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Abdullahi, SB; Wei, L; (2021) Living with diversity and change: Intergenerational differences in language and identity in the Somali community in Britain. International Journal of the Sociology of Language , 2021 (269) pp. 15-45. 10.1515/ijsl-2020-0007. Green open access

Al Hilali, TS; McKinley, J; (2021) Exploring the socio-contextual nature of workplace writing: Towards preparing learners for the complexities of English L2 writing in the workplace. English for Specific Purposes , 63 pp. 86-97. 10.1016/j.esp.2021.03.003. Green open access

Alexander, S; Littlejohn, A; Sharpe, R; Bennett, S; Varga-Atkins, T; (2021) COVID has changed students’ needs and expectations. How do universities respond? [Digital scholarly resource]. https://theconversation.com/covid-has-changed-stud... Green open access

Alotaibi, S; Pellicer Sanchez, A; Conklin, K; (2021) The Effect of Input Modes and Number of Exposures on the Learning of L2 Binomials. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 10.1075/itl.21001.alo. Green open access

An, J; Thomas, N; (2021) Students’ beliefs about the role of interaction for science learning and language learning in EMI science classes: Evidence from high schools in China. Linguistics and Education , 65 , Article 100972. 10.1016/j.linged.2021.100972. Green open access

Anabalon Schaaf, R; (2021) Más allá de los datos: El arte del retrato como herramienta para la observación, análisis y representación etnográfica. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.chroniquesduterrain.org/saisir/el-arte... Green open access

Antonova-Unlu, E; Wei, L; Kaya-Soykan, D; (2021) Interfaces in the returnees' heritage language: Is the complete (re-)activation possible? International Journal of Bilingualism 10.1177/13670069211043572. (In press). Green open access

Argyri, Effrosyni Froso; Lytra, Vally; (2021) Use of technology in homes, schools, and communities in times of rapid change. Languages Today , 38 pp. 25-26. Green open access

Ashraf, Maleeha; Hawkes, Denise; Rab, Maryam; Eduan, Wilson; (2021) Faculty Mentoring and Unmasking Gender Biases and Influences for Pakistan Returnee Doctoral Graduates From Abroad. In: Proceedings of the 12th Asian Conference on Education (ACE 2020). (pp. pp. 357-371). The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Green open access


Baker, D; (2021) Additional needs and disability in musical learning: Issues and pedagogical considerations. In: Hodges, D and Hallam, S and Creech, A, (eds.) Routledge international handbook of music psychology in education and the community. Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Balkovic, Mislav; Chavez Ocampo, Marcela; Dhirathiti, Nopraenue Sajjarax; Holmes, Wayne; Ikeda, Keiko; Negrescu, Victor; Patrick, Justin; (2021) Inclusive Learning and Teaching in a Digital World. In: Nagarajan, Leonie and Tozsa, Reka, (eds.) ARC8 Outlook Report 2030: Inclusive and Diverse Higher Education in Asia and Europe. (pp. 38-71). Asia Europe Foundation: Singapore. Green open access

Barclay, Samuel Christopher; (2021) Examining the learning burden and decay of second language vocabulary knowledge. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Barclay, S; Pellicer Sanchez, A; (2021) Exploring the learning burden and decay of foreign language vocabulary knowledge: The effect of part of speech and word length. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 10.1075/itl.20011.bar. (In press). Green open access

Barker, N; Jewitt, C; (2021) Filtering Touch: An Ethnography of Dirt, Danger, and Industrial Robots. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 10.1177/08912416211026724. (In press). Green open access

Begum Ali, J; Thomas, RL; Mullen Raymond, S; Bremner, AJ; (2021) Sensitivity to Visual-Tactile Colocation on the Body Prior to Skilled Reaching in Early Infancy. Child Development , 92 (1) pp. 21-34. 10.1111/cdev.13428. Green open access

Benton, L; Mavrikis, M; Vasalou, A; Joye, N; Sumner, E; Herbert, E; Revesz, A; ... Raftopoulou, C; + view all (2021) Designing for “challenge” in a large-scale adaptive literacy game for primary school children. British Journal of Educational Technology , 52 (5) pp. 1862-1880. 10.1111/bjet.13146. Green open access

Bezemer, J; Cowan, K; (2021) Exploring reading in social semiotics: theory and methods. Education 3-13 , 49 (1) pp. 107-118. 10.1080/03004279.2020.1824706. Green open access

Blake, C; Morrison, M; Embleton-Smith, F; Gosiewski, J; Zvesper, J; (2021) Pre-emptive intervention and its effect on student attainment and retention. Research for All , 5 (1) pp. 36-51. 10.14324/RFA.05.1.05. Green open access

Boonsuk, Y; Ambele, EA; McKinley, J; (2021) Developing awareness of Global Englishes: Moving away from 'native standards' for Thai university ELT. System , 99 , Article 102511. 10.1016/j.system.2021.102511. Green open access

Bowen, NEJA; Satienchayakorn, N; Teedaaksornsakul, M; Thomas, N; (2021) Legitimising teacher identity: Investment and agency from an ecological perspective. Teaching and Teacher Education , 108 , Article 103519. 10.1016/j.tate.2021.103519. Green open access

Bownas, Kim; (2021) “Conveying your intelligence on paper”: How do three Year 12 learners negotiate the demands of writing for assessment at A Level? Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Brooks, E; (2021) Translanguaging Health. Applied Linguistics 10.1093/applin/amab054. (In press). Green open access

Brown, Nicole; (2021) Making the most of your research journal. [Book]. Policy Press: Bristol, UK. Green open access

Brown, Nicole; McAllister, Aine; (2021) Collaborate, compete, repeat: career(ing) in Higher Education. Presented at: CFP 7th International Irish Narrative Inquiry Conference, Dublin, Ireland. Green open access

Bryer, T; Coles, J; (2021) Re-animation: multimodal discourse around text. Literacy 10.1111/lit.12275. (In press). Green open access

Burn, A; (2021) Playing Beowulf 1: Ludic Rhapsodies. In: Literature, Videogames and Learning. (pp. 114-138). Routledge: London, UK. (In press). Green open access


Charitonos, Koula; Littlejohn, Allison; Dawadi, Saraswati; McMullan, Rachel; MacQueen, Hilary; Goshtasbpour, Fereshte; Ullmann, Thomas; + view all (2021) Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance through Professional Learning: The Development and Evaluation of the Global AMR Curriculum. The Open University: Milton Keynes, UK. Green open access

Charitonos, K; Littlejohn, A; (2021) Professional Learning in healthcare settings in resource-limited environments: What are the tensions for professionals’ knowing and learning about antimicrobial resistance? Studies in Continuing Education 10.1080/0158037X.2021.1883577. (In press). Green open access

Chaudhry, MA; Kazim, E; (2021) Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIEd): a high-level academic and industry note 2021. AI Ethics 10.1007/s43681-021-00074-z. Green open access

Cheng, J; Wei, L; (2021) Individual agency and changing language education policy in China: reactions to the new ‘Guidelines on College English Teaching’. Current Issues in Language Planning , 22 (1-2) pp. 117-135. 10.1080/14664208.2019.1700055. Green open access

Chung, Y; Révész, A; (2021) Investigating the effect of textual enhancement in post-reading tasks on grammatical development by child language learners. Language Teaching Research 10.1177/13621688211005068. (In press). Green open access

Ciftci, Abdullah; (2021) The role of ICT in supporting the academic and social development of pupils with educational behavioural problems within primary schools in England. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Cilia, James; (2021) Academic development to support pedagogically-informed uses of learning technologies. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Clark-Wilson, A; Luckin, R; Blake, C; (2021) Building learning relationships through the use of technology. UCL Knowledge Lab, UCL Institute of Education, International Boys’ Schools Coalition: London, UK.

Clark-Wilson, Alison; Bashir, Amreen; Kaye, Tom; (2021) A theory of change for a technology-enhanced education system in Bangladesh. (Working Paper 30 ). EdTech Hub Green open access

Clark-Wilson, A; Moeini, A; Anand, K; Blake, C; Cukurova, M; De Ossorno Garcia, S; Issroff, K; ... Weatherby, K; + view all (2021) Supporting small and medium-sized enterprises in the educational technology sector to become more research-minded: Introduction to a small collection. Research for All , 5 (1) pp. 5-15. 10.14324/rfa.05.1.02. Green open access

Cowan, K; Potter, J; Olusoga, Y; Bannister, C; Bishop, JC; Cannon, M; Signorelli, V; (2021) Children’s Digital Play during the COVID-19 Pandemic: insights from the Play Observatory. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society , 17 (3) pp. 8-17. 10.20368/1971-8829/1135590. Green open access

Crisan, C; Bretscher, N; Clark-Wilson, A; Geraniou, E; Neate, A; Shore, C; (2021) Learning from the pandemic: Capitalising on opportunities and overcoming challenges for mathematics teaching and learning practices with and through technology. In: Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 41(2). BSRLM Green open access

Crisan, C; Bretscher, N; Geraniou, E; Clark-Wilson, A; (2021) Learning from the pandemic: Capitalising on opportunities and overcoming challenges for mathematics teaching and learning practices with and through technology. In: Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 41(1). BSRLM Green open access

Cuturi, LF; Cappagli, G; Yiannoutsou, N; Price, S; Gori, M; (2021) Informing the design of a multisensory learning environment for elementary mathematics learning. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 10.1007/s12193-021-00382-y. (In press). Green open access


Daly, C; Gandolfi, H; Pillinger, C; Glegg, P; Hardman, MA; Stiasny, B; Taylor, B; (2021) The Early Career Framework – A Guide for Mentors and Early Career Teachers. (Guidance Paper from the Centre for Teachers & Teaching Research ). Centre for Teachers and Teaching Research, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

De Paula, B; (2021) “Emergent countries play, too!”: The Zeebo console as a (partial) decolonial project. Revista Contracampo , 40 (2) 10.22409/contracampo.v40i2.5026. Green open access

De Paula, B; (2021) Exploring game grammars: a sociosemiotic account of young people’s game-making practices. Visual Communication 10.1177/14703572211027214. (In press). Green open access

De Paula, B; (2021) Korean Soap Operas, Telenovelas and Sci-fi Conspiracies: A Game-making Experience with Latin American Youth in London. Digital Culture and Education , 13 (2) pp. 111-128. Green open access

De Paula, B; (2021) Reflexivity, methodology and contexts in participatory digital media research: making games with Latin American youth in London. Learning, Media and Technology , 46 (4) 10.1080/17439884.2021.1901114. Green open access

De Paula, B; (2021) Decolonizing game literacy. In: Robinson, PA and Williams, KV and Stojanovic, M, (eds.) Global citizenship for adult education: Advancing critical literacies for equity and social justice. (pp. 325-333). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Del Percio, A; (2021) Migration. Langage et société , 2021 (HS) pp. 233-236. 10.3917/ls.hs01.0234. Green open access

Del Percio, A; (2021) Speeding up, slowing down. Language, temporality and the constitution of migrant workers as labour force. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 10.1080/13670050.2021.1954386. Green open access

Dewaele, JM; Lorette, P; Rolland, L; Mavrou, I; (2021) Differences in emotional reactions of Greek, Hungarian, and British users of English when watching television in English. International Journal of Applied Linguistics , 31 (3) pp. 345-361. 10.1111/ijal.12333. Green open access

Doecke, B; Parr, G; Yandell, J; (2021) Knowing in English. Changing English , 28 (1) pp. 1-4. 10.1080/1358684X.2021.1864931. Green open access

Dunkwu, J; Egbunike, O; Higham, R; (2021) Can Teaching Through Dialogue Increase the Engagement of International Students in Business Studies? Journal of Educational Thought / Revue de la Pensée Educative , 54 (2) 10.11575/jet.v54i2. Green open access


Evans, J; Yasukawa, K; Mallows, D; Kubascikova, J; (2021) Shifting the Gaze: From the Numerate Individual to Their Numerate Environment. Adult Literacy Education: The International Journal of Literacy, Language, and Numeracy , 3 (3) pp. 4-18. Green open access


Ferri, G; Magne, V; (2021) Exploring the language ideology of nativeness in narrative accounts of English second language users in Montreal. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies , 18 (3) pp. 229-246. 10.1080/15427587.2020.1805613. Green open access

Fleck, R; Vasalou, A; Stasinou, K; (2021) Tablet for two: How do children collaborate around single player tablet games? International Journal of Human Computer Studies , 145 , Article 102539. 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2020.102539. Green open access

Foster, C; Woodhead, S; Barton, C; Clark-Wilson, A; (2021) School students’ confidence when answering diagnostic questions online. Educational Studies in Mathematics 10.1007/s10649-021-10084-7. (In press). Green open access


Garces-Bacsal, RM; Tupas, R; (2021) Diverse Picturebooks for Diverse Children: The Others in Singapore Teachers’ Discourse and Pedagogy. Literacy Research and Instruction , 60 (4) pp. 372-390. 10.1080/19388071.2021.1878313. Green open access

Garces-Bacsal, RM; Tupas, R; Alhosani, NM; Elhoweris, H; (2021) Teachers’ perceptions of diversity and ‘others’ in United Arab Emirates (UAE) Schools. Pedagogy, Culture and Society 10.1080/14681366.2021.2011774. (In press). Green open access

García, O; Flores, N; Seltzer, K; Wei, L; Otheguy, R; Rosa, J; (2021) Rejecting abyssal thinking in the language and education of racialized bilinguals: A manifesto. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies 10.1080/15427587.2021.1935957. (In press). Green open access

Gibson, W; (2021) Aesthetics, verisimilitude and user-engagement: reporting findings through fictional accounts in qualitative inquiry. Qualitative Research (In press). Green open access

Gibson, W; vom Lehn, D; (2021) Introduction: The Senses in Social Interaction. Symbolic Interaction , 44 (1) pp. 3-9. 10.1002/symb.539. Green open access

Gilchrist, Kate R; (2021) Silencing the single woman: Negotiating the ‘failed’ feminine subject in contemporary UK society. Sexualities 10.1177/13634607211041100. (In press). Green open access

Gourlay, L; (2021) Presence, Absence, and Alterity: Fire Space and Goffman’s Selves in Postdigital Education. Postdigital Science and Education 10.1007/s42438-021-00265-1. (In press). Green open access

Gourlay, L; Campbell, K; Clark, L; Crisan, C; Katsapi, E; Riding, K; Warwick, I; (2021) Engagement discourses, relationality and the student voice: connectedness, questioning and inclusion in post-Covid digital practices. Journal of Interactive Media in Education , 1 , Article 15. 10.5334/jime.655. Green open access

Gourlay, L; Littlejohn, A; Oliver, M; Potter, J; (2021) Lockdown literacies and semiotic assemblages: academic boundary work in the Covid-19 crisis. Learning, Media and Technology , 46 (4) pp. 377-389. 10.1080/17439884.2021.1900242. Green open access

Gourlay, L; (2021) There is no 'virtual learning': The materiality of digital education. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research , 10 (1) pp. 57-66. 10.7821/naer.2021.1.649. Green open access

Gourlay, L; Rodríguez-Illera, JL; Barberà, E; Bali, M; Gachago, D; Pallitt, N; Jones, C; ... Knox, J; + view all (2021) Networked Learning in 2021: A Community Definition. Postdigital Science and Education 10.1007/s42438-021-00222-y. Green open access

Gray, J; (2021) Addressing LGBTQ erasure through literature in the ELT classroom. ELT journal , 75 (2) pp. 142-151. 10.1093/elt/ccaa079. Green open access

Gruenbaum, Tatia; (2021) Exploring Picturebooks as a Teaching Tool in Initial Primary English Teacher Education in the Netherlands. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Hammer, Kate; (2021) Shift in language dominance in bilinguals: An acculturation perspective. Sociolinguistic Studies , 15 (2-4) pp. 299-322. 10.1558/sols.33335. Green open access

Hamond, L; Himonides, E; Welch, GF; (2021) A natureza do feedback no ensino e na aprendizagem de piano com o uso de tecnologia digital no ensino superior [The nature of feedback in higher education studio-based piano learning and teaching with the use of digital technology]. Orfeu , 6 (1) pp. 2-31. Green open access

Hardman, MA; Daly, C; Gandolfi, H; Glegg, P; Pillinger, C; Stiasny, B; Taylor, B; (2021) The Early Career Framework – A Guide for School Leaders and Induction Leads. (Guidance Paper from the Centre for Teachers & Teaching Research ). Centre for Teachers and Teaching Research, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Harniess, PA; Gibbs, D; Bezemer, J; Purna Basu, A; (2021) Parental engagement in early intervention for infants with cerebral palsy - A realist synthesis. Child: Care, Health and Development 10.1111/cch.12916. (In press). Green open access

Hawley, S; (2021) Doing sociomaterial studies: the circuit of agency. Learning, Media and Technology 10.1080/17439884.2021.1986064. (In press). Green open access

Highet, K; Del Percio, A; (2021) When linguistic capital isn’t enough: Personality development and English speakerhood as capital in India. In: Petrovic, JE and Yazan, B, (eds.) The Commodification of Language: Conceptual Concerns and Empirical Manifestations. (pp. 127-143). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Highet, K; Del Percio, A; (2021) Hard Work, Growth Mindset, Fluent English: Navigating Neoliberal Logics. In: Sardoč, M, (ed.) The Impacts of Neoliberal Discourse and Language in Education. Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Highet, Katherine Elizabeth; (2021) Becoming English speakers: a critical sociolinguistic ethnography of English, inequality and social mobility in Delhi. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hilton, C; Saunders, J; (2021) Connecting music and mathematics: Exploring the professional development of primary school teachers in the English context. In: Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics. British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (BSRLM) Green open access

Himonides, E; Thompson, WF; (2021) Media and technology in music education. In: Thompson, WF and Olsen, KN, (eds.) The Science and Psychology of Music From Mozart at the Office to Beyoncé at the Gym. (pp. 325-330). Greenwood: Santa Barbara, CA.

Hogan, Ambrose Dominic; (2021) Psychodynamic Incidents in Teaching and Learning. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

holert, T; bajec, M; (2021) Pause.Fervour: Reflections on a Pandemic. [Book]. (1st ed.). Harun Farocki Institut/Journal of Visual Culture: Berlin, Germany. Green open access

Holmes, W; Bidarra, J; Køhler Simonsen, H; (2021) Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: A Roadmap and Future Perspectives. In: Køhler Simonsen, H, (ed.) Forsøg med Uddannelsesdigitalisering og Hybride Formater. (pp. 121-138). SmartLearning: Copenhagen, Denmark. Green open access

Holmes, Wayne; (2021) AI and Education: A Critical Studies Perspective. Utilizing AI in Developing Education Systems. UNESCO RCEP (Regional Center for Educational Planning): Sharjah, UAE.

Holmes, W; Porayska-Pomsta, K; Holstein, K; Sutherland, E; Baker, T; Shum, SB; Santos, OC; ... Koedinger, KR; + view all (2021) Ethics of AI in Education: Towards a Community-Wide Framework. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 10.1007/s40593-021-00239-1. (In press). Green open access

Hutchinson, V; Tereshchenko, A; Mallows, D; Cara, O; (2021) Executive Summary: Young people, education, employment and ESOL. UCL Institute of Education and The Bell Foundation: London, UK. Green open access

Huuki, T; Kyrölä, K; Pihkala, S; (2021) What else can a crush become: working with arts-methods to address sexual harassment in pre-teen romantic relationship cultures. Gender and Education pp. 1-16. 10.1080/09540253.2021.1989384. (In press). Green open access

Hwang, Eunju; Park, Young sook; Bae, Chan-Hyo; Shin, Meekyoung; Lee, Dongwon; Kwon, Kum-Young; Kim, Byungchan; ... Ham, Younghun; + view all (2021) 5518.8880 Exhibition. [Group exhibition]. Coventry, UK. 30 September - 30 October 2021. Green open access


Ibrahim, S; Vasalou, A; (2021) Voice and representation: engaging with the voices of children who have disabilities. Interactions , 28 (3) pp. 38-41. 10.1145/3457881. Green open access

Ida, Hiroyuki; (2021) Toward Integrating Information Literacy into Higher Education Curriculum. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Iedema, Rick; Bezemer, Jeff; (2021) Video-Ethnography and Video-Reflexive Ethnography: Investigating and Expanding Learning About Complex Realities. In: Grosjean, Sylvie and Matte, Frédérik, (eds.) Organizational Video-Ethnography Revisited: Making Visible Material, Embodied and Sensory Practices. (pp. 15-35). Palgrave Pivot (Springer): Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Ilari, B; Helfter, S; Huynh, T; Bowmer, A; Mason, K; Knight, J; Welch, G; (2021) Musical Activities, Prosocial Behaviors, and Executive Function Skills of Kindergarten Children. Music & Science , 4 10.1177/20592043211054829. Green open access


Jaworski, A; Wei, L; (2021) Introducing writing (in) the city. Social Semiotics , 31 (1) pp. 1-13. 10.1080/10350330.2020.1827934. Green open access

Jewitt, C; Chubinidze, D; Price, S; Yiannoutsou, N; Barker, N; (2021) Making sense of digitally remediated touch in virtual reality experiences. Discourse, Context and Media , 41 , Article 100483. 10.1016/j.dcm.2021.100483. Green open access

Jewitt, C; Price, S; Steimle, J; Huisman, G; Golmohammadi, L; Pourjafarian, N; Frier, W; ... Weda, J; + view all (2021) Manifesto for Digital Social Touch in Crisis. Frontiers in Computer Science , 3 , Article 754050. 10.3389/fcomp.2021.754050. Green open access

Jewitt, C; van der Vlugt, M; Hübner, F; (2021) Sensoria: An exploratory interdisciplinary framework for researching multimodal & sensory experiences. Methodological Innovations , 14 (3) pp. 1-17. 10.1177/20597991211051446. Green open access

Jewitt, C; Leder Mackley, K; Price, S; (2021) Digitally-mediated parent–baby touch and the formation of subjectivities. Visual Communication 10.1177/1470357220961412. (In press). Green open access

Jossan, KS; Gauthier, A; Jenkinson, J; (2021) Cultural implications in the acceptability of game-based learning. Computers & Education , 174 , Article 104305. 10.1016/j.compedu.2021.104305. Green open access


Kachlicka, Magdalena; (2021) Mapping Acoustic and Semantic Dimensions of Auditory Perception. Masters thesis (M.Phil), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Kawamura, R; Shirai, S; Takemura, N; Alizadeh, M; Cukurova, M; Takemura, H; Nagahara, H; (2021) Detecting Drowsy Learners at the Wheel of e-Learning Platforms with Multimodal Learning Analytics. IEEE Access 10.1109/access.2021.3104805. (In press). Green open access

Kefalaki, M; Rudolph, J; Tan, S; Diamantidaki, F; (2021) Face masks in education: The cases of Greece and Singapore. Thesis International Research Journal , 10 (1) pp. 3-42. (In press). Green open access

Kent, C; Chaudhry, MA; Cukurova, M; Bashir, I; Pickard, H; Jenkins, C; Boulay, BD; ... Luckin, R; + view all (2021) Machine Learning Models and Their Development Process as Learning Affordances for Humans. In: Roll, I and McNamara, DS and Sosnovsky, SA and Luckin, R and Dimitrova, V, (eds.) International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. (pp. pp. 228-240). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Kent, C; Chaudhry, MA; Cukurova, M; Bashir, I; Pickard, H; Jenkins, C; du Boulay, B; (2021) On how Unsupervised Machine Learning Can Shape Minds: a Brief Overview. Presented at: 11th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK’21). Green open access

Koch, M; Confrey, J; Clark-Wilson, A; Jameson, E; Suurtamm, C; (2021) Digital maps of the connections in school mathematics: Three projects to enhance teaching and learning. In: Clark-Wilson, A and Donevska-Todorova, A and Faggiano, E and Trgalová, J and Weigand, H-G, (eds.) Mathematics Education in the Digital Age: Learning, Practice and Theory. Routledge: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Koffeman, Andries Hessel; (2021) Sources for Learning. Understanding the Role of Context in Teacher Professional Learning. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Kress, G; Bezemer, J; Diamantopoulou, S; Jewitt, C; Mavers, D; (2021) A social semiotic perspective on learning: Transformative engagement in a changing world. In: Kress, G and Selander, S and Säljö, R and Wulf, C, (eds.) Learning as Social Practice: Beyond Education as an Individual Enterprise. (pp. 70-102). Routledge: Abingdon, UK. Green open access

Kyrölä, K; Huuki, T; (2021) Re-imagining a Queer Indigenous Past: Affective Archives and Minor Gestures in the Sámi Documentary Sparrooabbán. JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies , 60 (5) pp. 75-98. 10.1353/cj.2021.0020. Green open access


LaPlante, A; Yen, RW; Isaacs, T; Crocker, J; Demjen, Z; Schubbe, D; Kennedy, AM; ... Durand, M-A; + view all (2021) Enrollment, retention, and effective strategies for including disadvantaged populations in controlled trials: A systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews , 10 , Article 233. 10.1186/s13643-021-01790-7. Green open access

Lee, M; Révész, A; (2021) The role of working memory in attentional allocation and grammatical development under textually-enhanced, unenhanced and no captioning conditions. Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning , 3 (1) pp. 6-25. 10.52598/jpll/3/1/1. Green open access

Li, Qing; Diamantidaki, Fotini; (2021) Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining: Learning Mandarin During COVID-19. In: Xiang, Catherine Hua, (ed.) Trends and Developments for the Future of Language Education in Higher Education. (pp. 235-252). IGI Global Green open access

Li, W; (2021) The dynamics of contacts and multilingual practices in the Chinese community in Britain. Revisiting social network analysis. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication , 31 (2) pp. 279-297. 10.1075/japc.00068.li. Green open access

Littlejohn, A; (2021) Professional Learning Analytics. In: Wise, A and Gasevic, D and Merceron, A and Siemens, G and Lang, C, (eds.) Handbook of Learning Analytics. (pp. 141-151). Society for Learning Analytics and Research Green open access

Littlejohn, A; Kennedy, E; Logan, K; Neumann, T; Oliver, M; Potter, J; Rode, J; (2021) Moving teaching online: cultural barriers experienced by university teachers during Covid19. Journal of Interactive Media in Education , 1 (7) pp. 1-15. 10.5334/jime.631. Green open access

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