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(2003) A Response to the Commentators. Journal of British Studies , 42 (4) 530 - 538. 10.1086/376467. Green open access

Addae-Dapaah, K; (2003) Effects of property acquisition and disposal on property stock value. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 8 (3) Green open access

Adler, C; Ahammed, Z; Allgower, C; Anderson, M; Averichev, GS; Balewski, J; Barannikova, O; ... Zubarev, AN; + view all (2003) Erratum: Midrapidity antiproton-ti-proton ratio from Au + Au collisions at √S = 130 GeV (Phys. Rev. Lett. (2001) 86 (4778)). Physical Review Letters , 90 (11) , Article e119903. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.119903. Green open access

Alderson, P; Phillips, B; (2003) Beyond ‘AntiSmacking’: Challenging Parental Violence and Coercion. Child Abuse Review , 12 (5) pp. 282-291. 10.1002/car.813. Green open access

Alfe, D; (2003) First-principles simulations of direct coexistence of solid and liquid aluminum. PHYS REV B , 68 (6) , Article 064423. 10.1103/PhysRevB.68.064423. Green open access

Arrigoni, FI; Vallance, P; Haworth, SG; Leiper, JM; (2003) Metabolism of asymmetric dimethylarginines is regulated in the lung developmentally and with pulmonary hypertension induced by hypobaric hypoxia. Circulation , 107 (8) pp. 1195-1201. 10.1161/01.CIR.0000051466.00227.13. Green open access

Ash, R; (2003) Review of M.B. Roller, Constructing Autocracy: Aristocrats and Emperors in Julio-Claudian Rome. [Review]. Journal of Roman Studies , 93 (2003) 395 - 396. 10.2307/3184735. Green open access

Attanasio, O; Emmerson, C; (2003) Differential mortality in the UK. Journal of the European Economic Association , 1 (4) pp. 821-850. Green open access

Battye, RA; Weller, J; (2003) Constraining Cosmological Parameters using Sunyaev-Zel'dovich cluster surveys. Physical Review D , 68 10.1103/PhysRevD.68.083506. Green open access

Bazin, S; Harding, AJ; Kent, GM; Orcutt, JA; Singh, SC; Tong, CH; Pye, J; ... HJA, VA; + view all (2003) A three-dimensional study of a crustal low velocity region beneath the 9°03′N overlapping spreading center. Geophysical Research Letters , 30 (2) , Article 1039. 10.1029/2002GL015137. Green open access

Beard, R; (2003) Not the Whole Story of the National Literacy Strategy: A Response to Dominic Wyse. British Educational Research Journal , 29 (6) pp. 917-928. 10.1080/0141192032000137385. Green open access

Belcher, SE; Jerram, N; Hunt, JCR; (2003) Adjustment of a turbulent boundary layer to a 'canopy' of roughness elements. Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 488 369 - 398. 10.1017/S0022112003005019. Green open access

Bender, DA; (2003) Megaloblastic anaemia in vitamin B-12 deficiency. BRIT J NUTR , 89 (4) 439 - 440. 10.1079/BJN2002828. Green open access

Berkley, JA; Ross, A; Mwangi, I; Osier, FH; Mohammed, M; Shebbe, M; Lowe, BS; ... Newton, CR; + view all (2003) Prognostic indicators of early and late death in children admitted to district hospital in Kenya: cohort study. BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.) , 326 (7385) pp. 361-363. 10.1136/bmj.326.7385.361. Green open access

Black, P; Wiliam, D; (2003) 'In praise of educational research': formative assessment. British Educational Research Journal , 29 (5) pp. 623-637. 10.1080/0141192032000133721. Green open access

Bowers, KJ; Johnson, SD; Hirschfield, AFG; (2003) Pushing back the boundaries: new techniques for assessing the impact of burglary schemes. Green open access

Bowersox, JD; (2003) 'Loyal Sons of the Church and Fatherland'? Center-Polish Relations in Upper Silesia, 1871-1907. Canadian Journal of History = Annales canadiennes d'histoire , 38 (2) pp. 231-257. 10.3138/cjh.38.2.231. Green open access

Bowling, A; Rowe, G; Lambert, N; Ebrahim, S; Thomson, R; Laurence, M; Dalrymple, J; (2003) Patients' preferences need thinking through for the NHS. British Medical Journal , 327 (7412) 450 . 10.1136/bmj.327.7412.450. Green open access

Bracewell, CW; (2003) Friends, Lovers, Rivals, Enemies: Blood-Brotherhood on an Early-Modern Balkan Frontier. Caiete de Antropologie Istorică , 2 (1-3) 103 - 126. Green open access

Brant, J; Unwin, A; (2003) Beyond the Lesson Plan: Developing a global dimension in Initial Teacher Education. Teaching Business and Economics , 7 (1) pp. 21-26.

Brethouwer, G; Hunt, JCR; Nieuwstadt, FTM; (2003) Micro structure and Lagrangian statistcs of the scalar field with a mean gradient in isotropic turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 474 193 - 225. 10.1017/S0022112002002549. Green open access

Bromley, ST; Zwijnenburg, MA; Maschmeyer, T; (2003) Fully coordinated silica nanoclusters: (SiO2)(N) molecular rings. PHYS REV LETT , 90 (3) , Article 035502. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.035502. Green open access

Browne, J; (2003) Obituary of Roy Sydney Porter. The British Journal for the History of Science , 36 (1) 83 - 86. 10.1017/S0007087402004922. Green open access

Campbell, C; Whitty, G; Carpentier, V; (2003) Educational financing and improvement: conceptual issues and policy debates in the UK. Revue Suisse des Sciences de l'Education , 25 (3) pp. 455-477. Green open access

Candy, B; Chalder, T; Cleare, AJ; Peakman, A; Skowera, A; Wessley, S; Weinman, J; ... Hotopf, M; + view all (2003) Predictors of fatigue following the onset of infectious mononucleosis. Psychological Medicine , 33 (5) pp. 847-855. 10.1017/S0033291703007554. Green open access

Carminati, FR; Sanchez-Palencia, L; Schiavoni, M; Renzoni, F; Grynberg, G; (2003) Rayleigh scattering and atomic dynamics in dissipative optical lattices. PHYS REV LETT , 90 (4) , Article 043901. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.043901. Green open access

Carpentier, V; (2003) Public Expenditure on Education and Economic Growth in the UK, 1833-2000. History of Education , 32 (1) pp. 1-15. Green open access

Chesher, A; (2003) Nonparametric identification under discrete variation. Cemmap Working Paper , CWP19 (03) Green open access

Conway, AJ; Matthews, SA; (2003) The apparent longitude distribution of solar flares. ASTRON ASTROPHYS , 401 (3) 1151 - 1157. 10.1051/0004-6361:20030216. Green open access

Cooper, B; McGivern, C; Lancaster, M; Snihur, R; Vine, T; Waters, D; Wyatt, A; (2003) Measurement of the mass difference m (Ds+) - m (D+) at CDF II. Physical Review D , 68 , Article 091101. 10.1103/PhysRevD.68.072004. Green open access

Cooper, B; McGivern, C; Lancaster, M; Snihur, R; Vine, T; Waters, D; Wyatt, A; (2003) Search for long lived charged massive particles in pp collisions at s-hat = 1.8TeV. Physical Review Letters , 90 (13) , Article 131801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.131801. Green open access

Cooper, B; McGivern, C; Lancaster, M; Snihur, R; Vine, T; Waters, D; Wyatt, A; (2003) Search for the supersymmetric partner of the top quark in dileption events from pp colisions at ûs = 1.8TeV. Physical Review Letters , 90 (25) , Article 251801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.251801. Green open access

Cooper, B; McGivern, C; Lancaster, M; Snihur, R; Waters, D; Wyatt, A; (2003) Search for the flavor changing neutral current decay D0 to mu mu in pp collisions at root s = 1.96 TeV. Physical Review D , 68 , Article 091101. 10.1103/PhysRevD.68.091101. Green open access

Coppens, M; Van Ommen, JR; Gheorghiu, S; (2003) Power-law distribution of pressure fluctuations in multiphase flow. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics , 67 (41) 10.1103/PhysRevE.67.041305. Green open access

Cowan, R; O'Connor, N; Samella, K; (2003) The skills and methods of calendrical savants. INTELLIGENCE , 31 (1) pp. 51-65. 10.1016/S0160-2896(02)00119-8. Green open access

Cropper, M; Barlow, M; Perryman, MAC; Horne, K; Bingham, R; Page, M; Guttridge, P; ... Charles, P; + view all (2003) A concept for a superconducting tunnelling junction based spectrograph. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 344 (1) pp. 33-44. 10.1046/j.1365-8711.2003.06772.x. Green open access

Davidson, P; (2003) The validation of the writer's prophetic status in the Russian Literary tradition: From Pushkin and Iazykov through Gogol to Dostoevsky. Russian Review , 62 (4) pp. 508-536. 10.1111/1467-9434.00290. Green open access

Del Zanna, G; Mason, HE; (2003) Solar active regions: SOHO/CDS and TRACE observations of quiescent coronal loops. Astronomy and Astrophysics , 406 1089-. 10.1051/0004-6361:20030791. Green open access

DIMOVA-COOKSON, M; (2003) Bentham, Mill and Green on the Nature of the Good. Journal of Bentham Studies , 6 1 - 18. Green open access

Duke, VM; Gandini, D; Sherrington, PD; Lin, K; Heelan, B; Amlot, P; Mehta, AB; ... Foroni, L; + view all (2003) V-H gene usage differs in germline and mutated B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Haematologica , 88 (11) 1259 - 1271. Green open access

Duzel, E; (2003) Some mechanisms of working memory may not be evident in the human EEG. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 26 (6) 732 -732. 10.1017/S0140525X03260167. Green open access

Egyed, A; (2003) A Scenario-Driven Approach to Trace Dependency Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE) , 29 (2) pp. 116-132. 10.1109/TSE.2003.1178051. Green open access

Fenton, JC; Gough, CE; (2003) Heating in mesa structures. Journal of Applied Physics , 94 (7) , Article 4665. 10.1063/1.1606860. Green open access

Garson, JA; (2003) Endogenous retrovirusesin MS. International MS Journal , 10 (1) pp. 20-21. Green open access

Gilbert, R; Howard, R; Mok, Q; (2003) Heparin bonded lines offer a solution that is difficult to implement Rapid Response to Dobson,R "Half the cases of bacteraemia in hospitals in England are linked to devices). BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.) , 326 (7379) , Article 10. Green open access

Glinister, F; (2003) TOTA ITALIA: M. Torelli: Tota Italia. Essays in the Cultural Formation of Roman Italy. Pp. xv + 191, ills, pls. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999. Cased, £65. ISBN: 0-19-814393-1. [Review]. Classical Review , 53 (1) 161 - 163. 10.1093/cr/53.1.161. Green open access

Gonis, N; (2003) Lexicon of Latin loanwords in Greek documentary texts from Egypt, with consideration of Coptic sources, Fascicle-2 (Beta-Delta). [Review]. CLASSICAL REV , 53 (1) 93 - 93. 10.1093/cr/53.1.93. Green open access

Gonis, N; (2003) Review of G. Wagner 'Les ostraca grecs de Douch. Fascicule V (506–639). [Review]. CLASSICAL REV , 53 (2) 491 - 492. 10.1093/cr/53.2.491. Green open access

Gonis, N; (2003) Review of I. Andorlini, G. Bastianini, M. Manfredi, and G. Menci Atti del XXII Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia, Firenze, 23–29 Agosto 1998. [Review]. CLASSICAL REV , 53 (2) 490 - 491. 10.1093/cr/53.2.490-a. Green open access

Graham, LM; (2003) Monetary models and technology shocks. Economics Letters , 81 (1) pp. 47-53. 10.1016/S0165-1765(03)00153-8. Green open access

Graham, LM; (2003) Unemployment and the smoothness of consumption in business cycle models. Economics Letters , 79 (2) pp. 263-267. 10.1016/S0165-1765(02)00332-4. Green open access

Gregory, A; (2003) Aristotle and Some of his Commentators on the Timaeus' Receptacle. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies , 46 (S78) 29 - 47. 10.1111/j.2041-5370.2003.tb02133.x. Green open access

Gregory, AD; (2003) Eudoxus, Callippus and the Astronomy of the Timaeus. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies , 46 (S78) pp. 5-28. 10.1111/j.2041-5370.2003.tb02132.x. Green open access

Griffith, R; Van Reenen, J; (2003) R&D and absorptive capacity: from theory to data. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics , 105 (1) pp. 99-118. Green open access

Grubb, M; (2003) The Economics of the Kyoto Protocol. World Economics , 4 (3) pp. 143-189. Green open access

Haklay, ME; (2003) Public access to environmental information: Past, present and future. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems , 27 (2) pp. 163-180. 10.1016/S0198-9715(01)00023-0. Green open access

Hall, C; (2003) A response to the commentators. [Editorial comment]. Journal of British Studies , 42 (4) 530 - 538. 10.1086/376467. Green open access

Hall, C; (2003) Religion and Politics in Modern Britain. The Historical Journal , 46 (2) 463 - 470. 10.1017/S0018246X03003029. Green open access

Hallam, S; Ireson, J; (2003) Secondary school teachers' attitudes to and beliefs about ability grouping. British Journal of Educational Psychology , 73 (3) pp. 343-356. Green open access

Hallam, S; Karagiannopoulou, E; (2003) Cross cultural differences in the reported possible selves of young adults from divorced and intact families. Psychology of Education Review , 27 (2) pp. 30-40.

Hallam, S; Karagiannopoulou, E; (2003) Young adults from divorced and intact families: possible selves relating to future family life. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth

Hardingham, N; Glazewski, S; Pakhotin, P; Mizuno, K; Chapman, PF; Giese, KP; Fox, K; (2003) Neocortical long-term potentiation and experience-dependent synaptic plasticity require alpha-calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II autophosphorylation. Journal of Neuroscience , 23 4428 - 4436. Green open access

Hawley, C; Porter, A; (2003) North Osaka Station Redevelopment. Kenchiko Bunka , 58 (12) pp. 71-73. Green open access

Herron, JE; Rugg, MD; (2003) Retrieval orientation and the control of recollection. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience , 15 pp. 843-854. Green open access

Hirjibehedin, CF; Pinczuk, A; Dennis, BS; Pfeiffer, LN; West, KW; (2003) Crossover and coexistence of quasiparticle excitations in the fractional quantum Hall regime at nu <= 1/3. PHYS REV LETT , 91 (18) , Article 186802. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.186802. Green open access

Holbraad, M; (2003) Estmando a nessesidade: os oraculos de Ifa e a verdade em Havana. Mana , 9 (2) 39 - 77. 10.1590/S0104-93132003000200002. Green open access

Houweling, AJ; Kunst, AE; Mackenbach, JP; (2003) Measuring health inequality among children in developing countries: does the choice of the indicator of economic status matter? International Journal for Equity in Health , 2 (8) 1 -12. 10.1186/1475-9276-2-8. Green open access

Hunt, JCR; Vrieling, AJ; Nieuwstadt, FTM; Fernando, HJS; (2003) The influence of the thermal diffusivity of the lower boundary on eddy motion in convection. Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 491 183 - 205. 10.1017/S0022112003005482. Green open access

Hurst, RD; Clark, JB; (2003) The utility of the nitric oxide electrochemical sensor in biomedical research. Sensors , 3 (8) 321 - 329. 10.3390/s30800321. Green open access

Jewitt, C; (2003) Reshaping learning: new technology and multimodality. International Journal of Learning , 10 pp. 2852-2860. Green open access

Jonckheere, T; Isherwood, MR; Monteiro, TS; (2003) Chaotic filtering of moving atoms in pulsed optical lattices by control of dynamical localization. PHYS REV LETT , 91 (25) , Article 253003. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.253003. Green open access

Knauff, M; Fangmeier, T; Ruff, CC; Johnson Laird, PN; (2003) Reasoning, models, and images: behavioral measures and cortical activity. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience , 15 (4) pp. 559-573. Green open access

Kohler, T; Gasenzer, T; Julienne, PS; Burnett, K; (2003) Long-range nature of Feshbach molecules in Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review Letters , 91 (23) , Article 230401. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.230401. Green open access

Kotomin, EA; Kuzovkov, VN; Zvejnieks, G; Zhukovskii, Y; Fuks, D; Dorfman, S; Stoneham, AM; (2003) The kinetic MC modelling of reversible pattern formation in initial stages of thin metallic film growth on crystalline substrates. Solid State Communications , 125 (9) 463 - 467. 10.1016/S0038-1098(02)00907-9. Green open access

Krishnan, B; Ganeshaguru, K; Baker, R; Richfield, L; Mehta, AB; (2003) Multidrug resistance and myelomonocytic leukaemia in gaucher's disease. Haematologica , 88 (2) ECR02-. Green open access

Lack, RF; (2003) The point in time: Precise chronology in early godard. Studies in French Cinema , 3 (2) pp. 101-109. 10.1386/sfci.3.2.101/0. Green open access

Lancaster, M; Waters, DCDFC; (2003) Search for Lepton Flavor Violating Decays of a Heavy Neutral Particle in p anti-p Collisions at s**(1/2) = 1.8 TeV. Physical Review Letters , 91 (17) , Article 171602. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.171602. Green open access

Lanchester, BS; Galand, M; Robertson, SC; Rees, MH; Lummerzheim, D; Furniss, I; Peticolas, LM; ... Mendillo, M; + view all (2003) High resolution measurements and modeling of auroral hydrogen emission line profiles. Annales Geophysicae , 21 (7) 1629 - 1643. 10.5194/angeo-21-1629-2003. Green open access

Lascar, RM; Gilson, RJ; Lopes, AR; Bertoletti, A; Maini, MK; (2003) Reconstitution of hepatitis B virus (HBV)-specific T cell responses with treatment of human immunodeficiency virus/HBV coinfection. J INFECT DIS , 188 (12) 1815 - 1819. Green open access

Lindfors, K; Viiri, KM; Niittynen, M; Heinonen, TYK; Maki, M; Kainulainen, H; (2003) TGF-beta induces the expression of SAP30L, a novel nuclear protein. BMC GENOMICS , 4 , Article 53. 10.1186/1471-2164-4-53. Green open access

Lindgard, PA; Stoneham, AM; (2003) Selftrapping, biomolecules and free electron lasers. J PHYS-CONDENS MAT , 15 (18) V5 - V9. 10.1088/0953-8984/15/18/401. Green open access

Lindsay, JO; Ciesielski, CJ; Scheinin, T; Brennan, FM; Hodgson, HJ; (2003) Local delivery of adenoviral vectors encoding murine interleukin 10 induces colonic interleukin 10 production and is therapeutic for murine colitis. Gut , 52 (3) pp. 363-369. 10.1136/gut.52.3.363. Green open access

Lo, V; (2003) Li Jianmin, Sisheng zhi yu (The Territory between Life and Death), Taibei, Academia Sinica, 2000, revised in 2001, 435 pages incl. illustrations (fine binding edition, ISBN 957-671-703-5; ordinary edition 957-671-704-3). [Review]. Medical History , 47 (2) 443 - 445. 10.1017/S0025727300056751. Green open access

Lowe, R; Bell, M; Roberts, D; (2003) Developing future energy performance standards for UK housing: The St Nicholas Court project – Part 1. Structural Survey , 21 (4) pp. 119-130. 10.1108/02630800310507131. Green open access

Lowe, R; Bell, M; Roberts, D; (2003) Developing future energy-performance standards for UK housing: The St Nicholas Court project – Part 2. Structural Survey , 21 (5) pp. 206-215. 10.1108/02630800310511794. Green open access

Lowe, RJ; (2003) Preparing the built environment for climate change. Building Research and Information , 31 (3-4) pp. 195-199. 10.1080/0961321032000097610. Green open access

Luckin, R; (2003) Between the Lines: documenting the multiple dimensions of computer supported collaborations. Computers and Education , 41 pp. 232-234. Green open access

Luckin, R; Connolly, D; Plowman, L; Airey, S; (2003) Children's interactions with interactive toy technology. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED LEARNING , 19 (2) pp. 165-176. 10.1046/j.0266-4909.2003.00017.x. Green open access

Matthews, R; (2003) Year Zero for the Archaeology of Iraq. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology , 14 1 - 23. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2003) Science, Knowledge, Wisdom and the Public Good. Scientists for Global Responsibility Newsletter (26) 7 - 9. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2003) Two great problems of learning. Teaching in Higher Education , 8 (1) 129 - 134. 10.1080/1356251032000052375. Green open access

McEwen, A; West, R; Mitchell, S; Ussher, M; (2003) Problems identifying pregnant smokers. British Journal of Midwifery , 11 (11) pp. 648-649. Green open access

McMullen, P; (2003) Fibre tilings. MATHEMATIKA , 50 (1-2) 1 - 33. 10.1112/S0025579300014765. Green open access

Moss, FJ; Dolphin, AC; Clare, JJ; (2003) Human neuronal stargazin-like proteins, gamma(2), gamma(3) and gamma(4); an investigation of their specific localization in human brain and their influence on Ca(V)2.1 voltage-dependent calcium channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. BMC NEUROSCI , 4 , Article 23. Green open access

Naud, CM; Muller, JP; Clothiaux, EE; (2003) Comparison between active sensor and radiosonde cloud boundaries over the ARM Southern Great Plains site. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres , 108 (D4) , Article 4140. 10.1029/2002JD002887. Green open access

Newton, EJ; Roberts, MJ; (2003) Individual differences trancend the rationality debate. Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 26 (4) 530 - 531. 10.1017/S0140525X03230119. Green open access

Nutton, V; (2003) Notice of Joachim Ritter, Karlfried Gründer and Gottfried Gabriel, Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie, Band 11. [Review]. Medical History , 47 (1) 143 -144. 10.1017/S0025727300056659. Green open access

O'Carroll, RE; Papps, BP; (2003) Decision making in humans: the effect of manipulating the central noradrenergic system. J NEUROL NEUROSUR PS , 74 (3) 376 - 378. Green open access

Oliver, JR; Alexander, CS; (2003) Ocupaciones humanas del Plesitoceno terminal en el Occidente de Venezuela. Maguaré , 17 83 - 246. Green open access

Papps, BP; Calder, AJ; Young, AW; O'Carroll, RE; (2003) Dissociation of affective modulation of recollective and perceptual experience following amygdala damage. J NEUROL NEUROSUR PS , 74 (2) 253 - 254. Green open access

Patasinski, PK; Boersma, BJ; Nieuwstadt, FTM; Hulsen, MA; Van Den Brule, BHAA; Hunt, JCR; (2003) Turbulent channel flow near maximum drag reduction: simulations, experiments and mechanisms. Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 490 251 - 291. 10.1017/S0022112003005305. Green open access

Perring, D; (2003) 'Gnosticism' in fourth century Britain: the Frampton mosaics reconsidered. Britannia , 34 97 - 127. 10.2307/3558541. Green open access

Phillips, B; Alderson, P; (2003) Beyond 'anti-smacking': Challenging violence and coercion in parent-child relations. International Journal of Children's Rights , 11 (2) pp. 175-197. 10.1163/092755603322397250. Green open access

Pritchard, AJ; Hayward, AC; Monk, PN; Neal, KR; (2003) Risk factors for drug resistant tuberculosis in Leicestershire - poor adherence to treatment remains an important cause of resistance. EPIDEMIOL INFECT , 130 (3) 481 - 483. 10.1017/S0950268803008367. Green open access

Puntervoll, P; Linding, R; Gemund, C; Chabanis-Davidson, S; Mattingsdal, M; Cameron, S; Martin, DM; ... Gibson, TJ; + view all (2003) ELM server: A new resource for investigating short functional sites in modular eukaryotic proteins. Nucleic Acids Research , 31 (13) 3625 - 3630. 10.1093/nar/gkg545. Green open access

Radford, J; Band, S; Gascoigne, M; Law, J; Lindsay, G; Peacey, N; Soloff, N; (2003) Collaboration between LEA and SLT managers for the planning of services to children with speech and language needs. Educational Management and Administration , 31 (1) pp. 83-95.

Radner, K; (2003) Aššur is King! Aššur is King! (Holloway,S.W.). Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient , 46 (2) 226 - 230. 10.1163/156852003321675763. Green open access

Radner, K; (2003) Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh I (Kwasman,T.,Parpola,S.); Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Niniveh II (Mattila,R.). Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient , 46 (3) 383 - 386. 10.1163/156852003322316689. Green open access

Radner, K; (2003) Mittelassyrische Rechtsurkunden und Verwaltungstexte IV (Freydank,H.). Zeitschrift für Assyriologie , 93 (1) 120 - 123. Green open access

Radner, K; (2003) Nimrud (Oates,D.,Oates,J.). Zeitschrift für Assyriologie , 93 (1) 149 - 152. Green open access

Rana, S; (2003) Fast approximation of visibility dominance using topographic features as targets and the associated uncertainty. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing , 69 (8) pp. 881-888. Green open access

Rana, S; (2003) Guest editorial: visibility analysis. Environment and Planning B , 30 (5) pp. 641-642. Green open access

Redclift, ESN; (2003) Re-reading gender: comparative questions, situated meanings, Latin American paradoxes. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies , 66 (3) pp. 486-500. Green open access

Ridley, I; Fox, J; Oreszczyn, T; Hong, S; (2003) The Impact of Replacement Windows on Air Infiltration and Indoor Air Quality in Dwellings. International Journal of Ventilation , 1 (3) pp. 209-218. Green open access

Robert, G; Hardacre, J; Locock, L; Bate, SP; Glasby, J; (2003) Redesigning mental health services: lessons on user involvement from the Mental Health Collaborative. Health Expectations , 6 (1) pp. 60-71. 10.1046/j.1369-6513.2003.00209.x. Green open access

Schaefer, AT; Helmstaedter, M; Sakmann, B; Korngreen, A; (2003) Correction of conductance measurements in non-space-clamped structures: 1. Voltage-gated K+ channels. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL , 84 (6) pp. 3508-3528. 10.1016/S0006-3495(03)75086-3. Green open access

Schäfer, L; Pankoke-Babatz, U; Prinz, W; Fatah gen Schieck, A; Oldroyd, A; (2003) DocuDrama. Virtual Reality , 7 (1) pp. 43-53. 10.1007/s10055-003-0111-z. Green open access

Schappi, MG; Smith, VV; Milla, PJ; Lindley, KJ; (2003) Eosinophilic myenteric ganglionitis is associated with functional intestinal obstruction. Gut , 52 (5) pp. 752-755. 10.1136/gut.52.5.752. Green open access

Schwarzacher, W; Huo, S; (2003) Comment on "Scaling of the interface roughness in Fe-Cr superlattices: Self-affine versus non-self-affine". PHYS REV LETT , 91 (11) , Article 119601. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.119601. Green open access

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Siciliano, C; Williams, G; Beskow, J; Faulkner, A; (2003) Evaluation of a multilingual synthetic talking face as a communication aid for the hearing impaired. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences: 15th ICPhS, Barcelona 3-9 August 2003. (pp. 131 - 134). Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona / International Phonetic Association: Barcelona, Spain. Green open access

Stoneham, AM; (2003) Exploiting the excited state. In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors. (pp. 48 - 57). ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV Green open access

Zachariadis, S; Mascolo, C; (2003) Adaptable mobile applications through SATIN: exploiting logical mobilityin mobile computing middleware. In: (Proceedings) 1st UK-UbiNet Workshop. : Imperial College, London, UK. Green open access


Analytical Methods Committee; (2003) The J-chart: A simple plot that combines the capabilities of Shewhart and Cusum charts, for use in analytical quality control. (Analytical Methods Committee Technical Brief 12 , pp. pp. 1-2 ). Royal Society of Chemistry: London, UK. Green open access

Carlin, W; Fries, S; Schaffer, M; Seabright, P; (2003) Competition, restructuring and firm performance: evidence of an inverted-U relationship from a cross-country survey of firms in transition economies. (Discussion Papers in Economics 03-01 ). Department of Economics, University College London, UCL (University College London), Department of Economics, University College: London, UK. Green open access

Cassar, M; Pender, R; (2003) Climate Change and the Historic Environment. Green open access

Cerini, B; Murray, I; Reiss, M; (2003) Student Review of the Science Curriculum: Major Findings. Green open access

Dustmann, C; Fabbri, F; Preston, I; Wadsworth, J; (2003) The local labour market effects of immigration in the UK. (Home Office Online Report 06/03 ). Green open access

Finkelstein, A; Hetherington, J; Saffrey, P; Warner, A; (2003) Model Orchestration: Addressing the Model Management Challenges of Systems Biology. University College London Dept. of Computer Science Green open access

Fortes, AD; Wood, IG; Marshall, WG; Alfredsson, M; Grindrod, PM; Brodholt, JP; Francis, DJ; + view all (2003) The structure, equation of state, and phase transitions of ammonia dihydrate polymorphs. (ISIS Experimental Reports RB13233 ). CCLRC: Didcot, UK. Green open access

Fortes, AD; Wood, IG; Vocadlo, L; Brodholt, JP; Alfredsson, M; (2003) The structure and compressibility of ammonia dihydrate phases I and II. (ISIS Experimental Reports RB13234 ). CCLRC: Didcot, UK. Green open access

Funk, P; Vogel, T; (2003) Persistent inequality when learning requires a minimal standard of living. (Discussion Papers in Economics 03-09 ). Department of Economics, University College London, UCL (University College London), Department of Economics, University College: London, UK. Green open access

Goldsmith, BJ; Solovieva, N; Rose, NL; Shilland, EM; (2003) A Palaeoloimnological Investigation at Crazy Well Pool, Dartmoor. report to Westcountry Rivers Trust. Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London: London, UK. Green open access

Goldsmith, B; Shilland, EM; (2003) Sediment Assessment of the Barrow Reservoirs. (ENSIS Reports ). ENSIS Ltd. / UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Green, A; Preston, J; Sabates, R; (2003) Education, Equity and Social Cohesion : A Distributional Model [Wider Benefits of Learning Research Report No. 7]. Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Griffith, R; Harrison, R; (2003) Understanding the UK's poor technological performance. (IFS Briefing Notes BN37 ). Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK. Green open access

Griffith, R; Klemm, A; Simpson, H; (2003) Response to consultative note ‘Designs for Innovation’. (IFS Briefing Note No. 23 ). Green open access

Keatings, KW; Flower, RJ; Zalat, AA; Abu-Zied, RH; Neideritter, R; Saif, T; Foster, I; + view all (2003) People and climate: holocene sediment records of environmental change in Middle Egypt: fieldwork report and initial results. (ECRC Research Reports 91 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Leonard, D; Pelletier, C; Morley, L; (2003) The experiences of international students in UK higher education: a review of unpublished research. UKCOSA: The Council for International Education: London.

Meghir, C; Palme, M; (2003) Ability, parental background and educationpolicy: empirical evidence from a socialexperiment. (IFS Working Papers W03/05 ). The Institute for Fiscal Studies, UCL (University College London), The Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK. Green open access

Mutale, M; Edwards, M; (2003) Monitoring and Evaluation of the work of the King's Cross Partnership: Final Report. Bartlett School of Planning: London. Green open access

North, S; Winch, GM; Dawood, N; Heesom, D; Kelsey, J; Sriprasert, E; Mallasi, Z; (2003) Technical Evaluation: VIRCON Task 12 Report. UMIST: Manchester. Green open access

Percival, J; Hanson, J; Johnson, M; Zako, R; (2003) Meeting the needs of older peoplewith visual impairment: social care orsocial exclusion? (Occasional Paper 2 ). Thomas Pocklington Trust, UCL (University College London), Thomas Pocklington Trust: London, UK. Green open access

Preston, J; Green, A; (2003) The Macro-Social Benefits of Education, Training and Skills in Comparative Perspective [Wider Benefits of Learning Research Report No. 9]. Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning, Institute of Education, University of London: London. Green open access

Robins, C; Woollard, V; (2003) Creative Connections: working with teachers to use museums and galleries as a learning resource. Institute of Education in association with the Victoria and Albert Museum: London. Green open access

Rydin, Y; (2003) Rethinking Planning for Urban Sustainability’ Report to Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Foundation. RICS Green open access

Schnadelbach, H; Penn, A; Benford, S; Koleva, B; (2003) Mixed Reality Architecture: Concept, Construction, Use. (Equator Project Technical Report ). University of Nottingham: Nottingham. Green open access

Shilland, EM; Monteith, DT; Smith, J; Beaumont, WRC; (2003) The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network Data Report for 2002-2003 (year 15). ENSIS: London, UK. Green open access

Stoll, L; Wallace, M; Bolam, R; McMahon, A; Thomas, S; Hawkey, K; Smith, M; + view all (2003) Creating and Sustaining Effective Professional Learning Communities: Questions Arising from the Literature. (DfES Research Brief RBX12-03 ). Department for Education and Skills (DfES): London, UK. Green open access

Working / discussion paper

Batty, M; (2003) The emergence of cities: complexity and urban dynamics. (CASA Working Paper Series 64). Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis: London, UK. Green open access

Batty, M; (2003) Network geography: relations, interactions, scaling and spatial processes in GIS. (CASA Working Paper Series 63). Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL): London, UK. Green open access

Batty, M; Besussi, E; Chin, N; (2003) Traffic, urban growth and suburban sprawl. (CASA Working Papers 70). Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL): London, UK. Green open access

Batty, M; Besussi, E; Maat, K; Harts, J; (2003) Representing multifunctional cities: density and diversity in space and time. (CASA Working Papers 71). Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL): London, UK. Green open access

Carvalho, R; Batty, M; (2003) A rigorous definition of axial lines: ridges on isovist fields. Green open access

Desyllas, J; Duxbury, E; Ward, J; Smith, A; (2003) Pedestrian demand modelling of large cities: an applied example from London. (CASA Working Papers 62). Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL): London, UK. Green open access

Isachenkova, N; Mickiewicz, T; (2003) Ownership Characteristics and Access to Finance: Evidence from a Survey of Large Privatised Companies in Hungary and Poland. (Economic Working Papers 35). Centre for the Study of Economic and Social Change in Europe, UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Khalfan, A; King, J; Thomas, B; (2003) The Doctrine of Odious Debt in International Law: Definition, Evidence, and Issues Concerning Application. (Centre for International Sustainable Development Law Working Paper ). Centre for International Sustainable Development Law: Montreal, Canada.

Ledeneva, A; (2003) Informal Practices in Changing Societies: Comparing Chinese Guanxi and Russian Blat. (Economics Working Papers 45). Centre for the Study of Economic and Social Change in Europe SSEES, UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Male, T; (2003) Assessing the Validity of the NCSL Evidence Base: A Critical Review of the Research Published by the College. Green open access

Mickiewicz, T; Bishop, K; (2003) Inherited labour hoarding, insiders and employment growth. Panel data results: Poland, 1996-2002. (William Davidson Institute Working Paper 593). William Davidson Institute, University of Michigan Green open access

Radosevic, S; (2003) A two-tier or multi-tier Europe?: Assessing the Innovation capacities of Central and East European Countries in the Enlarged EU. (Economics Working Papers 31). Centre for the Study of Economic and Social Change in Europe, SSEES, UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Smith, SL; Holland, D; Longley, PA; (2003) Interpreting interpolation: the pattern of interpolation errors in digital surface models derived from laser scanning data. (CASA Working Papers 66). Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL): London, UK. Green open access

Wixey, S; Jones, P; Titheridge, H; Christodoulou, G; (2003) Social Groups User Needs Survey Findings. ("Measuring Accessibility as Experienced by Different Socially Disadvantaged Groups" Working Paper 2). University of Westminster: London, UK. Green open access

Conference item

Alpar, HO; Murdan, S; Outschoorn, I; Bramwell, VW; Somavarapu, S; (2003) Quil-A - Chitosan: A novel mucosal adjuvant. Presented at: MVADS Conference, Dublin, Republic of Ireland. Green open access

Brostoff, S; Sasse, MA; (2003) “Ten strikes and you're out”: Increasing the number of login attempts can improve password usability. Presented at: CHI 2003 Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Security Systems, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Green open access

Murdan, S; Ross, AC; Parker, MC; Alpar, HO; Somavarapu, S; (2003) Vaccine-coated microcrystals: enhanced thermal stability of diphtheria toxoid. Presented at: British Pharmaceutical Conference, Harrogate, United Kingdom. Green open access

Sasse, MA; (2003) Computer Security: Anatomy of a Usability Disaster, and a Plan for Recovery. Presented at: Proceedings of 2003 Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Security Systems at CHI 2003, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA. Green open access

Zeinalipour-Yazdi, C; Gonzalez, J; Peterson, KI; Pullman, DP; (2003) On the interpretation of graphite images obtained by STM. Presented at: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, New York City. Green open access


Abels, K; (2003) Successive Cyclicity, Anti-locality and Adposition Stranding. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UNSPECIFIED.

Adank, PM; (2003) Vowel normalization: a perceptual-acoustic study of Dutch vowels. Doctoral thesis , Catholic University of Nijmegen. Green open access

Beale, A; (2003) Novel low temperature preparation methods for mixed complex oxide catalysts and their characterisation via in situ SR techniques. Doctoral thesis , UCL.

Brogan, Paul Anthony; (2003) Superantigens, endothelial injury and vasculitis in the young. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of London. Green open access

Diaz-Zuccarini, V; (2003) Etude des conditions d'efficacite du ventricule gauche par optimisation teleonomique d'un modele de son fonctionnement. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Empson, RA; (2003) Integrating Transformations: a study of children and daughters-in-law in a new approach to Mongolian kinship. Doctoral thesis , University of Cambridge.

Flewitt, R; (2003) Is Every Child's Voice Heard? Longitudinal Case Studies of 3-Year-Old Children's Communicative Strategies at Home and in a Preschool Playgroup. Doctoral thesis , University of Southampton. Green open access

Grant, DN; (2003) Cyclic soil plasticity. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Haralambidou, P; (2003) The Blossoming of Perspective: An Investigation of Spatial Representation. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Hardcastle, J; (2003) Signs and classrooms : historical perspectives on the role of signs in human development, with particular reference to an urban classroom. UNSPECIFIED thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Kalra, Dipak; (2003) Clinical foundations and information architecture for the implementation of a federated health record service. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of London. Green open access

Kolmogorov, V; (2003) Graph Based Algorithms for Scene Reconstruction from Two or More Views. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Krinke, J; (2003) Advanced slicing of sequential and concurrent programs. Doctoral thesis , Universität Passau.

Liu, CZ; (2003) Dynamic simulation of cemented hip replacement integrity: An in vitro study of cemented hip replacement. UNSPECIFIED thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Manolopoulou, Y; (2003) Drawing on Chance: Perception, Design, and Indeterminacy. Doctoral thesis , University of London.

Mole, RCM; (2003) National identity and foreign policy: perceptions of self and other in the post-Soviet international relations of the Baltic States, 1991-1999. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Riedel, S; (2003) Entwicklung eines Modells, Verfahrens und softwaretechnischen Rahmenwerks für Record Linkage in semantischen Netzen. Masters thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Schiller, UD; (2003) Analysis and Comparison of Algorithms for Training Recurrent Neural Networks. Masters thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Sidorova, N; (2003) Surface measures on paths in an embedded Riemannian manifold. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Sidorova, N; (2003) Surface measures on paths in an embedded Riemannian manifold. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Suissa, J; (2003) Anarchism and education : a philosophical exploration. UNSPECIFIED thesis , Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

Szabo, Z; (2003) Retina based sampling in face component recognition. Masters thesis , Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.

Terras, MM; (2003) Image to Interpretation: Towards An Intelligent System to Aid Historians in the Reading of the Vindolanda Texts. Doctoral thesis , University of Oxford. Green open access

Toivonen, J; (2003) A Model for Mitochondrial Deafness in Flies. Expression and Mutation Analysis of Mitoribosomal Protein S12. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Tuttle, E; (2003) Bayesian Inference Methods for Solving Sequential Decision Problems. Masters thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Van Heerde, J; (2003) Strategy and Choice: Resource Allocation in the U.S. Senate, 1990-1994. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Vassileva, VT; (2003) Analysis of Genetic Targets Contributing to Mutator Phenotype of Endometrial Cancer. Masters thesis , University of Toronto.

Vikhireva, OV; (2003) Tobacco dependence treatment with nicotine replacement therapy as one of the methods for cardiovascular disease risk reduction. Doctoral thesis , State Research Centre for Preventive Medicine, Moscow, Russia.

Whelan, J; (2003) Studies on cellular sensitivity and resistance to cytosine arabinoside. UNSPECIFIED thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Wilks, T; (2003) Experimentation and the autobiographical search for identity in the projects of Michel Leiris and Hubert Fichte. Doctoral thesis , Royal Holloway University of London.

Zipser, B; (2003) Pseudo-Alexander Trallianus de oculis. Einleitung, Text, Uebersetzung und Kommentar. UNSPECIFIED thesis , UNSPECIFIED.


Boulanger, A; Haralambidou, P; Manolopoulou, Y; Rosa, E; (2003) Athens-scape: The 2004 Olympics and the Metabolism of the City. [Design] Green open access

McLaughlin, N; (2003) Peabody Housing. [Design] Green open access

Digital scholarly resource

Smelik, W; (2003) Extant manuscripts of the the Targum to Psalms: an eclectic list. [Digital scholarly resource]. Green open access


Young, C; (2003) Lines Made by Walking. [Artefact]. Installation (slide projection). London, UK. Green open access


Buckingham, D; Scanlon, M; (2003) Learning online: e-learning and the domestic market in the UK: Full report of research activities and results. Unknown, Swindon. Green open access

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