFFC.2016.2576563. Green open access

Al-Lashi, RS; Gunn, SR; Czerski, H; (2016) Automated Processing of Oceanic Bubble Images for measuring Bubble Size Distributions underneath Breaking Waves. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology , 33 (8) pp. 1701-1714. 10.1175/JTECH-D-15-0222.1. Green open access

AlaviMehr, J; Davis, MR; Lavroff, J; Holloway, DS; Thomas, GA; (2016) Response of a high-speed wave-piercing catamaran to an active ride control system. Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects Part A: InternationalJournal of Maritime Engineering , 158 (A4) , Article 382. 10.3940/rina.ijme.2016.a4.38.

Alimohammadi, M; Pichardo, C; Agu, O; Diaz, VA; (2016) Development of a Patient-Specific Multi-Scale Model to Understand Atherosclerosis and Calcification Locations: Comparison with In vivo Data in an Aortic Dissection. Frontiers in Physiology , 7 , Article 238. 10.3389/fphys.2016.00238. Green open access

Anderlini, E; Forehand, DIM; Stansell, P; Xiao, Q; Abusara, M; (2016) Control of a Point Absorber Using Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy , 7 (4) pp. 1681-1690. 10.1109/TSTE.2016.2568754. Green open access

Archilha, NL; Missagia, RM; Hollis, C; De Ceia, MAR; McDonald, SA; Lima Neto, IA; Eastwood, DS; (2016) Permeability and acoustic velocity controlling factors determined from x-ray tomography images of carbonate rocks. AAPG Bulletin , 100 (8) pp. 1289-1309. 10.1306/02251615044. Green open access

Ardestani, MM; Ferrigno, C; Moazen, M; Wimmer, MA; (2016) From normal to fast walking: Impact of cadence and stride length on lower extremity joint moments. Gait & Posture , 46 pp. 118-125. 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2016.02.005. Green open access

Ardestani, MM; Moazen, M; (2016) How human gait responds to muscle impairment in total knee arthroplasty patients: Muscular compensations and articular perturbations. Journal of Biomechanics , 49 (9) pp. 1620-1633. 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2016.03.047. Green open access

Ataka, A; Qi, P; Shiva, A; Shafti, A; Wurdemann, H; Liu, H; Althoefer, K; (2016) Real-time pose estimation and obstacle avoidance for multi-segment continuum manipulator in dynamic environments. In: Proceedings of 2016 IEEE/RSJ: International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). (pp. pp. 2827-2832). IEEE: Deajeon, South Korea. Green open access

Ataka, A; Qi, P; Shiva, A; Shafti, A; Wurdemann, HA; Althoefer, K; (2016) Towards Safer Obstacle Avoidance for Continuum-Style Manipulator in Dynamic Environments. In: Proceedings of the 6th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2016). (pp. pp. 600-605). IEEE: Singapore. Green open access

Ataka, A; Shiva, A; Shafti, A; Wurdemann, H; Althoefer, K; (2016) Reactive motion planning for mobile continuum arm in dynamic industrial environment. In: Tokhi, MO and Virk, GS, (eds.) Advances in Cooperative Robotics: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on CLAWAR 2016. (pp. pp. 178-185). World Scientific: London, UK. Green open access

Augoye, AK; (2016) Optical Studies of Combustion of Hydrous and Anhydrous Ethanol Fuels in a Spark-Ignition Engine. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Azmin, M; (2016) Engineering Ultrasound Contrast Agents for Increased Stability and Nonlinearity. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Bagdadi, AV; Safari, M; Dubey, P; Basnett, P; Sofokleous, P; Humphrey, E; Locke, I; ... Roy, I; + view all (2016) Poly(3-hydroxyoctanoate), a promising new material for cardiac tissue engineering. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine , 12 (1) e495-e512. 10.1002/term.2318. Green open access

Bakhshi, PK; Bain, J; Gul, MO; Stride, E; Edirisinghe, M; Staniland, SS; (2016) Manufacturing Man-Made Magnetosomes: High-Throughput In Situ Synthesis of Biomimetic Magnetite Loaded Nanovesicles. Macromolecular Bioscience , 16 (11) pp. 1555-1561. 10.1002/mabi.201600181. Green open access

Balash, C; Sterling, D; Binns, J; Thomas, G; Bose, N; (2016) Drag characterisation of prawn-trawl bodies. Ocean Engineering , 113 pp. 18-23. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2015.12.034. Green open access

Bao, CM; Wu, GX; Xu, GD; (2016) Simulation of water entry of a two-dimension finite wedge with flow detachment. Journal of Fluids and Structures , 65 pp. 44-59. 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2016.05.010. Green open access

Biffi, B; Bosi, GM; Lintas, V; Jones, R; Tzamtzis, S; Burriesci, G; Migliavacca, F; ... Biglino, G; + view all (2016) Numerical model of a valvuloplasty balloon: in vitro validation in a rapid-prototyped phantom. BioMedical Engineering OnLine , 15 , Article 37. 10.1186/s12938-016-0155-4. Green open access

Boselli, P; (2016) An inverse design methodology for long last-stage steam turbine blades. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bosi, F; Misseroni, D; Dal Corso, F; Neukirch, S; Bigoni, D; (2016) Asymptotic self-restabilization of a continuous elastic structure. Physical Review E , 94 (6) , Article 063005. 10.1103/PhysRevE.94.063005. Green open access

Bosi, GM; (2016) Patient-specific computational modelling for transcatheter valve implantation: Towards translation into clinical practice. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Bosi, GM; Biffi, B; Biglino, G; Lintas, V; Jones, R; Tzamtzis, S; Burriesci, G; ... Schievano, S; + view all (2016) Can finite element models of ballooning procedures yield mechanical response of the cardiovascular site to overexpansion? Journal of Biomechanics , 49 (13) pp. 2778-2784. 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2016.06.021. Green open access

Bucking, TM; Maneas, E; Nikitichev, D; (2016) A novel way of communicating science: Developing an online teaching resource to bring 3D prints to the classroom. In: Proceedings of the UCL Teaching and Learning Conference 2016. UCL (University College London): London, UK. Green open access

Burova, I; Wall, I; Shipley, RJ; (2016) Mathematical modelling of oxygen, glucose and lactic acid reaction kinetics for osteoblasts and mesenchymal stem cells. Presented at: Tissue and Cell Engineering Society (TCES) 2016 16th Annual Meeting, London, UK. Green open access

Burriesci, G; Peruzzo, P; Susin, FM; Tarantini, G; Colli, A; (2016) In vitro haemodynamic testing of Amplatzer plugs for paravalvular leak occlusion after Transcather Aortic Valve Implantation. International Journal of Cardiology , 203 pp. 1093-1099. 10.1016/j.ijcard.2015.11.106. Green open access


Cagney, N; Balabani, S; (2016) Fluid forces acting on a cylinder undergoing streamwise vortex-induced vibrations. Journal of Fluids and Structures , 62 pp. 147-155. 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2016.01.007. Green open access

Cagney, NT; Balabani, S; (2016) Lagrangian analysis of the vortex shedding and mixing in the wake of a streamwise oscillating cylinder. Physics of Fluids , 28 (4) , Article 045107. 10.1063/1.4945784. Green open access

Cai, B; Lee, PD; Karagadde, S; Marrow, TJ; Connolley, T; (2016) Time-resolved synchrotron tomographic quantification of deformation during indentation of an equiaxed semi-solid granular alloy. Acta Materialia , 105 pp. 338-346. 10.1016/j.actamat.2015.11.028. Green open access

Cai, B; Wang, J; Kao, A; Pericleous, K; Phillion, AB; Atwood, RC; Lee, PD; (2016) 4D synchrotron X-ray tomographic quantification of the transition from cellular to dendrite growth during directional solidification. Acta Materialia , 117 pp. 160-169. 10.1016/j.actamat.2016.07.002. Green open access

Calleya, J; Suarez De La Fuente, S; Pawling, R; Smith, T; (2016) Designing Future Ships for Significantly Lower Energy Consumption. In: Bertram, V, (ed.) Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on High-Performance Marine Vehicles: HIPER’16. (pp. pp. 510-522). Naval Research Global: Cortona. Green open access

Cao, X; Moeendarbary, E; Isermann, P; Davidson, PM; Wang, X; Chen, MB; Burkart, AK; ... Shenoy, VB; + view all (2016) A Chemomechanical Model for Nuclear Morphology and Stresses during Cell Transendothelial Migration. Biophysical Journal , 111 (7) pp. 1541-1552. 10.1016/j.bpj.2016.08.011. Green open access

Capelli, C; Corsini, C; Biscarini, D; Ruffini, F; Migliavacca, F; Kocher, A; Laufer, G; ... Rath, C; + view all (2016) Pledget-Armed Sutures Affect the Haemodynamic Performance of Biologic Aortic Valve Substitutes: A Preliminary Experimental and Computational Study. Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology , 8 (1) pp. 17-29. 10.1007/s13239-016-0284-8. Green open access

Chen, Z; Hanson, B; Sohal, M; Sammut, E; Jackson, T; Child, N; Claridge, S; ... Taggart, P; + view all (2016) Coupling of ventricular action potential duration and local strain patterns during reverse remodeling in responders and non-responders to cardiac resynchronization therapy. Heart Rhythm , 13 (9) pp. 1898-1904. 10.1016/j.hrthm.2016.06.014. Green open access

Cheong, VS; Coathup, MJ; Mumith, A; Fromme, P; Blunn, GW; (2016) Finite Element Analysis and Experimental Investigation of Grooved and Porous Collar in Inducing Extra-Cortical Bone Growth for Mechanical Fixation. Presented at: The 14th International Symposium: Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Tel Aviv, Israel. Green open access

Cheong, VS; Coathup, MJ; Mumith, A; Fromme, P; Blunn, GW; (2016) Development of an Adaptive Bone Remodelling Model Driven by Mechanical and Biological Stimuli for Implant Analysis. Presented at: British Orthopaedic Research Society (BORS), Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Chou, D; Vardakis, JC; Guo, L; Tully, BJ; Ventikos, Y; (2016) A fully dynamic multi-compartmental poroelastic system: Application to aqueductal stenosis. Journal of Biomechanics , 49 (11) pp. 2306-2312. 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2015.11.025. Green open access

Colin-York, H; Shrestha, D; Felce, JH; Waithe, D; Moeendarbary, E; Davis, SJ; Eggeling, C; (2016) Super-Resolved Traction Force Microscopy (STFM). Nano Letters , 16 (4) pp. 2633-2638. 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b00273. Green open access

Colli, A; Ducci, A; Burriesci, G; (2016) Possible Subclinical Leaflet Thrombosis in Bioprosthetic Aortic Valves. New England Journal of Medicine , 374 (16) pp. 1590-1592. 10.1056/NEJMc1600179. Green open access

Cottam, PJ; Duffour, P; Lindstrand, P; Fromme, P; (2016) Effect of canopy profile on solar thermal chimney performance. Solar Energy , 129 pp. 286-296. 10.1016/j.solener.2016.01.052. Green open access

Coy, R; Kennedy, G; Kayal, C; O'Rourke, C; Kingham, P; Phillips, J; Shipley, RJ; (2016) A mathematical model informed by in vitro experiments to advance engineered nerve repair construct design. In: (Proceedings) Tissue and Cell Engineering Society. (pp. p. 36). European Cells & Materials Ltd Green open access

Coy, RH; Kennedy, G; Kayal, C; O'Rourke, C; Kingham, PJ; Phillips, JB; Shipley, RJ; (2016) A joint theoretical-experimental approach to investigate the effects of low oxygen environments upon therapeutic cell viability and VEGF production. European Cells and Materials , 31 (S1) p. 174. Green open access


Di Laura, A; Hothi, H; Battisti, C; Cerquiglini, A; Henckel, J; Skinner, S; Hart, A; (2016) Wear of dual-mobility cups: a review article. International Orthopaedics , 41 (3) pp. 625-633. 10.1007/s00264-016-3326-9. Green open access

Dowlut, AIGH; (2016) Experimental characterisation of laminar and turbulent simulated biogas/syngas flames. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Dowsett, A; O'Boy, DJ; Walsh, SJ; Abolfathi, A; Fisher, SA; (2016) A study of vehicle and measurement NVH variability. In: (Proceedings) USD2016: 6th International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, 19-21 September 2016, Leuven, Belgium. KU Leuven: Heverlee, Belgium. (In press). Green open access

Dowsett, AM; O’Boy, DJ; Walsh, SJ; Abolfathi, A; Fisher, SA; (2016) Experimental Testing of Door Panel Boundary Conditions to Determine NVH Variability. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV23). The International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV): Athens, Greece. Green open access

Ducci, A; Pirisi, F; Tzamtzis, S; Burriesci, G; (2016) Transcatheter aortic valves produce unphysiological flows which may contribute to thromboembolic events: An in-vitro study. Journal of Biomechanics , 49 (16) pp. 4080-4089. 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2016.10.050. Green open access


Eames, I; Khaw, PT; Bouremel, Y; (2016) How to make the perfect pancake. Mathematics Today , 52 (1) pp. 26-29. Green open access

Elsayed, M; Kothandaraman, A; Edirisinghe, M; Huang, J; (2016) Porous Polymeric Films from Microbubbles Generated Using a T-Junction Microfluidic Device. Langmuir , 32 (50) pp. 13377-13385. 10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b02890. Green open access

Eltayeb, M; Stride, E; Edirisinghe, M; Harker, A; (2016) Electrosprayed nanoparticle delivery system for controlled release. Materials Science and Engineering: C , 66 pp. 138-146. 10.1016/j.msec.2016.04.001. Green open access

Ennis, BL; Jimenez-Melero, E; Mostert, R; Santillana, B; Lee, PD; (2016) The role of aluminium in chemical and phase segregation in a TRIP-assisted dual phase steel. Acta Materialia , 115 pp. 132-142. 10.1016/j.actamat.2016.05.046. Green open access

Eranka Illangakoon, U; Mahalingam, S; Wang, K; Cheong, YK; Canales, E; Ren, GG; Cloutman-Green, E; ... Ciric, L; + view all (2016) Gyrospun antimicrobial nanoparticle loaded fibrous polymeric filters. Materials Science and Engineering: C , 74 pp. 315-324. 10.1016/j.msec.2016.12.001. Green open access

European Skills Tecnology Sector for the Maritime Skills, X; (2016) Evolution of supply, employment and skills in the European maritime technology sector. SEA Europe: Brussels, Belgium.

Eveleigh, A; Ladommatos, N; Hallier, P; Jourdan, A-L; (2016) Quantification of the Fraction of Particulate Matter Derived from a Range of C-13-Labeled Fuels Blended into Heptane, Studied in a Diesel Engine and Tube Reactor. Energy & Fuels , 30 (9) pp. 7678-7690. 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.6b00322. Green open access


Fearnley, GW; Smith, GA; Abdul-Zani, I; Yuldasheva, N; Mughal, NA; Homer-Vanniasinkam, S; Kearney, MT; ... Ponnambalam, S; + view all (2016) VEGF-A isoforms program differential VEGFR2 signal transduction, trafficking and proteolysis. Biology Open , 5 (5) pp. 571-583. 10.1242/bio.017434. Green open access

Fielding, LCD; Jones, NG; Walsh, J; Van Boxel, S; Blackmur, MS; Lee, PD; Withers, PJ; ... Bhadeshia, HKDH; + view all (2016) Synchrotron analysis of toughness anomalies in nanostructured bainite. Acta Materialia , 105 pp. 52-58. 10.1016/j.actamat.2015.11.029. Green open access

Fritzsche, M; Erlenkämper, C; Moeendarbary, E; Charras, G; Kruse, K; (2016) Actin kinetics shapes cortical network structure and mechanics. Science Advances , 2 (4) , Article e1501337. 10.1126/sciadv.1501337. Green open access


Gelat, P; Saffari, N; Yang, J; Akanji, O; Thomas, PJ; Hutchins, DA; Harput, S; (2016) Coupling of a Granular Chain to an Acoustic Medium: Sensitivity Analyses of the Propagation of Ultrasonic Pulse Trains. In: Proceedings of the Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2016 IEEE International. IEEE Green open access

Gelat, P; Yang, J; Thomas, PJ; Hutchins, DA; Akanji, O; Davis, LAJ; Freear, S; ... Saffari, N; + view all (2016) The dynamic excitation of a granular chain for biomedical ultrasound applications: contact mechanics finite element analysis and validation. In: (Proceedings) 14th Anglo-French Physical Acoustics Conference (AFPAC). (pp. 012005). IOP Publishing Green open access

Geng, H; Todd, NM; Devlin-Mullin, A; Poologasundarampillai, G; Kim, TB; Madi, K; Cartmell, S; ... Lee, PD; + view all (2016) A correlative imaging based methodology for accurate quantitative assessment of bone formation in additive manufactured implants. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine , 27 (6) , Article 112. 10.1007/s10856-016-5721-6. Green open access

Ghanbari, H; Radenkovic, D; Marashi, SM; Parsno, S; Roohpour, N; Burriesci, G; Seifalian, AM; (2016) Novel heart valve prosthesis with self-endothelialization potential made of modified polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-nanocomposite material. Biointerphases , 11 (2) , Article 029801. 10.1116/1.4939036. Green open access

Gilmartin, DJ; Soon, A; Thrasivoulou, C; Phillips, ARJ; Jayasinghe, SN; Becker, DL; (2016) Sustained Release of Cx43 Antisense Oligodeoxynucleotides from Coated Collagen Scaffolds Promotes Wound Healing. Advanced Healthcare Materials , 5 (14) pp. 1786-1799. 10.1002/adhm.201600175. Green open access

Godinho, JRA; Gerke, KM; Stack, AG; Lee, PD; (2016) The dynamic nature of crystal growth in pores. Scientific Reports , 6 , Article 33086. 10.1038/srep33086. Green open access

Gomez, A; Rus, G; Saffari, N; (2016) Use of shear waves for diagnosis and ablation monitoring of prostate cancer: a feasibility study. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. IOP Publishing Ltd Green open access

Guo, L; Vardakis, IC; Chou, D; Tully, BJ; Lassila, T; Ravikumar, N; Taylor, ZA; ... Ventikos, Y; + view all (2016) Patient-specific multiporoelastic brain modelling. In: Smith, N, (ed.) (Proceedings) VPH2016: Virtual Physiological Human Conference, 26-28 September 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands. VHP Institute Green open access


Haase, M; Binns, J; Thomas, G; Bose, N; (2016) Wave-piercing catamaran transom stern ventilation process. Ship Technology Research , 63 (2) pp. 71-80. 10.1080/09377255.2015.1119922. Green open access

Haase, M; Zurcher, K; Davidson, G; Binns, JR; Thomas, G; Bose, N; (2016) Novel CFD-based full-scale resistance prediction for large medium-speed catamarans. Ocean Engineering , 111 pp. 198-208. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2015.10.018. Green open access

Hamzehloo, A; (2016) Computational Study of Under-Expanded Jets, Mixture Formation and Combustion in Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition Hydrogen Engines. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Han, K; Wang, Q; Zhao, J; Luo, KH; Li, H; Chen, Y; Lu, C; (2016) Combustion pattern, characteristics, and kinetics of biomass and chars from segmented heating carbonization. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering , 11 (5) pp. 812-822. 10.1002/apj.2016. Green open access

Hanson, B; (2016) A review of diet standardization and bolus rheology in the management of dysphagia. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head & Neck Surgery , 24 (3) pp. 183-190. 10.1097/MOO.0000000000000251. Green open access

Haqshenas, SR; Ford, IJ; Saffari, N; (2016) Modelling the effect of acoustic waves on nucleation. The Journal of Chemical Physics , 145 (2) , Article 024315. 10.1063/1.4955202. Green open access

Harput, S; Freear, S; Gelat, P; Saffari, N; Yang, J; Akanji, O; Thomas, PJ; (2016) Coupling of wideband impulses generated by granular chains into liquids for biomedical applications. In: Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). IEEE Green open access

Hashimdeen, SH; (2016) A prototype for 3D electrohydrodynamic printing. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hill, ER; Robertson, JL; Nikitichev, D; (2016) Development of functional models: 3D printed models for ultrasound-guided surgical training and an image to model conversion pipeline. In: Proceedings of the UCL Teaching and Learning Conference 2016. UCL (University College London): London, UK. Green open access

Hill, ER; Xia, W; Nikitichev, DI; Gurusamy, K; Beard, PC; Hawkes, DJ; Davidson, BR; (2016) Interventional multi-spectral photoacoustic imaging in laparoscopic surgery. In: Oraevsky, AA and Wang, LV, (eds.) Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2016. (pp. 97080B1-97080B7). Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers: Washington, WA, United States. Green open access

Hill, YR; Child, N; Hanson, B; Wallman, M; Coronel, R; Plank, G; Rinaldi, CA; ... Bishop, MJ; + view all (2016) Investigating a Novel Activation-Repolarisation Time Metric to Predict Localised Vulnerability to Reentry Using Computational Modelling. PLoS One , 11 (3) , Article e0149342. 10.1371/journal.pone.0149342. Green open access

Hofhuis, H; Moulton, D; Lessinnes, T; Routier-Kierzkowska, A-L; Bomphrey, RJ; Mosca, G; Reinhardt, H; ... Hay, A; + view all (2016) Morphomechanical Innovation Drives Explosive Seed Dispersal. CELL , 166 (1) pp. 222-233. 10.1016/j.cell.2016.05.002. Green open access

Hong, X; Edirisinghe, M; Mahalingam, S; (2016) Beads, beaded-fibres and fibres: Tailoring the morphology of poly(caprolactone) using pressurised gyration. Materials Science and Engineering: C , 69 pp. 1373-1382. 10.1016/j.msec.2016.07.071. Green open access

Husain, O; Lau, W; Edirisinghe, M; Parhizkar, M; (2016) Investigating the particle to fibre transition threshold during electrohydrodynamic atomization of a polymer solution. Materials Science & Engineering C , 65 pp. 240-250. 10.1016/j.msec.2016.03.076. Green open access


Illangakoon, UE; Mahalingam, S; Colombo, P; Edirisinghe, M; (2016) Tailoring the surface of polymeric nanofibres generated by pressurised gyration. Surface Innovations , 4 (3) pp. 167-178. 10.1680/jsuin.16.00007. Green open access


Jamshidi, R; Rossi, D; Gargiulo, L; Haqshenas, SR; Mazzei, L; Kuhn, S; Saffari, N; (2016) Experimental and numerical investigation of continuous sonocrystallization of adipic acid in a straight milli channel. Presented at: 10th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE10), Nice, France.

Jamshidi, R; Rossi, D; Saffari, N; Gavriilidis, A; Mazzei, L; (2016) Investigation of the Effect of Ultrasound Parameters on Continuous Sonocrystallization in a Millifluidic Device. Crystal Growth & Design , 16 (8) pp. 4607-4619. 10.1021/acs.cgd.6b00696. Green open access

Jiang, X; Zhang, Y; Edirisinghe, M; Parhizkar, M; (2016) Combining microfluidic devices with coarse capillaries to reduce the size of monodisperse microbubbles. RSC Advances , 6 (68) pp. 63568-63577. 10.1039/c6ra09802a. Green open access


Kaliviotis, E; Dusting, J; Sherwood., JM; Balabani, S; (2016) Quantifying local characteristics of velocity, aggregation and hematocrit of human erythrocytes in a microchannel flow. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation , 63 (2) pp. 123-148. 10.3233/CH-151980. Green open access

Kaliviotis, E; Sherwood, JM; Dusting, J; Balabani, S; (2016) Quantification of local blood flow characteristics in microfluidic applications. Series on Biomechanics , 30 (1) pp. 5-14. Green open access

Kalivotis, E; Sherwood, JM; Balabani, S; (2016) Local aggregation characteristics of microscale blood flows. Presented at: 5th Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2016), Milan, Italy. Green open access

Kao, A; Cai, B; Lee, PD; Pericleous, K; (2016) The effects of Thermoelectric Magnetohydrodynamics in directional solidification under a transverse magnetic field. Journal of Crystal Growth , 457 pp. 270-274. 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2016.07.003. Green open access

Kariuki, J; Dowlut, A; Balachandran, R; Mastorakos, E; (2016) Heat Release Imaging in Turbulent Premixed Ethylene-Air Flames Near Blow-off. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion , 96 (4) pp. 1039-1051. 10.1007/s10494-016-9720-y. Green open access

Kayal, C; Shipley, RJ; Phillips, J; (2016) Effect of collagen gel concentration gradients on neurite elongation. In: European Cells and Materials - Volume No 32 - Supplement 4. (pp. p. 83). European Cells & Materials Ltd Green open access

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