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ADAMS, R; (2009) "The Service I am Here for": William Herle in the Marshalsea Prison, 1571. Huntington Library Quarterly , 72 (2) 217 - 238. 10.1525/hlq.2009.72.2.217. Green open access

ADAMS, R; (2009) Signs of intelligence: William Herle's report of the Dutch situation, 1573. Lives and Letters , 1 (1) Green open access

Addae-Dapaah, K; Hiang, LK; Neo Yen Shi, S; (2009) Sustainability of Sustainable Real Property Development. Journal of Sustainable Real Estate , 1 (1) pp. 203-225. Green open access

Addae-Dapaah, K; Tan Yong Hwee, W; (2009) The unsung impact of currency risk on the performance of international real property investment. Review of Financial Economics , 18 (1) pp. 56-65. 10.1016/j.rfe.2008.04.002. Green open access

Addie, JD; (2009) Constructing neoliberal urban democracy in the American inner-city. Local Economy , 24 (6-7) 536 - 554. 10.1080/02690940903314944. Green open access

Agnew, ZK; (2009) Action execution, action perception and’mirror’neurones. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Akbaraly, TN; Favier, A; Berr, C; (2009) Total plasma carotenoids and mortality in the elderly: results of the Epidemiology of Vascular Ageing (EVA) study. BRIT J NUTR , 101 (1) 86 - 92. 10.1017/S0007114508998445. Green open access

al, ZZE; (2009) In-situ storage image sensor for a vertex detector at the ILC. Presented at: VERTEX 2009, Veluwe, the Netherlands. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2009) Green economics as if younger generations matter. In: Proceedings of the 4th Annual Green Economics Conference 2009. Green Economics Institute: University of Oxford, UK. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2009) Uncertainty in Medical Innovation: experienced pioneers in neonatal care. Sociology of Health and Illness: a journal of medical sociology , 31 (7) pp. 1111-1112. 10.1111/j.1467-9566.2009.01201_3.x. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2009) Why I wrote Children’s consent to surgery. Clinical Ethics , 4 (3) pp. 159-162. 10.1258/ce.2009.009024. Green open access

AMA Alexi Marmot Associates; (2009) AMA-ZED: School design from A-Z. AMA Alexi Marmot Associate: London, UK.

Amin, M; Ho, K-H; Pavlou, G; Howarth, M; (2009) A Closed-Loop Control Traffic Engineering System for the Dynamic Load Balancing of Inter-AS Traffic. Journal of Network and Systems Management , 17 (4) pp. 343-370. 10.1007/s10922-009-9142-4. Green open access

Anderson, RH; Spicer, DE; Yoo, SJ; Jacobs, JP; Aiello, VD; (2009) Innovation and the role of the cardiac morphologist. Cardiol Young , 19 (Suppl ) 11 - 25. 10.1017/S1047951109991570. Green open access

Anderson, W; Bann, J; Beavan, D; (2009) Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing (CMSW). In: Mahlberg, M and González-Díaz, V and Smith, C, (eds.) Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics Conference. University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language: Lancaster, UK. Green open access

Andoniadou, CL; Gaston-Massuet, C; Martinez-Barbera, JP; (2009) Hesx1 antagonises canonical Wnt signalling in anterior forebrain and pituitary gland. Mechanisms of Development , 126 (Supple) S229 - S230. 10.1016/j.mod.2009.06.588. Green open access

Andreopoulos, Y; (2009) Comments on "phase-shifting for nonseparable 2-D haar wavelets". IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , 18 (8) 1897 -1898. 10.1109/TIP.2009.2021085. Green open access

Andres, L; (2009) La ville mutable. Le cas de la Friche Belle de Mai. Faire Savoirs , 8 (2009) pp. 111-120. Green open access

Asante, CO; Wallace, VC; Dickenson, AH; (2009) Formalin-induced behavioural hypersensitivity and neuronal hyperexcitability are mediated by rapid protein synthesis at the spinal level. Molecular Pain , 5 (27) -. 10.1186/1744-8069-5-27. Green open access

Atienza Rodríguez, M; Gama, R; (2009) Entrevista con William Twining. Doxa. Cuadernos de Filosofía del Derecho , 32 pp. 713-727. 10.14198/DOXA2009.32.30. Green open access

Attfield, S; Fegan, S; Blandford, A; (2009) Idea generation and material consolidation: Tool use and intermediate artefacts in journalistic writing. Cognition, Technology and Work , 11 (3) pp. 227-239. 10.1007/s10111-008-0111-6. Green open access


Bai, Y; (2009) Correcting for Motion between Acquisitions in Diffusion MR Imaging. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bakker, A; Kent, P; Noss, R; Hoyles, C; (2009) Alternative representations of statistical measures in computer tools to promote communication between employees in automotive manufacturing. Technology Innovations in Statistics Education , 3 (2) pp. 1-31.

Balmer, NJ; Patel, A; Legal Services Research Centre, .; (2009) The Experience of Money and Debt Problems in Rural Areas. Legal Services Commission: London, UK. Green open access

Bartlett, PA; (2009) A Magnetostrictive Transducer Analysis for the Investigation of Potential System Enhancements”. Doctoral thesis , Cardiff University.

Beautement, A; Sasse, A; (2009) The economics of user effort in information security. Computer Fraud & Security , 2009 (10) 8 - 12. 10.1016/S1361-3723(09)70127-7. Green open access

Bennion, H; Rawcliffe, R; Burgess, A; Davidson, T; Sayer, C; Rose, N; (2009) Using novel palaeolimnological techniques to define lake conservation objectives (Phase 2). (ECRC Research Report 135 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Berkes, P; Turner, RE; Sahani, M; (2009) A Structured Model of Video Reproduces Primary Visual Cortical Organisation. PLOS COMPUT BIOL , 5 (9) , Article e1000495. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000495. Green open access

Bibby, T; (2009) How do children understand themselves as learners? Towards a learner-centred understanding of pedagogy. Pedagogy, Culture and Society , 17 (1) pp. 41-55. 10.1080/14681360902742852. Green open access

Bietak, M; Forstner-Müller, I; van Koppen, F; Radner, K; (2009) Der Hyksos-Palast bei Tell el-Dab'a. Zweite und dritte Grabungskampagne (Frühling 2008 und Frühling 2009). Ägypten und Levante: Internationale Zeitschrift für ägyptische Archäologie und deren Nachbargebiete , 19 91 - 120. 10.1553/AEundL19s91. Green open access

Bilio, M; Brown, S; Fairweather, M; Mahgerefteh, H; IChemE; (2009) CO2 pipelines material and safety considerations. In: Hazards XXI Process Safety and Environmental Protection in a Changing World. (pp. 423 - 429). Institution of Chemical Engineers: London, UK. Green open access

Binder, BJ; Vanden-Broeck, J-M; Dias, F; (2009) On satisfying the radiation condition in free surface flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 624 179 - 189. 10.1017/S0022112008005028. Green open access

Blandford, A; Adams, A; Furniss, D; (2009) Understanding the Situated Use of Healthcare Technologies. In: (Proceedings) CHI workshop 'Evaluating new interactions in healthcare'. Green open access

Blatchford, P; Bassett, P; Brown, P; Martin, C; Russell, A; Webster, R; (2009) Deployment and Impact of Support Staff in Schools: Characteristics, Working Conditions and Job Satisfaction of Support Staff in Schools (Strand 1, Waves 1-3 in 2004, 2006 and 2008). (Research Report DCSF-RR1 , pp. 137-p. ). Department for Children, Schools and Families: London, UK. Green open access

Boddy, J; Statham, J; (2009) European Perspectives on Social Work: Models of Education and Professional Roles. A Briefing Paper. Thomas Coram Research Unit, London. Green open access

Boehm, J; (2009) Terrestrial LiDAR in Urban Data Acquisition. In: Fritsch, D, (ed.) Photogrammetric Week ’09. (pp. 169 - 178). Wichmann Verlag: Heidelberg. Green open access

Bohr, A; Memarzadeh, K; Alp, B; Brown, R; Salih, V; (2009) Single unconfined compression of cellular dense collagen scaffolds for cartilage and bone tissue engineering. In: Abstracts of the Tissue and Cell Engineering Society (TCES) meeting 8-10 July 2009, Universities of Glasgow & Strathclyde. (pp. 47 - 47). Green open access

Bozkurt, S; (2009) Dynamic Modeling of Human Cardiovascular System and an Axial Heart Pump. Masters thesis , Yeditepe University.

Brady, M; Sivananthan, S; Warnke, P; Mudera, V; (2009) Differentiated MSCs seeded in a highly dense collagenous matrix produce novel biphasic Osteochondral constructs. In: Abstracts of the Tissue and Cell Engineering Society (TCES) meeting 8-10 July 2009, Universities of Glasgow & Strathclyde. (pp. 50 - 50). Green open access

Brannen, J; Mooney, A; Statham, J; (2009) Childhood experiences: a commitment to caring and care work with vulnerable children. Childhood , 16 (3) pp. 377-393. Green open access

Brant, J; Wales, J; (2009) New skills for a new century? Challenging the orthodoxy: the role of citizenship and enterprise education in promoting effective learning. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education , 8 (1) pp. 32-41. Green open access

Braun, AE; (2009) Becoming teachers :gender biographies and a borderland profession. UNSPECIFIED thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Burningham, H; French, JR; (2009) Seabed mobility in the greater Thames estuary. [Book]. (1st ed.). Crown Estate Green open access


CAKIRLAR, C; (2009) Queer Art of Sodomitical Sabotage, Queer Ethics of Surfaces: Embodying Militarism and Masculinity in Erinç Seymen’s Portrait of a Pasha (2009). [Review]. Nowiswere: A Contemporary Art Magazine , 5 38 - 43. Green open access

Cameron, C; Petrie, P; (2009) Social pedagogy and its prospects in England?s children? services. European Journal of Social Education , 16/17 pp. 49-61.

Cameron, C; Petrie, P; (2009) Importing Social Pedagogy? In: Kornbeck, J and Rosendal Jensen, N, (eds.) The Diversity of Social Pedagogy in Europe. (pp. 145-168). Europ�ischer Hochschulverlag: Bremen.

Carletti, T; Righi, S; (2009) SHAPING OPINIONS IN A SOCIAL NETWORK. Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation pp. 225-234. 10.1142/9789814287456_0020. Green open access

Carmona, M; (2009) Sustainable urban design: principles to practice. International Journal of Sustainable Development , 12 (1) pp. 48-77. 10.1504/IJSD.2009.027528. Green open access

Carpentier, V; (2009) Viewpoint: The Credit Crunch and Education: An historical perspective from the Kondratiev Cycle. London Review of Education , 7 (2) pp. 193-196. 10.1080/14748460903003659. Green open access

Carrington, PJ; (2009) Quantum nanostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy for mid-infrared applications. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Cassar, M; (2009) Sustainable Heritage: Challenges and Strategies for the Twenty-First Century, APT Bulletin. Journal of Preservation Technology , 40 (1) pp. 3-11. Green open access

Cassidy, DB; Mills, AP; (2009) Comment on "relativistic Positron Creation Using Ultraintense Short Pulse Lasers". Physical Review Letters , 103 (17) , Article e179501. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.179501. Green open access

Chainey, S; (2009) The management and retention of police recorded information. Academic research report: Version 2. University College London: London, UK. Green open access

Charlesworth, G; (2009) An evaluation of two psychological interventions for family carers of people with dementia. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Charolidi, N; Cynthia, LA; Signore, M; Richard, GJ; Martinez-Barbera, JP; (2009) Developmental regulatory targets of the homeobox transcription factor HESX1. Mechanisms of Development , 126 (Supple) S117 - S117. 10.1016/j.mod.2009.06.220. Green open access

Chataway, J; Chaturvedi, K; Hanlin, R; Mugwagwa, J; Wield, D; Smith, J; (2009) Technological trends and opportunities to combat diseases of the poor in Africa. In: Kalua, F and Awotedu, A and Kamwanja, L and Saka, J, (eds.) Science, Technology and Innovation for Public Health in Africa. (pp. 53-93). New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) Green open access

Chataway, J; Wield, D; Hanlin, R; Mugwagwa, J; Smith, J; Chaturvedi, K; (2009) Building the Case for Systems of Health Innovation in Africa. In: Kalua, F and Awotedu, A and Kamwanja, L and Saka, J, (eds.) Science, Technology and Innovation for Public Health in Africa. (pp. 7-52). New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) Green open access

Chater, N; (2009) Rational models of conditioning. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 32 (2) 204 -205. 10.1017/S0140525X09000922. Green open access

Chatterjee, H; Vreeland, S; Noble, G; (2009) Museopathy: Exploring the Healing Potential of Handling Museum Objects. Museum and Society , 7 (3) pp. 164-177. Green open access

Chenal, J; (2009) Nouakchott la ville nouvelle. In: Chenal, J and Pedrazzini, Y and Cisse, G and Kaufmann, V, (eds.) Quelques rues d'Afrique. Observation et gestion de l'espace public à Abidjan, Dakar et Nouakchott. (pp. 34-48). Les éditions du Lasur: Lausanne, Switzerland. Green open access

Cheng, XQ; Ren, FX; Zhou, S; Hu, MB; (2009) Triangular clustering in document networks. NEW J PHYS , 11 , Article 033019. 10.1088/1367-2630/11/3/033019. Green open access

Chiaradia, A; Hillier, B; Barnes, Y; Schwander, C; (2009) Residential property value patterns in London: space syntax spatial analysis. In: Koch, D and Marcus, L and Steen, J, (eds.) (Proceedings) 7th International Space Syntax Symposium. (pp. 15-). : Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

Chiaradia, A; Hillier, B; Schwander, C; (2009) Spatial economics of crime: spatial design factors and the total social cost of crime against individuals and property in London. In: Koch, D and Marcus, L and Steen, J, (eds.) (Proceedings) 7th International Space Syntax Symposium. (pp. 17-). : Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

Chiaradia, A; Hillier, B; Schwander, C; Wedderburn, M; (2009) Spatial centrality, economic vitality/viability: compositional and spatial effects in Greater London. In: Koch, D and Marcus, L and Steen, J, (eds.) (Proceedings) 7th International Space Syntax Symposium. (pp. 16-). : Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access

Christiansen, MH; Chater, N; (2009) The myth of language universals and the myth of universal grammar. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 32 (5) 452 -453. 10.1017/S0140525X09990641. Green open access

Christie, D; Pollard, A; (2009) Taking Stock of Educational Research and the Impact of The UK Teaching and Learning Research Programme. In: Clair, RS, (ed.) Education Science: Critical Perspectives. (pp. 25-40). Sense Publishers: Rotterdam.

Cidre, EMP; (2009) Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Project-based and research-led course structure and assessment in production of the built environment academia. Masters thesis , University College London.

Cipriani, V; (2009) Genetic association studies in the presence of different family types: a meta-analytic approach. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Clark, W; Neumann, T; (2009) ePortfolios: models and implementation. (Occasional Papers in Work-Based Learning 5 ). WLE Centre, Institute of Education, University of London: London, UK. Green open access

Clegg, RG; Landa, R; Haddadi, H; Rio, M; (2009) Measuring the likelihood of models for network evolution. In: IEEE INFOCOM 2009, IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops: 19-25 April 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (pp. 272 - 277). IEEE: Piscataway, US. Green open access

Clegg, RG; Landa, R; Harder, U; Rio, M; (2009) Evaluating and Optimising Models of Network Growth. Green open access

Clegg, RG; Landa, R; Rio, M; (2009) Criticisms of modelling packet traffic using long-range dependence. In: 2009 Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks: ICCCN 2009, proceedings, 3-6 August 2009, San Francisco, California. IEEE: Piscataway, US. Green open access

Cline, T; Crafter, S; de Abreu, G; O'Dell, L; (2009) Changing families, changing childhoods: changing schools? Pastoral Care in Education , 27 (1) pp. 29-39. Green open access

Cochrane, E; (2009) Evolutionary Explanation and the Record of Interest: Using Evolutionary Archaeology and Dual-Inheritance Theory to Explain the Archaeological Record. In: Shennan, SJ, (ed.) Pattern and Process in Cultural Evolution. (pp. 113-132). University of California Press: Berkeley, US. Green open access

Cociña, C; Quintana O, FJ; Valenzuela, N; (2009) Agenda pública arquitectura, ciudad, desarrollo. (1st ed.). Cientodiez: Chile. Green open access

Coleman, M; (2009) Women in Educational Leadership in England. In: Sobehart, HC, (ed.) Women Leading Education Across the Continents: Sharing the Spirit, Fanning the Flame. (pp. 13-20). Rowan and Littlefield: Lanham.

Collaboration, D; Abazov, VM; (2009) Measurement of photon+b+X and photon+c+X production cross sections in ppbar collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV. Physical Review Letters , 102 (19) , Article 192002. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.192002. Green open access

Collins, A; Hill, LE; Chandramohan, Y; Whitcomb, D; Droste, SK; Reul, JM; (2009) Exercise improves cognitive responses to psychological stress through enhancement of epigenetic mechanisms and gene expression in the dentate gyrus. PLoS One , 4 (1) , Article e4330. 10.1371/journal.pone.0004330. Green open access

Corcoran, S; (2009) After Krüger: observations on some additional or revised Justinian Code headings and subscripts. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte - romanistische Abteilung , 126 423 - 439. Green open access

Corcoran, S; (2009) New subscripts for old rescripts: the Vallicelliana fragments of Justinian Code Book VII. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte - romanistische Abteilung , 126 401 - 422. Green open access

Corcoran, S; (2009) Review of Codex Theodosianus: Le code Théodosien V (S. Crogiez-Pétrequin, P. Jaillette and J-M. Poinsotte, eds./trans.). Roman Legal Tradition , 5 pp. 67-74. Green open access

Cornford, T; Dean, B; Savage, I; Barber, N; Jani, YH; (2009) Electronic prescribing in hospitals - challenges and lessons learned. NHS Connecting for Health: Leeds. Green open access

Cottrill, PB; Davies, WL; Semo, M; Bowmaker, JK; Hunt, DM; Jeffery, G; (2009) Developmental dynamics of cone photoreceptors in the eel. BMC DEV BIOL , 9 , Article 71. 10.1186/1471-213X-9-71. Green open access

Coupaye, L; (2009) Décrire des objets hybrides. Techniques & Culture (52-53) pp. 50-67. 10.4000/tc.4730. Green open access

Coupaye, L; Douny, L; (2009) Dans la trajectoire des choses: comparaison des approches francophones et anglophones contemporaines en anthropologie des techniques. Techniques and Culture (52-53) pp. 12-39. 10.4000/tc.4956. Green open access

Courtois, NT; O'Neil, S; Quisquater, J-J; (2009) Practical Algebraic Attacks on the Hitag2 Stream Cipher in RFID Transponders. In: Strategies Telecom and Multimedia: Montreuil, France. Green open access

Crafter, S; O'Dell, L; Abreu, GD; Cline, T; (2009) Young people's representations of 'atypical' work in English society. Children and Society , 23 (3) pp. 176-188. Green open access

Crane, G; Seales, B; Terras, M; (2009) Cyberinfrastructure for Classical Philology. Digital Humanities Quarterly , 3 (1) Green open access

Creech, A; Hallam, S; (2009) Interaction in instrumental learning: the influence of interpersonal dynamics on parents. International Journal of Music Education , 27 (2) pp. 94-106. Green open access

Crook, S; Silver, RA; Gleeson, P; (2009) Describing and exchanging models of neurons and neuronal networks with NeuroML. In: Eighteenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS*2009. BIOMED CENTRAL LTD Green open access

Croxford, B; (2009) The effect of cold homes on health: Evidence from the LARES study. In: Housing and Health in Europe: The WHO LARES Project. (pp. 142-154). Green open access


Dahlan, A; Alpar, HO; Stickings, P; Sesardic, D; Murdan, S; (2009) Transcutaneous immunisation assisted by low-frequency ultrasound. Int J Pharm , 368 (1-2) 123 - 128. 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2008.10.014. Green open access

Dall'Asta, A; Ragni, L; Tubaldi, E; Freddi, F; (2009) Design methods for existing r.c. frames equipped with elasto-plastic or viscoelastic dissipative braces. In: Proceedings of the XIII National Conference ANIDIS 2009: L'Ingegneria sismica in Italia. ANIDIS: Bologna, Italy. Green open access

David, AL; Ashcroft, R; (2009) Placental gene therapy. Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine , 19 (10) pp. 296-298. 10.1016/j.ogrm.2009.06.002. Green open access

Davidson, P; (2009) The poetic imagination of Viacheslav Ivanov: A Russian Symbolist’s perception of Dante. [Book]. Cambridge Studies in Russian Literature. (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Davidson, Pamela; (2009) CM Bowra's "Overestimation" of Pasternak and the Genesis of Doctor Zhivago. In: Fleishman, Lazar, (ed.) The Life of Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago. (pp. 42-69). Dept. of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Stanford University: Stanford, CA, USA. Green open access

Davidson, P; (2009) Cultural Memory and Survival: The Russian Renaissance of Classical Antiquity in the Twentieth Century. [Pamphlet]. Studies in Russia and Eastern Europe: Vol.6. School of Slavonic and East European Studies, UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Davidson, P; (2009) Pasternak’s Letters to C.M. Bowra (1945-1956). Edited by Pamela Davidson. In: Fleishman, L, (ed.) The Life of Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago. (pp. 70-87). Berkeley Slavic Specialties: Stanford, California, United States. Green open access

Dávila, JD; (2009) Being a mayor: the view from four Colombian cities. Environment and Urbanization , 21 (1) pp. 37-57. 10.1177/0956247809103003. Green open access

Dawkes, G; (2009) Before Bagenal’s Castle: Evidence of the Medieval Cistercian Abbey at Newry, County Down. Ulster Journal of Archaeology , 68 pp. 124-140. Green open access

De Freitas, S; Neumann, T; (2009) Pedagogic strategies supporting the use of Synchronous Audiographic Conferencing: A review of the literature. British Journal of Educational Technology , 40 (6) pp. 980-998. 10.1111/j.1467-8535.2008.00887.x. Green open access

De Quincey, E; Kostkova, P; Farrell, D; (2009) Visualising web server logs for a Web 1.0 audience using Web 2.0 technologies: Eliciting attributes for recommendation and profiling systems. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Adaptation and Personalization for Web 2.0. (pp. pp. 69-78). CEUR: Trento, Italy. Green open access

de Quincey, E; Oliver, H; Kostkova, P; Jawaheer, G; Madle, G; Diallo, G; Alexopoulou, D; ... Stevens, R; + view all (2009) Mining for Patterns of Semantic Link Usage: Do Domain Users Actually Like Semantic Browsing? In: BaezaYates, R and Berendt, B and Bertino, E and Lim, EP and Pasi, G, (eds.) 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology. (pp. pp. 50-53). IEEE: Milan, Italy, Italy. Green open access

Desrat, S; van de Weghe, P; (2009) Intramolecular Imino Diels-Alder Reaction: Progress toward the Synthesis of Uncialamycin. Journal of Organic Chemistry , 74 (17) 6728 - 6734. 10.1021/jo901291t. Green open access

Diallo, G; Khelif, K; Corby, O; Kostkova, P; Madle, G; (2009) Semantic browsing of a domain specific resources: The Corese-NeLI framework. In: 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology. (pp. pp. 50-54). IEEE: Sydney, NSW, Australia. Green open access

Diaz-Cintas, J; (2009) Poyatos, Fernando (2008). Textual Translation and Live Translation: The Total Experience of Nonverbal Communication in Literature, Theater and Cinema. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Sendebar , 20 pp. 344-347. Green open access

Divall, E; Hayrapetyan, K; (2009) Grid-enabling the Astra Gemini Laser Data. In: Proceedings of ICALEPCS2009, Kobe, Japan. (pp. pp. 435-437). Green open access

Dobson, J; Bowtell, R; Garcia-Prieto, A; Pankhurst, Q; (2009) Safety Implications of High-Field MRI: Actuation of Endogenous Magnetic Iron Oxides in the Human Body. PLOS ONE , 4 (5) , Article e5431. 10.1371/journal.pone.0005431. Green open access

Doja, A; (2009) Etniciteti, ndërtimi kombëtar dhe nacionalizmi në territorin etnik shqiptar: qasje antropologjike e konfliktit të marrëdhënieve ndëretnike [Ethnicité, construction nationale et nationalisme dans l'aire albanaise: Approche anthropologique du conflit et des relations interethniques]. Polis , 9 pp. 148-169. Green open access

Domone, P; (2009) Proportioning of self-compacting concrete – the UCL method. Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, University College London: London, UK. Green open access

Dowell, J; Tscholl, M; Gladisch, T; Asgari-Targhi, M; (2009) Argumentation scheme and shared online diagramming in case-based collaborative learning. In: O'Malley, C and Suthers, DD and Reimann, P and Dimitracopoulou, A, (eds.) CSCL'09 Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Computer supported collaborative learning - Volume 1. (pp. 567 - 575). International Society of the Learning Sciences: Greece. Green open access

Duenweg, B; Schiller, UD; Ladd, AJC; (2009) Progress in the understanding of the fluctuating lattice Boltzmann equation. Computer Physics Communications , 180 (4) pp. 605-608. 10.1016/j.cpc.2009.01.014. Green open access


Earley, P; Weindling, D; Bubb, S; Glenn, M; (2009) Future leaders: the way forward? School Leadership and Management , 29 pp. 296-306. Green open access

Edwards, M; (2009) King’s Cross: renaissance for whom? In: Punter, J, (ed.) Urban Design, Urban Renaissance and British Cities. (pp. 189-205). Routledge: London. Green open access

Egglestone, SR; Axelrod, L; Nind, T; Turk, R; Wilkinson, A; Burridge, J; Fitzpatrick, G; ... Rodden, T; + view all (2009) A design framework for a home-based stroke rehabilitation system: Identifying the key components. In: (Proceedings) 3rd International ICST Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. European Alliance for Innovation Green open access

Ellenbogen, JR; Joshi, SM; Kitchen, N; (2009) Development of cavernous haemangioma following radical chemo-radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Journal of Laryngology and Otology , 123 (8) 925 - 927. 10.1017/S0022215108003605. Green open access

Elliott, H; Gunaratnam, Y; (2009) Talking about breastfeeding - emotion, context and 'good' mothering. The Practising Midwife , 12 (6) Green open access

Emes, MR; Smith, A; Bucknall, R; Tyler, N; Westcott, P; Broatch, S; (2009) Modelling the costs and benefits of hybrid buses from a whole-life perspective. In: Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference on Systems Engineering Research 2009 (CSER 2009). CSER Green open access

Evans, J; (2009) Foundational Myths, Repressed Maternal Metaphors and Desengano iconography in Vacas (1992). Hispanic Research Journal , 10 (2) pp. 122-140. Green open access


Farihi, J; (2009) IRTF observations of white dwarfs with possible near-infrared excess. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 398 (4) pp. 2091-2109. 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.15250.x. Green open access

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