Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Aarts, S;
Teaching English grammar: The Englicious approach.
Languages, Society & Policy
Aarts, S;
Wallis, S;
Cushing, I;
Exploiting parsed corpora in grammar teaching.
Linguistic Issues in Language Technology
, 18
Aboelezz, M;
Qirāʾah Taḥlīliyyah fī al-Malaffāt al-Brīṭāniyyah ḥawl Thawrat 1919.
In: Ibrahim, NA, (ed.)
1919 baʿd māʾat ʿām.
(pp. 201-217).
Al-Marāyā lil-Intāj al-Thaqāfī: Cairo, Egypt.
Abse Gogarty, Larne;
Anne Imhof: Sex.
Art Monthly, London
, 426
pp. 36-37.
Abse Gogarty, L;
Dimitrakaki, A;
Vishmidt, M;
Anti-fascist Art Theory: A Roundtable Discussion.
Third Text
, 33
pp. 449-465.
Agocs, PA;
Speaking in the Wax Tablets of Memory.
In: Castagnoli, L and Ceccarelli, P, (eds.)
Greek Memories: Theories and Practices.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Agostinho, D;
D'Ignazio, C;
Ring, A;
Thylstrup, N;
Veel, K;
Uncertain Archives: Approaching the Unknowns, Errors and Vulnerabilities of Big Data through Cultural Theories of the Archive.
Surveillance and Society
, 17
pp. 422-441.
Aimar, S;
Disposition Ascriptions.
Philosophical Studies
, 176
pp. 1667-1692.
Aimar, S;
Running for power. The ‘spectrum concept’ of fascism.
TLS - The Times Literary Supplement
pp. 14-15.
Al Sharou, Khetam Y.;
Training Translators on Open-source MT Technology: An Empirical Assessment of Learning using a Task-based Syllabus.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Alderson, Naomi Clare;
How should our conception of agency accommodate the influence of implicit cognition on action?
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).
Allan, K;
Enough: A Lexical-Semantic Approach.
In: Ingleby, M and Randalls, S, (eds.)
Just Enough The History, Culture and Politics of Sufficiency.
(pp. 13-25).
Palgrave Macmillan: London, UK.
Almeshari, M;
Dowell, J;
Nyhan, J;
Using Personas to Model Museum Visitors.
Proceedings of UMAP'19 Adjunct.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, USA.
(In press).
Anders, J;
Wyse, D;
Aarts, S;
Dockrell, J;
Torgerson, C;
Manyukhina, Y;
Cushing, I;
+ view all
Evaluation Protocol: Grammar and Writing Research Project.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Anderson, M;
Immorality or Immortality? An Argument for Virtue.
, 37
pp. 97-119.
Antonsson, HT;
Iceland's Relationship with Norway c. 870–c. 1100. Memory, History and Identity. By Ann‐Marie Long. The Northern World Series 8. Leiden and Boston, Brill. 2017. 312 pp. ISBN 9789004335622.
Early Medieval Europe
, 272
pp. 310-312.
Antonsson, HT;
The Saint and the Saga Hero. Hagiography and Early Icelandic Literature. By. Siân Grønlie. Studies in Old Norse Literature. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer,
2017. Pp. 306 (hardcover).
Journal of English and Germanic Philology
, 118
pp. 280-282.
Anziska, S;
Back to the future: How Palestine can pull itself out of the 1980s.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Anziska, S;
New Texts Out Now: Preventing Palestine.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Anziska, S;
The Erasure of the Nakba in Israel's Archives.
Journal of Palestine Studies
, 49
pp. 64-76.
Anziska, S;
Review of Blind Spot: America and the Palestinians, from Balfour to Trump, by Khaled Elgindy.
The Middle East Journal
, 73
pp. 500-501.
Anziska, SE;
Arab-Israeli Wars and U.S. Foreign Policy.
In: Lawrence, M, (ed.)
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Austen, K;
Sounding dispersal as a route to empathy with the changing arctic.
Leonardo Music Journal
, 29
pp. 3-7.
Bacharach, Julian;
Knowing ways of acting.
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).
Bajaj, B;
Human factors in risk communication: Exploring pilot-controller 'communication awareness'.
In: Federici, FM and O’Brien, S, (eds.)
Translation in cascading crises.
(pp. 199-218).
Routledge: London, UK and New York, US.
Banos Pinero, R;
Parodic dubbing in Spain: digital manifestations of cultural appropriation, repurposing and subversion.
JoSTrans : The Journal of Specialised Translation
, 32
pp. 171-193.
Banos Pinero, R;
Translating reality TV into Spanish: when fast-food TV challenges AVT conventions.
Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice
, 27
pp. 265-282.
Banos Pinero, R;
Fandubbing across time and space. From dubbing ‘by fans for fans’ to cyberdubbing.
In: Ranzato, I and Zanotti, S, (eds.)
Reassessing Dubbing: Historical approaches and current trends.
(pp. 145-167).
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Barker, G;
The Enlightened Virago: Princess Dashkova through the Eyes of Others / Princess Dashkova, the Woman Who Shook the World: A historical verbatim play in three acts.
The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh: Edinburgh, UK.
Baron, SA;
‘Bloom, nodding, said he perfectly understood’: James Joyce and the Meanings of Translation.
In: Harding, J and Nash, J, (eds.)
Modernism and Non-Translation.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Batchelor, K;
Yoda, LA;
Sanon Ouattara, FEG;
Hellewell, O;
Multilingualism and strategic planning for HIV/AIDS-related health care and communication [version 1; peer review: 2 approved].
Wellcome Open Research
, 4
, Article 200. 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.15584.1.
Baumann, U;
Guesnet, F;
Kristallnacht - Pogrom - Terror. A Terminological Reflection.
In: Gruner, W and Ross, S, (eds.)
New Perspectives on Kristallnacht: After 80 Years, the Nazi Pogrom in Global Comparison.
Purdue University Press: West Lafayette, IN, USA.
Baybutt, Alexandra;
Brotman, Joanna;
de Bruijckere, Stephanie;
Maguire, Catherine;
Studd, Karen;
That word doesn’t exist in my language: teaching and learning Laban/Bartenieff Movement System in multiple languages.
Creative Arts in Education and Therapy
, 5
pp. 62-71.
Belkoniene, M;
Dziurosz-Serafinowicz, P;
Acting Upon Uncertain Beliefs.
Acta Analytica
(In press).
Bellin, S;
Inston, K;
Mussgnug, F;
Introduction: Rethinking the Animal-Human Relation.
, 42
pp. 1-5.
Bellin, Stefano;
The Shame of Being Human: A Philosophical Reading of Primo Levi.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Beniston, J;
Schnitzler and the Place of Tendentious Drama: Professor Bernhardi.
Austrian Studies
, 27
pp. 195-209.
Beniston, J and Webber, AJ (Eds).
Austrian Studies, 27 (2019): Placing Schnitzler.
[Whole issue].
Austrian Studies
, 27
Bentick, Eoin;
Alchemy and verse in late-medieval England.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Berkowitz, M;
Berlin/London: The Lost Photographs of Gerty Simon.
(p. 5).
The Wiener Library: London, UK.
Berkowitz, M;
Photography's Jewish Affinities: Unintended Benefits and Squandered Opportunities for Zionism and Israel.
Journal of Israeli History
, 37
pp. 249-273.
Berkowitz, M;
Stefan Lux (1888-1936): a calculated suicide before the Second World War.
Journal of Modern Jewish Studies
, 18
pp. 75-91.
Berkowitz, M;
Émigré photographers.
In: Bohm-Duchen, M, (ed.)
Insiders outsiders: refugees from Nazi Europe and their contribution to British visual culture.
(pp. 62-73).
Lund Humphries: London.
Berkowitz, M.;
Introduction: Continuing Tumult.
Jewish Historical Studies
, 50
Bezzi, Marina Thomé;
History, geography and colonial expansion in the works of Richard Hakluyt and Lancelot Voisin de la Popelinière.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Bi, T;
Zhang, Y;
Wang, C;
Ayobi, A;
Characterizing HCI Research in China: Streams, Methodologies and Future Directions.
Proceedings of the CHI'19 Workshop: HCI in China: Research Agenda, Education Curriculum, Industry Partnership, and Communities Building.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): Glasgow, UK.
Bi, T;
Berthouze, N;
Singh, A;
Costanza, E;
Understanding the Shared Experiences of Runners and Spectators in Long-Distance Running Events.
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems:CHI '19.
(pp. p. 461).
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, USA.
Bianchi, Diana;
The Politics of Translating Science Fiction. An Analysis of Translated Anglo-American Science Fiction in Italy (1950s - 1970s).
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Biedermann, Z;
Querying the Origins of Orientalism: Recent Approaches to the History of Representations.
Ler História
, 74
pp. 261-275.
Biedermann, Z;
Three ways of locating the global: Microhistorical challenges in the study of early transcontinental diplomacy.
Past & Present
, 242
pp. 110-1141.
Bikakis, A;
Flouris, G;
A comprehensive study of argumentation frameworks with sets of attacking arguments.
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
, 109
pp. 55-86.
Binding, C;
Tudhope, D;
Vlachidis, A;
A study of semantic integration across archaeological data and reports in different languages.
Journal of Information Science
, 45
pp. 364-386.
Birkeli, Helene;
Charmaine Nelson, Slavery, Geography and Empire in Nineteenth-Century Marine Landscapes of Montreal and Jamaica, London, 2016.
, 20
pp. 101-103.
Bolaños-García-Escribano, Alejandro, A;
Diaz-Cintas, J;
Audiovisual translation: Subtitling and revoicing.
In: Laviosa, S and González-Davies, M, (eds.)
Routledge Handbook of Translation and Education.
(pp. 207-225).
Routledge: London, UK.
Bollington, L;
Martel's Aquatic Zoopoetics.
The Cine-Files Journal
, 14
Bowlby, R;
Romantic Walking and Railway Realism.
In: Chao, S-L and Corrigan, JM, (eds.)
Romantic Legacies: Transnational and Transdisciplinary Contexts.
Routledge: New York, US.
Bragg, S;
Boddy, J;
Stryker, R;
Sims-Schouten, W;
The Future of Childhood Studies and Children & Society.
[Editorial comment].
Children and Society
, 33
pp. 301-308.
Bray, PM;
Thinking Cinema with Proust. By Patrick ffrench. (Moving Image, 7.) Cambridge: Legenda, Modern Humanities Research Association, 2018. 218 pp.
French Studies
, 73
pp. 663-664.
Broughton, V;
The Respective Roles of Intellectual Creativity and Automation in Representing Diversity: Human and Machine Generated Bias.
Knowledge Organization
, 46
pp. 596-606.
Brown, N;
The lived experience of being ill and/or disabled in academia.
Presented at: SRHE Annual Research Conference 2019, Newport, UK.
Brown, N;
Emerging researcher perspectives: Finding your people: My challenge of developing a creative research methods network.
International Journal of Qualitative Methods
, 18
Brown, N;
Identity boxes: using materials and metaphors to elicit experiences.
International Journal of Social Research Methodology
, 22
pp. 487-501.
Brown, N;
“Listen to Your Gut”: A Reflexive Approach to Data Analysis.
The Qualitative Report
, 24
pp. 31-43.
Brown, N;
Partnership in learning: how staff-student collaboration can innovate teaching.
European Journal of Teacher Education
, 42
pp. 608-620.
Brown, N;
Jafferani, A;
Pattharwala, V;
Using drawing, model making and metaphorical representations to increase students’ engagement with reflections.
RIASE: Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal
, 2
pp. 26-33.
Bruggen, C.V.;
Eva: A Novel by Carry van Bruggen (Jane Fenoulhet, Trans.).
Literature and Translation.
UCL Press: London, UK.
Bunn, J;
Rayner, S;
Observing the author-editor relationship: Recordkeeping and literary scholarship in dialogue.
Archives and Manuscripts
, 47
pp. 359-373.
Bunn, JJ;
Archival automation in the United Kingdom and the relationship between standardization and computerization.
Information & Culture: A Journal of History
, 54
pp. 159-178.
Cagnoli Fiecconi, E;
Aristotle's peculiarly human psychology.
In: Keil, G and Kreft, N, (eds.)
Aristotle's Anthropology.
(pp. 60-76).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Campagnolo, A;
Connelly, E;
Wacha, H;
Labeculæ Vivæ: Building a Reference Library of Stains for Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts.
Manuscript Studies
, 4
pp. 401-416.
Carbone, E;
'The Italian Factor': Representations of Italy in Selma Lagerlöf's Legends and Hans Ernst Kinck's Novellas.
, 57
pp. 61-90.
Carbone, E;
The Cheerful Danes: Henry Clarke Barlow’s ‘Revelation of a Writing-Case’ (1856) on Copenhagen.
Scandinavica. An International Journal of Scandinavian Studies
, 58
pp. 153-173.
Carbone, E;
Hemstad, R;
[Editorial comment].
Scandinavica. An International Journal of Scandinavian Studies
, 58
pp. 5-10.
Carnegy-Arbuthnott, H;
My body and other objects: The internal limits of self‐ownership.
European Journal of Philosophy
(In press).
Carr, Vanessa;
Movers and Makers.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Chamberlain, Colin;
"The body I call 'mine' ": A sense of bodily ownership in Descartes.
European Journal of Philosophy
, 27
pp. 3-24.
Chamberlain, Colin;
Color in a Material World: Margaret Cavendish against the Early Modern Mechanists.
The Philosophical Review
, 128
pp. 293-336.
Chamberlain, Colin;
Our Body Is the Measure.
In: Rutherford, Donald, (ed.)
Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy, Volume IX.
(pp. 37-74).
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Champion, Tony;
Duke-Williams, Oliver;
Migration and the 'left-behind places'.
Presented at: Stronger Towns: What can the Census tell us?, London, UK.
Chantler, T;
Karafillakis, E;
Wilson, J;
Vaccination: Is There a Place for Penalties for Non-compliance?
Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
, 17
pp. 265-271.
Chardell, D;
A Genealogy of a Non-Event.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Cheng, Huei-Ying (Tony);
Sense, space, and self.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Cheng, T;
Snowdon, P;
Introduction: striving for objectivity in space.
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
, 18
pp. 791-797.
Cheshire, Paul;
Buyuklieva, Boyana;
Homes on the right tracks: Greening the Green Belt to solve the housing crisis.
Centre for Cities
Chou, Yu-Hua;
Subtitling Cookery Programmes from English to Traditional Chinese: Taiwan as a Case Study.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Citron, Joseph Zechariah Francis;
Isaiah Horowitz’s Shenei Luhot Haberit (Shelah): A Vision of Jewish Pietism.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Clarke, H;
Coordination in Thought.
(In press).
Clini, C;
Thomson, LJM;
Chatterjee, HJ;
Assessing the impact of artistic and cultural activities on the health and well-being of forcibly displaced people using participatory action research.
BMJ Open
, 9
, Article e025465. 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-025465.
Cockle, WEH;
Henry, WB;
Edition of 5 papyri (5404–8).
In: Benaissa, A and Gonis, N, (eds.)
The Oxyrhynchus Papyri LXXXIV.
(pp. 1-20).
The Egypt Exploration Society: London, UK.
(In press).
Coxon, SC;
„Da lacht der babst“: Zur komischen Erzählmotivik als Mittel der Kohärenzstiftung in Johannes Paulis Schimpf und Ernst (1522).
In: Plotke, S and Seeber, S, (eds.)
Schwanksammlungen im frühneuzeitlichen Medienumbruch.
(pp. 223-242).
Winter Verlag Heidelberg: Heidelberg, Germany.
Crymble, A;
Introduction to Gravity Models of Migration & Trade.
The Programming Historian
Currie, Nicholas;
Kant on analytic judgements.
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).
Cushing, I;
Giovanelli, M;
Integrating Language and Literature: A Text World Theory Approach.
Journal of Literary Education
, 2
pp. 199-222.
Cushing, IR;
Grammar Policy and Pedagogy from Primary to Secondary School.
, 53
pp. 170-179.
D'Asaro, Fabio Aurelio;
Probabilistic epistemic reasoning about actions.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Dahlan, Kinda R;
Digital waters: An assessment of information and communication practices in oceanography and multidisciplinary science.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Dahroug, A;
Vlachidis, A;
Liapis, A;
Bikakis, A;
Lopez-Nores, M;
Sacco, O;
Juan Pazos-Arias, J;
Using dates as contextual information for personalised cultural heritage experiences.
Journal of Information Science
(In press).
Daly, Selena;
Fallen women in the galleria: Giovanni verga and the nineteenth-century milanese shopping arcade.
Italian Studies
, 74
pp. 44-56.
Daly, Selena;
Berghaus, Günter;
In: Berghaus, Günter and Daly, Selena, (eds.)
Handbook of International Futurism.
De Gruyter
Das, N;
Accuracy and Ur-Prior Conditionalization.
The Review of Symbolic Logic
, 12
pp. 62-96.
Das, N;
The Importance of Being Modest.
Philosophy East and West
, 69
pp. 870-879.
Das, N;
Berger, D;
Accuracy and credal imprecision.
(In press).
De Felice, R;
Moreton, E;
Identifying speech acts in a corpus of historical migrant correspondence.
Studia Neophilologica
, 91
pp. 154-174.
Declercq, C;
The Odd Case of the Welcome Refugee in Wartime Britain:
Uneasy Numbers, Disappearing Acts and Forgetfulness
Regarding Belgian Refugees in the First World War.
Close Encounters in War
, 2
pp. 5-26.
Dehghan Zaklaki, Roghieh;
Access to health care for illegal migrants: ethical implications of a new health policy in the UK.
British Journal of General Practice
, 69
pp. 56-57.
Dehghan Zaklaki, R;
Wilson, J;
Healthcare professionals as gatekeepers in research involving refugee survivors of sexual torture: An examination of the ethical issues.
Developing World Bioethics
, 19
pp. 215-223.
Demeyer, H;
What Else? Summer Notes After a Love Lost.
, 27
pp. 11-15.
Demeyer, H;
Expansions Without Affect; Identities Without Globality: Global Novels in Dutch from an Agonistic Perspective.
In: D'Haen, T, (ed.)
Dutch and Flemish Literature as World Literature.
Bloomsbury Academic: London.
Di Martino, G;
Sicilianità 'greca' e italianità alla vigilia della Grande Guerra. Il caso dell'Agamennone.
, 5
Di Martino, G;
Vittorio Alfieri’s tormented relationship with Aeschylus: Agamennone between Tradition and Innovation.
, 29
pp. 121-133.
Díaz-Cintas, J;
Film censorship in Franco's Spain: the transforming power of dubbing.
Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice
, 27
pp. 182-200.
Diaz-Cintas, J;
Audiovisual Translation.
In: Angelone, E and Ehrensberger-Dow, M and Massey, G, (eds.)
The Bloomsbury Companion to Language Industry Studies.
(pp. 209-230).
Bloomsbury Academic: London, UK.
Díaz-Cintas, J;
Audiovisual Translation in Mercurial Mediascapes.
In: Ji, M and Oakes, M, (eds.)
Advances in Empirical Translation Studies: Developing Translation Resources and Technologies.
(pp. 177-197).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Diaz-Cintas, J;
Ju, M;
“视听翻译走向云端 —何塞 迪亚兹 辛塔斯教授访谈录” [Audiovisual translation in the cloud – An interview with Professor Jorge Díaz-Cintas].
Chinese Translators Journal
, 3
pp. 156-160.
Diaz-Cintas, J;
Massidda, S;
Technological advances in audiovisual translation.
In: O'Hagan, M, (ed.)
The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Technology.
(pp. 255-270).
Routledge: London, UK.
Dietz, Laura Catharine;
Credible Texts: Legitimacy and Reputation of E-books and E-novels.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Diner Dothan, Leni;
Breaching the Contract: Breaking Free from the Emotional and Ideological Prison of Renaissance Masterpieces.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Dootson, Kirsty Sinclair;
The Texture of Capitalism:Industrial Oil Colours and the Politics of Paint in the Work of G.F. Watts.
British Art Studies
Duke-Williams, Oliver;
What can the ONS Longitudinal Study tell us about time travel and about the Force?
Presented at: Invited talk: Microsoft Swiftkey team, London, London, UK.
Duke-Williams, Oliver;
What can we do with millions of records?
Presented at: 'FreeReg and FreeCen @ Twenty': FreeUKGenealogy Conference, 2019, York, UK.
Duke-Williams, Oliver;
Shelton, Nicola;
Yr Iaith Gymraeg: un miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050? Welsh Language: A million Welsh speakers by 2050?
Presented at: BSPS Annual Conference 2019, Cardiff, UK.
Duke-Williams, O;
Commentary on ‘Evaluating methods for measuring daily walking to public transport: Balancing accuracy and data availability’.
Journal of Transport & Health
, 15
, Article 100662. 10.1016/j.jth.2019.100662.
Duke-Williams, OW;
Location Tracing and Potential Risks in Interaction Data Sets.
Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy
, 12
pp. 377-394.
Duncan, D;
The Protean Ptyx: Nonsense, Non-Translation, and Word Magic in Mallarmé’s ‘Sonnet en yx’.
In: Harding, J and Nash, J, (eds.)
Modernism and Non-Translation.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Duncan, D;
The Oulipo and Modern Thought.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Eckersley, William Joseph;
Pregnant or barren? Socratic wisdom in Plato's Theaetetus (149a - 151d).
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).
Elnaggar, A;
Nevin, A;
Castillejo, M;
Strlič, M;
The Journal of the Sylvia Townsend Warner Society
, 60
England, Bridget E C;
Julius Caesar in Latin literature from Tiberius to Trajan.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Erho, TM;
Henry, WB;
The Ethiopic Jannes and Jambres and the Greek Original.
Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete
, 65
pp. 176-223.
Evans, Lawrence Edward John;
Aristotle’s Function Argument: The Human Function and its Peculiarity.
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).
Facchini, B;
“As Lucan says”: Dante's Reuse of the Bellum Civile in the Monarchia and the Political Epistles.
, 40
pp. 81-106.
Fardell, Benjamin;
Non-Basic Needs: Making Space for Incommensurability in the Structure of Well-Being.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Faulconbridge, Peter Rupert;
Convention, Reflection, and Agency.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Faulkner, Amy;
Seeking within the self in The Metres of Boethius.
Anglo-Saxon England
, 48
pp. 43-62.
Federici, F;
O'Brien, S;
Cadwell, P;
Marlowe, J;
Gerber, B;
Davis, O;
International network in crisis translation - Recommendations on policies.
Federici, FM;
Gerber, BJ;
O'Brien, S;
Cadwell, P;
The International Humanitarian Sector and Language Translation in Crisis Situations. Assessment of Current Practices and Future Needs.
INTERACT The International Network on Crisis Translation: London, UK.
Federici, F;
Emergenza migranti: From Metaphor to Policy.
In: Declercq, C and Federici, F, (eds.)
Intercultural Crisis Communication Translation, Interpreting and Languages in Local Crises.
(pp. 233-259).
Bloomsbury Academic: London, UK.
Federici, F;
O'Hagan, M;
O'Brien, S;
Cadwell, P;
Crisis Translation Training Challenges Arising from New Contexts of Translation.
, 2019
pp. 246-279.
Fenton - Glynn, L;
Imprecise Chance and the Best System Analysis.
Philosophers' Imprint
, 19
pp. 1-44.
Ferrara degli Uberti, C;
"Per chi sarà l’aiuto di Dio?" La Grande Guerra nelle sinagoghe italiane.
Archivio Italiano per la Storia della Pietà
, 32
65 -80.
Ferrara degli Uberti, C;
(Ri)definire i confini dell’ebraicità. Strategie discorsive di inclusione/esclusione nell’età liberale.
Genesis. Rivista della Società Italiana delle Storiche
, xviii
Filgueir, R;
Jackson, M;
Terras, M;
Beavan, D;
Roubickov, A;
Hobson, T;
Ardanuy, MC;
... Ahnert, R; + view all
defoe: A Spark-based Toolbox for Analysing Digital Historical Textual Data.
In: Altintas, Ilkay, (ed.)
Proceedings of 15th International Conference on escience 2019.
escience: San Diego, CA, USA.
Fischer, L.;
Before Fiddler on the Roof, before The Jazz Singer, there was Deborah.
Jewish Historical Studies
, 50
pp. 183-190.
Fischer, L.;
Harvey Milk: His Lives and Death, Lillian Faderman.
Jewish Historical Studies
, 50
pp. 199-202.
Francis, Bennet;
Self-Determination, Democracy and Exclusion.
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).
Francis, Errol;
Michel Foucault's concept of heterotopia and postcolonial artistic responses to museum spaces.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Franzini, G;
Terras, M;
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Digital Editions of Text: Surveying User Requirements in the Digital Humanities.
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Exploring user experience on mobile library service by cognitive mapping.
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New Perspectives on Kristallnacht: After 80 Years, the Nazi Pogrom in Global Comparison.
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Fuller, Sophie Victoria;
Statius and the 'Commedia': An Analysis of the Importance of Statius's Epic Poetry to Dante's 'Commedia'.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Gaietto, Dawn Marie;
What is happening here? [exploits of the nonhuman].
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (Univeristy College London).
Garbaya, S;
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Gamification of assembly planning in virtual environment.
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Gardner, S;
Schelling's substantive reinterpretation of the transcendental turn: beyond method.
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
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Hermeneutics and Psychoanalysis.
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Gardner, S;
Metaphysical Motivation: Crime and Punishment in the Light of Schelling.
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Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment: Philosophical Perspectives.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Gardner, S;
The Aesthetic Dimension of Passion.
Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements
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Nietzsche on the Arts and Sciences.
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Garside, Daniel;
Museum Lighting, Colour Constancy and Melanopsin.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Geller, M;
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Bryn Mawr Classical Review
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My Life as a Spy: Investigations in a Secret Police File.
The International History Review
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Geraghty, Niall HD;
Massidda, Adriana Laura;
In: Geraghty, Niall HD and Massidda, Adriana Laura, (eds.)
Creative Spaces: Urban Culture and Marginality in Latin America.
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University of London Press: London, UK.
Geraghty, Niall HD;
Massidda, Adriana Laura;
The spatiality of desire in Martín Oesterheld’s La multitud (2012) and
Luis Ortega’s Dromómanos (2012).
In: Geraghty, Niall HD and Massidda, Adriana Laura, (eds.)
Creative Spaces: Urban Culture and Marginality in Latin America.
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University of London Press: London, UK.
Gilbert, JL;
Ami et Amile and Jean-Luc Nancy: Friendship vs Community?
In: Tudor, AP and Burr, KL, (eds.)
Shaping Identity in Medieval French Literature: The Other Within.
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Gilbert, JL;
In: Tyler, EM and Wogan-Browne, J, (eds.)
High Medieval: Literary Cultures in England.
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Gilbert, S;
Alba, A;
Holocaust Memory and Racism in the Postwar World.
Wayne State University Press
Gingerich, Jonathan;
Remixing Rawls: constitutional cultural liberties in liberal democracies.
Northeastern University Law Review
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pp. 523-588.
Goeres, EM;
Translating Romance in Medieval Norway.
In: Beer, J, (ed.)
Companion to Medieval Translation.
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Amsterdam University Press: Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Goeres, EM;
Exile and Migration in the Vernacular Lives of Edward the Confessor.
In: Gates, J and O'Camb, B, (eds.)
Remembering the Present: Generative Uses of England’s Pre-Conquest Past.
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Gonis, N;
Soldiers and money in early sixth-century Hermopolis.
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik
, 209
pp. 237-241.
Gonis, N;
Antinoite and Hermopolite villages and requisitions.
Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete
, 65
pp. 333-343.
Gonis, N;
ἄφθονοι οἶκοι: keeping the evil eye at bay.
Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete
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Gonis, N;
New readings of personal names.
Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists
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pp. 287-296.
Gonis, N;
Notes on personal names and abbreviations in late Arsinoite and Heracleopolite documents.
Chronique d'Egypte; bulletin periodique de la Fondation egyptologique reine Elisabeth
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pp. 188-205.
Gonis, N;
Prosopographica III.
Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete
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Gonis, N;
Fogarty, S;
Letters of AS Hunt and O. Gradenwitz, 1900-1933.
Analecta Papyrologica
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Social structures of accumulation in Greece 1980-2014.
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Gouzoulis, G;
Constantine, C;
Class conflict, fiscal policy, and wage-led demand: A model of Kalecki's political business cycle.
Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
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Greatrick, A;
“Coaching” Queer.
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pp. 98-106.
Greenberg, A;
Epistemic Responsibility and Criminal Negligence.
Criminal Law and Philosophy
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Greene, A;
Cozzaglio, I;
Can Power Be Self-Legitimating? Political Realism in Hobbes, Weber, and Williams.
European Journal of Philosophy
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pp. 1016-1036.
Greene, AR;
Is Political Legitimacy Worth Promoting?
NOMOS: The American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy
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pp. 65-101.
Greene, AR;
Is Sincerity the First Virtue of Social Institutions? Police, Universities, and Free Speech.
Law and Philosophy
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pp. 537-553.
Guesnet, F;
Ben Helfgott: The Story of One of the Boys, Michael Freedland.
Jewish Historical Studies. Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England
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Body, Place, and Knowledge: The Plica polonica in Travelogues and Experts' Reflections around 1800.
Central Europe
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pp. 54-66.
Guesnet, F;
The Velizh Affair: Blood Libel in a Russian Town. By Eugene M. Avrutin.New York: Oxford University Press, 2018. Pp. xx+226. $34.95.
The Journal of Modern History
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pp. 734-736.
Guesnet, F;
Historiografia przemocy antyżydowskiej w dziewiętnastowiecznej Europie Wschodniej.
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Elizabeth I in Writing: Language, Power and Representation in Early Modern England. Ed. Donatella Montini and Iolanda Plescia.
Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal
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Hackett, H;
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Literary Review
pp. 14-15.
Hackett, H;
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The Brown Book
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Hackett, H;
Roy Strong, THE ELIZABETHAN IMAGE. An introduction to English portraiture, 1558–1603, 224pp. Yale University Press. £35 (US $50).
TLS - The Times Literary Supplement
Hammond, Simon Frederick;
Wyndham Lewis and the Twilight of the Arts: Publics, Markets, Politics.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Handriani, I;
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Masril, M;
Pratama Putra, Z;
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IOP Science
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El Vallejo "verde" de Los heraldos negros.
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The biographical fashioning of the Americas' first Saint: Santa Rosa de Lima (1586-1617).
Modern Language Review
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In: Rawling, JP and Wilson, P, (eds.)
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Hess, M;
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Hindmarch, J;
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Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation. Methods of Teaching and Learning This M.Sc. Degree, Unique in Germany.
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Proceedings of the 1st International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Digital Environments for Education, Arts and Heritage: EARTH 2018.
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Hicks, A;
Building Intercultural Teachers: Designing Information Literacy Instruction Opportunities for Increasingly International Populations.
Journal of Academic Librarianship
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pp. 146-152.
Hicks, A;
Mitigating risk: Mediating transition through the enactment of information literacy practices.
Journal of Documentation
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pp. 1190-1210.
Hicks, A;
Moving beyond the descriptive: The grounded theory of mitigating risk and the theorisation of information literacy.
Journal of Documentation
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pp. 126-144.
Hindmarch, J;
Terras, M;
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On Virtual Auras: The Cultural Heritage Object in the Age of 3D Digital Reproduction.
In: Lewi, H and Smith, W and Cooke, S and vom Lehn, D, (eds.)
The Routledge International Handbook of New Digital Practices in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums and Heritage Sites.
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Hollis, H;
Information Literacy and Critical Thinking: Different concepts, shared conceptions.
Proceedings of the Conceptions of Library and Information Science 10th International Conference (CoLIS 2019).
University of Borås, Sweden: Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Hollis, H;
Rachitskiy, M;
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The development and face validity testing of the open test of information literacy with context-specific add-ons: OTIL.
LIBER Quarterly
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Horan, G;
Feminazi, breastfeeding nazi, grammar nazi. A critical analysis of nazi insults in contemporary media discourses.
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Horbury, E;
The Bible Abbreviated: Summaries in Early Modern English Bibles.
Harvard Theological Review
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pp. 235-260.
Horbury, E;
Early Modern Prodigality: Financial Excess and the Parable in English Drama.
Boydell and Brewer
Horbury, E;
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Early Modern Literary Studies
, 2019
Horne, F;
Three and a half hours with Scorsese.
Sight and Sound
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pp. 20-29.
Horne, FP;
Henry James on the Bench.
Henry James Review
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pp. 155-174.
Horne, P;
Strings of Pearls: James, Maupassant, and "Paste".
Literary Imagination
, 21
pp. 137-157.
Horton, J;
The Exploitation Problem.
The Journal of Political Philosophy
(In press).
Hoyle, V;
Fife, K;
Smyth, H;
Ishmael, H;
Building a community of critical practice through reflective reading.
ALISS Quarterly
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pp. 10-12.
Hoyle, V;
Shepherd, E;
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Child social care recording and the information rights of care-experienced people: A recordkeeping perspective.
British Journal of Social Work
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pp. 1856-1874.
Hu, Xiang Nong;
A New Reading of Kant's Second Analogy in the Light of Lovejoy's Criticism.
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).
Humbel, M;
Nyhan, J;
The application of HTR to early-modern museum collections: a case study of Sir Hans Sloane's Miscellanies catalogue.
Proceedings of the Digital Humanities conference 2019.
Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations: Utrecht, Netherlands.
Hutton, J;
Epistemic normativity in Kant's “Second Analogy”.
European Journal of Philosophy
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pp. 593-609.
Hyman, J;
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Philosophy of action.
In: Becker, K and Thomson, ID, (eds.)
The Cambridge history of philosophy, 1945-2015.
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Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Hyman, J;
Architecture and organic unity/Arquitectura y unidad orgánica.
Revista de Historiografia
, 32
pp. 91-103.
Hyman, J;
Jonathan Dancy, Practical Shape: A Theory of Practical Reasoning, Oxford University Press, 2018, 185pp., $40.00 (hbk), ISBN 9780198805441.
Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Inston, K;
The Animal-Human Relation in Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Discourse on Inequality.
, 42
pp. 37-53.
Inston, K;
Improper Communities in the work of Roberto Esposito and Jacques Rancière.
Contemporary Political Theory
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Inston, K;
Improper communities in the work of Roberto Esposito and Jacques Rancière.
Contemporary Political Theory
(In press).
Intarasirisawat, J;
Ang, CS;
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Dickens, LWF;
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Exploring the Touch and Motion Features in Game-Based Cognitive Assessments.
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies
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Irarrazabal Elliott, Manuela;
Anger in the Oresteia.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Jacobs, L;
Staiger, J;
Grieveson, L;
Gilbert, N;
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Maltby, R;
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Censorship and the configuration of cinematic classicism.
, 28
pp. 131-153.
Jeong, N;
Volley, J;
Gonzalez, A;
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Shales, E;
Ha, K;
Earthly Bodies: A Decade with Clay and Form.
Slade Press: London, UK.
Kahn, L;
Valijarvi, R;
The Translation of Hebrew Flora and Fauna Terminology in North Sámi and West Greenlandic Fin-de-Siècle Bibles.
The Bible Translator
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pp. 125-144.
Kahn, L;
Yampolskaya, S;
Diversity in Numbers: A Linguistic Analysis of Numerals in Maskilic Hebrew.
Hebrew Studies
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pp. 389-417.
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The impact of digitization and digital resource design on the scholarly workflow in art history.
International Journal for Digital Art History
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Keen, C;
«Parlando vommi / con ser Brunetto» (Inf. XV 100-101). Dante in dialogo con Brunetto Latini.
Studi Danteschi
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Keen, C;
Vernacular eloquence and Roman rhetoric between Brunetto and Dante.
In: Baranski, ZG and Cachey, TJ and Lombardo, L, (eds.)
Dante e la cultura fiorentina. Bono Giamboni, Brunetto Latini e la formazione intellettuale dei laici.
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Salerno Editrice: Rome, Italy.
Keen, C;
Dante e la risposta ovidiana all’esilio.
In: Cattermole, C and Ciccuto, M, (eds.)
Miti, figure, metamorfosi. L’Ovidio di Dante.
Le Lettere: Florence, Italy.
Kiaer, J;
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Translation and Literature in East Asia.
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Routledge: London, UK.
Kiely, Jack David;
Une Phobie franco-française: The Making of Modern France through Homophobic Discourse.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Kiran, Aysun;
Re-presenting the Conflict: Multilingualism, Intertextuality and Non-Translation in New Turkish Cinema.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Klaas, B;
America’s allies despise Trump — and that’s a threat to NATO.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Klaas, Brian;
Defending Ukraine’s Elections Against Foreign Interference.
Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity: Copenhagen, Denmark.
Knox, Andrew MacGregor Isaacs;
Moral Uncertainty and Political Philosophy.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Knox, J;
Wonder and the philosopher’s perfection: Giordano Bruno.
In: Bugliani, F and Reek, J, (eds.)
Poetry, philosophy and theology in conversation. Thresholds of wonder.
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Krzemien, Zuzanna;
Shaping the Jewish Enlightenment: Solomon Dubno (1738-1813), an Eastern European Maskil.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Kuldkepp, M;
Aleksander Solženitsõn. Lenin Zürichis.
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Loomingu Raamatukogu: Tallinn, Estonia.
Kuldkepp, M;
Besprechung. The Great War in Lithuania and Lithuanians in the Great War: Experiences and Memories (Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis, Vol. XXXIV). Hrsg. von Vasilijus Safronovas. Institute of Baltic Region History and Archaeology, Klaipėda University. Klaipėda 2017. 239 S.
Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte
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Kuldkepp, M;
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Kuldkepp, M;
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Scandinavica: An International Journal of Scandinavian Studies
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Review. Eesti välispoliitika Soome-suuna ajaloost [Heino Arumäe. Eesti ja Soome. Sõjast sõjani.].
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pp. 365-421.
Kürbis, N;
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Kurbis, N;
A Binary Quantifier for Definite Descriptions in Intuitionist Negative Free Logic: Natural Deduction and Normalisation.
Bulletin of the Section of Logic
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Kürbis, N;
Two Treatments of Definite Descriptions in Intuitionist Negative Free Logic.
Bulletin of the Section of Logic
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Kuteva, T;
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The grammar of 'non-realization'.
Studies in Language. International Journal sponsored by the Foundation “Foundations of Language”
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pp. 850-895.
Kythor, Ellen;
An ‘Un-businesslike-business’: Publishing Danish literature in translation in the UK 1990-2015.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
La Cour, Kirstine;
Just Sentiments: Justice and Sympathy in David Hume and Adam Smith.
Masters thesis (M Phil), UCL (University College London).
Lazani, Anastasia;
The Aeschylean Chorus.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Lee, Deborah;
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Modeling the relationship between scientific and bibliographic classification for music.
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
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Lee, D;
The classification of musical transformation: a conceptual approach to the knowledge organization of musical arrangements.
Information Research
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Says Who? Modes of Speaking in the Euthydemus.
Australasian Philosophical Review
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Using creative approaches to teach reflective practice to dancers.
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Leonard, MA;
Precarious Life: Tragedy and the Posthuman.
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Antiquities Beyond Humanism.
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Book Review: The Organization of Distance: Poetry, Translation, Chineseness, by Lucas Klein (Leiden: Brill, 2018).
Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews
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Li, XA;
East Asian francophone writers and racialized aesthetics? Gao Xingjian and Aki Shimazaki.
L'Esprit Créateur
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Li, XA;
Making classical Chinese literature contemporary: Translation 'between centre and absence'.
Translation and Literature in East Asia: Between Visibility and Invisibility.
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Magazines, Tourism, and Nation-Building in Mexico.
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Mapas de México: Revistas de viaje ilustradas de los años cincuenta.
Revista Iberoamericana
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Little, Wendy Jane;
An exploration of the Virgilian structure of the Aeneid and its reuse in Silver Latin, Flavian, and Renaissance epic.
Masters thesis (M.Phil), UCL (University College London).
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National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, social values and healthcare priority setting.
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Lloyd, A;
Chasing Frankenstein's monster: Information literacy in the black box society.
Journal of Documentation
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The road not taken: locating desire lines across information landscapes.
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Tapping in to the information landscape: Refugee enactment of information literacy in everyday spaces.
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Enacting and capturing embodied knowledge in the practices of enthusiast car restorers: Emerging themes.
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Untangling the knot: The information practices of enthusiast car restorers.
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Content-based Recommender Systems for Heritage: Developing a Personalised Museum Tour.
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GDPR's privacy by design and default: altered perspectives.
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FARMER: supporting the evolving educational needs of the profession.
ARC Magazine
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Information governance and ethics – information opportunities and challenges in a shifting world: setting the scene.
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Records Management Journal
, 29
pp. 2-4.
Lomas, E;
McLeod, J;
RecordDNA: In the digital era what is the concept of record?
Presented at: IRFD Network Opening Conference: What is a Record?, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Lomas, EJ;
Navigating confidentiality, legal privilege and GDPR to maintain legal records for future generations: the case for archiving.
In: Cowling, C, (ed.)
Legal Records at Risk: A Strategy for Safeguarding our Legal Heritage.
(pp. 150-155).
The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies: London, UK.
Lomas, EJ;
Julie McLeod.
In: Duranti, L and Franks, P, (eds.)
Encyclopedia of Archival Writers, 1500-2015.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers: Lanham, MD, USA.
Lomas, EJ;
Makhlouf-Shabou, B;
Guercio, M;
Katuu, S;
Grazhenskaya, A;
Strategies, methods and tools enabling records governance in a cloud environment.
In: Duranti, L and Rodgers, C, (eds.)
Trusting Records in the Cloud.
Facet and SAA
(In press).
López-Nores, M;
Bravo-Quezada, OG;
Bassani, M;
Antoniou, A;
Lykourentzou, I;
Jones, CE;
Kontiza, K;
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Technology-Powered Strategies to Rethink the Pedagogy of History and Cultural Heritage through Symmetries and Narratives.
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, Article 367. 10.3390/sym11030367.
Lorman, Thomas;
The Making of the Slovak People’s Party:
Religion, Nationalism and the Culture War in Early 20th-Century Europe.
International Library of Twentieth Century History.
Bloomsbury Publishing: London, UK.
Lowry, James;
Addressing Information Asymmetry In The Social Contract: An Archival-diplomatic Approach To Open Government Data Curation.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Luz Sousa Oliveira E Silva, Laura;
The Rationality of Anger.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Mac Góráin, F;
Introduction. Dionysus and Rome: accommodation and resistance.
In: Mac Góráin, F, (ed.)
Dionysus and Rome. Religion and literature.
De Gruyter: Berlin, Germany.
Mac Góráin, F;
In: Mac Góráin, F and Martindale, CA, (eds.)
The Cambridge Companion to Virgil (2nd edition).
(pp. 445-458).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Mac Góráin, F;
Virgil: the future?
In: Mac Góráin, F and Martindale, CA, (eds.)
The Cambridge Companion to Virgil (2nd edition).
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Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Mac Góráin, F;
Perris, S;
The ancient reception of Euripides’ Bacchae from Athens to Byzantium.
In: Mac Góráin, F, (ed.)
Dionysus and Rome. Religion and literature.
(pp. 39-84).
De Gruyter: Berlin, Germany.
Mackay, Anne Tuttle;
Animals and Animal-Human Dynamics in Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Mackenzie, KTM;
A Canonical Author: The Case of Hesiod.
In: Stray, C and Clarke, M and Katz, J, (eds.)
Liddell and Scott: The History, Methodology, and Languages of the World's Leading Lexicon of Ancient Greek.
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Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Mackenzie, KTM;
Georgica and Orphica: the Georgics in the context of Orphic poetry and religion.
Reflections and New Perspectives on Virgil's Georgics.
Bloomsbury: London, UK.
Madden, R;
How Can Thought Select Between Coincident Material Things?
In: Cumpa, J and Brewer, B, (eds.)
The Nature of Ordinary Objects.
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Mahony, S;
Analysis of Ancient and Medieval Texts and Manuscripts: Digital Approaches. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2014.
Variants: the Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship
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pp. 191-193.
Mahony, S;
Gao, J;
Linguistic and Cultural Hegemony in the Digital Humanities.
Proceedings of the Digital Humanities Congress 2018.
The Digital Humanities Institute: Sheffield, UK.
Maltby, J;
Shell, A;
Anglican Women Novelists From Charlotte Brontë to P.D. James.
T&T Clark: London, UK.
Manuwald, G;
Cicero: saviour of the Republic or just of his own reputation?
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pp. 21-23.
Manuwald, G;
16 - The Reception of Republican Comedy in Antiquity.
In: Dinter, MT, (ed.)
The Cambridge Companion to Roman Comedy.
(pp. 261-275).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Manuwald, G;
Plautus and Terence in Their Roman Contexts.
In: Dinter, MT, (ed.)
The Cambridge Companion to Roman Comedy.
(pp. 17-31).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Manuwald, G;
Cicero als Redner.
In: Erler, M and Tornau, C, (eds.)
Handbuch Antike Rhetorik.
(pp. 271-286).
De Gruyter: Berlin, Germany.
Manuwald, G;
Fragmentary Republican Latin, Volume III
Oratory, Part 1.
Loeb Classical Library: Vol.540.
Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA, USA.
Manuwald, G;
Fragmentary Republican Latin, Volume IV Oratory, Part 2.
Loeb Classical Library: Vol.541.
Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA, USA.
Manuwald, G;
Fragmentary Republican Latin, Volume V Oratory, Part 3.
Loeb Classical Library: Vol.542.
Harvard University Press: Cambridge, MA, USA.
Manuwald, G;
Dionysus / Bacchus / Liber in Cicero.
In: Mac Góráin, F, (ed.)
Dionysus and Rome Religion and Literature.
(pp. 157-176).
De Gruyter: Berlin, Germany.
Maria-Sube, E;
Woodgate, GR;
Analysis of the India-myanmar Timber Trade.
Asian Journal of Forestry
, 3
Marino Taussig De Bodonia, Agnese;
Coexistence with large carnivores in the north west of Spain.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Marlière, P;
Jean-Luc Mélenchon and France Insoumise: The Manufacturing of Populism.
In: Katsambekis, G and Kioupkiolis, A, (eds.)
The Populist Radical Left in Europe.
Routledge: London, UK.
Martin, Olwenn;
Adams, Julie;
Beasley, Amy;
Belanger, Scott;
Breton, Roger L;
Brock, Theo CM;
Buonsante, Vito A;
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Improving environmental risk assessments of chemicals: Steps towards
evidence-based ecotoxicology.
Environment International
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pp. 210-217.
Martin, Deborah;
The Child in Contemporary Latin American Cinema.
Global Cinema.
Palgrave Macmillan: New York.
Masanes, L;
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Mueller, MP;
The measurement postulates of quantum mechanics are operationally redundant.
Nature Communications
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Masril, M;
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Theozard Fikri, H;
Hazidar, AH;
Priambodo, B;
Naf'An, E;
Handriani, I;
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The Effect of Lego Mindstorms as an Innovative Educational Tool to Develop Students' Creativity Skills for a Creative Society.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
IOP Science
Maurer, Ayala Sarah;
Subversive Survival: Reconsidering Trauma in Literary Representations of the Holocaust, Apartheid and the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Maus de Rolley, T;
La Cosmographie du diable: démonologie et géographie à la Renaissance.
In: Tarrête, A and Millet, O and Ferrer, V, (eds.)
La Renaissance au grand large. Mélanges en l'honneur de Frank Lestringant.
Droz: Geneva, Switzerland.
Maxwell, L;
Beltrán, C;
Threadcraft, S;
White, SK;
Leonard, M;
Honig, B;
The “Agonistic Turn”: Political Theory and the Displacement of Politics in New Contexts.
Contemporary Political Theory
, 18
pp. 640-672.
Mazy, Élodie;
Livres chrétiens et bibliothèques en Égypte pendant l'Antiquité tardive: Le témoignage des papyrus et ostraca documentaires.
Journal of Coptic Studies
, 21
pp. 115-162.
McMunn, A;
Bird, L;
Webb, E;
Sacker, A;
Gender Divisions of Paid and Unpaid Work in Contemporary UK Couples.
Work, Employment and Society
(In press).
Micucci, Federica;
Roman and Byzantine Papyri from Oxyrhynchus.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Miodownik, M;
Laughlin, Z;
Conreen, M;
Schmitz, N;
Ellis, D;
Meunier, R;
Walker, G;
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6th Year Report: Institute of Making, UCL 2018-19.
Institute of Making, UCL: London, UK.
Mitchell, P;
Cribb, A;
Entwistle, VA;
Defining What is Good: Pluralism and Healthcare Quality.
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal
, 29
pp. 367-388.
Mliczak, Renata;
A Diachronic Study of Subtitling for the Deaf and the Hard-of-Hearing in Poland.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Morris, S;
The Medieval Macaronic.
Presented at: 2019 IONA Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Morris, S;
The Moon is Shining on my Mother.
KATALOG - Journal of Photography & Video
, 30
pp. 182-185.
Moss, Rachel;
Sims-Schouten, Wendy;
Gorczynski, Paul;
The mental health and wellbeing of PGRs in the UK: exploring the relationship between mental health literacy, intentional help-seeking behaviour, psychological distress and wellbeing.
Presented at: 1st International Conference on the Mental Health & Wellbeing of Postgraduate Researchers, Brighton, UK.
Moul, V;
The date of Marvell's Hortus.
The Seventeenth Century
, 34
pp. 329-351.
Moul, V;
Virgil as a poet.
In: MacGorain, F and Martindale, C, (eds.)
The Cambridge Companion to Virgil.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Moul, V;
Cowley's 1656 Poems in context.
In: Major, P, (ed.)
Royalists and Royalism in Seventeenth-Century Literature: Exploring Abraham Cowley.
Routledge: New York, USA.
Moul, V;
Neo-Latin metrical practice in English manuscript sources, c. 1550-1720.
In: Tilg, S, (ed.)
Neo-Latin Metre.
(In press).
Mühlberger, G;
Seaward, L;
Terras, M;
Ares Oliveira, S;
Bosch, V;
Bryan, M;
Colutto, S;
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Transforming Scholarship in the Archives Through Handwritten Text Recognition: Transkribus as a Case Study.
Journal of Documentation
, 75
pp. 954-976.
Muir, S;
Tuori, R;
‘The Golden Chain of Pious Rabbis’: the origin and development of Finnish Jewish Orthodoxy.
Nordisk Judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies
, 30
pp. 8-34.
Mullan, J;
London Review of Books
, 41
pp. 33-34.
Munoz-Dardé, V;
In praise of lumpen humanity: aggregation, personal & impersonal reasons.
Les ateliers de l'éthique / The Ethics Forum
, 14
pp. 155-171.
Murphy, ML;
De Felice, R;
Routine politeness in American and British English requests: use and non-use of please.
Journal of Politeness Research: Language, Behavior, Culture
, 15
pp. 77-100.
Mussgnug, F;
Species at War? The Animal and the Anthropocene.
, 42
pp. 116-130.
Mutti, Lynn Janet;
Sylvia Townsend Warner: a musical life.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Naf'An, E;
Sulaiman, R;
Mohamad Ali, N;
Priambodo, B;
Hazidar, AH;
Kudr Nseaf, A;
Pratama Putra, Z;
... Handriani, I; + view all
Improving the Modelling of Robot Bunker with Camera.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
(pp. pp. 1-7).
IOP Science
Nassif Jassim, K;
Khudhur Nsaif, A;
Kuder Nseaf, A;
Hazidar, AH;
Priambodo, B;
Naf'An, E;
Masril, M;
... Pratama Putra, Z; + view all
Hybrid cryptography and steganography method to embed encrypted text message within image.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
(pp. pp. 1-9).
IOP Science
Neil, C;
Safety, domination, and differential support.
(In press).
Neveu Kringelbach, H;
Plancke, C;
Introduction: dance in Africa and beyond: creativity and identity in a globalized world.
Critical African Studies
, 11
pp. 1-9.
Nguyen, J;
The limitations of the Arrovian consistency of domains with a fixed preference.
Theory and Decision
, 87
pp. 183-199.
Noll, S;
A Re-examination of D-H-M in the Meṣad Ḥashavyahu Ostracon (KAI 200).
Journal of Semitic Studies
, 64
pp. 353-361.
North, R;
Death ere the afternoon: Jómsvíkinga saga and a scene in Hemingway’s For Whom the Bell Tolls.
In: Birkett, T and Dale, R, (eds.)
The Vikings Reimagined: Reception, Recovery, Engagement.
(pp. 145-161).
Medieval Institute Publications, De Gruyter: Berlin, Boston, Germany.
North, R;
Gold and the heathen polity in Beowulf.
In: Sahm, H and Heizmann, W and Millet, V, (eds.)
Gold in der Heldensage.
(pp. 72-114).
Walter de Gruyter: Berlin, Germany.
Nowak, E;
Complex demonstratives, hidden arguments, and presupposition.
(In press).
Nowak, E;
Michaelson, E;
Discourse and method.
Linguistics and Philosophy
(In press).
Núñez de Cáceres González, Bárbara;
The Antinomy of the Organic, or How Visibility Can Coincide with Blind Mechanism in Nature: A Comparative Study of Kant’s Philosophy of Nature and Schelling’s Naturphilosophie.
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).
O'Brien, S;
Federici, F;
Crisis Translation: Considering Language Needs in Multilingual Disaster Settings.
Disaster Prevention & Management
, 29
pp. 129-143.
Ortolja-Baird, A;
Pickering, V;
Nyhan, J;
Sloan, K;
Fleming, M;
Digital Humanities in the Memory Institution: the challenges of encoding Sir Hans Sloane’s catalogues of his collections.
Open Library of Humanities
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, Article 44. 10.16995/olh.409.
Owens, T;
Coleridge and 'the general taste for unconnected writing'.
The Review of English Studies
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pp. 111-134.
Owens, TAR;
Hopkins's Kestrel: Drafting "The Windhover," 1877-1884.
Victorian Poetry
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pp. 43-72.
Padfield, D;
Omand, H;
New Contexts: what art psychotherapy theory can bring to an understanding of using images to communicate the experience of pain in medical pain consultations.
ATOL: Art Therapy OnLine
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Padfield, J;
Kontiza, K;
Bikakis, A;
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Semantic Representation and Location Provenance of Cultural Heritage Information: the National Gallery Collection in London.
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pp. 648-665.
Panjwani, F;
Brown, N;
Teaching for 3 Cs: centring imagination in teacher education.
Social Theory for Teacher Education Research: Beyond the Technical-Rational.
(pp. 105-124).
Bloomsbury: London, UK.
Parkin, BL;
Bhandari, M;
Glen, JC;
Walsh, V;
The physiological effects of transcranial electrical stimulation do not apply to parameters commonly used in studies of cognitive neuromodulation.
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pp. 332-339.
Paschini, Angela;
Religious exploration in greek tragedy.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Peng, M;
Wang, C;
Bi, T;
Chen, T;
Zhou, X;
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A Novel Apex-Time Network for Cross-Dataset Micro-Expression Recognition.
Procceeding of the2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII).
IEEE: Cambridge, UK.
Petsilas, P;
Leigh, J;
Brown, N;
Blackburn, C;
Embodied Reflection: Exploring somatic narratives within dance training.
Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices
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pp. 177-195.
Picollo, L;
Alethic Reference.
Journal of Philosophical Logic
(In press).
Picollo, L;
Reference and Truth.
Journal of Philosophical Logic
(In press).
Priambodo, B;
Rahayu, S;
Hazidar, AH;
Naf'An, E;
Masril, M;
Handriani, I;
Pratama Putra, Z;
... Jumaryadi, Y; + view all
Predicting GDP of Indonesia Using K-Nearest Neighbour Regression.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
(pp. pp. 1-7).
IOP Science
Raboin, T;
Réimaginer la Lorraine désindustrialisée. Les psycho-géographies de la Lorraine chez François Bon, Gilles Ortlieb et Denis Robert.
Questions de communication
, 36
pp. 139-156.
Ramdarshan Bold, M;
Representation of people of colour among children’s book authors and illustrators.
(BookTrust Represents
BookTrust: London, UK.
Ramdarshan Bold, M;
Is "Everyone welcome"?: Intersectionality, inclusion, and the extension of cultural hierarchies on Emma Watson's Feminist book club, "Our shared shelf".
, 16
pp. 441-472.
Ramdarshan Bold, M;
Phillips, L;
Adolescent Identities: The Untapped Power Of YA.
Research on Diversity in Youth Literature
, 1
, Article 7.
Rauch, S;
"I honestly felt sick:" Affect and Pain in Viewers' Responses to Holocaust Films.
In: Jung, B and Bruzzi, S, (eds.)
Beyond the Rhetorics of Pain.
Routledge: New York, NY, USA and Abingdon, UK.
Rayner, S;
Academic Publishing.
In: Phillips, A and Bhaskar, M, (eds.)
The Oxford Handbook of Publishing.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Rayner, S;
Searle, A;
C. S. Lewis
Writing and Publishing Literary Criticism with Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press.
Mémoires du livre
, 10
Rayner, SJ;
Female Arthurian Scholars: An Initial Collection of Tributes.
Journal of the International Arthurian Society
, 7
pp. 3-41.
Rayner, SJ;
University Presses and Academic Publishing.
In: Nash, A and Squires, C and Willison, IR, (eds.)
The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain: Volume 7. The Twentieth Century and Beyond.
(pp. 470-483).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Reed, K;
Beyond Boundaries.
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12 March - 02 April 2019.
Reed, K;
Gather - Photographic Public Artwork. Triptych.
Hinguar Community Primary School.
20 September 2020.
Reggi, Valeria;
The Stereotype of Italianness in the Rhetoric of Matteo Renzi: A multimodal analysis of his talks delivered in English.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Richards, M;
Sizer, A;
Sharma, N;
Rawle, MJ;
Davis, D;
Kuh, D;
James, S-N;
Identifying the lifetime cognitive and socioeconomic antecedents of cognitive state: seven decades of follow-up in a British birth cohort study.
BMJ Open
, 9
, Article e024404. 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024404.
Ring, AG;
Zwei Techniken der Zukunftssicherung: Komplizität und Souveränität in den Dokumentarfilmen Work Hard Play Hard (Carmen Losmann, 2011) und In dir muss brennen (Katharina Pethke, 2009) = Two techniques for securing the future: Complicity and sovereignty in the documentary films Work Hard Play Hard (Carmen Losmann, 2011) and Burning Within (Katharina Pethke, 2009).
In: Bühler, B and Becker, J and Pravica, S and Willer, S, (eds.)
Zukunftssicherung: Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven.
Transcript Verlag: Berlin, Germany.
Robertson, Nicole Freya;
Arthur Schnitzler in Great Britain. An examination of power and translation.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Robinson, Alistair John;
Victorian vagrancy: a cultural history of the wandering poor.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Rothschild, DH;
Matthew, M;
Independence Day?
Journal of Semantics
, 36
pp. 193-210.
Rowson, Rebecca;
Perceiving Expressed Emotions.
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).
Rumbold, B;
Towards a More Particularist View of Rights’ Stringency.
Res Publica
, 25
pp. 211-233.
Rumbold, B;
Charlton, V;
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Mitchell, P;
Wilson, J;
Littlejohns, P;
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Affordability and Non-Perfectionism in Moral Action.
Ethical Theory and Moral Practice
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pp. 973-991.
Rumbold, B;
Wilson, J;
Privacy Rights and Public Information.
Journal of Political Philosophy
, 27
pp. 3-25.
Rushworth, JF;
If the ‘Schu’ Fits: Translating a Moment of Song in Proust’s Le Temps Retrouvé.
French Studies Bulletin
, 40
pp. 21-24.
Rushworth, JF;
Francesco Petrarch: A Poet of “Multiple Belongings”.
In: Chrism, C and Seigneurie, K, (eds.)
A Companion to World Literature.
Saejang, Jooyin;
The subtitling and dubbing into Chinese of male homosexual and ladyboy roles in Thai soap operas.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Salamanca, Beatriz E.;
Placing Mobile Identities: Freedom to Wander and the Right to Travel in Early Modern Spain and Spanish America.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Salverda, Josephine;
Towards a philosophical account of explanation in mathematics.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Samek-Lodovici, V;
Prosody-Driven Scrambling in Italian.
In: Feldhausen, I and Elsig, M and Kuchenbrandt, I and Neuhaus, M, (eds.)
Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 15: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' 30, Frankfurt.
(pp. 178-196).
John Benjamins: Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Sampson, L;
"Finally the Academies": Networking communities of knowledge in Italy and beyond.
I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance
, 22
pp. 369-381.
Samson, A;
The Literary Glocal: Sir Walter Aston between Staffordshire and Madrid.
Huntington Library Quarterly: studies in English and American history and literature
, 82
pp. 597-617.
Sánchez-Dorado, Julia;
Scientific Representation in Practice: Models and Creative Similarity.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Sandri, Vittorio;
Sartre’s Account of Human Freedom in Being and Nothingness: An Ontological Reading.
Masters thesis (M.Phil), UCL (University College London).
Schaab, J;
Commitment and the Second-Person Standpoint.
Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung
, 73
pp. 511-532.
Setiawan, D;
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Designing a Multimodal Graph System to Support Non-Visual Interpretation of Graphical Information.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
(pp. pp. 1-6).
IOP Science
Sexton, A;
'It's Their Life': designing participatory recordkeeping systems for children and young people in care.
Presented at: Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities, DCDC 2019, Birmingham, UK.
Sexton, A;
Working with traumatic records: how should we train, prepare and support record-keepers?
Presented at: Archival Education and Research Institute (AERI) 2019, Liverpool, UK.
Sexton, A;
Flinn, A;
Activist participatory communities in archival contexts: theoretical perspectives.
In: Benoit III, E and Eveleigh, A, (eds.)
Participatory Archives.
Facet Publishing: London, UK.
Shaw, Ashley;
Desire and Practical Rationality.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Shell, A;
Davidson, P;
Brexit and the Baroque.
Oxford Review of Books
Shell, A;
Sacrilege, Tractarian Fiction and the Very Long Reformation.
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Shell, A;
Southwell's influence: imitations, appropriations, reactions 1.
In: Markidou, V and Panaghis, A-M, (eds.)
Precarious identities: the works of Fulke Greville and Robert Southwell.
Routledge: London, UK.
Shell, A;
Loewenstein, D;
Introduction: Early Modern Literature and England’s Long Reformation.
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pp. 53-58.
Shelton, N;
Marshall, CE;
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Grundy, E;
Dennett, A;
Tomlinson, J;
Duke-Williams, O;
Cohort Profile: the Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study (The LS).
International Journal of Epidemiology
(In press).
Shepherd, E;
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Open government data: critical information management perspectives.
Records Management Journal
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pp. 152-167.
Shepherd, E;
Sexton, A;
Duke-Williams, O;
Eveleigh, A;
Risk identification and management for the research use of government administrative data.
Records Management Journal
(In press).
Shepherd, EJ;
Open Government.
In: Duranti, L and Rogers, C, (eds.)
Trusting Records in the Cloud.
Facet Publishing and SAA
(In press).
Shih, CY;
A quest for web search optimisation: an evidence-based approach to trainee translators' behaviour.
Perspectives: Studies in Translatology
, 27
pp. 908-923.
Sica, B;
TOTalitarian ARTs. The Visual Arts, Fascism(s) and Mass-Society.
Italian Studies
, 74
pp. 108-109.
Sica, B;
I pennacchi dell’autorità e la resistenza del fantastico: Palazzeschi, Bontempelli e la polizia a cavallo tra belle époque e fascismo.
In: Schecter, D and Moroncini, A and Vighi, F, (eds.)
Resistance in Italian Culture from Dante to the 21st century = La resistenza nella cultura italiana da Dante al XXI secolo.
Franco Cesati Editore: Firenze, Italy.
Sikk, A;
Koeker, P;
Candidate Turnover and Party Policy Change in Central and Eastern Europe.
(Proceedings) 2019 APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition.
American Political Science Association (APSA)
Silva, ACSD;
Esaú e Jacob e Memorial de Ayres: Manuscritos que viajam.
Machado de Assis em Linha : Revista Eletrônica de Estudos Machadianos
, 12
pp. 125-160.
Silva, ACS;
O papel da imprensa na inserção do Brasil no sistema da moda parisiense.
In: Monteleone, J and Debom, P and Sila, CB, (eds.)
A história na moda, a moda na história.
Alameda Editorial: São Paulo, Brazil.
Simpson, Robert Mark;
Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights.
Journal of Moral Philosophy
, 16
pp. 517-520.
Simpson, M;
Deflationism and truthmaking.
(In press).
Simpson, RM;
‘Won’t Somebody Please Think of the Children?’ Hate Speech, Harm, and Childhood.
Law and Philosophy
, 38
pp. 79-108.
Simpson, RM;
Aly, W;
Political Correctness Gone Viral.
In: Fox, C and Saunders, J, (eds.)
Media Ethics, Free Speech, and the Requirements of Democracy.
Routledge: New York, NY, USA.
Simpson, RM;
Whitney, HM;
Search engines and free speech coverage.
In: Brison, SJ and Gelber, K, (eds.)
Free Speech in the Digital Age.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Sims-Schouten, Wendy;
Applied Critical Realism and Mental Health.
Presented at: International Association for Critical Realism (IACR) Annual Conference 2019, Southampton, UK.
Sims-Schouten, Wendy;
Bullying & Mental Health: Why it Matters to Think and Talk about This.
Presented at: Portsmouth City Council Anti-Bullying Conference, Portsmouth, UK.
Sims-Schouten, Wendy;
Mental Health support for Children and Teachers.
Presented at: Portsmouth City Council Wellbeing in Education Conference, Portsmouth, UK.
Sizer, A;
Duke-Williams, O;
The Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study.
Presented at: 4th International Conference on Administrative Data Research 2019, Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Sizer, Alison;
Non-employment, a risk factor for cognitive decline in later life?
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Skarlatidou, A;
Suskevics, M;
Göbel, C;
Prūse, B;
Tauginiené, L;
Mascarenhas, A;
Mazzonetto, M;
... Wyszomirski, P; + view all
The Value of Stakeholder Mapping to Enhance Co-Creation in Citizen Science Initiatives.
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice
, 4
, Article 24. 10.5334/cstp.226.
Sommer, David;
Language and the recognition of rationality in Fichte’s Jena Wissenschaftslehre.
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).
Stiles, P;
Beowulf 33a and Hapax Legomena.
(In press).
Stougaard-Nielsen, J;
Deviant Detectives in the Scandinavian Welfare State: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Bridge.
In: Akrivos, D and Antoniou, AK, (eds.)
Crime, Deviance and Popular Culture; International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives.
(pp. 13-39).
Palgrave Macmillan: London, UK.
Stougaard-Nielsen, J;
The author in literary theory and theories of literature.
In: Berensmeyer, I and Germany, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen and Buelens, G and Demoor, M, (eds.)
The Cambridge Handbook of Literary Authorship.
(pp. 270-287).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Suriani da Silva, AC;
Os contos de Machado de Assis: Periodicidade e ficção no Brasil no século XIX.
Revista Livro
, 7/8
, Article 2.
Swaab, PA;
Romantic Poetry and Victorian Nonsense Poetry: Some Directions of Travel.
, 25
pp. 90-102.
Szarkowska, A;
Gerber-Morón, O;
Two or three lines: a mixed-methods study on subtitle processing and preferences.
Perspectives: Studies in Translatology
, 27
pp. 144-164.
Taylor, E;
The Historical Journal
(In press).
Taylor, M;
Wilson, J;
Reasonable Expectations of Privacy and Disclosure of Health Data.
Medical Law Review
, 27
pp. 432-460.
Tether, L;
Rayner, SJ;
[Editorial comment].
Journal of the International Arthurian Society
, 7
pp. 1-2.
Thomson, C;
Louder Than Films: Memory, Affect and the ‘Sublime
Image’ in the Work of Joachim Trier.
, 8
, Article 55. 10.3390/arts8020055.
Thomson, CC;
Screening the population: Public information films in Scandinavian tuberculosis campaigns around 1950.
Journal of Scandinavian Cinema
, 9
pp. 59-74.
Tiedau, U;
‘Rational’ pacifism - Norman Angell’s Great Illusion.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Tiedau, U;
Centenary of Low Countries Studies in the Anglophone World (1919–2019).
[Editorial comment].
Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies
, 43
pp. 97-98.
Tiedau, U;
Pieter Geyl as a journalist (1914-1919).
Presented at: The annual meeting of the Canadian Association for the Advancement in Netherlandic Studies, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Trifonova, Temenuga;
European Identity in Cinema in the Age of Neoliberal Globalization.
Presented at: On the Ruins and Margins of European Identity in Cinema, Tours, France.
Trifonova, Temenuga;
European Identity in Cinema in the Era of Mass Migration.
Presented at: European Identity in Cinema in the Era of Mass Migration, Tours, France.
Tsimonis, K;
Rogelja, I;
Ciută, I;
Frantzeskaki, A;
Nikolovska, E;
Pesha, B;
A Synergy of Failures: Environmental Protection and Chinese Capital in Southeast Europe.
Journal of Current Chinese Affairs
, 48
pp. 171-200.
Valeonti, F;
Terras, M;
Hudson-Smith, A;
Zarkali, C;
Examining Mobile Print-on-Demand as an Alternative to Image Licensing for Monetising Digitisation to Promote OpenGLAM.
Proceedings of MW19, the 23rd annual MuseWeb conference.
Museums and the Web: Boston, MA, USA.
Van Wietmarschen, JG;
Political Testimony.
Politics, Philosophy and Economics
, 18
pp. 23-45.
Vandieken, Jonas;
Moral Friends? The Bipolar Standpoint.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Venkatesh, Nikhil;
Utilitarianism and the integrity of the practical realm.
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).
Vidro, N;
The Book against the People of the Equinox: T-S K6.63.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Vidro, N;
Nahshon Gaon – a calendar scholar or a pseudo-author?
Jewish Studies Quarterly
, 26
pp. 17-34.
Villegas de la Torre, Esther M;
Gender in Early Constructions of Authorship, 1447-1518.
Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought
, 2
pp. 33-50.
Vlachidis, A;
Reflections on Excavating Archaeological Grey Literature: and on the Challenges in Information Extraction.
Presented at: Big Data in Archaeology: Practicalities and Possibilities, Cambridge, UK.
Vlachidis, A;
Everard, M;
WASOS Ontology - Alpha Version.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Vlachidis, A;
Mark, E;
WASOS: An Ontology for Modelling Traditional Knowledge of Sustainable Water Stewardship.
In: Garoufallou, E and De Luca, EW, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research - Metadata and Semantic Research. MTSR 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science.
(pp. pp. 332-339).
Springer: Rome, Italy.
Wagner, KB;
Unger, MA;
Photographic and cinematic appropriation of atrocity images from Cambodia: auto-genocide in Western museum culture and The Missing Picture.
Visual Communication
, 18
pp. 83-106.
Wallis, S;
Comparing χ2 Tables for Separability of Distribution and Effect: Meta-Tests for Comparing Homogeneity and Goodness of Fit Contingency Test Outcomes.
Journal of Quantitative Linguistics
, 26
pp. 330-355.
Wallis, S;
Investigating the additive probability of repeated language production decisions.
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics
, 24
pp. 490-521.
Wang, X;
Wang, C;
Can Computer-assisted Interpreting Tools Assist Interpreting?
Transletters: International Journal of Translation and Interpreting
, 3
pp. 109-139.
Webb, Christopher;
The Concept of Work in Post-War British Experimental Fiction.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Webb, C;
[Review] Idleness and Aesthetic Consciousness, 1815-1900.
Moveable Type
, 11
, Article 10. 10.14324/111.1755-4527.104.
Weeden, Mark;
Matsumura, Kimiyoshi;
Büklükale in the Hittite Period.
In: Süel, Aygül, (ed.)
Dokuzuncu Uluslararası Hititoloji Kongresi bildirileri / Acts of the IXth International Congress of Hittitology.
(pp. 533-566).
T.C. Çorum Valiliği: Çorum, Turkey.
West, James;
Get Out (of the White House): The Trump administration and YouTube horror parody as social commentary.
In: McCollum, V, (ed.)
Make America Hate Again: Trump-Era Horror and the Politics of Fear.
(pp. 152-163).
Routledge: London, UK.
Williams, P;
Gatekeepers and support for research involving people with learning disabilities.
European Journal of Special Needs Education
, 35
pp. 23-24.
Williams, P;
‘It all sounds very interesting, but we’re just too busy!’: exploring why ‘gatekeepers’ decline access to potential research participants with learning disabilities.
European Journal of Special Needs Education
, 35
pp. 1-14.
Williams, P;
Facebook use by people with learning disabilities: The case for facilitated, guided autonomy.
In: Uzunboylu, H, (ed.)
New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences.
(pp. pp. 99-108).
United World Center of Research Innovation and Publication: Cyprus Science Univ, Kazafani, CYPRUS.
Williams, P;
Shekhar, S;
People with Learning Disabilities and Smartphones: Testing the Usability of a Touch-Screen Interface.
Education Sciences
, 9
, Article 263. 10.3390/educsci9040263.
Wiltshire, Harvey James;
'See here in bloody lines': Shakespeare, Blood, and the Body in Circulation.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Woodcock, Alex;
The Implicit Psychologies of International Relations Theory: An Intellectual History.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Wyke, MDC;
Mobilising Pompeii for Italian Silent Cinema.
Classical Receptions Journal
, 11
pp. 453-475.
Young, C;
Carey Young: Palais de Justice.
[Solo exhibition].
Eastbourne, UK.
17 February - 02 June 2019.
Young, C;
Palais de Justice.
[Solo exhibition].
Brussels, Belgium.
05 September - 19 October 2019.
Zakrzewska, JM;
Padfield, D;
Ferguson, A;
Visual Imagery: A Tool to Explore the Impact of Burning Mouth Syndrome.
Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache
, 33
Zalabardo, JL;
Belief, desire and the prediction of behaviour.
Philosophical Issues
, 29
pp. 295-310.
Zalabardo, JL;
The Primacy of Practice.
Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement
, 86
pp. 181-199.
Zhong, Ai;
Chinese influence on the English lexicon.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Zrinzo, L;
Wilson, J;
Hariz, M;
Joyce, E;
Morris, J;
Schmidt, U;
Commentary: The Moral Obligation to Prioritize Research Into Deep Brain Stimulation Over Brain Lesioning Procedures for Severe Enduring Anorexia Nervosa.
Frontiers in Psychiatry
, 10
, Article 326. 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00326.
Zubair, S-J;
Editor’s Foreword: ‘Decadence’.
[Editorial comment].
Moveable Type
, 11
, Article 11. 10.14324/111.1755-4527.094.
Zur-Szpiro, Eliana;
Dimensions of Deprivation and Freedom.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).