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Abrahams, I; Reiss, MJ; Sharpe, RM; (2013) The assessment of practical work in school science. STUDIES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION , 49 (2) pp. 209-251. 10.1080/03057267.2013.858496. Green open access

Ainley, K; Datzberger, S; Friedman, R; Mahony, C; (2013) Ten years on: transitional justice in post conflict Sierra Leone: report and analysis of a conference held at Goodenough College, London. London School of Economics and Political Science: London, UK.

Akyeampong, Kwame; Rolleston, Caine; (2013) Low-fee Private Schooling in Ghana: is growing demand improving equitable and affordable access for the poor? In: Srivastava, P, (ed.) Low-fee Private Schooling aggravating equity or mitigating disadvantage? (pp. 37-64). Symposium Books Ltd.: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2013) Ethics. In: Clark, A and Flewitt, R and Hammersley, M and Robb, M, (eds.) Understanding research with children and young people. (pp. 85-102). Sage in association with The Open University: London, UK. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2013) Children as patients. In: Melton, G and Ben-Arieh, A, (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Child Research. (pp. 100-117). SAGE Publications Limited Green open access

Alexander, C; Redclift, V; Hussain, A; (2013) The New Muslims - Introduction. In: The New Muslims. (pp. 3-4). Runnymede Trust: Coventry, UK. Green open access

Alfred, T; Ben-Shlomo, Y; Cooper, R; Hardy, R; Deary, IJ; Elliott, J; Harris, SE; ... HALCyon Study Team; + view all (2013) Genetic variants influencing biomarkers of nutrition are not associated with cognitive capability in middle-aged and older adults. The Journal of Nutrition , 143 (5) 606 -612. 10.3945/jn.112.171520. Green open access

Alfred, T; Ben-Shlomo, Y; Cooper, R; Hardy, R; Deary, IJ; Elliott, J; Harris, SE; ... HALCyon study team; + view all (2013) Associations between a Polymorphism in the Pleiotropic GCKR and Age-Related Phenotypes: The HALCyon Programme. PLoS One , 8 (7) , Article e70045. 10.1371/journal.pone.0070045. Green open access

Allen, R; Burgess, S; (2013) Evaluating the provision of school performance information for school choice. Economics of Education Review , 34 pp. 175-190. 10.1016/j.econedurev.2013.02.001. Green open access

Alsaeedi, F; Male, T; (2013) Transformational Leadership and Globalization: Attitudes of School Principals in Kuwait. Educational Management Administration and Leadership , 41 (5) pp. 640-657. 10.1177/1741143213488588. Green open access

Azam, M; Kingdon, GG; (2013) Are Girls the Fairer Sex in India? Revisiting Intra-Household Allocation of Education Expenditure. World Development , 42 pp. 143-164. 10.1016/j.worlddev.2012.09.003. Green open access


Baker, D; Green, L; (2013) Ear playing and aural development in the instrumental lesson: Results from a "case-control" experiment. Research Studies in Music Education , 35 (2) pp. 141-159. 10.1177/1321103X13508254. Green open access

Bann, DA; (2013) Socioeconomic position, growth and physical activity: associations with adult fat and lean mass in the MRC National Survey of Health and Development. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bentall, C; McGough, H; (2013) Young people's personal engagement with global learning in further education. International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning , 5 (3) pp. 47-67. Green open access

Bernardini, S; Porayska-Pomsta, K; (2013) Planning-based social partners for children with autism. In: (pp. pp. 362-370). Green open access

Blanden, J; Gregg, P; Macmillan, L; (2013) Intergenerational persistence in income and social class: the effect of within-group inequality. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY SERIES A-STATISTICS IN SOCIETY , 176 (2) pp. 541-563. 10.1111/j.1467-985X.2012.01053.x. Green open access

Blitz, B; (2013) Neither Seen nor Heard: Compound Deprivation among Stateless Children. In: Bhabha, J, (ed.) Children Without a State: A Global Human Rights Challenge. (pp. 43-66). MIT Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Green open access

Blum, AN; Bourn, D; (2013) Gyaan Yatra - Final Evaluation. Development Education Research Centre, Institute of Education, University College London: London, UK. Green open access

Blum, N; Bourn, D; (2013) Global perspectives for global professionals in the UK: Engaging students within engineering and health. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education , 43 (1) pp. 37-55. 10.1080/03057925.2013.746555. Green open access

Bourn, D; Cara, O; (2013) School Linking - where next? (Development Education Research Centre Research Reports 10 , pp. pp. 1-75 ). Development Education Research Centre, Institute of Education, University College London in partnership with Link Community Development: London, UK. Green open access

Bradbury, A; (2013) From model minorities to disposable models: the de-legitimisation of educational success through discourses of authenticity. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education , 34 (4) pp. 548-561. 10.1080/01596306.2013.822618. Green open access

Bradbury, A; McGimpsey, I; Santori, D; (2013) Revising rationality: the use of ‘Nudge’ approaches in neoliberal education policy. Journal of Education Policy , 28 (2) pp. 247-267. 10.1080/02680939.2012.719638. Green open access

Brehm, W; (2013) Development Efforts in a Time of Educational Capitalism: The Effects of Shadow Education on the Nation-State in Cambodia. Presented at: 8th Annual Conference of The Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Green open access

Brehm, W; (2013) Private Complementary Tutoring in Cambodia: Gender and Equity Implications. Presented at: CIES Annual Conference 2013, New Orleans, LA, USA. Green open access

Brehm, W; (2013) Theorizing Educational Capitalism: Shadows, commodities, and social relations. Presented at: Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK) Annual Conference 2013, Hong Kong. Green open access

Brewis, G; (2013) Towards a new understanding of volunteering in England before 1960? (IVR Working Paper ). Institute for Volunteering Research: London. Green open access

Brooks, C; (2013) How do we understand conceptual development in school geography? In: Jones, M and Lambert, D, (eds.) Debates in Geography Education. (pp. 75-88). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Brunton, VJ; Thomas, J; Paraskeva, N; Caird, J; Rumsey, N; (2013) Putting the issues on the table: rapid reviews of effectiveness to inform health policy. Presented at: 21st Cochrane Colloquium, Quebec City, Canada. Green open access

Bryson, Alex; Gomez, Rafael; Kretschmer, Tobias; Willman, Paul; (2013) Workplace Voice and Civic Engagement: What Theory and Data Tell Us About Unions and Their Relationship to the Democratic Process. Osgoode Hall Law Journal , 50 (4) pp. 965-998. Green open access

Burn, AN; (2013) Role-Playing. In: Wolf, MJ and Perron, B, (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Video Game Studies. (pp. 241-250). Routledge: New York, New York. Green open access


Cage, E; Pellicano, E; Shah, P; Bird, G; (2013) Reputation Management: Evidence for Ability But Reduced Propensity in Autism. Autism Research , 6 (5) pp. 433-442. 10.1002/aur.1313.

Callender, C; Wilkinson, D; (2013) Student perceptions of the impact of bursaries and institutional aid on their higher education choices and the implications for the national scholarship programme in England. Journal of Social Policy , 42 (2) pp. 281-308. 10.1017/S0047279412000992. Green open access

Candy, B; King, M; Jones, L; Oliver, S; (2013) Using qualitative evidence on patients' views to help understand variation in effectiveness of complex interventions: a qualitative comparative analysis. Trials , 14 , Article 179. 10.1186/1745-6215-14-179. Green open access

Cara, O; (2013) Acculturation strategies and ethno-national identification: a study of adolescents in Russian-language schools in Riga. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Carpentier, V; (2013) Inquiring into educational policies: a special issue on the contribution of Stephen Ball. [Editorial comment]. London Review of Education , 11 (3) pp. 203-205. 10.1080/14748460.2013.840980. Green open access

Chamberlain, C; O'Mara-Eves, A; Oliver, S; Caird, JR; Perlen, SM; Eades, SJ; Thomas, J; (2013) Psychosocial interventions for supporting women to stop smoking in pregnancy. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , 10 , Article CD001055. 10.1002/14651858.CD001055.pub4. Green open access

Clark, TS; Crawford, WJ; Plonsky, LD; (2013) Applying corpus linguistics to management research: The case of professionalism. International Journal of Business Research , 13 (4) pp. 65-78. 10.18374/IJBR-13-4.5.

Clark-Wilson, A; Hoyles, C; Noss, R; (2013) Cornerstone Maths: Designing for Scale. In: Smith, C, (ed.) Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (June 2013). (pp. pp. 13-18). British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics Green open access

Clarke, Paul; Crawford, Claire; Steele, Fiona; Vignoles, Anna; (2013) Revisiting fixed- and random-effects models: some considerations for policy-relevant education research. Education Economics , 23 (3) pp. 259-277. 10.1080/09645292.2013.855705. Green open access

Coffield, F; Spours, K; Hodgson, A; (2013) Policy, Learning and Inclusion in the Learning and Skills Sector (2004-2007) [IOE Research Briefing N°24]. Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access

Collens, P; Creech, A; (2013) Intersubjectivity in collaborative learning in one-to-one contexts. In: Collaborative Learning in Higher Music Education. (pp. 151-161).

Courbois, Y; Blades, M; Farran, EK; Sockeel, P; (2013) Do individuals with intellectual disability select appropriate objects as landmarks when learning a new route? Journal of Intellectual Disability Research , 57 (1) pp. 80-89. 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2011.01518.x. Green open access

Courbois, Y; Farran, EK; Lemahieu, A; Blades, M; Mengue-Topio, H; Sockeel, P; (2013) Wayfinding behaviour in Down syndrome: a study with virtual environments. Research in Developmental Disabilities , 34 (5) pp. 1825-1831. 10.1016/j.ridd.2013.02.023. Green open access

Crafter, S; Stein, S; Butler, H; Smith, L; (2013) The online multi-agency support Barometer: Final report to the South Essex Partnership Trust. SEPT Green open access

Crawford, Claire; Cribb, Jonathan; (2013) Reading and maths skills at age 10 and earnings in later life: a brief analysis using the British Cohort Study. (CAYT Impact Study REP03 ). Institute for Fiscal Studies and CAYT: London, UK. Green open access

Crawford, Claire; Jin, Wenchao (Michelle); Simpson, Helen; (2013) Firms’ Productivity, Investment and Training: What Happened During the Recession and How Was It Affected by the National Minimum Wage? Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS): London, UK. Green open access

Creech, A; Hallam, S; Varvarigou, M; Gaunt, H; McQueen, H; Pincas, A; (2013) The role of musical possible selves in supporting subjective well-being in later life. Music Education Research , N/A (N/A) Green open access

Creech, A; Varvarigou, M; Hallam, S; McQueen, H; Gaunt, H; (2013) Scaffolding, organisational structure and interpersonal interaction in musical activities with older people. Psychology of Music , N/A (N/A) pp. 1-18. Green open access

Cremin, T; Swann, J; Flewitt, R; Faulkner, D; Kucirkova, N; (2013) Evaluation Report of MakeBelieve Arts Helicopter Technique of storytelling and story acting. Open University/ MakeBelieveArts: Milton Keynes. Green open access


D'Souza, Preethy; (2013) Challenges in building complex search strategies in Public Health Systematic Reviews. In: (Proceedings) Inequity in maternal and child health: Situations and solutions. Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar (IIPHG): Gandhinagar, India.

D'Souza, Preethy; Bhadhuri, Aparna; George, Anice; G, Renu; (2013) Parental Anxiety During Children’s Surgery: The Effect of Preoperative Cognitive Behavioral Program. International Journal of Law, Psychology and Human Life , 2 (1) pp. 1-7. Green open access

D'Souza, Preethy; Noronha, Judith; Nayak, Baby; Nair, SK; (2013) Effective Interventions for preventing childhood obesity in South Asian region - A Systematic review. In: (Proceedings) Inequity in maternal and child health: Situations and solutions. Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar (IIPHG): Gandhinagar, India.

Datzberger, S; (2013) China's Silent Storm in Sierra Leone. (SAIIA Policy Briefing No 71 , pp. pp. 1-4 ). SAIIA - South African Institute of International Affairs: Johannesburg, South Africa.

Datzberger, S; Denison, M; (2013) Private Sector Development in Fragile States. (HELPDESK REQUEST , pp. pp. 1-41 ). DFID, UK & EPS PEAKS: London, UK. Green open access

Davies, P; (2013) Becoming a biologist through a residential field visit [IOE Research Briefing N�80]. Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access

Dawson, E; DeWitt, J; (2013) Design-based research: A way to frame our collaborative process. (Enterprising Science Research Briefs Paper 2 ). UCL, King's College London and the Science Museum: London, UK. Green open access

De La Rochebrochard, E; Joshi, H; (2013) Children Born After Unplanned Pregnancies and Cognitive Development at 3 Years: Social Differentials in the United Kingdom Millennium Cohort. American Journal of Epidemiology , 178 (6) pp. 910-920. 10.1093/aje/kwt063. Green open access

De La Rochebrochard, E; Joshi, H; (2013) Siblings and child development. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies , 4 (3) pp. 276-287. 10.14301/llcs.v4i3.248. Green open access

Demakakos, P; Cooper, R; Hamer, M; de Oliveira, C; Hardy, R; Breeze, E; (2013) The Bidirectional Association between Depressive Symptoms and Gait Speed: Evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). PLoS One , 8 (7) , Article e68632. 10.1371/journal.pone.0068632. Green open access

Deng, Z; Gopinathan, S; Lee, CKE; (2013) The Singapore curriculum: Convergence, divergence, issues and challenges. In: Deng, Z and Gopinathan, S and Lee, CKE, (eds.) The Singapore Curriculum: Convergence, Divergence, Issues and Challenges. (pp. 263-275). Springer Nature: Singapore. Green open access

Deng, Zongyi; (2013) Curriculum making in the new curriculum reform: Structure, process and meaning. In: Yin, Hong-Biao and Lee, John Chi-Kin, (eds.) Curriculum Reform in China: Changes and Challenges. (pp. 31-46). Nova Science Publishers: New York (NY), USA. Green open access

Deng, Z; (2013) The “why” and “what” of curriculum inquiry: Schwab’s the Practical revisited. Education Journal , 41 (1-2) pp. 85-105. Green open access

Doyle, A; (2013) Social equality in education : a comparative historical study of France and England. UNSPECIFIED Green open access

Dragon, T; Mavrikis, M; McLaren, BM; Harrer, A; Kynigos, C; Wegerif, R; Yang, Y; (2013) Metafora: A Web-Based Platform for Learning to Learn Together in Science and Mathematics. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES , 6 (3) pp. 197-207. 10.1109/TLT.2013.4. Green open access


Earley, P; (2013) Exploring the school leadership landscape : changing demands, changing realities. Bloomsbury Academic Press: London. Green open access

Elwick, A; Davis, M; Crehan, L; Clay, B; (2013) Improving outcomes for young offenders. CfBT Education Trust: Reading, UK.

Elwick, A; Liabo, K; Nutt, J; Simon, A; (2013) Beyond the digital divide: young people and ICT. CfBT Education Trust: Reading, UK.

Evans, K; Schoon, I; Weale, M; (2013) Can Lifelong Learning Reshape Life Chances? British Journal of Educational Studies , 61 (1) pp. 25-47. 10.1080/00071005.2012.756163. Green open access

Ewing, L; Leach, K; Pellicano, E; Jeffery, L; Rhodes, G; (2013) Reduced face aftereffects in autism are not due to poor attention. PLOS One , 8 (11) , Article e81353. 10.1371/journal.pone.0081353. Green open access


Farran, EK; Cranwell, MB; Alvarez, J; Franklin, A; (2013) Colour discrimination and categorisation in Williams syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities , 34 (10) pp. 3352-3360. 10.1016/j.ridd.2013.06.043. Green open access

Flewitt, R; (2013) Book Review: Paula Reavey (ed.), Visual Methods in Psychology: Using and Interpreting Images in Qualitative Research, Routledge: New York, 2011; 370 pp.: ISBN 978 0 415 48348 3 (hbk). [Review]. Visual Communication , 12 (2) pp. 243-249. 10.1177/1470357212472413. Green open access

Flewitt, R; (2013) Early literacy: a broader vision. TACTYC Green open access

Flouri, E; Mavroveli, S; (2013) Adverse Life Events and Emotional and Behavioural Problems in Adolescence: The Role of Coping and Emotion Regulation. Stress & Health , 29 (5) pp. 360-368. 10.1002/smi.2478. Green open access

Furtado, D; Marcén, M; Sevilla, A; (2013) Does Culture Affect Divorce? Evidence From European Immigrants in the United States. Demography , 50 pp. 1013-1038. 10.1007/s13524-012-0180-2. Green open access


G, Renu; D'Souza, Preethy; George, Anice; (2013) Cystic fibrosis and exercise: a systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Care , 1 (2) pp. 109-114. Green open access

Gardner, MP; Martin-Ruiz, C; Cooper, R; Hardy, R; Sayer, AA; Cooper, C; Deary, IJ; ... Team, HS; + view all (2013) Telomere Length and Physical Performance at Older Ages: An Individual Participant Meta-Analysis. PLOS ONE , 8 (7) , Article e69526. 10.1371/journal.pone.0069526. Green open access

González-Weil, C; Cortez Muñoz, M; Pérez Flores, JL; Bravo González, P; Ibaceta Guerra, Y; (2013) Construyendo dominios de encuentro para problematizar acerca de las prácticas pedagógicas de profesores secundarios de Ciencias: Incorporando el modelo de Investigación-Acción como plan de formación continua. Estudios pedagógicos (Valdivia) , 39 (2) pp. 129-146. 10.4067/S0718-07052013000200009. Green open access

Gosline, S; (2013) The physician as entrepreneur: examining medical business patterns through the career of S Andral Kilmer MD (1840-1924). Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Gough, David; (2013) Meta-narrative and realist reviews: guidance, rules, publication standards and quality appraisal. BMC Medicine , 11 (22) pp. 1-4. 10.1186/1741-7015-11-22. Green open access

Gould, L; Ikhinmwin, S; Walley, A; Clark-Wilson, A; Hoyles, C; (2013) Embedding dynamic technologies in the key stage 3 curriculum – The Cornerstone Maths approach. Mathematics Teaching , 235 pp. 44-47.

Gourlay, L; (2013) Posthuman literacies? Technologies and hybrid identities in higher education. In: Gourlay, L, (ed.) Digital Identity and Social Media. (pp. 29-36). IGI Global: Hershey, PA, USA.

Gourlay, L; Hamilton, M; Lea, M; (2013) Textual practices in the new media digital landscape: messing with digital literacies. Research in Learning Technology , 21 , Article 21438. 10.3402/rlt.v21.21438. Green open access

Gray, J; Block, D; (2013) All middle class now? Evolving representations of the working class in the neoliberal era: the case of ELT textbooks. In: Harwood, N, (ed.) English Language Teaching Textbooks: Content, Consumption, Production. (pp. 45-71). Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK. Green open access

Green, Francis; Mostafa, Tarek; Parent-Thirion, Agnès; Vermeylen, Greet; Van Houten, Gijs; Biletta, Isabella; Lyly-Yrjanainen, Maija; (2013) Is job quality becoming more unequal? Industrial and Labor Relations Review , 66 (4) pp. 753-784. 10.1177/001979391306600402. Green open access

Green, L; (2013) Playing by ear in the instrumental lesson: an approach based on popular musicians? informal learning practices [IOE Research Briefing N�19]. Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access

Green, A; Mostafa, T; (2013) The Dynamics of Education : Convergent and Divergent Trends, 1990 to 2010. In: Janmaat, JG and Duru-Bellat, M and Green, A and Mehaut, P, (eds.) The Dynamics and Social Outcomes of Education Systems. (pp. 15-45). Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke.

Gutman, L; Schoon, I; (2013) Non-cognitive skills: evidence and intervention. Education Endowment Fund: London, UK.

Gutman, LM; Schoon, I; (2013) The impact of non-cognitive skills on outcomes for young people. A literature review. Education Endowment Foundation: London, UK. Green open access


Hallam, S; Creech, A; Gaunt, H; Pincas, A; Varvarigou, M; McQueen, H; (2013) Does active engagement in community music support the well-being of older people? Arts and Health , N/A (N/A) Green open access

Hallam, S; Creech, A; McQueen, H; Varvarigou, M; (2013) Perceptions of effective leadership in music facilitators working with older people. UNSPECIFIED Green open access

Hallam, S; Parsons, S; (2013) The incidence and make up of ability grouped sets in the UK primary school. Research Papers in Education , 28 (4) pp. 393-420. 10.1080/02671522.2012.729079. Green open access

Hallam, S; Rogers, L; (2013) SkillForce ? zero exclusion pilots: alternative provision for disaffected pupils [IOE Research Briefing N�10]. Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Hallam, S; (2013) Music for life: promoting well-being in older people through musical activities in the community [IOE Research Briefing N�9]. Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access

Hallam, S; Creech, A; (2013) Teaching music in Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4: the Musical Futures approach [IOE Research Briefing N�16]. Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access

Han, C; Janmaat, G; May, T; Morris, P; (2013) Curriculum patterns in citizenship education : a cross national study. Palgrave Macmillan Green open access

Han, C; Hoskins, B; Sim, JB; (2013) The relationship between civic attitudes and voting intention : an analysis of vocational upper secondary schools in England and Singapore. Compare: A Journal of Comparative Education , n/a (n/a) Green open access

Hardy, R; Cooper, R; Aihie Sayer, A; Ben-Shlomo, Y; Cooper, C; Deary, IJ; Demakakos, P; ... HALCyon study team; + view all (2013) Body mass index, muscle strength and physical performance in older adults from eight cohort studies: the HALCyon programme. PLoS One , 8 (2) , Article e56483. 10.1371/journal.pone.0056483. Green open access

Hargreaves, E; (2013) Assessment for Learning and Teacher Learning Communities: UK teachers’ experiences. Teaching Education , 24 (3) pp. 327-344. 10.1080/10476210.2012.713931. Green open access

Hargreaves, E; (2013) Inquiring into children’s experiences of teacher feedback: reconceptualising Assessment for Learning. Oxford Review of Education , 39 (2) pp. 229-246. 10.1080/03054985.2013.787922. Green open access

Hartmann, KM; (2013) Editorial. [Editorial comment]. Slovo , 25 (1) p. 2. Green open access

Havemann, K; Pridmore, P; Tomkins, A; Dandanell, K; (2013) What works and why? Evaluation of a community nutrition programme in Kenya. Journal of Public Health Nutrition , 16 (9) pp. 1614-1621. 10.1017/S1368980012004880. Green open access

Heath, A; Sullivan, A; Boliver, V; Zimdars, A; (2013) Education under New Labour, 1997–2010. Oxford Review of Economic Policy , 29 (1) pp. 227-247. 10.1093/oxrep/grt003. Green open access

Heilbronn, R; (2013) Wigs, disguises and child's play : solidarity in teacher education. Ethics and Education , 8 (1) pp. 31-41. Green open access

Heslop, J; Banda, R; (2013) Moving beyond the "male perpetrator, female victim" discourse in addressing sex and relationships for HIV prevention: peer research in Eastern Zambia. Reprod Health Matters , 21 (41) pp. 225-233. 10.1016/S0968-8080(13)41697-X. Green open access

Hinds, KS; Mackenzie-Davey, K; (2013) From accounting to learning in the third sector: the barriers for funders. Presented at: 8th CMS Conference 2013, Manchester. Green open access

Hodgen, Jeremy; Marks, Rachel; Pepper, David; (2013) Towards universal participation in post-16 mathematics: lessons from high-performing countries. Nuffield Foundation: London, UK. Green open access

Hodgson, A; Spours, K; (2013) Education for All: The Nuffield Review of 14-19 Education and Training in England and Wales (2003-2009) [IOE Research Briefing N°11]. (IOE Research Briefings ). Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Hodgson, A; Spours, K; (2013) Improving opportunities for 14-19 year olds: building strongly collaborative local learning systems [IOE Research Briefing N°3]. (IOE Research Briefings ). Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Holliman, AJ; Hurry, J; (2013) The effects of Reading Recovery on children's literacy progress and special educational needs status: A three-year follow-up study. Educational Psychology , 33 (6) pp. 719-733. 10.1080/01443410.2013.785048. Green open access

Hoyles, Celia; Noss, Richard; Kent, Phillip; Bakker, Arthur; (2013) Mathematics in the workplace: Issues and Challenges. In: Damlamian, Alain and Rodrigues, José Francisco and Sträßer, Rudolf, (eds.) Educational Interfaces between Mathematics and Industry Report on an ICMI-ICIAM-Study. (pp. 43-50). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Hoyles, C; Ferrini-Mundy, J; (2013) Policy Implications of Developing Mathematics Education Research. In: Clements, MA and Bishop, AJ and Keitel, C and Kilpatrick, J and Leung, FKS, (eds.) Third International Handbook of Mathematics Education. (pp. 485-515). Springer: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Hoyles, C; Noss, R; (2013) Cornerstone Maths: embedding dynamic interactive technologies in key stage 3 mathematics classrooms [IOE Research Briefing N°32]. Institue Of Education, University of London, London. Green open access

Hoyles, C; Noss, R; Roschelle, J; Vahey, P; (2013) Cornerstone Mathematics: Designing Digital Technology for Teacher Adaptation and Scaling. International Journal on Mathematics Education (ZDM) , 45 (7) 10.1007/s11858-013-0540-4. Green open access

Hudson, KD; Farran, EK; (2013) Facilitating complex shape drawing in Williams syndrome and typical development. Research in Developmental Disabilities , 34 (7) pp. 2133-2142. 10.1016/j.ridd.2013.04.004. Green open access

Hudson, KD; Farran, EK; (2013) Looking around houses: attention to a model when drawing complex shapes in Williams syndrome and typical development. Research in Developmental Disabilities , 34 (9) pp. 3029-3039. 10.1016/j.ridd.2013.06.024. Green open access

Hunt, F; (2013) Global learning in primary schools [IOE Research Briefing N°81]. Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access

Hunt, F; (2013) Review of national policies on learning and teaching. (Background paper prepared for the Education for all global monitoring report 2013/4, Teaching and learning: achieving quality for all 26 ). UNESCO: Paris, France.


Ince, AJ; (2013) Making a difference: Teaching Schools engaging in research and development. In: (Proceedings) British Educational Research Association. Green open access

Isaacs, T; (2013) Assessing pronunciation. In: Kunnan, AJ, (ed.) The companion to language assessment. (pp. 140-155). Wiley-Blackwell: Hoboken, NJ, USA.

Isaacs, T; Thomson, RI; (2013) Rater experience, rating scale length, and judgments of L2 pronunciation: Revisiting research conventions. Language Assessment Quarterly , 10 (2) pp. 135-159. 10.1080/15434303.2013.769545. Green open access

Isaacs, Talia; (2013) International Engineering Graduate Students' Interactional Patterns on a Paired Speaking Test: Interlocutors' Perspectives. In: Second Language Interaction in Diverse Educational Contexts. (pp. 227-246). John Benjamins Publishing Company: Amsterdam, Netherlands. Green open access


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