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Aazh, Hashir; Erfanian, Mercede; Danesh, Ali A; Moore, Brian CJ; (2022) Audiological and Other Factors Predicting the Presence of Misophonia Symptoms Among a Clinical Population Seeking Help for Tinnitus and/or Hyperacusis. Frontiers in Neuroscience , 16 , Article 900065. 10.3389/fnins.2022.900065. Green open access

Abouelela, Mohamed; Tirachini, Alejandro; Chaniotakis, Emmanouil; Antoniou, Constantinos; (2022) Characterizing the adoption and frequency of use of a pooled rides service. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies , 138 , Article 103632. 10.1016/j.trc.2022.103632. Green open access

Ahmad, Ida Rebecca; (2022) Mathematical modelling of polymer degradation in cellulose acetate artefacts in cultural heritage collections. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ahmed, Riham; Mumovic, Dejan; Bagkeris, Emmanouil; Ucci, Marcella; (2022) Combined effects of ventilation rates and indoor temperatures on cognitive performance of female higher education students in a hot climate. Indoor Air , 32 (2) , Article e13004. 10.1111/ina.13004. Green open access

Ahmed, Riham; Ucci, Marcella; Mumovic, Dejan; Bagkeris, Emmanouil; (2022) Effects of thermal sensation and acclimatization on cognitive performance of adult female students in Saudi Arabia using multivariable‐multilevel statistical modeling. Indoor Air , 32 (2) , Article e13005. 10.1111/ina.13005. Green open access

Al-Garawi, N; Kamargianni, M; (2022) Exploring the factors affecting women's intention to drive in Saudi Arabia. Travel Behaviour and Society , 26 pp. 121-133. 10.1016/j.tbs.2021.09.008. Green open access

Aletta, Francesco; Asdrubali, Francesco; Rosaria De Blasiis, Maria; Evangelisti, Luca; Guattari, Claudia; (2022) Influence of soundscape in the experience of an urban area: a case study in Rome. In: Human Factors in Architecture, Sustainable Urban Planning and Infrastructure. (pp. pp. 159-164). AHFE International Green open access

Aletta, Francesco; Gemma, Andrea; Mannini, Livia; Patella, Sergio Maria; (2022) Comparing pre- and post-pandemic greenhouse gas and noise emissions from road traffic in Rome (Italy): a multi-step approach. Noise Mapping , 9 (1) pp. 204-210. 10.1515/noise-2022-0161. Green open access

Aletta, Francesco; Torresin, Simone; (2022) The Sounds Around Us in Cities and Buildings. Frontiers for Young Minds , 10 , Article 910059. 10.3389/frym.2022.910059. Green open access

Alexopoulos, Georgios; Kapelari, Suzanne; Moussouri, Theano; (2022) Food heritage as a catalyst for environmental sustainability: Reflections on the cultural value imbued by citizens to food and its role in supporting scientific debate about food security. In: Fouseki, Kalliopi and Cassar, May and Dreyfuss, Guillaume and Kah Eng, Kelvin Ang, (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Heritage. (pp. 323-347). Routledge: Abingdon, UK. Green open access

Allington, L; Cannone, C; Pappis, I; Cervantes Barron, K; Usher, W; Pye, S; Brown, E; ... To, LS; + view all (2022) Selected 'Starter kit' energy system modelling data for selected countries in Africa, East Asia, and South America (#CCG, 2021). Data in Brief , 42 , Article 108021. 10.1016/j.dib.2022.108021. Green open access

Alsaffar, Lina; Altamirano, Hector; (2022) Investigating Alternative Materials for Displacement Shelters, Using North-West Syria as an Example. In: Proceedings of the People and Buildings 11th Master Conference (MC2021/22). (pp. pp. 1-6). Energy and Climate Change Division - University of Southampton Green open access

Amrith, Shyam; Oraiopoulos, Argyrios; Korolija, Ivan; Fennell, Pamela; (2022) Developing an Open Access Plugin for Urban Building Energy Modelling in QGIS. In: BSO-VI 2022 Sixth Building Simulation and Optimisation Virtual Conference. IBPSA Green open access

Amrith, Shyam; Ruyssevelt, Paul; Korolija, Ivan; Fennell, Pamela; (2022) Optimising Buildings Retrofits at the Stock Level: The Development of a Methodology. In: Proceedings of uSim Conference 2022: 3rd uSim Conference of IBPSA-Scotland. (pp. pp. 1-11). IBPSA Green open access

Anandarajah, Gabrial; (2022) World Small Hydropower Development Report (WSHPDR) 2022: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Chapter. United Nations Industrial Development Organization: Vienna, Austria. Green open access

Anciaes, P; Do Nascimento, JM; (2022) Road traffic reduces pedestrian accessibility – Quantifying the size and distribution of barrier effects in an African city. Journal of Transport and Health , 27 , Article 101522. 10.1016/j.jth.2022.101522. Green open access

Anciaes, P; Pinheiro, J; Somsen, S; Henriques, I; (2022) Street space allocation – new tools and methods, with a Lisbon application [Full paper]. In: Proceedings of City Street 5 - The time of streets: incisions, overlaps and rhythms. City Street 5: Lisbon, Portugal. Green open access

Anciaes, Paulo; (2022) Eight years of research on transport-related community severance: what we now know and what can we do with it [Invited talk]. Presented at: 2022 Meeting of the Transport and Health Science Group [December 2022], London, UK. Green open access

Anciaes, Paulo; (2022) Transport and Children's Wellbeing (Book Review), 1st edition, E.O.D. Waygood, M. Friman, L.E. Olsson, R. Mitra (Eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam (2020), p. 381, ISBN: 978-0-12-814694-1. [Review]. Journal of Transport & Health , 26 , Article 101465. 10.1016/j.jth.2022.101465. Green open access

Anciaes, Paulo; Bradbury, A; (2022) Community Severance in Urban Africa. In: Acheampong, R and Lucas, K and Poku-Boansi, M and Uzondu, C, (eds.) Transport and Mobility Futures in Urban Africa. (pp. 111-127). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Anwar, W; Bian, A; El Feky, G; El-Meteini, M; Esmat, G; Ghanem, M; Haines, A; ... Tiwari, PR; + view all (2022) Addressing Climate Change Impacts on Health. In: Proceedings of the ASRT & UKN Health, Food and Climate Change Policy Conference. (pp. pp. 1-13). UK Universities Climate Network Green open access

Arpan, L; Rissetto, R; Yan, Z; Roetzel, A; Azar, E; Jazizadeh, F; Morandi, F; ... Gasparella, A; + view all (2022) The hopeful expect to be comfortable: Exploring emotion and personal norms related to sustainable buildings in the United States. Energy Research and Social Science , 93 , Article 102846. 10.1016/j.erss.2022.102846. Green open access

Asaf, Iris; (2022) Patterns of Invention: The Question of Creativity in Generative Design. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Asdrubali, F; Guattari, C; Roncone, M; Baldinelli, G; Gul, E; Piselli, C; Pisello, AL; ... Berardi, U; + view all (2022) A Round Robin Test on the dynamic simulation and the LEED protocol evaluation of a green building. Sustainable Cities and Society , 78 , Article 103654. 10.1016/j.scs.2021.103654. Green open access

Atik, Seyma; Raslan, Rokia; Domenech Aparisi, Teresa; (2022) The opportunities and challenges of using LCA-based BIM plugins in early-stage building design: an industry expert perspective. In: International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference CEAC 2022: Proceedings of the 2nd International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference. (pp. pp. 401-408). Springer, Singapore Green open access


Ba, M; Li, Z; Kang, J; (2022) The multisensory environmental evaluations of sound and odour in urban public open spaces. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 10.1177/23998083221141438. (In press). Green open access

Bai, Yuqi; Zhang, Yutong; Zotova, Olena; Pineo, Helen; Siri, Jose; Liang, Lu; Luo, Xiangyu; ... Gong, Peng; + view all (2022) Healthy cities initiative in China: Progress, challenges, and the way forward. The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific , 27 , Article 100539. 10.1016/j.lanwpc.2022.100539. Green open access

Balderrama, Alvaro; Kang, Jian; Prieto, Alejandro; Luna-Navarro, Alessandra; Arztmann, Daniel; Knaack, Ulrich; (2022) Effects of Façades on Urban Acoustic Environment and Soundscape: A Systematic Review. Sustainability , 14 (15) , Article 9670. 10.3390/su14159670. Green open access

Baresic, Domagoj; Palmer, Katharine; (2022) Climate action in shipping: Progress towards Shipping’s 2030 Breakthrough. UMAS: New York, NY, USA.

Baresic, Domagoj; Rojon, Isabelle; Shaw, Alison; Rehmatulla, Nishatabbas; (2022) Closing the Gap. UMAS: London, UK. Green open access

Barrett, John; Pye, Steve; Betts-Davies, Sam; Broad, Oliver; Price, James; Eyre, Nick; Anable, Jillian; ... Scott, Kate; + view all (2022) Energy demand reduction options for meeting national zero-emission targets in the United Kingdom. Nature Energy 10.1038/s41560-022-01057-y. (In press). Green open access

Basheer, Mohammed; Nechifor, Victor; Calzadilla, Alvaro; Ringler, Claudia; Hulme, David; Harou, Julien J; (2022) Balancing national economic policy outcomes for sustainable development. Nature Communications , 13 , Article 5041. 10.1038/s41467-022-32415-9. Green open access

Bembibre, C; Strlič, M; (2022) From Smelly Buildings to the Scented Past: An Overview of Olfactory Heritage. Frontiers in Psychology , 12 , Article 718287. 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.718287. Green open access

Bera, Achinta; Kumar, Sunil; Foroozesh, Jalal; Gharavi, Amir; (2022) Multiphysics gas transport in nanoporous unconventional reservoirs: Challenges of mathematical modelling. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering , 103 , Article 104649. 10.1016/j.jngse.2022.104649. Green open access

Blanco, H; Leaver, J; Dodds, PE; Dickinson, R; García-Gusano, D; Iribarren, D; Lind, A; ... Baumann, M; + view all (2022) A taxonomy of models for investigating hydrogen energy systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews , 167 , Article 112698. 10.1016/j.rser.2022.112698. Green open access

Bleischwitz, Raimund; Yang, Miying; Huang, Beijia; XU, Xiaozhen; Zhou, Jie; McDowall, Will; Andrews-Speed, Philip; ... Yong, Geng; + view all (2022) The circular economy in China: Achievements, challenges and potential implications for decarbonisation. Resources, Conservation and Recycling , 183 , Article 106350. 10.1016/j.resconrec.2022.106350. Green open access

Boakes, Elizabeth; Chapman, Abbie; Dalin, Carole; Etard, Adrienne; (2022) Environmental Change and Food Security: Written evidence submitted by the Institute for Sustainable Resources (ISR) and Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research (CBER). UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources: London, UK. Green open access

Bonetti, Sara; Sutanudjaja, Edwin H; Mabhaudhi, Tafadzwanashe; Slotow, Rob; Dalin, Carole; (2022) Climate change impacts on water sustainability of South African crop production. Environmental Research Letters 10.1088/1748-9326/ac80cf. (In press). Green open access

Borkowski, Esther; Luna-Navarro, Alessandra; Michael, Michalis; Overend, Mauro; Rovas, Dimitrios; Raslan, Rokia; (2022) Empirical validation of co-simulation models for adaptive building envelopes. Journal of Facade Design and Engineering , 10 (1) pp. 119-154. 10.47982/jfde.2022.1.06. Green open access

Borui, Chen; Barrett, Edward; Efthymiopoulos, Spyros; Altamirano, Hector; (2022) Effect of indoor lights on the development of Aspergillus versicolor in buildings. In: Proceedings of the People and Buildings 11th Master Conference (MC2021/22). (pp. pp. 1-6). Energy and Climate Change Division - University of Southampton Green open access

Botti, Andrea; Leach, Matthew; Lawson, Mark; Hadjidimitriou, Natalia Selini; (2022) Developing a meta-model for early-stage overheating risk assessment for new apartments in London. Energy and Buildings , 254 , Article 111586. 10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111586. Green open access

Brigham, Rosie; Orr, Scott; Wilson, Lyn; Frost, Adam; Strlic, Matija; Grau-Bove, J; (2022) Using Citizen Heritage Science to Monitor Remote Sites Before and During the First COVID-19 Lockdown: A Comparison of Two Methods. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 10.1080/13505033.2022.2147299. (In press). Green open access

Brigham, Rosie Charlotte; (2022) Monument Monitor: using citizen science to preserve heritage. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Brousse, Oscar; Simpson, Charles; Walker, Nancy; Fenner, Daniel; Meier, Fred; Taylor, Jonathon; Heaviside, Clare; (2022) Evidence of horizontal urban heat advection in London using 6 years of data from a citizen weather station network. Environmental Research Letters , 17 (4) , Article 044041. 10.1088/1748-9326/ac5c0f. Green open access

Buda, Alessia; Gori, Virginia; Hansen, Ernst Jan de Place; López, Cristina S Polo; Marincioni, Valentina; Giancola, Emanuela; Vernimme, Nathalie; ... Herrera-Avellanosa, Daniel; + view all (2022) Existing tools enabling the implementation of EN 16883:2017 Standard to integrate conservation-compatible retrofit solutions in historic buildings. Journal of Cultural Heritage , 57 pp. 34-52. 10.1016/j.culher.2022.07.002. Green open access

Bunn, R; Burman, E; Warne, J; Bull, J; Field, J; (2022) Tracking building operational energy and carbon emissions using S-curve trajectories—a prototype tool. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 10.1177/01436244221145392. (In press). Green open access

Bunn, Roderic; Burman, Esfandiar; Bull, Jamie; Field, John; (2022) Visualising operational energy and emissions using S-curve trajectories – a prototype tool. In: (Proceedings) Cibse Technical Symposium 2022. The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) (In press). Green open access

Butnar, Isabela; Broad, Oliver; Price, James; (2022) Business model for power bioenergy with carbon capture and storage consultation: Response from UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources, the CO2RE consortium, and researchers at the University of Southampton. UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources: London, UK. Green open access


Calama-González, CM; Symonds, P; León-Rodríguez, ÁL; Suárez, R; (2022) Optimal retrofit solutions considering thermal comfort and intervention costs for the Mediterranean social housing stock. Energy and Buildings , 259 , Article 111915. 10.1016/j.enbuild.2022.111915. Green open access

Cantelmo, Guido; Amini, Roja Ezzati; Monteiro, Mayara Moraes; Frenkel, Amnon; Lerner, Ofer; Tavory, Sharon Shoshany; Galtzur, Ayelet; ... Antoniou, Constantinos; + view all (2022) Aligning users’ and stakeholders’ needs: How incentives can reshape the carsharing market. Transport Policy 10.1016/j.tranpol.2022.07.009. (In press). Green open access

Capper, Timothy; Gorbatcheva, Anna; Mustafa, Mustafa A; Bahloul, Mohamed; Schwidtal, Jan Marc; Chitchyan, Ruzanna; Andoni, Merlinda; ... Kiesling, Lynne; + view all (2022) Peer-to-peer, community self-consumption, and transactive energy: A systematic literature review of local energy market models. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews , 162 , Article 112403. 10.1016/j.rser.2022.112403. Green open access

Carr, Tony William; (2022) The impact of water erosion and climate change on global cereal yields. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Cavalli de Meira, Juliano; (2022) How the spatial meets the social? Favelas as urban institutions and COVID-19 in Brazil. (DPU Working Papers 214). The Bartlett Development Planning Unit, UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Cenci, Simone; Kealhofer, Stephen; (2022) A causal approach to test empirical capital structure regularities. Journal of Finance and Data Science , 8 pp. 214-232. 10.1016/j.jfds.2022.09.002. Green open access

Chaniotakis, E; Abouelela, M; Antoniou, C; Goulias, K; (2022) Investigating social media spatiotemporal transferability for transport. Communications in Transportation Research , 2 , Article 100081. 10.1016/j.commtr.2022.100081. Green open access

Chen, Guokai; Korolija, Ivan; Rovas, Dimitrios; (2022) Modelling of District Heating Systems: Comparative Evaluation of White-box Modelling Approaches. In: CLIMA 2022 Conference. Delft University of Technology Green open access

Chen, W; Yang, S; Zhang, X; Jordan, ND; Huang, J; (2022) Embodied energy and carbon emissions of building materials in China. Building and Environment , 207 (Part A) , Article 108434. 10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.108434. (In press). Green open access

Chiu, Lai Fong; Lowe, Robert John; (2022) Eliciting Stakeholders’ Requirements for Future Energy Systems: A Case Study of Heat Decarbonisation in the UK. Energies , 15 (19) p. 7248. 10.3390/en15197248. Green open access

Chrysafi, A; Virkki, V; Jalava, M; Sandström, V; Piipponen, J; Porkka, M; Lade, SJ; ... Kummu, M; + view all (2022) Quantifying Earth system interactions for sustainable food production via expert elicitation. Nature Sustainability 10.1038/s41893-022-00940-6. (In press). Green open access

CLOCHET, JEAN-BAPTISTE; Godoy-Shimizu, Daniel; Hong, Sung Min; (2022) A high temporal resolution assessment of photovoltaic electricity production and energy consumption of an electrified London primary school. In: Proceedings of the CIBSE Technical Symposium 2022. CIBSE: Online. (In press). Green open access

Cooke, Rob; Gearty, William; Chapman, Abbie SA; Dunic, Jillian; Edgar, Graham J; Lefcheck, Jonathan S; Rilov, Gil; ... Bates, Amanda E; + view all (2022) Anthropogenic disruptions to longstanding patterns of trophic-size structure in vertebrates. Nature Ecology and Evolution , 6 pp. 684-692. 10.1038/s41559-022-01726-x. Green open access

Cooper, Elizabeth; Milner, James; Wang, Yan; Stamp, Samuel; Mumovic, Dejan; (2022) Modelling the impact on mortality of using portable air purifiers to reduce PM2.5 in UK homes. Atmospheric Environment , 289 , Article 119311. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2022.119311. Green open access

Cooper, Elizabeth Lydia; (2022) The use of portable air purifiers for the reduction of PM2.5 in residences: Effects on indoor pollutant concentrations, perceived air quality, and mortality. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Costa-Carrapiço, I; Neila González, J; Raslan, Rokia; Sánchez-Guevara, C; (2022) Understanding the challenges of determining thermal comfort in vernacular dwellings: A meta-analysis. Journal of Cultural Heritage , 58 pp. 57-73. 10.1016/j.culher.2022.09.019. Green open access

Costa-Carrapiço, Inês; Croxford, Ben; Raslan, Rokia; Neila González, Javier; (2022) Hygrothermal calibration and validation of vernacular dwellings: A genetic algorithm-based optimisation methodology. Journal of Building Engineering , 55 , Article 104717. 10.1016/j.jobe.2022.104717. Green open access

Costa-Carrapiço, Inês; González, Javier Neila; Raslan, Rokia; Sánchez-Guevara, Carmen; Redondas Marrero, Mª Dolores; (2022) Understanding thermal comfort in vernacular dwellings in Alentejo, Portugal: A mixed-methods adaptive comfort approach. Building and Environment , 217 , Article 109084. 10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109084. Green open access

Costa-CarrapiçO, Inês; Neila González, Javier; Raslan, Rokia; (2022) Indoor environmental conditions in vernacular dwellings in Alentejo, Portugal. Science and Technology for the Built Environment , 28 (10) pp. 1370-1406. 10.1080/23744731.2022.2111936. Green open access

Crawley, Jenny; Manouseli, Despina; Mallaburn, Peter; Elwell, Cliff; (2022) An Empirical Energy Demand Flexibility Metric for Residential Properties. Energies , 15 (14) p. 5304. 10.3390/en15145304. Green open access

Cui, Cheng; Raslan, Rokia; Korolija, Ivan; Chalabi, Zaid; (2022) On the robustness of thermal comfort against uncertain future climate: A Bayesian bootstrap method. Building and Environment , 226 , Article 109665. 10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109665. Green open access

Curran, Katherine; Langfeldt, Jannicke; Moore, Abby; Gili, Argyro; King, Rose; Rijavec, Tjasa; Strlic, Matija; (2022) Preserving Protest inflatables: Will the Trump Baby Blimp last forever? In: FUTURE TALKS. A conference by the Conservation Department. Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum Green open access


Da Ros, Simoní; Gili, Argyro; Curran, Katherine; (2022) Equilibrium distribution of diethyl phthalate plasticiser in cellulose acetate-based materials: Modelling and parameter estimation of temperature and composition effects. Science of The Total Environment , 850 , Article 157700. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157700. Green open access

Dadashzadeh, Nima; Woods, Lee; Ouelhadj, Djamila; Thomopoulos, Nikolas; Kamargianni, Maria; Antoniou, Constantinos; (2022) Mobility as a service Inclusion Index (MaaSINI): Evaluation of inclusivity in MaaS systems and policy recommendations. Transport Policy , 127 pp. 191-202. 10.1016/j.tranpol.2022.09.006. Green open access

Danaher, Cody; Newbold, Tim; Cardille, Jeffrey; Chapman, Abbie SA; (2022) Prioritizing conservation in sub-Saharan African lakes based on freshwater biodiversity and algal bloom metrics. Conservation Biology , Article e13914. 10.1111/cobi.13914. (In press). Green open access

Davis, Kyle Frankel; Dalin, Carole; Kummu, Matti; Marston, Landon; Pingali, Prabhu; Tuninetti, Marta; (2022) Beyond the Green Revolution: A roadmap for sustainable food systems research and action. Environmental Research Letters , 17 (10) , Article 100401. 10.1088/1748-9326/ac9425. Green open access

De Groeve, Marie; Kale, Eda; Orr, Scott; De Kock, Tim; (2022) Technical compatibility of vertical greening with historic building materials. In: Proceedings of the E1 Webinar: Boosting resilience of Europe’s cultural heritage to climate change. e-CREHA: Online. Green open access

de Jesus Fernandez, A; Watson, J; (2022) Mexico's renewable energy innovation system: Geothermal and solar photovoltaics case study. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions , 43 pp. 200-219. 10.1016/j.eist.2022.04.004. Green open access

De Mars, Patrick; (2022) Reinforcement Learning and Tree Search Methods for the Unit Commitment Problem. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

de Mars, Patrick; O’Sullivan, Aidan; (2022) Reinforcement learning and A* search for the unit commitment problem. Energy and AI , 9 , Article 100179. 10.1016/j.egyai.2022.100179. Green open access

Del Gaudio, Isabella; (2022) Cellulose Acetate in Museums: a study of polymer-water interactions. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Dianati, Kaveh; (2022) London's Housing Crisis; A System Dynamics Analysis of Long-term Developments: 40 Years into the Past and 40 Years into the Future. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ding, Yuansong; Marincioni, Valentina; Schmidt, Anne; Curtis, Roger; (2022) Investigating the role of calibration of hygrothermal simulations in the low carbon retrofit of solid walls. In: Proceedings of the CIBSE Technical Symposium 2022. CIBSE: UK. (In press). Green open access

Dodds, Paul; Scamman, Daniel; Espegren, Kari; (2022) Modelling of hydrogen. Final Report for the IEA/ETSAP Project. IEA-ETSAP Green open access

Domenech, Teresa; Bleischwitz, Raimund; Calzadilla, Alvaro; (2022) Decarbonizing steel making in China through circular economy approaches. One Earth , 5 (8) pp. 856-858. 10.1016/j.oneear.2022.07.012. Green open access

Domenech, Teresa; Borrion, Aiduan; (2022) Embedding Circular Economy Principles into Urban Regeneration and Waste Management: Framework and Metrics. Sustainability , 14 (3) p. 1293. 10.3390/su14031293. Green open access

Dray, Lynnette; Schäfer, Andreas W; Grobler, Carla; Falter, Christoph; Allroggen, Florian; Stettler, Marc EJ; Barrett, Steven RH; (2022) Cost and emissions pathways towards net-zero climate impacts in aviation. Nature Climate Change , 12 pp. 956-962. 10.1038/s41558-022-01485-4. Green open access

Drummond, Paul; Grubb, Michael; Price, James; Maximov Gajardo, Serguey; (2022) Review of Electricity Market Arrangements consultation: Response from UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources. UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources: London, UK. Green open access

Du, R; Song, J; Huang, X; Wang, Q; Zhang, C; Brousse, O; Chan, PW; (2022) High-resolution regional modeling of urban moisture island: mechanisms and implications on thermal comfort. Building and Environment , 207 (B) , Article 108542. 10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.108542. Green open access

Duran Casablancas, Cristina; Holtman, Marc; Strlič, Matija; Grau-Bové, Josep; (2022) The end of the reading room? Simulating the impact of digitisation on the physical access of archival collections. Journal of Simulation pp. 1-15. 10.1080/17477778.2022.2128911. (In press). Green open access

Duran-Casablancas, Cristina; (2022) Preservation management modelling in archival and library collections. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Ekins, Paul; Drummond, Paul; Scamman, Daniel; Paroussos, Leonidas; Keppo, Ilkka; (2022) 1.5°C Climate and Energy Scenarios: Impacts on Economic Growth. Oxford Open Energy 10.1093/ooenergy/oiac005. (In press). Green open access

El-Bastawissi, I; Raslan, R; Mohsen, H; Zeayter, H; (2022) Conservation of Beirut’s Urban Heritage Values Through the Historic Urban Landscape Approach. Urban Planning , 7 (1) 10.17645/up.v7i1.4762. Green open access


Falkenberg, M; Galeazzi, A; Torricelli, M; Di Marco, N; Larosa, F; Sas, M; Mekacher, A; ... Baronchelli, A; + view all (2022) Growing polarization around climate change on social media. Nature Climate Change , 12 (12) pp. 1114-1121. 10.1038/s41558-022-01527-x. Green open access

Falloon, Pete; Bebber, Daniel P; Dalin, Carole; Ingram, John; Mitchell, Dann M; Hartley, Tom; Johnes, Penny; ... Houldcroft, Alice; + view all (2022) What do changing weather and climate shocks and stresses mean for the UK food system? Environmental Research Letters 10.1088/1748-9326/ac68f9. (In press). Green open access

Fan, C; Chen, M; Tang, R; Wang, J; (2022) A novel deep generative modeling-based data augmentation strategy for improving short-term building energy predictions. Building Simulation , 15 (2) pp. 197-211. 10.1007/s12273-021-0807-6. Green open access

Fell, M; (2022) Energy as a Service. Presented at: TEDx Sutton High Street, Sutton, UK. Green open access

Fell, Michael J; Roelich, Katy; Middlemiss, Lucie; (2022) Realist approaches in energy research to support faster and fairer climate action. Nature Energy , 7 pp. 916-922. 10.1038/s41560-022-01093-8. Green open access

Ferguson, L; Taylor, J; Symonds, P; Davies, M; (2022) Modelling childhood exposure to indoor air pollution across socio-economic groups. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, INDOOR AIR 2022. (pp. pp. 1-8). Indoor Air Green open access

Ferrer, S; Campo-Francés, G; Grau-Bové, J; Bautista-Morenilla, I; Nualart-Torroja, A; (2022) RH simulation model for canvas paintings protected by an aluminium backplate and an additional hygroscopic layer. Heritage Science , 10 (1) , Article 115. 10.1186/s40494-022-00741-2. (In press). Green open access

Few, Jessica; McKenna, Eoghan; Pullinger, Martin; Elam, Simon; Webborn, Ellen; Oreszczyn, Tadj; (2022) Smart Energy Research Lab: Energy use in GB domestic buildings 2021. Smart Energy Research Lab: London, UK. Green open access

Ford, Brian; Mumovic, Dejan; Rawal, Rajan; (2022) Alternatives to air-conditioning: policies, design, technologies, behaviours. Buildings and Cities , 3 (1) pp. 433-447. 10.5334/bc.256. Green open access

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Wang, Yan; Cooper, Elizabeth; Tahmasebi, Farhang; Chalabi, Zaid; Stamp, Samuel; Burman, Esfandiar; Mumovic, Dejan; (2022) A multilevel window state model based on outdoor environmental conditions that captures behavioural variation at room and apartment levels. Energy and Buildings , Article 112562. 10.1016/j.enbuild.2022.112562. (In press). Green open access

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Watson, Nicole; Huebner, Gesche; Fell, Michael; Shipworth, David; (2022) Future energy retail markets: stakeholder views on multiple electricity supplier models in the UK. In: ECEEE 2022 Summer Study Proceedings. ECEEE Green open access

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Xiao, Jieling; Aletta, Francesco; Ali-Maclachlan, Islah; (2022) On the Opportunities of the Soundscape Approach to Revitalise Acoustics Training in Undergraduate Architectural Courses. Sustainability , 14 (4) , Article 1957. 10.3390/su14041957. Green open access

Xiao, Jieling; Aletta, Francesco; Radicchi, Antonella; (2022) Editorial: Smells, Well-Being, and the Built Environment. Frontiers in Psychology , 13 , Article 880701. 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.880701. Green open access

Xie, Hui; Peng, Zhaohui; Kang, Jian; Liu, Chang; Wu, Huifei; (2022) Soundscape Evaluation Outside a Taoist Temple: A Case Study of Laojundong Temple in Chongqing, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 19 (8) , Article 4571. 10.3390/ijerph19084571. Green open access

Xu, Chunyang; (2022) VR-based Soundscape Evaluation: Auralising the Sound from Audio Rendering, Reflection Modelling to Source Synthesis in the Acoustic Environment. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Yang, G; Hitchings, R; Lotti, L; Shipworth, M; (2022) Understanding the social norms of cooling in Chinese offices: Predominance, professionalism, and peer respect. Energy Research and Social Science , 94 , Article 102861. 10.1016/j.erss.2022.102861. Green open access

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Yang, T; Kang, J; (2022) Perception difference for approaching and receding sound sources of a listener in motion in architectural sequential spaces. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , 151 (2) , Article 685. 10.1121/10.0009231. Green open access

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Yang, X; Kang, J; (2022) The effect of visual and acoustic factors on the sound preference for waterscapes in urban public spaces. Applied Acoustics , 197 , Article 108945. 10.1016/j.apacoust.2022.108945. Green open access

Ye, K; Luo, H; Zhong, H; Kang, J; (2022) Physiological and psychological influence of multi-media in urban business districts. Sustainable Cities and Society , 77 , Article 103546. 10.1016/j.scs.2021.103546. Green open access

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Zafeiratou, Eleni; (2022) Modelling scenarios for enhancing the effective implementation of secure, affordable and sustainable electricity on the Greek islands. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Zafeiratou, Eleni; Spataru, Catalina; (2022) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition , 2 , Article 100029. 10.1016/j.rset.2022.100029. Green open access

Zamora, Samuel; Rahman, Imran A; Sumrall, Colin D; Gibson, Adam P; Thompson, Jeffrey R; (2022) Cambrian edrioasteroid reveals new mechanism for secondary reduction of the skeleton in echinoderms. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences , 289 (1970) , Article 20212733. 10.1098/rspb.2021.2733. Green open access

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Zepeda Rivas, Daniel; Rodríguez-Álvarez, Jorge; García-Chávez, José Roberto; (2022) Resilient design in extreme climates: 5-step overheating assessment method for naturally ventilated buildings. In: Nicol, Fergus and Bahadur Rijal, Hom and Roaf, Susan, (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Resilient Thermal Comfort. (pp. 71-87). Routledge: Oxfordshire, UK. Green open access

Zhang, B; Kang, J; (2022) Effect of environmental contexts pertaining to different sound sources on the mood states. Building and Environment , 207 , Article 108456. 10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.108456. Green open access

Zhang, Bo; Gao, Xiaoyu; Zhou, Jiaxu; Jia, Xiaohu; (2022) The Associations between Evacuation Movements and Children's Physiological Demands Analyzed via Wearable-Based Sensors. Sensors , 22 (21) , Article 8094. 10.3390/s22218094. Green open access

Zhang, Dongxu; Kong, Chunxiao; Zhang, Mei; Kang, Jian; (2022) Religious Belief-Related Factors Enhance the Impact of Soundscapes in Han Chinese Buddhist Temples on Mental Health. Frontiers in Psychology , 12 , Article 774689. 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.774689. Green open access

Zhang, Huayue; Kang, Jian; (2022) Acoustic Needs of Older People in the Outdoor Environment of Residential Communities: A Case Study in China. International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration , 27 (2) pp. 106-111. 10.20855/ijav.2022.27.21838. Green open access

Zhang, K; Sun, P; Li, S; Spataru, C; Lv, X; Weng, Y; (2022) Characteristic of thermal energy system self-driven by exhausted heat from equipment in lunar base. Applied Thermal Engineering , 213 , Article 118751. 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2022.118751. Green open access

Zhang, Yuerong; Kamargianni, Maria; (2022) A review on the factors influencing the adoption of new mobility technologies and services: autonomous vehicle, drone, micromobility and mobility as a service. Transport Reviews 10.1080/01441647.2022.2119297. (In press). Green open access

Zheng, Z; Wang, S; Li, W; Luo, X; (2022) A Consensus-based Distributed Temperature Priority Control of Air Conditioner Clusters for Voltage Regulation in Distribution Networks. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10.1109/TSG.2022.3186002. (In press). Green open access

Zhou, JIAXU; Ucci, Marcella; Huebner, Gesche; (2022) Exposure to Indoor PM2.5 and Perception of Air Quality and Productivity in an Office Building: An Intervention Study. In: Indoor Air 2022 Proceedings. (pp. pp. 1-6). International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ) Green open access

Zhou, Ke; Zhang, Mengru; (2022) Resilience Development in Multiple Shocks: Lessons in Mental Health and Well-Being Deterioration during COVID-19. Systems , 10 (5) p. 183. 10.3390/systems10050183. Green open access

Zhou, Ke; Zimmermann, Nici; Warwick, Elanor; Pineo, Helen; Ucci, Marcella; Davies, Michael; (2022) Dynamics of short-term and long-term decision-making in English housing associations: A study of using systems thinking to inform policy design. EURO Journal on Decision Processes , 10 , Article 100017. 10.1016/j.ejdp.2022.100017. Green open access

Zhou, Ke; Zimmermann, Nicole; (2022) Dynamics of decision issues and decision-making rules in urban regeneration: why the focus of attention changes over time? Presented at: 2022 International System Dynamics Conference, Frankfurt, Germany. Green open access

Zhou, Ke; Zimmermann, Nicole; (2022) Theorising and modelling competing institutional logics in decision-making. Presented at: 2022 International System Dynamics Conference, Frankfurt, Germany. Green open access

Zhu, X; Liu, F; Kang, J; Yang, D; Wu, Y; (2022) The relationship between perception of soundscape and visitor experience of the Great Wall Badaling Section. In: Proceedings of the International Congress on Acoustics. (pp. pp. 1-5). ICA Green open access

Zhuang, Chaoqun; Choudhary, Ruchi; Mavrogianni, Anna; (2022) Probabilistic occupancy forecasting for risk-aware optimal ventilation through autoencoder Bayesian deep neural networks. Building and Environment , 219 , Article 109207. 10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109207. Green open access

Zimmermann, Nicole; (2022) Participatory modelling in an introductory systems thinking and system dynamics class. Presented at: 2022 International System Dynamics Conference, Frankfurt, Germany. Green open access

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