Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Addison, N;
Expressing the not-said: Art and design and the formation of sexual identities.
International Journal of Art and Design Education
, 24
pp. 20-30.
Addison, N;
Burgess, L;
The Friendly Interventionist: reflections on the relationship between critical practice and artist/teachers in secondary school.
In: Atkinson, D and Dash, P, (eds.)
Social and Critical Practices in Art Education.
(pp. 127-137).
Trentham Books: Stoke-on-Trent.
Addison, Nicholas;
Expressing the not-said: Art and design and the formation of sexual identities.
International Journal of Art and Design Education
, 24
pp. 20-30.
Addison, Nicholas;
Burgess, Lesley;
The Friendly Interventionist: reflections on the relationship between critical practice and artist/teachers in secondary school.
In: Atkinson, D. and Dash, P., (eds.)
Social and Critical Practices in Art Education.
(pp. 127-137).
Trentham Books: Stoke-on-Trent.
Alderson, P;
Children, Families and States: Conference report.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Alderson, P;
Designing ethical research with children.
Ethical research with children.
(pp. 27-36).
Open University Press/McGraw Hill: Buckingham, UK.
Alderson, P;
Generational inequalities.
UK Health Watch
, 7
pp. 47-52.
Alderson, P;
Hawthorne, J;
Killen, M;
Are premature babies citizens with rights? Provision rights and the edges of citizenship.
Journal of Social Science (India)
, 9
pp. 71-81.
Alderson, P;
Hawthorne, J;
Killen, M;
The participation rights of premature babies.
International Journal of Children's Rights
, 13
pp. 31-50.
Alderson, Priscilla;
Complications within consent.
Bulletin of Medical Ethics
, 210
pp. 15-19.
Alderson, Priscilla;
Fighting spirit: should children with cancer be encouraged to adopt a "fighting spirit"?
Young Minds Magazine
, 74
p. 25.
Alderson, Priscilla;
More questions than answers: Research and ethics.
Sociology Review
, 2
pp. 6-8.
Alderson, Priscilla;
Educating the whole person: children's needs and rights.
In: Burrell, A and Riley, J, (eds.)
Promoting Children's Well-Being in the Primary Years.
(pp. 22-33).
Network Educational Press: Stafford.
Alderson, Priscilla;
Children's rights: a new approach to studying childhood.
In: Penn, Helen, (ed.)
Understanding early childhood: issues and controversies.
(pp. 127-141).
Open University Press/McGraw-Hill: Buckingham.
Andrew, Deborah Minerva.;
Friendship quality, popularity and classroom behaviour : a study into their effects on academic achievement.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Andrews, Richard;
Models of argumentation in educational discourse.
, 25
pp. 107-127.
Arias Lujan, Emil.;
Code and commitment : a case study of the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Armstrong, F;
Pupil or 'Patient': difference, disability and education in France.
In: Barnes, C and Mercer, G, (eds.)
The Social Model of Disability: Europe and the Majority World.
(pp. 49-64).
The Disability Press: Leeds.
Armstrong, F;
Russell, O;
Schimanski, E;
Action Research for inclusive education: Innovations in teaching and learning.
Education in The North
, 13
pp. 14-23.
Armstrong, Felicity;
Pupil or 'Patient': difference, disability and education in France.
In: Barnes, C. and Mercer, G., (eds.)
The Social Model of Disability: Europe and the Majority World.
(pp. 49-64).
The Disability Press: Leeds.
Armstrong, Felicity;
Russell, Orlane;
Schimanski, Edina;
Action Research for inclusive education: Innovations in teaching and learning.
Education in The North
, 13
pp. 14-23.
Baker, DC;
Voices in concert: Life histories of peripatetic music teachers.
Doctoral thesis , Reading University.
Ball, SJ;
Vincent, C;
The 'childcare champion'? New Labour, social justice and the childcare market.
British Educational Research Journal
, 31
pp. 557-570.
Barwell, Richard;
Leung, Constant;
Morgan, Candia;
Street, Brian;
Applied linguistics and mathematics education: More than words and numbers.
Language and Education
, 19
pp. 142-147.
Basso, Marco Antonio Gimenes;
The problem of bias in medical research and its relationship with medical education.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Beech, Jason;
International agencies, educational discourse, and the reform of teacher education in Argentina and Brazil (1985-2002) : a comparative analysis.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Black, P;
Wiliam, D;
Developing a theory of formative assessment.
In: Gardner, J, (ed.)
Assessment and learning.
(pp. 81-100).
SAGE Publications Ltd: London.
Black, P;
Wiliam, D;
Classroom Assessment Is Not (Necessarily) Formative Assessment (and Vice-versa).
In: Wilson, M, (ed.)
Towards Coherence Between Classroom Assessment and Accountability.
(pp. 183-188).
National Society for the Study of Education: Chicago, IL.
Black, Paul;
Wiliam, Dylan;
Classroom Assessment Is Not (Necessarily) Formative Assessment (and Vice-versa).
In: Wilson, Mark, (ed.)
Towards Coherence Between Classroom Assessment and Accountability.
(pp. 183-188).
National Society for the Study of Education: Chicago, IL.
Boulter, C;
Tunnicliffe, SD;
Reiss, M;
Selles, S;
The social relevance of pupils' responses to cues from the natural world.
CASTME Journal
, 25
pp. 18-30.
Bourn, Douglas;
Education for sustainable development and global citizenship. The challenge of the UN-decade.
ZEP: Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik
, 28
pp. 15-19.
Bourn, Douglas;
'Interconnectedness versus interdependence'. Reflections in response to David Selby.
ZEP : Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik 28 (2005) 1, S. 29-3
, 28
pp. 29-34.
Brant, J;
Subject Knowledge, Pedagogy and Effective Teaching: an English perspective.
In: Misztal, M and Trawinski, M, (eds.)
Studies in Teacher Education: Psychopedagogy.
(pp. 101-108).
Akademia Pedagogiczna w Krakowie: Krak�w.
Braund, M;
Reiss, M;
Beyond the classroom: the case for out-of-school contexts and authentic learning of science.
In: Kasanda, C and Muhammed, L and Akpo, S and Nogolo, E, (eds.)
(pp. pp. 68-75).
Brewis, G;
Davis Smith, J;
Ellis Paine, A;
Cross national volunteering: a developing movement?
In: Brudney, J, (ed.)
Emerging Areas of Volunteering.
(pp. 65-77).
ARNOVA: Indianapolis, IN, USA.
Brewis, G;
Ellis Paine, A;
Making the Connection: Volunteering and 4 the Millennium Development Goals.
Vrijwillige Inzet Onderzocht
, 2
pp. 39-45.
Bubb, S;
Earley, P;
Totterdell, M;
Accountability and responsibility: 'Rogue' school leaders and the induction of new teachers in England.
Oxford Review of Education
, 31
pp. 255-272.
Buckingham, David;
Banaji, Shakuntala;
Carr, Diane;
Cranmer, Susan;
Willett, Rebekah;
The media literacy of children and young people: a review of the research literature.
Ofcom: London.
Bulmer, Michael;
Rodd, Melissa;
Technology for nurture in large undergraduate statistics classes.
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology
, 36
pp. 779-787.
Burgess, L;
Pringle, E;
Edinburgh Galleries Artist Training Programme: research evaluation report, October 2003.
Art, Design and Museology Department, School of Arts and Humanities, Institute of Education, University of London: London.
Burn, Andrew;
The Thing in Film and Game: Sublime Monsters and Spaces.
Intersection: Journal of Contemporary Screen Studies
, 1
pp. 1-9.
Bynner, John;
Foudouli, Vanessa;
Parsons, Sam;
Measuring basic skills for longitudinal study: the design and development of instruments for use with cohort members in the age 34 follow-up in the 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70).
National Research and Development Centre for adult literacy and numeracy, Institute of Education, University of London: London.
Cameron, Jan;
Hargreaves, Katrina;
Managing family secrets: same-sex relationships.
New Zealand Sociology
, 20
pp. 102-121.
Carpentier, Vincent;
Cycles longs et financement de l’enseignement supérieur: une perspective historique sur les réformes actuelles au Royaume-Uni.
Economies et Societes
, 40
pp. 1607-1634.
Carr, D;
The Rules of the Game, The Burden of Narrative: Enter The Matrix.
In: Gillis, S, (ed.)
Matrix Trilogy; Cyberpunk Reloaded.
(pp. 36-47).
Wallflower Press: Harrow.
Carslaw, Michael John Howie;
Managerialsm, teacher culture and performance review : a comparative study of state and independent schools.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Cefai, Carmel.;
Contexts characterised by resilience : an illuminative study of schools and classrooms.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Chase, E;
Knight, A;
Is early parenthood such a bad thing?
In: Chase, E and Simon, A and Jackson, S, (eds.)
In care and after: a positive perspective.
(pp. 82-100).
Routledge: London, UK.
Chase, E;
Statham, J;
Commercial and sexual exploitation of children and young people in the UK - A review.
Child Abuse Review
, 14
pp. 4-25.
Chase, Elaine;
Statham, June;
Commercial and sexual exploitation of children and young people in the UK: a review.
Child Abuse Review
, 14
pp. 4-25.
Clark, A;
Statham, J;
Listening to young children: experts in their own lives.
Adoption & Fostering
, 29
pp. 45-56.
Clark, Alison;
Statham, June;
Listening to young children: experts in their own lives.
Adoption & Fostering
, 29
pp. 45-56.
Coben, Diana;
Stevenson, Ian;
Mellar, Harvey;
Kambouri, Maria;
Mogey, Nora;
The use of ICT in Adult Numeracy Teaching in Scotland.
The Scottish Government
Coffield, F;
Steer, R;
Hodgson, A;
Spours, K;
Edward, S;
Finlay, I;
A new learning and skills landscape? The central role of the Learning and Skills Council.
, 20
pp. 631-656.
Coffield, Frank;
Steer, Richard;
Hodgson, Ann;
Spours, Ken;
Edward, Sheila;
Finlay, Ian;
A New Learning and Skills Landscape? The central role of the Learning and Skills Council.
Journal of Education Policy
, 20
pp. 631-656.
Cole, Barbara;
Good Faith and Effort? Perspectives on educational inclusion.
Disability and Society
, 20
pp. 331-344.
Cole, Barbara;
Mission impossible? Special educational needs, inclusion and the re-conceptualization of the role of the SENCO in England and Wales.
European Journal of Special Needs Education
, 20
pp. 287-307.
Coleman, M;
Gender and headship in the 21st century.
National College for School Leadership, Nottingham.
Coleman, Marianne;
Gender and headship in the 21st century.
National College for School Leadership: Nottingham.
Constantinidou, Maria Louki.;
A study of the reading skills of reading disabled children compared to chronological age matched and reading age matched control children in Cyprus.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Cowan, R;
Donlan, C;
Newton, EJ;
Lloyd, D;
Number skills and knowledge in children with specific language impairment.
Journal of Educational Psychology
, 97
pp. 732-744.
Crook, David;
Compulsory education in the United Kingdom: historical, comparative and contemporary perspectives.
Journal of Educational Planning and Administration
pp. 397-414.
Davidson, Julia;
Powney, Janet;
Wilson, Valerie;
Hall, Stuart;
Mirza, Heidi;
Race and sex: teachers' views on who gets ahead in schools?
European Journal of Teacher Education
, 28
pp. 311-326.
Davis, Mark D. M.;
Treating and preventing HIV in the 'post-crisis' situation : perspectives from the personal experience accounts of gay men with HIV.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
De Beer, Zahava Aurika;
Learning science in the science classroom in elementary school : a multimodal approach.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
de Block, Liesbeth;
Buckingham, David;
Banaji, Shakuntala;
Children in Communication about Migration (CHICAM): Final Report.
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities: Luxembourg.
De Lacerda Matos, JF;
Mor, Y;
Noss, R;
Santos, M;
Sustaining interaction in a mathematical community of practice.
Proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.
Dex, S;
Joshi, H;
In: Dex, S and Joshi, H, (eds.)
Children of the 21st Century: From Birth to Nine Months.
(pp. 237-251).
Policy Press: Bristol, UK.
Dex, S;
Gustafsson, S;
Jenkins, A;
Joshi, H;
Kenjoh, E;
Killingsworth, MR;
Mothers’ changing labour supply in Britain, the USA and Sweden.
Labour Supply and Incentives to Work in Europe.
(pp. 115-150).
Edwards, Christine;
The mainstreaming of Access :opportunity or threatЁ.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Farran, EK;
Perceptual grouping ability in Williams syndrome: evidence for deviant patterns of performance.
, 43
pp. 815-822.
Farran, EK;
Jarrold, C;
Evidence for unusual spatial location coding in Williams syndrome: an explanation for the local bias in visuo-spatial construction tasks?
Brain and Cognition
, 59
pp. 159-172.
Farran, Emily;
Perceptual grouping ability in Williams syndrome: Evidence for deviant patterns of performance.
, 43
pp. 815-822.
Farran, Emily;
Jarrold, C;
Evidence for unusual spatial location coding in Williams syndrome: An explanation for the local bias in visuo-spatial construction tasks?
Brain and Cognition
, 59
pp. 159-172.
Feinstein, Leon;
Bynner, John;
Duckworth, Kathryn;
Leisure contexts in adolescence and their effects on adult outcomes [Wider Benefits of Learning Research Report No. 15].
Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning, Institute of Education, University of London: London.
Feinstein, Leon;
Sabates, Ricardo;
Education and youth crime : effects of introducing the Education Maintenance Allowance programme [Wider Benefits of Learning Research Report No. 14].
Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning, Institute of Education, University of London: London.
Fernando, Bentarage N. A. B.;
Ways forward to achieve school effectiveness and school improvement : a case-study of school leadership and continuing professional development of teachers in Sri Lanka.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Flewitt, R;
Conducting research with young children: Some ethical considerations.
Early Child Development and Care
, 175
pp. 553-565.
Flewitt, R;
Using multimodal analysis to unravel a ‘silent’ child’s learning.
Early Childhood Practice: The Journal for Multi-Professional Partnerships
, 7
pp. 5-16.
Forari, Antonia;
The voices of Cypriot music education : a sociology of music education.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Foster, S;
The British Empire and Commonwealth in World War II: Selection and Omission in English History Textbooks.
International Journal of Historical Learning Teaching and Research
, 5
pp. 1-19.
Fowler, Zoe Louise.;
Politically constructing adult literacy : a case study of the skills for life strategy for improving adult literacy in England 1998-2002.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Fraser, John;
Designing within a computer-mediated communication environment : Three studies into the potential of online learning environments for collaborative design work in international educational contexts.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Frost, S;
Reiss, M;
Frost, J;
Frost, J;
Count me in! Gender and ethnic minority attainment in school science.
School Science Review
, 86
pp. 105-112.
Fuller, Alison;
Unwin, Lorna;
Older and wiser? : Workplace learning from the perspective of older employees.
International Journal of Lifelong Education
, 24
pp. 21-39.
Gillborn, David;
Education policy as an act of white supremacy: whiteness, critical race theory and education reform.
Journal of Education Policy
, 20
pp. 485-505.
Gillett, Andrew;
Weetman, Claire;
Investigation of the perceived usefulness of a StudyNet group discussion facility by international students.
Journal for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching
, 2
pp. 36-43.
Glauert, E;
Making sense of science in the reception class.
International Journal of Early Years Education
, 13
pp. 215-233.
Green, L;
Musical meaning and social reproduction: A case for retrieving autonomy.
Educational Philosophy and Theory
, 37
pp. 77-92.
Green, L;
The music curriculum as lived experience: children's 'natural' music-learning processes.
Music Educators' Journal
, 91
pp. 37-42.
Green, Lucy;
The music curriculum as lived experience: children's 'natural' music-learning processes.
Music Educators' Journal
, 91
pp. 37-42.
Green, Lucy;
Musical meaning and social reproduction: a case for retrieving autonomy.
Educational Philosophy and Theory
, 37
pp. 77-92.
Guile, David;
Knowledge, activity and mediation : a critique of the 'knowledge economy' thesis and its implications for a social theory of pedagogy.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Guthrie-Gino, Janet Ann Ogilvy.;
Visual meaning making : childrens texts from an intercultural Israeli neighbourhood.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Hargreaves, Eleanore;
Assessment for learning? Thinking outside the (black) box.
Cambridge Journal of Education
, 35
pp. 213-224.
Hargreaves, K;
Stewart, R;
Oliver, S;
Newborn screening information supports public health more than informed choice.
Health Education Journal
, 64
pp. 110-119.
Hargreaves, Katrina;
Stewart, Ruth;
Oliver, Sandy;
Informed choice and public health screening for children: the case of blood spot screening.
Health Expectations
, 8
pp. 161-171.
Hargreaves, Katrina;
Stewart, Ruth;
Oliver, Sandy;
Survey of information resources on newborn blood spot screening for parents and health professionals: a systematic review.
Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London: London.
Havemann, Kirsten;
Participate effectively : who, how and why? : a study of people's participation for health development.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Hemingway, Judy;
Geography, teaching of.
In: Sears, James T., (ed.)
Youth, education, and sexualities: an international encyclopedia.
(pp. 369-373).
Greenwood Press: Westport, Connecticut; London.
Hoyles, C;
K�chemann, D;
Healy, L;
Yang, M;
Students' developing knowledge in a subject discipline: insights from combining quantitative and qualitative methods.
International Journal of Social Research Methodology
, 8
pp. 225-238.
Hoyles, Celia;
Küchemann, Dietmar;
Healy, Lulu;
Yang, Min;
Students' developing knowledge in a subject discipline: insights from combining quantitative and qualitative methods.
International Journal of Social Research Methodology
, 8
pp. 225-238.
Hudson, Joan Patrick.;
Out of the shadows : the private and professional lives of a group of women teachers in an English department in a secondary school.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Hurry, J;
Brazier, L;
Moriarty, V;
Improving the literacy and numeracy skills of young people who offend: can it be done and what are the consequences?
Literacy and Numeracy Studies
, 14
pp. 61-74.
Hurry, J;
Brazier, L;
Snapes, K;
Wilson, A;
Sutherland, G;
Improving the literacy and numeracy of disaffected young people in custody and in the community: Interim report of the first 18 months of the study.
National Research and Development Centre for adult literacy and numeracy, Institute of Education, University of London, London.
Hurry, J;
Bryant, P;
Curno, T;
Nunes, T;
Parker, M;
Pretzlik, U;
Midgley, L;
Transforming research on morphology into teacher practice.
Research Papers in Education
, 20
pp. 187-206.
Hurry, Jane;
Brazier, Laura;
Moriarty, Viv;
Improving the literacy and numeracy skills of young people who offend: can it be done and what are the consequences?
Literacy and Numeracy Studies
, 14
pp. 61-74.
Hurry, Jane;
Brazier, Laura;
Snapes, Kate;
Wilson, Anita;
Sutherland, G;
Improving the literacy and numeracy of disaffected young people in custody and in the community: Interim report of the first 18 months of the study.
National Research and Development Centre for adult literacy and numeracy, Institute of Education, University of London, London.
Hurry, Jane;
Bryant, Peter;
Curno, Tamsin;
Nunes, Terezinha;
Parker, Mary;
Pretzlik, Ursula;
Midgley, Lucinda;
Transforming research on morphology into teacher practice.
Research Papers in Education
, 20
pp. 187-206.
Inoue, Yuka.;
Museum education and international understanding : representations of Japan at the British Museum.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Isaacs, Talia;
Towards defining a valid assessment criterion of pronunciation proficiency in non-native English speaking graduate students.
Masters thesis (MA), McGill University.
Jackson, Paula Laurel;
Secondary school pupils, conceptions of music in and out of school : conforming or conflicting meanings.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Jackson, S;
Ajayi, S;
Quigley, M;
Going to university from care.
Institute of Education, University of London: London.
Jackson, Sonia;
Ajayi, Sarah;
Quigley, Margaret;
Going to university from care.
Institute of Education, University of London: London.
Janmaat, G;
Ethnic and Civic Conceptions of the Nation in Ukraine's History Textbooks.
European Education
, 37
pp. 20-37.
Jenkins, A;
Levacic, R;
Vignoles, A;
Steele, F;
Allen, R;
Estimating the Relationship between School Resources and Pupil Attainment at Key Stage 3.
Department for Education and Skills/Institute of Education, University of London, London.
Jenkins, Andrew;
Dex, Shirley;
Gustafsson, Siv;
Joshi, Heather;
Kenjoh, Eiko;
Killingsworth, Mark;
Mothers' Changing Labour Supply in Britain, the USA and Sweden.
In: Gomez-Salvador, Ramon and Lamo, Ana and Petrongolo, Barbara and Ward, Melaine and Wasmer, Etienne, (eds.)
Labour Supply and Incentives to Work in Europe.
(pp. 115-150).
Edward Elgar Publishers: Cheltenham.
Jenkins, Andrew;
Levacic, Rosalind;
Vignoles, Anna;
Steele, Fiona;
Allen, Rebecca;
Estimating the Relationship between School Resources and Pupil Attainment at Key Stage 3.
Department for Education and Skills/Institute of Education, University of London: London.
Kanis, Marije;
Winters, Niall;
Agamanolis, Stefan;
Cullinan, Cian;
Gavin, Anna;
Toward Wearable Social Networking with iBand.
CHI '05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems.
(pp. 1521-1524).
Association for Computing Machinery: New York, NY, USA.
Kavanagh, Josephine;
Trouton, Alex;
Oakley, Ann;
Powell, Chloe;
A scoping review of the evidence for incentive schemes to encourage positive health and other social behaviours in young people.
EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London: London.
Kelly, Andrea;
The training of surgical registrars and the educational significance of peer interaction in the context of teaching and learning practice : A case study.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Kent, P;
Bakker, A;
Hoyles, C;
Noss, R;
Statistical reasoning in the workplace: techno-mathematical literacies and learning opportunities.
(pp. pp. 37-42).
Kent, Phillip;
Bakker, Arthur;
Hoyles, Celia;
Noss, Richard;
Statistical reasoning in the workplace: techno-mathematical literacies and learning opportunities.
Presented at: UNSPECIFIED.
Khamis, Anil;
Education and partnerships – meeting the educational needs of Muslim countries.
Presented at: UNSPECIFIED.
Kingdon, G;
Where Has All the Bias Gone? Detecting Gender Bias in the Household Allocation of Educational Expenditure in India.
Economic Development and Cultural Change
, 53
pp. 409-451.
Korilaki, Panayota;
Attainment and progress differences associated with ethnicity, social class and gender throughout the 6th grade of primary schools in Greece and ways to alleviate them : a study of primary school effectiveness.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Lapping, C;
Antagonism and overdetermination: the production of student positions in contrasting undergraduate disciplines and institutions in the United Kingdom.
British Journal of Sociology of Education
, 26
pp. 657-671.
Lapping, Claudia;
Antagonism and overdetermination: the production of student positions in contrasting undergraduate disciplines and institutions in the United Kingdom.
British Journal of Sociology of Education
, 26
pp. 657-671.
Laurillard, D;
E-learning in higher education.
Changing Higher Education: The Development of Learning and Teaching.
(pp. 71-84).
Laurillard, Diana;
Harnessing technology to personalise the learning experience.
In: Freitas, Sara de and Yapp, Chris, (eds.)
Personalizing learning in the 21st century.
Network Educational Press: Stafford.
Leahy, S;
Lyon, C;
Thompson, M;
Wiliam, D;
Classroom Assessment: Minute by Minute, Day by Day.
Educational Leadership
, 63
pp. 19-24.
Leahy, Siobhan;
Lyon, C;
Thompson, M;
Wiliam, Dylan;
Classroom Assessment: Minute by Minute, Day by Day.
Educational Leadership
, 63
pp. 19-24.
Leaton Gray, SH;
An Enquiry into Continuing Professional Development for Teachers.
University of Cambridge and Esmee Fairbairn Foundation: Cambridge, UK.
Lee, C;
Wiliam, D;
Studying changes in the practice of two teachers developing assessment for learning.
Teacher Development
, 9
pp. 265-283.
Lee, Clare;
Wiliam, Dylan;
Studying changes in the practice of two teachers developing assessment for learning.
Teacher Development
, 9
pp. 265-283.
Leviton, Mervyn;
The effects of a Jewish primary school education in England on the religious observance and practice of less or non-observant parents of the pupils.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Lindsay, G;
Dockrell, JE;
Mackie, C;
Letchford, B;
Local education authorities' approaches to provision for children with specific speech and language difficulties in England and Wales.
European Journal of Special Needs Education
, 20
pp. 329-345.
Lindsay, Geoff;
Dockrell, Julie;
Mackie, Clare;
Letchford, Becky;
The roles of specialist provision for children with specific speech and language difficulties in England and Wales: a model for inclusion?
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs
, 5
pp. 88-96.
Luckin, R;
du Boulay, B;
Smith, H;
Underwood, J;
Fitzpatrick, G;
Holmberg, J;
Kerawalla, L;
... Pearce, D; + view all
Using Mobile Technology to Create Flexible Learning Contexts.
Journal of Interactive Media in Education
, 22
pp. 100-15.
Lui, Mei-Hui;
Hung, Li-Ching;
Vickers, Edward;
Identity Issues in Taiwan’s History Curriculum.
In: Vickers, Edward and Jones, Alisa, (eds.)
History Education and National Identity in East Asia.
(pp. 101-131).
Routledge: New York.
Marshall, Stephen John.;
Spanish-speaking Latin Americans in Catalonia : constructions of Catalan.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
McKenley, Janet Dorothea.;
Second-generation perspectives on the transmission of educational values in the parenting of Black families of Caribbean origin.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Mellar, Harvey;
Kambouri, Maria;
Observing ICT use in adult literacy, numeracy and language classrooms.
Literacy and Numeracy Studies
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pp. 61-74.
Moore, A;
Teaching, School Management and the Ideology of Pragmatism.
International Studies in Sociology of Education
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pp. 195-212.
Moore, Alex;
Teaching, School Management and the Ideology of Pragmatism.
International Studies in Sociology of Education
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Morgan, C;
Words, definitions and concepts in discourses of mathematics, teaching and learning.
Language and Education
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Centre for Learning Research, Griffith University: Brisbane.
Morgan, Candia;
Communicating mathematically.
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Learning to Teach Mathematics in the Secondary School.
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Mugford, Gerrard.;
Solidarity, supportiveness and creative language use in second-language interpersonal talk.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Murray, I;
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The student review of the science curriculum.
School Science Review
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Becoming a teacher educator: Evidence from the field.
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Oakley, A;
Prenatal Corticosteroids for Reducing Morbidity and Mortality in Preterm Birth.
University College: London.
Oliver, Martin;
Pelletier, Caroline;
The things we learned on Liberty Island: designing games to help people become competent game players.
Presented at: UNSPECIFIED.
Oliver, Sandy;
Stewart, Ruth;
Hargreaves, Katrina;
Dezateux, Carol;
The storage and use of newborn babies' blood spot cards: a pubic consultation.
Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London: London.
Osler, Audrey;
Starkey, Hugh;
Violence in schools and representations of young people: a critique of government policies in France and England.
Oxford Review of Education
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Owen, Charlie;
Simon, Antonia;
Using the Labour Force Survey to map the care workforce.
Labour Market Trends
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Page, Elspeth;
Gender and the construction of identities in Indian elementary education.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Parkes, Jenny.;
Childrens engagements with violence : a study in a South African school.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Pelletier, C;
Book Review: Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals.
Visual Communication
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pp. 121-124.
Pelletier, C;
Studying Games in School: a Framework for Media Education.
Pelletier, C;
The uses of literacy in studying computer games; comparing students' oral and visual representations of games.
English Teaching : Practice and Critique
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Pelletier, Caroline;
Reconfiguring Interactivity, Agency and Pleasure in the Education and Computer Games Debate – using Žižek’s concept of interpassivity to analyse educational play.
E-Learning and Digital Media
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Mapping cognition onto the brain: ‘weak’ central coherence and global grouping.
Current Psychology of Cognition = Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive
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Abnormal global processing along the dorsal visual pathway in autism: a possible mechanism for weak visuospatial coherence?
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School leadership and management after Special Measures: Discipline without the gaze?
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Petrov, Georgy Gennadiyevich.;
Decentralisation and re-centralisation in post-1991 Russian higher education : a case-study of the Republic of Sakha and Yakutsk State University.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Pickering, Jonathan.;
Who cares? : a longitudinal study, between years 5 and 10, of the changing attitudes to school of eight pupils from inner London.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Pollard, A;
Taking the Initiative? TLRP and Educational Research.
Pollard, Andrew;
Taking the Initiative? TLRP and Educational Research.
Presented at: UNSPECIFIED.
Potter, J;
"This brings back a lot of memories": a case study in the analysis of digital video production by young learners.
Education, Communication and Information
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Potter, John;
"This brings back a lot of memories": a case study in the analysis of digital video production by young learners.
Education, Communication and Information
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Quimelli, Gisele Alves de Sa.;
Brazilian university extension and the context of education for citizenship : the case of UEPG.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Ralli, A;
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Multiple measures of assessing vocabulary acquisition: implications for understanding lexical development.
Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society
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The importance of affect in science education.
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Reiss, M;
Teaching animal bioethics: pedagogic objectives.
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Biology, teaching of.
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Reiss, M;
Pregnancy, teenage.
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Youth, Education, and Sexualities: An International Encyclopedia.
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Reiss, Michael;
The nature of science.
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Learning to Teach Science in the Secondary School: A Companion to School Experience, 2nd edn.
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Reiss, MJ;
Managing endings in a longitudinal study: Respect for persons.
Research in Science Education
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pp. 123-135.
Renehan, Caroline.;
Gender differences and the teaching of religious education in initial teacher education in the Republic of Ireland.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Richmond, Keith John;
Professional misrecognition among teachers : the dark side of the moon?
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
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Robins, C;
Engaging with Curating.
International Journal of Art and Design Education
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Woollard, V;
Creative Connections: Teaching and Learning in Museums and Galleries.
Art, Design & Museology Department, Institute of Education, University of London: London.
Rogers, Elizabeth Lynne;
Students' perceptions of studying for GCSE and their relationship with attainment.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Santos, Cristina Isabel Panasco;
Intercultural science education and 'late modernity' : a comparative study between Portugal and England.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Saxton, Matthew;
'Recast' in a new light: insights for practice from typical language studies.
Child Language Teaching and Therapy
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pp. 23-38.
Saxton, Matthew;
Backley, Phillip;
Gallaway, Clare;
Negative input for grammatical errors: effects after a lag of 12 weeks.
Journal of Child Language
, 32
pp. 643-672.
Saxton, Matthew;
Houston-Price, Carmel;
Dawson, Natasha;
The prompt hypothesis: clarification requests as corrective input for grammatical errors.
Applied Psycholinguistics
, 26
pp. 393-414.
Schimanski, Edina;
Developing environmental education in Brazilian primary schools focused on emancipatory actions and ecological citizenship : an action research approach.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Scott, D;
Critical Realism and Empirical Research Methods in Education.
Journal of Philosophy of Education
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pp. 633-646.
Selles, S;
Boulter, C;
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Reiss, M;
Pupils' responses to cues from the natural world: a cross-cultural study using multiple analytic perspectives.
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Trends In Biology Education Research In The New Biology Era.
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Sellman, Derek;
Philosophical perspectives on trustworthiness and open-mindedness as professional virtues for the practice of nursing : implications for the moral education of nurses.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Sfard, Anna;
What changes when learning goes to school: The communicational version, the case of mathematics.
European Journal of School Psychology
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Sfard, Anna;
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Telling identities: In Search of an Analytic Tool for Investigating Learning as a Culturally Shaped Activity.
Educational Researcher
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Sidhu, Kalwant.;
Bad manners never killed anybody : a qualitative study exploring how medical students construct the principle of benificence and learn to be good doctors.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Simon, Antonia;
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Who are today's care workers?
In: Boddy, Janet and Cameron, Claire and Moss, Peter, (eds.)
Care Work: Present and Future.
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Simon, Antonia;
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Outcomes for children in care: What do we know?
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Simon, Antonia;
Owen, Charlie;
Who are today's careworkers?
In: Boddy, J. and Cameron, C. and Moss, P., (eds.)
Care Work: Present and Future.
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Simpson, G;
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Designing a programming-based approach for modelling scientific phenomena.
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
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Simpson, Gordon;
Hoyles, Celia;
Noss, Richard;
Designing a programming-based approach for modelling scientific phenomena.
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
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pp. 143-158.
Smedley, Susan May;
Men learning to be primary school teachers.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Stakelum, Mary Catherine Ann.;
Transmission, replication and transformation in music education : case studies in practice in an Irish primary school context.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Standish, P;
Towards an Economy of Higher Education.
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Starkey, H;
Democratic Education and Learning.
British Journal of Sociology of Education
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Regional Policy Dialogue Secretariat, InterAmerican Development Bank: Washington DC.
Starkey, Hugh;
Language Teaching for Democratic Citizenship.
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Part-time fostering: recruiting and supporting carers for short-break schemes.
Adoption & Fostering
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Statham, June;
Greenfields, Margaret;
Part-time fostering: recruiting and supporting carers for short-break schemes.
Adoption & Fostering
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pp. 33-41.
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Investing to save?
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Support care: how family placement can keep children and families together.
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Statham, June;
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Location, location, location: the importance of place in care work with children.
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Stewart, R;
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Exploring the evidence-practice gap: a workshop report on mixed and participatory training for HIV prevention in Southern Africa.
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Stewart, Alison;
Teaching positions : a study of identity in English language teachers in Japanese higher education.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Stewart, R;
Hargreaves, K;
Oliver, S;
Evidence informed policy making for health communication.
Health Education Journal
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Stewart, Ruth;
Wiggins, Meg;
Thomas, James;
Oliver, Sandy;
Brunton, Ginny;
Ellison, George;
Exploring the Evidence-Practice Gap: A Workshop Report on Mixed and Participatory Training for HIV Prevention in Southern Africa.
Education for Health
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Science teachers' transformations of the use of computer modeling in the classroom: using research to inform training.
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Stylianidou, Fani;
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Science teachers' transformations of the use of computer modeling in the classroom: using research to inform training.
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Improving multigrade teaching : action research with teachers in rural Sri Lanka.
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Vu, Thi Son;
Improving teaching and learning for health in multigrade schools in Vietnam.
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Teenage Parenthood and Social Exclusion: A multi-method study.
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Flexible Site-based Management: implications for the emerging profession of school business managers.
Presented at: UNSPECIFIED.
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Let's lose the labels.
Radical Education Journal
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Turning others' leaves: snapshots of reading in London classrooms.
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