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Aagaard, T; Roen, A; Reekie, J; Daugaard, G; Brown, PDN; Specht, L; Sengeløv, H; ... Helleberg, M; + view all (2018) Development and Validation of a Risk Score for Febrile Neutropenia After Chemotherapy in Patients With Cancer: The FENCE Score. JNCI Cancer Spectrum , 2 (4) , Article pky053. 10.1093/jncics/pky053. Green open access

Abubakar, I; Matteelli, A; de Vries, G; Zenner, D; Cirillo, DM; Lönnroth, K; Popescu, G; ... Migliori, GB; + view all (2018) Towards tackling tuberculosis in vulnerable groups in the European Union: the E-DETECT TB consortium. European Respiratory Journal , 51 (5) , Article 1702604. 10.1183/13993003.02604-2017. Green open access

Achhra, AC; Sabin, C; Ryom, L; Hatleberg, C; d'Aminio, MA; de Wit, S; Phillips, A; ... Law, MG; + view all (2018) Body Mass Index and the Risk of Serious Non-AIDS Events and All-Cause Mortality in Treated HIV-Positive Individuals: DAD Cohort Analysis. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes , 78 (5) pp. 579-588. 10.1097/QAI.0000000000001722. Green open access

Adeagbo, O; Herbst, C; Dlamini, N; Mhlongo, T; Sonnenberg, P; Estcourt, C; Blandford, A; ... Shahmanesh, M; + view all (2018) "If She Tests Negative, It Means I Am Also Negative": Men's Construction of HIV Testing in South Africa. Presented at: HIV Research for Prevention Meeting 2018 (HIVR4P) - AIDS Vaccine, Microbicide and ARV-Based Prevention Science, Madrid, Spain. Green open access

ADVICE study group, .; (2018) Vorapaxar for HIV-associated inflammation and coagulopathy (ADVICE): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. The Lancet HIV , 5 (10) e553-e559. 10.1016/S2352-3018(18)30214-5. Green open access

Aicken, CRH; Sutcliffe, LJ; Gibbs, J; Tickle, LJ; Hone, K; Harding-Esch, E; Mercer, CH; ... Shahmanesh, M; + view all (2018) Using the eSexual Health Clinic to access chlamydia treatment and care via the internet: a qualitative interview study. Sexually Transmitted Infections , 94 (4) pp. 241-247. 10.1136/sextrans-2017-053227. Green open access

Albuquerque, A; Sheaff, M; Stirrup, O; Cappello, C; Bowring, J; Cuming, T; De Masi, A; ... Nathan, M; + view all (2018) Performance of Anal Cytology Compared With High-Resolution Anoscopy and Histology in Women With Lower Anogenital Tract Neoplasia. Clinical Infectious Diseases , 67 (8) pp. 1262-1268. 10.1093/cid/ciy273. Green open access

Arenas-Pinto, A; Grund, B; Sharma, S; Martinez, E; Cummins, N; Fox, J; Klingman, KL; ... INSIGHT START study group, .; + view all (2018) Risk of Suicidal Behavior With Use of Efavirenz: Results from the Strategic Timing of Antiretroviral Treatment Trial. Clinical Infectious Diseases 10.1093/cid/ciy051. (In press). Green open access


Bagkeris, E; Burgess, L; Mallon, PW; Post, FA; Boffito, M; Sachikonye, M; Anderson, J; ... Sabin, CA; + view all (2018) Cohort profile: The Pharmacokinetic and clinical Observations in PeoPle over fiftY (POPPY) study. International Journal of Epidemiology , 47 (5) 1391-1392e. 10.1093/ije/dyy072. Green open access

Bailey, JV; Pavlou, M; Copas, A; Taylor, L; Feder, G; (2018) Young people, partner abuse and sexual health: indicators of increased risk. Journal of Gender-Based Violence , 2 (2) pp. 311-338. 10.1332/239868018X15263882276906. Green open access

Baisley, K; Chimbindi, N; Mthiyane, N; Floyd, S; McGrath, N; Pillay, D; Seeley, J; ... Shahmanesh, M; + view all (2018) High HIV incidence and low uptake of HIV prevention services: The context of risk for young male adults prior to DREAMS in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. PLoS One , 13 (12) , Article e0208689. 10.1371/journal.pone.0208689. Green open access

Baker, KS; Dallman, TJ; Field, N; Childs, T; Mitchell, H; Day, M; Weill, F-X; ... Thomson, N; + view all (2018) Genomic epidemiology of Shigella in the United Kingdom shows transmission of pathogen sublineages and determinants of antimicrobial resistance. Science Reports , 8 (1) , Article 7389. 10.1038/s41598-018-25764-3. Green open access

Baker, KS; Dallman, TJ; Field, N; Childs, T; Mitchell, H; Day, M; Weill, F-X; ... Thomson, N; + view all (2018) Horizontal antimicrobial resistance transfer drives epidemics of multiple Shigella species. Nature Communications , 9 (1) , Article 1462. 10.1038/s41467-018-03949-8. Green open access

Bansi-Matharu, L; Cambiano, V; Apollo, T; Yekeye, R; Dirawo, J; Musemburi, S; Davey, C; ... Phillips, AN; + view all (2018) 90‐90‐90 by 2020? Estimation and projection of the adult HIV epidemic and ART programme in Zimbabwe – 2017 to 2020. Journal of the International AIDS Society , 21 (11) , Article e25205. 10.1002/jia2.25205. Green open access

Baraniak, IA; Kropff, B; Pichon, S; McLean, G; Milne, RSB; Smith, C; Mach, M; ... Reeves, M; + view all (2018) Epitope-specific humoral responses to human cytomegalovirus glycoprotein-B vaccine with MF59 adjuvant in seropositive solid organ transplant recipients: anti-AD2 levels correlate with protection from viraemia. Journal of Infectious Diseases , 217 (12) pp. 1907-1917. 10.1093/infdis/jiy102. Green open access

Barber, TJ; Saunders, JM; Barnett, N; (2018) Person-centred care and HIV: challenges and solutions. Sexually Transmitted Infections , 94 (8) pp. 582-584. 10.1136/sextrans-2018-053569. Green open access

Benjamin, L; Nastouli, E; Haddow, L; Edwards, S; Laurie, A; Browning, S; Chandna, A; ... Simister, R; + view all (2018) New HIV cases diagnosed though opt-out testing in hyperacute stroke: a call to amend national guidelines. Presented at: Fourth Joint Conference of the British HIV Association (BHIVA) with the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH), Edinburgh, UK. Green open access

Bhatnagar, R; Keenan, EK; Keenan, EK; Morley, AJ; Kahan, BC; Stanton, AE; Haris, M; ... Maskell, NA; + view all (2018) Outpatient Talc Administration by Indwelling Pleural Catheter for Malignant Effusion. The New England Journal of Medicine , 378 (14) pp. 1313-1322. 10.1056/NEJMoa1716883. Green open access

Birdthistle, I; Schaffnit, SB; Kwaro, D; Shahmanesh, M; Ziraba, A; Kabiru, CW; Phillips-Howard, P; ... Floyd, S; + view all (2018) Evaluating the impact of the DREAMS partnership to reduce HIV incidence among adolescent girls and young women in four settings: a study protocol. BMC Public Health , 18 , Article 912. 10.1186/s12889-018-5789-7. Green open access

Brown, LJ; Tan, KS; Guerra, LE; Naidoo, CJ; Nardone, A; (2018) Using behavioural insights to increase HIV self-sampling kit returns: a randomized controlled text message trial to improve England's HIV self-sampling service. HIV Medicine , 19 (9) pp. 585-596. 10.1111/hiv.12634. Green open access


Cambiano, V; Miners, A; Dunn, D; McCormack, S; Ong, KJ; Gill, ON; Nardone, A; ... Phillips, AN; + view all (2018) Cost-effectiveness of pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention in men who have sex with men in the UK: a modelling study and health economic evaluation. The Lancet Infectious Diseases , 18 (1) pp. 85-94. 10.1016/S1473-3099(17)30540-6. Green open access

Caniglia, EC; Phillips, A; Porter, K; Sabin, CA; Winston, A; Logan, R; Gill, J; ... Hernan, MA; + view all (2018) Commonly Prescribed Antiretroviral Therapy Regimens and Incidence of AIDS-Defining Neurological Conditions. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes , 77 (1) pp. 102-109. 10.1097/QAI.0000000000001562. Green open access

Caro-Vega, Y; Schultze, A; Efsen, AMW; Post, FA; Panteleev, A; Skrahin, A; Miro, JM; ... Crabtree-Ramirez, B; + view all (2018) Differences in response to antiretroviral therapy in HIV-positive patients being treated for tuberculosis in Eastern Europe, Western Europe and Latin America. BMC Infectious Diseases , 18 , Article 191. 10.1186/s12879-018-3077-x. Green open access

Castillo-Mancilla, JR; Phillips, AN; Neaton, JD; Neuhaus, J; Collins, S; Mannheimer, S; Pett, S; ... INSIGHT SMART Study Group, .; + view all (2018) Association of Suboptimal Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence With Inflammation in Virologically Suppressed Individuals Enrolled in the SMART Study. Open Forum Infectious Diseases , 5 (1) , Article ofx275. 10.1093/ofid/ofx275. Green open access

Cataldo, F; Seeley, J; Nkhata, MJ; Mupambireyi, Z; Tumwesige, E; Gibb, DM; Lablite Team; (2018) She knows that she will not come back: tracing patients and new thresholds of collective surveillance in PMTCT Option B+. BMC Health Services Research , 18 , Article 76. 10.1186/s12913-017-2826-7. Green open access

Ceccherini-Silberstein, F; Cozzi Lepri, A; Alteri, C; Merlini, E; Surdo, M; Marchetti, G; Capobianchi, MR; ... ICONA Foundation Study Group; + view all (2018) Pre-ART HIV-1 DNA in CD4+ T cells correlates with baseline viro-immunological status and outcome in patients under first-line ART. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 10.1093/jac/dky350. Green open access

Chandra, NL; Broad, C; Folkard, K; Town, K; Harding-Esch, EM; Woodhall, SC; Saunders, JM; ... Dunbar, JK; + view all (2018) Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in rectal specimens in women and its association with anal intercourse: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sexually Transmitted Infections , 94 (5) pp. 320-326. 10.1136/sextrans-2017-053161. Green open access

Chimbindi, N; Birdthistle, I; Shahmanesh, M; Osindo, J; Mushati, P; Ondeng'e, K; Zuma, T; ... Seeley, J; + view all (2018) Translating DREAMS into practice: Early lessons from implementation in six settings. PLoS One , 13 (12) , Article e0208243. 10.1371/journal.pone.0208243. Green open access

Chimbindi, N; Mthiyane, N; Birdthistle, I; Floyd, S; McGrath, N; Pillay, D; Seeley, J; ... Shahmanesh, M; + view all (2018) Persistently high incidence of HIV and poor service uptake in adolescent girls and young women in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa prior to DREAMS. PLoS One , 13 (10) , Article e0203193. 10.1371/journal.pone.0203193. Green open access

Chingono, R; Mebrahtu, H; Mupambireyi, Z; Simms, V; Weiss, HA; Ndlovu, P; Charasika, F; ... Sherr, L; + view all (2018) Evaluating the effectiveness of a multi-component intervention on early childhood development in paediatric HIV care and treatment programmes: a randomised controlled trial. BMC Pediatrics , 18 , Article 222. 10.1186/s12887-018-1201-0. Green open access

Clifton, S; Mercer, CH; Sonnenberg, P; Tanton, C; Field, N; Gravningen, K; Hughes, G; ... Johnson, AM; + view all (2018) STI Risk Perception in the British Population and How It Relates to Sexual Behaviour and STI Healthcare Use: Findings From a Cross-sectional Survey (Natsal-3). EClinicalMedicine , 2-3 pp. 29-36. 10.1016/j.eclinm.2018.08.001. Green open access

Clutterbuck, D; Asboe, D; Barber, T; Emerson, C; Field, N; Gibson, S; Hughes, G; ... Sullivan, A; + view all (2018) 2016 United Kingdom national guideline on the sexual health care of men who have sex with men. International Journal of STD & AIDS 10.1177/0956462417746897. (In press). Green open access

Cluver, L; Meinck, F; Toska, E; Orkin, FM; Hodes, R; Sherr, L; (2018) Multitype violence exposures and adolescent antiretroviral nonadherence in South Africa. AIDS , 32 (8) pp. 975-983. 10.1097/QAD.0000000000001795. Green open access

Cluver, L; Pantelic, M; Orkin, M; Toska, E; Medley, S; Sherr, L; (2018) Sustainable Survival for adolescents living with HIV: do SDG-aligned provisions reduce potential mortality risk? Journal of the International AIDS Society , 21 (S1) , Article e25056. 10.1002/jia2.25056. Green open access

Cluver, L; Pantelic, M; Toska, E; Orkin, M; Casale, M; Bungane, N; Sherr, L; (2018) STACKing the odds for adolescent survival: health service factors associated with full retention in care and adherence amongst adolescents living with HIV in South Africa. Journal of the International AIDS Society , 21 (9) , Article e25176. 10.1002/jia2.25176. Green open access

Cole, JH; Caan, MWA; Underwood, J; De Francesco, D; van Zoest, RA; Wit, FWNM; Mutsaerts, HJMM; ... COBRA collaboration; + view all (2018) No evidence for accelerated ageing-related brain pathology in treated HIV: longitudinal neuroimaging results from the Comorbidity in Relation to AIDS (COBRA) project. Clinical Infectious Diseases , 66 (12) pp. 1899-1909. 10.1093/cid/cix1124. Green open access

Collier, DA; Haddow, L; Brijkumar, J; Moosa, M-YS; Benjamin, L; Gupta, RK; (2018) HIV Cerebrospinal Fluid Escape and Neurocognitive Pathology in the Era of Combined Antiretroviral Therapy: What Lies Beneath the Tip of the Iceberg in Sub-Saharan Africa. Brain Sciences , 8 (10) , Article 190. 10.3390/brainsci8100190. Green open access

Collin, SM; De Vries, G; Lönnroth, K; Migliori, GB; Abubakar, I; Anderson, SR; Zenner, D; (2018) Tuberculosis in the European Union and European Economic Area: a survey of national tuberculosis programmes. European Respiratory Journal , 52 (6) , Article 1801449. 10.1183/13993003.01449-2018. Green open access

Collini, PJ; Bewley, MA; Mohasin, M; Marriott, HM; Miller, RF; Geretti, A-M; Beloukas, A; ... Dockrell, DH; + view all (2018) HIV gp120 in Lungs of ART-treated Individuals Impairs Alveolar Macrophage Responses To Pneumococci. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine , 197 (12) pp. 1604-1615. 10.1164/rccm.201708-1755OC. Green open access

Collins, J; (2018) Global Trends in CD4 Cell Count at the Start of Antiretroviral Therapy: Collaborative Study of Treatment Programs. Clinical Infectious Diseases , 66 (6) pp. 893-903. 10.1093/cid/cix915. Green open access

Cowan, FM; Davey, C; Fearon, E; Mushati, P; Dirawo, J; Chabata, S; Cambiano, V; ... Hargreaves, JR; + view all (2018) Targeted combination prevention to support female sex workers in Zimbabwe accessing and adhering to antiretrovirals for treatment and prevention of HIV (SAPPH-IRe): a cluster-randomised trial. The Lancet HIV , 5 (8) e417-e426. 10.1016/S2352-3018(18)30111-5. Green open access

Crawshaw, AF; Pareek, M; Were, J; Schillinger, S; Gorbacheva, O; Wickramage, KP; Mandal, S; ... Zenner, D; + view all (2018) Infectious disease testing of UK-bound refugees: a population-based, cross-sectional study. BMC Medicine , 16 , Article 143. 10.1186/s12916-018-1125-4. Green open access

Cresswell, FV; Ellis, J; Hartley, J; Sabin, CA; Orkin, C; Churchill, DR; (2018) A systematic review of risk of HIV transmission through biting or spitting: implications for policy. HIV Medicine , 19 (8) pp. 532-540. 10.1111/hiv.12625. Green open access

Croxford, S; Burns, F; Copas, A; Pharris, A; Rinder Stengaard, A; Delpech, V; OptTEST by HIV in Europe; (2018) Factors associated with delayed linkage to care following HIV diagnosis in the WHO European Region. HIV Medicine , 19 (S1) pp. 40-46. 10.1111/hiv.12585. Green open access

Croxford, S; Raben, D; Jakobsen, SF; Burns, F; Copas, A; Brown, AE; Delpech, VC; (2018) Defining linkage to care following human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) diagnosis for public health monitoring in Europe. Eurosurveillance , 23 (48) 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2018.23.48.1700858. Green open access

Croxford, S; Yin, Z; Burns, F; Copas, A; Town, K; Desai, S; Skingsley, A; ... OptTEST project; + view all (2018) Linkage to HIV care following diagnosis in the WHO European Region: A systematic review and meta-analysis, 2006-2017. PLoS One , 13 (2) , Article e0192403. 10.1371/journal.pone.0192403. Green open access

Croxford, S; Yin, Z; Kall, M; Burns, F; Simmons, R; Copas, A; Ireland, G; ... Delpech, V; + view all (2018) Where do we diagnose HIV infection? Monitoring new diagnoses made in nontraditional settings in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. HIV Medicine , 19 (7) pp. 465-474. 10.1111/hiv.12627. Green open access

Currie, S; Mercer, CH; Dunbar, KJ; Saunders, J; Woodhall, SC; (2018) Do healthcare professionals and young adults know about the National Chlamydia Screening Programme? Findings from two cross-sectional surveys. International Journal of STD & AIDS 10.1177/0956462418797849. Green open access

Curtis, TJ; Field, N; Clifton, S; Mercer, CH; (2018) Household structure and its association with sexual risk behaviours and sexual health outcomes: Evidence from a British probability sample survey. BMJ Open , 8 (12) , Article e024255. 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024255. Green open access


d'Arminio Monforte, A; Lorenzini, P; Cozzi-Lepri, A; Mussini, C; Castagna, A; Baldelli, F; Puoti, M; ... on behalf of the Icona Foundation Study Group, .; + view all (2018) Durability and tolerability of first-line regimens including two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors and raltegravir or ritonavir boosted-atazanavir or -darunavir: data from the ICONA Cohort. HIV Clinical Trials , 19 (2) pp. 52-60. 10.1080/15284336.2018.1440691. Green open access

Dakshina, S; Miller, RF; Tong, CY; Sarner, L; (2018) Secondary prophylaxis of toxoplasmosis in pregnancy in an HIV-positive woman. International Journal of STD & AIDS , 29 (11) pp. 1130-1132. 10.1177/0956462418773955. Green open access

Datta, S; Mercer, CH; Keeling, MJ; (2018) Capturing sexual contact patterns in modelling the spread of sexually transmitted infections: Evidence using Natsal-3. PLOS ONE , 13 (11) , Article e0206501. 10.1371/journal.pone.0206501. Green open access

Davidson, JA; Fulton, N; Thomas, HL; Lalor, MK; Zenner, D; Brown, T; Murphy, S; (2018) Investigating a tuberculosis cluster among Filipino health care workers in a low-incidence country. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease , 22 (3) pp. 252-257. 10.5588/ijtld.17.0620. Green open access

De Francesco, D; Wit, FW; Cole, JH; Kootstra, NA; Winston, A; Sabin, CA; Underwood, J; ... COmorBidity in Relation to AIDS (COBRA) collaboration; + view all (2018) The 'COmorBidity in Relation to AIDS' (COBRA) cohort: Design, methods and participant characteristics. PLoS One , 13 (3) , Article e0191791. 10.1371/journal.pone.0191791. Green open access

Dentone, C; Di Biagio, A; Cozzi Lepri, A; Fenoglio, D; Filaci, G; Lichtner, M; Carrara, S; ... ICONA Foundation Study Group, .; + view all (2018) Inflammatory effects of atazanavir/ritonavir versus darunavir/ritonavir in treatment naïve, HIV-1-infected patients. HIV Clinical Trials , 19 (4) pp. 158-162. 10.1080/15284336.2018.1488453. Green open access

Desai, S; Burns, F; Schembri, G; Williams, D; Sullivan, A; McOwan, A; Antonucci, S; ... Nardone, A; + view all (2018) Sexual behaviours and sexually transmitted infection outcomes in a cohort of HIV-negative men who have sex with men attending sexual health clinics in England. International Journal of STD & AIDS , 29 (14) pp. 1407-1416. 10.1177/0956462418789333. Green open access

Dharan, NJ; Neuhaus, J; Rockstroh, JK; Peters, L; Gordin, F; Arenas-Pinto, A; Emerson, C; ... INSIGHT START Study Group; + view all (2018) Benefit of early versus deferred antiretroviral therapy on progression of liver fibrosis among people with HIV in the START randomized trial. Hepatology 10.1002/hep.30296. (In press). Green open access

Dodds, C; Mugweni, E; Phillips, G; Park, C; Young, I; Fakoya, I; Wayal, S; ... Burns, F; + view all (2018) Correction to: Acceptability of HIV self-sampling kits (TINY vial) among people of black African ethnicity in the UK: a qualitative study. [Corrigendum]. BMC Public Health , 18 (1) , Article 866. 10.1186/s12889-018-5775-0. Green open access

Dodds, C; Mugweni, E; Phillips, G; Park, C; Young, I; Fakoya, I; Wayal, S; ... Burns, FM; + view all (2018) Acceptability of HIV self-sampling kits (TINY vial) among people of black African ethnicity in the UK: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health , 18 , Article 499. 10.1186/s12889-018-5256-5. Green open access

Doyle, AM; Floyd, S; Baisley, K; Orindi, B; Kwaro, D; Mthiyane, TN; Muuo, S; ... Birdthistle, I; + view all (2018) Who are the male sexual partners of adolescent girls and young women? Comparative analysis of population data in three settings prior to DREAMS roll-out. PLoS One , 13 (9) , Article e0198783. 10.1371/journal.pone.0198783. Green open access

Dunn, DT; Copas, AJ; Brocklehurst, P; (2018) Superiority and non-inferiority: two sides of the same coin? Trials , 19 (1) , Article 499. 10.1186/s13063-018-2885-z. Green open access

Dunn, DT; Glidden, DV; Stirrup, OT; McCormack, S; (2018) The averted infections ratio: a novel measure of effectiveness of experimental HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis agents. The Lancet HIV , 5 (6) e329-e334. 10.1016/S2352-3018(18)30045-6. Green open access

Dunn, DT; Stöhr, W; Arenas-Pinto, A; Tostevin, A; Mbisa, JL; Paton, NI; or the Protease Inhibitor Monotherapy Versus Ongoing Triple Ther, .; (2018) Next generation sequencing of HIV-1 protease in the PIVOT trial of protease inhibitor monotherapy. Journal of Clinical Virology , 101 pp. 63-65. 10.1016/j.jcv.2018.02.003. Green open access


Edelman, NL; Cassell, JA; Mercer, CH; Bremner, SA; Jones, CI; Gersten, A; deVisser, RO; (2018) Deriving a clinical prediction rule to target sexual healthcare to women attending British General Practices. Preventive Medicine , 112 pp. 185-192. 10.1016/j.ypmed.2018.04.030. Green open access

Edwards, D; Kent, D; Lester, C; Brown, CS; Murphy, ME; Brown, NM; Sule, O; ... Reacher, M; + view all (2018) Transmission of toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae by a fully immunised resident returning from a visit to West Africa, United Kingdom, 2017. Eurosurveillance , 23 (39) , Article 1700681. 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2018.23.39.1700681. Green open access

Efsen, AMW; Schultze, A; Miller, RF; Panteleev, A; Skrahin, A; Podlekareva, DN; Miro, JM; ... TB: HIV study in EuroCoord; + view all (2018) Management of MDR-TB in HIV co-infected patients in Eastern Europe: Results from the TB:HIV study. Journal of Infection , 76 (1) pp. 44-54. 10.1016/j.jinf.2017.10.007. Green open access


Fakoya, I; Álvarez-Del Arco, D; Monge, S; Copas, AJ; Gennotte, A-F; Volny-Anne, A; Wengenroth, C; ... aMASE Study Team, aMASE ST; + view all (2018) HIV testing history and access to treatment among migrants living with HIV in Europe. Journal of the International AIDS Society , 21 (4) , Article e25123. 10.1002/jia2.25123. Green open access

Field, N; Clifton, S; Alexander, S; Ison, CA; Khanom, R; Saunders, P; Hughes, G; ... Sonnenberg, P; + view all (2018) Trichomonas vaginalis infection is uncommon in the British general population: implications for clinical testing and public health screening. Sexually Transmitted Infections , 94 (3) pp. 226-229. 10.1136/sextrans-2016-052660. Green open access

Fottrell, E; Ahmed, N; Shaha, SK; Jennings, H; Kuddus, A; Morrison, J; Akter, K; ... Azad, K; + view all (2018) Diabetes knowledge and care practices among adults in rural Bangladesh: a cross-sectional survey. BMJ Global Health , 3 (4) , Article e000891. 10.1136/bmjgh-2018-000891. Green open access

Fottrell, E; Ahmed, N; Shaha, SK; Jennings, H; Kuddus, A; Morrison, J; Akter, K; ... Azad, K; + view all (2018) Distribution of diabetes, hypertension and non-communicable disease risk factors among adults in rural Bangladesh: a cross-sectional survey. BMJ Global Health , 3 (6) , Article e000787. 10.1136/bmjgh-2018-000787. Green open access

Francesco, DD; Verboeket, SO; Underwood, J; Bagkeris, E; Wit, FW; Mallon, PWG; Winston, A; ... Pharmacokinetic and Clinical Observations in PeoPle Over fiftY (; + view all (2018) Patterns of Co-occurring Comorbidities in People Living With HIV. Open Forum Infectious Diseases , 5 (11) , Article ofy272. 10.1093/ofid/ofy272. Green open access

Francis, SC; Mthiyane, TN; Baisley, K; Mchunu, SL; Ferguson, JB; Smit, T; Crucitti, T; ... Shahmanesh, M; + view all (2018) Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among young people in South Africa: A nested survey in a health and demographic surveillance site. PLoS Medicine , 15 (2) , Article e1002512. 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002512. Green open access

Fregonese, F; Ahuja, SD; Akkerman, OW; Arakaki-Sanchez, D; Ayakaka, I; Baghaei, P; Bang, D; ... Menzies, D; + view all (2018) Comparison of different treatments for isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis: an individual patient data meta-analysis. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine , 6 (4) pp. 265-275. 10.1016/S2213-2600(18)30078-X. Green open access

French, RS; Geary, R; Jones, K; Glasier, A; Mercer, CH; Datta, J; Macdowall, W; ... Wellings, K; + view all (2018) Where do women and men in Britain obtain contraception? Findings from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). The Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care , 44 (1) pp. 16-26. 10.1136/jfprhc-2017-101728. Green open access

French, RS; Geary, R; Jones, K; Glasier, A; Mercer, CH; Datta, J; Macdowall, W; ... Wellings, K; + view all (2018) Where do women and men in Britain obtain contraception? Findings from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health 10.1136/bmjsrh-2017-101728. Green open access


Gabriel, MM; Dunn, DT; Speakman, A; McCabe, L; Ward, D; Witzel, TC; Harbottle, J; ... Rodger, AJ; + view all (2018) Protocol, rationale and design of SELPHI: a randomised controlled trial assessing whether offering free HIV self-testing kits via the internet increases the rate of HIV diagnosis. BMC Infectious Diseases , 18 , Article 531. 10.1186/s12879-018-3433-x. Green open access

Gafos, M; Horne, R; Nutland, W; Bell, G; Rae, C; Wayal, S; Rayment, M; ... McCormack, S; + view all (2018) The Context of Sexual Risk Behaviour Among Men Who Have Sex with Men Seeking PrEP, and the Impact of PrEP on Sexual Behaviour. AIDS and Behavior 10.1007/s10461-018-2300-5. (In press). Green open access

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