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Adhitya, S; Tyler, NA; (2015) It’s the Little Things that Count…. In: Dolan, T and Collins, B, (eds.) International Symposium for Next Generation Infrastructure Conference Proceedings: 30 September - 1 October 2014 International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA),Schloss Laxenburg, Vienna, Austria. (pp. 177 - 182). UCL STEaPP: London, UK. Green open access

Almufti, I; Deierlein, G; Molina Hutt, C; Willford, M; (2015) Risk-based seismic performance assessment of existing tall steel-framed buildings in San Francisco. In: SECED 2015 Conference: Earthquake Risk and Engineering towards a Resilient World. Society for Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics (SECED): Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Alvarez, C; Rivera Jofre, F; Santa Maria, H; Hube, MA; (2015) Development of an exposure model of residential structures for Chile. In: Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2015. (pp. p. 95). AEES: Sydney, Australia. Green open access

Anbaroglu, B; Cheng, T; Heydecker, B; (2015) Non-recurrent traffic congestion detection on heterogeneous urban road networks. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science , 11 (9) pp. 754-771. 10.1080/23249935.2015.1087229. Green open access

Anciaes, PR; (2015) Area-wide traffic restriction in Lisbon city center: opportunity lost or mistake avoided? Transportation Research Procedia , 8 pp. 237-246. 10.1016/j.trpro.2015.06.058. Green open access

Anciaes, PR; (2015) Urban Mobility and Poverty: Lessons from Medellín and Soacha, Colombia, Julio D. Dávila (Ed.). (2013). London and Medellín: Development Planning Unit and Universidad Nacional de Colombia. £10 (paperback), ISBN: 978-0-9574823-2-6. £0 (pdf), ISBN: 978-0-9574823-3-3. Journal of Transport Geography , 42 p. 188. 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2014.06.012. Green open access

Anciaes, PR; (2015) What do we mean by "community severance"? (Street Mobility and Network Accessibility Working Paper 04). University College London (UCL): London, UK. Green open access

Anciaes, PR; (2015) More money, more cars, more city, less walking: Is this the future of Tirana? In: Condie, J and Cooper, AM, (eds.) Dialogues of Sustainable Urbanisation: Social Science Research and Transitions to Urban Contexts. (pp. 133-135). University of Western Sydney: Penrith, Australia. Green open access

Anciaes, PR; Jones, P; (2015) The influence of motorised traffic on pedestrian flows and behaviour - new insights from bus stop data. In: (Proceedings) European Transport Conference 2015. Association for European Transport Green open access

Anciaes, PR; Jones, P; Boniface, S; Dhanani, A; Scholes, S; Mindell, J; (2015) Developing tools to identify and overcome barriers to walking among older people. Presented at: 14th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED 2015), Lisbon, Portugal. Green open access

Anciaes, PR; Jones, P; Dhanani, A; Boniface, S; Scholes, S; Mindell, J; (2015) Defining and measuring the impact of community severance on local accessibility. Presented at: 14th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED 2015), Lisbon, Portugal. Green open access

Anciaes, PR; Jones, P; Dhanani, A; Vaughan, L; Boniface, S; Mindell, J; (2015) How do pedestrians react to busy roads? Findings from video surveys. Presented at: 1st International Conference on Transport and Health, London, UK. Green open access

Anvari, B; Bell, MGH; Sivakumar, A; Ochieng, WY; (2015) Modelling shared space users via rule-based social force model. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies , 51 pp. 83-103. 10.1016/j.trc.2014.10.012. Green open access

Arias-Trujillo, J; Blázquez, R; López-Querol, S; (2015) Frequency-Domain Assessment of Integration Schemes for Earthquake Engineering Problems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering , 2015 , Article 259530. 10.1155/2015/259530. Green open access

Aslam, NS; Cheshire, JA; Cheng, T; (2015) Big Data Analysis of Population Flow between TfL Oyster and Bicycle Hire Networks in London. In: GIS Research UK (GISRUK) 2015 Proceedings. (pp. pp. 69-75). GIS Research UK (GISRUK): Leeds. Green open access

Atkins, C; Ziebart, M; (2015) Effectiveness of observation-domain sidereal filtering for GPS precise point positioning. GPS Solutions , 20 (1) pp. 111-122. 10.1007/s10291-015-0473-1. Green open access

Aung, MSH; Katwang, S; Romera-Paredes, B; Martinez, B; Singh, A; Cella, M; Valstar, M; ... Bianchi-Berthouze, N; + view all (2015) The automatic detection of chronic pain-related expression: requirements, challenges and a multimodal dataset. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing , 7 (4) pp. 435-451. 10.1109/TAFFC.2015.2462830. Green open access


Baik, A; Boehm, J; (2015) Building Information Modelling for Historical Building Historic Jeddah - Saudi Arabia. In: Guidi, G and Torres, JC and Scopigno, R and Graf, H and Remondino, F and Brunet, P and Barcelo, J and Duranti, L and Hazan, S, (eds.) (Proceedings) 2015 Digital Heritage. (pp. pp. 125-128). IEEE: Granada, Spain. Green open access

Baik, AHA; Yaagoubi, R; Boehm, J; (2015) Integration of Jeddah Historical BIM and 3D GIS for Documentation and restoration of historical monument. In: Proceedings of the 25th International CIPA Symposium 2015 (XL-5/W7). (pp. pp. 29-34). International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS): Taipei, Taiwan. Green open access

Bainbridge, JWB; Mehat, MS; Sundaram, V; Robbie, SJ; Barker, SE; Ripamonti, C; Georgiadis, A; ... Ali, RR; + view all (2015) Long-Term Effect of Gene Therapy on Leber's Congenital Amaurosis. New England Journal of Medicine , 372 (20) pp. 1887-1897. 10.1056/NEJMoa1414221. Green open access

Barbareschi, G; Bantis, T; Twigg, J; Tyler, N; Holloway, C; (2015) The Use Of "Big Data" To Evaluate Accessibility Measures For Wheelchair And Mobility Scooter Users: The Case Of London Bus Network. In: (Proceedings) TRANSED 2015: 14th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons, 28-31 July 2015, Lisbon, Portugal. Green open access

Bhattarai, S; (2015) Satellite clock time offset prediction in global navigation satellite systems. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Boehm, J; Liu, K; (2015) NOSQL For Storage and Retrieval of Large LiDAR Data Collections. ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences , XL-3/W pp. 577-582. 10.5194/isprsarchives-XL-3-W3-577-2015. Green open access

Bogush, A; Stegemann, JA; Wood, I; Roy, A; (2015) Element composition and mineralogical characterisation of air pollution control residue from UK energy-from-waste facilities. Waste Management , 36 119 - 129. 10.1016/j.wasman.2014.11.017. Green open access

Brown, B; (2015) The internal contradictions of feminism. The Hungarian Review , 6 (3) pp. 31-39. Green open access

Brown, BJ; (2015) A critque of hegemonic masculinity and developing an alternative approach using ethnographic evidence. In: (Proceedings) Male Psychology Conference 2015. Male Psychology Network Green open access

Brown, BJ; (2015) Feminism and the free market: Does Liberty entail liberation. In: (Proceedings) LLFF15: Liberty League Freedom Forum 2015. Green open access

Buldakov, E; Stagonas, D; Simons, RR; (2015) Lagrangian numerical wave-current flume. In: Porter, R and Zang, J, (eds.) Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies. (pp. pp. 25-28). IWWWFB: Bristol, UK. Green open access


Caschili, S; Medda, FR; Wilson, A; (2015) An Interdependent Multi-Layer Model: Resilience of International Networks. Networks and Spatial Economics , 15 (2) pp. 313-335. 10.1007/s11067-014-9274-2. Green open access

Cavoli, CM; (2015) Assessing the impact of European Union policies on urban transport: a comparative analysis. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Cavoli, CM; Christie, N; Mindell, J; Titheridge, H; (2015) Linking transport, health and sustainability: Better data sets for better policy-making. Journal of Transport and Health , 2 (2) pp. 111-119. 10.1016/j.jth.2014.08.001. Green open access

Chen, H; Cheng, T; Wise, S; (2015) Designing Daily Patrol Routes For Policing Based On Ant Colony Algorithm. In: Yang, C and Clarke, K and Yuan, M and Yu, M and Li, M and Guan, W and Sun, M and Huang, B, (eds.) ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. (pp. pp. 103-109). Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH: Göttingen, Germany. Green open access

Cheng, YP; Xu, XM; Chen, YM; Ling, DS; (2015) Correlation between liquefaction resistance and shear wave velocity of granular soils: a micromechanical perspective. Géotechnique , 65 (5) 337- 348. 10.1680/geot.SIP.15.P.022. Green open access

Christie, N; Pike, I; (2015) Is it safe in numbers? Injury Prevention , 21 (4) pp. 276-277. 10.1136/injuryprev-2015-041687. Green open access

Cloutman-Green, EA; (2015) The role of the environment in transmission of healthcare associated infection. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


D'Ayala, D; (2015) Performance-based assessment of cultural heritage assets: outcomes of the European FP7 PERPETUATE project. European Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering , 13 (1) pp. 5-12. 10.1007/s10518-014-9710-1. Green open access

D'Lima, M; Medda, F; (2015) A new measure of resilience: An application to the London Underground. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice , 81 pp. 35-46. 10.1016/j.tra.2015.05.017. Green open access

De La Llera, JC; Mitrani-Reiser, J; Rivera Jofre, F; Fortuño, C; Jünemann, R; Poulos, A; Vasquez, J; (2015) The 2010 Chile Earthquake: a five year reflection. In: Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2015. (pp. p. 210). AEES: Sydney, Australia. Green open access

Digges La Touche, E; (2015) The provision of real-time information for passengers in metro networks Case studies: London and Hong Kong. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Dolan, T; (2015) Infrastructure Commission: What are the opportunities and how should it work? [Digital scholarly resource]. http://www.infrastructure-intelligence.com/article...


Erfani, T; Erfani, R; (2015) An evolutionary approach to solve a system of multiple interrelated agent problems. Applied Soft Computing Journal , 37 pp. 40-47. 10.1016/j.asoc.2015.07.049. Green open access


Garbutt, K; Ellul, C; Fujiyama, T; (2015) Mapping social vulnerability to flood hazard in Norfolk, England. Environmental Hazards , 14 (2) pp. 156-186. 10.1080/17477891.2015.1028018. Green open access

Geressu, RT; Harou, JJ; (2015) Screening reservoir systems by considering the efficient trade-offs-informing infrastructure investment decisions on the Blue Nile. Environmental Research Letters , 10 (12) 10.1088/1748-9326/10/12/125008. Green open access

Giacometti, A; Campagnolo, A; MacDonald, L; Mahony, S; Robson, S; Weyrich, T; Terras, MM; (2015) UCL Multispectral Processed Images of Parchment Damage Dataset. [Dataset]. UCL (University College London): London, UK. Green open access

giacometti, A; Terras, MM; Campagnolo, A; macdonald, L; Mahony, S; Robson, S; Weyrich, T; (2015) The Value of Critical Destruction: Evaluating Multispectral Image Processing Methods for the Analysis of Primary Historical Texts. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities , 32 (1) 10.1093/llc/fqv036. Green open access

Gill, SK; (2015) A Performance Measurement Framework for Knowledge Transfer in a Higher Education Teaching Setting. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Glover, N; (2015) Investigating the Impact of Trees on Airflow within Street Canyons through the use of CFD and Field Measurements. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Goda, K; De Risi, R; Rossetto, T; (2015) Coupled simulation of ground shaking and tsunami for mega-thrust subduction earthquakes. Presented at: 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP12, Vancouver, Canada. Green open access

Godina, M; Lorenzo, R; (2015) Calibrating a composite material model for analysis and design of bamboo structures. In: 10th World Bamboo Congress [Proceedings: Volume 1]. (pp. pp. 201-209). World Bamboo Organization Green open access

Groves, PD; (2015) Navigation Using Inertial Sensors. IEEE AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS MAGAZINE , 30 (2) pp. 42-69. 10.1109/MAES.2014.130191. Green open access

Groves, PD; Wang, L; Adjrad, M; Ellul, C; (2015) GNSS Shadow Matching: The Challenges Ahead. In: Proceedings of the 28th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2015). (pp. pp. 2421-2443). The Institute of Navigation: Tampa, Florida, USA. Green open access


Heinen, E; Panter, J; Mackett, R; Ogilvie, D; (2015) Changes in mode of travel to work: a natural experimental study of new transport infrastructure. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity , 12 , Article 81. 10.1186/s12966-015-0239-8. Green open access

Hess, M; Korenberg, C; Ward, C; Robson, S; Entwistle, C; (2015) Use of 3D laser scanning for monitoring the dimensional stability of a Byzantine ivory panel. Studies in Conservation , 60 (S1) S126-S133. 10.1179/0039363015Z.000000000217. Green open access

Heydecker, BG; Scarinci, R; Hegyi, A; (2015) Analysis of Traffic Performance of a Merging Assistant Strategy Using Cooperative Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems , 16 (4) pp. 2094-2103. 10.1109/TITS.2015.2394772. Green open access

Hoffmann, N; Jaspart, JP; Zandonini, R; Kuhlmann, U; Baldassino, N; Demonceau, JF; Freddi, F; (2015) Robust impact design of steel and composite buildings: The alternate load path approach. In: Proceeding of the IABSE Workshop - Safety, Robustness and Condition Assessments of Structures 2015. (pp. pp. 46-53). IABSE: Helsinki, Finland. Green open access

Holloway, CS; Symonds, A; Suzuki, T; Gall, A; Smitham, P; Taylor, S; (2015) Linking wheelchair kinetics to glenohumeral joint demand during everyday accessibility activities. In: 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). (pp. pp. 2478-2481). IEEE: Milan, Italy. Green open access

Holloway, CSM; Thoreau, R; Petit, E; (2015) Time and force required for attendants boarding wheelchair users onto aircraft. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics , 48 pp. 167-173. 10.1016/j.ergon.2015.04.003.. Green open access

Horrell, T; Jones, P; (2015) What are the effects of a 'shared space' scheme on different users? In: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Transport Practitioners' Meeting. PTRC Education and Research Services Limited: London, UK. Green open access


Ioannou, I; Douglas, J; Rossetto, T; (2015) Assessing the impact of ground-motion variability and uncertainty on empirical fragility curves. SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 69 83 - 92. 10.1016/j.soildyn.2014.10.024. Green open access

Ioannou, I; Rush, D; Bisby, L; Aspinall, W; Rossetto, T; (2015) Application of Expert Judgment to the Quantification of a Damage Scale for Reinforced Concrete Buildings Exposed to Fire. Presented at: 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP12), Vancouver, Canada. Green open access


Katemake, P; Mylonas, D; MacDonald, L; Prasithrathsint, A; (2015) Comparison Among Three Methods for Thai Colour Naming. In: Yaguchi, H and Okajima, K and Ishida, T and Araki, K and Doi, M and Manabe, Y, (eds.) AIC 2015, Color and Image, Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association: Proceedings. The Color Science Association of Japan: Tokyo, Japan.

Kongar, I; Rossetto, T; Giovinazzi, S; (2015) Evaluating desktop methods for assessing liquefaction-induced damage to infrastructure for the insurance sector. Presented at: 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP12), Vancouver, Canada. Green open access


Leung, TS; Kapur, K; Guilliam, A; Okell, J; Lim, B; MacDonald, LW; Meek, J; (2015) Screening neonatal jaundice based on the sclera color of the eye using digital photography. Biomedical Optics Express , 6 (11) pp. 4529-4538. 10.1364/BOE.6.004529. Green open access

Liu, K; Boehm, J; (2015) Classification of Big Point Cloud Data Using Cloud Computing. ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences , XL-3/W pp. 553-557. 10.5194/isprsarchives-XL-3-W3-553-2015. Green open access

Lloyd, A; Cheshire, JA; Titheridge, H; (2015) Retail Resilience and Social Media Opinion Mining. In: The Proceedings of the 23rd GISRUK conference 2015. GISRUK: Leeds,UK. Green open access

Lloyd, A; Cheshire, JA; Titheridge, H; (2015) Retail Resilience and Social Media Opinion Mining. Presented at: GISRUK 2015: 23rd GIS Research UK Conference, Leeds, UK. Green open access


MacDonald, L; Masséglia, J; Crowther, C; Altshuler, B; Norodom, S; Grasby, J; Region, S-W; (2015) Imaging the Egyptian Obelisk at Kingston Lacy. In: Ng, K, (ed.) EVA '15: Proceedings of the Conference on Electronic Visualisation and the Arts. (pp. pp. 252-260). BCS Learning & Development Ltd: Swindon, UK. Green open access

Macdonald, LW; (2015) Realistic visualisation of cultural heritage objects. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Mackett, RL; (2015) Cognitive impairments, mental health and travel. In: (Proceedings) TPM 2015: 13th Annual Transport Practitioners Meeting. Green open access

Mackett, RL; (2015) Improving accessibility for older people - investing in a valuable asset. Journal of Transport and Health , 2 (1) pp. 5-13. 10.1016/j.jth.2014.10.004. Green open access

Mackett, RL; (2015) Research into action: putting the message across. Presented at: 1st International Conference on Transport and Health (ICTH 2015), University College London, London, UK. Green open access

Mackett, RL; Thoreau, R; (2015) Transport, social exclusion and health. Journal of Transport & Health , 2 (4) pp. 610-617. 10.1016/j.jth.2015.07.006. Green open access

Mackett, RL; Titheridge, H; (2015) Transport and poverty in Britain. In: (Proceedings) TPM 2015: 13th Annual Transport Practitioners Meeting. Green open access

Maher, MJ; (2015) A note on the modelling of TfL fixed speed camera data. Green open access

Malki-Epshtein, L; (2015) Royal Academy of Engineering Centres of Excellence in Sustainable Building Design. [Digital scholarly resource]. http://www.innovationresearchfocus.org.uk/Issues/1... Green open access

Manley, EJ; Addison, JD; Cheng, T; (2015) Shortest path or anchor-based route choice: a large-scale empirical analysis of minicab routing in London. JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY , 43 123 - 139. 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2015.01.006. Green open access

Manley, EJ; Orr, SW; Cheng, T; (2015) A heuristic model of bounded route choice in urban areas. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies , 56 195 - 209. 10.1016/j.trc.2015.03.020. Green open access

Matrosov, ES; Huskova, I; Kasprzyk, JR; Harou, JJ; Lambert, C; Reed, PM; (2015) Many-objective optimization and visual analytics reveal key trade-offs for London's water supply. Journal of Hydrology , 531 pp. 1040-1053. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.11.003. Green open access

McCarthy, ID; Yong, K; Suzuki, T; Yang, B; Holloway, C; Tyler, N; Carton, A; (2015) Infrastructureless pedestrian navigation to assess the response of Alzheimer's patients to visual cues. In: Proceedings of IET International Conference on Technologies for Active and Assisted Living (TechAAL). IEEE: London, United Kingdom. Green open access

McManus, MC; Taylor, CM; Mohr, A; Whittaker, C; Scown, CD; Borrion, AL; Glithero, NJ; (2015) Challenge clusters facing LCA in environmental decision-making—what we can learn from biofuels. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment , 20 (10) pp. 1399-1414. 10.1007/s11367-015-0930-7. Green open access

Medda, F; Caravelli, F; Panayotou, A; Rapti, E; (2015) Portfolio Structuring Model for Urban Infrastructure Investments. In: Dolan, T and Collins, B, (eds.) International Symposium for Next Generation Infrastructure Conference Proceedings: 30 September - 1 October 2014 International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA),Schloss Laxenburg, Vienna, Austria. (pp. 63 - 65). UCL STEaPP: London, UK. Green open access

Medda, F; Caschili, S; (2015) The port attractiveness index: application on African ports. Région et Développement , 41 pp. 47-82. Green open access

Medda, F; Panayiotou, A; (2015) Portfolio Infrastructure Investments: an Analysis of the European and UK Cases. In: Dolan, T and Collins, B, (eds.) International Symposium for Next Generation Infrastructure Conference Proceedings: 30 September - 1 October 2014 International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA),Schloss Laxenburg, Vienna, Austria. (pp. 81 - 83). UCL STEaPP: London, UK. Green open access

Minas, S; Galasso, C; Rossetto, T; (2015) Spectral Shape Proxies and Simplified Fragility Analysis of Mid- Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings. Presented at: 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP12), Vancouver, Canada. Green open access

Molina Hutt, C; Almufti, I; Willford, M; Deierlein, G; (2015) Seismic Loss and Downtime Assessment of Existing Tall Steel-Framed Buildings and Strategies for Increased Resilience. Journal of Structural Engineering , 142 (8) C4015005-C4015005. 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001314. Green open access

Muazu, RI; Stegemann, JA; (2015) Effects of operating variables on durability of fuel briquettes from rice husks and corn cobs. Fuel Processing Technology , 133 pp. 137-145. 10.1016/j.fuproc.2015.01.022. Green open access

Mylonas, D; Purver, M; Sadrzadeh, M; MacDonald, L; Griffin, L; (2015) The Use of English Colour Terms in Big Data. In: Yaguchi, H and Okajima, K and Ishida, T and Araki, K and Doi, M and Manabe, Y, (eds.) AIC 2015, Color and Image, Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association: Proceedings. The Color Science Association of Japan: Tokyo, Japan. Green open access


Okhrati, R; Schmock, U; (2015) Itô's formula for finite variation Lévy processes: The case of non-smooth functions. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications , 430 (2) pp. 1163-1174. 10.1016/j.jmaa.2015.05.025. Green open access


Padula, S; (2015) Capacity expansion modelling to aid water supply investment decisions. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Parker, S; Nasar, Z; Campos, LC; (2015) Estimating Exponential Concentration Decay Rates Using Time-Integrated Aerosol Sampling of Variable Duration Aerosol and Air Quality Research. Aerosol and Air Quality Research , 15 (4) pp. 1160-1165. 10.4209/aaqr.2014.10.0265. Green open access

Parkes, O; (2015) Defining a comprehensive methodology for sustainability assessment of mega-event projects. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Parkin, SJ; Adderley, WP; Kennedy, CJ; Aktas, YD; D Ayala, D; Erkal, A; (2015) Climate threats to the earth-built heritage of Scotland. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering History and Heritage , 168 (1) pp. 17-30. 10.1680/ehah.14.00017. Green open access


Qi, Z; (2015) Flushing Ballast Tanks. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Rahman, J; Tang, Q; Monda, M; Miles, J; McCarthy, I; (2015) Gait assessment as a functional outcome measure in total knee arthroplasty: a cross-sectional study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders , 16 , Article 66. 10.1186/s12891-015-0525-2. Green open access

Revell, Kristy Lauren Corradi; (2015) Encouraging sustainable lifestyles: local government, citizens and the impact of pro-environmental behaviour change programmes. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Robson, S; MacDonald, LW; Kyle, S; Shortis, M; (2015) Effect of illumination wavelength on optimizing multi-camera location systems in a factory environment. In: Setchi, R and Howlett, RJ and Salinas, IE, (eds.) Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (SDM 2015). (pp. pp. 503-512). KES International: Seville, Spain. Green open access

Rossetto, T; Ioannou, I; Grant, DN; (2015) Existing Empirical Fragility and Vulnerability Functions: Compendium and Guide for Selection. (GEM Technical Report 2015-1 ). Global Earthquake Model Foundation: Pavia, Italy. Green open access

Rossetto, T; Eames, I; Lloyd, TO; (2015) Keynote: Advances in evaluating tsunami forces on coastal structures. Presented at: SECED 2015 Conference: Earthquake Risk and Engineering towards a Resilient World, Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Rossetto, T; Eames, I; Lloyd, TO; (2015) Advances in Evaluating Tsunami Forces on Coastal Structures. In: Galea, P and Borg, RP and Farrugia, D and Agius, MR and D'Amico, S and Torpiano, A and Bonello, M, (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference: Geo-Risks in the Mediterranean and their Mitigation. (pp. pp. 269-271). Mistral Service: Messina, Italy. Green open access


Senatore, G; Duffour, P; Winslow, P; Wise, C; (2015) Infinite stiffness structures via active control. In: Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2015, Amsterdam. International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS): Amsterdam, Netherlands. Green open access

Shen, J; Cheng, T; (2015) Group Behaviour Analysis of London Foot Patrol Police. In: GIS Research UK 2015 (GISRUK2015) Proceedings. (pp. pp. 565-569). University of Leeds: Leeds. Green open access

Solymosi, R; Borrion, H; Fujiyama, T; (2015) Crowd Spatial Patterns at Bus Stops: Security Implications and Effects of Warning Messages. In: Newton, A and Ceccato, V, (eds.) Safety and Security in Transit Environments: An Interdisciplinary Approach. (pp. 156-178). Palgrave Macmillan: London, UK. Green open access

Solymosi, R; Bowers, K; Fujiyama, T; (2015) Mapping fear of crime as a context-dependent everyday experience that varies in space and time. Legal and Criminological Psychology , 20 (2) 193- 211. 10.1111/lcrp.12076. Green open access

Soni, A; Robson, S; Gleeson, B; (2015) Structural monitoring for the rail industry using conventional survey, laser scanning and photogrammetry. Applied Geomatics , 7 (2) pp. 123-138. 10.1007/s12518-015-0156-1. Green open access

Soni, A; Robson, S; Gleeson, B; (2015) Optical Non-Contact Railway Track Measurement with Static Terrestrial Laser Scanning to Better than 1.5mm RMS. In: Krumov, YA and Potsiou, C, (eds.) Proceedings of FIG Working Week 2015 - From the Wisdom of the Ages to the Challenges of the Modern World. The Chamber of Graduated Surveyors, Bulgaria: Sofia, Bulgaria. Green open access

Stagonas, D; Buldakov, E; Simons, R; (2015) Extreme wave loads on a vertical slender cylinder with and without current. In: Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. (pp. pp. 705-710). International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers: Kona, Hawaii, USA.

Starostin, EL; van der Heijden, GHM; (2015) Characterisation of cylindrical curves. MONATSHEFTE FUR MATHEMATIK , 176 (3) 481 - 491. 10.1007/s00605-014-0705-4. Green open access

Starostin, EL; van der Heijden, GHM; (2015) Equilibrium Shapes with Stress Localisation for Inextensible Elastic Mobius and Other Strips. Journal of Elasticity , 119 (1-2) 67 - 112. 10.1007/s10659-014-9495-0. Green open access

Stone, H; D'Ayala, D; Gunasekera, R; Ishizawa, O; (2015) A review of seismic vulnerability assessments in Central America. In: Rossetto, T and Campbell, A and Doyle, P and Mair, A, (eds.) Proceedings of SECED 2015 Earthquake Risk and Engineering towards a Resilient World. Society for Earthquake and Civil Engineering Dynamics (SECED): Cambridge, United Kingdom. Green open access

Suzuki, T; Holloway, C; Symonds, A; Smitham, P; Taylor, SJG; (2015) COMSOL analysis of wheelchair pushrim six dof load cell for quantifying propulsion efficiency by SenseWheel. Presented at: ISB 2015, Glasgow. Green open access

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