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Abd Kadir, E; (2017) Nano-enabled disulfiram for cancer therapy. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Abdelhakim, H; Tuleu, C; Coupe, A; Edirisinghe, M; Craig, D; (2017) Electrospinning Optimisation of Drug-Loaded Eudragit E PO for Paediatric Oral Drug Delivery. Presented at: AAPS (American Association for Pharmaceutical Scientists) Annual General Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA, USA. Green open access

Abdelhakim, Hend; (2017) Taste-assessment of electrospun chlorpheniramine maleate fibres using an electronic taste sensing system. Presented at: 9th EuPFI Annual Conference, Warsaw, Poland. Green open access

Abdelhakim, Hend; Tuleu, Catherine; Coupe, Alastair; Edirisinghe, Mohan; Craig, Duncan; (2017) Manufacturing optimisation of electrospun Eudragit® E PO for paediatric oral drug delivery. Presented at: 13th ULLA (European University Consortium for Pharmaceutical Sciences), Leuven, Belgium. Green open access

Ahmed, AA; (2017) The development of 3D cancer cell models using shear-spun fibrous scaffolds. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Al-Qathama, A; Gibbons, S; Prieto Garcia, J; (2017) Differential modulation of Bax/Bcl-2 ratio and onset of caspase-3/7 activation induced by derivatives of Justicidin B in human melanoma cells A375. Oncotarget 10.18632/oncotarget.21625. Green open access

Al-Shohani, A; Awwad, S; Khaw, PT; Brocchini, SJ; (2017) The preparation of HEMA-MPC films for ocular drug delivery. British Journal of Pharmacy , 2 (1) , Article 5. 10.5920/bjpharm.2017.05. Green open access

Alband, M; (2017) Biocompatibility Assessment of Potential Materials for Use in an Ophthalmic Drug Delivery Device. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London).

Almane, MB; (2017) Adherence to cardiovascular medications among Arabic women living in Kuwait. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Alqathama, Aljawharah; (2017) Bioguided isolation and pharmacological studies of cytotoxic principles from medicinal plants against malignant melanoma. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Alsous, M; Abu Farha, R; Alefishat, E; Al Omar, S; Momani, D; Gharabli, A; McElnay, J; ... Rihani, R; + view all (2017) Adherence to 6-Mercaptopurine in children and adolescents with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. PLOS ONE , 12 (9) , Article e0183119. 10.1371/journal.pone.0183119. Green open access

Alsous, M; Alhalaiqa, F; Abu Farha, R; Abdel Jalil, M; McElnay, J; Horne, R; (2017) Reliability and validity of Arabic translation of Medication Adherence Report Scale (MARS) and Beliefs about Medication Questionnaire (BMQ)-specific for use in children and their parents. PLoS One , 12 (2) , Article e0171863. 10.1371/journal.pone.0171863. Green open access

Anand, S; Tong, H; Besag, FMC; Chan, EW; Cortese, S; Wong, ICK; (2017) Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of Drugs for Treating Behavioural Insomnia in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review with Methodological Quality Assessment. Pediatric Drugs , 19 (3) pp. 235-250. 10.1007/s40272-017-0224-6. Green open access

Angkawinitwong, U; Awwad, S; Khaw, PT; Brocchini, S; Williams, GR; (2017) Electrospun formulations of bevacizumab for sustained release in the eye. Acta Biomaterialia , 64 pp. 126-136. 10.1016/j.actbio.2017.10.015. Green open access

Arenas-López, S; Gurung, K; Tibby, SM; Calleja Hernández, MÁ; Tuleu, C; (2017) Accuracy of enteral syringes with commonly prescribed paediatric liquid medicines. Archives of Disease in Childhood , 102 pp. 655-659. 10.1136/archdischild-2016-312492. Green open access

Aron, M; Browning, R; Carugo, D; Sezgin, E; de la Serna, JB; Eggeling, C; Stride, E; (2017) Spectral imaging toolbox: segmentation, hyperstack reconstruction, and batch processing of spectral images for the determination of cell and model membrane lipid order. BMC Bioinformatics , 18 , Article 254. 10.1186/s12859-017-1656-2. Green open access

Awwad, S; Day, RM; Khaw, PT; Brocchini, S; Fadda, H; (2017) Sustained release ophthalmic dexamethasone: In vitro in vivo correlations derived from the PK-Eye. International Journal of Pharmaceutics , 522 (1-2) pp. 119-127. 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2017.02.047. Green open access

Awwad, S; Mohamed Ahmed, AHA; Sharma, G; Heng, JS; Khaw, PT; Brocchini, SJ; (2017) Principles of Pharmacology in the Eye. British Journal of Pharmacology , 174 (23) pp. 4205-4223. 10.1111/bph.14024. Green open access

Azzarelli, Roberta; Hurley, Christopher; Sznurkowska, Magdalena K; Rulands, Steffen; Hardwick, Laura; Gamper, Ivonne; Ali, Fahad; ... Philpott, Anna; + view all (2017) Multi-site Neurogenin3 Phosphorylation Controls Pancreatic Endocrine Differentiation. Developmental Cell , 41 (3) 274-286.e5. 10.1016/j.devcel.2017.04.004. Green open access

Azzarelli, Roberta; Oleari, Roberto; Lettieri, Antonella; Andre, Valentina; Cariboni, Anna; (2017) In Vitro, Ex Vivo and In Vivo Techniques to Study Neuronal Migration in the Developing Cerebral Cortex. Brain Sciences , 7 (5) , Article 48. 10.3390/brainsci7050048. Green open access


Bader, L; Bates, I; Schneider, P; Charman, W; (2017) Transforming Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Education in the Context of Workforce Development. International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP): The Hague, Netherlands. Green open access

Balasegaram, M; Kolb, P; Mckew, J; Menon, J; Olliaro, P; Sablinski, T; Thomas, Z; ... Wilbanks, J; + view all (2017) An open source pharma roadmap. PloS Medicine , 14 (4) 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002276. Green open access

Bansal, K; Sasso, L; Makwana, H; Awwad, S; Brocchini, S; Alexander, C; (2017) Nanopharmacy: Exploratory Methods for Polymeric Materials: Innovation and Production. In: Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology: Innovation and Production: Innovation and Production. (pp. 231-269). Wiley: Weinheim, Germany.

Barnsley, LC; Carugo, D; Aron, M; Stride, E; (2017) Understanding the dynamics of superparamagnetic particles under the influence of high field gradient arrays. Physics in Medicine & Biology , 62 (6) , Article 2333. 10.1088/1361-6560/aa5d46. Green open access

Beck, RCR; Chaves, PS; Goyanes, A; Vukosavljevic, B; Buanz, A; Windbergs, M; Basit, AW; (2017) 3D printed tablets loaded with polymeric nanocapsules: An innovative approach to produce customized drug delivery systems. International Journal of Pharmaceutics , 528 (1-2) pp. 268-279. 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2017.05.074. Green open access

Bellanti, F; Del Vecchio, GC; Putti, MC; Maggio, A; Filosa, A; Cosmi, C; Mangiarini, L; ... Della Pasqua, O; + view all (2017) Population pharmacokinetics and dosing recommendations for the use of deferiprone in children younger than 6 years. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology , 83 (3) pp. 593-602. 10.1111/bcp.13134. Green open access

Berwick, DC; Javaheri, B; Wetzel, A; Hopkinson, M; Nixon-Abell, J; Grannò, S; Pitsillides, AA; (2017) Pathogenic LRRK2 variants are gain-of-function mutations that enhance LRRK2-mediated repression of β-catenin signaling. Molecular Neurodegeneration , 12 , Article 9. 10.1186/s13024-017-0153-4. Green open access

Bhangra, K; Knowles, J; Shipley, R; Choi, D; Phillips, J; (2017) Bridging the interface between damaged peripheral nerve and engineered neural tissue using phosphate glass fibres. Presented at: 4th International Symposium on Peripheral Nerve Regeneration: ISPNR 2017, Barcelona, Spain. Green open access

Bhangra, K; Knowles, J; Shipley, R; Choi, D; Phillips, J; (2017) Using phosphate glass fibres to improve the interface between damaged peripheral nerve and engineered neural tissue. In: Proceedings of the 17th annual conferance of the Tissue and Cell Engineering Society ( TCES). (pp. p. 113). European Cell and Material Green open access

Birchenough, GM; Dalgakiran, F; Witcomb, LA; Johansson, ME; McCarthy, AJ; Hansson, GC; Taylor, PW; (2017) Postnatal development of the small intestinal mucosa drives age-dependent, regio-selective susceptibility to Escherichia coli K1 infection. Scientific Reports , 7 (1) , Article 83. 10.1038/s41598-017-00123-w. Green open access

Bonaccorso, A; Musumeci, T; Serapide, MF; Pellitteri, R; Uchegbu, IF; Puglisi, G; (2017) Nose to brain delivery in rats: Effect of surface charge of rhodamine B labeled nanocarriers on brain subregion localization. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces , 154 pp. 297-306. 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2017.03.035. Green open access

Borrott, N; Kinney, S; Newall, F; Williams, A; Cranswick, N; Wong, I; Manias, E; (2017) Medication communication between nurses and doctors for paediatric acute care: An ethnographic study. Journal of Clinical Nursing , 26 (13-14) pp. 1978-1992. 10.1111/jocn.13606. Green open access

Bottaro, E; Mosayyebi, A; Carugo, D; Nastruzzi, C; (2017) Analysis of the diffusion process by pH indicator in microfluidic chips for liposome production. Micromachines , 8 (7) , Article 209. 10.3390/mi8070209. Green open access

Botzenhardt, S; Li, N; Chan, EW; Sing, CW; Wong, IC; Neubert, A; (2017) Safety Profiles of Iron Chelators in Young Patients with Haemoglobinopathies. European Journal of Haematology , 98 (3) pp. 198-217. 10.1111/ejh.12833. Green open access

Bouremel, Y; Madaan, S; Lee, R; Eames, I; Wojcik, A; Khaw, PT; (2017) Pursing of planar elastic pockets. Journal of Fluids and Structures , 70 pp. 261-275. 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2017.01.018. Green open access

Boyd, SE; Moore, LSP; Gilchrist, M; Costelloe, C; Castro-Sánchez, E; Franklin, BD; Holmes, AH; (2017) Obtaining antibiotics online from within the UK: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy , 72 (5) pp. 1521-1528. 10.1093/jac/dkx003. Green open access

Brako, F; Mahalingam, S; Rami-Abraham, B; Craig, DQ; Edirisinghe, M; (2017) Application of nanotechnology for the development of microbicides. Nanotechnology , 28 (5) , Article 052001. 10.1088/1361-6528/28/5/052001. Green open access

Brett, J; Hulbert-Williams, NJ; Fenlon, D; Boulton, M; Walter, FM; Donnelly, P; Lavery, B; ... Watson, E; + view all (2017) Psychometric properties of the Beliefs about Medicine Questionnaire-adjuvant endocrine therapy (BMQ-AET) for women taking AETs following early-stage breast cancer. Health Psychology Open , 4 (2) pp. 1-8. 10.1177/2055102917740469. Green open access

Browning, RJ; Reardon, PJT; Parhizkar, M; Pedley, RB; Edirisinghe, M; Knowles, JC; Stride, E; (2017) Drug Delivery Strategies for Platinum Based Chemotherapy. ACS Nano , 11 (9) pp. 8560-8578. 10.1021/acsnano.7b04092. Green open access

Buanz, ABM; Gaisford, S; (2017) Formation of Highly Metastable β Glycine by Confinement in Inkjet Printed Droplets. Crystal Growth & Design , 17 (3) pp. 1245-1250. 10.1021/acs.cgd.6b01633. Green open access

Bukhari, N; (2017) Leadership development: preparing the pharmaceutical workforce, in: Research, development and evaluation strategies for pharmaceutical education and the workforce: A global report, pp. 45-51. International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP): The Hague, Netherlands. Green open access

Busuttil, F; Rahim, AA; Phillips, JB; (2017) Combining gene and stem cell therapy for peripheral nerve tissue engineering. Stem Cells and Development , 26 (4) pp. 231-238. 10.1089/scd.2016.0188. Green open access


Cafferty, F; Coyle, C; Rowley, S; Berkman, L; MacKensie, M; Langley, RE; (2017) Co-enrolment of participants into multiple cancer trials: benefits and challenges. Clinical Oncology , 29 (7) e126-e133. 10.1016/j.clon.2017.02.014. Green open access

Caine, M; Carugo, D; Zhang, X; Hill, M; Dreher, MR; Lewis, AL; (2017) Review of the Development of Methods for Characterization of Microspheres for Use in Embolotherapy: Translating Bench to Cathlab. Advanced Healthcare Materials , 6 (9) , Article 1601291. 10.1002/adhm.201601291. Green open access

Car, J; Tan, WS; Huang, Z; Sloot, P; Franklin, BD; (2017) eHealth in the future of medications management: personalisation, monitoring and adherence. BMC Medicine , 15 , Article 73. 10.1186/s12916-017-0838-0. Green open access

Carpenter, DM; Roberts, CA; Sage, AJ; George, J; Horne, R; (2017) A Review of Electronic Devices to Assess Inhaler Technique. Current Allergy and Asthma Reports , 17 (3) , Article 17. 10.1007/s11882-017-0684-3. Green open access

Carugo, D; Aron, M; Sezgin, E; de la Serna, JB; Kuirnova, MK; Eggeling, C; Stride, E; (2017) Modulation of the molecular arrangement in artificial and biological membranes by phospholipid-shelled microbubbles. Biomaterials , 113 pp. 105-117. 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2016.10.034. Green open access

Chan, AHY; Stewart, AW; Harrison, J; Black, PN; Mitchell, EA; Foster, JM; (2017) Electronic adherence monitoring device performance and patient acceptability: a randomized control trial. Expert Review of Medical Devices , 14 (5) pp. 401-411. 10.1080/17434440.2017.1322505. Green open access

Chana, N; Porat, T; Whittlesea, C; Delaney, B; (2017) Improving specialist drug prescribing in primary care using task and error analysis: an observational study. British Journal of General Practice , 67 (656) e157-e167. 10.3399/bjgp17X689389. Green open access

Chang Chen, JB; (2017) A hexa-herbal Chinese formula for treatment of atopic dermatitis: phytochemical analysis and selected anti-inflammatory activities. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Chapman, S; Dale, P; Svedsater, H; Stynes, G; Vyas, N; Price, D; Horne, R; (2017) Modelling the effect of beliefs about asthma medication and treatment intrusiveness on adherence and preference for once-daily vs. twice-daily medication. NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine , 27 , Article 61. 10.1038/s41533-017-0061-7. Green open access

Charbe, NB; McCarron, PA; Lane, ME; Tambuwala, MM; (2017) Application of three-dimensional printing for colon targeted drug delivery systems. [Review]. Int J Pharm Investig , 7 (2) pp. 47-59. 10.4103/jphi.JPHI_32_17. Green open access

Chatrin, C; Talapatra, SK; Canard, B; Kozielski, F; (2017) The structure of the binary methyltransferase-SAH complex from Zika virus reveals a novel conformation for the mechanism of mRNA capping. Oncotarget , 9 (3) pp. 3160-3171. 10.18632/oncotarget.23223. Green open access

Cheong, Y-K; Calvo-Castro, J; Ciric, L; Edirisinghe, M; Cloutman-Green, E; Illangakoon, UE; Kang, Q; ... Ren, G; + view all (2017) Characterisation of the Chemical Composition and Structural Features of Novel Antimicrobial Nanoparticles. Nanomaterials , 7 (7) , Article 152. 10.3390/nano7070152. Green open access

Christie, D; Hudson, LD; Kinra, S; Wong, ICK; Nazareth, I; Cole, TJ; Sovio, U; ... Viner, RM; + view all (2017) A community-based motivational personalised lifestyle intervention to reduce BMI in obese adolescents: results from the Healthy Eating and Lifestyle Programme (HELP) randomised controlled trial. Archives of Disease in Childhood , 102 (8) pp. 695-701. 10.1136/archdischild-2016-311586. Green open access

Citraro, R; Leo, A; Constanti, A; Russo, E; (2017) Role of Histone Deacetylases (HDACs) in Epilepsy and Epileptogenesis. Current Pharmaceutical Design , 23 (37) pp. 5546-5562. 10.2174/1381612823666171024130001. Green open access

Contini, C; Schneemilch, M; Gaisford, S; Quirke, N; (2017) Nanoparticle–membrane interactions. Journal of Experimental Nanoscience , 13 (1) pp. 62-81. 10.1080/17458080.2017.1413253. Green open access

Cornford, T; Lichtner, V; (2017) Digitalisation of medicines: artefact, architecture and time. BMJ Quality and Safety , 26 (7) pp. 519-521. 10.1136/bmjqs-2017-006661. Green open access

Cornford, T; Lichtner, V; Dickson, J; Hibberd, R; Klecun, E; Venters, W; Franklin, BD; (2017) Delivering Digital Drugs: An Exploratory Study of the Digitalisation of Supply and Use of Medicines. Presented at: UNSPECIFIED, Netherlands. Green open access

Corpinot, MK; Guo, R; Tocher, DA; Buanz, ABM; Gaisford, S; Price, SL; Bučar, DK; (2017) Are oxygen and sulfur atoms structurally equivalent in organic crystals? Crystal Growth and Design , 17 (2) pp. 827-833. 10.1021/acs.cgd.6b01669. Green open access

Craig, DQM; Yang, F; Chen, D; Guo, Z-F; Zhang, Y-M; Liu, Y; Askin, S; (2017) The application of novel nano-thermal and imaging techniques for monitoring drug microstructure and distribution within PLGA microspheres. International Journal of Pharmaceutics , 522 (1-2) pp. 34-49. 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2017.02.056. Green open access


Day, AGE; Bhangra, KS; Murray-Dunning, C; Stevanato, L; Phillips, J; (2017) The Effect of Hypothermic and Cryogenic Preservation on Engineered Neural Tissue. Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods , 23 (10) pp. 575-582. 10.1089/ten.TEC.2017.0244. Green open access

De Cock, P; Van Dijkman, S; De Jaeger, A; Willems, J; Carlier, M; Verstraete, A; Delanghe, J; ... De Paepe, P; + view all (2017) Dose optimization of piperacillin/tazobactam in critically ill children. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy , 72 (7) pp. 2002-2011. 10.1093/jac/dkx093. Green open access

De Jesus Antunes, N; Van Dijkman, SC; Lanchote, VL; Wichert-Ana, L; Coelho, EB; Alexandre Junior, V; Takayanagui, OM; ... Della Pasqua, O; + view all (2017) Population pharmacokinetics of oxcarbazepine and its metabolite 10-hydroxycarbazepine in healthy subjects. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences , 109 (Supp) S116-S123. 10.1016/j.ejps.2017.05.034. Green open access

De Simoni, A; Horne, R; Fleming, L; Bush, A; Griffiths, C; (2017) What do adolescents with asthma really think about adherence to inhalers? Insights from a qualitative analysis of a UK online forum. BMJ Open , 7 (6) , Article e015245. 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015245. Green open access

Dias Araujo Mazzari, AL; (2017) In vitro effects of selected medicinal plants shortlisted for clinical use in the Brazilian public health system in CYP3A4 mRNA gene expression, glutathione levels and P-glycoprotein activity and their implications for herb-drug interactions. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Diez-Perez, A; Naylor, KE; Abrahamsen, B; Agnusdei, D; Brandi, ML; Cooper, C; Dennison, E; ... Eastell, R; + view all (2017) International Osteoporosis Foundation and European Calcified Tissue Society Working Group. Recommendations for the screening of adherence to oral bisphosphonates. Osteoporosis International , 28 (3) pp. 767-774. 10.1007/s00198-017-3906-6. Green open access

Dinh, T; Zia, Q; Zubair, S; Stapleton, P; Singh, R; Owais, M; Somavarapu, S; (2017) Novel biodegradable poly(gamma-glutamic acid)–amphotericin B complexes show promise as improved amphotericin B formulations. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine , 13 (5) pp. 1773-1783. 10.1016/j.nano.2017.02.003. Green open access

Dodoo, CC; Wang, J; Basit, AW; Stapleton, P; Gaisford, S; (2017) Targeted delivery of probiotics to enhance gastrointestinal stability and intestinal colonisation. International Journal of Pharmaceutics , 530 (1-2) pp. 224-229. 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2017.07.068. Green open access

Dodoo, Cornelius Nii Otto; (2017) Pharmaceutical and medical applications of inkjets. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Dolling, DI; (2017) HIV-1 viral load outcomes and the evolution of drug-resistance in low-income settings without virological monitoring. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Dolling, DI; Goodall, RL; Chirara, M; Hakim, J; Nkurunziza, P; Munderi, P; Eram, D; ... DART Virology Group, .; + view all (2017) The virological durability of first-line ART among HIV-positive adult patients in resource limited settings without virological monitoring: a retrospective analysis of DART trial data. BMC Infectious Diseases , 17 (1) , Article 160. 10.1186/s12879-017-2266-3. Green open access

Dooley, M; Coombes, I; Michaels, K; Duggan, C; Bates, I; (2017) Why pharmacists need advanced practice specialist residences: The UK-Australia story. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research , 47 (3) pp. 221-222. 10.1002/jppr.1364. Green open access

Dowding, D; Lichtner, V; Closs, SJ; (2017) Using the MRC Framework for Complex Interventions to Develop Clinical Decision Support: A Case Study. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics , 235 pp. 544-548. 10.3233/978-1-61499-753-5-544. Green open access

Dubois, VFS; Danhof, M; Della Pasqua, O; (2017) Characterising QT interval prolongation in early clinical development: a case study with methadone. Pharmacology Research & Perspectives , 5 (1) , Article e00284. 10.1002/prp2.284. Green open access

Duggan, C; Bates, I; (2017) Pharmacy needs global professional standards for education and workforce development. [Editorial comment]. The Pharmaceutical Journal , 298 (7898) 10.1211/PJ.2017.20202166. Green open access


Egbu, R; Brocchini, S; Khaw, PT; Awwad, S; (2017) Antibody loaded collapsible hyaluronic acid hydrogels for intraocular delivery. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics , 124 pp. 95-103. 10.1016/j.ejpb.2017.12.019. Green open access

El-Turki, A; Long, P; Wong, ICK; Smith, H; (2017) How valid are IMS DA summary statistics of children's vaccination status? Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety , 26 (1) pp. 108-111. 10.1002/pds.4080. Green open access

Elliott, Rachel A; Tanajewski, Lukasz; Gkountouras, Georgios; Avery, Anthony J; Barber, Nick; Mehta, Rajnikant; Boyd, Matthew J; ... Waring, Justin; + view all (2017) Cost Effectiveness of Support for People Starting a New Medication for a Long-Term Condition Through Community Pharmacies: An Economic Evaluation of the New Medicine Service (NMS) Compared with Normal Practice. PharmacoEconomics , 35 (12) pp. 1237-1255. 10.1007/s40273-017-0554-9. Green open access

Elsaid, Z; Taylor, KM; Puri, S; Eberlein, CA; Al-Jamal, K; Bai, J; Klippstein, R; ... Somavarapu, S; + view all (2017) Mixed micelles of lipoic acid-chitosan-poly(ethylene glycol) and distearoylphosphatidylethanolamine-poly(ethylene glycol) for tumor delivery. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences , 101 pp. 228-242. 10.1016/j.ejps.2017.02.001. Green open access


Ferrari, R; Lovering, RC; Hardy, J; Lewis, PA; Manzoni, C; (2017) Weighted Protein Interaction Network Analysis of Frontotemporal Dementia. Journal of Proteome Research , 16 (2) pp. 999-1013. 10.1021/acs.jproteome.6b00934. Green open access

Fina, F; Goyanes, A; Gaisford, S; Basit, AW; (2017) Selective laser sintering (SLS) 3D printing of medicines. International Journal of Pharmaceutics , 529 (1-2) pp. 285-293. 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2017.06.082. Green open access

Fisher, DJ; Carpenter, JR; Morris, TP; Freeman, SC; Tierney, JF; (2017) Meta-analytical methods to identify who benefits most from treatments: daft, deluded, or deft approach? BMJ , 356 , Article j573. 10.1136/bmj.j573. Green open access

Fisusi, FA; Notman, R; Granger, LA; Malkinson, JP; Schätzlein, AG; Uchegbu, IF; (2017) T-shaped Peptide Amphiphiles Self Assemble into Nanofiber Networks. Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology , 5 (3) pp. 215-219. 10.2174/2211738505666170828095937. Green open access

Fredua-Agyeman, M; Stapleton, P; Basit, AW; Beezer, AE; Gaisford, S; (2017) In vitro inhibition of Clostridium difficile by commercial probiotics: A microcalorimetric study. International Journal of Pharmaceutics , 517 (1-2) pp. 96-103. 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2016.12.005. Green open access

Fredua-Agyeman, M; Stapleton, P; Basit, AW; Gaisford, S; (2017) Microcalorimetric evaluation of a multi-strain probiotic: Interspecies inhibition between probiotic strains. Journal of Functional Foods , 36 pp. 357-361. 10.1016/j.jff.2017.07.018. Green open access

Freeman, SC; (2017) One-step individual participant data network meta-analysis of time-to-event data. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Gafos, M; Brodnicki, E; Desai, M; McCormack, S; Nutland, W; Wayal, S; White, E; ... PROUD Study Team; + view all (2017) Acceptability of an open-label wait-listed trial design: Experiences from the PROUD PrEP study. PLoS One , 12 (4) , Article e0175596. 10.1371/journal.pone.0175596. Green open access

Gaisford, S; (2017) Considerations when quantifying amorphous contents in milled powders with calorimetry. Pharmaceutical Technology , 41 (4) pp. 28-33. Green open access

Galbraith, K; Coombes, I; Matthews, A; Rowett, D; Bader, L; Bates, I; (2017) Advanced pharmacy practice: Aligning national action with global targets. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research , 47 (2) pp. 131-135. 10.1002/jppr.1333. Green open access

Gameiro, I; Michalska, P; Tenti, G; Cores, A; Buendia, I; Rojo, AI; Georgakopoulos, ND; ... Leon, R; + view all (2017) Discovery of the first dual GSK3 beta inhibitor/Nrf2 inducer. A new multitarget therapeutic strategy for Alzheimer's disease. Scientific Reports , 7 , Article 45701. 10.1038/srep45701. Green open access

Gao, Y; Teoh, TW; Wang, Q; Williams, GR; (2017) Electrospun organic–inorganic nanohybrids as sustained release drug delivery systems. Journal of Materials Chemistry B , 5 (46) pp. 9165-9174. 10.1039/c7tb01825h. Green open access

Geeson, C; Wei, L; Franklin, BD; (2017) Medicines Optimisation Assessment Tool (MOAT): a prognostic model to target hospital pharmacists' input to improve patient outcomes. Protocol for an observational study. BMJ Open , 7 (6) , Article e017509. 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017509. Green open access

Georgakopoulos, ND; (2017) The development of direct inhibitors of the Keap1-Nrf2 protein-protein interaction as modulators of mitochondrial function and quality control. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Georgakopoulos, ND; Frison, M; Alvarez, MS; Bertrand, H; Wells, G; Campanella, M; (2017) Reversible Keap1 inhibitors are preferential pharmacological tools to modulate cellular mitophagy. Scientific Reports , 7 , Article 10303. 10.1038/s41598-017-07679-7. Green open access

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