Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Abu Moghli, M;
Re-conceptualising Human Rights Education: from the Global to the Occupied.
International Journal of Human Rights Education
, 4
, Article 5.
Adamson, Laela;
Negotiating Language and Learning: An ethnographic study of students' experiences in two Tanzanian secondary schools.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Alcott, B;
Rose, P;
Sabates, R;
Ellison, C;
From assessment to action: lessons from the development of Theories of Change with the People’s Action for Learning Network.
Global Education Review
, 7
pp. 6-19.
Almoaibed, Hanaa Abdulla;
Choosing a career in Saudi Arabia: the role of structure and agency in young people's perceptions of technical and vocational education.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Anand, P;
Ferrer, B;
Gao, Q;
Nogales, R;
Unterhalter, E;
COVID-19 as a Capability Crisis: Using the Capability Framework to Understand Policy Challenges.
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
, 21
pp. 293-299.
Anders, Jake;
Green, Francis;
Henderson, Morag;
Henseke, Golo;
Determinants of private school participation: all about the money?
British Educational Research Journal
, 46
pp. 967-992.
Archer, L;
'The shape of things that are and were' and 'the shape of things to come': some reflections on the sociology of education at the 40th anniversary of BJSE.
British Journal of Sociology of Education
, 41
pp. 900-909.
Archer, L;
Macleod, E;
Moote, J;
Going, Going, Gone: A Feminist Bourdieusian Analysis of Young Women's Trajectories in, Through and Out of Physics, Age 10–19.
In: Gonsalves, AJ and Danielsson, AT, (eds.)
Physics Education and Gender: Identity as an Analytic Lens for Research.
(pp. 9-28).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Archer, L;
Moote, J;
Macleod, E;
Learning that physics is “not for me”: pedagogic work and the cultivation of habitus among Advanced Level physics students.
Journal of the Learning Sciences
, 29
pp. 347-384.
Archer, L;
Moote, J;
Macleod, E;
Lighting the fuse: Cultivating the masculine physics habitus – a case study of Victor aged 10-18.
In: Gonsalves, AJ and Danielsson, AT, (eds.)
Physics Education and Gender: Identity as an Analytic Lens for Research.
(pp. 29-51).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Archer, L;
Moote, J;
Macleod, E;
Francis, B;
DeWitt, J;
ASPIRES 2: Young people's science and career aspirations, age 10–19.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Supporting increased and wider participation in STEM.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Auld, E;
Li, X;
Morris, P;
Piloting PISA for development to success: an analysis of its findings, framework and recommendations.
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education
(In press).
Auld, E;
Morris, P;
The OECD's assessment of Global Competence: Measuring and Making Global Elites. pp17-35.
In: Engel, L and Maxwell, C and Yemini, M, (eds.)
The Machinery of School Internationalisation in Action.
Routledge: New York, USA.
(In press).
Ball, SJ;
The errors of redemptive sociology or giving up on hope and despair.
British Journal of Sociology of Education
, 41
pp. 870-880.
Ball, SJ;
Journal of education policy – 1985–2020.
Journal of Education Policy
, 35
pp. 1-2.
Bamberger, Annette;
Diaspora, state and university: An analysis of internationalisation of higher education in Israel.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Barker, Meghanne;
Katherine Verdery, My Life as a Spy: Investigations in a Secret Police File. Durham: Duke University Press, 2018. 344 pp.
Anthropological Quarterly
, 93
pp. 1641-1644.
Barker, Meghanne;
Ball, Christopher;
Edwards, Elizabeth;
Kolich, Tomáš;
Morgan, Daniel;
Nakassis, Constantine V;
Opening Up the Indexicality of the Image, Again: A Virtual Roundtable.
Semiotic Review
, 9
Barker, Meghanne;
Nakassis, Constantine V;
Images: An Introduction.
Semiotic Review
, 9
pp. 1-5.
Bradbury, A;
The Five Ps of Dataficatio.
Presented at: Workshop replacing ECER symposium, London.
Bradbury, A;
The Five Ps of Datafication.
(Proceedings) Seeing Through Data Workshop (replacing ECER symposium).
Proceedings of the Reconnecting European Educational Research Association (EERA)
Bradbury, A;
A critical race theory framework for education policy analysis: the case of bilingual learners and assessment policy in England.
Race Ethnicity and Education
, 23
pp. 241-260.
Bradbury, A;
The use of the Phonics Screening Check in Year 2: The views of Year 2 teachers and headteachers.
(HHPC Working Papers
Helen Hamlyn Centre for Pedagogy, UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Bradbury, A;
Wyse, D;
Manyukhina, Y;
CIE0192 - The impact of COVID-19 on education and children's services: Written evidence submitted by Helen Hamlyn Centre for Pedagogy, UCL Institute of Education.
(The impact of COVID-19 on education and children’s services
UK Parliament: London, UK.
Brady, Alison Mary;
Being a Teacher: Towards an Existentialist Account.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Brady, AM;
Struggling Teachers and the Recognition of Effective Practice.
Journal of Philosophy of Education
, 54
pp. 183-200.
Del docente reflexivo al docente post-personal = From The Reflective To The Post-personal Teacher.
Teoría de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria
, 32
pp. 55-71.
(In press).
Brady, AM;
Response and Responsibility: Rethinking Accountability in Education.
Journal of Philosophy of Education
(In press).
Bragg, S;
Sexuality and Childhood.
In: Cook, DT, (ed.)
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies.
(pp. 1445-1449).
Sage: London, UK.
Bragg, S;
Ponsford, R;
Meiksin, R;
Bonell, C;
Emmerson, L;
Dilemmas of school-based Relationships and Sexuality Education for and about consent.
Sex Education: sexuality, society and learning
(In press).
Braun, A;
Maguire, M;
Doing without believing – enacting policy in the English primary school.
Critical Studies in Education
, 61
pp. 433-447.
Brehm, W;
No turning back? Reflections on education during the pandemic.
Presented at: Japan Educational Research Association webinar: "Pandemic and Education", Online conference.
Brehm, W;
We might all be socialists; we might all be alone.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Brehm, W;
Learning from Philanthropy: Tax Avoidance Strategies by the Ultra-Wealthy.
NORRAG Special Issue
pp. 67-69.
Brewis, G;
Hellawell, S;
Laqua, D;
Rebuilding the Universities after the Great War: Ex-Service Students, Scholarships and the Reconstruction of Student Life in England.
, 105
pp. 82-106.
Brooks, R;
Waters, J;
Decision Making: Spatio-temporal Contexts of Decision-making in Education Abroad.
In: Ogden, A and Streitwieser, B and van Mol, C, (eds.)
Education Abroad: Bridging Scholarship and Practice.
(pp. 15-27).
Routledge: London, UK.
Brooks, R;
Diversity and the European higher education student: policy influencers’ narratives of difference.
Studies in Higher Education
, 45
pp. 1507-1518.
Brooks, R;
Gupta, A;
Jayadeva, S;
Abrahams, J;
Lazetic, P;
Students as political actors? Similarities and differences across six European nations.
British Educational Research Journal
(In press).
Brooks, R;
Hodkinson, P;
Out-of-place: the lack of engagement with parent networks of caregiving fathers of young children.
Families, Relationships and Societies
, 9
pp. 201-216.
Brooks, R;
Lainio, A;
Lazetic, P;
Using creative methods to research across difference. An introduction to the special issue.
International Journal of Social Research Methodology
, 23
pp. 1-6.
Buchanan, D;
Warwick, I;
Supporting adults with mental health problems through further education.
Health Education Journal
(In press).
Bull, A;
Calvert-Lee, G;
Page, T;
Sector Guidance to Address Staff Sexual Misconduct in UK Higher Education: Recommendations for reporting, investigation and decision-making processes relating to student complaints of staff sexual misconduct in UK higher education.
The 1752 Group: London, UK.
Bustillos Morales, Jessie A.;
A Deleuzo-Guattarian Study of Youth, Social Media and Identity Becomings at School and Online.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Carpentieri, JD;
Mallows, D;
Amorim, JP;
Credibility, Relevance, and Policy Impact in the Evaluation of Adult Basic Skills Programs: The Case of the New Opportunities Initiative in Portugal.
Adult Literacy Education
, Spring
pp. 6-21.
Carpentieri, JD;
Wielgoszewska, B;
Church, D;
Goodman, A;
In their own words: five generations of Britons describe their experiences of the coronavirus pandemic. Initial findings from the COVID-19 Survey in Five National Longitudinal Studies.
UCL Centre for Longitudinal Studies: London, UK.
Carr, S;
Fang, C;
A gradual separation from the world: a qualitative exploration of existential loneliness in old age.
Charitonos, K;
Rodriguez, CA;
Witthaus, G;
Bossu, C;
Advancing social justice for asylum seekers and refugees in the UK: An open education approach to strengthening capacity through refugee action’s frontline immigration advice project.
Journal of Interactive Media in Education
, 1
pp. 1-11.
Charkin, Emily;
'Building a community together': past and present meanings of manual work at Kilquhanity School (1940-1996) and Wennington School (1940-1975).
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Chase, E;
Allsopp, J;
Youth Migration and the Politics of Wellbeing: Stories of Life in Transition.
Bristol University Press: Bristol, UK.
Chase, E;
Hammond, L;
Datta, K;
Allsopp, J;
Brain, L;
Tummers, H;
Towards a Holistic Migration Research Strategic Agenda: Integration, Partnerships, and Impact.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Chase, E;
Transitions, capabilities and wellbeing: how Afghan unaccompanied young people experience becoming 'adult' in the UK and beyond.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
, 46
pp. 439-456.
Chase, E;
Otto, L;
Lems, A;
Wernesjö, U;
Methodological innovations, reflections and dilemmas: the hidden sides of research with migrant young people classified as unaccompanied minors.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
, 46
pp. 457-473.
Chase, M;
Lloyd, CEM;
Peters, BJ;
Chase, E;
Lee, K;
Joining the dots: Day to day challenges for practitioners in delivering integrated dementia care.
Health and Social Care in the Community
(In press).
Chen, H;
Bradbury, A;
Parental choice of childcare in England: Choosing in phases and the split market.
British Educational Research Journal
, 46
pp. 281-300.
Chen, J;
Hysteresis Effects and Emotional Suffering: Chinese Rural Students’ First Encounters With the Urban University.
Sociological Research Online
, Article 136078042094988. 10.1177/1360780420949884.
(In press).
Chen, J;
Zhu, J;
False Anticipation and Misfits in a Cross-Cultural Setting: International Scholars Working in Chinese Universities.
Journal of Studies in International Education
(In press).
Christopher, Katherine Beatrice;
RE as Liberal Education: A Proposal for a Critical Religious Education.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Civan, BS;
Aslan-Tutak, F;
Turkish mathematics mentor teachers’ exemplars of effective mentoring practices.
ICERI2020 Proceedings.
(pp. pp. 6928-6936).
IATED: Online.
Collet-Sabé, J;
Ball, SJ;
Revolting families: The Catalan 'opt out' movement and practices of resistance against Standard Assessment Test (SAT). Some exploratory research.
Power and Education
, 12
pp. 123-136.
Cordero, K;
Chiuminatto, P;
Duncan, S;
Vera, E;
Millennials in the Stacks: Choices, Habits and Attitudes of Frequent Library Users between the Ages of 18–29 in Santiago, Chile.
International Information and Library Review
Crawfurd, L;
Rolleston, C;
Long‐run effects of teachers in developing countries.
Review of Development Economics
(In press).
Datzberger, S;
Donovan, O;
Silencing the past in Ugandan schools. The role of education in reconciliation processes.
, 8
pp. 118-134.
Dawson, E;
Archer, L;
Seakins, A;
Godec, S;
DeWitt, J;
King, H;
Mau, A;
Selfies at the science museum: exploring girls' identity performances in a science learning space.
Gender and Education
, 32
pp. 664-681.
De Angelis, Romina;
Social, transformative and sustainable learning: a study of a Jamaican school and community.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Dekker, R;
Geuijen, K;
Oliver, C;
Niet toegeven maar teruggeven bij protest: Effecten van beleid bij vestiging van een asielzoekerscentrum in Utrecht.
, 29
pp. 24-33.
Derrick, J;
‘Tacit pedagogy’ and ‘entanglement’: practice-based learning and innovation.
Journal of Workplace Learning
, 32
pp. 273-284.
Derry, J;
A Problem for Cognitive Load Theory—the Distinctively Human Life-form.
Journal Of Philosophy Of Education
, 54
pp. 5-22.
Devries, K;
Parkes, J;
Knight, L;
Allen, E;
Namy, S;
Datzberger, S;
Nalukenge, W;
... Naker, D; + view all
Context of Violence in Adolescence Cohort (CoVAC) study: protocol for a mixed methods longitudinal study in Uganda.
BMC Public Health
, 20
, Article 43. 10.1186/s12889-019-7654-8.
DeWitt, J;
Bultitude, K;
Space Science: The View from European School Students.
Research in Science Education
, 50
pp. 1943-1959.
Dougherty, KJ;
Callender, C;
Comparing and learning from English and American higher education access and completion policies.
Policy Reviews in Higher Education
, 4
pp. 203-227.
Duncan, S;
Changing English
, 27
pp. 1-4.
Duncan, S;
"Widening the Ownership of the Word"? When Adults Read Aloud.
Living and Learning in Diverse Communities.
(pp. pp. 8-17).
ESREA BGL-ALC University of Pécs: Pécs, Hungary.
Duncan, S;
Freeman, M;
Adults reading aloud: a survey of contemporary practices in Britain.
British Journal of Educational Studies
, 68
pp. 97-123.
Dyer, C;
Bhattacharjea, S;
Alcott, B;
Thomas, SE;
Imran, W;
Loyo, D;
Left Behind in School: Evidence Brief #1.
(Information Briefs Using PAL Data
People's Action for Learning (PAL) Network: Nairobi, Kenya.
Elliott, J;
Carpentieri, JD;
Narrating Future Selves: Perspectives on Ageing from a Scottish Cohort Born in 1936.
Anthropology & Aging
, 41
pp. 72-89.
Eyre, Jason;
The Crisis of Practice: Deleuze and the Idea of Learning Development in UK Higher Education.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Fang, C;
Dynamics of Chinese Shidu Parents’ Vulnerability in Old Age –A Qualitative Study.
Journal of Population Ageing
(In press).
Fang, C;
Understanding Death and Grief in the Context of Pandemics — Challenges and Support in Response to COVID-19.
, 12
pp. 46-52.
Fang, C;
Comery, A;
Understanding grief in a time of COVID-19 - a hypothetical approach to challenges and support.
Fang, C;
Miho, T;
End of life care policies and laws in England and Japan: from mutual learning to policy transfer.
(Mitori project policy brief
End of Life Care Studies Group, University of Glasgow: Dumfries, Scotland.
Feld, Steven;
Barker, Meghanne;
Nakassis, Constantine V;
Spectral Signage: A Discussion with Steven Feld.
Semiotic Review
Felstead, Alan;
Gallie, Duncan;
Green, Francis;
Henseke, Golo;
Getting the Measure of Employee‐Driven Innovation and Its Workplace Correlates.
British Journal of Industrial Relations
(In press).
Felstead, Alan;
Gallie, Duncan;
Green, Francis;
Henseke, Golo;
Unpredictable Times: The Extent, Characteristics and Corrleates of Insecure Hours of Work in Britain.
Industrial Relations Journal
(In press).
Francis, B;
Craig, N;
Hodgen, J;
Taylor, B;
Tereshchenko, A;
Connolly, P;
Archer, L;
The impact of tracking by attainment on pupil self-confidence over time: demonstrating the accumulative impact of self-fulfilling prophecy.
British Journal of Sociology of Education
, 41
pp. 626-642.
Freeman, M;
Adult education history in Britain: past, present and future (part I).
Paedagogica Historica
, 56
pp. 384-395.
Freeman, M;
Adult education history in Britain: past, present and future (part II).
Paedagogica Historica
, 56
pp. 396-411.
Freeman, M;
Do You Padge?
History Today
, 70
pp. 68-83.
Freeman, M;
'You can't be an atheist here': Christianity and Outward Bound in Britain, c.1941-1965.
History of Education Review
, 49
pp. 67-84.
Freeman, M;
Seaman, J;
Outdoor Education in Historical Perspective.
History of Education Review
, 49
pp. 1-7.
Fuller, K;
Moorsi,, P;
Shah, S;
Showunmi, V;
Coming full circle: The Gender and Leadership Research Interest Grou.
Management in Education
(In press).
Fumasoli, T;
Careers of academics.
The International Encyclopedia of Higher Education Systems and Institutions.
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Garcia-Souto, MP;
Azma, Y;
Grammenos, R;
Kador, T;
Striolo, C;
Whyndham, M;
Vogel, M;
... Hughes, G; + view all
Individual peer assessment of contribution to group work (IPAC): Key points and recommendations.
In: Nagy, B V and Murphy, M and Järvinen, H and Kálmán, A, (eds.)
SEFI 47th Annual Conference: Varietas Delectat... Complexity is the New Normality, Proceedings.
(pp. pp. 1553-1565).
SEFI: Budapest, Hungary.
Garside, Diane;
A critical discourse analysis of student and staff constructions of their pedagogical relationships in two UK modern universities in an era of marketisation.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Geuijen, K;
Oliver, C;
Dekker, R;
Local innovation in the reception of asylum seekers. Plan Einstein as an example of multi-level and multi-sector collaboration.
In: Glorius, B and Doomernik, J, (eds.)
Geographies of Asylum in Europe and the Role of European Localities.
Springer Imiscoe Series: Amsterdam.
Gian Tu, Trung;
Citizenship Education in Vietnam in the Global Age: From Doctrine to Curriculum Policy and Teachers' Perceptions.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London) & Nayang Technological University.
Gideon, J;
Unterhalter, E;
Critical Reflections on Public Private Partnerships.
(1st ed.).
Routledge: London, UK.
Godec, S;
Home, School and the Museum: Shifting Gender Performances and Engagement with Science.
British Journal of Sociology of Education
, 41
pp. 147-159.
Godec, S;
Patel, U;
Archer, L;
Dawson, E;
Young people’s tech identity performances: why materiality matters.
International Journal of STEM Education
, 7
, Article 51. 10.1186/s40594-020-00249-w.
Götz, N;
Brewis, G;
Werther, S;
Humanitarianism in the Modern World: The Moral Economy of Famine Relief.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Green, Francis;
Health effects of job insecurity.
IZA World of Labor
, 212
pp. 1-11.
Green, L;
Laqua, D;
Brewis, G;
Student Funding and University Access after the Great
War: The Scheme for the Higher Education of Ex-Servicemen at Aberystwyth, Liverpool, and Oxford.
British Journal of Educational Studies
, 68
pp. 589-609.
Green, A;
Funding Mass Tertiary Education: Assessing Alternative Policies and their Trade-Offs in England.
, 18
pp. 85-105.
Green, A;
Montgomery, S;
Cheng, H;
Furnham, A;
Biomedical, Psychological, Environmental and Behavioural Factors Associated with Adult Obesity in a Nationally Representative Sample.
Journal of Public Health
, 42
pp. 570-578.
Greenberg, D;
Barton, AC;
Tan, E;
Archer, L;
Redefining entrepreneurialism in the maker movement: A critical youth approach.
Journal of the Learning Sciences
(In press).
Grimaldi, E;
Ball, SJ;
The blended learner: digitalisation and regulated freedom-neoliberalism in the classroom.
Journal of Education Policy
, 36
pp. 393-416.
Gruijters, R;
Alcott, B;
Rose, P;
The Effect of Private Schooling on Learning Outcomes in South Asia and East Africa: A Within-Family Approach.
(REAL Centre Research and Policy Paper
Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL) Centre, University of Cambridge: Cambridge, UK.
Guile, D;
Rethinking connectivity as recontextualisation: issues for research and practice.
In: Aprea, C and Sappa, V and Tenberg, R, (eds.)
Konnektivität und lernortintegrierte Kompetenzentwicklung in der beruflichen Bildung = Connectivity and integrative competence development in vocational and professional education and training (VET/PET).
(pp. 35-54).
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH: Stuttgart, Germany.
Gupta, A;
Heterogeneous middle-class and disparate educational advantage: parental investment in their children's schooling in Dehradun, India.
British Journal of Sociology of Education
, 41
pp. 48-63.
Gupta, A;
Teacher-entrepreneurialism: a case of teacher identity formation in neoliberalizing education space in contemporary India.
Critical Studies in Education
, 62
pp. 422-438.
Herrett, Mark Francis;
A secure seat at the academic high table? An exploratory study of the field of university-based teacher education for post-compulsory education and training in England: a Legitimation Code Theory analysis.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Hodkinson, P;
Brooks, R;
Interchangeable parents? The roles and identities of primary and equal carer fathers of young children.
Current Sociology
, 68
pp. 780-797.
Hoskins, K;
Bradbury, A;
Fogarty, L;
The re/constructed role of nursery schools as local community hubs in the current context of austerity.
(TACTYC Occasional Paper
Association for Professional Development in Early Years (TACTYC): London, UK.
Hoskins, B;
Leonard, P;
Wilde, R;
How effective is youth volunteering as an employment strategy?: A mixed methods study of England.
(In press).
Howard-Merrill, L;
Wamoyi, J;
Nyato, D;
Kyegombe, N;
Heise, L;
Buller, AM;
'I trap her with a CD, then tomorrow find her with a big old man who bought her a smart phone'. Constructions of masculinities and transactional sex: a qualitative study from North-Western Tanzania.
Culture, Health & Sexuality
(In press).
Hunt, SA;
A history of higher and professional correspondence education in the UK.
History of Education
, 49
pp. 344-361.
Hunt, SA;
Boliver, V;
Private providers and market exit in UK higher education.
Higher Education
(In press).
Hutchinson, Vera;
Adults' perceptions of their writing practices and development as writers.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Iyer, P;
Rolleston, C;
Rose, P;
Woldehanna, T;
A rising tide of access: what consequences for equitable learning in Ethiopia?
Oxford Review of Education
, 46
pp. 601-618.
Jain, S;
Lall, M;
Singh, A;
Teachers’ Voices on the Impact of COVID-19 on School Education: Are Ed-Tech Companies Really the Panacea?
Contemporary Education Dialogue
(In press).
Janmaat, G;
Wolhuter, C;
van der Walt, H;
Potgieter, F;
The role of the school in inculcating citizenship values in South Africa: theoretical and international comparative perspectives.
South African Journal of Education
, 40
, Article 1782.
Jensen, K;
Fumasoli, T;
Stensaker, B;
Shadow organising: emerging stakeholder collaboration in higher education to enhance quality.
Journal of Further and Higher Education
, 44
pp. 365-377.
Jin, J;
Ball, SJ;
Meritocracy, social mobility and a new form of class domination.
British Journal of Sociology of Education
, 41
pp. 64-79.
Jin, J;
Ball, SJ;
‘Toned habitus’, self-emancipation and the contingency of reflexivity: a life story study of working-class students at elite universities in China.
British Journal of Educational Studies
, 68
pp. 241-262.
Jortay, C;
Bond, J;
Liu, C;
Legible and Thus Legitimate? Reading and Blurring Gender in China, Today and Yesterday.
China Perspectives
, 2020
pp. 5-8.
Kadiwal, L;
Jain, M;
Civics and Citizenship Education in India and Pakistan.
In: Sarangapani, PM and Pappu, R, (eds.)
Handbook of Education Systems in South Asia.
(pp. 1-27).
Springer: Singapore, Singapore.
Keating, A;
Janmaat, G;
Immigrants, inclusion, and the role of hard work: exploring anti-immigrant attitudes among young people in Britain.
The Sociological Review
(In press).
Kennedy, E;
Laurillard, D;
Locke, W;
Marini, G;
Whitchurch, C;
CGHE 2020 Annual Conference webinar: Academic work and careers online and offline.
Presented at: CGHE 2020 Annual Conference, Online conference.
Khamis, A;
Gatti, P;
A bibliometric analysis of the Aga Khan University Research Contribution in Early Child Development.
International Journal of Child Development and Mental Health
, 8
pp. 48-59.
King, Brendan;
"Being from here, it's not about being famous; it's about surviving". An urban ethnographic study of young black men's hegemonic masculinity and knife-carrying in an inner-city London estate.
Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), UCL (University College London).
Kingdon, GG;
The Private Schooling Phenomenon in India: A Review.
Journal of Development Studies
, 56
pp. 1795-1817.
Kitagawa, K;
Development of disaster risk reduction policy in Thailand.
Disaster Prevention and Management
(In press).
Kitagawa, K;
Disaster risk reduction activities as learning.
Natural Hazards
(In press).
Knight, L;
Atuhaire, L;
Allen, E;
Namy, S;
Anton-Erxleben, K;
Nakuti, J;
Mirembe, AF;
... Devries, K; + view all
Long-Term Outcomes of the Good School Toolkit Primary School Violence Prevention Intervention Among Adolescents: Protocol for a Nonrandomized Quasi-Experimental Study.
JMIR Research Protocols
, 9
, Article e20940. 10.2196/20940.
Koronaios, NN;
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The PANChSHEEEL Formative report: An integrated health, education, engineering and environmental (HEEE) intervention to optimise infant feeding practices through schools and Anganwadi networks in India.
UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health: London, UK.
Lakhanpaul, M;
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The PANChSHEEEL Intervention report: An integrated health, education, engineering and environmental (HEEE) intervention to optimise infant feeding practices through schools and Anganwadi networks in India.
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Compulsory school attendance and the Elementary Education Act of 1870: 150 years on.
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History of education in Britain since 1960.
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Questioning the gap in music literacy in England: Defining a role for the Society for Music Analysis in preparing students for music degrees in higher education today.
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Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Rogers, E;
London's Post-16 Trajectories.
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Mitchell, JE;
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Staff perceptions of implementing project-based learning in engineering education.
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Investigating the impact of classroom climate on UK school students taking part in a science inquiry-based learning programme – CREST.
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Science capital or STEM capital? Exploring relationships between science capital and technology, engineering, and maths attitudes and aspirations among young people aged 17/18.
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Primary teachers' experience of the COVID-19 lockdown – Eight key messages for policymakers going forward.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
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Responding to COVID-19, Briefing Note 1: Primary Assessment and COVID.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Moss, G;
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Responding to COVID-19, Briefing Note 2: Learning after lockdown.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Moss, G;
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Responding to COVID-19, Briefing Note 3: Resetting educational priorities in challenging times.
UCL Institute of Education: London, UK.
Moss, G;
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Written evidence submitted by the International Literacy Centre, UCL, Institute of Education to the Education Select Committee Inquiry into the impact of COVID-19 on education and children’s services, July 2020.
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Competing Narratives of History: The Curious Case of Akbar and Aurangzeb.
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Innovative strategies for the reception of asylum seekers and refugees in European cities: Multi-level governance, multi-sector urban networks and local engagement.
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Young people, inequality and violence during the COVID-19 lockdown in Uganda.
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‘My life as a second-class human being’: Experiences of a refugee academic.
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Toward the equitable expansion of early childhood education: Case study from Bhutan.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
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Theorising Jewish social justice education: a hermeneutical inquiry.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
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Evaluation of Career Colleges: final report.
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Rogers, L;
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Evaluation of Career Colleges.
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The great stagnation of upper secondary education in England: A historical and system perspective.
British Educational Research Journal
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Does Participation in Adult Education Increase Volunteering? An Analysis of British Longitudinal Data.
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Doing Philosophy. An Inquiry into the Academic Lives of Philosophers.
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The politicisation of evidence: A critical realist approach to data-driven education planning, practice and exclusion in Syria.
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Character and resilience in English education policy: social mobility, self-governance and biopolitics.
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Children, parents, and non-parents: To whom does “the future” belong?
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Pathways from origins to destinations: Stability and change in the roles of cognition, private schools and educational attainment.
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Wiggins, Richard D;
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Education and psychological distress in adolescence and mid-life: Do private schools make a difference?
British Educational Research Journal
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Book review: Understanding Power and Leadership in Higher Education: Tools for institutional change, by Mark Kretovics.
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Teaching and learning about gender in a Turkish university: boundary work in a polarised society.
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Understanding the lived experiences of Black African International Students in England using the lenses of Bourdieu and Critical Race Theory.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
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Children’s understandings and experiences of peer friendships in a rural Chinese boarding school.
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Displaying intimate friendships: Chinese children’s practices of friendships at school.
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