Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Adachi, Yuko;
Informal corporate governance practices in Russia in the 1990s: The cases of Yukos Oil, Siberian (Russian) Aluminium, and Norilsk Nickel.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of London.
Adda, J;
Cornaglia, F;
The Effect of Taxes and Bans on Passive Smoking.
(cemmap working paper
Institute for Fiscal Studies Department of Economics, UCL: London, UK.
Addae-Dapaah, K;
Loh, H;
Exchange Rate Volatility and International Real Estate Diversification: A Comparison of Emerging and Developed Economies.
Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management
, 11
pp. 225-240.
Alderson, P;
Children, Families and States: Conference report.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Alderson, P;
Generational inequalities.
UK Health Watch
, 7
pp. 47-52.
Alderson, P;
Hawthorne, J;
Killen, M;
Are premature babies citizens with rights? Provision rights and the edges of citizenship.
Journal of Social Science (India)
, 9
pp. 71-81.
Alexeev, IV;
Owen, CJ;
Fazakerley, AN;
Runov, A;
Dewhurst, JP;
Balogh, A;
Reme, H;
... Kistler, L; + view all
Cluster observations of currents in the plasma sheet during reconnection.
Geophysical Research Letters
, 32
, Article L03101. 10.1029/2004GL021420.
Ali, AB;
Kirchhecker, S;
Thomson, A;
Properties of unitary IPSPs elicited in lacunosum moleculare interneurones in the CA1 region of the rat hippocampus.
Presented at: Inhibition in the CNS: Gordon Research Conference, New London, NH, USA.
Alkhatib, MN;
Holt, RD;
Bedi, R;
Smoking and tooth discolouration: findings from a national cross-sectional study.
BMC Public Health
, 5
(Article )
pp. 1-4.
Allen, L;
Smout, M;
Allen, L;
Smout, M;
Restless Landscapes.
(Proceedings) In the Making, Nordes Conference.
Allsop, RE;
Some reasons for lowering the legal drink-drive limit in Britain.
(CTS Working Papers
UCL (University College London), Centre for Transport Studies, UCL (University College London): London.
Alseth, I;
Osman, F;
Korvald, H;
Tsaneva, I;
Whitby, MC;
Seeberg, E;
Bjoras, M;
Biochemical characterization and DNA repair pathway interactions of Mag1-mediated base excision repair in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Nucleic Acids Research
, 33
1123 -1131.
Alves Junior, S;
Barros Filho, M;
Enhancing urban analysis through lacunarity multiscale measurement.
(CASA Working Papers
UCL (University College London), Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL): London, UK.
Anderson, W;
Beavan, D;
Capturing identity: the SCOTS corpus.
Presented at: British Association of Applied Linguistics 2005, Bristol, UK.
Anderson, W;
Beavan, D;
Internet delivery of time-synchronised multimedia: the SCOTS project.
Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics Conference.
University of Birmingham: Birmingham, UK.
Arabindoo, P;
Examining the peri-urban interface as a constructed primordialism.
(C S H O c c a s i o n a l P a p e r
, pp. pp. 39-74
French Research Institutes in India: New Delhi.
Archambeau, C;
Probabilistic Models in Noisy Environments - And their Application to a Visual Prosthesis for the Blind.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Armstrong, F;
Pupil or 'Patient': difference, disability and education in France.
In: Barnes, C and Mercer, G, (eds.)
The Social Model of Disability: Europe and the Majority World.
(pp. 49-64).
The Disability Press: Leeds.
Armstrong, V;
Hard Bargaining on the Hard Drive: Gender in the Music Technology Classroom.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Atkinson, JR;
Down syndrome and dementia: A service evaluation.
Clinical Psychology: Training, Research and Development
, 4
pp. 26-41.
Attfield, S;
Information seeking, gathering and review: Journalism as a case study for the design of search and authoring systems.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Attfield, S;
Blandford, A;
Mottram, C;
Penn, A;
Fatah gen Schieck, A;
Exploring the effects of introducing real-time simulation on collaborative urban design in augmented reality.
In: Gero, JS and Bonnardel, L, (eds.)
(pp. pp. 369-374).
Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition, University of Sydney: Sydney, Australia.
Azaria, D;
Code of minimum standards of protection to individuals involved in transnational proceedings: report.
(Committee of Experts on Transnational Criminal Justice (PC-TJ)
, pp. pp. 1-65
Council of Europe: Strasbourg, France.
Backrud, M;
Tjulin, A;
Vaivads, A;
Andre, M;
Interferometric identification of ion acoustic broadband waves in the auroral region: CLUSTER observations.
Geophysical Research Letters
, 32
, Article L21109. 10.1029/2005GL022640.
Backus, B;
Using stimulus frequency otoacoustic emissions to Study basic properties of the human medial olivocochlear reflex.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Badland, HM;
Schofield, GM;
The built environment and transport-related physical activity: What we do and do not know.
Journal of Physical Activity and Health
, 2
pp. 433-442.
Badland, HM;
Schofield, GM;
Posters in a sample of professional worksites have no effect on objectively measured physical activity.
Health Promotion Journal of Australia
, 16
78 - 81.
Bains, SRE;
Physical computation and embodied artificial intelligence.
Doctoral thesis , The Open University.
Bajekal, M;
Wheller, L;
Residents and staff in communal establishments: data quality issues in the 2001 Census.
Presented at: British Society for Population Studies, Canterbury, Kent, United Kingdom.
Baker, DC;
Voices in concert: Life histories of peripatetic music teachers.
Doctoral thesis , Reading University.
Bakola, E;
A missed joke in Aristophanes' 'Wasps' 1265-1274.
, 55
609 - 613.
Ball, SJ;
Vincent, C;
The 'childcare champion'? New Labour, social justice and the childcare market.
British Educational Research Journal
, 31
pp. 557-570.
Banks, J;
Emmerson, C;
Oldfield, Z;
Preparing for retirement: the pension arrangements andretirement expectations of those approaching state pension age in England.
UCL (University College London), The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Banks, J;
Emmerson, C;
Oldfield, Z;
Tetlow, G;
Prepared for Retirement? The adequacy and distribution of retirement resources in England.
Institute for Fiscal Studies: London.
Banks, J;
Emmerson, C;
Tetlow, G;
Estimating pension wealth of ELSA respondents.
UCL (University College London), The Institute for Fiscal Studies
Barstow, MA;
Cruddace, RG;
Kowalski, MP;
Bannister, NP;
Yentis, D;
Lapington, JS;
Tandy, JA;
... Barbee, TW; + view all
High-resolution extreme ultraviolet spectroscopy of G191-B2B: structure of the stellar photosphere and the surrounding interstellar medium.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 362
1273 - 1278.
Bastian, NJ;
Gieles, M;
Lamers, H;
Scheepmaker, RA;
Grijs, R;
The Star Cluster Population of M51: II. Age distribution and relations among the derived parameters.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
, 431
Basu, P;
Museum, Landscape and the Storytelling Space Between.
Landscape and Arts
, 34/35
2 - 6.
Bate, SP;
Robert, G;
Mendel, P;
How leading hospitals in the US and Europe achieved excellence in service quality - and sustained it.
(Proceedings) 6th International Conference on the Scientific Basis of Health Services.
: Montreal.
Battarbee, RW;
Beaumont, WRC;
Bonjean, M;
Collen, P;
Cooper, D;
Davies, JJL;
Evans, CD;
+ view all
UK Acid Water Monitoring Network: 15 Year Report. Analysis and interpretation of results: April 1988 - March 2003.
(United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report
ENSIS: London, UK.
Batty, M;
Hudson-Smith, A;
Imagining the recursive city: explorations in urban simulacra.
(CASA Working Papers
UCL (University College London), Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL): London, UK.
Benson, SE;
Mandal, K;
Bunce, CV;
Fraser, SG;
Is post-trabeculectomy hypotony a risk factor for subsequent failure? A case control study.
BMC Ophthalmology
, 5
, Article 7. 10.1186/1471-2415-5-7.
Berry, J;
David, F;
Julien-Lees, S;
Stanley, B;
Thickett, D;
Assessing the performance of protective winter covers for outdoor marble statuary: pilot investigation.
In: Verger, I and Coccia Paterakis, A and Chahine, C and Kardes, K and Eshoj, B and Hackney, S and de Tagle, A and Cassar, M and Thickett, D and Villiers, C and Wouters, J, (eds.)
(Proceedings) ICOM Commitee for Conservation, preprints of the 14th Triennial Meeting, The Hague, 12-16 September 2005.
(pp. pp. 879-887).
Earthscan/James & James: London, UK.
Best, W;
Investigation of a new intervention for children with word-finding problems.
, 40
279 - 318.
Bhat, DS;
Yajnik, CS;
Sayyad, MG;
Raut, KN;
Lubree, HG;
Rege, SS;
Chougule, SD;
... Kurpad, AV; + view all
Body fat measurement in Indian men: Comparison of three methods based on a two-compartment model.
International Journal of Obesity
, 29
pp. 842-848.
Black, P;
Wiliam, D;
Developing a theory of formative assessment.
In: Gardner, J, (ed.)
Assessment and learning.
(pp. 81-100).
SAGE Publications Ltd: London.
Black, P;
Wiliam, D;
Classroom Assessment Is Not (Necessarily) Formative Assessment (and Vice-versa).
In: Wilson, M, (ed.)
Towards Coherence Between Classroom Assessment and Accountability.
(pp. 183-188).
National Society for the Study of Education: Chicago, IL.
Borgers, T;
Norman, P;
A note on budget balance under interim participation constraints: the case of independent types.
(Discussion Papers in Economics
Department of Economics, University College London, UCL (University College London), Department of Economics, University College: London, UK.
Boulter, C;
Tunnicliffe, SD;
Reiss, M;
Selles, S;
The social relevance of pupils' responses to cues from the natural world.
CASTME Journal
, 25
pp. 18-30.
Bowman, JH;
Classification in British public libraries: a historical perspective.
Library history
, 21
pp. 143-173.
Boyde, A;
Lovicar, L;
Zamecnik, J;
Combining confocal and BSE SEM imaging for bone block surfaces.
European Cells and Materials
, 9
33 - 38.
Bracewell, CW;
New Men, Old Europe: Being a Man in Balkan Travel Writing, Special issue: Balkan travel writing.
Journeys: The International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing
, 6
88 - 115.
Braund, M;
Reiss, M;
Beyond the classroom: the case for out-of-school contexts and authentic learning of science.
In: Kasanda, C and Muhammed, L and Akpo, S and Nogolo, E, (eds.)
(pp. pp. 68-75).
Brooks, JL;
Wong, YT;
Robertson, LC;
Crossing the midline: reducing attentional deficits via interhemispheric interactions.
, 43
572 - 582.
Brumby, DP;
An empirical investigation into strategies for guiding interactive search.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Burgess, A;
Bennion, H;
Clarke, G;
Assessing reference conditions and ecological status for lakes using subfossil diatoms.
(ECRC Research Report
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Byrne, S;
Recent Survey and Excavation of the Monumental Complexes on Uneapa Island, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea.
Papers of the Institute of Archaeology
, 16
95 - 101.
Cairns, S;
Sustainable travel towns show traffic reduction potential.
Town and Country Planning
, May
pp. 158-160.
Cairns, S;
Travel patterns in ?smart? townsshow potential for traffic reduction.
Local Transport Today
pp. 14-15.
Cairns, S;
Why targeted rail growth should be a national aim.
Town and Country Planning
, Jul/Au
pp. 222-224.
Capra, L;
Reasoning about Trust Groups to Coordinate Mobile Ad-Hoc Systems.
(pp. pp. 142-152).
IEEE Computer Society Press: Los Alamitos, US.
Card, D;
Dustmann, C;
Preston, I;
Understanding Attitudes to Immigration: The Migration and Minority Module of the first European Social Survey.
Carlin, W;
Soskice, D;
The 3-Equation New Keynesian Model - A Graphical Exposition.
Contributions to Macroeconomics
, 5
pp. 1-36.
Carneiro, P;
Lee, S;
Ability, Sorting and Wage Inequality.
Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice
Cassar, M;
Pender, R;
The impact of climate change on cultural heritage: evidence and response.
In: Verger, I, (ed.)
(Proceedings) ICOM Committee for Conservation: 14th Triennial Meeting.
(pp. pp. 610-616).
James & James
Cepolina, EM;
Tyler, N;
Understanding Capacity Drop for designing pedestrian environments.
(Proceedings) Walk 21: Everyday Walking Culture.
(pp. pp. 1-11).
Walk21: Zurich, Switzerland.
Chapman, D;
Besussi, E;
Mapping London's Innovation Networks.
(CASA Working Paper Series
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL), UCL (University College London), Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL): London, UK.
Chaston, CC;
Phan, TD;
Bonnell, JW;
Mozer, FS;
Acuna, M;
Goldstein, ML;
Balogh, A;
... FAZAKERLEY, A; + view all
Draft-kinetic Alfven waves observed near a reconnection X line in the Earth's magnetopause.
, 95
Cheng, L;
Galis, A;
Simple key exchange for active networks.
In: Ali, BM, (ed.)
(pp. 346 - 351).
Chesher, A;
Identfication with excess heterogeneity.
(CeMMAP Working Paper
Chiatti, O;
Thermo-electric properties of one-dimensional constrictions.
Doctoral thesis , University of London.
Childs, CR;
Fujiyama, T;
Brown, IEW;
Tyler, N;
Pedestrian Accessibility and Movement Environment Laboratory.
(Proceedings) Walk21 Everyday Walking Culture.
(pp. pp. 1-12).
Walk21: Zurich.
Chrissochoidis, I;
Mitsakis, C;
Houliaras, S;
Set theory in Xenakis' EONTA.
In: Georgaki, A and Solomos, M, (eds.)
(Proceedings) International Symposium Iannis Xenakis.
(pp. pp. 241-249).
The National and Kapodistrian University: Athens, Greece.
Christopoulou, K;
Haklay, M;
A Spatial Decision Support System for Property Valuation.
(Proceedings) GIS Research UK 2005.
: Glasgow, UK.
Cinquin, O;
Demongeot, J;
High-dimensional switches and the modeling of cellular differentiation.
Journal of Theoretical Biology
, 233
pp. 391-411.
Clapp, BR;
Hirschfield, GM;
Storry, C;
Gallimore, JR;
Stidwill, RP;
Singer, M;
Deanfield, JE;
... Hineorani, AD; + view all
Inflammation and endothelial function: Direct vascular effects of human C-reactive protein on nitric oxide bioavailability.
, 111
pp. 1530-1536.
Clark, A;
Statham, J;
Listening to young children: experts in their own lives.
Adoption & Fostering
, 29
pp. 45-56.
Cole, TJ;
Faith, MS;
Pietrobelli, A;
Heo, M;
What is the best measure of adiposity change in growing children: BMI, BMI %, BMI z-score or BMI centile? (vol 59, pg 419, 2005).
, 59
p. 807.
Coleman, M;
Gender and headship in the 21st century.
National College for School Leadership, Nottingham.
Conroy-Dalton, R;
Dalton, NS;
An American prototopia: or Peachtree City as an inadvertent, sustainable solution to urban sprawl.
(Proceedings) 5th International Space Syntax Symposium.
: Delft, Holland.
Conroy-Dalton, R;
Dalton, NS;
A spatial signature of sprawl:or the proportion and distribution of linear networkcircuits.
(Proceedings) GeoComputation 2005.
: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
Conroy-Dalton, R;
Kirsan, C;
Graph isomorphism and genotypical houses.
(Proceedings) The Fifth International Space Syntax Symposium.
: Delft, Holland.
Cooter, R;
George Sebastian Rousseau, Miranda Gill, David Haycock and Malte Herwig (eds), Framing and imagining disease in cultural history, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, pp. xiv, 329, illus., £55.00 (hardback 1-4039-1292-0).
Medical History
, 49
pp. 111-112.
Cressman, R;
Hofbauer, J;
Measure dynamics on a one-dimensional continuous trait space: theoretical foundations for adaptive dynamics.
, 67
pp. 47-59.
Crosby, NB;
Meredith, NP;
Coates, AJ;
Iles, RHA;
Modelling the outer radiation belt as a complex system in a self-organised critical state.
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics
, 12
993 - 1001.
Cruz, M;
Colletti, M;
Lisbon, Portugal.
Cunningham, J;
Pepper, M;
Talyanskii, VI;
Ritchie, DA;
Acoustic transport of electrons in parallel quantum wires.
Acta Physica Polonica A.
(pp. 38 - 45).
Dahlan, A;
Alpar, HO;
Murdan, S;
Abstract: Effect of coupling medium volume on sonophoresis of proteins through rat skin.
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
, 57
, Article 094. 10.1211/002235705778248479.
Dahlan, A;
Alpar, HO;
Murdan, S;
Abstract: Effect of probe distance on sonophoresis of proteins through rat skin.
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
, 57
, Article 093. 10.1211/002235705778248479.
Dahlan, A;
Alpar, HO;
Murdan, S;
Abstract: Effect of surfactant concentration on sonophoresis of proteins through rat skin.
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
, 57
, Article 095. 10.1211/002235705778248479.
Dahlan, A;
Alpar, HO;
Murdan, S;
An investigation into protein stability following low-frequency ultrasound application.
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology: Special Issue: BPC Science Abstracts.
(pp. 83 - 83).
Dahlan, A;
Alpar, HO;
Murdan, S;
Optimisation of low-frequency ultrasound parameters for transcutaneous protein delivery.
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
, 57
, Article 092. 10.1211/002235705778248479.
de Bruin, EC;
van de Pas, S;
Lips, EH;
van Eijk, R;
van der Zee, MM;
Lombaerts, M;
van Wezel, T;
... Peltenburg, LT; + view all
Macrodissection versus microdissection of rectal carcinoma: minor influence of stroma cells to tumor cell gene expression profiles.
BMC Genomics
, 6
, Article 142. 10.1186/1471-2164-6-142.
De Giorgi, G;
Long term effects of a mandatory multistage program:the new deal for young people in the UK.
UCL (University College London), The Institute for Fiscal Studies
De Lacerda Matos, JF;
Mor, Y;
Noss, R;
Santos, M;
Sustaining interaction in a mathematical community of practice.
Proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.
Delves, PJ;
Roitt, IM;
Vaccines for the control of reproduction - Status in mammals, and aspects of comparative interest.
, 121
pp. 265-273.
Delyfer, MN;
Simonutti, M;
Neveux, N;
Leveillard, T;
Sahel, JA;
Does GDNF exert its neuroprotective effects on photoreceptors in the rd1 retina through the glial glutamate transporter GLAST?
Molecular vision
, 11
677 -687.
Denaro, G;
Polini, A;
Emmerich, W;
Performance Testing of Distributed Component Architectures.
In: Beydeda, S and Gruhn, V, (eds.)
Building Quality into COTS Components - Testing and Debugging.
(pp. 294-314).
Deppisch, FF;
Towards a reconstruction of the SUSY seesaw model.
Doctoral thesis , University of Wuerzburg.
Dex, S;
Gustafsson, S;
Jenkins, A;
Joshi, H;
Kenjoh, E;
Killingsworth, MR;
Mothers’ changing labour supply in Britain, the USA and Sweden.
Labour Supply and Incentives to Work in Europe.
(pp. 115-150).
Diaz-Cintas, J;
Nuevos retos y desarrollos en el mundo de la subtitulación.
Puentes: Hacia nuevas investigaciones en la mediación intercultural
, 6
pp. 13-20.
Diaz-Cintas, J;
Back to the future in subtitling.
In: Gerzymisch-Arbogast, H and Nauert, S, (eds.)
Proceedings of the Marie Curie Euroconferences MuTra: Challenges of Multidimensional Translation.
(pp. pp. 1-17).
Marie Curie Euroconferences MuTra: Saarbrücken, Germany.
Dodge, M;
Information maps: tools for document exploration.
(CASA Working Paper Series
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL): London, UK.
Doërr, G;
Security Issue and Collusion Attacks in Video Watermarking.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Dogan, A;
Du, MQ;
Isaacson, PG;
A relapsing inflammatory syndrome and HHV-8.
, 353
p. 1746.
Drès, M;
Emelianov, I;
Mallet, J;
Molecular and behavioural evidence for gene flow between host races of the larch budmoth Zeiraphera diniana.
Duchaine, BC;
Nakayama, K;
Dissociations of face and object recognition in developmental prosopagnosia.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
, 17
pp. 249-261.
Duncan, PJS;
Contemporary Russian Identity between East and West.
Historical Journal
, 48
277 - 294.
Dusseault, D;
Hansen, ME;
Mikhaylov, S;
The Significance of Economy in the Russian Bi-Lateral Treaty Process.
Communist and Post-Communist Studies
, 38
pp. 121-130.
Edwards, SJL;
Robinson, E;
Kerr, C;
Stevens, AJ;
Lilford, R;
Lay public's understanding of equipoise and randomisation in randomised controlled trials.
Health Technology Assessment 2
, 9
Emes, MR;
Smith, A;
Cowper, DD;
Confronting an identity crisis - how to "brand" systems engineering.
Systems Engineering
, 8
164 - 186.
Farihi, J;
Cool versus ultracool white dwarfs.
Astronomical Journal
, 129
pp. 2382-2385.
Farihi, J;
Zuckerman, B;
Becklin, EE;
Mid-infrared observations of the white dwarf-brown dwarf binary GD 1400.
Astronomical Journal
, 130
pp. 2237-2240.
Ferreras, I;
Lisker, T;
Carollo, CM;
Lilly, SJ;
Mobasher, B;
Evolution of field early-type galaxies: The view from GOODS CDFS.
, 635
243 - 259.
Fleet, L;
Blandford, AE;
Requirements of time management tools for outpatient physiotherapy practice.
Health Informatics Journal
, 11
pp. 179-199.
Flewitt, R;
Using multimodal analysis to unravel a ‘silent’ child’s learning.
Early Childhood Practice: The Journal for Multi-Professional Partnerships
, 7
pp. 5-16.
Fortes, AD;
Stofan, ER;
Clathrate formation in the near-surface environment of Titan.
Lunar and Planetary Institute: Houston, US.
Fortes, AD;
Wood, IG;
Alfredsson, M;
Brand, H;
Characterization of the high-pressure phases of ammonia dihydrate.
(ISIS Experiment Reports
, pp. ? - ?
CCLRC: Didcot, UK.
Fortes, AD;
Wood, IG;
Alfredsson, M;
Brand, H;
The crystal structure of high-pressure ammonia-water solids containing 15, 67, and 80 mol% ND3.
(ISIS Experiment Reports
CCLRC: Didcot, UK.
Fortes, AD;
Wood, IG;
Oberauer, L;
Geophysical prospecting using neutrino diffraction; an impossible experiment?
European Geosciences Union 2nd General Assembly.
(pp. 02654 - ?).
Copernicus GmbH: Göttingen, Germany.
Fortes, AD;
Wood, IG;
Vocadlo, L;
Brand, HEA;
The structure and thermal expansivity of D2SO4.6.5D2O and D2SO4.8D2O.
(ISIS Experimental Reports
CCLRC: Didcot, UK.
Fortes, AD;
Wood, IG;
Vocadlo, L;
Brand, HEA;
Grindrod, PM;
Joy, KH;
Tucker, MG;
The phase behaviour of epsomite to 50 kbar.
(ISIS Experimental Reports
CCLRC: Didcot, UK.
Fortes, AD;
Wood, IG;
Vocadlo, L;
Brand, HEA;
Knight, KS;
The equation of state of ammonia hemihydrate to 4.5 kbar.
(ISIS Experimental Reports
CCLRC: Didcot, UK.
Fortes, AD;
Wood, IG;
Vocadlo, L;
Brand, HEA;
Knight, KS;
The thermal expansion and phase transitions of anhydrous MgSO₄.
(ISIS Experimental Report
CCLRC: Didcot, UK.
Fortes, AD;
Wood, IG;
Vocadlo, L;
Brodholt, JP;
Alfredsson, M;
Knight, KS;
Fernandez-Alonso, F;
Investigating planetary ices with neutrons.
European Geosciences Union 2nd General Assembly.
(pp. 01897 - ?).
Copernicus GmbH: Göttingen, Germany.
Foster, S;
The British Empire and Commonwealth in World War II: Selection and Omission in English History Textbooks.
International Journal of Historical Learning Teaching and Research
, 5
pp. 1-19.
Franklin, BD;
O'Grady, K;
Donyai, P;
Jacklin, A;
Barber, N;
Electronic prescribing - how does it affect the ward pharmacist?
(Proceedings) Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference.
Freeman, E;
Barker, C;
Pistrang, N;
Keane, B;
McAteer, C;
Online peer support for students.
Association for University and College Counselling Journal
, Autumn
pp. 23-25.
Freeman, K;
Salt, A;
Prusa, A;
Malm, G;
Ferret, N;
Buffolano, W;
Schmidt, D;
... European multicentre study on congenital toxoplasmosis, T; + view all
Association between congenital toxoplasmosis and parent-reported developmental outcomes, concerns, and impairments in 3 year old children.
BMC Pediatrics
, 5
, Article 23. 10.1186/1471-2431-5-23.
Frost, S;
Reiss, M;
Frost, J;
Frost, J;
Count me in! Gender and ethnic minority attainment in school science.
School Science Review
, 86
pp. 105-112.
Fujiyama, T;
Investigating use of space of pedestrians.
(Working Ppaer
Centre for Transport Studies, UCL: London, UK.
Fujiyama, T;
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