Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Group by: Author | Type
Number of items: 241.
Abraham, Joel B;
Owen, Christopher;
Verscharen, Daniel;
Bakrania, Mayur;
Stansby, David;
Wicks, Robert;
Nicolaou, Georgios;
... Berčič, Laura; + view all
Radial Evolution of Thermal and Suprathermal Electron Populations in the Slow Solar Wind from 0.13 to 0.5 au: Parker Solar Probe Observations.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 931
, Article 118. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac6605.
Abraham, Joel B;
Verscharen, Daniel;
Wicks, Robert T;
Agudelo Rueda, Jeffersson A;
Owen, Christopher J;
Nicolaou, Georgios;
Jeong, Seong-Yeop;
Thermal Energy Budget of Electrons in the Inner Heliosphere: Parker Solar Probe Observations.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 941
, Article 145. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac9fd8.
Afghan, Qasim;
Jones, Geraint H;
Price, Oliver;
Coates, Andrew;
Observations of a dust tail gap in comet C/2014 Q1 (PanSTARRS).
, Article 115286. 10.1016/j.icarus.2022.115286.
(In press).
Agudelo Rueda, Jeffersson Andres;
Characterising 3D Small-scale Reconnection in Kinetic Simulations of Space Plasma Turbulence.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Ahmed, S;
Hall, D;
Crowley, C;
Skottfelt, J;
Dryer, B;
Seabroke, G;
Hernandez, J;
Understanding the evolution of radiation damage on the Gaia CCDs after 72 months at L2.
Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems
, 8
, Article 016003. 10.1117/1.JATIS.8.1.016003.
Aizawa, S;
Persson, M;
Menez, T;
André, N;
Modolo, R;
Génot, V;
Sanchez-Cano, B;
... Murakami, G; + view all
LatHyS global hybrid simulation of the BepiColombo second Venus flyby.
Planetary and Space Science
, 218
, Article 105499. 10.1016/j.pss.2022.105499.
Akiyama, Kazunori;
Alberdi, Antxon;
Alef, Walter;
Algaba, Juan Carlos;
Anantua, Richard;
Asada, Keiichi;
Azulay, Rebecca;
... Zeballos, Milagros; + view all
First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. I. The Shadow of the Supermassive Black Hole in the Center of the Milky Way.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
, 930
, Article L12. 10.3847/2041-8213/ac6674.
Akiyama, Kazunori;
Alberdi, Antxon;
Alef, Walter;
Algaba, Juan Carlos;
Anantua, Richard;
Asada, Keiichi;
Azulay, Rebecca;
... Wouterloot, Jan GA; + view all
First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. II. EHT and Multiwavelength Observations, Data Processing, and Calibration.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
, 930
, Article L13. 10.3847/2041-8213/ac6675.
Akiyama, Kazunori;
Alberdi, Antxon;
Alef, Walter;
Algaba, Juan Carlos;
Anantua, Richard;
Asada, Keiichi;
Azulay, Rebecca;
... Zhao, Shan-Shan; + view all
First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. III. Imaging of the Galactic Center Supermassive Black Hole.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
, 930
, Article L14. 10.3847/2041-8213/ac6429.
Akiyama, Kazunori;
Alberdi, Antxon;
Alef, Walter;
Algaba, Juan Carlos;
Anantua, Richard;
Asada, Keiichi;
Azulay, Rebecca;
... Chang, Dominic O; + view all
First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. IV. Variability, Morphology, and Black Hole Mass.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
, 930
, Article L15. 10.3847/2041-8213/ac6736.
Akiyama, Kazunori;
Alberdi, Antxon;
Alef, Walter;
Algaba, Juan Carlos;
Anantua, Richard;
Asada, Keiichi;
Azulay, Rebecca;
... White, Chris; + view all
First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. V. Testing Astrophysical Models of the Galactic Center Black Hole.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
, 930
, Article L16. 10.3847/2041-8213/ac6672.
Akiyama, Kazunori;
Alberdi, Antxon;
Alef, Walter;
Algaba, Juan Carlos;
Anantua, Richard;
Asada, Keiichi;
Azulay, Rebecca;
... Zhao, Shan-Shan; + view all
First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. VI. Testing the Black Hole Metric.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
, 930
, Article L17. 10.3847/2041-8213/ac6756.
Alhammad, Muna M;
Tan, Chekfoung;
Alsarhani, Noha;
Zolkepli, Izzal Asnira;
What Impacts Backers’ Behavior to Fund Reward-Based Crowdfunding Projects? A Systematic Review Study.
Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems
, 14
, Article 7. 10.17705/1pais.14207.
Allen, Robert C;
Smith, Evan J;
Anderson, Brian J;
Borovsky, Joe;
Ho, George C;
Jian, Lan;
Krucker, Säm;
... Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert; + view all
Interplanetary mesoscale observatory (InterMeso): A mission to untangle dynamic mesoscale structures throughout the heliosphere.
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences
, 9
, Article 1002273. 10.3389/fspas.2022.1002273.
Alves, CS;
Peiris, HV;
Lochner, M;
McEwen, JD;
Jr, TA;
Biswas, R;
Considerations for optimizing photometric classification of supernovae from the Rubin Observatory.
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
, 258
, Article 23. 10.3847/1538-4365/ac3479.
Alves, Douglas R;
Jenkins, James S;
Vines, Jose I;
Nielsen, Louise D;
Gill, Samuel;
Acton, Jack S;
Anderson, DR;
... Osborn, Ares; + view all
NGTS-21b: An Inflated Super-Jupiter Orbiting a Metal-poor K dwarf.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
(In press).
Baba, Junichi;
Kawata, Daisuke;
Schönrich, Ralph;
Age distribution of stars in boxy/peanut/X-shaped bulges formed without bar buckling.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
(In press).
Baker, D;
Green, LM;
Brooks, DH;
Demoulin, P;
van Driel-Gesztelyi, L;
Mihailescu, T;
To, ASH;
... Valori, G; + view all
Evolution of Plasma Composition in an Eruptive Flux Rope.
Astrophysical Journal
, 924
, Article 17. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac32d2.
Bakrania, Mayur R;
Rae, I Jonathan;
Walsh, Andrew P;
Verscharen, Daniel;
Smith, Andy W;
Forsyth, Colin;
Tenerani, Anna;
Direct Evidence of Magnetic Reconnection Onset via the Tearing Instability.
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Science
, 9
, Article 869491. 10.3389/fspas.2022.869491.
Bakrania, Mayur Rajesh;
Analysing and Modelling Particle Distributions in Near-Earth Space: Machine Learning.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Barragán, O;
Armstrong, DJ;
Gandolfi, D;
Carleo, I;
Vidotto, AA;
D’Angelo, C Villarreal;
Oklopčić, A;
... Ziegler, C; + view all
The young HD 73583 (TOI-560) planetary system: Two 10-M_{⊕} mini-Neptunes transiting a 500-Myr-old, bright, and active K dwarf.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
(In press).
Bartlett, J;
Hardy, G;
Whillock, M;
Hailey, M;
Coker, P;
Theobald, C;
Hepburn, ID;
The first millikelvin cryocooler (mKCC): Design and performance.
, 128
, Article 103592. 10.1016/j.cryogenics.2022.103592.
Bayliss, D;
O'Brien, SM;
Bryant, E;
Wheatley, P;
West, R;
McCormac, J;
Chote, P;
... Kendall, A; + view all
High precision ground-based CCD photometry from the Next
Generation Transit Survey.
In: Holland, Andrew D and Beletic, James, (eds.)
Proceedings SPIE 12191:X-Ray, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy X.
(pp. 121911A-1-121911A-15).
SPIE: Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Bergez-Casalou, C;
Bitsch, B;
Kurtovic, NT;
Pinilla, P;
Constraining giant planet formation with synthetic ALMA images of the Solar System's natal protoplanetary disk.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 659
, Article A6. 10.1051/0004-6361/202142490.
Bernardini, Nicolò;
Baresi, Nicola;
Armellin, Roberto;
Eckersley, Steve;
Matthews, Sarah A;
Trajectory design of Earth-enabled Sun occultation missions.
Acta Astronautica
, 195
pp. 251-264.
Blomme, R;
Fremat, Y;
Sartoretti, P;
Guerrier, A;
Panuzzo, P;
Katz, D;
Seabroke, GM;
... Zorec, J; + view all
Gaia Data Release 3: Hot-star radial velocities.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
(In press).
Borghese, A;
Zane, S;
Turolla, R;
et, al;
The first 7 months of the 2020 X-ray outburst of the magnetar SGR J1935+2154.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, Article stac1314. 10.1093/mnras/stac1314.
(In press).
Borlaff, AS;
Gomez-Alvarez, P;
Altieri, B;
Marcum, PM;
Vavrek, R;
Laureijs, R;
Kohley, R;
... Zucca, E; + view all
Euclid preparation XVI. Exploring the ultra-low surface brightness Universe with Euclid/VIS.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 657
, Article A92. 10.1051/0004-6361/202141935.
Branduardi Raymont, Graziella;
Wang, Chi;
The SMILE mission.
In: Bambi, Cosimo and Santagelo, Andrea, (eds.)
Handbook of X-ray and Gamma-ray Astrophysics.
(pp. 1-22).
Springer Nature: Singapore.
Branduardi-Raymont, G;
Wang, C;
SMILE: A novel way to explore solar-terrestrial interactions.
Handbook of X-ray and Gamma-ray Astrophysics.
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Branduardi‐Raymont, G;
X‐ray views of our solar system.
Astronomische Nachrichten/Astronomical Notes
, 343
, Article e210101. 10.1002/asna.20210101.
Broderick, Avery E;
Gold, Roman;
Georgiev, Boris;
Pesce, Dominic W;
Tiede, Paul;
Ni, Chunchong;
Moriyama, Kotaro;
... Zhao, Shan-Shan; + view all
Characterizing and Mitigating Intraday Variability: Reconstructing Source Structure in Accreting Black Holes with mm-VLBI.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
, 930
, Article L21. 10.3847/2041-8213/ac6584.
Brooks, David H;
Baker, Deborah;
Van Driel-Gesztelyi, Lidia;
Warren, Harry P;
Yardley, Stephanie L;
Detection of Stellar-like Abundance Anomalies in the Slow Solar Wind.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
, 930
Brooks, David H;
Janvier, Miho;
Baker, Deborah;
Warren, Harry P;
Auchère, Frédéric;
Carlsson, Mats;
Fludra, Andrzej;
... Young, Peter R; + view all
Plasma Composition Measurements in an Active Region from Solar Orbiter/SPICE and Hinode/EIS.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 940
, Article 66. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac9b0b.
Bulla, Sophie V;
McKevitt, James E;
Bornberg, Christina;
Patadia, Dhrumil;
Sharma, Ramansh;
Dixon, Tom;
Zaripova, Alisa D;
A technical guide to the Arcanum Mission: a multirole Neptunian mission.
International Astronautical Congress (IAC-22).
(pp. pp. 1-26).
International Astronautical Federation: Paris, France.
Cagliari, MS;
Granett, BR;
Guzzo, L;
Bolzonella, M;
Pozzetti, L;
Tutusaus, I;
Camera, S;
... Wang, Y; + view all
Euclid: Constraining ensemble photometric redshift distributions with stacked spectroscopy.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
, 660
, Article A9. 10.1051/0004-6361/202142224.
Cai, X;
McEwen, JD;
Pereyra, M;
Proximal nested sampling for high-dimensional Bayesian model selection.
Statistics and Computing
, 32
, Article 87. 10.1007/s11222-022-10152-9.
Caiazzo, I;
Doroshenko, V;
Tsynganov, S;
Poutanen, J;
Suleimanov, V;
Bachetti, M;
Di Marco, A;
... et, al; + view all
First IXPE Observations of the Accreting X-ray Pulsar Her X-1.
Presented at: UNSPECIFIED.
Calcines-Rosario, Ariadna;
Matthews, Sarah;
Reid, Hamish;
Exploring the application of image slicers for the EUV for the next generation of solar space missions.
In: Den Herder, Jan-Willem A and Nikzad, Shouleh and Nakazawa, Kazuhiro, (eds.)
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray.
SPIE: Montréal, Canada.
Carballo-Rubio, Raúl;
Cardoso, Vitor;
Younsi, Ziri;
Toward very large baseline interferometry observations of black hole structure.
Physical Review D
, 106
, Article 084038. 10.1103/physrevd.106.084038.
Chitta, LP;
Peter, H;
Parenti, S;
Berghmans, D;
Auchère, F;
Solanki, SK;
Aznar Cuadrado, R;
... Cheung, MCM; + view all
Solar coronal heating from small-scale magnetic braids.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 667
, Article A166. 10.1051/0004-6361/202244170.
Nagy, R;
López-Corredoira, M;
Warp and flare of the Galactic disc revealed with supergiants by Gaia EDR3.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
, 664
, Article A58. 10.1051/0004-6361/202243296.
Chrobáková, Z;
López-Corredoira, M;
Garzón, F;
Analysing the structure of the bulge with Mira variables.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
, 666
, Article L13. 10.1051/0004-6361/202244810.
Collaboration, Gaia;
Arenou, F;
Babusiaux, C;
Barstow, MA;
Faigler, S;
Jorissen, A;
Kervella, P;
... Zucker, S; + view all
Gaia Data Release 3: Stellar multiplicity, a teaser for the hidden treasure.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
(In press).
Collaboration, Gaia;
Bailer-Jones, CAL;
Teyssier, D;
Delchambre, L;
Ducourant, C;
Garabato, D;
Hatzidimitriou, D;
... Zwitter, T; + view all
Gaia Data Release 3: The extragalactic content.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
(In press).
Collaboration, Gaia;
Creevey, OL;
Sarro, LM;
Lobel, A;
Pancino, E;
Andrae, R;
Smart, RL;
... Zwitter, T; + view all
Gaia Data Release 3: A Golden Sample of Astrophysical Parameters.
Astronomy and Astrophysics: a European journal
(In press).
Collaboration, Gaia;
Drimmel, R;
Romero-Gomez, M;
Chemin, L;
Ramos, P;
Poggio, E;
Ripepi, V;
... Zwitter, T; + view all
Gaia Data Release 3: Mapping the asymmetric disc of the Milky Way.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
(In press).
Collaboration, Gaia;
Galluccio, L;
Delbo, M;
Angeli, F De;
Pauwels, T;
Tanga, P;
Mignard, F;
... Zwitter, T; + view all
Gaia Data Release 3: Reflectance spectra of Solar System small bodies.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
(In press).
Collaboration, Gaia;
Recio-Blanco, A;
Kordopatis, G;
Laverny, P de;
Palicio, PA;
Spagna, A;
Spina, L;
... Zwitter, T; + view all
Gaia Data Release 3: Chemical cartography of the Milky Way.
Astronomy and Astrophysics: a European journal
(In press).
Contarini, S;
Verza, G;
Pisani, A;
Hamaus, N;
Sahlen, M;
Carbone, C;
Dusini, S;
... Poncet, M; + view all
Euclid: Cosmological forecasts from the void size function.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
, 667
, Article A162. 10.1051/0004-6361/202244095.
Cruz-Osorio, A;
Fromm, CM;
Mizuno, Y;
Nathanail, A;
Younsi, Z;
Porth, O;
Davelaar, J;
... Rezzolla, L; + view all
State-of-the-art energetic and morphological modelling of the launching site of the M87 jet.
Nature Astronomy
, 6
pp. 103-108.
De Grandis, D;
Rigoselli, M;
Mereghetti, S;
Younes, G;
Pizzocchero, P;
Taverna, R;
Tiengo, A;
... Zane, S; + view all
Two decades of X-ray observations of the isolated neutron star RX J1856.5 − 3754: detection of thermal and non-thermal hard X-rays and refined spin-down measurement.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 516
pp. 4932-4941.
De Grandis, D;
Turolla, R;
taverna, R;
lucchetta, E;
wood, T;
Zane, S;
Three-Dimensional Magnetothermal Simulations of Magnetar Outbursts.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 936
, Article 99. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac8797.
De Pablos Aguero, Diego;
Comparing Timescales between Solar Wind and Coronal Observations: An Application of Empirical Mode Decomposition.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Dehnen, Walter;
Hands, Thomas O;
Schönrich, Ralph;
Capture of interstellar objects – II. By the Solar system.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 512
pp. 4078-4085.
Delage, TN;
Okuzumi, S;
Flock, M;
Pinilla, P;
Dzyurkevich, N;
Steady-state accretion in magnetized protoplanetary disks.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 658
, Article A97. 10.1051/0004-6361/202141689.
Di Gesu, L;
Donnarumma, I;
Tavecchio, F;
Agudo, I;
Di Lalla, N;
Turolla, R;
Wu, K;
The X-ray Polarization View of Mrk 421 in an Average Flux State as Observed by the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
(In press).
Dimmock, AP;
Yordanova, E;
Graham, DB;
Khotyaintsev, Yu V;
Blanco‐Cano, X;
Kajdič, P;
Karlsson, T;
... Johlander, A; + view all
Mirror mode storms observed by Solar Orbiter.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
, 127
, Article e2022JA030754. 10.1029/2022ja030754.
Doroshenko, V;
Poutaten, J;
Tsygankhov, S;
Suleimanov, V;
Bachetti, M;
Caiazzo, I;
Wu, K;
... Zane, S; + view all
Determination of X-ray pulsar geometry with IXPE polarimetry.
Nature Astronomy
, 6
pp. 1433-1443.
Duffy, C;
Ramsay, G;
Wu, Kinwah;
Mason, Paul A;
Hakala, P;
Steeghs, D;
Wood, MA;
Short-duration accretion states of Polars as seen in TESS and ZTF data.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 516
pp. 3144-3158.
Dunn, WR;
Weigt, DM;
Grodent, D;
Yao, ZH;
May, D;
Feigelman, K;
Sipos, B;
... Ray, LC; + view all
Jupiter's X‐Ray and UV Dark Polar Region.
Geophysical Research Letters
, 49
, Article e2021GL097390. 10.1029/2021gl097390.
Eckersley, S;
Rowe, S;
Antoniou, N;
Forsyth, C;
Wicks, R;
Eastwood, J;
Brown, P;
... Jiggens, P; + view all
A Distributed Space-Weather Sensor System using Small Satellites.
Proceedings of the 73rd International Astronautical Congress 2022.
IAC: Paris, France.
Ehlert, S;
ferrazzoli, R;
marinucci, A;
marshall, H;
middei, R;
pacciani, L;
perri, M;
... et, al; + view all
Limits on X-ray Polarization at the Core of Centaurus A as Observed with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer.
The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics
, 935
, Article 116. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac8056.
Erdélyi, Robertus;
Damé, Luc;
Fludra, Andrzej;
Mathioudakis, Mihalis;
Amari, T;
Belucz, B;
Berrilli, F;
... Wimmer-Schweingruber, R; + view all
HiRISE - High-Resolution Imaging and Spectroscopy Explorer - Ultrahigh resolution, interferometric and external occulting coronagraphic science.
Experimental Astronomy
(In press).
Erdelyi, Robertus;
Korsos, Marianna B;
Huang, Xin;
Yang, Yong;
Pizzey, Danielle;
Wrathmall, Steven A;
Hughes, Ifan G;
... Zuccarello, Francesca; + view all
The Solar Activity Monitor Network - SAMNet.
The Solar Activity Monitor Network – SAMNet
, 12
, Article 2. 10.1051/swsc/2021025.
Escoubet, C-Philippe;
Wang, Chi;
Branduardi-Raymont, Graziella;
Imaging the magnetosphere with the SMILE Mission.
Presented at: EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria.
Farah, Joseph;
Galison, Peter;
Akiyama, Kazunori;
Bouman, Katherine L;
Bower, Geoffrey C;
Chael, Andrew;
Fuentes, Antonio;
... Zhao, Shan-Shan; + view all
Selective Dynamical Imaging of Interferometric Data.
Astrophysical Journal Letters
, 930
, Article L18. 10.3847/2041-8213/ac6615.
Farinelli, R;
Fabiani, S;
Poutanen, J;
Ursini, F;
Ferrigno, C;
Bianchi, S;
Cocchi, M;
... Zane, S; + view all
Accretion geometry of the neutron star low mass X-ray binary Cyg X-2 from X-ray polarization measurements.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 519
pp. 3681-3690.
Feng, Lang;
Muller, Jan-Peter;
Yu, Chaoqun;
Deng, Chao;
Zhang, Jingfa;
Elevation Extraction from Spaceborne SAR Tomography Using Multi-Baseline COSMO-SkyMed SAR Data.
Remote Sensing
, 14
, Article 4093. 10.3390/rs14164093.
Feroci, M;
Ambrosi, G;
Ambrosino, F;
Antonelli, M;
Argan, A;
Babinec, V;
Barbera, M;
... Svoboda, J; + view all
The Large Area Detector onboard the eXTP mission.
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.
SPIE: Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Franceschi, R;
Birnstiel, T;
Henning, T;
Pinilla, P;
Semenov, D;
Zormpas, A;
Mass determination of protoplanetary disks from dust evolution.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 657
, Article A74. 10.1051/0004-6361/202141705.
Francis, Alistair Michael;
Sensor Independent Deep Learning for Detection Tasks with Optical Satellites.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University College London.
Fraser, J;
Schönrich, R;
Metallicity-suppressed collapsars cannot be the dominant r-process source in the milky way.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 509
pp. 6008-6027.
Fulle, Marco;
Lazzarin, M;
La Forgia, F;
Zakharov, VV;
Bertini, I;
Mazzotta Epifani, E;
Ammannito, E;
... Jones, GH; + view all
Comets beyond 4 au: How pristine are Oort nuclei?
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 513
pp. 5377-5386.
Galinzoga, J;
Bornberg, C;
McKevitt, J;
Dixon, T;
Criscola, F;
Zaripova, A;
Andino-Enríquez, JE;
... Parkinson-Swift, JJ; + view all
The Arcanum Telescope: A space observation platform on the outer solar system.
Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC.
(pp. pp. 1-7).
International Astronautical Federation (IAF): Paris, France.
Galli, A;
Vorburger, A;
Mogan, SR Carberry;
Roussos, E;
Wieser, G Stenberg;
Wurz, P;
Foehn, M;
... Liuzzo, L; + view all
Callisto's Atmosphere and Its Space Environment: Prospects for the Particle Environment Package on Board JUICE.
Earth and Space Science
, 9
, Article e2021EA002172. 10.1029/2021EA002172.
Georgiev, Boris;
Pesce, Dominic W;
Broderick, Avery E;
Wong, George N;
Dhruv, Vedant;
Wielgus, Maciek;
Gammie, Charles F;
... Zhao, Shan-Shan; + view all
A Universal Power-law Prescription for Variability from Synthetic Images of Black Hole Accretion Flows.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
, 930
, Article L20. 10.3847/2041-8213/ac65eb.
Gilmore, G;
Randich, S;
Worley, CC;
Hourihane, A;
Gonneau, A;
Sacco, GG;
Lewis, JR;
... Zucker, DB; + view all
The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey: Motivation, implementation,
GIRAFFE data processing, analysis, and final data products.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
(In press).
Goetz, Charlotte;
Behar, Etienne;
Beth, Arnaud;
Bodewits, Dennis;
Bromley, Steve;
Burch, Jim;
Deca, Jan;
... Volwerk, Martin; + view all
The Plasma Environment of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Space Science Reviews
, 218
, Article 65. 10.1007/s11214-022-00931-1.
Goodwin-Allcock, T;
McEwen, J;
Gray, R;
Nachev, P;
Zhang, H;
How Can Spherical CNNs Benefit ML-Based Diffusion MRI Parameter Estimation?
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
, 13722
pp. 101-112.
Grafton-Waters, Samuel;
Exploring Photoionised Outflowing Winds in Active Galactic Nuclei.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Green, LM;
Thalmann, JK;
Valori, G;
Pariat, E;
Linan, L;
Moraitis, K;
Magnetic Helicity Evolution and Eruptive Activity in NOAA Active Region 11158.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 937
, Article 59. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac88cb.
Gu, L;
Mao, J;
Kaastra, J;
Mehdipour, M;
Pinto, C;
Grafton-Waters, S;
Bianchi, S;
... Ward, M; + view all
Detection of an unidentified soft X-ray emission feature in NGC 5548.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Hamaus, N;
Aubert, M;
Pisani, A;
Contarini, S;
Verza, G;
Cousinou, MC;
Escoffier, S;
... Rebolo, R; + view all
Euclid: Forecasts from redshift-space distortions and the Alcock–Paczynski test with cosmic voids.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 658
, Article A20. 10.1051/0004-6361/202142073.
Hassannezhad, M;
Farahany, B;
Barzegar, F;
Virtual Net Propagator: A cloud-based computational tool for systemic decision propagation analysis.
Expert Systems with Applications
, 191
, Article 116338. 10.1016/j.eswa.2021.116338.
Hatzes, Artie P;
Gandolfi, Davide;
Korth, Judith;
Rodler, Florian;
Sabotta, Silvia;
Esposito, Massimiliano;
Barragan, Oscar;
... Albrecht, Simon; + view all
A Radial Velocity Study of the Planetary System of pi Mensae: Improved Planet Parameters for pi Mensae c and a Third Planet on a 125 Day Orbit.
The Astronomical Journal
, 163
, Article 223. 10.3847/1538-3881/ac5dcb.
He, Jiansen;
Wang, Ying;
Zhu, Xingyu;
Duan, Die;
Verscharen, Daniel;
Zhao, Guoqing;
Growth of Outward Propagating Fast-magnetosonic/Whistler Waves in the Inner Heliosphere Observed by Parker Solar Probe.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 933
p. 220.
He, Jiansen;
Zhu, Xingyu;
Luo, Qiaowen;
Hou, Chuanpeng;
Verscharen, Daniel;
Duan, Die;
Li, Wenya;
... Yao, Zhonghua; + view all
Observations of Rapidly Growing Whistler Waves in Front of Space Plasma Shock due to Resonance Interaction between Fluctuating Electron Velocity Distributions and Electromagnetic Fields.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 941
, Article 147. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac9ea9.
Hu, Daohua;
Design, Simulations and Development of a Miniature Detector System for Radiation Monitoring on Satellites.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Huang, J;
Ginski, C;
Benisty, M;
Ren (任彬), B;
Bohn, AJ;
Choquet, É;
Öberg, KI;
... Zurlo, A; + view all
Disk Evolution Study through Imaging of Nearby Young Stars (DESTINYS): A Panchromatic View of DO Tau's Complex Kilo-astronomical-unit Environment.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 930
, Article 171. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac63ba.
Huber, Daniel;
White, Timothy R;
Metcalfe, Travis S;
Chontos, Ashley;
Fausnaugh, Michael M;
Ho, Cynthia SK;
Van Eylen, Vincent;
... Winn, Joshua N; + view all
A 20 Second Cadence View of Solar-type Stars and Their Planets with TESS: Asteroseismology of Solar Analogs and a Recharacterization of π Men c.
The Astronomical Journal
, 163
, Article 79. 10.3847/1538-3881/ac3000.
Ilić, S;
Aghanim, N;
Baccigalupi, C;
Bermejo-Climent, JR;
Fabbian, G;
Legrand, L;
Paoletti, D;
... Zucca, E; + view all
Euclid preparation: XV. Forecasting cosmological constraints for the Euclid and CMB joint analysis.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 657
, Article A91. 10.1051/0004-6361/202141556.
Issaoun, Sara;
Wielgus, Maciek;
Jorstad, Svetlana;
Krichbaum, Thomas P;
Blackburn, Lindy;
Janssen, Michael;
Chan, Chi-kwan;
... Zhao, Shan-Shan; + view all
Resolving the Inner Parsec of the Blazar J1924-2914 with the Event Horizon Telescope.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 934
, Article 145. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac7a40.
James, Alexander W;
Williams, David R;
O'Kane, Jennifer;
Evolution of the critical torus instability height and coronal mass ejection likelihood in solar active regions.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 665
, Article A37. 10.1051/0004-6361/202142910.
Jeong, S-Y;
Verscharen, D;
Vocks, C;
Abraham, JB;
Owen, CJ;
Wicks, RT;
Fazakerley, AN;
... Bakrania, M; + view all
The Kinetic Expansion of Solar-Wind Electrons: Transport Theory and Predictions for the very Inner Heliosphere.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 927
, Article 162. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac4805.
Jeong, Seong-Yeop;
The Kinetic Plasma Physics of Solar-Wind Electrons.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Jeong, Seong-Yeop;
Abraham, Joel B;
Verscharen, Daniel;
Berčič, Laura;
Stansby, David;
Nicolaou, Georgios;
Owen, Christopher J;
... Bakrania, Mayur; + view all
The Stability of the Electron Strahl against the Oblique Fast-magnetosonic/Whistler Instability in the Inner Heliosphere.
Astrophysical Journal Letters
, 926
, Article L26. 10.3847/2041-8213/ac4dff.
Jiang, Wence;
Verscharen, Daniel;
Li, Hui;
Wang, Chi;
Klein, Kristopher G;
Whistler Waves As a Signature of Converging Magnetic Holes in Space Plasmas.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 935
, Article 169. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac7ce2.
Jones, GH;
Elliott, HA;
McComas, DJ;
Hill, ME;
Vandegriff, J;
Smith, EJ;
Crary, FJ;
Cometary ions detected by the Cassini spacecraft 6.5 au downstream of Comet 153P/Ikeya-Zhang.
, 388
, Article 115199. 10.1016/j.icarus.2022.115199.
Kabáth, Petr;
Chaturvedi, Priyanka;
MacQueen, Phillip J;
Skarka, Marek;
Šubjak, Ján;
Esposito, Massimilliano;
Cochran, William D;
... KESPRINT team; + view all
TOI-2046b, TOI-1181b, and TOI-1516b, three new hot Jupiters from TESS: planets orbiting a young star, a subgiant, and a normal star.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 513
pp. 5955-5972.
Keihänen, E;
Lindholm, V;
Monaco, P;
Blot, L;
Carbone, C;
Kiiveri, K;
Sánchez, AG;
... De la Torre, S; + view all
Euclid: Fast two-point correlation function covariance through linear construction.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 666
, Article A129. 10.1051/0004-6361/202244065.
Kitching, Thomas D;
Deshpande, Anurag C;
The Impact of Quadratic Biases on Cosmic Shear.
The Open Journal of Astrophysics
, 5
Klioner, SA;
Lindegren, L;
Mignard, F;
Hernández, J;
Ramos-Lerate, M;
Bastian, U;
Biermann, M;
... Fernández-Hernández, J; + view all
Gaia Early Data Release 3: The celestial reference frame (Gaia-CRF3).
Astronomy and Astrophysics
, 667
, Article A148. 10.1051/0004-6361/202243483.
Krawczynski, H;
Muleri, F;
Dovčiak, M;
Veledina, A;
Rodriguez Cavero, N;
Svoboda, J;
Ingram, A;
... Zane, S; + view all
Polarized x-rays constrain the disk-jet geometry in the black hole x-ray binary Cygnus X-1.
, 378
pp. 650-654.
Kurtovic, NT;
Pinilla, P;
Penzlin, ABT;
Benisty, M;
Perez, L;
Ginski, C;
Isella, A;
... Bayo, A; + view all
The morphology of CSCha circumbinary disk suggesting the existence of a Saturn-mass planet.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
, 664
, Article A151. 10.1051/0004-6361/202243505.
Lamagna, L;
Franceschet, C;
De Petris, M;
Gudmundsson, JE;
Hargrave, P;
Maffei, B;
Noviello, F;
... Winter, B; + view all
Optical modeling for the LiteBIRD Medium and High Frequency Telescope.
Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy XI.
SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering: Montreal, QC, Canada.
Lepori, F;
Tutusaus, I;
Viglione, C;
Bonvin, C;
Camera, S;
Castander, FJ;
Durrer, R;
... Hildebrandt, H; + view all
Euclid preparation XIX. Impact of magnification on photometric galaxy clustering.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 662
, Article A93. 10.1051/0004-6361/202142419.
Lin, Rong;
He, Jiansen;
Zhu, Xingyu;
Zhang, Lei;
Duan, Die;
Sahraoui, Fouad;
Verscharen, Daniel;
Power Anisotropy, Dispersion Signature and Turbulence Diffusion Region in the 3D Wavenumber Domain of Space Plasma Turbulence.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 939
, Article 121. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac8e07.
Liodakis, Ioannis;
Marscher, Alan P;
Agudo, Iván;
Berdyugin, Andrei V;
Bernardos, Maria I;
Bonnoli, Giacomo;
Borman, George A;
... Zane, Silvia; + view all
Polarized blazar X-rays imply particle acceleration in shocks.
, 611
pp. 677-681.
Long, F;
Andrews, SM;
Rosotti, G;
Harsono, D;
Pinilla, P;
Wilner, DJ;
Öberg, KI;
... Tabone, B; + view all
Gas Disk Sizes from CO Line Observations: A Test of Angular Momentum Evolution.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 931
, Article 6. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac634e.
Long, Jane SiNan;
Kong, Albert KH;
Wu, Kinwah;
Takata, Jumpei;
Han, Qin;
Hui, David CY;
Li, Kwan Lok;
XMM-Newton and NuSTAR Observations of the Compact Millisecond Pulsar Binary PSR J1653–0158.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 934
, Article 17. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac7720.
López-Corredoira, M;
Betancort-Rijo, JE;
Scarpa, R;
Chrobáková, Z;
Virial theorem in clusters of galaxies with MOND.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 517
pp. 5734-5743.
Loureiro, A;
Whittaker, L;
Mancini, A Spurio;
Joachimi, B;
Cuceu, A;
Asgari, M;
Stölzner, B;
... Tessore, N; + view all
KiDS and Euclid: Cosmological implications of a pseudo angular power spectrum analysis of KiDS-1000 cosmic shear tomography.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 665
, Article A56. 10.1051/0004-6361/202142481.
Luo, Qiaowen;
Zhu, Xingyu;
He, Jiansen;
Cui, Jun;
Lai, Hairong;
Verscharen, Daniel;
Duan, Die;
Coherence of ion cyclotron resonance for damping ion cyclotron waves in space plasmas.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 928
, Article 36. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac52a9.
Luque, R;
Nowak, G;
Hirano, T;
Kossakowski, D;
Pallé, E;
Nixon, MC;
Morello, G;
... Osorio, MR Zapatero; + view all
Precise mass determination for the keystone sub-Neptune planet transiting the mid-type M dwarf G 9-40.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 666
, Article A154. 10.1051/0004-6361/202244426.
Mancini, A Spurio;
Pourtsidou, A;
KiDS-1000 cosmology: machine learning – accelerated constraints on interacting dark energy with COSMOPOWER.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters
, 512
Mancini, Alessio Spurio;
Piras, Davide;
Alsing, Justin;
Joachimi, Benjamin;
Hobson, Michael P;
CosmoPower: Emulating cosmological power spectra for accelerated Bayesian inference from next-generation surveys.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, Article stac064. 10.1093/mnras/stac064.
(In press).
Mandal, Sudip;
Chitta, Lakshmi Pradeep;
Antolin, Patrick;
Peter, Hardi;
Solanki, Sami K;
Auchere, Frederic;
Berghmans, David;
... Smith, Phil J; + view all
What drives decayless kink oscillations in active-region coronal loops on the Sun?
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 666
, Article L2. 10.1051/0004-6361/202244403.
Mao, J;
Kaastra, JS;
Mehdipour, M;
Kriss, GA;
Wang, Y;
Grafton-Waters, S;
Branduardi-Raymont, G;
... Behar, E; + view all
Transient obscuration event captured in NGC3227. III. Photoionization modeling of the X-ray obscuration event in 2019.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
(In press).
Marinucci, A;
Muleri, F;
Dovanjak, M;
Bianchi, S;
Marin, F;
Wu, K;
Turolla, R;
Polarization constraints on the X-ray corona in Seyfert Galaxies: MCG-05-23-16.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 516
pp. 5907-5913.
Marschall, Raphael;
Zakharov, Vladimir;
Tubiana, Cecilia;
Kelley, Michael SP;
van Damme, Carlos Corral;
Snodgrass, Colin;
Jones, Geraint H;
... Levasseur-Regourd, Anny-Chantal; + view all
Determining the dust environment of an unknown comet for a spacecraft flyby: The case of ESA’s Comet Interceptor mission.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 666
, Article A151. 10.1051/0004-6361/202243648.
Marshall, H;
Mason, Ng;
Rogantini, D;
Heyl, J;
Tsygankov, S;
Poutanen, J;
Costa, E;
... Wu, K; + view all
Observations of 4U 1626-67 with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 940
, Article 70. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac98c2.
Masters, A;
Charalambos, I;
Rayns, N;
Does Uranus’ asymmetric magnetic field produce a relatively weak proton radiation belt?
Geophysical Research Letters
(In press).
McEntee, SC;
Jackman, CM;
Weigt, DM;
Dunn, WR;
Kashyap, V;
Kraft, R;
Louis, CK;
... Gallagher, PT; + view all
Comparing Jupiter's equatorial X-ray emissions with solar X-ray flux over 19 years of the Chandra mission.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
, 127
, Article e2022JA030971. 10.1029/2022ja030971.
McEwen, JD;
Wallis, CGR;
Mavor-Parker, AN;
Scattering Networks on the Sphere for Scalable and Rotationally Equivariant Spherical CNNs.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Learning Representations: ICLR 2022.
McKevitt, James E;
Beegadhur, Shayne S;
Zaripova, Alisa;
Andino-Enríquez, José;
Parkinson-Swift, Jonathan J;
Ayin-Walsh, Louis;
Dixon, Tom;
Astraeus: a new perspective on Titan's lakes.
International Astronautical Congress (IAC-22).
(pp. pp. 1-12).
International Astronautical Federation: Paris, France.
McKevitt, JE;
Beegadhur, SS;
Zaripova, A;
Andino-Enríquez, JE;
Parkinson-Swift, JJ;
Ayin-Walsh, L;
Dixon, T;
Astraeus: Exploring Titan's lakes, surface, and atmosphere.
Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC.
(pp. pp. 1-12).
IAF: Paris, France.
McMillan, Paul J;
Petersson, Jonathan;
Tepper-Garcia, Thor;
Bland-Hawthorn, Joss;
Antoja, Teresa;
Chemin, Laurent;
Figueras, Francesca;
... Seabroke, George; + view all
The disturbed outer Milky Way disc.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 516
pp. 4988-5002.
Mehdipour, Missagh;
Kriss, Gerard A;
Brenneman, Laura W;
Costantini, Elisa;
Kaastra, Jelle S;
Branduardi-Raymont, Graziella;
Di Gesu, Laura;
... Mao, Junjie; + view all
Changing-look Event in NGC 3516: Continuum or Obscuration Variability?
The Astrophysical Journal
, 925
, Article 84. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac42ca.
Mierla, M;
Zhukov, AN;
Berghmans, D;
Parenti, S;
Auchère, F;
Heinzel, P;
Seaton, DB;
... Andretta, V; + view all
Prominence eruption observed in He II 304 Å up to >6 R⊙ by EUI/FSI aboard Solar Orbiter⋆.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 662
Mihailescu, Teodora;
Baker, Deborah;
Green, Lucie M;
van Driel-Gesztelyi, Lidia;
Long, David M;
Brooks, David H;
To, Andy SH;
What Determines Active Region Coronal Plasma Composition?
The Astrophysical Journal
, 933
, Article 245. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac6e40.
Moneti, A;
Mccracken, HJ;
Shuntov, M;
Kauffmann, OB;
Capak, P;
Davidzon, I;
Ilbert, O;
... et alia, .; + view all
Euclid preparation: XVII. Cosmic Dawn Survey: Spitzer Space Telescope observations of the Euclid deep fields and calibration fields.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 658
, Article A126. 10.1051/0004-6361/202142361.
Mooney, Michaela K.;
A statistical analysis of the auroral boundaries; their response to geomagnetic dynamics and their use in auroral forecast verification.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Mori, Kaya;
Hailey, Charles;
Bridges, Gabriel;
Mandel, Shifra;
Garvin, Amani;
Grefenstette, Brian;
Dunn, William;
... Ray, Licia; + view all
Observation and origin of non-thermal hard X-rays from Jupiter.
Nature Astronomy
, 6
pp. 442-448.
Moriya, TJ;
Inserra, C;
Tanaka, M;
Cappellaro, E;
Della Valle, M;
Hook, I;
Kotak, R;
... Morris, PW; + view all
Euclid: Searching for pair-instability supernovae with the Deep Survey.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 666
, Article A157. 10.1051/0004-6361/202243810.
Munshi, D;
Takahashi, R;
McEwen, JD;
Kitching, TD;
Bouchet, FR;
A new estimator for phase statistics.
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
, 2022
, Article 6. 10.1088/1475-7516/2022/05/006.
Munshi, Dipak;
Lee, Hayden;
Dvorkin, Cora;
McEwen, Jason D;
Weak lensing trispectrum and Kurt-spectra.
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
, 2022
, Article 020. 10.1088/1475-7516/2022/11/020.
Murgas, F;
Nowak, G;
Masseron, T;
Parviainen, H;
Luque, R;
Pallé, E;
Korth, J;
... Winn, JN; + view all
HD 20329b: An ultra-short-period planet around a solar-type star found by TESS.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
, 668
, Article A158. 10.1051/0004-6361/202244459.
Nesseris, S;
Sapone, D;
Martinelli, M;
Camarena, D;
Marra, V;
Sakr, Z;
Garcia-Bellido, J;
... Taylor, AN; + view all
Euclid: Forecast constraints on consistency tests of the ∧cDM model.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
, 660
, Article A67. 10.1051/0004-6361/202142503.
Nezic, Rok;
Bagnulo, Stefano;
Jones, Geraint H;
Knight, Matthew M;
Borisov, Galin;
Polarimetric analysis of STEREO observations of sungrazing kreutz comet C/2010 E6 (STEREO).
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 513
pp. 2226-2238.
Nicolaou, Georgios;
Allegrini, Frederic;
Livadiotis, George;
Ebert, Robert W;
Effects of background noise on fit parameters of plasma scattering angle distributions.
Review of Scientific Instruments
, 93
, Article 103305. 10.1063/5.0069193.
Nicolaou, Georgios;
Haythornthwaite, Richard P;
Coates, Andrew J;
Resolving Space Plasma Species With Electrostatic Analyzers.
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences
, 9
, Article 861433. 10.3389/fspas.2022.861433.
O'Kane, Jennifer Rose;
The Formation and Eruption of Stealth Coronal Mass Ejections.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Opie, Simon;
Verscharen, Daniel;
Chen, Christopher HK;
Owen, Christopher J;
Isenberg, Philip A;
Conditions for Proton Temperature Anisotropy to Drive Instabilities in the Solar Wind.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 941
, Article 176. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac982f.
Owen, Christopher J;
Abraham, Joel Baby;
Nicolaou, Georgios;
Verscharen, Daniel;
Louarn, Philippe;
Horbury, Timothy S;
Solar Orbiter SWA Observations of Electron Strahl Properties Inside 1 AU.
, 8
, Article 509. 10.3390/universe8100509.
Owen, ER;
Han, Q;
Wu, K;
Yap, YXJ;
Surajbali, P;
The contribution of distant sources to the observed flux of ultra high-energy cosmic rays.
Proceedings of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference - PoS (ICRC2021).
Owen, ER;
On, AYL;
Lai, SP;
Wu, K;
Empirical assessment of cosmic ray propagation in magnetized molecular cloud complexes.
Proceedings of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference - PoS (ICRC2021).
Page, KL;
Beardmore, AP;
Osborne, JP;
Munari, U;
Ness, J-U;
Evans, PA;
Bode, MF;
... Woodward, CE; + view all
The 2021 outburst of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi observed in X-rays by the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory: a comparative study.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 514
pp. 1557-1574.
Page, KL;
Kuin, NPM;
Osborne, JP;
Ultraviolet and X-ray Light-Curves of Novae Observed by the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory.
, 8
p. 643.
Pan, Yu-Chun;
Jacobs, Aimee;
Tan, Chekfoung;
Tehrani, Jasmine;
Exploring Consumer Mobile Payment Adoption: A Multi-Country Study.
Communications of the IIMA
, 20
, Article 3.
Paul, F;
Piermattei, L;
Treichler, D;
Gilbert, L;
Girod, L;
Kääb, A;
Libert, L;
... Wuite, J; + view all
Three different glacier surges at a spot: What satellites observe and what not.
, 16
pp. 2505-2526.
Perrone, D;
Perri, S;
Bruno, R;
Stansby, D;
D'Amicis, R;
Jagarlamudi, VK;
Laker, R;
... Zouganelis, I; + view all
Evolution of coronal hole solar wind in the inner heliosphere: Combined observations by Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
, 668
, Article A189. 10.1051/0004-6361/202243989.
Persaud, Divya M.;
On Multi-Resolution 3D Orbital Imagery and Visualisation for Mars Geological Analysis.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Persson, Carina M;
Georgieva, Iskra Y;
Gandolfi, Davide;
Acuña, Lorena;
Aguichine, Artem;
Muresan, Alexandra;
Guenther, Eike;
... Ziegler, Carl; + view all
TOI-2196 b: Rare planet in the hot Neptune desert transiting a G-type star.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
(In press).
Persson, M;
Aizawa, S;
André, N;
Barabash, S;
Saito, Y;
Harada, Y;
Heyner, D;
... Murakami, G; + view all
BepiColombo mission confirms stagnation region of Venus and reveals its large extent.
Nature Communications
, 13
, Article 7743. 10.1038/s41467-022-35061-3.
Pinilla, P;
Benisty, M;
Kurtovic, NT;
Bae, J;
Dong, R;
Zhu, Z;
Andrews, S;
... Wilner, D; + view all
Distributions of gas and small and large grains in the LkHα 330 disk trace a young planetary system.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
(In press).
Pinilla, Paola;
First steps of planet formation around very low mass stars and brown dwarfs.
The European Physical Journal Plus
, 137
, Article 1206. 10.1140/epjp/s13360-022-03384-1.
Price, Oliver Duncan;
Fine Scale Structure in Cometary Dust Tails.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Quintero Noda, C;
Schlichenmaier, R;
Bellot Rubio, LR;
Löfdahl, MG;
Khomenko, E;
Jurčák, J;
Leenaarts, J;
... Collados, M; + view all
The European Solar Telescope.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 666
Rae, Jonathan;
Forsyth, Colin;
Dunlop, Malcolm;
Palmroth, Minna;
Lester, Mark;
Friedel, Reiner;
Reeves, Geoff;
... Shi, Quanqi; + view all
What are the fundamental modes of energy transfer and partitioning in the coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere system?
Experimental Astronomy
(In press).
Raja, KS;
Maksimovic, M;
Kontar, EP;
Bonnin, X;
Zarka, P;
Lamy, L;
Reid, H;
... Denis, L; + view all
Spectral Analysis of Solar Radio Type III Bursts from 20 kHz to 410 MHz.
Astrophysical Journal
, 924
, Article 58. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac34ed.
Ramanjooloo, Yudish;
Jones, Geraint H;
Solar Wind Velocities at Comets C/2011 L4 Pan‐STARRS and C/2013 R1 Lovejoy derived using a New Image Analysis Technique.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
(In press).
Randich, S;
Gilmore, G;
Magrini, L;
Sacco, GG;
Jackson, RJ;
Jeffries, RD;
Worley, CC;
... Walton, NA; + view all
The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey: Implementation, data products, open cluster survey, science, and legacy.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
(In press).
Rawlings, Thomas;
Numerical modelling of Stirling cryocoolers.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Recio-Blanco, A;
Laverny, P de;
Palicio, PA;
Kordopatis, G;
Álvarez, MA;
Schultheis, M;
Contursi, G;
... Bakker, J; + view all
Gaia Data Release 3. Analysis of RVS spectra by the General Stellar Parametrizer from spectroscopy.
Astronomy and Astrophysics: a European journal
(In press).
Reddy, S;
Kataria, D;
Lewis, G;
Aruliah, A;
Verscharen, D;
Baby Abraham, J;
Deprez, G;
CubeSat measurements of thermospheric plasma: spacecraft charging effects on a plasma analyzer.
CEAS Space Journal
(In press).
Réville, V;
Fargette, N;
Rouillard, AP;
Lavraud, B;
Velli, M;
Strugarek, A;
Parenti, S;
... Kasper, JC; + view all
Flux rope and dynamics of the heliospheric current sheet
Study of the Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter conjunction of June 2020.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
, 659
, Article A110. 10.1051/0004-6361/202142381.
Rigoselli, Michela;
Mereghetti, Sandro;
Anzuinelli, Sara;
Keith, Michael;
Taverna, Roberto;
Turolla, Roberto;
Zane, Silvia;
Thermal and non-thermal X-ray emission from the rotation-powered radio/γ-ray pulsar PSR J1740+1000.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 513
pp. 3113-3121.
Ripperda, B;
Liska, M;
Chatterjee, K;
Musoke, G;
Philippov, AA;
Markoff, SB;
Tchekhovskoy, A;
Black Hole Flares: Ejection of Accreted Magnetic Flux through 3D Plasmoid-mediated Reconnection.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
, 924
, Article L32. 10.3847/2041-8213/ac46a1.
Riquelme, M;
Osorio, A;
Verscharen, D;
Sironi, L;
Stochastic Electron Acceleration by Temperature Anisotropy Instabilities Under Solar Flare Plasma Conditions.
Astrophysical Journal
, 924
, Article 52. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac3e67.
Roberts, OW;
Narita, Y;
Nakamura, R;
Vörös, Z;
Verscharen, D;
The kinetic Alfvén-like nature of turbulent fluctuations in the Earth's magnetosheath: MMS measurement of the electron Alfvén ratio.
Physics of Plasmas
, 29
, Article 012308. 10.1063/5.0068828.
Rodger, CJ;
Hendry, AT;
Clilverd, MA;
Forsyth, C;
Morley, SK;
Examination of Radiation Belt Dynamics during Substorm Clusters: Activity Drivers and Dependencies of Trapped Flux Enhancements.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
, 127
, Article e2021JA030003. 10.1029/2021ja030003.
Rodger, Craig J;
Clilverd, Mark A;
Hendry, Aaron T;
Forsyth, Colin;
Examination of Radiation Belt Dynamics during Substorm Clusters: Magnetic Local Time Variation and Intensity of Precipitating Fluxes.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
, 127
, Article e2022JA030750. 10.1029/2022ja030750.
Rossi, A;
Frederiks, DD;
Kann, DA;
De Pasquale, M;
Pian, E;
Lamb, G;
D'Avanzo, P;
... Zhang, J; + view all
A blast from the infant Universe: The very high-z GRB 210905A.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
, 665
, Article A125. 10.1051/0004-6361/202243225.
Rowe, Samantha;
Eckersley, Steve;
Nikki, Antoniou;
Forsyth, Colin;
Wicks, Robert;
Eastwood, Jonathan;
Brown, Patrick;
... Jiggens, Piers; + view all
ESA Nanosatellites for D3S (Distributed Space Weather Sensor System).
Proceedings of the 4S Symposium 2022.
4S Symposium: Vilamoura, Portugal.
Rueda, Jeffersson A Agudelo;
Verscharen, Daniel;
Wicks, Robert T;
Owen, Christopher J;
Nicolaou, Georgios;
Germaschewski, Kai;
Walsh, Andrew P;
... Domínguez, Santiago Vargas; + view all
Energy transport during 3D small-scale reconnection driven by anisotropic plasma turbulence.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 938
, Article 4. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac8667.
Samsonov, Andrey;
Carter, Jennifer Alyson;
Read, Andrew;
Sembay, Steven;
Branduardi‐Raymont, Graziella;
Sibeck, David;
Escoubet, Philippe;
Finding Magnetopause Standoff Distance Using a Soft X-Ray Imager: 1. Magnetospheric Masking.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
, 127
, Article e2022JA030848. 10.1029/2022ja030848.
Samsonov, Andrey;
Sembay, Steven;
Read, Andrew;
Carter, Jennifer Alyson;
Branduardi‐Raymont, Graziella;
Sibeck, David;
Escoubet, Philippe;
Finding Magnetopause Standoff Distance Using a Soft X-ray Imager: 2. Methods to Analyze 2-D X-ray Images.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
, 127
, Article e2022JA030850. 10.1029/2022ja030850.
Sanders, Jason L;
Matsunaga, Noriyuki;
Kawata, Daisuke;
Smith, Leigh C;
Minniti, Dante;
Lucas, Philip W;
Mira variables in the Milky Way's nuclear stellar disc: discovery and classification.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
(In press).
Sartoretti, P;
Marchal, O;
Babusiaux, C;
Jordi, C;
Guerrier, A;
Panuzzo, P;
Katz, D;
... Zorec, J; + view all
Gaia Data Release 3: G_{RVS} photometry from the RVS spectra.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
(In press).
Satapathy, Kaushik;
Psaltis, Dimitrios;
Ozel, Feryal;
Medeiros, Lia;
Dougall, Sean T;
Chan, Chi-Kwan;
Wielgus, Maciek;
... Zhao, Shan-Shan; + view all
The Variability of the Black Hole Image in M87 at the Dynamical Timescale.
Astrophysical Journal
, 925
, Article 13. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac332e.
Scaramella, R;
Amiaux, J;
Mellier, Y;
Burigana, C;
Carvalho, CS;
Cuillandre, J-C;
Da Silva, A;
... Whittaker, L; + view all
Euclid preparation I. The Euclid Wide Survey.
Astronomy and Astrophysics: a European journal
, 662
, Article A112. 10.1051/0004-6361/202141938.
Schirmer, M;
Jahnke, K;
Seidel, G;
Aussel, H;
Bodendorf, C;
Grupp, F;
Hormuth, F;
... Hildebrandt, H; + view all
Euclid preparation XVIII. The NISP photometric system.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 662
, Article A92. 10.1051/0004-6361/202142897.
Schlosser, Karoly;
Whiteley, Iya;
Applications of mindfulness-based trainings in astronautics - a review of utility and evidence.
Proceedings 73rd International Astronautical Congress 2022.
IAF: Paris, France.
Seli, B;
Olah, K;
Kriskovics, L;
Kavari, Z;
Vida, K;
Balazs, LG;
Laming, JM;
... Baker, D; + view all
Extending the FIP bias sample to magnetically active stars: Challenging the FIP bias paradigm.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
, 659
, Article A3. 10.1051/0004-6361/202141493.
Semczuk, Marcin;
Dehnen, Walter;
Schönrich, Ralph;
Athanassoula, E;
Age-morphology dependence of the Milky Way boxy/peanut bulge seen in Mira variables.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 517
pp. 6060-6063.
Serrano, Luisa Maria;
Gandolfi, Davide;
Mustill, Alexander J;
Barragan, Oscar;
Korth, Judith;
Dai, Fei;
Redfield, Seth;
... Ziegler, Carl; + view all
A low-eccentricity migration pathway for a 13-h-period Earth analogue in a four-planet system.
Nature Astronomy
, 6
pp. 736-750.
Shamsutdinova, JN;
Zhang, J;
Zhdanov, DA;
Kashapova, LK;
Reid, HAS;
A study of the Relationship Between the Microwave and
Meter-Wavelength Emissions from the Solar Flare on
June 3, 2021.
In: Balega, Yury and Bogod, Vladimir Mikhailovich and Ipatov, Alexander and Kovalev, Yuri Andreevich and Kudryavtsev, Dmitry and Likhachev, Sergey and Makarov, Dmitry and Mingaliev, Marat and Moiseev, Alexey and Petkov, Valery and Rastorguev, Alexey and Sazonov, Sergey and Sotnikova, Yulia and Starobinsky, Alexei Alexandrovich and Stepanov, Alexander Vladimirovich and Stolyarov, Vladislav and Trushkin, Sergei Anatolevich and Valyavin, Gennady and Vinokurov, Alexander and Vlasyuk, Valery Valentinovich, (eds.)
Proceedings of the Multifaceted Universe: Theory and Observations - 2022.
Proceedings of Science (PoS): Trieste TS, Italy.
Sharma, M;
Page, MJ;
Breeveld, AA;
Galaxy luminosity functions at redshifts 0.6-1.2 in the Chandra Deep Field South.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 511
pp. 4882-4899.
Shitvov, A;
Savini, G;
Hargrave, PC;
Ade, PAR;
Tucker, CE;
Sudiwala, RV;
Zhang, J;
... Van Der Vorst, M; + view all
Broadband coated lens solutions for FIR-mm-wave instruments.
Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy XI.
SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering: Montreal, QC, Canada.
Sioulas, Nikos;
Huang, Zesen;
Velli, Marco;
Chhiber, Rohit;
Cuesta, Manuel E;
Shi, Chen;
Matthaeus, William H;
... Livi, Roberto; + view all
Magnetic Field Intermittency in the Solar Wind: Parker Solar Probe and SolO Observations Ranging from the Alfven Region up to 1 AU.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 934
, Article 143. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac7aa2.
Smith, AW;
Forsyth, C;
Rae, IJ;
Garton, TM;
Jackman, CM;
Bakrania, M;
Shore, RM;
... Johnson, JM; + view all
On the Considerations of Using Near Real Time Data for Space Weather Hazard Forecasting.
Space Weather
(In press).
Smith, AW;
Rodger, CJ;
Manus, DH Mac;
Forsyth, C;
Rae, IJ;
Freeman, MP;
Clilverd, MA;
... Dalzell, M; + view all
The Correspondence between Sudden Commencements and Geomagnetically Induced Currents; Insights from New Zealand.
Space Weather
, 20
, Article e2021SW002983. 10.1029/2021sw002983.
Stabbins, Roger Blue;
Spectral Imaging Simulations for Planetary Surface Exploration: Preparing for PanCam on the ExoMars Rover.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Stadler, J;
Gárate, M;
Pinilla, P;
Lenz, C;
Dullemond, CP;
Birnstiel, T;
Stammler, SM;
The impact of dynamic pressure bumps on the observational properties of protoplanetary disks.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
, 668
, Article A104. 10.1051/0004-6361/202243338.
Staples, FA;
Kellerman, A;
Murphy, KR;
Rae, IJ;
Sandhu, JK;
Forsyth, C;
Resolving Magnetopause Shadowing Using Multimission Measurements of Phase Space Density.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
, 127
, Article e2021JA029298. 10.1029/2021ja029298.
Symeonidis, M;
Maddox, N;
Jarvis, MJ;
Michalowski, MJ;
Andreani, P;
Clements, DL;
De Zotti, G;
... Vaccari, M; + view all
The star formation rates of QSOs.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 514
pp. 4450-4464.
Tan, Chekfoung;
Casanova, Diogo;
Huet, Isabel;
Alhammad, Muna;
Online Collaborative Learning Using Microsoft Teams in Higher Education Amid COVID-19.
International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning
, 14
, Article 76. 10.4018/ijmbl.297976.
Tan, Chekfoung;
Emes, Michael;
Alhammad, Muna M;
Achieving Sustainability through the Circular Economy in the Space Sector.
Proceedings of the UKAIS 2022 Information systems for a sustainable future.
(pp. pp. 1-9).
UK Academy For Information Systems
Tan, Chekfoung;
Emes, Michael;
Raper, Ian;
Alhammad, Muna;
Examining the Space Value Chain through the lens of the Circular Economy.
Proceedings of the 10th International Systems & Concurrent Engineering for Space Applications Conference.
ESA Conference Bureau / ATPI Corporate Events: Noordwijk, Netherlands.
(In press).
Tao, Y;
Xiong, S;
Muller, JP;
Michael, G;
Conway, SJ;
Paar, G;
Cremonese, G;
Subpixel-Scale Topography Retrieval of Mars Using Single-Image DTM Estimation and Super-Resolution Restoration.
Remote Sensing
, 14
, Article 257. 10.3390/rs14020257.
Tao, Yu;
On Martian Surface Exploration: Development of Automated 3D Reconstruction and Super-Resolution Restoration Techniques for Mars Orbital Images.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Taverna, Roberto;
Turolla, Roberto;
Muleri, Fabio;
Heyl, Jeremy;
Zane, Silvia;
Baldini, Luca;
Caniulef, Denis González;
... Xie, Fei; + view all
Polarized x-rays from a magnetar.
ArXiv: Ithaca, NY, USA.
Taverna, Roberto;
Turolla, Roberto;
Muleri, Fabio;
Heyl, Jeremy;
Zane, Silvia;
Baldini, Luca;
González-Caniulef, Denis;
... Xie, Fei; + view all
Polarized x-rays from a magnetar.
, 378
pp. 646-650.
Telloni, Daniele;
Adhikari, Laxman;
Zank, Gary P;
Hadid, Lina Z;
Sanchez-Cano, Beatriz;
Sorriso-Valvo, Luca;
Zhao, Lingling;
... Richter, Ingo; + view all
Observation and Modeling of the Solar Wind Turbulence Evolution in the Sub-Mercury Inner Heliosphere.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
, 938
, Article L8. 10.3847/2041-8213/ac9624.
Telloni, Daniele;
Zank, Gary P;
Sorriso-Valvo, Luca;
D'Amicis, Raffaella;
Panasenco, Olga;
Susino, Roberto;
Bruno, Roberto;
... Zimbardo, Gaetano; + view all
Linking Small-scale Solar Wind Properties with Large-scale Coronal Source Regions through Joint Parker Solar Probe-Metis/Solar Orbiter Observations.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 935
, Article ARTN 112. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac8103.
Telloni, Daniele;
Zank, Gary P;
Stangalini, Marco;
Downs, Cooper;
Liang, Haoming;
Nakanotani, Masaru;
Andretta, Vincenzo;
... Zhukov, Andrei N; + view all
Observation of a Magnetic Switchback in the Solar Corona.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
, 936
, Article L25. 10.3847/2041-8213/ac8104.
Tinetti, G;
Eccleston, P;
Haswell, C;
Lagage, P-O;
Leconte, J;
Lüftinger, T;
Micela, G;
... Sanna, N; + view all
Ariel: Enabling planetary science across light-years.
Presented at: Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Palacio de Congresos de Granada, Spain.
Toguz, Firat;
Kawata, Daisuke;
Seabroke, George;
Read, Justin I;
Constraining Ultra Light Dark Matter with the Galactic Nuclear Star Cluster.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, Article stac057. 10.1093/mnras/stac057.
(In press).
Tran, Quang H;
Bowler, Brendan P;
Endl, Michael;
Cochran, William D;
MacQueen, Phillip J;
Gandolfi, Davide;
Persson, Carina M;
... Winn, Joshua N; + view all
TOI-1670 b and c: An Inner Sub-Neptune with an Outer Warm Jupiter Unlikely to have Originated from High-Eccentricity Migration.
The Astronomical Journal
, 163
, Article 225. 10.3847/1538-3881/ac5c4f.
Tsiga, Z;
Emes, M;
Decision making in Engineering Projects.
Procedia Computer Science
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, Article Procedia Computer Science. 10.1016/j.procs.2021.12.094.
Tsygankov, S;
Doroshenko, V;
Poutanen, J;
Heyl, J;
Mushtukov, A;
Wu, K;
Turolla, R;
... et, al.; + view all
The X-Ray Polarimetry View of the Accreting Pulsar Cen X-3.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
, 941
, Article L14. 10.3847/2041-8213/aca486.
Turc, L;
Roberts, OW;
Verscharen, D;
Dimmock, AP;
Kajdič, P;
Palmroth, M;
Pfau-Kempf, Y;
... Ganse, U; + view all
Transmission of foreshock waves through Earth’s bow shock.
Nature Physics
(In press).
Turtelboom, Emma V;
Weiss, Lauren M;
Dressing, Courtney D;
Nowak, Grzegorz;
Pallé, Enric;
Beard, Corey;
Blunt, Sarah;
... Winn, Joshua N; + view all
The TESS-Keck Survey. XI. Mass Measurements for Four Transiting sub-Neptunes orbiting K dwarf TOI-1246.
The Astronomical Journal
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, Article 293. 10.3847/1538-3881/ac69e5.
Ursini, F;
Marinucci, A;
Matt, G;
Bianchi, S;
Marin, F;
Marshall, HL;
Middei, R;
... Zane, S; + view all
Mapping the circumnuclear regions of the Circinus galaxy with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
(In press).
Valegård, PG;
Ginski, C;
Dominik, C;
Bae, J;
Benisty, M;
Birnstiel, T;
Facchini, S;
... Williams, J; + view all
Disk Evolution Study Through Imaging of Nearby Young Stars (DESTINYS): Scattered light detection of a possible disk wind in RY Tau.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
, 668
, Article A25. 10.1051/0004-6361/202244001.
Valori, G;
Löschel, P;
Stansby, D;
Pariat, E;
Hirzberger, J;
Chen, F;
Disambiguation of Vector Magnetograms by Stereoscopic Observations from the Solar Orbiter/Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (PHI) and the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO)/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI).
Solar Physics
, 297
, Article 12. 10.1007/s11207-021-01942-x.
Van Mierlo, SE;
Caputi, K;
Ashby, M;
Atek, H;
Bolzonella, M;
Bowler, RAA;
Brammer, G;
... Viel, M; + view all
Euclid preparation: XXI. Intermediate-redshift contaminants in the search for z > 6 galaxies within the Euclid Deep Survey.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 666
, Article A200. 10.1051/0004-6361/202243950.
Verniero, JL;
Chandran, BDG;
Larson, DE;
Paulson, K;
Alterman, BL;
Badman, S;
Bale, SD;
... Whittlesey, PL; + view all
Strong Perpendicular Velocity-space Diffusion in Proton Beams Observed by Parker Solar Probe.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 924
, Article 112. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac36d5.
Verscharen, Daniel;
Chandran, Benjamin DG;
Boella, Elisabetta;
Halekas, Jasper;
Innocenti, Maria Elena;
Jagarlamudi, Vamsee K;
Micera, Alfredo;
... Whittlesey, Phyllis L; + view all
Electron-driven instabilities in the solar wind.
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences
(In press).
Vink, J;
Prokhorov, D;
Ferrazzoni, R;
Slane, P;
Zhou, P;
Asakura, K;
Baldini, L;
... Zane, S; + view all
X-ray polarization detection of Cassiopeia A with IXPE.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 938
, Article 40. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac8b7b.
Wallis, CGR;
Price, MA;
McEwen, JD;
Kitching, TD;
Leistedt, B;
Plouviez, A;
Mapping dark matter on the celestial sphere with weak gravitational lensing.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 509
pp. 4480-4497.
Walton, Samuel David;
The Evolution of the Electron Radiation Belt During Geomagnetic Storms.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Walton, SD;
Forsyth, C;
Rae, IJ;
Meredith, NP;
Sandhu, JK;
Walach, M‐T;
Murphy, KR;
Statistical Comparison of Electron Loss and Enhancement in the Outer Radiation Belt During Storms.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
, 127
, Article e2021JA030069. 10.1029/2021ja030069.
(In press).
WANG, Chi;
Branduardi Raymont, Graziella;
Escoubet, C Philippe;
Recent Advance in the Solar Wind Magnetosphere
Ionosphere Link Explorer
(SMILE) Mission.
Chinese Journal of Space Science
, 42
pp. 568-573.
Wang, Shuo;
Jenkins, Jack M;
Muglach, Karin;
Martinez Pillet, Valentin;
Beck, Christian;
Long, David M;
Choudhary, Debi Prasad;
Velocities of an Erupting Filament.
The Astrophysical Journal
, 926
, Article 18. 10.3847/1538-4357/ac3a04.
Wang, Y;
Kaastra, J;
Mehdipour, M;
Mao, J;
Costantini, E;
Kriss, GA;
Pinto, C;
... He, Z; + view all
Transient obscuration event captured in NGC 3227: II. Warm absorbers and obscuration events in archival XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 657
, Article A77. 10.1051/0004-6361/202141599.
Waters, JE;
Jackman, CM;
Whiter, DK;
Forsyth, C;
Fogg, AR;
Lamy, L;
Cecconi, B;
... Issautier, K; + view all
A perspective on substorm dynamics using 10 years of Auroral Kilometric Radiation observations from Wind.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
, 127
, Article e2022JA030449. 10.1029/2022ja030449.
Wellbrock, A;
Jones, GH;
Dresing, N;
Coates, AJ;
Wedlund, CS;
Nilsson, H;
Sanchez‐Cano, B;
... Mandt, K; + view all
Observations of a Solar Energetic Particle Event from Inside and Outside the Coma of Comet 67P.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
, 127
, Article e2022JA030398. 10.1029/2022ja030398.
Wielgus, Maciek;
Marchili, Nicola;
Marti-Vidal, Ivan;
Keating, Garrett K;
Ramakrishnan, Venkatessh;
Tiede, Paul;
Fomalont, Ed;
... Zhao, Shan-Shan; + view all
Millimeter Light Curves of Sagittarius A* Observed during the 2017 Event Horizon Telescope Campaign.
Astrophysical Journal Letters
, 930
, Article L19. 10.3847/2041-8213/ac6428.
Wilson, Thomas G;
Goffo, Elisa;
Alibert, Yann;
Gandolfi, Davide;
Bonfanti, Andrea;
Persson, Carina M;
Cameron, Andrew Collier;
... Winn, Joshua N; + view all
A pair of Sub-Neptunes transiting the bright K-dwarf TOI-1064 characterised with CHEOPS.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 511
pp. 1043-1071.
Wu, Kinwah;
Multi-Messenger Astrophysics of a Millisecond Pulsar Orbiting around a Massive Black Hole.
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, Article 78. 10.3390/universe8020078.
Xie, F;
Di Marco, A;
La Monaca, F;
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