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Abdelnour, C; Van Steenoven, I; Londos, E; Blanc, F; Auestad, B; Kramberger, MG; Zetterberg, H; ... Aarsland, D; + view all (2016) Alzheimer's disease cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers predict cognitive decline in lewy body dementia. Movement Disorders , 31 (8) pp. 1203-1208. 10.1002/mds.26668.

Aberg, ND; Stanne, TM; Jood, K; Schioler, L; Blomstrand, C; Andreasson, U; Blennow, K; ... Svensson, J; + view all (2016) Serum erythropoietin and outcome after ischaemic stroke: a prospective study. BMJ Open , 6 (2) , Article e009827. 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009827. Green open access

Adams, HHH; Hibar, DP; Chouraki, V; Stein, JL; Nyquist, PA; Renteria, ME; Trompet, S; ... Thompson, PM; + view all (2016) Novel genetic loci underlying human intracranial volume identified through genome-wide association. Nature Neuroscience , 19 (12) pp. 1569-1582. 10.1038/nn.4398. Green open access

Ahlgren, E; Hagberg, L; Fuchs, D; Andersson, L-M; Nilsson, S; Zetterberg, H; Gisslen, M; (2016) Association between Plasma Homocysteine Levels and Neuronal Injury in HIV Infection. PLOS ONE , 11 (7) , Article e0158973. 10.1371/journal.pone.0158973. Green open access

Ahmed, RM; Devenney, EM; Irish, M; Ittner, A; Naismith, S; Ittner, LM; Rohrer, JD; ... Kiernan, MC; + view all (2016) Neuronal network disintegration: common pathways linking neurodegenerative diseases. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry , 87 (11) 1234 -1241. 10.1136/jnnp-2014-308350. Green open access

Al-Shawi, R; Tennent, GA; Millar, DJ; Richard-Londt, A; Brandner, S; Werring, DJ; Simons, JP; (2016) Pharmacological removal of serum amyloid P component from intracerebral plaques and cerebrovascular Aβ amyloid deposits in vivo. Open Biology , 6 (2) , Article 150202. 10.1098/rsob.150202. Green open access

Alba Mane-Martinez, M; Olsson, B; Bau, L; Matas, E; Cobo-Calvo, A; Andreasson, U; Blennow, K; ... Zetterberg, H; + view all (2016) Glial and neuronal markers in cerebrospinal fluid in different types of multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neuroimmunology , 299 pp. 112-117. 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2016.08.004. Green open access

Almeida, MR; Letra, L; Pires, P; Santos, A; Rebelo, O; Guerreiro, R; van der Zee, J; ... Santana, I; + view all (2016) Characterization of an FTLD-PDB family with the coexistence of SQSTM1 mutation and hexanucleotide (G4C2) repeat expansion in C9orf72 gene. Neurobiology of Aging , 40 191.e1-191.e8. 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2015.12.015. Green open access

Andersson, C-H; Hansson, O; Minthon, L; Andreasen, N; Blennow, K; Zetterberg, H; Skoog, I; ... Kettunen, P; + view all (2016) A Genetic Variant of the Sortilin 1 Gene is Associated with Reduced Risk of Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease , 53 (4) pp. 1353-1363. 10.3233/JAD-160319. Green open access

Andreasson, U; Blennow, K; Zetterberg, H; (2016) Update on ultrasensitive technologies to facilitate research on blood biomarkers for central nervous system disorders. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring , 3 pp. 98-102. 10.1016/j.dadm.2016.05.005. Green open access

Anesten, B; Yilmaz, A; Hagberg, L; Zetterberg, H; Nilsson, S; Brew, BJ; Fuchs, D; ... Gisslén, M; + view all (2016) Blood-brain barrier integrity, intrathecal immunoactivation, and neuronal injury in HIV. Neurology: Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation , 3 (6) , Article e300. 10.1212/NXI.0000000000000300. Green open access

Arber, C; Li, A; Houlden, H; Wray, S; (2016) Insights into molecular mechanisms of disease in Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation; unifying theories. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol , 42 (3) pp. 220-241. 10.1111/nan.12242. Green open access


Balendra, R; Patani, R; (2016) Quo vadis motor neuron disease? World Journal of Methodology , 6 (1) pp. 56-64. 10.5662/wjm.v6.i1.56. Green open access

Balendra, R; Uphill, J; Collinson, C; Druyeh, R; Adamson, G; Hummerich, H; Zerr, I; ... Mead, S; + view all (2016) Variants of PLCXD3 are not associated with variant or sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in a large international study. BMC Medical Genetics , 17 , Article 28. 10.1186/s12881-016-0278-2. Green open access

Banote, RK; Edling, M; Eliassen, F; Kettunen, P; Zetterberg, H; Abramsson, A; (2016) β-Amyloid precursor protein-b is essential for Mauthner cell development in the zebrafish in a Notch-dependent manner. Developmental Biology , 413 (1) pp. 26-38. 10.1016/j.ydbio.2016.03.012. Green open access

Benedykcinska, A; Ferreira, A; Lau, J; Broni, J; Richard-Loendt, A; Henriquez, NV; Brandner, S; (2016) Generation of brain tumours in mice by Cre-mediated recombination of neural progenitors in situ with the tamoxifen metabolite endoxifen. Disease, Models & Mechanisms , 9 (2) pp. 211-220. 10.1242/dmm.022715. Green open access

Berezhnov, AV; Soutar, MPM; Fedotova, EI; Frolova, MS; Plun-Favreau, H; Zinchenko, VP; Abramov, AY; (2016) Intracellular pH Modulates Autophagy and Mitophagy. Journal of Biological Chemistry , 291 (16) pp. 8701-8708. 10.1074/jbc.M115.691774. Green open access

Bergman, J; Dring, A; Zetterberg, H; Blennow, K; Norgren, N; Gilthorpe, J; Bergenheim, T; (2016) Neurofilament light in CSF and serum is a sensitive marker for axonal white matter injury in MS. Neurology: Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation , 3 (5) , Article e271. 10.1212/NXI.0000000000000271. Green open access

Bergstrom, P; Agholme, L; Nazir, FH; Satir, TM; Toombs, J; Wellington, H; Strandberg, J; ... Zetterberg, H; + view all (2016) Amyloid precursor protein expression and processing are differentially regulated during cortical neuron differentiation. Scientific Reports , 6 , Article 292. 10.1038/srep29200. Green open access

Bettencourt, C; Forabosco, P; Wiethoff, S; Heidari, M; Johnstone, DM; Botía, JA; Collingwood, JF; ... Houlden, H; + view all (2016) Gene co-expression networks shed light into diseases of brain iron accumulation. Neurobiology of Disease , 87 pp. 59-68. 10.1016/j.nbd.2015.12.004. Green open access

Bettencourt, C; Hensman-Moss, D; Flower, M; Wiethoff, S; Brice, A; Goizet, C; Stevanin, G; ... Jones, L; + view all (2016) DNA repair pathways underlie a common genetic mechanism modulating onset in polyglutamine diseases. Annals of Neurology , 79 (6) pp. 983-990. 10.1002/ana.24656. Green open access

Blennow, K; Brody, DL; Kochanek, PM; Levin, H; McKee, A; Ribbers, GM; Yaffe, K; (2016) Traumatic brain injuries. Nature Reviews Disease Primers , 2 , Article 16084. 10.1038/nrdp.2016.84. Green open access

Bocchetta, M; Cardoso, MJ; Cash, DM; Ourselin, S; Warren, JD; Rohrer, JD; (2016) Patterns of regional cerebellar atrophy in genetic frontotemporal dementia. NeuroImage: Clinical , 11 pp. 287-290. 10.1016/j.nicl.2016.02.008. Green open access

Bocchetta, M; Mega, A; Bernardi, L; Di Maria, E; Benussi, L; Binetti, G; Borroni, B; ... SINdem Collaborators; + view all (2016) Genetic Counseling and Testing for Alzheimer's Disease and Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration: An Italian Consensus Protocol. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease , 51 (1) pp. 277-291. 10.3233/JAD-150849. Green open access

Bond, RL; Downey, LE; Weston, PSJ; Slattery, CF; Clark, CN; Macpherson, K; Mummery, CJ; (2016) Processing of Self versus Non-Self in Alzheimer's Disease. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience , 10 , Article 97. 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00097. Green open access

Bosco, Paolo; Redolfi, Alberto; Bocchetta, Martina; Ferrari, Clarissa; Mega, Anna; Galluzzi, Samantha; Assal, Frederic; ... Frisoni, Giovanni B; + view all (2016) P3‐209: Impact of Biomarkers On Diagnostic Confidence in Clinical Assessment of Patients with Suspected Alzheimer's Disease and High Diagnostic Uncertainty: An EADC Study. Presented at: Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC). Green open access

Brandner, S; (2016) The pathological diagnosis of nerve biopsies: a practical approach. Diagnostic Histopathology , 22 (9) pp. 333-344. 10.1016/j.mpdhp.2016.08.001. Green open access

Bras, J; Djaldetti, R; Alves, AM; Mead, S; Darwent, L; Lleo, A; Luis Molinuevo, J; ... Guerreiro, R; + view all (2016) Exome sequencing in a consanguineous family clinically diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's disease identifies a homozygous CTSF mutation. Neurobiology of Aging , 46 236.e1-236.e6. 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2016.06.018. Green open access

Brugada-Ramentol, V; De Polavieja, GG; Román, ÁC; Olivé, I; Warren, J; Hommers, L; (2016) Toward a molecular profile of self-representation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience , 10 , Article 602. 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00602. Green open access

Burman, J; Raininko, R; Blennow, K; Zetterberg, H; Axelsson, M; Malmestrom, C; (2016) YKL-40 is a CSF biomarker of intrathecal inflammation in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neuroimmunology , 292 pp. 52-57. 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2016.01.013. Green open access

Buss, L; Fisher, E; Hardy, J; Nizetic, D; Groet, J; Pulford, L; Strydom, A; (2016) Intracerebral haemorrhage in Down syndrome: protected or predisposed? F1000Research , 5 , Article 876. 10.12688/f1000research.7819.1. Green open access

Byrne, LM; Wild, EJ; (2016) Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers for Huntington's Disease. Journal of Huntington’s Disease , 5 (1) pp. 1-13. 10.3233/JHD-160196. Green open access


Castillo-Quan, JI; Li, L; Kinghorn, KJ; Ivanov, DK; Tain, LS; Slack, C; Kerr, F; ... Partridge, L; + view all (2016) Lithium Promotes Longevity through GSK3/NRF2-Dependent Hormesis. Cell Reports , 15 (3) pp. 638-650. 10.1016/j.celrep.2016.03.041. Green open access

Catapano, F; Zaharieva, I; Scoto, M; Marrosu, E; Morgan, J; Muntoni, F; Zhou, H; (2016) Altered Levels of MicroRNA-9,-206, and-132 in Spinal Muscular Atrophy and Their Response to Antisense Oligonucleotide Therapy. Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids , 5 , Article e331. 10.1038/mtna.2016.47. Green open access

Chan, D; Binks, S; Nicholas, J; Alsanousi, A; Fox, N; Wilkie, D; Nicholas, R; (2016) Effect of high-dose simvastatin on cognition in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS-STAT cognitive): a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial. Presented at: 32nd Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS), London, UK. Green open access

Chen, Z; Lin, K; Macklis, JD; Al-Chalabi, A; (2016) Proposed association between the hexanucleotide repeat of C9orf72 and opposability index of the thumb. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration , 18 (3-4) pp. 175-181. 10.1080/21678421.2016.1257024. Green open access

Cicognola, C; Chiasserini, D; Eusebi, P; Andreasson, U; Vanderstichele, H; Zetterberg, H; Parnetti, L; (2016) No diurnal variation of classical and candidate biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease in CSF. Molecular Neurodegeneration , 11 , Article 65. 10.1186/s13024-016-0130-3. Green open access

Clark, CN; (2016) Social Signal Decoding in Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Clark, CN; Nicholas, JM; Gordon, E; Golden, HL; Cohen, MH; Woodward, FJ; Macpherson, K; ... Warren, JD; + view all (2016) Altered sense of humor in dementia. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease , 49 (1) pp. 111-119. 10.3233/JAD-150413. Green open access

Cohen, MH; Carton, AM; Hardy, CJ; Golden, HL; Clark, CN; Fletcher, PD; Jaisin, K; ... Warren, JD; + view all (2016) Processing emotion from abstract art in frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Neuropsychologia , 81 pp. 245-254. 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2015.12.031. Green open access

Collinge, J; Jaunmuktane, Z; Mead, S; Rudge, P; Brandner, S; (2016) Collinge et al. reply. [Rapid communication]. Nature , 537 E7-E9. 10.1038/nature19087. Green open access

Collinge, J; Jaunmuktane, Z; Mead, S; Rudge, P; Brandner, S; (2016) Collinge et al. reply. [Rapid communication]. Nature , 535 E2-E3. 10.1038/nature18603. Green open access

Constantinescu, R; Krysl, D; Bergquist, F; Andren, K; Malmestroem, C; Asztely, F; Axelsson, M; ... Zetterberg, H; + view all (2016) Cerebrospinal fluid markers of neuronal and glial cell damage to monitor disease activity and predict long-term outcome in patients with autoimmune encephalitis. European Journal of Neurology , 23 (4) pp. 796-806. 10.1111/ene.12942. Green open access

Crutch, SJ; Yong, KXX; Shakespeare, TJ; (2016) Looking but Not Seeing: Recent Perspectives on Posterior Cortical Atrophy. Current Directions in Psychological Science , 25 (4) pp. 251-260. 10.1177/0963721416655999. Green open access

Cummings, D; Benway, T; Foster, E; Liu, W; Yasvoina, M; Lashley, T; Murray, CE; ... Salih, D; + view all (2016) The pentraxin family regulates neuronal and microglial function in the CNS and is disrupted in phenotypes associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Presented at: Alzheimer's Research UK's (ARUK) Conference 2016, Manchester, UK. Green open access


DaSilva, LL; Wall, MJ; P de Almeida, L; Wauters, SC; Januário, YC; Müller, J; Corrêa, SA; (2016) Activity-Regulated Cytoskeleton-Associated Protein Controls AMPAR Endocytosis through a Direct Interaction with Clathrin-Adaptor Protein 2. eNeuro , 3 (3) , Article e0144-15.2016. 10.1523/ENEURO.0144-15.2016. Gold open access

Dobson, L; Träger, U; Farmer, R; Hayardeny, L; Loupe, P; Hayden, MR; Tabrizi, SJ; (2016) Laquinimod dampens hyperactive cytokine production in Huntington's disease patient myeloid cells. Journal of Neurochemistry , 137 (5) pp. 782-794. 10.1111/jnc.13553. Green open access

Duarte, GS; Brogueira Rodrigues, F; Costa, J; Vaz-Carneiro, A; (2016) Analysis of the Cochrane review: Portion, package or tableware size for changing selection and consumption of food, alcohol and tobacco. [Review]. Acta Medica Portuguesa , 29 (7-8) pp. 421-424. 10.20344/amp.7854. Green open access

Duarte, GS; Castelão, M; Rodrigues, FB; Marques, RE; Ferreira, J; Sampaio, C; Moore, AP; (2016) Botulinum toxin type A versus botulinum toxin type B for cervical dystonia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , 10 , Article CD004314. 10.1002/14651858.CD004314.pub3. Green open access

Duarte, GS; Rodrigues, FB; Prescott, D; Ferreira, J; Costa, J; (2016) Deep brain stimulation for dystonia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , 2016 (10) , Article CD012405. 10.1002/14651858.CD012405. Green open access

Dzamko, N; Gysbers, AM; Bandopadhyay, R; Bolliger, MF; Uchino, A; Zhao, Y; Takao, M; ... Halliday, GM; + view all (2016) LRRK2 Levels and Phosphorylation in Parkinson's Disease Brain and Cases With Restricted Lewy Bodies. Movement Disorders , 32 (3) pp. 423-432. 10.1002/mds.26892.


Eden, A; Marcotte, TD; Heaton, RK; Nilsson, S; Zetterberg, H; Fuchs, D; Franklin, D; ... Gisslen, M; + view all (2016) Increased Intrathecal Immune Activation in Virally Suppressed HIV-1 Infected Patients with Neurocognitive Impairment. PLOS ONE , 11 (6) , Article e0157160. 10.1371/journal.pone.0157160. Green open access

Eden, A; Nilsson, S; Hagberg, L; Fuchs, D; Zetterberg, H; Svennerholm, B; Gisslen, M; (2016) Asymptomatic Cerebrospinal Fluid HIV-1 Viral Blips and Viral Escape During Antiretroviral Therapy: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Infectious Diseases , 214 (12) pp. 1822-1825. 10.1093/infdis/jiw454. Green open access

Eisenmenger, L; Porter, MC; Carswell, CJ; Thompson, A; Mead, S; Rudge, P; Collinge, J; ... Hyare, H; + view all (2016) Evolution of Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Signal Abnormality in Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, With Histopathological Correlation. JAMA Neurology , 73 (1) pp. 76-84. 10.1001/jamaneurol.2015.3159. Green open access


Faller, KM; Bras, J; Sharpe, SJ; Anderson, GW; Darwent, L; Kun-Rodrigues, C; Alroy, J; ... Guerreiro, RJ; + view all (2016) The Chihuahua dog: A new animal model for neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis CLN7 disease? Journal of Neuroscience Research , 94 (4) pp. 339-347. 10.1002/jnr.23710. Green open access

Farshim, PP; Deverman, BE; Bates, GP; (2016) L3 Systemic administration of a novel AAV variant results in widespread and efficient gene transfer in R6/2 mice. Presented at: European Huntington's Disease Network 9th Plenary Meeting, Hague, Netherlands. Green open access

Ferrari, R; Forabosco, P; Vandrovcova, J; Botía, JA; Guelfi, S; Warren, JD; UK Brain Expression Consortium (UKBEC); ... Hardy, J; + view all (2016) Frontotemporal dementia: insights into the biological underpinnings of disease through gene co-expression network analysis. Molecular Neurodegeneration , 11 , Article 21. 10.1186/s13024-016-0085-4. Green open access

Ferretti, F; Bigoloni, A; Passeri, L; Galli, L; Longo, V; Gerevini, S; Spagnuolo, V; ... Castagna, A; + view all (2016) Cerebrospinal fluid analysis for HIV replication and biomarkers of immune activation and neurodegeneration in long-term atazanavir/ritonavir monotherapy treated patients. Medicine , 95 (28) , Article e4144. 10.1097/MD.0000000000004144. Green open access

Festari, Cristina; Altomare, Daniele; Bocchetta, Martina; Muscio, Cristina; Padovani, Alessandro; Boccardi, Marina; Frisoni, Giovanni B; (2016) IC‐P‐016: Is The Incremental Diagnostic Value of Amyloid‐Pet Affected by Information on Other Core Biomarkers? Presented at: Alzheimer's Imaging Consortium. Green open access

Festari, Cristina; Altomare, Daniele; Bocchetta, Martina; Muscio, Cristina; Padovani, Alessandro; Frisoni, Giovanni B; Boccardi, Marina; (2016) O2‐08‐04: Is the Incremental Diagnostic Value of Amyloid‐Pet Affected by Information on Other Core Biomarkers? Presented at: AAIC 2016, Toronto, Canada. Green open access

Fletcher, PD; Nicholas, JM; Downey, LE; Golden, HL; Clark, CN; Pires, C; Agustus, JL; ... Warren, JD; + view all (2016) A physiological signature of sound meaning in dementia. Cortex , 77 pp. 13-23. 10.1016/j.cortex.2016.01.007. Green open access

Foulger, RE; Denny, P; Hardy, J; Martin, MJ; Sawford, T; Lovering, RC; (2016) Using the Gene Ontology to Annotate Key Players in Parkinson's Disease. Neuroinformatics , 14 (3) pp. 297-304. 10.1007/s12021-015-9293-2. Green open access

Franke, B; Stein, JL; Ripke, S; Anttila, V; Hibar, DP; van Hulzen, KJ; Arias-Vasquez, A; ... Sullivan, PF; + view all (2016) Genetic influences on schizophrenia and subcortical brain volumes: large-scale proof of concept. Nature Neuroscience , 19 (3) pp. 420-431. 10.1038/nn.4228. Green open access

Franko, E; Wehner, T; Joly, O; Lowe, J; Porter, MC; Kenny, J; Thompson, A; ... Mead, S; + view all (2016) Quantitative EEG parameters correlate with the progression of human prion diseases. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry , 87 (10) pp. 1061-1067. 10.1136/jnnp-2016-313501. Green open access

Frolov, A; Evans, IM; Li, N; Sidlauskas, K; Paliashvili, K; Lockwood, N; Barrett, A; ... Frankel, P; + view all (2016) Imatinib and Nilotinib Increase Glioblastoma Cell Invasion via Abl-independent Stimulation of p130Cas / RAP1A and FAK Signalling. Presented at: European Pharma Summit 2016, Berlin, Germany. Green open access

Frolov, A; Evans, IM; Li, N; Sidlauskas, K; Paliashvili, K; Lockwood, N; Barrett, A; ... Frankel, P; + view all (2016) Imatinib and Nilotinib increase glioblastoma cell invasion via Abl-independent stimulation of p130Cas and FAK signalling. Scientific Reports , 6 , Article 27378. 10.1038/srep27378. Green open access


Gaastra, B; Shatunov, A; Pulit, S; Jones, AR; Sproviero, W; Gillett, A; Chen, Z; ... Al-Chalabi, A; + view all (2016) Rare genetic variation in UNC13A may modify survival in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration , 17 (7-8) pp. 593-599. 10.1080/21678421.2016.1213852. Green open access

Gagliano, SA; Pouget, JG; Hardy, J; Knight, J; Barnes, MR; Ryten, M; Weale, ME; (2016) Genomics implicates adaptive and innate immunity in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology , 3 (12) pp. 924-933. 10.1002/acn3.369. Green open access

Gami-Patel, P; Bandopadhyay, R; Brelstaff, J; Revesz, T; Lashley, TC; (2016) The presence of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins in frontotemporal lobar degeneration with FUS positive inclusions. Neurobiology of Aging , 46 pp. 192-203. 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2016.07.004. Green open access

Gang, Q; (2016) Genetic Investigations of Sporadic Inclusion Body Myositis and Myopathies with Structural Abnormalities and Protein Aggregates in Muscle. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Gang, Q; Bettencourt, C; Machado, PM; Brady, S; Holton, JL; Pittman, AM; Hughes, D; ... Muscle Study Group and The International IBM Genetics Consortium, .; + view all (2016) Rare variants in SQSTM1 and VCP genes and risk of sporadic inclusion body myositis. Neurobiology of Aging , 47 218.e1-218.e9. 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2016.07.024. Green open access

Gargouri, F; Messé, A; Perlbarg, V; Valabregue, R; McColgan, P; Yahia-Cherif, L; Fernandez-Vidal, S; ... Lehéricy, S; + view all (2016) Longitudinal changes in functional connectivity of cortico-basal ganglia networks in manifests and premanifest huntington's disease. Human Brain Mapping , 37 (11) pp. 4112-4128. 10.1002/hbm.23299. Green open access

Gatt, AP; Duncan, OF; Attems, J; Francis, PT; Ballard, CG; Bateman, JM; (2016) Dementia in Parkinson's disease is associated with enhanced mitochondrial complex I deficiency. Movement Disorders , 31 (3) pp. 352-359. 10.1002/mds.26513.

Geiger, JT; Ding, J; Crain, B; Pletnikova, O; Letson, C; Dawson, TM; Rosenthal, LS; ... Scholz, SW; + view all (2016) Next-generation sequencing reveals substantial genetic contribution to dementia with Lewy bodies. Neurobiology of Disease , 94 pp. 55-62. 10.1016/j.nbd.2016.06.004. Green open access

Gelpi, E; Höftberger, R; Graus, F; Ling, H; Holton, JL; Dawson, T; Popovic, M; ... Kovacs, GG; + view all (2016) Neuropathological criteria of anti-IgLON5-related tauopathy. Acta Neuropathologica , 132 (4) pp. 531-543. 10.1007/s00401-016-1591-8. Green open access

Gilhooly, KJ; Gilhooly, MLM; Sullivan, MP; McIntyre, A; Wilson, L; Harding, E; Woodbridge, R; (2016) A meta-review of stress, coping and interventions in dementia and dementia caregiving. BMC Geriatrics , 16 , Article 106. 10.1186/s12877-016-0280-8. Green open access

Golden, HL; (2016) Auditory Scene Analysis in Alzheimer's disease. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Golden, HL; Agustus, JL; Nicholas, JM; Schott, JM; Crutch, SJ; Mancini, L; Warren, JD; (2016) Functional neuroanatomy of spatial sound processing in Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging , 39 pp. 154-164. 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2015.12.006. Green open access

Golden, HL; Clark, CN; Nicholas, JM; Cohen, MH; Slattery, CF; Paterson, RW; Foulkes, AJ; ... Warren, JD; + view all (2016) Music Perception in Dementia. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease , 55 (3) pp. 933-949. 10.3233/JAD-160359. Green open access

Gordon, E; Rohrer, JD; Fox, NC; (2016) Advances in neuroimaging in frontotemporal dementia. Journal of Neurochemistry , 138 (S1) pp. 193-210. 10.1111/jnc.13656. Green open access

Gregory, S; Fusca, M; Rees, G; Schwarzkopf, DS; Barnes, G; (2016) Gamma Frequency and the Spatial Tuning of Primary Visual Cortex. PLoS One , 11 (6) , Article e0157374. 10.1371/journal.pone.0157374. Green open access

Gren, M; Shahim, P; Lautner, R; Wilson, DH; Andreasson, U; Norgren, N; Blennow, K; (2016) Blood biomarkers indicate mild neuroaxonal injury and increased amyloid production after transient hypoxia during breath-hold diving. Brain Injury , 30 (10) pp. 1226-1230. 10.1080/02699052.2016.1179792. Green open access

Guerreiro, R; Brás, J; Batista, S; Pires, P; Ribeiro, MH; Almeida, MR; Oliveira, C; ... Santana, I; + view all (2016) Pseudohypoparathyroidism type I-b with neurological involvement is associated with a homozygous PTH1R mutation. Genes, Brain and Behaviour , 15 (7) pp. 669-677. 10.1111/gbb.12308. Green open access

Guerreiro, R; Escott-Price, V; Darwent, L; Parkkinen, L; Ansorge, O; Hernandez, DG; Nalls, MA; ... Bras, J; + view all (2016) Genome-wide analysis of genetic correlation in dementia with Lewy bodies, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. Neurobiology of Aging , 38 214.e7-214.e10. 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2015.10.028. Green open access

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