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(2011) Disrupting patterns of educational inequality and disadvantage in Malawi. Compare , 41 (4) pp. 513-531. 10.1080/03057925.2011.581518. Green open access

Abrahams, I; Reiss, M; Sharpe, R; (2011) Getting practical: the evaluation. School Science Review , 93 (342) pp. 37-44. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2011) Education, Asylum and The ‘Non-Citizen’ Child: The Politics of Compassion and Belonging by Halleli et al. [Review]. Children & Society , 25 (1) pp. 88-89. 10.1111/j.1099-0860.2010.00325.x. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2011) Review of Children as decision makers in education: sharing experiences across cultures. [Review]. Comparative Education Review , 55 (1) pp. 143-145. 10.1086/659855. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2011) Review of Majia Nadesan’s Governing childhood into the 21st century: biopolitical technologies of childhood management and education. [Review]. Youth & Policy , 107 pp. 113-115. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2011) Trends in research about health in early childhood: Economics and equity, from micro-studies to big business. [Review]. Journal of Early Childhood Research , 9 (2) pp. 125-136. 10.1177/1476718X10387896. Green open access

Allsop, Y; (2011) Does collaboration occur when children are learning with the support of a wiki? TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology , 10 (4) Green open access

Anders, Y; Sammons, P; Taggart, B; Sylva, K; Melhuish, E; Siraj-Blatchford, I; (2011) The influence of child, family, home factors and pre-school education on the identification of special educational needs at age 10. BRITISH EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL , 37 (3) pp. 421-441. 10.1080/01411921003725338. Green open access

Anice George, Jain; Renu, G; D'Souza, Preethy; Shukri, Raghda; (2011) Personal and professional networking: A way forward in achieving quality nursing care. International Journal of Nursing Education , 3 (1) pp. 1-3. Green open access

Asenova, A; Reiss, M; (2011) The role of visualization of biological knowledge in the formation of sets of educational skills. Sophia University E-learning Journal , 2011 (1) pp. 1-9.

Ashby, JS; Schoon, I; Webley, P; (2011) Save now, save later?: Linkages between saving behavior in adolescence and adulthood. European Psychologist , 16 (3) pp. 227-237. 10.1027/1016-9040/a000067. Green open access

beguin, A; Ehren, M; (2011) Aspects of accountability and assessment in the Netherlands. Zeitschrift f�r Erziehungswissenschaft , 13 pp. 25-36. Green open access

Brant, J; (2011) The Case for Values in Economics Education. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education , 10 (2-3) pp. 117-128. 10.2304/csee.2011.10.2.117. Green open access

Candy, B; King, M; Jones, L; Oliver, S; (2011) Using qualitative synthesis to explore heterogeneity of complex interventions. BMC MED RES METHODOL , 11 , Article 124. 10.1186/1471-2288-11-124. Green open access

Carpentier, V; Pachler, N; Evans, K; Daly, C; (2011) Work-Learn-Educate: the WLE Centre for Excellence's conceptualisation of work-based learning. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning , 1 (3) pp. 216-230. Green open access

Chowdry, Haroon; Crawford, Claire; Goodman, Alissa; (2011) The role of attitudes and behaviours in explaining socio-economic differences in attainment at age 16. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies , 2 (1) pp. 59-76. 10.14301/llcs.v2i1.141. Green open access

Cooper, R; Hardy, R; Aihie Sayer, A; Ben-Shlomo, Y; Birnie, K; Cooper, C; Craig, L; ... HALCyon study team; + view all (2011) Age and gender differences in physical capability levels from mid-life onwards: the harmonisation and meta-analysis of data from eight UK cohort studies. PLOS One , 6 (11) , Article e27899. 10.1371/journal.pone.0027899. Green open access

Cowan, R; Donlan, C; Shepherd, D-L; Cole-Fletcher, R; Saxton, M; Hurry, J; (2011) Basic Calculation Proficiency and Mathematics Achievement in Elementary School Children. JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY , 103 (4) pp. 786-803. 10.1037/a0024556. Green open access

Crawford, Claire; Goodman, Alissa; Joyce, Robert; (2011) Explaining the socio-economic gradient in child outcomes: the inter-generational transmission of cognitive skills. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies , 2 (1) pp. 77-93. 10.14301/llcs.v2i1.143. Green open access

Creech, A; Hallam, S; (2011) Learning a musical instrument: The influence of interpersonal interaction on outcomes for school-aged pupils. Psychology of Music , 39 (1) pp. 102-122. 10.1177/0305735610370222. Green open access

D'Souza, Preethy; Reyes, Nancy; G, Renu; (2011) Parental knowledge and compliance with neutropenia care guidelines in children admitted with leukemia at Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Oman. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal : SQUMJ , 11 (3) pp. 434-435. Green open access

Demjén, Z; (2011) The role of second-person narration in representing mental states in Sylvia Plath's Smith Journal. Journal of Literary Semantics , 40 (1) pp. 1-21. 10.1515/jlse.2011.001. Green open access

Deng, Z; (2011) Confucianism, modernization and Chinese pedagogy: An introduction. Journal of Curriculum Studies , 43 (5) pp. 561-568. 10.1080/00220272.2011.617837. Green open access

Deng, Z; (2011) Revisiting curriculum potential. Curriculum Inquiry , 41 (5) pp. 538-559. 10.1111/j.1467-873X.2011.00563.x. Green open access

Ehren, MCM; Honingh, ME; (2011) Risk-based school inspections in the Netherlands: A critical reflection on intended effects and causal mechanisms. Studies in Educational Evaluation , 37 (4) pp. 239-248. 10.1016/j.stueduc.2012.02.001. Green open access

Elliott, H; (2011) Interviewing mothers: reflections on closeness and reflexivity in research encounters. Studies in the Maternal , 3 (1) Green open access

Farran, EK; Branson, A; King, BJ; (2011) Visual search for basic emotional expressions in autism; Impaired processing of anger, fear and sadness, but a typical happy face advantage. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders , 5 (1) pp. 455-462. 10.1016/j.rasd.2010.06.009. Green open access

Farran, EK; Brosnan, MJ; (2011) Perceptual grouping abilities in individuals with autism spectrum disorder; exploring patterns of ability in relation to grouping type and levels of development. Autism Research , 4 (4) pp. 283-292. 10.1002/aur.202. Green open access

Filippi, R; Richardson, FM; Dick, F; Leech, R; Green, DW; Thomas, MSC; Price, CJ; (2011) The right posterior paravermis and the control of language interference. The Journal of Neuroscience , 31 (29) 10732 - 10740. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1783-11.2011. Green open access

George, Anice; D'Souza, Preethy; G, Renu; (2011) A study to examine the relationship of stress and dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls. International Journal of BioEngineering, Neurosciences and Technology , 1 (1) pp. 37-40. Green open access

Green, Francis; (2011) Unpacking the misery multiplier: How employability modifies the impacts of unemployment and job insecurity on life satisfaction and mental health. Journal of Health Economics , 30 (2) pp. 265-276. 10.1016/j.jhealeco.2010.12.005. Green open access

Green, A; Janmaat, G; Cheng, H; (2011) Social cohesion: converging and diverging trends. National Institute Economic Review , 215 (1) r6-r22. Green open access

Henry, L; Ridley, A; Perry, J; Crane, L; (2011) Perceived credibility and eyewitness testimony of children with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research , 55 (4) pp. 385-391. 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2011.01383.x. Green open access

Hodgson, A; Spours, K; (2011) Rethinking general education in the English upper secondary system. London Review of Education , 9 (2) pp. 205-216. 10.1080/14748460.2011.585882. Green open access

Hokowhitu, B; Page, T; (2011) Postcolonial Peace. Junctures: the journal for thematic dialogue , 14 pp. 13-25. Green open access

Hudson, KD; Farran, EK; (2011) Drawing the line: drawing and construction strategies for simple and complex figures in Williams syndrome and typical development. British Journal of Developmental Psychology , 29 (4) pp. 687-706. 10.1348/2044-835X.002000. Green open access

Hughes, G; (2011) Towards a personal best: A case for introducing ipsative assessment in higher education. Studies in Higher Education , 36 (3) pp. 353-367. 10.1080/03075079.2010.486859. Green open access

Isaacs, T; Laurier, MD; Turner, CE; Segalowitz, N; (2011) Identifying second language speech tasks and ability levels for successful nurse oral interaction with patients in a linguistic minority setting: an instrument development project. Health Communication , 26 (6) pp. 560-570. 10.1080/10410236.2011.558336. Green open access

James, M; Pollard, A; (2011) TLRP’s ten principles for effective pedagogy: rationale, development, evidence, argument and impact. Research Papers in Education , 26 (3) pp. 275-328. Green open access

Janmaat, G; (2011) Social cohesion as a real-life phenomenon: assessing the explanatory power of the universalist and particularist perspectives. Social Indicators Research , 100 (1) pp. 61-83. Green open access

Jewitt, C; Clark, W; Hadjithoma-Garstka, C; (2011) The use of learning platforms to organise learning in English primary and secondary schools. LEARNING MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY , 36 (4) pp. 335-348. 10.1080/17439884.2011.621955. Green open access

Kyrölä, Katariina; (2011) Adults growing sideways: Feederist pornography and fantasies of infantilism. Lambda Nordica , 16 (2-3) pp. 126-156. Green open access

Loo, S; (2011) A re-assessment of knowledge from the perspective of the knowledge economy. The International Journal of the Humanities , 9 (2) pp. 111-120.

Mengue-Topio, H; Courbois, Y; Farran, EK; Sockeel, P; (2011) Route learning and shortcut performance in adults with intellectual disability: a study with virtual environments. Research in Developmental Disabilities , 32 (1) pp. 345-352. 10.1016/j.ridd.2010.10.014. Green open access

Mincu, ME; (2011) Tensions in Recognition Politics in Europe: A Reading of Italian Interculturalism(s) as Ideology. Journal of Social Research and Policy , 2 (1) pp. 83-93. Green open access

Mincu, Monica; (2011) Persistent, Intensified and Emerging Rural/Urban Educational Stratifications: A Central and Eastern European perspective. Journal of Educational Planning and Administration , 25 (1) pp. 21-36.

Mincu, Monica E; Allasia, Maurizio; Pia, Francesca; (2011) Uneven Equity and Italian Interculturalism(s). Policy Futures in Education , 9 (1) pp. 88-95. 10.2304/pfie.2011.9.1.88. Green open access

Neuburger, J; Kuh, D; Joshi, H; (2011) Cross-cohort changes in gender pay differences in Britain from 1972 to 2004: accounting for selection into employment using wage imputation. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies , 2 (3) pp. 260-285. 10.14301/llcs.v2i3.134. Green open access

Nie, Ming; Armellini, Alejandro; Witthaus, Gabi; Barklamb, Kelly; (2011) How do e‐book readers enhance learning opportunities for distance work‐based learners? Research in Learning Technology , 19 (1) pp. 19-38. 10.1080/09687769.2010.548506. Green open access

O'Regan, J; Wilkinson, J; Robinson, M; (2011) Travelling languages: culture, communication and translation in a mobile world. Language and Intercultural Communication , 11 (4) pp. 299-303. 10.1080/14708477.2011.616693. Green open access

O'Regan, JP; (2011) Further Note on 'Foreign Death in China': A Rejoinder. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch , 51 (2011) pp. 301-304. Green open access

Oldham, J; Radford, J; (2011) Secondary SENCo leadership: a universal or specialist role? British Journal of Special Education , 38 (3) pp. 126-134. 10.1111/j.1467-8578.2011.00513.x. Green open access

Pellicano, E; Smith, A; Cristino, F; Briscoe, J; Hood, B; Gilchrist, I; (2011) Children with autism are neither systematic nor optimal foragers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 108 (1) pp. 421-426. 10.1073/pnas.1014076108. Green open access

Pellicano, L; Stears, M; (2011) Bridging autism, science and society: Moving towards an ethically-informed approach to autism research. Autism Research , 4 (4) pp. 271-282. 10.1002/aur.201.

Pherali, TJ; (2011) Education and conflict in Nepal: possibilities for reconstruction. Globalisation, Societies and Education , 9 (1) pp. 135-154. 10.1080/14767724.2010.513590. Green open access

Phoenix, A; Slavova, K; (2011) 'Living in translation': A conversation with Eva Hoffman. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOMENS STUDIES , 18 (4) pp. 339-345. 10.1177/1350506811415194. Green open access

Potter, J; (2011) New literacies, new practices and learner research : Across the semi-­permeable membrane between home and school. Lifelong Learning in Europe , 16 (3) pp. 174-181.

Preece, S; (2011) Universities in the Anglophone centre: sites of multilingualism. Applied Linguistics Review , 2 pp. 121-146. 10.1515/9783110239331.121. Green open access

Pridmore, P; Carr-Hill, R; (2011) Tackling the drivers of child undernutrition in developing countries: what works and how should interventions be designed? Public Health Nutr , 14 (4) pp. 688-693. 10.1017/S1368980010001795. Green open access

Radford, J; Blatchford, P; Webster, R; (2011) Opening up and closing down: How teachers and TAs manage turn-taking, topic and repair in mathematics lessons. Learning and Instruction , 21 (5) pp. 625-635. 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2011.01.004. Green open access

Redclift, VM; (2011) Subjectivity and citizenship: Intersections of space, place and identity among the Urdu-speaking minority in Bangladesh. Journal of International Migration and Integration , 12 (1) pp. 25-42. 10.1007/s12134-010-0163-3. Green open access


Reiss, MJ; (2011) How Should Creationism and Intelligent Design be Dealt with in the Classroom? JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION , 45 (3) pp. 399-415. 10.1111/j.1467-9752.2011.00790.x. Green open access

Reiss, M; (2011) Teachers as journalists? Cultural Studies of Science Education , 6 (2) pp. 469-473. 10.1007/s11422-011-9322-x. Green open access

Reiss, M; Tunnicliffe, SD; (2011) Dioramas as Depictions of Reality and Opportunities for Learning in Biology. Curator , 54 (4) pp. 447-459.

Renold, E; Ringrose, J; (2011) Schizoid subjectivities? Re-theorizing teen girls' sexual cultures in an era of 'sexualization'. JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY , 47 (4) pp. 389-409. 10.1177/1440783311420792. Green open access

Revesz, Andrea; (2011) Task complexity, focus on L2 constructions, and individual differences: A classroom-based study. The Modern Language Journal , 95 (S1) pp. 162-181. 10.1111/j.1540-4781.2011.01241.x. Green open access

Ringrose, J; Eriksson, K; (2011) Gendered risks and opportunities? : Exploring teen girls' digitized sexual identities in postfeminist media contexts. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics , 7 (2) pp. 121-138. Green open access

Rogers, L; (2011) Teachers and teaching in upper secondary education: A comparison of systems in place across secondary and FE sectors. London Review of Education , 9 (2) pp. 231-243. 10.1080/14748460.2011.585884. Green open access

Schoon, I; Cheng, H; (2011) Determinants of political trust: a lifetime learning model. Dev Psychol , 47 (3) pp. 619-631. 10.1037/a0021817. Green open access

Schoon, I; Jones, E; Cheng, H; Maughan, B; (2011) Family hardship, family instability, and children's cognitive development. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health , Online pp. 1-7. Green open access

Schoon, I; Polek, E; (2011) Pathways to economic well-being among teenage mothers in Great Britain. European Psychologist , 16 (1) pp. 11-20. 10.1027/1016-9040/a000028. Green open access

Sharma, Sonya; Reimer-Kirkham, Sheryl; Meyerhoff, Heather; (2011) Filmmaking with Aboriginal Youth for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention. Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing: Te Mauri – Pimatisiwin , 9 (2) pp. 423-440. Green open access

Sullivan, A; Joshi, H; Leonard, D; (2011) Single-sex schooling and labour market outcomes. Oxford Review of Education , 37 (3) pp. 311-332. 10.1080/03054985.2010.545194. Green open access

Tunnicliffe, SD; Patrick, P; (2011) What Plants and Animals Do Early Childhood and Primary Students’ Name? Where Do They See Them? Journal of Science Education and Technology , 20 (5) pp. 630-642. 10.1007/s10956-011-9290-7. Green open access

Van Herwegen, J; Farran, E; Annaz, D; (2011) Item and error analysis on Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices in Williams Syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities , 32 (1) pp. 93-99. 10.1016/j.ridd.2010.09.005. Green open access

Vasquez, E; Lopez, A; Straub, C; McKinney, T; Walker, ZM; (2011) Empirical research on ethnic minority students: 1995-2009. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice , 26 (2) pp. 84-93. 10.1111/j.1540-5826.2011.00328.x. Green open access

Vincent, C; Braun, A; (2011) 'I think a lot of it is common sense.' early years students, professionalism and the development of a 'vocational habitus'. Journal of Education Policy , 26 (6) pp. 771-785. 10.1080/02680939.2010.551143. Green open access

Welch, G; Purves, R; Hargreaves, D; Marshall, N; (2011) Early career challenges in secondary school music teaching. British Educational Research Journal , 37 (2) pp. 285-315. 10.1080/01411921003596903. Green open access

Wiliam, D; (2011) What is assessment for learning? Studies in Educational Evaluation , 37 (1) pp. 3-14. Green open access

WILLS, A; LAWLOR, D; MATTHEWS, F; AIHIE SAYER, A; BAKRA, E; BEN-SHLOMO, Y; BENZEVAL, M; ... HARDY, R; + view all (2011) Life course trajectories of systolic blood pressure using longitudinal data from eight UK cohorts. PLoS Medicine , 8 (6) , Article e1000440. 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000440. Green open access

Yandell, John; (2011) Book Review: Young People, Popular Culture and Education, by Chris Richards, London and New York, Continuum, 2011, 200 pp., £22.99 (paperback), £70.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-1-84706-544-5. [Review]. Changing English , 18 (2) pp. 241-243. 10.1080/1358684X.2011.575256. Green open access

Yandell, John; (2011) Reading in a secondary English classroom: agency, interest and multimodal design. Visual Communication , 10 (1) pp. 87-101. 10.1177/1470357210382197. Green open access


Blitz, Brad K; (2011) Statelessness and Citizenship: A Comparative Study on the Benefits of Nationality. [Book]. Edward Elgar Publishing

Green, A; Janmaat, JG; (2011) Regimes of social cohesion: societies and the crisis of globalization. Education, Economy and Society. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke.

Sammons, P; Sylva, K; Melhuish, E; Siraj-Blatchford, I; Taggart, B; Draghici, D; Toth, K; + view all (2011) Effective Pre-School, Primary and Secondary Education Project (EPPSE 3-14) Influences on Students? Development in Key Stage 3: Social-behavioural Outcomes in Year 9 full report. EPPSE Project - Institute of Education: London. Green open access

Sammons, P; Sylva, K; Melhuish, E; Siraj-Blatchford, I; Taggart, B; Smees, R; Draghici, D; + view all (2011) Effective Pre-School, Primary and Secondary Education Project (EPPSE 3-14) Students? Reports of Their Experiences of School in Year 9. EPPSE Project - Institute of Education: London. Green open access

Book chapter

Alderson, P; (2011) Children's rights in research about religion and spirituality. In: Ridgely, Susan B, (ed.) The Study of Children in Religions: A Methods Handbook. (pp. 50-64). NYU Press Green open access

Amos, R; Reiss, M; (2011) Residential fieldwork: contributions to school science from a five-year initiative for inner-city students in the UK. In: Yarden, A and Carvalho, G and Carvalho, GS, (eds.) Authenticity in biology education: benefits and challenges. a selection of papers presented at the 8th Conference of European Researchers in Didactics of Biology (ERIDOB), 13-17 July 2010, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. (pp. 379-390). Centro de Investiga��o em Estudos da Crian�a, Institute of Education, Minho University: Braga, Portugal.

Carpentier, V; Unterhalter, E; (2011) Globalization, higher education and inequalities: Problems and prospects. In: King, R and Marginson, S and Naidoo, R, (eds.) Handbook on Globalization and Higher Education. (pp. 148-168). Edward Elgar Publishing Green open access

Deng, Z; (2011) Scientific literacy: Content and curriculum making. In: Linder, Cedric and Östman, Leif and Roberts, Douglas A. and Wickman, Per-Olof and Ericksen, Gaalen and MacKinnon, Allan, (eds.) Exploring the Landscape of Scientific Literacy. (pp. 45-56). Routledge: New York, NY, USA.

Gillett, Andrew; Hammond, Angela; (2011) Pre-Master's course design: What can we learn from assessment? In: Etherington, S, (ed.) English for Specific Academic Purposes Proceedings of the 2009 BALEAP Conference. (pp. 95-101). Garnet Education: Reading.

Hardman, MA; (2011) Is Complexity Theory Useful in Describing Classroom Learning? In: Meyer, Meinert A and Hudson, Brian, (eds.) Beyond Fragmentation Didactics, Learning and Teaching in Europe. (pp. 355-366). Verlag Barbara Budrich: Leverkusen, Germany. Green open access

Hodgson, A; (2011) Últimas vías de reforma de la formación profesional para los jóvenes ingleses: en busca del 'santo grial' [Recent reform trajectories in vocational education for young people in England: the search for the holy grail]. In: Areces, FR, (ed.) La formación profesional en España ante la estrategia Europa 2020. (pp. 60-79). Fundacion Ramon Areces: Madrid.

Hodgson, A; Spours, K; (2011) National education systems: the wider context. In: Hodgson, A and Spours, K and Waring, M, (eds.) Post-compulsory education and lifelong learning across the United Kingdom: policy, organisation and governance. (pp. 1-15). IOE Press: London. Green open access

Hodgson, A; Spours, K; Waring, M; Gallacher, J; Keep, E; Rees, G; (2011) Post-compulsory education and lifelong learning across the UK: moving from managed divergence to a new period of uncertainty. In: Hodgson, A and Spours, K and Waring, M, (eds.) Post-compulsory education and lifelong learning across the United Kingdom: policy, organisation and governance. (pp. 148-166). IOE Press: London. Green open access

Hodgson, A; Spours, K; Waring, M; Gardner, S; Gallacher, J; Gunning, D; (2011) Organisational arrangements in England, Scotland and Wales: how the systems work. In: Hodgson, A and Spours, K and Waring, M, (eds.) Post-compulsory education and lifelong learning across the United Kingdom: policy, organisation and governance. (pp. 76-104). IOE Press: London. Green open access

Jewitt, C; (2011) Technology and reception as multimodal remaking. In: Norris, S, (ed.) Multimodality in practice: investigating theory-in-practice-through-methodology. (pp. 98-112). Routledge: London.

O'Regan, JP; (2011) Death, Identity, Discourse: Cultural Research at the Margins of Experience. In: Baraldi, C and Borsari, A and Carli, A, (eds.) Hybrids, Differences, Visions: On the Study of Culture. Davies Group Publishers: Colorado, USA. Green open access

O'Regan, JP; MacDonald, MN; (2011) A Global Agenda for Intercultural Communication Research and Practice. In: Jackson, J, (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Language and Intercultural Communication. Routledge: Abingdon, UK. Green open access

Scott, P; (2011) The university as a global institution. In: Handbook on Globalization and Higher Education. (pp. 59-75).

Smith, C; (2011) 'Sometimes I think wow I'm doing further mathematics...': Balancing tensions between aspiring and belonging. In: Atweh, B and Graven, M., Secada, W., Valero, P, M and Secada, W and Valero, P, (eds.) Mapping Equity and Quality in Mathematics Education. (pp. 285-298). Springer, Dordrecht: Dordrecht, Netherlands. Green open access

Yandell, J; (2011) Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment: Of Rigour and Unfinished Revolutions. In: Allen, Martin and Ainley, Patrick, (eds.) Education Beyond the Coalition: reclaiming the agenda. (pp. 5-23). Radicaled Green open access

Yandell, J; (2011) Agency and the canon: your Shakespeare, everybody's Shakespeare? In: Doecke, Breton and Maclean Davies, Larissa and Mead, Philip, (eds.) Teaching Australian Literature: from classroom conversations to national imaginings. (pp. 213-230). Wakefield Press/AATE: Kent Town, Australia.

Proceedings paper

Bretscher, N; (2011) A survey of technology use: the rise of interactive whiteboards and the MyMaths website. In: Pytlak, M and Rowland, T and Swoboda, E, (eds.) Proceedings of the Seventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. (pp. pp. 2228-2237). European Society for Research in Mathematics Education: Rzeszow, Czechia. Green open access

Crisan, C; Rodd, M; (2011) Teachers of Mathematics to mathematics teachers: a report on a TDA Mathematics Development Programme for Teachers. In: BSRLM Proceedings: Vol 31 No 3. (pp. pp. 29-34). British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Crisan, C; Rodd, M; (2011) Teachers of mathematics to mathematics teachers: a TDA Mathematics Development Programme for Teachers. In: Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, 31(3). (pp. pp. 29-34). British Society for the Learning of Mathematics: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Hardman, MA; (2011) The Dynamics of Group Learning. In: Towards a Global Competitive Learning Community – The Role of Active Pedagogy. Kerala Department of Education: Thrivananthapurum, India. Green open access

Hardman, MA; Carroll, A; (2011) Learning to Teach First - Participant Perceptions. In: Proceedings of the British Educational Research Association (BERA - 2011) Annual conference. BERA: Coventry, UK. Green open access

Marks, Rachel; (2011) ‘Ability’ ideology and its consequential practices in primary mathematics. In: Smith, C, (ed.) Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics. (pp. pp. 43-48). British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (BSRLM): Leeds, UK. Green open access

Marks, Rachel; (2011) ‘Ability’ in primary mathematics education: patterns and implications. In: Smith, C, (ed.) Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics. (pp. pp. 91-96). British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (BSRLM) Green open access

Mayer, S; (2011) Conceptualising and designing a collaborative blended e-learning environment for schools: drawing from evidence-based practices. In: Green open access

Rinta, T; Purves, RM; Welch, G; (2011) Usability of a Jamming Mobile with 3-6 Year-Old Children for Enhancing Feelings of Social Inclusion and Facilitating Musical Learning. In: Young, S, (ed.) Proceedings of the 5th Conference of the European Network of Music Educators and Researchers of Young Children (MERYC2011). (pp. pp. 275-286). European Network of Music Educators and Researchers of Young Children: Finland: Helsinki. Green open access

Unsworth, S; Argyri, F; Cornips, L; Hulk, A; Sorace, A; Tsimpli, IM; Argyri, E; (2011) On the Role of Age of Onset and Input in Early Child Bilingualism in Greek and Dutch. In: Pirvulescu, Mihaela and Cuervo, María Cristina and Pérez-Leroux, Ana T and Steele, Jeffrey and Strik, Nelleke, (eds.) Selected Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America (GALANA 2010). (pp. pp. 249-265). Cascadilla Proceedings Project: Somerville, MA, USA.


Purves, RM and Rinta, T and Welch, G (Eds). (2011) Usability of Music for Social Inclusion of Children (UMSIC) Work Package 9 Composite Impact Analysis and Project Closure Report. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Baird, Jo-Anne; Isaacs, Talia; Johnson, Sandra; Stobart, Gordon; Yu, Guoxing; Sprague, Terra L; Daugherty, Richard; (2011) Policy effects of PISA. Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment

Bangpan, M; Newman, M; Tripney, J; Matthews, P; Niza, C; Sinclair, J; (2011) Fraud and error in financial, welfare and revenue services: a systematic map of the empirical research evidence with particular reference to 'notification of changes of circumstances'. (Working Papers 97 ). Department for Work and Pensions: London. Green open access

Bird, K; Newman, M; Tripney, J; (2011) Updating the CASE database: analysis of original approach. (CASE programme: understanding the drivers, impacts and value of engagement in culture and sport ). Department for Culture, Media and Sport: London. Green open access

Bourn, D; Brown, K; (2011) Young People and International Development: Engagement and Learning. (Development Education Research Centre Research Reports 2 , pp. pp. 1-36 ). Development Education Research Centre, Institute of Education, University College London: London, UK. Green open access

Bourn, D; Hunt, F; (2011) Global Dimension In Secondary Schools. (Research Papers 1 ). Development Education Research Centre, Institute of Education, University College London: London, UK. Green open access

Brewis, G; (2011) A short history of student volunteering: Celebrating ten years of Student Volunteering Week. Volunteering England: London, UK.

Caird, J; Kavanagh, J; Oliver, K; Oliver, S; O'Mara, A; Stansfield, C; Thomas, J; (2011) Childhood obesity and educational attainment : A systematic review. EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Cameron, C; Petrie, P; Wigfall, V; Kleipoedszus, S; Jasper, A; (2011) Final report of the social pedagogy pilot programme: development and implementation. Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Clark-Wilson, A; Oldknow, A; Sutherland, R; (2011) Digital technologies and mathematics education: Executive Summary. Joint Mathematical Council of the United Kingdom: London, UK.

Crawford, Claire; Dearden, Lorraine; Greaves, Ellen; (2011) Does when you are born matter? The impact of month of birth on children's cognitive and non-cognitive skills in England. (Institute for Fiscal Studies briefing note 122 ). Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK.

Crawford, Claire; Johnson, Paul; Machin, Steve; Vignoles, Anna; (2011) Social mobility: a literature review. (Research and analysis ). Department for Business, Innovation & Skills, GOV.UK: London, UK. Green open access

Gough, D; Tripney, J; Kenny, C; Buk-Berge, E; (2011) Evidence informed policymaking in education in Europe: EIPEE final project report. Institute of Education, University College London: London. Green open access

Hunt, F; Li Ting Chung, H; Rogers, M; Inman, S; (2011) Taking Stock: A report from the UK Teacher Education Network for sustainable development (ESD) /global citizenship (GC) - survey on provision for ESD/GC in initial teacher education in the UK. Teacher Education for Equity and Sustainability Network (TEESNet): London, UK. Green open access

Jenkins, A; Akerman, R; Frumkin, L; Salter, E; Vorhaus, J; (2011) Literacy, numeracy and disadvantage among older adults in England. Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Lambert, D; Morgan, J; (2011) Geography and Development: Development education in schools and the part played by geography teachers. (Development Education Research Centre (DERC) Research Papers 16 ). Development Education Research Centre, Institute of Education, University College London: London, UK. Green open access

Mostafa, T; Edmonds, C; Preston, J; Jenkins, A; Chadderton, C; Green, A; (2011) The meso-social benefits of VET for social groups and communities. Cedefop Green open access

Parkes, J; Heslop, J; (2011) Stop Violence Against Girls in School : A cross country analysis of baseline research from Ghana, Kenya and Mozambique. ActionAid: Johannesburg. Green open access

Parsons, S; (2011) Long-term impact of childhood bereavement: Preliminary analysis of the 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70). (CWRC Working Paper ). Department for Education: London, UK. Green open access

Pherali, T; Smith, A; Vaux, T; (2011) A political economy analysis of education in Nepal. UK Department for International Development: London, UK. Green open access

Schoon, I; (2011) Pathways to Adulthood Annual Report 2010/11. (Pathways to Adulthood Annual Reports ). UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Siraj, Iram; Shepherd, Donna-Lynn; Melhuish, Edward; Taggart, Brenda; Sammons, Pam; Sylva, Kathy; (2011) Effective Primary Pedagogical Strategies in English and Mathematics in Key Stage 2: A study of Year 5 classroom practice from the EPPSE 3-16 longitudinal study. (Research Report DFE -RR129 ). Department for Education: London, UK. Green open access

Statham, J; Mooney, A; Boddy, J; Cage, M; (2011) Taking stock: a rapid review of the National Child Measurement Programme. Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Sutcliffe, K; Twamley, K; Hinds, K; O'Mara, A; Thomas, J; Brunton, G; (2011) Young people's access to tobacco : a mixed-method systematic review. EPPI Centre, Social Science Research Unit: London UK. Green open access

Tripney, J; Bird, K; Kwan, I; Kavanagh, J; (2011) The impact of post-abortion care family planning counselling and services in low-income countries: a systematic review of the evidence. (EPPI Reports 1906 ). Institute of Education, University College London: London. Green open access

Tripney, J; Newman, M; Atherton, P; (2011) Title registration for a systematic review: post-basic technical and vocational education and training (TVET) interventions to improve employability and employment of TVET graduates in low- and middle-income countries. (Campbell Systematic Reviews 2013:9 ). Campbell Collaboration: Oslo, Norway. Green open access

Unterhalter, E; Heslop, J; (2011) Transforming education for girls in Nigeria : Baseline research full report. ActionAid/Institute of Education Green open access

Unterhalter, E; Heslop, J; (2011) Transforming education for girls in Nigeria and Tanzania (TEGINT) : A cross country analysis of baseline research. ActionAid: Johannesburg. Green open access

Unterhalter, E; Heslop, J; (2011) Transforming education for girls in Nigeria: : Baseline research summary report. ActionAid Green open access

Unterhalter, E; Heslop, J; (2011) Transforming education for girls in Tanzania : Baseline research full report. ActionAid Green open access

Unterhalter, E; Heslop, J; (2011) Transforming education for girls in Tanzania: : Baseline research summary report. ActionAid: Johannesburg. Green open access

Working / discussion paper

Elliott, J; Parsons, S; Savage, M; Miles, A; (2011) Social Participation and Identity, 2007-2010 : Combining Quantitative Longitudinal Data with a Qualitative Investigation of a Sub-Sample of the 1958 National Child Development Study. (CLS Working Papers ). UCL, Centre for Longitudinal Studies: London, UK. Green open access

Green, A; Mostafa, T; (2011) Pre-School Education and Care – A 'Win-Win' Policy? (LLAKES Research Paper 32). Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies (LLAKES), UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Conference item

Brehm, WC; (2011) Education, Equity, and Development in Cambodia: All Education for Some? Presented at: Development Research Forum annual conference, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Green open access

Brehm, WC; Sen, S; Gorter, B; (2011) New Approaches to the Study of Private Tutoring: The Case of Cambodia. Presented at: CESHK Annual Conference 2011, Hong Kong. Green open access

Brehm, WC; Silova, I; (2011) The hidden privatization of public education in Cambodia: Quality and equity implications of private tutoring. Presented at: 55th Annual CIES Conference, Montreal, Canada. Green open access

Brunton, VJ; Wiggins, M; Oakley, A; (2011) Women's experiences of becoming a mother: a systematic review of thirty years' research methods. Presented at: Normal Labour and Birth 6th Research Conference: Joining up the dots, understanding normal birth at the micro, meso and macro levels, Grange-over-Sands, Lake District, UK. Green open access

Clark-Wilson, A; (2011) Researching teachers’ epistemological development concerning mathematical variance and invariance in a multi-representational technological setting – An expansion of Verillon and Rabardel’s triad of instrumented activity. Presented at: Activity Theoretic Approaches to Technology Enhanced Mathematics Learning Orchestration Symposium (ATATEMLO), University of Paris 7 Diderot. Green open access

Halstead, E; (2011) Attitudes of typically developing primary school children to their peers with an Intellectual Disability. Presented at: 40th Welsh Branch Annual Student Conference at Swansea Metropolitan University, Swansea, UK. Green open access

Hardman, M; (2011) Human Behaviour: A Bridge Too Far for Complexity? Presented at: Complexity of evolutionary processes in biology and the behavioural sciences: One-day IOP meeting, Manchester, UK. Green open access


Stansfield, C; Dickson, K; (2011) Locating evidence for developing countries: a case study of three health promotion reviews. Presented at: 19th Cochrane Colloquium, Madrid, Spain. Green open access


Bradbury, Alice; (2011) Learner identities, assessment and equality in early years education. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Buchanan, Denise; (2011) Barriers to learning among learners with mental health difficulties. Masters thesis (M.A), Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Christie, CM; (2011) Speaking spontaneously : an examination of the University of Cumbria approach to the teaching of modern foreign languages. UNSPECIFIED thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Fumasoli, T; (2011) Strategy as evolutionary path. Five higher education institutions on the move. Doctoral thesis , University of Lugano, Switzerland. Green open access

Reynolds, Yvonne Margaret; (2011) Measurement and measurement-related competences of five to eight-year-old children in a British primary school. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Rolleston, Caine; (2011) Education, poverty and culture in Ghana 1991-2010. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Digital scholarly resource

Hayward, J; (2011) Teaching Controversial Issues: Speak Free - The Death Penalty. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.amnesty.org.uk/


Hoyles, C; Reiss, M; Tough, S; (2011) Supporting STEM in schools and colleges in England: the role of research : a report for Universities UK. Universities UK, London. Green open access

Mehisto, P; (2011) Navigating management and pedagogical complexities in bilingual education : an Estonian case study. Institute of Education, University of London Green open access

Owen, C; (2011) Children In Children's Homes In England: Data Pack. Department for Education, London. Green open access

Phoenix, A; Statham, J; Mooney, A; (2011) Summary of regulatory frameworks in four selected countries, for the Bailey Review of commercialisation and sexualisation of childhood? Childhood Wellbeing Research Centre, London. Green open access

Saunders, J; Papageorgi, I; Himonides, E; Rinta, T; Welch, G; (2011) Researching the Impact of the National Singing Programme 'Sing Up' in England : Diverse Approaches to Successful Singing in Primary Settings. International Music Education Research Centre, iMerc, London. Green open access

Vorhaus, J; Jenkins, A; Akerman, R; Frumkin, L; Salter, E; (2011) Literacy, numeracy and disadvantage among older adults in England. Institute of Education, University of London Green open access

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