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Addison, N; (2008) The doll and pedagogic mediation: teaching children to fear the 'other'. Sex Education , 8 (3) pp. 263-276. Green open access

Addison, N; (2008) Researching education through embodied knowledge: MA students' practice-based dissertations. UNESCO Observatory: Journal of Multi-disciplinary Research in the Arts , 1 (3) pp. 1-15.

Akar, Bassel A.; (2008) Exploring the challenges and practices of citizenship education in national and civic education grades ten and eleven classroom in Lebanon. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2008) Do children become patients by medical diagnosis or economic status? Children'z Issues , 12 (1) pp. 7-11. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2008) Economic alternatives and childhood poverty. International Journal of Green Economics , 2 (1) pp. 77-94. 10.1504/IJGE.2008.017154. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2008) Review of Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet Mark Lynas. International Journal of Green Economics , 2 (2) pp. 246-247. 10.1504/IJGE.2008.020003. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2008) Young people’s rights: children’s rights or adults’ rights. Youth & Policy (100) pp. 15-26. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2008) Children as Researchers: Participation Rights and Research Methods. In: Christensen, P and James, A, (eds.) Research with Children: Perspectives and Practices. (pp. 276-290). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Alderson, P; Morrow, V; (2008) Ten topics for consideration in carrying out social research with children and young people. Children’s Geographies , 6 (1) pp. 98-100. 10.1080/14733280701791975. Green open access

Ang, L; (2008) Language and Literacy in Early Childhood. In: Arnold, W and Powell, K and Mol, H, (eds.) Literacy in the Language Classroom: The Role of the YL professional in Developing Reading in Young Learners. (pp. 99-115). IATEFL YL SIG: Canterbury, UK.

Ang, L; (2008) Singapore Preschool Teachers' Responses to the Introduction of A Framework for a Kindergarten Curriculum in the Context of 3 Preschool Settings. Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education , 2 (1) pp. 55-81. Green open access

Ash, A; Burgess, L; (2008) Transition and Translation: increasing teacher mobility and extending the European dimension in Education. In: Hudson, B and Zgaga, P, (eds.) Teacher Education Policy in Europe: A voice of Higher Education Institutions. (pp. 85-109). Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Umea,: Ume�, Slovenia.


Bakker, A; Kent, P; Derry, J; Noss, R; Hoyles, C; (2008) Statistical inference at work : statistical process control as an example. Statistics Education Research Journal , 7 (2) pp. 130-145.

Ball, SJ; (2008) The legacy of ERA, privatization and the policy ratchet. Educational Management Administration and Leadership , 36 (2) pp. 185-199. 10.1177/1741143207087772. Green open access

Beard, R; (2008) Writing Development. In: Gonzalez,, RA, (ed.) Writing in the 21st Century: Cognition, Multilingualism and Technologies. Asprogrades: Grenada.

Blitz, Brad K; (2008) Libyan Nationals in the United Kingdom: Geopolitical Considerations and Trends in Asylum and Return. International Journal on Multicultural Societies , 10 (2) pp. 106-127. Green open access

Blum, N; (2008) Environmental education in Costa Rica: Building a framework for sustainable development? International Journal of Educational Development , 28 (3) pp. 348-358. 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2007.05.008. Green open access

Blum, N; (2008) Ethnography and Environmental Education: Understanding the Relationships Between Schools and Communities in Costa Rica. Ethnography and Education , 3 pp. 31-48. 10.1080/17457820801899058. Green open access

Bourn, D; Neal, I; (2008) The global engineer – Incorporating global skills within UK higher education of engineers. Engineers Against Poverty: London, UK. Green open access

Bourn, Douglas; (2008) Global Skills. Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS): London, UK. Green open access

Braun, A; Vincent, C; Ball, SJ; (2008) 'I'm so much more myself now, coming back to work' - Working class mothers, paid work and childcare. Journal of Education Policy , 23 (5) pp. 533-548. 10.1080/02680930802054370. Green open access

Bretscher, N; (2008) Dynamic Geometry Software: The Teacher’s Role in Facilitating Instrumental Genesis. In: Joubert, M, (ed.) Proceedings of the BSRLM: British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics day conference 2008. (pp. pp. 1-6). British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics: London, UK. Green open access

Brewis, G; (2008) Volunteering Hub: Final Report. Volunteering England: London, UK.

Brighouse, H; Unterhalter, E; (2008) Primary goods versus capabilities: Considering the debate in relation to equalities in education. In: Otto, H and Ziegler, H, (eds.) Capabilities : Handlungsbef�higung und Verwirklichungschancen in der Erziehungswissenschaft. (pp. 69-84). VS Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften: Wiesbaden. Green open access

Brown, M; Brown, P; Bibby, T; (2008) 'I would rather die': reasons given by 16-year-olds for not continuing their study of mathematics. Research in Mathematics Education , 10 (1) pp. 3-18. 10.1080/14794800801915814. Green open access

Brown, A; (2008) Research education for diversity in educational research. Pr�xis Educativa , 3 pp. 9-16. Green open access

Bubb, S; Earley, P; (2008) From self-evaluation to school improvement: the importance of effective staff development. CfBT Education Trust: Reading.

Bynner, J; Reder, S; Parsons, S; Strawn, C; (2008) The digital divide: Computer use, basic skills and employment: A Comparative Study in Portland, USA and London, England: Research Summary. National Research and Development Centre for adult literacy and numeracy, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access


Caccavale, E; Reiss, M; (2008) Miracles, monsters and disturbances. In: Levinson, R and Nicholson, H and Parry, S, (eds.) Creative Encounters: New Conversations in Science, Education and the Arts. (pp. 48-63). Wellcome Trust: London. Green open access

Cameron, C; (2008) What do we mean by 'competence'? Children in Europe , 14

Cara, O; Litster, JH; (2008) Teacher attitudes towards the 'skills for life' national strategy for improving adult literacy and numeracy skills. In: Tracking Adult Literacy and Numeracy Skills: Findings from Longitudinal Research. (pp. 177-199).

Cara, O; Litster, J; Vorhaus, J; Swain, J; (2008) The Teacher Study - the impact of the skills for life strategy on teachers. National Research and Development Centre for adult literacy and numeracy, Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access

Carpentier, V; (2008) Quantitative sources for the history of education. HISTORY OF EDUCATION , 37 (5) pp. 701-720. 10.1080/00467600802056963. Green open access

Carr, D; Crook, C; Noss, R; Carmichael, P; Selwyn, N; (2008) Education 2.0? Designing the web for teaching and learning: A Commentary by the Technology Enhanced Learning phase of the Teaching and Learning Research Programme. Teaching and Learning Research Programme, Institute of Education, University of london: London. Green open access

Carr, D; Pelletier, C; (2008) Gamers, Gender and Representation. In: Ferdig, R, (ed.) Handbook of Research on Effective Electronic Gaming in Education. (pp. 911-921). IGI Global: Hershey, PA. Green open access

Charman, T; Chandler, S; Baird, G; Simonoff, E; Loucas, T; Meldrum, D; Scott, M; (2008) The Social Communicaton Questionnaire (SCQ) as a screener for autism spectrum disorders: Additional evidence and cross-cultural validity - Reply. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry , 47 (6) pp. 720-721. 10.1097/CHI.0b013e31816c42cf. Green open access

Clark-Wilson, A; (2008) Evaluating TI-NspireTM in secondary mathematics classrooms: Research Report. University of Chichester: Chichester, UK. Green open access

Clark-Wilson, A; Oldknow, A; (2008) Inspiring maths in the classroom. (1st ed.). Texas Instruments: Northampton, UK.

Clark-Wilson, A; Oldknow, A; Wright, D; (2008) A pupil's entitlement in secondary mathematics. British Educational and Communications Technology Agency: London, UK. Green open access

Clark-Wilson, Alison; (2008) Evaluating TI-Nspire in secondary mathematics classrooms. University of Chichester: Chichester, UK.

Clark-Wilson, A; (2008) Teachers researching their own practice: Evidencing student learning using TI-Nspire. In: Proceedings of the Day Conference of the British Society for Research into Learning of Mathematics, 28 (2). (pp. pp. 7-12). BSRLM: University of Southampton, UK. Green open access

Cowan, RCJ; (2008) Why children differ in their mathematical attainment at primary school? Anales de Psicologia , 24 (2) pp. 180-188. Green open access

Crawford, Claire; Dearden, Lorraine; Mesnard, Alice; SHAW, Jonathan; Sianesi, Barbara; Urwin, Peter; (2008) Estimating ethnic parity in Jobcentre Plus programmes: A quantitative analysis using the Work and Pensions Longitudinal Study (WPLS). (Research Report 491 ). Government Department for Work and Pensions, UK: London, UK. Green open access

Creech, A; Papageorgi, I; Duffy, C; Morton, F; Hadden, E; Potter, J; De Bezenac, C; ... Welch, G; + view all (2008) Investigating musical performance: commonality and diversity among classical and non-classical musicians. Music Education Research , 10 (2) pp. 215-234. 10.1080/14613800802079080. Green open access

Creech, Andrea; (2008) The role of the family in supporting learning. In: Hallam et al., Susan, (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. (pp. 295-306). Oxford Academic: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Creech, A; Papageorgi, I; Duffy, C; Morton, F; Haddon, E; Potter, J; de Bezenac, C; ... Welch, G; + view all (2008) From music student to professional: the process of transition. British Journal of Music Education , 25 (3) pp. 315-331. Green open access


de Freitas, S; Oliver, M; Mee, A; Mayes, T; (2008) The practitioner perspective on the modeling of pedagogy and practice. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED LEARNING , 24 (1) pp. 26-38. 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2007.00241.x. Green open access

Deng, Zongyi; Luke, A; (2008) Subject matter: Defining and theorising school subjects. In: Connelly, FM and He, MF and Phillion, J, (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Curriculum and Instruction. (pp. 66-90). Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA, USA. Green open access

Derry, J; (2008) Technology-enhanced learning : a question of knowledge. Journal of Philosophy of Education , 42 (3/4) pp. 505-519. Green open access

Dex, S; Rosenberg, R; Hawkes, D; (2008) Ethnic minorities and non-response in the Millennium Cohort Study. Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Dex, S; Ward, K; Joshi, H; (2008) Gender differences in occupational wage mobility in the 1958 cohort. Work, Employment and Society , 22 (2) pp. 263-280. 10.1177/0950017008089104. Green open access

Durden, GP; (2008) Assessment objectives: are they really at the heart of GCSE Business Studies. Teaching Business and Economics , 12 (1) pp. 16-19. Green open access


Ehren, MCM; Visscher, AJ; (2008) The relationships between school inspections, school characteristics and school improvement. British Journal of Educational Studies , 56 (2) pp. 205-227. 10.1111/j.1467-8527.2008.00400.x. Green open access

Elliott, J; (2008) The narrative potential of the British Birth Cohort Studies. Qualitative Research , 8 (3) pp. 411-421. Green open access

Elliott, J; Vaitilingam, R; Elliott, J; (2008) Now we are 50: Key findings from the National Child Development Study. Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access


Farran, EK; (2008) Strategies and biases in location memory in Williams syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities , 29 (5) pp. 385-397. 10.1016/j.ridd.2007.07.002. Green open access

Farran, EK; Brown, JH; Cole, VL; Houston-Price, C; Karmiloff-Smith, A; (2008) A longitudinal study of perceptual grouping by proximity, luminance and shape in infants at two, four and six months. International Journal of Developmental Sciences , 2 (4) pp. 353-369. 10.3233/DEV-2008-2402. Green open access

Farran, EK; Cole, VL; (2008) Perceptual grouping and distance estimates in typical and atypical development: comparing performance across perception, drawing and construction tasks. Brain and Cognition , 68 (2) pp. 157-165. 10.1016/j.bandc.2008.04.001. Green open access

Fielding, M; (2008) Personalisation, education and the market. Soundings pp. 56-69.

Flouri, E; Hawkes, D; (2008) Ambitious mothers-successful daughters: Mothers' early expectations for children's education and children's earnings and sense of control in adult life. BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY , 78 pp. 411-433. 10.1348/000709907X251280. Green open access

Fumasoli, T; (2008) Governance in Swiss Universities. A comparative Analysis through Cantonal and Federal laws. (USI Working Papers ). Università della Svizzera italiana: Lugano, Switzerland.


Gaunt, H; Hallam, S; (2008) Individuality in the learning of musical skills. In: Hallam, Susan and Cross, Ian and Thaut, Michael H, (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford Academic: Oxford, UK.

Gillett, Andrew; Hammond, Angela; (2008) Preparing for assessment in foundation programmes. InForm (2) pp. 3-4. Green open access

Glauert, EB; (2008) Making Sense of Electricity in Reception and Year 1. UNSPECIFIED thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Green, Francis; (2008) Leeway for the Loyal: A Model of Employee Discretion. British Journal of Industrial Relations , 46 (1) pp. 1-32. 10.1111/j.1467-8543.2007.00666.x. Green open access

Green, L; (2008) Group cooperation, inclusion and disaffected pupils: some responses to informal learning in the music classroom. Music Education Research , 10 (2) pp. 177-192. 10.1080/14613800802079049. Green open access

Green, L; (2008) Beyond Lucy Green: operationalizing theories of informal music learning: panel presentation, AERA Conference 2008, New York, NY: response to panel. Visions of Research in Music Education , 12 Green open access

Guile, D; Okumoto, K; (2008) Developing vocational practice in the jewellery sector through the incubation of a new "project-object". International Journal of Educational Research , 47 (4) pp. 252-260. 10.1016/j.ijer.2008.07.004. Green open access

Guinea-Martin, D; Elliott, J; (2008) Economic position and occupational segregation in the 1990s: A comparison of the ONS Longitudinal Study and the 1958 National Child Development Study. Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access


Hallam, S; MacDonald, R; (2008) The effects of music in community and educational settings. In: Hallam, Susan and Cross, Ian and Thaut, Michael H, (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. (pp. 471-480). Oxford Academic: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Hallam, S; Rogers, L; Ireson, J; (2008) Ability grouping in the secondary school: Attitudes of teachers of practically based subjects. International Journal of Research and Method in Education , 31 (2) pp. 181-192. 10.1080/17437270802124657. Green open access

Hallam, Susan; (2008) Where now? In: Hallam, Susan and Cross, Ian and Thaut, Michael H, (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. (pp. 561-568). Oxford Academic: Oxford, UK.

Hallam, Susan; (2008) Motivation to learn. In: Hallam, Susan and Cross, Ian and Thaut, Michael H., (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. (pp. 285-294). Oxford Academic: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Hallam, S; Ireson, J; (2008) Subject domain differences in secondary school teachers' attitudes towards grouping pupils by ability. Journal of the Institute for Educational Research [Zbornik Instituta za pedagoska istrazivanja, Belgrade] , 40 (2) pp. 369-387. Green open access

Hawkes, D; Plewis, I; Verropoulou, G; (2008) Missing Income Data in the Millennium Cohort Study: Evidence from the First Two Sweeps. Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Hopkins, J; Gibson, W; Ros i sole, C; Savvides, N; Starkey, H; (2008) Interaction and Critical Inquiry in Asynchronous Computer-Mediated Conferencing: A Research Agenda. Open Learning , 23 pp. 29-42. 10.1080/02680510701815301. Green open access

Hoyles, C; (2008) Working in partnership: Continuing Professional Development for teachers of mathematics and the role of the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics. MSOR Connections , 8 pp. 8-10. Green open access

Hoyles, C; (2008) Reflections and transformations: a mathematical biography. In: Niss, M, (ed.) (pp. pp. 255-265).

Hoyles, C; Noss, R; (2008) Next steps in implementing Kaput's research programme. Educational Studies in Mathematics , 68 (2) pp. 85-97. Green open access

Hurry, Jane; Brazier, Laura; Wilson, Anita; (2008) Improving the Literacy and Numeracy of Young Offenders. In: Reder, Stephen and Bynner, John, (eds.) Tracking Adult Literacy and Numeracy Skills: Findings from Longitudinal Research. (pp. 261-280). Routledge: Abingdon, UK. Green open access


Isaacs, T; (2008) Adamson, Robin. (2007). The Defence of French: A Language in Crisis? Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters. Pp. 199, US$59.96 (cloth). Canadian Modern Language Review , 64 (3) pp. 526-528. 10.3138/cmlr.64.3.523.


James, M; Pollard, A; (2008) What have we have learned from TLRP? Education Review , 21 (1) pp. 90-100.

Jewitt, C; (2008) Multimodal discourses across the curriculum. In: Hornberger, NH and Mejía, D, (eds.) Encyclopedia Of Language And Education 2nd Edition. (pp. 357-367). Springer US: New York.

Jørgensen, H; Hallam, S; (2008) Practising. In: Hallam, Susan and Cross, Ian and Thaut, Michael H., (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. (pp. 265-273). Oxford Academic: Oxford, UK. Green open access


Kaput, J; Noss, R; Hoyles, C; (2008) Developing new notations for a learnable mathematics in the computational era. In: English, L, (ed.) Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education (second edition). (pp. 693-715). Routledge: New York ; London.

Kneale, D; Joshi, H; (2008) Postponement and childlessness: Evidence from two British cohorts. DEMOGRAPHIC RESEARCH , 19 (ARTN 58) pp. 1935-1968. 10.4054/DemRes.2008.19.58. Green open access

Knight, A; Petrie, P; Potts, P; Zuurmond, M; (2008) The school lives of children and young people with a spinal cord injury. Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London: London, UK. Green open access


Lambert, D; (2008) The Prospects for School Geography in England. In: Donert, K and Wall, G, (eds.) Future Perspectives in Geography: Proc. HERODOT Conference. (pp. 249-262). Herodot/Liverpool Hope University Press: Liverpool.

Lapping, C; (2008) The ethics of interpretation : The signifying chain from field to analysis. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education , 29 (1) pp. 69-83. 10.1080/01596300701801351. Green open access

Laurillard, D; (2008) Technology Enhanced Learning as a Tool for Pedagogical Innovation. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION , 42 (3-4) pp. 521-533. 10.1111/j.1467-9752.2008.00658.x. Green open access

Levinson, R; (2008) A theory of curricular approaches to the teaching of socio-scientific issues. Alexandria: Revista de Educação em Ciência e Tecnologia , 1 (1) pp. 133-151. Green open access

Levinson, R; Neumann, T; (2008) Designing a mixed mode Masters module in Science Education to support shared construction of knowledge and critical reflection. Reflecting Education , 4 (1) pp. 92-102. Green open access

Lindsay, G; Dockrell, JE; Mackie, C; (2008) Vulnerability to bullying in children with a history of specific speech and language difficulties. European Journal of Special Needs Education , 23 (1) pp. 1-16. 10.1080/08856250701791203. Green open access


Margaret, S; (2008) Popular Histories : A Study of Historical Non-Fiction Books for Children. UNSPECIFIED thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Mayer, S; Tydda, H; Fitt, V; (2008) Reflexive on Leading Inquiry-based Professional Learning Communities. Presented at: BELMAS Workshop, Birmingham, UK. Green open access

McCulloch, G; (2008) Parity and prestige in English secondary education revisited. British Journal of Sociology of Education , 29 (4) pp. 381-389. 10.1080/01425690802160252. Green open access

McCulloch, G; (2008) Historical insider education in education. In: Sikes, P and Potts, A, (eds.) Researching education from the inside: Investigations from within. (pp. 51-63). Routledge: Abingdon.

McCulloch, G; Crook, D; (2008) The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Education. Routledge: London.

McPherson, G; Hallam, S; (2008) Musical potential. In: Hallam, Susan and Cross, Ian and Thaut, Michael H, (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. (pp. 255-264). Oxford Academic: Oxford, UK.

Meecham, P; (2008) Reconfiguring the shipping news: Maritime's hidden histories and the politics of gender display. Sex Education , 8 (3) pp. 371-380. 10.1080/14681810802218478. Green open access

Mehmedbegovic, Dina; (2008) 'Miss, who needs the languages of immigrants?' : a study in attitudes and values attached to bilingualism in England and Wales. Doctoral thesis (EdD), Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

UNSPECIFIED (Ed). (2008) Editorial: From Pedagogic Research to Embedded E-Learning. [Whole issue]. Reflecting Education , 4 Green open access

Mooney, A; Owen, C; Statham, J; (2008) Disabled children: Numbers, characteristics and local service provision. Department for Children, Schools and Families, Nottingham. Green open access

Mor, Y; Noss, R; (2008) Programming as mathematical narrative. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning , 18 (2) pp. 214-233.

Morris, Paul; (2008) Education, politics and the state in Hong Kong. In: Lall, Marie and Vickers, Edward, (eds.) Education as a Political Tool in Asia. (pp. 83-101). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Morton, T; Gray, J; (2008) The mediating role of talk-in-interaction in guided lesson planning in a pre-service TESOL training course: an ethnomethodological and activity-theoretic perspective. In: Ellis, V, (ed.) Sociocultural Perspectives on Teacher Education and Development: New Directions for Research. Oxford University Research Archive (ORA): Oxford, UK. Green open access


Neupane, B; Pherali, TJ; (2008) Peace Process Communication Campaign: Final Evaluation Report. Search for Common Ground Nepal: Kathmandu, Nepal.


Oliver, S; Bagnall, A; Thomas, J; Shepherd, J; Sowden, A; White, I; Dinnes, J; + view all (2008) RCTs for policy interventions?: a review of reviews and meta-regression. Unit of Public Health, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Birmingham: Birmingham.

Oliver, S; Kavanagh, J; Caird, J; Lorenc, T; Oliver, K; Harden, A; Thomas, J; + view all (2008) Health promotion, inequalities and young people's health: a systematic review of research. EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access


Pachler, N; (2008) E-learning (Research) and Foreign Languages: an Introduction. In: Marriott, RDCV and Torres, L and Marriott, DCV, (eds.) Handbook of Research on E-Learning Methodologies for Language Acquisition. (xxiii-xxix). Information Science Reference (Idea Group Reference): Hershey, Pennsylvania.

Pachler, N; (2008) Modern languages. In: McCulloch, G and Crook, D, (eds.) The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Education. Routledge: London.

Pachler, N; Makoe, P; Burns, M; Blommaert, J; (2008) The things (we think) we (ought to) do: Ideological processes and practices in teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education , 24 (2) pp. 437-450. Green open access

Paran, A; (2008) The role of literature in instructed foreign language learning and teaching: An evidence-based survey. Language Teaching , 41 (4) pp. 465-496. 10.1017/S026144480800520X. Green open access

Parsons, S; Bynner, J; (2008) Illuminating Disadvantage: Profiling the experiences of adults with Entry level literacy or numeracy over the lifecourse. National Research and Development Centre for adult literacy and numeracy, Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access

Pearce, Darren; Mavrikis, Manolis; Geraniou, Eirini; Gutiérrez, Sergio; (2008) Issues in the Design of an Environment to Support the Learning of Mathematical Generalisation. In: Dillenbourg, Pierre and Specht, Marcus, (eds.) Times of Convergence: Technologies Across Learning Contexts. (pp. pp. 326-337). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Pelletier, C; (2008) Book Review: The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning. Information Design Journal , 16 (1) pp. 81-83. Green open access

Pelletier, C; (2008) Gaming in Context: How Young People Construct Their Gendered Identities in Playing and Making Games. In: Kafai, YB and Heeter, C and Denner, J and Sun, JY and Kafai, YB and Sun, JY, (eds.) Beyond Barbie and Mortal Kombat: New Perspectives on Gender and Gaming. (pp. 145-159). MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.

Pelletier, C; (2008) What Education has to Teach Us about Games and Game Play. In: Willett, R and Robinson, M and M. And Marsh, J, (eds.) Play, Creativity and Digital Cultures. (pp. 166-182). Routledge: Abingdon.

Pelletier, C; Jara, M; (2008) Linking e-learning research and teaching practice: lessons from PREEL. Reflecting Education , 4 pp. 42-50. Green open access

Pellicano, L; Gibson, L; (2008) Investigating the functional integrity of the dorsal visual pathway in autism and dyslexia. Neuropsychologia , 46 (10) pp. 2593-2596. 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2008.04.008. Green open access

Peppin Vaughan, R; Mohan, N; (2008) Nationhood and the Education of the Female Citizen in India. In: Arnot, M and Fennell, S, (eds.) Gender, Education and Equality in a Global Context. (pp. 181-195). Routledge: London. Green open access

Pollard, A; (2008) Knowledge transformation and impact: Aspirations and experiences from TLRP. Cambridge Journal of Education , 38 (1) pp. 5-22. 10.1080/03057640801889949. Green open access

Pollard, A; (2008) Towards new strategic initiatives for research capacity in Education: a discussion paper. Building Research Capacity , 13 pp. 77-93. Green open access

Potter, J; (2008) Re-designing an MA module to foster agency, engagement and production in online social software. Reflecting Education , 4 (1) pp. 81-91. Green open access

Potter, J; (2008) The locative narrative: Katie and Aroti - "This is where we always used to sit". Media Education Journal , 44 pp. 24-27.

Preece, S; (2008) Multilingual Gendered Identities: Female Undergraduate Students in London Talk about Heritage Languages. Journal of Language, Identity and Education , 7 (1) pp. 41-60. 10.1080/15348450701804706. Green open access

Preece, S; (2008) Masculine identities on an academic writing programme. In: Omoniyi, T and White, G, (eds.) The Sociolinguistics of Identity. A&C Black

Price, S; Sheridan, J; Pontual Falcao, T; Roussos, G; (2008) Towards a framework for investigating tangible environments for learning. International Journal of Arts and Technology , 1 (3/4) pp. 351-368. Green open access

Pridmore, P; (2008) Access to conventional schooling for children and young people affected by HIV and AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa: a cross-national review of recent research evidence. SOFIE, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access


Reiss, M; (2008) Teaching evolution in a creationist environment: an approach based on worldviews, not misconceptions. School Science Review , 90 (331) pp. 49-56. Green open access

Reiss, M; (2008) The use of ethical frameworks by students following a new science course for 16-18 year-olds. Science and Education , 17 (8-9) pp. 889-902. 10.1007/s11191-006-9070-6. Green open access

Reiss, MJ; (2008) Should science educators deal with the science/religion issue? Studies in Science Education , 44 (2) pp. 157-186. 10.1080/03057260802264214. Green open access

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