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Abbott, RA; Ploubidis, GB; Huppert, FA; Kuh, D; Wadsworth, MEJ; Croudace, TJ; (2006) Psychometric evaluation and predictive validity of Ryffs psychological well-being items in a UK birth cohort sample of women. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes , 4 , Article 76. 10.1186/1477-7525-4-76. Green open access

Addison, N; (2006) Acknowledging the gap between sex education and the lived experiences of young people: a discussion of Paula Rego's The Pillowman (2004) and other cautionary tales. Sex Education , 6 (4) pp. 351-365. Green open access

Addison, N; (2006) Who's Afraid of Signs and Significations: Defending Semiotics in the Secondary Art and Design Curriculum. In: Hardy, T, (ed.) Art Education in a Postmodern World: Collected Essays. (pp. 1-10). Intellect Books: Bristol.

Addison, N; Burgess, L; (2006) En-Quire: Critical Minds Project. Arts Council; Engage, London.

Alderson, P; (2006) Parents' consent to neonatal decisions about feeding and discharge. Journal of Neonatal Nursing , 12 (1) pp. 6-13. 10.1016/j.jnn.2005.09.003. Green open access

Alderson, P; Hawthorne, J; Killen, M; (2006) Parents' experiences of sharing neonatal information and decisions: consent, cost and risk. Social Science & Medicine , 62 (6) pp. 1319-1329. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2005.07.035. Green open access

Alderson, P; Morrow, V; (2006) Multidisciplinary research ethics review: Is it feasible? International Journal of Social Research Methodology , 9 (5) pp. 405-417. 10.1080/13645570500435207. Green open access

Alderson, P; Sutcliffe, K; Curtis, K; (2006) Children as partners with adults in their medical care. Archives of Disease in Childhood , 91 (4) pp. 300-303. 10.1136/adc.2005.079442. Green open access

Alderson, P; Sutcliffe, K; Curtis, K; (2006) Children's competence to consent to medical treatment. Hastings Center Report , 36 (6) pp. 25-34. 10.1353/hcr.2006.0000. Green open access

Amos, R; Reiss, M; (2006) What contribution can residential field courses make to the education of 11-14 year-olds? School Science Review , 88 (322) pp. 37-44. Green open access


Bakker, A; Hoyles, C; Noss, R; Kent, P; (2006) Improving work processes by making the invisible visible. Journal of Education and Work , 19 pp. 343-361. 10.1080/13639080600867133. Green open access

Ball, SJ; (2006) The necessity and violence of theory. In: (pp. pp. 3-10). Green open access

Banks, J; Clark-Wilson, A; (2006) Assessment for Learning in Mathematics Project: June 2005 – April 2006. West Sussex School Improvement Service/University of Chichester: Chichester.

Best, RM; Dockrell, JE; Braisby, N; (2006) Lexical acquisition in elementary science classes. JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY , 98 (4) pp. 824-838. 10.1037/0022-0663.98.4.824. Green open access

Best, RM; Dockrell, JE; Braisby, NR; (2006) Real-world word learning: Exploring children's developing semantic representations of a science term. BRITISH JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY , 24 pp. 265-282. 10.1348/026151005X36128. Green open access

Brant, J; (2006) Subject knowledge and pedagogic knowledge: ingredients for good teaching? An English perspective. Edukacja , 94 (2) pp. 60-77. Green open access

Braund, M; Reiss, M; (2006) Towards a more authentic science curriculum: The contribution of out-of-school learning. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION , 28 (12) pp. 1373-1388. 10.1080/09500690500498419. Green open access

Braund, M; Reiss, M; (2006) Validity and worth in the science curriculum: learning school science outside the laboratory. The Curriculum Journal , 17 pp. 213-228. 10.1080/09585170600909662. Green open access

Brewis, G; (2006) Attitudes to diversity among governors in further education colleges. Association of Colleges; Institute for Volunteering Research: London, UK.

Brown, A; (2006) Languages of description and the education of researchers. In: Knowledge, Power and Educational Reform: Applying the Sociology of Basil Bernstein. (pp. 129-145).

Bubb, S; Earley, P; (2006) Induction rites and wrongs: The ‘educational vandalism’ of new teachers’ professional development. Journal of In-Service Education , 32 (1) pp. 5-12. 10.1080/13674580500479844. Green open access

Burgess, L; Reay, D; (2006) Postmodern feminisms: problematic paradigms in art education. In: Hardy, T, (ed.) Art education in a postmodern world: collected essays. (pp. 1-15). Intellect: Bristol.

Burgess, L; Williamson, C; (2006) From art and design to citizenship: the role of built environment education. In: Breslin, T and Dufour, B, (eds.) Developing citizens: a comprehensive introduction to effective citizenship education in the secondary school. (pp. 36-44). Hodder Murray: London.

Bynner, J; Parsons, S; (2006) Does Numeracy Matter More? National Research and Development Centre for adult literacy and numeracy, Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access

Bynner, J; Parsons, S; (2006) New Light on Literacy and Numeracy: Full Report. National Research and Development Centre for adult literacy and numeracy, Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access


Cameron, C; (2006) Men in the Nursery Revisited: issues of male workers and professionalism. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood , 7 (1) pp. 68-79. Green open access

Carpentier, V; (2006) Funding in Higher Education and Economic Growth in France and the United Kingdom, 1921-2003. Higher Education Management and Policy , 18 (3) pp. 1-26. Green open access

Carpentier, V; (2006) Public expenditure on education and economic growth in the USA in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in comparative perspective. PAEDAGOGICA HISTORICA , 42 (6) pp. 683-706. 10.1080/00309230600929450. Green open access

Chase, E; Goodrich, R; Simon, A; Holtermann, S; Aggleton, P; (2006) Evaluating school-based health services to inform future practice: Lessons from "Teen Talk" at Kidbrooke school in Greenwich. Health Education , 106 (1) pp. 42-59. 10.1108/09654280610637193. Green open access

Chase, E; (2006) Meeting the sexual health needs of young people living on the street. In: Ingham, R and Aggleton, P, (eds.) Promoting Young People’s Sexual Health International Perspectives. (pp. 81-97). Routledge

Chase, E; Maxwell, C; Knight, A; Aggleton, P; (2006) Pregnancy and parenthood among young people in and leaving care: what are the influencing factors, and what makes a difference in providing support? Journal of Adolescence , 29 (3) pp. 437-451. 10.1016/j.adolescence.2006.01.003. Green open access

Cigman, R; (2006) The Gifted Child: A Conceptual Enquiry. Oxford Review of Education , 32 (2) pp. 197-212. 10.1080/03054980600645388. Green open access

Cooper, R; Blell, M; Hardy, R; Black, S; Pollard, TM; Wadsworth, MEJ; Pearce, MS; (2006) Validity of age at menarche self-reported in adulthood. J EPIDEMIOL COMMUN H , 60 (11) 993 - 997. 10.1136/jech.2005.043182. Green open access

Cowan, R; Carney, DPJ; (2006) Calendrical savants: Exceptionality and practice. COGNITION , 100 (2) B1-B9. 10.1016/j.cognition.2005.08.001. Green open access

Creech, A; (2006) Dynamics, harmony, and discord : a systems analysis of teacher-pupil-parent interaction in instrumental learning. UNSPECIFIED thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Creech, A; Hallam, S; (2006) Every picture tells a story: pupil representations of learning the violin. Educate , 6 (1) pp. 35-56. Green open access


Daly, C; Pachler, N; Pickering, J; Bezemer, J; (2006) Project Report: A study of e-learners' experiences in mixed-mode professional degree programme, the Masters of Teaching. Institute of Education, University of London: London, UK. Green open access

De Stavola, BL; Nitsch, D; Silva, ID; McCormack, V; Hardy, R; Mann, V; Cole, TJ; ... Leon, DA; + view all (2006) Statistical issues in life course epidemiology. AM J EPIDEMIOL , 163 (1) 84 - 96. 10.1093/aje/kwj003. Green open access

Deng, Z; Gopinathan, S; (2006) Fostering school-based curriculum development in the context of new educational initiatives in Singapore. Planning and Changing: An Educational Leadership and Policy Journal , 37 (1-2) pp. 93-110. Green open access

Dex, S; Ward, K; Joshi, H; (2006) Changes in women's occupations and occupational mobility over 25 years. Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Dittman, R; Meecham, P; (2006) Transgender and art in the school curriculum. Sex Education , 6 (4) pp. 403-414. 10.1080/14681810600982176. Green open access

Dockrell, J; Stuart, M; King, D; (2006) Implementing effective oral language interventions in preschool settings: no simple solutions. In: Clegg, J and Ginsborg, J and Ginsbourg, J, (eds.) Language and social disadvantage: theory into practice. (pp. 177-187). Wiley: Chichester.

Dockrell, JE; Lindsay, G; Letchford, B; Mackie, C; (2006) Educational provision for children with specific speech and language difficulties: perspectives of speech and language therapy service managers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION DISORDERS , 41 (4) pp. 423-440. 10.1080/13682820500442073. Green open access


Evans, K; (2006) Achieving equity through ‘gender autonomy’: The challenges for VET policy and practice. Journal of Vocational Education and Training , 58 (4) pp. 393-408. 10.1080/13636820601005453. Green open access

Evans, J; Morgan, C; Tsatsaroni, A; (2006) Discursive positioning and emotion in school mathematics practices. Educational Studies in Mathematics , 63 pp. 209-226. Green open access


Farran, EK; (2006) Orientation coding: a specific deficit in Williams syndrome? Developmental Neuropsychology , 29 (3) pp. 397-414. 10.1207/s15326942dn2903_1. Green open access

Flewitt, R; Gillen, J; (2006) UKLA Response to Draft Early Years Foundation Stage. The UK Literacy Association (UKLA): Leicester, UK. Green open access


Goodwin, T; Hallam, S; (2006) Adult Learning: The role of emotional intelligence. In: Crowther, J and Sutherland, P, (eds.) Lifelong learning: Concepts and contexts. (pp. 117-126). Routledge: London.

Green, A; Preston, J; Janmaat, G; (2006) Education, Equality and Social Cohesion - A Comparative Analysis. [Book]. Palgrave: Basingstoke, UK.

Green, L; (2006) Popular music education in and for itself, and for 'other' music: Current research in the classroom. International Journal of Music Education , 24 (2) pp. 101-118. 10.1177/0255761406065471. Green open access

Green, A; (2006) National Educational Systems and Comparative Education: from State Formation to Globalization. In: Pang, NSK, (ed.) Globalisation, Education Research, change and Reform. Chinese University Press: Hong Kong.

Guile, D; (2006) Access, learning and development in the creative and cultural sectors: From 'creative apprenticeship' to 'being apprenticed'. Journal of Education and Work , 19 (5) pp. 433-453. 10.1080/13639080600988715. Green open access


Hallam, S; Ireson, J; (2006) Secondary school pupils' preferences for different types of structured grouping practices. British Educational Research Journal , 32 (4) pp. 583-599. 10.1080/01411920600775274. Green open access

Hansen, K; Joshi, H; Verropoulou, G; (2006) Childcare and mothers’ employment: Approaching the millennium. National Institute Economic Review , 195 (1) pp. 84-102. 10.1177/0027950106064039. Green open access

Heilbronn, R; (2006) The Construction of Teacher Knowledge. International Journal of Humanities , 3 (1) pp. 129-136. Green open access

Hodgson, A; Spours, K; Wilson, P; (2006) Tomlinson and the Framework for Achievement: A unified answer to a divided system. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE): Leicester.

Hoyles, C; Lagrange, J; Noss, R; (2006) Developing and evaluating alternative technological infrastructures for learning mathematics. In: Maasz, J and Schloeglmann, W, (eds.) New mathematics education research and practice. (pp. 278-300). Sense: Rotterdam.

Hoyles, C; Noss, R; (2006) Learning mathematics by constructing and sharing models. In: Haines, C and Galbraith, P and Blum, W and Khan, S, (eds.) Mathematical modelling (ICTMA 12): education, engineering and economics: proceedings from the twelfth International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling and Applications. (pp. 79-88). Horwood Publishing: Chichester.

Hoyles, C; Noss, R; Kent, P; Bakker, A; (2006) Techno-mathematical literacies and functional mathematics 14-19. In: Brown, A and Pollard, A, (eds.) 14-19 education and training: a commentary by the Teaching and Learning Research Programme. (pp. 14-19). Teaching and Learning Research Programme: London.


Jackson, S; Simon, A; (2006) The costs and benefits of educating children in care. Routledge, London. Green open access

Jenkins, A; Levacic, R; Vignoles, A; (2006) Estimating the relationship between school resources and pupil attainment at GCSE. (DfES Research Report 727 ). DfES: London. Green open access

Jewitt, C; (2006) Invisible systems: some ideas on the work of Tino Sehgal. Jan Mot (52)


Kahn, Ken; Noss, Richard; Hoyles, Celia; Jones, Duncan; (2006) Designing Digital Technologies for Layered Learning. In: Mittermeir, Roland T, (ed.) Informatics Education: The Bridge between Using and Understanding Computers. (pp. pp. 267-278). Springer: Berlin, Germany. Green open access

Kerawalla, L; Luckin, R; Seljeflot, S; Woolard, A; (2006) "Making it real": Exploring the potential of augmented reality for teaching primary school science. Virtual Reality , 10 (3-4) pp. 163-174. 10.1007/s10055-006-0036-4. Green open access

Knight, A; Clark, A; Petrie, P; Statham, J; (2006) The Views of Children and Young People with Learning Disabilities about the Support they Receive from Social Services: A Review of Consultations and Methods. Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access


Lapping, C; (2006) Recodifications of academic positions and reiterations of desire: change but continuity in gendered subjectivities. Studies in Higher Education , 31 (4) pp. 423-437. 10.1080/03075070600800509. Green open access

Leaton Gray, Sandra; (2006) Teachers Under Siege. [Book]. Trentham Books Limited: Stoke on Trent, UK and Sterling, USA. Green open access

Leaton Gray, S. H.; (2006) What Does it Mean to Be a Teacher? Three Tensions within Contemporary Teacher Professionalism Examined in Terms of Government Policy and the Knowledge Economy. Forum , 48 (3) pp. 305-316. 10.2304/forum.2006.48.3.305. Green open access

Levinson, R; Frost, J; Amos, R; (2006) How do weekly mentor sessions and written lesson feedback support science beginning teachers in explaining complex science concepts? Green open access

Lindley, J; Dale, A; Dex, S; (2006) Ethnic differences in women's employment: the changing role of qualifications. Oxford Economic Papers , 58 (2) pp. 351-378. Green open access

Lucas, Sylvia; Insley, Kim; Buckland, Gill; (2006) Nurture Group Principles and Curriculum Guidelines: Helping Children to Achieve. The Nurture Group Network: London, UK. Green open access


Male, T; (2006) Being an effective headteacher. (1st ed.). SAGE Publications Ltd: London, UK. Green open access

Mallows, D; (2006) Insights – What research has to tell us about ESOL. [Book]. (1st ed.). NRDC: London, UK. Green open access

Maxwell, C; (2006) Context and “contextualisation” in sex and relationships education. Health Education , 106 (6) pp. 437-449. 10.1108/09654280610711398. Green open access

Maxwell, C; (2006) Understanding Young Women's Sexual Relationship Experiences: The Nature and Role of Vulnerability. Journal of Youth Studies , 9 (2) pp. 141-158. 10.1080/13676260600635615. Green open access

McCowan, T; (2006) Educating citizens for participatory democracy: A case study of local government education policy in Pelotas, Brazil. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT , 26 (5) pp. 456-470. 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2005.09.011. Green open access

McMunn, A; Bartley, M; Hardy, R; Kuh, D; (2006) Life course social roles and women's health in mid-life: causation or selection? J EPIDEMIOL COMMUN H , 60 (6) 484 - 489. 10.1136/jech.2005.042473. Green open access

Messer, D; Dockrell, JE; (2006) Children's naming and word-finding difficulties: Descriptions and explanations. JOURNAL OF SPEECH LANGUAGE AND HEARING RESEARCH , 49 (2) pp. 309-324. 10.1044/1092-4388(2006/025). Green open access

Mooney, A; Statham, J; Wigfall, V; (2006) An Audit Tool to Assess Implementation of Standard 8 of the Children?s National Service Framework: A Scoping Study. Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London Green open access

Moore, A; (2006) Recognising Desire: A psychosocial approach to understanding education policy implementation and effect. Oxford Review of Education , 32 (4) pp. 487-503. Green open access

Moore, A; (2006) Curriculum As Culture: entitlement, bias and the Bourdieusean arbitrary. In: Moore, A, (ed.) Schooling, Society and Curriculum. (pp. 87-99). Routledge: Abingdon, UK. Green open access

Moore, A; (2006) Understanding the social self: the role and importance of reflexivity in schoolteachers' professional learning. In: Townsend, T and Bates, R, (eds.) Handbook of Teacher Education: globalization standards and professionalism in times of change. (pp. 571-583). Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht.

Mor, Y; Noss, R; Hoyles, C; Kahn, K; Simpson, G; (2006) Designing to see and share structure in number sequences. International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education , 13 (2) pp. 65-78.

Mytton, JA; DiGuiseppi, C; Gough, D; Taylor, R; Logan, S; (2006) School-Based Violence Prevention Programs: Systematic Review of Secondary Prevention Trials. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine , 156 (8) pp. 752-762. 10.1001/archpedi.156.8.752. Green open access


O'Mara, AJ; Marsh, HW; Craven, RG; (2006) A comprehensive multilevel model meta-analysis of self-concept interventions. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial SELF Research Conference 2006. The University of Michigan: Ann Arbor, Michigan. Green open access

O'Regan, JP; (2006) El Text Com a Objecte Crític: Teorització del Procediment Exegètic en l'Anàlisi Crítica del Discurs. In: Climent, L, (ed.) Anàlisi Crítica del Discurs Mitjans de Comminicació i Llengua. Servei de Publicacions: Valencia, Spain. Green open access

O'Regan, John P.; (2006) The Text as a Critical Object: On Theorising Exegetic Procedure in Classroom-Based Critical Discourse Analysis. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of London. Green open access

O'Regan, JP; (2006) The text as a critical object: on theorising exegetic procedure in classroom-based critical discourse analysis. Critical Discourse Studies , 3 (2) pp. 179-209. 10.1080/17405900600908111. Green open access

O'Regan, JP; (2006) This risky order of discourse: the normativity debate in critical discourse studies. Critical Discourse Studies , 3 (2) pp. 229-235. 10.1080/17405900600908145. Green open access

Oakley, A; Strange, V; Bonell, C; Allen, E; Stephenson, J; RIPPLE Study Team; (2006) Process evaluation in randomised controlled trials of complex interventions. BMJ , 332 (7538) pp. 413-416. 10.1136/bmj.332.7538.413. Green open access

Oliver, C; Knight, A; Candappa, M; (2006) Advocacy for looked after children and children in need: achievements and challenges. Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Osler, A; Starkey, H; (2006) Education for democratic citizenship: A review of research, policy and practice 1995-20051. Research Papers in Education , 21 (4) pp. 433-466. 10.1080/02671520600942438. Green open access


Pelletier, C; (2006) Book Review: "Communication Theory: media, technology and society" by David Holmes. Cambridge Journal of Education , 36 (1) pp. 145-146. 10.1080/03057640500491146. Green open access

Pelletier, C; Oliver, M; (2006) Learning to play in digital games. Learning, Media and Technology , 31 (4) pp. 329-342. 10.1080/17439880601021942. Green open access

Pelletier, C; Oliver, M; (2006) Activity theory and learning from digital games: implications for game design. In: Buckingham, D and Willett, R, (eds.) Digital Generations: children, young people, and new media. (pp. 67-92). Lawrence Erlbaum: Mahwah, NJ.

Pellicano, E; Maybery, M; Durkin, K; Maley, A; (2006) Multiple cognitive capabilities/deficits in children with an autism spectrum disorder: 'Weak' central coherence and its relationship to theory of mind and executive control. Development and Psychopathology , 18 (1) pp. 77-98. 10.1017/S0954579406060056. Green open access

Perryman, J; (2006) Panoptic performativity and school inspection regimes: Disciplinary mechanisms and life under special measures. Journal of Education Policy , 21 (2) pp. 147-161. 10.1080/02680930500500138. Green open access

Peters, J; Stylianidou, F; Ingram, C; Malek, R; Reiss, M; Chapman, S; (2006) Evaluation of Einstein Year. Institute of Education, University of London/Institute of Physics, London.

Plonsky, L; Mills, SV; (2006) An exploratory study of differing perceptions of error correction between a teacher and students: Bridging the gap. Applied Language Learning , 16 (1) pp. 55-74. Green open access

Pollard, A; (2006) What is and what might be? : TLRP strategies and the development of educational research : the SERA lecture 2003. Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Potter, J; (2006) Technology and education: debates, contexts and computers. In: Sharp, J and Ward, S and Hankin, L, (eds.) Education studies: an issues-based approach. (pp. 98-105). Learning Matters: Exeter.


Radford, J; Ireson, J; Mahon, M; (2006) Triadic dialogue in oral communication tasks: What are the implications for language learning? Language and Education , 20 (3) pp. 191-210. 10.1080/09500780608668723. Green open access

Rees, R; Kavanagh, J; Harden, A; Shepherd, J; Brunton, G; Oliver, S; Oakley, A; (2006) Young people and physical activity: a systematic review matching their views to effective interventions. Health Education Research , 21 (6) pp. 806-825. 10.1093/her/cyl120. Green open access

Reiss, M; (2006) Listening to pupils. In: Gilland, T and GIll, T, (eds.) What is Science Education For? (pp. 41-46). Academy of Ideas: London.

Reiss, MJ; (2006) Teacher education and the new biology. Teaching Education , 17 (2) pp. 121-131. 10.1080/10476210600680325. Green open access

Riordan, Sally; (2006) Book Review: Logical Pluralism, J.C. Beall & Greg Restall, Oxford University Press, 2005. 151 pages. Rerum Causae , 1 (1) pp. 56-57. Green open access

Riordan, Sally; (2006) Book Review: Physical Relativity, Harvey R. Brown, Oxford University Press, 2006. 239 pages. Rerum Causae , 1 (1) pp. 58-59. Green open access

Riordan, Sally; (2006) Explaining Mathematical Truths with a Switch of Structure. Rerum Causae , 1 (1) pp. 22-29. Green open access

Roussou, M; Oliver, M; Slater, M; (2006) The virtual playground: An educational virtual reality environment for evaluating interactivity and conceptual learning. Virtual Reality , 10 (3-4) pp. 227-240. 10.1007/s10055-006-0035-5. Green open access


Schellenberg, E; Hallam, S; (2006) Music listening and cognitive abilities in 10 and 11 year-olds: The Blur effect. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences , 1060 pp. 202-209. Green open access

Shattock, M; Farrant, J; Temple, P; (2006) New Variable Fee Arrangements: Baseline Institutional Studies for the Independent Commission: Summary of Search Findings. Department for Education and Skills, [London]. Green open access

Simpson, G; Hoyles, C; Noss, R; (2006) Exploring the mathematics of motion through construction and collaboration. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning , 22 (2) pp. 114-136. Green open access

Starkey, H; (2006) Intercultural Understanding and Human Rights Education: where are we now and where are we heading for? In: (pp. pp. 52-62).

Starkey, H; Hayward, J; Turner, K; (2006) Editorial: Education for Citizenship. Reflecting Education , 2 (2) pp. 1-7. Green open access

Statham, J; Cameron, C; (2006) Variations in duty arrangements to respond to concerns about children's welfare. Health and Social Care in the Community , 14 (2) pp. 167-176. Green open access

Statham, J; Cameron, C; Mooney, A; (2006) The tasks and roles of social workers: a focused overview of research evidence. Institute of Education, University of London Green open access

Storey, P; Statham, J; (2006) Mental health services for children and young people with learning disabilities. Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access

Stuart, M; (2006) Learning to read: developing processes for recognizing, understanding and pronouncing written words. London Review of Education , 4 (1) pp. 19-29. 10.1080/13603110600574330. Green open access

Sullivan, A; (2006) Students as Rational Decision-Makers: The Question of Beliefs and Attitudes. London Review of Education , 4 (3) pp. 271-290. 10.1080/14748460601043965. Green open access

Swain, J; (2006) The role of sport in the construction of masculinity in an English Independent school. Sport, Education & Society , 11 pp. 317-335. 10.1080/13573320600924841. Green open access

Sylva, K; Taggart, B; Siraj-Blatchford, I; Totsika, V; Ereky-Stevens, K; Gilden, R; Bell, D; (2006) Curricular Quality and Day-To-Day Learning Activities in Pre-School. International Journal of Early Years Education , 15 (1) pp. 49-65. 10.1080/09669760601106968. Green open access


Temple, P; (2006) Creating social capital: the impact of international programmes on Polish and Romanian higher education. Tertiary Education and Management , 12 (1) pp. 1-20. Green open access


Underwood, J; Smith, H; Luckin, R; du Boulay, B; Holmberg, J; Kerawalla, L; Tunley, H; (2006) Integrating Data from Multiple Contexts. In: Lulu: Proceedings HCI 2006 workshop on interaction track.


Van Herwegen, J; Karmiloff-Smith, A; (2006) Is it language that makes humans intelligent? Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 29 (3) 298 - 298. 10.1017/S0140525X0642906X. Green open access

Vorhaus, J; (2006) Four Years On: NRDC 2005-6 - Findings and Messages for Policy and Practice. National Research and Development Centre for adult literacy and numeracy, Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access


WATKINS, CHRIS; (2006) When Teachers Reclaim Learning. FORUM , 48 (2) p. 121. 10.2304/forum.2006.48.2.121. Green open access

Whitchurch, C; (2006) Professional Managers in UK Higher Education: Preparing for Complex Futures: Interim Report. Leadership Foundation for Higher Education (LFHE): London, UK.

Whitchurch, C; (2006) Who do they think they are? The changing identities of professional administrators and managers in UK higher education. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management , 28 (2) pp. 159-171. 10.1080/13600800600751002. Green open access

White, P; White, J; (2006) Comments on ??Child? or ?Curriculum?? On the genesis of a basic problem of ?modern? education? Zeitschrift f�r p�dagogische Historiographie , 12 pp. 38-39.

Wiggins, M; Sawtell, M; Austerberry, H; Burchett, H; Strange, V; (2006) Evaluation of the Young People's Development Programme: first interim report. Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Wiliam, D; (2006) Assessment for learning: why, what and how. Excellence in Assessment , 1 (1) pp. 2-16.

Wiliam, D; (2006) Assessment: learning communities can use it to engineer a bridge connecting teaching and learning. Journal of Staff Development , 27 (1) pp. 16-20.

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Wiliam, D; (2006) The half-second delay: what follows? Pedagogy, Culture and Society , 14 (1) pp. 71-81. 10.1080/14681360500487470. Green open access

Wiliam, D; (2006) Once you know what they?ve learned, what do you do next? Designing curriculum and assessment for growth. In: Green open access

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