Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Aaltonen, T;
Abulencia, A;
Adelman, J;
Affolder, T;
Akimoto, T;
Albrow, MG;
Amerio, S;
... Zucchelli, S; + view all
Observation and mass measurement of the baryon Xi(-)(b).
, 99
, Article 052002. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.052002.
Aaltonen, T;
Abulencia, A;
Adelman, J;
Affolder, T;
Akimoto, T;
Albrow, MG;
Amerio, S;
... Zucchelli, S; + view all
Search for high-mass diphoton states and limits on Randall-Sundrum gravitons at CDF.
, 99
, Article 171801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.171801.
Aaltonen, T;
Abulencia, A;
Adelman, J;
Affolder, T;
Akimoto, T;
Albrow, MG;
Amerio, S;
... Zucchelli, S; + view all
Search for new physics in high-mass electron-positron events in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s p=1.96 TeV.
, 99
, Article 171802. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.171802.
Aaronson, D;
French, E;
Product Market Evidence on the Employment Effects of the Minimum Wage.
Journal of Labor Economics
, 25
pp. 167-200.
Abulencia, A;
Adelman, J;
Affolder, T;
Akimoto, T;
Albrow, MG;
Ambrose, D;
Amerio, S;
... CDF Collaboration; + view all
Measurement of the ratios of branching fractions B (B-s(0)-> D-s(-) pi(+) pi(+) pi(-))/B(B-0 -> D- pi(+) pi(+) pi(-)) and B(B-s(0) -> D-s(-) pi(+))/B(B-0 -> D- pi(+)).
, 98
, Article 061802. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.061802.
Abulencia, A;
Adelman, J;
Affolder, T;
Akimoto, T;
Albrow, MG;
Ambrose, D;
Amerio, S;
... CDF Collaboration; + view all
Search for V plus A current in top-quark decays in p(p)over-bar collisions root s=1.96 TeV.
, 98
, Article 072001. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.072001.
Abulencia, A;
Adelman, J;
Affolder, T;
Akimoto, T;
Albrow, MG;
Amerio, S;
Amidei, D;
... CDF Collaboration; + view all
Polarizations of J/psi and psi(2S) mesons produced in p(p)over-bar collisins at root s-1.96 TeV.
, 99
, Article 132001. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.132001.
Adank, P;
McQueen, JM;
The effect of an unfamiliar regional accent on spoken word comprehension.
Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS).
International Congress of Phonetic Sciences: Saarbrücken, Germany.
Addae‐Dapaah, K;
Ho, KHD;
Chua, YH;
Contrarian Real Estate Investment in Some Asia Pacific Cities.
Journal of Property Research
, 24
pp. 159-190.
Addison, JD;
Flow on links: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
In: Heydecker, B, (ed.)
Mathematics in Transport.
(pp. 363-372).
Agnew, SC;
Trustees, Tax and Disclosure - The HMRC Dimension.
Jersey and Guernsey Law Review
, 2007
pp. 72-73.
Alderson, P;
Childhood, youth and the economy.
pp. 115-126.
Alderson, P;
The ethics of space in clinical practice.
Clinical Ethics
, 2
pp. 85-91.
Alderson, P;
When does citizenship begin? Economics and early childhood.
In: Invernizzi, A and Williams, J, (eds.)
Children and Citizenship.
(pp. 108-119).
Sage: London, United Kindom.
Alderson, P;
Alderson, P;
The flat child society.
Soundings Compass blog
Ali, AB;
Target Dependent Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity Among Hippocampal Interneurones.
Presented at: Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2007, San Diego, CA, USA.
Anderson, J;
Beavan, D;
Kay, C;
SCOTS: Scottish Corpus of Texts and Speech.
In: Beal, J and Corrigan, K and Moisl, H, (eds.)
Creating and Digitizing Language Corpora, Volume 1: Synchronic Databases.
(17 - 34).
Palgrave Macmillan: New York, USA.
Andres, L;
Temps de veille de la friche urbaine et diversité des processus d’appropriation : la Belle de Mai (Marseille) et le Flon (Lausanne).
, 81
pp. 159-166.
Andres, L;
Strappazzon, G;
Natural hazard management and sustainable development: a questionable link.
Journal of Alpine Research = Revue de géographie alpine
, 95
pp. 40-50.
Antonsson, HT;
Arna saga byskups as literature and history.
Journal of English and Germanic Philology
, 116
Armstrong, F;
Disability, Education and Social Change in England since 1960.
History of Education
, 36
pp. 551-568.
Attanasio, O;
Pavoni, N;
Risk Sharing in Private Information Models with Asset Accumulation: Explaining the Excess Smoothness of Consumption.
(NBER Working Paper Series
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER): Cambridge, MA, USA.
Ayris, P;
Embedding open access into the European landscape - the contribution of LIBER.
LIBER Quarterly
, 17
Azaria, D;
Minimum standards of protection to individuals involved in transnational proceedings.
Extradition - European Standards.
Council of Europe: Strasbourg, France.
Back, J;
Furniss, D;
Blandford, A;
Cognitive Resilience: Reflection-in-action and on-action.
In: Woltjer, R and Johansson, B and Lundberg, J, (eds.)
(pp. pp. 1-6).
Linköpings Universitet: Linköpings, Sweden.
Transport-related physical activity, health outcomes, and urban design: Descriptive evidence.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Badland, HM;
Schofield, GM;
Schluter, PJ;
Objectively measured commute distance: associations with actual travel modes and perceptions to place of work or study in Auckland, New Zealand.
Journal of Physical Activity and Health
, 4
pp. 80-86.
Balmer, NJ;
Tam, T;
Pleasence, P;
Young People and Civil Justice: Findings from the 2004 English and Welsh Civil and Social Justice Survey.
Youth Access: London, UK.
Barber, N;
Cornford, T;
Klecun, E;
Qualitative evaluation of an electronic prescribing and administration system.
Qual Saf Health Care
, 16
271 - 278.
Barnum, H;
Barrett, J;
Leifer, M;
Wilce, A;
A generalized no-broadcasting theorem.
Phys Rev Lett
, 99
, Article 240501. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.240501.
Basu, S;
Stuart, FM;
Schnabel, C;
Klemm, V;
Galactic-Cosmic-Ray-Produced in a Ferromanganese Crust: Any Supernova Excess on Earth.
Physical Review Letters
, 98
Batty, M;
Model cities.
(CASA Working Papers
UCL (University College London), Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL): London, UK.
Batty, M;
Planning Support Systems: Progress, Predictions, and Speculations on the Shape of Things to Come.
(CASA Working Paper Series
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis: London.
Batty, M;
Visualizing Creative Destruction.
(CASA Working Papers
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL), UCL (University College London), Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL): London, UK.
Batura, N;
Development and Policy Space.
Economic and Political Weekly
, 42
pp. 363-364.
Baturo, A;
Mikhaylov, S;
I Love You, You Pay My Rent: Belarusian-Russian Integration.
In: Dusseault, D and Sakwa, R, (eds.)
The CIS: Form or Substance.
Helsinki University Press: Finland.
Beard, R;
The National Literacy Strategy in England: origins, evaluations and implications.
In: Matsagouras,, E, (ed.)
School Literacy.
(pp. 299-332).
Grigoris Publications: Athens.
Beard, R;
Teaching writing: using research to inform practice.
In: Rijlaarsdam,, G and Van den Bergh,, H and Couzijn,, M, (eds.)
Effective Learning and Teaching of Writing: A Handbook of Writing in Education.
(pp. 275-289).
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Beard, R;
Burrell,, A;
Swinnerton,, B;
Pell,, G;
Investigating development in writing in 9-11 year olds.
In: Conrick,, M and Howard,, M, (eds.)
From Applied Linguistics to Linguistics Applied: Issues, practices, trends.
(pp. 56-75).
British Association for Applied Linguistics: Birmingham, UK.
Beaumont, M;
Christopher Hilliard. To Exercise Our Talents: The Democratization of Writing in Britain. Harvard Historical Studies, 150. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006. Pp. 390. $29.95 (cloth).
The Journal of British Studies
, 46
234 - 235.
Bennion, H;
Burgess, A;
Palaeoecological study of Loch Ussie.
(ECRC Research Report
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Generic Evolutionary Design of Solid Objects using a Genetic Algorithm.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Bichard, J;
Hanson, J;
Who Put the P in Policy? The reality of guidelines and legislation in the design of the accessible toilet.
(Proceedings) INCLUDE 2007, Designing with People.
: RCA London.
Biddulph, P;
Crowther, D;
Leung, B;
Wilkinson, T;
Hart, B;
Oreszczyn, T;
Pretlove, S;
... Ucci, M; + view all
Predicting the population dynamics of the house dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Acari : Pyroglyphidae) in response to a constant hygrothermal environment using a model of the mite life cycle.
, 41
61 - 86.
Blades, N;
Application of an air pollution modelling tool to cultural heritage buildings.
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic / European Communities: Prague, Czech Republic.
Blandford, A;
Keith, S;
Butterworth, R;
Fields, B;
Furniss, D;
Disrupting digital library development with scenario informed design.
, 19
70 - 82.
Boccolini, G;
Luise, M;
Garnier, B;
Merour, J-M;
Brunelle, A;
Titomanlio, S;
Mignone, V;
TV-Centric technologies to provide remote areas with two-way satellite broadband access.
Presented at: WRECOM 2007 conference Wireless Rural and Emergency Communications, Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata Rome, Italy.
Boccolini, G;
Luise, M;
Garnier, B;
Merour, J-M;
Brunelle, A;
Titomanlio, S;
Mignone, V;
A two-way interactive broadband satellite architecture to break the digital divide barrier.
(Proceedings) 16th Ka and broadband communications conference.
Boorman, ED;
O Shea, J;
Sebastian, C;
Rushworth, MFS;
Johansen-Berg, H;
Individual differences in white matter microstructure reflect variation in functional connectivity during action choice.
Current Biology
, 17
pp. 1426-1431.
Bowskill, R;
Clatworthy, J;
Parham, R;
Rank, T;
Horne, R;
Patients' perceptions of information received about medication prescribed for bipolar disorder: Implications for informed choice.
Journal of Affective Disorders
, 100
253 - 257.
Brant, J;
Secondary School Education in England: The Business and Economics Curriculum Examined.
The Korean Journal of Economics Education
, 14
pp. 117-141.
Brock, TP;
Taylor, DG;
Wuliji, T;
Ending the global tobacco pandemic. ISBN: 978-0-902936-14-0.
The School of Pharmacy: London.
Brown, I;
Grady and Parisi: the law and economics of cybersecurity [Review article].
Law Quarterly Review
, 123
pp. 172-175.
CANCER RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY LIMITED, R. Brown, J. Plumb, G. W. Aherne, E. Mcdonald, K. Jones, S. Hilton
Preparation of 2-[3H]-thiazol-2-ylidine-methylpyridine and related compounds and their use as antitumor agents.
Buchanan, G;
Gow, J;
Blandford, A;
Rimmer, J;
Warwick, C;
Representing Aggregate Works in the Digital Library.
In: Larson, R and Rasmussen, E and Sugimoto, S and Toms, E, (eds.)
(pp. 247 - 256).
Bull, PA;
Morgan, RM;
Sediment fingerprints: A forensic technique using quartz sand grains - A response.
Science and Justice
, 47
pp. 141-144.
Burrell, A;
Riley, J;
Assessing Children's Oral Storytelling in their first year of School.
International Journal of Early Years Education
, 15
pp. 181-196.
Calinescu, R;
Harris, S;
Gibbons, J;
Toujilov, I;
Nagl, S;
Model-driven architecture for cancer research.
(Proceedings) IEEE Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods 2007 (SEFM 2007).
(pp. pp. 59-68).
IEEE Computer Society Press
Cameron, C;
Education and self-reliance among care leavers.
Adoption & Fostering
, 31
pp. 39-49.
Cameron, C;
Understandings of care work with young children: reflections on children?s independence in a video observation study.
, 14
pp. 467-486.
Cameron, C;
McQuail, S;
Petrie, P;
Implementing the social pedagogic approach for workforce training and education in England: a preliminary study.
Institute of Education, University of London, London.
Carlin, W;
Charlton, A;
Mayer, C;
Multinational ownership and subsidiary investment.
(Discussion Papers in Economics
Department of Economics, University College London, UCL (University College London), Department of Economics, University College: London, UK.
Carnall, M;
Zoo Store 1 at the Natural History Museum: Meeting National Standards.
Papers from the Institute of Archaeology
, 18
20 - 35.
Carneiro, P;
Crawford, C;
Goodman, A;
The Impact of Early Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills on Later Outcomes.
(Discussion Paper Series
Centre for Economics of Education
Carpentier, V;
Educational Policymaking: Economic and Historical Perspectives.
In: Crook, D and McCulloch, G, (eds.)
History, Politics and Policy Making in Education: A Festschrift Presented to Richard Aldrich.
(pp. 30-48).
Institute of Education, University of London: London.
Carvalho, R;
Iori, G;
Socioeconomic Networks with Long-Range Interactions.
(CASA Working Paper Series
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis: London.
Cassar, M;
Hawkings, C;
Engineering Historic Futures Stakeholders Dissemination and Scientific Research Report.
: London: University College London.
Chen, C;
Clack, C;
Nagl, SB;
Context sensitivity in individual-based modeling.
BMC Systems Biology
, 1
(Suppl )
, Article 44. 10.1186/1752-0509-1-S1-P44.
Chen, C;
Nagl, S;
Clack, C;
A calculus for multi-level emergent behaviours in component-based systems and simulations.
In: Aziz-Alaoui, MA and Bertelle, C and Cotsaftis, M and Duchamp, GHE, (eds.)
Proceedings of the Emergent Properties in Natural and Artificial Complex Systems (EPNACS'2007), in ECCS'07 European Conference on Complex Systems.
(pp. pp. 35-51).
EPNACS'2007 within ECCS'07: Dresden, Germany.
Chen, Z;
Hothi, SS;
Xu, W;
Huang, CL-H;
Conduction velocities in amphibian skeletal muscle fibres exposed to hyperosmotic extracellular solutions.
Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility
, 28
pp. 195-202.
Chesher, A;
Endogeneity and discrete outcomes.
(CeMMAP Working Paper
Chiappa, S;
Barber, D;
Bayesian factorial linear Gaussian state-space models for biosignal decomposition.
IEEE Signal Processing Letters
, 14
pp. 267-270.
Chiatti, O;
Nicholls, JT;
Proskuryakov, YY;
Lumpkin, N;
Farrer, I;
Ritchie, DA;
Quantum thermal conductance of electrons in a one-dimensional wire.
Presented at: DPG Spring Meeting 2007, Universitaet Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany.
Chiotis, T;
Clack, CD;
Nonlinearity Linkage Detection for Financial Time Series Analysis.
In: Lipson, H, (ed.)
Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation.
(pp. pp. 1179-1186).
ACM: Association for Computing Machinery: London, England, United Kingdom.
Chow, AHF;
System optimal traffic assignment with departure time choice.
Doctoral thesis , University College London.
Cinquin, O;
Repressor dimerization in the zebrafish somitogenesis clock.
PLoS Computational Biology
, 3
Clarke, A;
McCarthy, M;
Alvarez-Dardet, C;
Sogoric, S;
Groenewegen, P;
Groot, W;
Delnoij, D;
New directions in European public health research:report of a workshop.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
, 61
pp. 194-197.
Clement, J;
Neild, GH;
Maes, P;
Leirs, H;
Matthys, P;
Van Ranst, M;
Symptomatic human hantavirus in the Americas.
Emerging Infectious diseases
, 13
345 - 346.
Clymer, JB;
Wiliam, D;
Clymer, JB;
Improving the way we grade science.
Educational Leadership
, 64
pp. 36-42.
Cochrane, E;
Matararaba, S;
Nakoro, E;
Lapita and Later Archaeology of the Malolo and Mamanuca Islands, Fiji.
The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology
, 2
pp. 245-250.
Cohen Kadosh, R;
Cohen Kadosh, K;
Linden, DEJ;
Gevers, W;
Berger, A;
Henik, A;
The brain locus of interaction between number and size: A combined functional magnetic resonance imaging and event-related potential study.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
, 19
pp. 957-970.
Coleman, M;
Gender and educational leadership in England: a comparison of secondary headteachers' views over time.
School Leadership and Management
, 27
pp. 383-399.
Conroy-Dalton, R;
Cancel the plane: I'll meet you in second life.
, 08
pp. 36-37.
Conroy-Dalton, R;
Social exclusion and transportation in Peachtree City, Georgia.
Progress in Planning
, 67
pp. 264-286.
Conroy-Dalton, R;
Dalton, N;
Applying Depth Decay Functions to Space Syntax Network Graphs.
(Proceedings) Sixth International Space Syntax Symposium.
Cooley, AE;
Mitchell, S;
Salway, B;
Roman inscriptions 2001-2005.
Journal of Roman Studies
, 97
176 - 263.
Corcoran, S;
Divus Diocletianus?
Presented at: 13th International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (CIEGL XIII), Oxford.
Coupaye, L;
The Abelam.
In: Peltier, P and Morin, F, (eds.)
Shadows of New Guinea.
(pp. 72-87).
Somogy Editions D'Art: Paris, France.
Coupaye, L;
Rolland, A-S;
Sculpture des Abelam de Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée.
La Revue du Louvre et des musees de France
pp. 74-77.
Crooks, AT;
The Repast Simulation/Modelling System for Geospatial Simulation.
(CASA Working Paper Series
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis: London.
D'Aiuto, F;
Donos, N;
Influence of tooth loss on cardiovascular mortality.
, 93
1022 - 1023.
Dalton, N;
Conroy-Dalton, R;
The Theory of Natural Movement and its Application to the Simulation of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET).
(Proceedings) Fifth Annual Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research (CNSR2007).
Davies, RJH;
Malone, JF;
Gan, Y;
Cardin, CJ;
Lee, MPH;
Neidle, S;
High-resolution crystal structure of the intramolecular d(TpA) thymine-adenine photoadduct and its mechanistic implications.
, 35
1048 - 1053.
Deng, Y;
Garoni, TM;
Sokal, AD;
Dynamic critical behavior of the worm algorithm for the Ising model.
, 99
, Article 110601. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.110601.
Deng, YJ;
Garoni, TM;
Sokal, AD;
Dynamic critical behavior of the worm algorithm for the ising model.
, 99
, Article 110601. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.110601.
Deng, YJ;
Garoni, TM;
Sokal, AD;
Ferromagnetic phase transition for the spanning-forest model (q -> 0 limit of the Potts model) in three or more dimensions.
, 98
, Article 030602. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.030602.
Techniques of the environmental observer: India's earth remote sensing program in the age of global information.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Deppisch, F;
Päs, H;
Pinning down the mechanism of neutrinoless double beta decay with measurements in different nuclei.
Physical Review Letters
, 98
, Article 232501. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.232501.
Derry, J;
Epistemology and conceptual resources for the development of learning technologies.
, 23
pp. 503-510.
Devi, ARU;
Prabhu, R;
Rajagopal, AK;
Characterizing multiparticle entanglement in symmetric N-qubit states via negativity of covariance matrices.
Phys. Rev. Lett.
, 98
, Article 060501. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.060501.
Diaz-Cintas, J;
Por una preparación de calidad en accesibilidad audiovisual.
TRANS: Revista de Traductología
, 11
pp. 45-59.
Docherty, SJ;
Butcher, LM;
Schalkwyk, LC;
Plomin, R;
Applicability of DNA pools on 500 K SNP microarrays for cost-effective initial screens in genomewide association studies.
BMC Genomics
, 8
, Article 214. 10.1186/1471-2164-8-214.
Dodds, JP;
Johnson, AM;
Parry, JV;
Mercey, DE;
A tale of three cities: persisting high HIV prevalence, risk behaviour and undiagnosed infection in community samples of men who have sex with men.
, 83
392 - 396.
Drew, LJ;
Rugiero, F;
Cesare, P;
Gale, JE;
Abrahamsen, B;
Bowden, S;
Heinzmann, S;
... Wood, JN; + view all
High-threshold mechanosensitive ion channels blocked by a novel conopeptide mediate pressure-evoked pain.
, 13
, Article e515. 10.1371/journal.pone.0000515.
Duke, J;
Clack, CD;
Using an Evolutionary Agent-Based Simulation to Explore Hedging Pressure in Futures Markets.
(Proceedings) Annual Conference of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference.
(pp. p. 2257).
Duncan, P;
'Oligarchs', Business and Russian Foreign Policy: From El'tsin to Putin.
(Economics Working Papers
Centre for the Study of Economic and Social Change in Europe, SSEES, UCL: London, UK.
Duranel, AJ;
Acreman, MC;
Stratford, CJ;
Thompson, JR;
Mould, DJ;
Assessing the hydrological suitability of floodplains for species-rich meadow restoration: a case study of the Thames floodplain, UK.
, 11
170 - 179.
Durden, GP;
Improving the quality of argument in GCSE Business Studies.
Teaching Business and Economics
, 11
pp. 20-23.
Ebbels, S;
Teaching grammar to school-aged children with specific language impairment using Shape Coding.
Child Language Teaching and Therapy
, 23
pp. 67-93.
Elliott, J;
Dodgeon, B;
Elliott, J;
A descriptive analysis of the drinking behaviour of the 1958 cohort at age 33 and the 1970 cohort at age 34.
Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London: London.
Elliott, J;
Morrow, V;
author, D;
Imagining the Future: Preliminary analysis of NCDS essays written by children at age 11.
Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London: London.
Ellul, C;
Functionality and Performance - Two Important Considerations when Implementing Topology in 3D GIS.
Doctoral thesis , University of London.
Emes, MR;
Smith, A;
James, AM;
Left-shift vs the time value of money: unravelling the business case for systems engineering.
Proceedings of the INCOSE Spring Conference 2007.
INCOSE: Swindon, UK.
Emes, MR;
Strategic, multi-stakeholder trade studies.
, 10
pp. 17-23.
Epitacio Pereira, DN;
de Araujo, FX;
Lorenz-Martins, S;
Ercolano, B;
Barlow, MJ;
Bowey, JE;
Properties of the circumstellar envelope of the dual chemistry Post-AGB star roberts 22.
In: Kerschbaum, F and Charbonnel, C and Wing, RF, (eds.)
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 378, proceedings of the conference:Why Galaxies Care About AGB Stars: Their Importance as Actors and Probes.
(pp. pp. 295-296).
Astronomical Society of the Pacific: Vienna, Austria.
Fadda, Hala Muhammad;
Probing physiological media composition and polymer- plasticizer interactions on dissolution of pH-responsive systems.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of London.
Flechais, I;
Mascolo, C;
Sasse, MA;
Integrating security and usability into the requirements and design process.
International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics
, 1
12 - 26.
Fortes, AD;
Wood, IG;
Brand, HEA;
Vocadlo, L;
Knight, KS;
Crystal structures of methanol-water and methanol-ammonia compounds.
(ISIS Experimental Reports
CCLRC: Didcot, UK.
Fouseki, K;
Developing and integrating a conflict management model into the heritage management process: The case of the New Acropolis Museum.
In: Grabow, S and Hull, D and Waterton, E, (eds.)
Which past, whose Future: treatments of the past at the start of the 21st Century.
(pp. 127-136).
Oxbow Books: Oxford, United Kingdom.
Frediani, AA;
A Participatory Approach to Choosing Dimensions.
Maitreyee Newsletter.
(7 - 10).
Human Development and Capability Association: Boston, US.
Fry, L;
Haklay, M;
Eterhuizen, L;
Evaluating the Impact of Social Entrepreneurs: from deductive to inductive methods.
(Proceedings) VSSN Conference 2007.
: Warwick, UK.
Fujiyama, T;
Childs, C;
Boampong, D;
Tyler, N;
How do elderly pedestrians perceive hazards in the street? - An initial investigation towards development of a pedestrian simulation that incorporates reaction of various pedestrians to environments.
: Montreal, Canada.
Furniss, D;
Blandford, A;
Curzon, P;
Usability evaluation methods in practice: understanding the context in which they are embedded.
In: Brinkman, W-P and Ham, D-H and Wong, BLW, (eds.)
(pp. pp. 253-256).
Gallagher, JE;
Clarke, W;
Eaton, KA;
Wilson, NHF;
Dentistry - a professional contained career in healthcare. A qualitative study of Vocational Dental Practitioners' professional expectations.
BMC Oral Health
, 7
, Article 16. 10.1186/1472-6831-7-16.
Gardner, A;
Britannia: the Creation of a Roman Province, by John Creighton, 2006. London: Routledge; ISBN 0-415- 33313-X hardback £55 & US$97; xii+180 pp., 29 figs.
Cambridge Archaeological Journal
, 17
116 - 117.
Gardner, A;
Globalizing Roman Culture (R. Hingley, 2005).
, 38
389 - 390.
Gardner, S;
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