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Academic Network on Global Education & Learning; (2020) Global Education Digest 2020. (Global Education Digest Report Series 3 , pp. pp. 1-150 ). Development Education Research Centre, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Altintas, Mustafa Cabir; (2020) Worldviews and identity discernment of Turkish youth and the role of religious education: An investigation of imam-Hatip High Schools' senior students' meaning-making of the world in the 21st Century. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Amos, Ruth; (2020) Climate crisis continues: early career science teachers as key facilitators supporting compassionate engagement with, and action on, local and global issues through blended learning. Presented at: TEESNet 2020: Education as a Pedagogy of Hope and Possibility: The Role of Teacher Education in Leading Narratives of Change, Online conference. Green open access


Barmania, S; Reiss, MJ; (2020) Health promotion perspectives on the COVID-19 pandemic: The importance of religion. Global Health Promotion 10.1177/1757975920972992. (In press). Green open access

Bennett, J; Dunlop, L; Knox, K; Torrance Jenkins, R; Reiss, M; (2020) Being a scientist: The role of practical research projects in school science. In: Parchmann, I and Simon, S and Apotheker, J, (eds.) Engaging Learners with Chemistry: Projects to Stimulate Interest and Participation. (pp. 32-51). Royal Society of Chemistry: London, UK. Green open access

Bentall, C; (2020) Editorial: The policy environment for development education. International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning , 12 (2) pp. 89-91. 10.14324/ijdegl.12.2.01. Green open access

Bentall, C; (2020) Continuing professional development of teachers in global learning: What works? In: Bourn, D, (ed.) The Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Education and Learning. (pp. 356-368). Bloomsbury Academic: London, UK. Green open access

Blum, N; (2020) Study Abroad as a Route to Global Citizenship: Student Perspectives in the UK. In: Bourn, D, (ed.) The Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Education and Learning. Bloomsbury Academic: London, UK. Green open access

Bosio, Emiliano Tiberio; (2020) Implementing Principles of Global Citizenship Education into University Curricula. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Bourn, D; (2020) Global education and global development and skills. Educar em Revista , 56 (2) pp. 279-295. 10.5565/rev/educar.1143. Green open access

Bourn, D; (2020) What are the Challenges for Development Education Arising from the Merger of the UK Department for International Development with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office ? Policy and Practice : development education review , 31 pp. 95-109. Green open access

Bourn, D; Pasha, A; (2020) Developing effective learning in Nepal: Insights into school leadership, teaching methods and curriculum. [Book]. British Council Nepal: Katmandu, Nepal. Green open access

Bretscher, N; (2020) Using the Knowledge Quartet to analyse interviews with teachers manipulating dynamic geometry software. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. (pp. pp. 3855-3862). Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University, Netherlands and ERME: Utrecht, Netherlands. Green open access

Buchanan, D; (2020) 'Five years ago I was on suicide watch…now I’m in college gaining a qualification'. Journal of Further and Higher Education , 44 (6) pp. 843-855. 10.1080/0309877X.2019.1612861. Green open access

Buchanan, D; Warwick, I; (2020) Supporting adults with mental health problems through further education. Health Education Journal 10.1177/0017896920929739. (In press). Green open access


Casinader, N; Mitchell, D; Hammond, L; (2020) Challenging the teaching of geographies of exclusion – the potential of geocapabilities for a transcultural approach in Australian and English schools. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education , 29 (4) pp. 316-331. 10.1080/10382046.2019.1675991. Green open access

Chapman, A; (2020) What Should School History Be? Reflections on the aims of school history and Manifesto per la Didattica della Storia. Didactica della Storia: Journal of research and didactics of history , 2 (1) pp. 52-62. 10.6092/issn.2704-8217/11017. Green open access

Charles Cole, Syreeta; (2020) PGCE Primary Trainee Teachers' Perceptions and Accounts of Using Manipulatives When Teaching Mathematics on Placement. Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Clark, Lauren Beth; (2020) Critical pedagogy in English universities: the relationship between theory and practice. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Cockett, Andrea Michelle; (2020) ‘Becoming a nurse’: Students’ perceptions of the role of assessment in enabling them to meet the requirements of their programme of study to ‘become a nurse’. Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Correia, CF; Harrison, C; (2020) Teachers' beliefs about inquiry-based learning and its impact on formative assessment practice. Research in Science and Technological Education , 38 (3) pp. 355-376. 10.1080/02635143.2019.1634040. Green open access

Crisan, C; (2020) Making mathematics the focus of mentor-mentee conversations. Presented at: British Society for Research into the Learning Mathematics (BSRLM) Conference 2020, Online conference. Green open access

Crisan, C; (2020) Mentor-Mentees conversations: Making explicit the teaching and learning of Mathematics. In: BSRLM Proceedings. (pp. pp. 1-6). Green open access


Dawes, AJ; Wheeldon, R; (2020) Why I became a chemistry teacher: identifying turning points in chemistry teacher narratives of their trajectories into teaching. Research in Science and Technological Education , 40 (4) 454 -477. 10.1080/02635143.2020.1816951. Green open access

Dudley-Smith, R; Whiteman, N; (2020) Diagramming the Social: Relational Method in Research. Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Durden, G; (2020) Qualitative differences in beginner teachers' knowledge of pupils' understandings: evidence from learning study and implications for teacher education. Journal of Education for Teaching , 46 (1) pp. 99-116. 10.1080/02607476.2019.1708630. Green open access


El-Abd, Maria; Chaaban, Youmen; (2020) The role of vicarious experiences in the development of pre-service teachers’ classroom management self-efficacy beliefs. International Journal of Early Years Education , 29 (3) pp. 282-297. 10.1080/09669760.2020.1779669.

Elhawary, D; Hargreaves, E; (2020) Why won't they speak English? An investigation into how young learners perceive and negotiate anxiety and autonomy in the EFL classroom. British Council ELTRA: UK.

Elwick, A; Svennevig, H; Jerome, L; (2020) 'I knew what was going on the news, but I didn’t know how to understand it’: is the Prevent policy helping students learn about terrorism? [Digital scholarly resource]. https://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/ioe/2020/09/08/i-knew-what... Green open access

Elwick, A; (2020) Valuing diversity in universities: institutional value statements and the reality of student intakes. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management , 42 (3) pp. 269-284. 10.1080/1360080X.2019.1701848. Green open access

Elwick, A; Jerome, L; Svennevig, H; (2020) Student Perspectives on Teaching and the Prevent Policy. In: The Prevent Duty in Education Impact, Enactment and Implications. (pp. 55-75). Springer Nature: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access


Fargher, M; (2020) Grasping the global with digital earth. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP: Florence, Italy. Green open access

Flynn, Eithne Josephine; (2020) Subject to change? The lived experience of a teaching life post 2010: a narrative study. Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Francis, B; Craig, N; Hodgen, J; Taylor, B; Tereshchenko, A; Connolly, P; Archer, L; (2020) The impact of tracking by attainment on pupil self-confidence over time: demonstrating the accumulative impact of self-fulfilling prophecy. British Journal of Sociology of Education , 41 (5) pp. 626-642. 10.1080/01425692.2020.1763162. Green open access

Friso, F; Mendive, F; Soffiato, M; Bombardelli, V; Hesketh, A; Heinrich, M; Menghini, L; (2020) Implementation of Nagoya Protocol on Access and benefit-sharing in Peru: Implications for researchers. Journal of Ethnopharmacology , 259 , Article 112885. 10.1016/j.jep.2020.112885. Green open access


Gao, J; (2020) Sources of Mathematics Self-Efficacy in Chinese Students: a Mixed-Method Study with Q-Sorting Procedure. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education , 18 pp. 713-732. 10.1007/s10763-019-09984-1. Green open access

Gao, J; Brooks, C; Xu, Y; Kitto, E; (2020) 怎样的婴幼儿父母教养项目最有效—— 对综述及元分析研究证据的系统整合. UCL Institute of Education, Centre for Teacher and Early Years Education: London, UK. Green open access

Gao, J; Brooks, C; Xu, Y; Kitto, E; (2020) What Makes an Effective Early Childhood Parenting Programme: a Systematic Review of Reviews and Meta analyses. UCL Institute of Education, Centre for Teacher and Early Years Education: London, UK. Green open access

Gao, J; Soranzo, A; (2020) Applying Q-Methodology to Investigate People’ Preferences for Multivariate Stimuli. Frontiers in Psychology , 11 , Article 556509. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.556509. Green open access

Gao, J; Soranzo, A; (2020) Individual Differences in Aesthetic Preferences for Multi-Sensorial Stimulation. Vision , 4 (1) , Article 6. 10.3390/vision4010006. Green open access

Geraniou, E; Crisan, C; (2020) The design principles of an online professional development short course for mentors of mathematics teachers. In: Proceedings of the 10th ERME Topic Conference MEDA 2020. (pp. pp. 191-198). Johannes Kepler University Green open access

Ghosh, S; (2020) What Motivates Teachers to Develop Critically Informed Citizens in the Mathematics Classroom? Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal , 36 Green open access

Golding, J; (2020) Additional mathematics papers for entry to English universities: their role, purpose and impact. A report for the Joint Mathematical Council of the UK. Joint Mathematical Council of the UK: London, UK.

Golding, J; (2020) Approaches to developing mathematical thinking in VSO 'Numeracy for All' MESH guide. [Digital scholarly resource]. http://www.meshguides.org/guides/node/1588 Green open access

Golding, J; (2020) Family and volunteers' guide in VSO 'Numeracy for All' MESH Guide. [Digital scholarly resource]. http://www.meshguides.org/guides/node/1588 Green open access

Golding, J; (2020) 'Is that OK?' Conundrums of developing as an ethical researcher. Presented at: BSRLM New Researchers' Day, Online conference. Green open access

Golding, J; (2020) Key Teaching/Pedagogical Issues in VSO 'Numeracy for All' MESH guide. [Digital scholarly resource]. http://www.meshguides.org/guides/node/1588 Green open access

Golding, J; Barrow, E; Grima, G; (2020) Power Maths: Implementation, effectiveness and response to a pandemic summer. Pearson: London, UK.

Golding, J; Redmond, B; Grima, G; (2020) A Levels in Mathematics: Implementation and Effectiveness of A Levels first taught from September 2017. Third Interim Report. Pearson: London, UK.

Golding, J; Redmond, B; Grima, G; (2020) Mathematics A Levels: Reflections and experiences in a pandemic summer. Pearson: London, UK. Green open access

Golding, Jennie; (2020) Baggage, beliefs and belonging: mathematical identities low-attaining mathematics students bring to Further Education. Presented at: Centre for Excellence in Mathematics, Online conference. Green open access

Golding, J; (2020) Mathematics education and financial literacy: a valued but vulnerable symbiosis. In: BSRLM Proceedings: Vol 40 No 1 at The University of Cambridge, Cambridge, on Saturday 7 th March 2020. BSRLM: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Golding, J; Hargreaves, E; Jindal-Snape, D; Leaton Gray, S; Perryman, J; (2020) Starting secondary school in 2020 - Student Guide. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Golding, J; Hargreaves, E; Jindal-Snape, D; Leaton Gray, S; Perryman, J; (2020) Starting secondary school in 2020 - Teacher Guide. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Guerrero, GR; Reiss, MJ; (2020) Science outside the classroom: exploring opportunities from interdisciplinarity and research–practice partnerships. International Journal of Science Education , 42 (9) pp. 1522-1543. 10.1080/09500693.2020.1767317. Green open access


Hale, R; (2020) 'It made me think how I should treat others and how I should help people who need it': The complexities of exploring the impact of Holocaust education. Oxford Review of Education , 46 (6) pp. 788-803. 10.1080/03054985.2020.1791062. Green open access

Hammond, L; (2020) Children, childhood and children's geographies: Evolving through technology. In: Walshe, N and Healy, G, (eds.) Geography Education in the Digital World. (pp. 38-50). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Hammond, L; (2020) GTE 2020 – reflections on a valuable space for discussion about research, policy and practice in areas that matter to geography teacher education. GA Magazine , 45 (Summer) Green open access

Hammond, L; McKendrick, JH; (2020) Geography teacher educators' perspectives on the place of children's geographies in the classroom. Geography , 105 (2) pp. 86-93. Green open access

Hammond, Lauren Elise; (2020) An investigation into children's geographies and their value to geography education in schools. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hanley (née Kan), Natalya; (2020) Empathy-Based Pedagogical Approach to Global Citizenship Education: Kazakhstani Secondary Schools Context. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Hardman, M; Taylor, B; Daly, C; Glegg, P; Stiasny, B; Pillinger, C; Gandolfi, H; (2020) Early Career Teacher Support - Pilot Report, EEF Evaluation. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Hargreaves, E; El Hawary, D; Mahgoub, M; (2020) Promoting EFL learning towards peaceful global citizenship. Global Brief (In press). Green open access

Hargreaves, E; (2020) Why Covid catch-up classes are a really bad idea. Times Educational Supplement Green open access

Hargreaves, E; ElHawary, D; (2020) Exploring collaborative interaction and self-direction in Teacher Learning Teams: case-studies from a middle-income country analysed using Vygotskian theory. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education , 50 (1) pp. 71-89. 10.1080/03057925.2018.1502609. Green open access

Hargreaves, E; Elhawary, D; Mahgoub, M; (2020) ‘One girl had a different idea’: children’s perspectives on learning and teaching models in the traditional classroom. Education 3-13 , 48 (1) pp. 87-99. 10.1080/03004279.2019.1586975. Green open access

Hargreaves, E; Scott, T; (2020) Look no further: inquiring into learning-needs as professional development. In: Hargreaves, E and Rolls, L, (eds.) Inspiring Professional Development. Routledge (In press).

Harrison, C; Johnson, S; Reiss, MJ; (2020) John Barker (1929-2020) – an appreciation. Journal of Biological Education , 54 (4) p. 345. 10.1080/00219266.2020.1797312. Green open access

Healy, G; Walshe, N; (2020) Real-world geographers and geography students using GIS: relevance, everyday applications and the development of geographical knowledge. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education , 29 (2) pp. 178-196. 10.1080/10382046.2019.1661125. Green open access

Healy, G; Walshe, N; Dunphy, A; (2020) How is geography rendered visible as an object of concern in written lesson observation feedback? The Curriculum Journal , 31 (1) pp. 7-26. 10.1002/curj.1. Green open access

Hodgen, J; (2020) Low attainment in mathematics: An investigation focusing on Year 9 students in England. UCL Institute of Education.: London, UK. Green open access

Hodgen, J; Murphy, D; Adkins, M; Oliver, M; Pourhabib, S; (2020) Pedagogical devices as children’s social care levers: A study of social care workers’ attitudes towards boarding schools to care for and educate children in need. British Educational Research Journal , 46 (6) pp. 1300-1320. 10.1002/berj.3633. Green open access

Hodgen, J; Adkins, M; Tomei, A; (2020) The mathematical backgrounds of undergraduates from England. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications , 39 (1) pp. 38-60. 10.1093/teamat/hry017. Green open access

Hodgen, J; Barclay, N; Foster, C; Gilmore, C; Marks, R; Simms, V; (2020) Review of Evidence on Early Years and Key Stage 1 Mathematics Teaching. Education Endowment Foundation: London. Green open access

Hodgen, J; Coe, R; Foster, C; Brown, M; Higgins, S; Küchemann, D; (2020) Low attainment in mathematics: an investigation focusing on Year 9 pupils in England. UCL Institute of Education: London. Green open access

Hodgen, J; Foster, C; Coe, R; Brown, M; Higgins, S; Küchemann, D; (2020) Low attainment in mathematics: An investigation focusing on Year 9 students in England. Technical Report. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

Hodgen, J; Taylor, B; Jacques, L; Tereshchenko, A; Kwok, R; Cockerill, M; (2020) Remote mathematics teaching during COVID-19: intentions, practices and equity. UCL Institute of Education: London, UK. Green open access

House, Jeremy G; (2020) Toward a Model of Human Flourishing. Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Huber, J; Kitson, A; (2020) An exploration of the role of ethnic identity in students' construction of 'British stories'. The Curriculum Journal , 31 (3) pp. 454-478. 10.1002/curj.23. Green open access

Hunt, F; (2020) Characteristics of a Global Learning School. In: Bourn, D, (ed.) The Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Education and Learning. Bloomsbury Academic: London, UK. Green open access


Isaacs, T; Golding, J; Richardson, M; swensson, C; (2020) TIMSS 2019 Encyclopaedia Education Policy and Curriculum in Mathematics and Science: England. In: TIMSS 2019 Encyclopaedia Education Policy and Curriculum in Mathematics and Science. IEA Green open access


Jackson, Adrian; (2020) Encouraging girls to study Physics at A-level and beyond: a classroom study in England. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Jacques, L; Clark-Wilson, A; (2020) Developing Questions and Prompts: English Primary Teachers’ Learning about Variation through Lesson Study. In: Borko, H and Potari, D, (eds.) Proceedings of ICMI Study 25: Teachers of mathematics working and learning in collaborative groups. (pp. pp. 348-355). IMCI: Lisbon, Portugal. Green open access

Jerome, L; Elwick, A; (2020) Teaching about terrorism, extremism and radicalisation: some implications for controversial issues pedagogy. Oxford Review of Education , 46 (2) pp. 222-237. 10.1080/03054985.2019.1667318. Green open access

Jones, E; Denman, K; Molloy, E; Fairbanks, A; (2020) Gérer la sécurité du personnel humanitaire aux profils diversifiés. European Interagency Security Forum: GISF: London, UK. Green open access

Jones, E; Denman, K; Molloy, E; Fairbanks, A; (2020) Gestión de la Seguridad del Personal Humanitario con Perfiles Diversos. European Interagency Security Forum:GISF: London, United Kingdom. Green open access


Kitson, Alison; (2020) Teachers as recontextualization agents: a study of expert teachers' knowledge and their role in the recontextualization process across different subjects. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Leaton Gray, S; (2020) Artificial intelligence in schools: Towards a democratic future. London Review of Education , 18 (2) pp. 163-177. 10.14324/lre.18.2.02. Green open access

Leaton Gray, S; Kucirkova, N; (2020) AI and the human in education: Editorial. London Review of Education , 19 (1) , Article 10. 10.14324/LRE.19.1.10. Green open access

Levinson, R; Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, D; Bedsted, B; Manov, B; Hadjichambis, A; (2020) Political Dimensions of Environmental Citizenship. In: Hadjichambis, A and Reis, P and Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, D and Cincera, J and Boeve-de Pauw, J and Gericke, N and Knippels, M-C, (eds.) Conceptualizing Environmental Citizenship for 21st Century Education. (pp. 17-28). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Lindfors, M; Bodin, M; Simon, S; (2020) Unpacking students' epistemic cognition in a physics problem‐solving environment. Journal of Research in Science Teaching , 57 (5) pp. 695-732. 10.1002/tea.21606. Green open access

Loo, S; Sutton, B; (2020) Informal Learning, Practitioner Inquiry and Occupational Education An Epistemological Perspective. (1st ed.). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Loo, S; (2020) Audit Trail of an FE Teacher Educator's Professional Journey. FE News Green open access

Loo, S; (2020) The complexities of occupational teaching on TVET programmes. FE News Green open access

Loo, S; (2020) Discovering the Professional Identities of Teacher Educators. FE News Green open access

Loo, S; (2020) FE teachers’ professional identities. FE News Green open access

Loo, S; (2020) Fully online deliveries: ‘More of the same’ or a new pedagogy? FE News Green open access

Loo, S; (2020) Highways and byways: Pathways to becoming teacher educators. FE News Green open access

Loo, S; (2020) The importance of abilities, attitudes and skill sets in vocational pedagogy. FE News Green open access

Loo, S; (2020) The occupational pedagogy of FE teachers. FE News Green open access

Loo, S; (2020) Reconceptualising teacher education to improve widening participation in FE. FE News Green open access

Loo, S; (2020) Teachers’ emotional ecology: pedagogic, life and occupational experiences. FE News Green open access


Markwick, A; (2020) Deconstructing scientific vocabulary for low-literacy students: an action research study. School Science Review , 101 (377) pp. 83-87. Green open access

Markwick, A; (2020) Science Swap Shop: Rocks and Soils pull-out. Primary Science , 163 pp. 17-20. Green open access

Markwick, A; (2020) Working scientifically with shadows. Primary Science , 165 pp. 28-30. Green open access

Markwick, A; Wright, M; (2020) Meteorite Impact! Applying maths and English skills to a science investigation. Primary Science , 163 pp. 25-28. Green open access

Matthews, Bethanie; Majid, Nasreen; (2020) What is it about mathematics that causes anxiety for pupils? Primary Mathematics , 24 (2) pp. 25-27. Green open access

Mayer, D; Mills, M; (2020) Professionalism and teacher education in Australia and England. European Journal of Teacher Education , 44 (1) pp. 45-61. 10.1080/02619768.2020.1832987. Green open access

McKendrick, JH; Hammond, L; (2020) Connecting with children’s geographies in education. Teaching Geography , 45 (3) pp. 118-121. Green open access

Miyazaki, Tomoaki; (2020) Digital mentoring of young people for responsible citizenship: a case study of an organisation using Twitter. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Moore, A; Fairhurst, P; Correia, C; Harrison, C; Bennett, J; (2020) Science practical work in a COVID-19 world: are teacher demonstrations, videos and textbooks effective replacements for hands-on practical activities? School Science Review , 102 (378) pp. 7-12. Green open access

Mujtaba, T; Sheldrake, R; Reiss, M; (2020) Chemistry for All: Reducing inequalities in chemistry aspirations and attitudes. Royal Society of Chemistry: London, UK. Green open access


Naugah, J; Reiss, MJ; Watts, M; (2020) Parents and their children's choice of school science subjects and career intentions: a study from Mauritius. Research in Science & Technological Education , 38 (4) pp. 463-483. 10.1080/02635143.2019.1645107. Green open access

Norman, Z; Reiss, M; (2020) Two Planets, One Species: Does a Mission to Mars Alter the Balance in Favour of Human Enhancement? In: Szocik, K, (ed.) Human Enhancements for Space Missions Lunar, Martian, and Future Missions to the Outer Planets. (pp. 151-167). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Norman, Z; Reiss, MJ; (2020) RISK AND SACRAMENT: BEING HUMAN IN A COVID‐19 WORLD. Zygon: journal of religion and science 10.1111/zygo.12618. (In press). Green open access

Noss, R; Hoyles, C; Saunders, P; Clark-Wilson, A; Benton, L; Kalas, I; (2020) Making Constructionism Work at Scale: The Story Of Scratchmaths. In: Holbert, N and Berland, M and Kafai, Y, (eds.) Designing Constructionist Futures: The Art, Theory, and Practice of Learning Designs. (pp. 39-52). MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, USA. Green open access


O'Kelly, Julia; (2020) The value of Initial Teacher Education: generating controlled or activist professionalism? Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Palombo, M; Hammond, L; Mitchell, D; (2020) The Findings of the Survey of Mentoring in Geography Education. Teaching Geography , 45 (1) pp. 9-11. Green open access

Papworth, Nicola; (2020) Students’ decision making process when making choices for Post-16 education in Guernsey. Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Patahol Wasli, Mohamad Muhidin bin; (2020) Malaysian Muslims' Critical Engagement with the Imam Muda Islamic Reality TV Show as informal Islamic Education. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Pearce, A; (2020) Marginalisation through commemoration: Trends and practices in Holocaust education in the United Kingdom. War & Society , 39 (3) pp. 215-220. 10.1080/07292473.2020.1786891. Green open access

Perryman, J; Calvert, G; (2020) What motivates people to teach, and why do they leave? Accountability, performativity and teacher retention. British Journal of Educational Studies , 68 (1) pp. 2-23. 10.1080/00071005.2019.1589417. Green open access

Pillinger, C; (2020) Raising Readers using dialogic reading techniques. Journal of Innovate Teaching School Partnership , 2020 (8) (In press). Green open access


Redmond, B; Golding, J; Grima, G; (2020) Teaching and learning for ‘moving goal-posts’: reformed A Levels in mathematics. In: BSRLM Proceedings: Vol 40 No 1 at The University of Cambridge, Cambridge, on Saturday 7 th March 2020. BSRLM: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Reiss, M; (2020) Teaching evolution in schools and colleges – a clash with religious beliefs? [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.innovationnewsnetwork.com/teaching-evo...

Reiss, M; Barmania, S; (2020) How religion can aid public health messaging during a pandemic. Nature India 10.1038/nindia.2020.87. Green open access

Reiss, M; Barmania, S; (2020) Religion and Science in a Time of COVID-19: Allies or Adversaries? [Digital scholarly resource]. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/...

Reiss, M; Briggs, A; Burbidge, D; (2020) Citizenship in a Networked Age: An Agenda for Rebuilding Our Civic Ideals. University of Oxford: Oxford,UK.

Reiss, M; Mansfield, J; (2020) The place of values in the aims of school science education. In: Corrigan, D and Buntting, C and Fitzgerald, A and Jones, A, (eds.) Values in Science Education The Shifting Sands. (pp. 191-209). Springer Nature: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Reiss, Michael; (2020) Should we teach about the genetics of intelligence? School Science Review , 102 (378) pp. 48-53. Green open access

Reiss, MJ; (2020) Biology education – progress or retreat? Journal of Biological Education , 54 (5) pp. 461-462. 10.1080/00219266.2020.1829441. Green open access

Reiss, M; (2020) The educational benefits of out-of-classroom learning. In: Burt, T and Thompson, D, (eds.) Curious about Nature A Passion for Fieldwork. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.

Reiss, M; (2020) Royal Institution. In: David, M and Amey, M, (eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education. (p. 1748). SAGE Publications Limited

Reiss, M; (2020) Royal Society. In: David, M and Amey, M, (eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education. (pp. 1749-1750). SAGE Publications Limited

Reiss, M; Bryant, J; (2020) Creationism. In: David, M and Amey, M, (eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education. (pp. 311-314). SAGE Publications Limited

Reiss, MJ; (2020) Science Education in the Light of COVID-19: The Contribution of History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science. Science and Education 10.1007/s11191-020-00143-5. (In press). Green open access

Richardson, M; Isaacs, T; Barnes, I; Swensson, C; Wilkinson, D; Golding, J; (2020) Trends in International Maths and Science Study (TIMSS) 2019 National Report for England. Department for Education: London, UK. Green open access

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Richardson, M; Hernandez Hernandez, F; Hiltunen, M; Moura, A; Fulkova, M; King, F; Collins, FM; (2020) Creative Connections: The power of contemporary art to explore European citizenship. London Review of Education , 18 (2) pp. 281-298. 10.14324/LRE.18.2.10. Green open access

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