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Aboulghar, M; Albertini, DF; Allen, JF; Bhattacharya, S; Cottingham Terralis C, J; Evers, JLH; Geraedts, JPM; ... Volpe, A; + view all (2016) The influence of social factors on gender health. Human Reproduction , 31 (8) pp. 1631-1637. 10.1093/humrep/dew154. Green open access

Adhikari, K; Fontanil, T; Cal, S; Mendoza-Revilla, J; Fuentes-Guajardo, M; Chacón-Duque, JC; Al-Saadi, F; ... Ruiz-Linares, A; + view all (2016) A genome-wide association scan in admixed Latin Americans identifies loci influencing facial and scalp hair features. Nature Communications , 7 , Article 10815. 10.1038/ncomms10815. Green open access

Adhikari, K; Fuentes-Guajardo, M; Quinto-Sanchez, M; Mendoza-Revilla, J; Chacon-Duque, JC; Acuna-Alonzo, V; Jaramillo, C; ... Ruiz-Linares, A; + view all (2016) A genome-wide association scan implicates DCHS2, RUNX2, GLI3, PAX1 and EDAR in human facial variation. Nature Communications , 7 , Article ARTN 116. 10.1038/ncomms11616. Green open access

Afschar, S; Toivonen, JM; Hoffmann, JM; Tain, LS; Wieser, D; Finlayson, AJ; Driege, Y; ... Partridge, L; + view all (2016) Nuclear hormone receptor DHR96 mediates the resistance to xenobiotics but not the increased lifespan of insulin-mutant Drosophila. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 113 (5) pp. 1321-1326. 10.1073/pnas.1515137113. Green open access

Alic, N; (2016) Of FOXes and Forgetful Worms. Cell Metabolism , 23 (3) pp. 403-404. 10.1016/j.cmet.2016.02.013. Green open access

Allen, J; Sousa, FL; Neukirchen, S; Lane, N; Allen, JF; Martin, WF; (2016) Lokiarchaeon is hydrogen dependent. Nature Microbiology , 1 , Article 16034. 10.1038/NMICROBIOL.2016.34. Green open access

Allen, JF; (2016) A Proposal for Formation of Archaean Stromatolites before the Advent of Oxygenic Photosynthesis. Frontiers in Microbiology , 7 , Article 1784. 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01784. Green open access

Allen, JF; Ibrahim, IM; Puthiyaveetil, S; (2016) A two-component regulatory system in transcriptional control of photosystem stoichiometry: redox-dependent and sodium ion-dependent phosphoryl transfer from cyanobacterial histidine kinase Hik2 to response regulators Rre1 and RppA. Frontiers in Plant Science , 7 (137) 10.3389/fpls.2016.00137. Green open access

Allen, JF; Martin, WF; (2016) Why have organelles retained genomes? Cell Systems , 2 (2) pp. 70-72. 10.1016/j.cels.2016.02.007. Green open access

Alliouachene, S; Bilanges, B; Chaussade, C; Pearce, W; Foukas, LC; Scudamore, CL; Moniz, LS; (2016) Inactivation of class II PI3K-C2α induces leptin resistance, age-dependent insulin resistance and obesity in male mice. Diabetologia , 59 (7) pp. 1503-1512. 10.1007/s00125-016-3963-y. Green open access

Altenhoff, AM; Boeckmann, B; Capella-Gutierrez, S; Dalquen, DA; DeLuca, T; Forslund, K; Huerta-Cepas, J; ... Dessimoz, C; + view all (2016) Standardized benchmarking in the quest for orthologs. Nature Methods , 13 (5) pp. 425-430. 10.1038/nmeth.3830. Green open access

Ansari-Pour, N; Moñino, Y; Duque, C; Gallego, N; Bedoya, G; Thomas, MG; Bradman, N; (2016) Palenque de San Basilio in Colombia: genetic data support an oral history of a paternal ancestry in Congo. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences , 283 (1827) , Article 20152980. 10.1098/rspb.2015.2980. Green open access

Arno, G; Agrawal, SA; Eblimit, A; Bellingham, J; Xu, M; Wang, F; Chakarova, C; ... Chen, R; + view all (2016) Mutations in REEP6 Cause Autosomal-Recessive Retinitis Pigmentosa. Am J Hum Genet , 99 (6) pp. 1305-1315. 10.1016/j.ajhg.2016.10.008. Green open access

Arno, G; Holder, GE; Chakarova, C; Kohl, S; Pontikos, N; Fiorentino, A; Plagnol, V; ... UK Inherited Retinal Disease Consortium, .; + view all (2016) Recessive Retinopathy Consequent on Mutant G-Protein β Subunit 3 (GNB3). JAMA Ophthalmology , 134 (8) pp. 924-927. 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2016.1543. Green open access

Atamni, HJ; Botzman, M; Mott, R; Gat-Viks, I; Iraqi, FA; (2016) Mapping liver fat female-dependent quantitative trait loci in collaborative cross mice. Mammalian Genome , 27 (11) pp. 565-573. 10.1007/s00335-016-9658-3. Green open access

Attig, J; Mozos, IRDL; Haberman, N; Wang, Z; Emmett, W; Zarnack, K; Konig, J; (2016) Splicing repression allows the gradual emergence of new Alu-exons in primate evolution. eLife , 5 , Article e19. 10.7554/eLife.19545. Green open access


Barata, IM; Correia, CM; Ferreira, GB; (2016) Amphibian species composition and priorities for regional conservation at the Espinhaço mosaic, Southeastern Brazil. Herpetological Conservation and Biology , 11 (2) pp. 293-303. Green open access

Barata, IM; Uhlig, VM; Silva, GH; Ferreira, GB; (2016) Downscaling the Gap: Protected Areas, Scientific Knowledge and the Conservation of Amphibian Species in Minas Gerais, Southeastern Brazil. South American Journal of Herpetology , 11 (1) pp. 34-45. 10.2994/SAJH-D-16-00006.1. Green open access

Bartlett, LJ; Newbold, T; Purves, DW; Tittensor, DP; Harfoot, MBJ; (2016) Synergistic impacts of habitat loss and fragmentation on model ecosystems. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences , 283 (1839) , Article 20161027. 10.1098/rspb.2016.1027. Green open access

Battlay, P; Schmidt, JM; Fournier-Level, A; Robin, C; (2016) Genomic and Transcriptomic Associations Identify a New Insecticide Resistance Phenotype for the Selective Sweep at the Cyp6g1 Locus of Drosophila melanogaster. G3: Genes Genomes Genetics , 6 (8) pp. 2573-2581. 10.1534/g3.116.031054. Green open access

Bellard, C; Cassey, P; Blackburn, TM; (2016) Alien species as a driver of recent extinctions. Biology Letters , 12 (2) , Article 20150623. 10.1098/rsbl.2015.0623. Green open access

Benito, Á; Jeffares, D; Palomero, F; Calderón, F; Bai, FY; Bähler, J; Benito, S; (2016) Selected Schizosaccharomyces pombe Strains Have Characteristics That Are Beneficial for Winemaking. PLOS One , 11 (3) , Article e0151102. 10.1371/journal.pone.0151102. Green open access

Bielby, J; Donnelly, CA; Woodroffe, R; Vial, F; (2016) Localised Badger Culling Increases Risk of Herd Breakdown on Nearby, Not Focal, Land. PLoS One , 11 (10) , Article e0164618. 10.1371/journal.pone.0164618. Green open access

Bischof, L; Převorovský, M; Rallis, C; Jeffares, DC; Arzhaeva, Y; Bähler, J; (2016) Spotsizer: High-throughput quantitative analysis of microbial growth. BioTechniques , 61 (4) pp. 191-201. 10.2144/000114459. Green open access

Blackburn, TM; (2016) Geographic range expansion of alien birds and environmental matching. IBIS: The International Journal of Avian Science , 159 (1) pp. 193-203. 10.1111/ibi.12418. Green open access

Blackburn, TM; (2016) A global analysis of the determinants of alien geographic range size in birds. Global Ecology and Biogeography: a journal of macroecology , 25 (11) pp. 1346-1355. 10.1111/geb.12496. Green open access

Blackburn, TM; Ewen, JG; (2016) Parasites as Drivers and Passengers of Human-Mediated Biological Invasions. Ecohealth 10.1007/s10393-015-1092-6. Green open access

Bland, LM; Bohm, M; (2016) Overcoming data deficiency in reptiles. Biological Conservation , 204 (Part A) pp. 16-22. 10.1016/j.biocon.2016.05.018. Green open access

Boakes, EH; Fuller, RA; McGowan, PJ; Mace, GM; (2016) Uncertainty in identifying local extinctions: the distribution of missing data and its effects on biodiversity measures. Biology Letters , 12 (3) , Article 20150824. 10.1098/rsbl.2015.0824. Green open access

Bohm, M; Cook, D; Ma, H; Davidson, AD; García, A; Tapley, B; Pearce-Kelly, P; (2016) Hot and bothered: using trait-based approaches to assess climate change vulnerability in reptiles. Biological Conservation , 204 (Part A) pp. 32-41. 10.1016/j.biocon.2016.06.002. Green open access

Böhm, M; Williams, R; Bramhall, HR; Mcmillan, KM; Davidson, AD; Garcia, A; Bland, LM; ... Collen, B; + view all (2016) Correlates of extinction risk in squamate reptiles: The relative importance of biology, geography, threat and range size. Global Ecology and Biogeography , 25 (4) pp. 391-405. 10.1111/geb.12419. Green open access

Bohm, Monika; Popescu, VD; (2016) Landscape Ecology, Biogeography, and GIS methods. In: Dodd, CK, (ed.) Reptile Ecology and Conservation: a Handbook of Techniques. (pp. 298-314). Oxford University Press: Oxford, United Kingdom. Green open access

Boynton, PJ; Greig, D; (2016) Fungal diversity and ecosystem function data from wine fermentation vats and microcosms. Data in Brief , 8 pp. 225-229. 10.1016/j.dib.2016.05.038. Green open access

Boynton, PJ; Greig, D; (2016) Species richness influences wine ecosystem function through a dominant species. Fungal Ecology , 22 pp. 61-72. 10.1016/j.funeco.2016.04.008. Green open access

Boynton, PJ; Stelkens, R; Kowallik, V; Greig, D; (2016) Measuring microbial fitness in a field reciprocal transplant experiment. Molecular Ecology Resources 10.1111/1755-0998.12562. Green open access

Brault, A; Rallis, C; Normant, V; Garant, JM; Bähler, J; Labbé, S; (2016) Php4 Is a Key Player for Iron Economy in Meiotic and Sporulating Cells. G3 , 6 (10) pp. 3077-3095. 10.1534/g3.116.031898. Green open access

Brierley, L; Vonhof, M; Olival, KJ; Daszak, P; Jones, KE; (2016) Quantifying Global Drivers of Zoonotic Bat Viruses: A Process-based Perspective. The American Naturalist 10.1086/684391. Green open access

Broushaki, F; Thomas, MG; Link, V; López, S; van Dorp, L; Kirsanow, K; Hofmanová, Z; ... Burger, J; + view all (2016) Early Neolithic genomes from the eastern Fertile Crescent. Science , 353 (6298) pp. 499-503. 10.1126/science.aaf7943. Green open access

Bryant, JV; Gottelli, D; Zeng, X; Hong, X; Chan, BP; Fellowes, JR; Zhang, Y; ... Turvey, ST; + view all (2016) Assessing current genetic status of the Hainan gibbon using historical and demographic baselines: implications for conservation management of species of extreme rarity. Molecular Ecology , 25 (15) pp. 3540-3556. 10.1111/mec.13716. Green open access


Cagan, A; Theunert, C; Laayouni, H; Santpere, G; Pybus, M; Casals, F; Prüfer, K; ... Andrés, AM; + view all (2016) Natural Selection in the Great Apes. Mol Biol Evol , 33 (12) pp. 3268-3283. 10.1093/molbev/msw215. Green open access

Cairns, J; Freire-Pritchett, P; Wingett, SW; Várnai, C; Dimond, A; Plagnol, V; Zerbino, D; ... Spivakov, M; + view all (2016) CHiCAGO: robust detection of DNA looping interactions in Capture Hi-C data. Genome Biol , 17 (1) p. 127. 10.1186/s13059-016-0992-2. Green open access

Cakiroglu, SA; Zaugg, JB; Luscombe, NM; (2016) Backmasking in the yeast genome: encoding overlapping information for protein-coding and RNA degradation. Nucleic Acids Research , 44 (17) pp. 8065-8072. 10.1093/nar/gkw683. Green open access

Camargo, AV; Mott, R; Gardner, KA; Mackay, IJ; Corke, F; Doonan, JH; Kim, JT; (2016) Determining phenological patterns associated with the onset of senescence in a wheat MAGIC mapping population. Frontiers in Plant Science , 7 , Article 1540. 10.3389/fpls.2016.01540. Green open access

Canessa, S; Ewen, JG; West, M; McCarthy, MA; Walshe, TV; (2016) Stochastic dominance to account for uncertainty and risk in conservation decisions. Conservation Letters , 9 (4) pp. 260-266. 10.1111/conl.12218. Green open access

Castillo-Quan, JI; Li, L; Kinghorn, KJ; Ivanov, DK; Tain, LS; Slack, C; Kerr, F; ... Partridge, L; + view all (2016) Lithium Promotes Longevity through GSK3/NRF2-Dependent Hormesis. Cell Reports , 15 (3) pp. 638-650. 10.1016/j.celrep.2016.03.041. Green open access

Cavazza, A; Miccio, A; Romano, O; Petiti, L; Malagoli Tagliazucchi, G; Peano, C; Severgnini, M; ... Mavilio, F; + view all (2016) Dynamic Transcriptional and Epigenetic Regulation of Human Epidermal Keratinocyte Differentiation. Stem Cell Reports , 6 (4) pp. 618-632. 10.1016/j.stemcr.2016.03.003. Green open access

Chaber, A-L; Combreau, O; Perkins, M; Saegerman, C; Cunningham, AA; (2016) Preliminary surveys fail to detect Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infection in the United Arab Emirates and Oman. Herpetological Review , 47 (3) pp. 403-404. Green open access

Chandra, A; Zhang, F; Gilmour, KC; Webster, D; Plagnol, V; Kumararatne, DS; Burns, SO; ... Thrasher, AJ; + view all (2016) Common variable immunodeficiency and natural killer cell lymphopenia caused by Ets-binding site mutation in the IL-2 receptor γ (IL2RG) gene promoter. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology , 137 (3) 940-942.e4. 10.1016/j.jaci.2015.08.049. Green open access

Chazot, N; Willmott, KR; Condamine, FL; De-Silva, DL; Freitas, AV; Lamas, G; Morlon, H; ... Elias, M; + view all (2016) Into the Andes: multiple independent colonizations drive montane diversity in the Neotropical clearwing butterflies Godyridina. Molecular Ecology , 25 (22) pp. 5765-5784. 10.1111/mec.13773. Green open access

Cheong, SS; Hentschel, L; Davidson, AE; Gerrelli, D; Davie, R; Rizzo, R; Pontikos, N; ... Hardcastle, AJ; + view all (2016) Mutations in CPAMD8 Cause a Unique Form of Autosomal-Recessive Anterior Segment Dysgenesis. American Journal of Human Genetics , 99 (6) pp. 1338-1352. 10.1016/j.ajhg.2016.09.022. Green open access

Chuang, LS; Villaverde, N; Hui, KY; Mortha, A; Rahman, A; Levine, AP; Haritunians, T; ... Cho, JH; + view all (2016) A Frameshift in CSF2RB Predominant Among Ashkenazi Jews Increases Risk for Crohn's Disease and Reduces Monocyte Signaling via GMCSF. Gastroenterology , 151 (4) 710-723.e2. 10.1053/j.gastro.2016.06.045. Green open access

Cito, F; Rijks, J; Rantsios, AT; Cunningham, AA; Baneth, G; Guardabassi, L; Kuiken, T; (2016) Prioritization of Companion Animal Transmissible Diseases for Policy Intervention in Europe. Journal of Comparative Pathology , 155 (1) S18-S26. 10.1016/j.jcpa.2015.01.007. Green open access

Clare, F; Daniel, O; Garner, T; Fisher, M; (2016) Assessing the ability of swab data to determine the true burden of infection for the amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. EcoHealth , 13 (2) pp. 360-367. 10.1007/s10393-016-1114-z. Green open access

Clare, FC; Halder, JB; Daniel, O; Bielby, J; Semenov, MA; Jombart, T; Loyau, A; ... Fisher, MC; + view all (2016) Climate forcing of an emerging pathogenic fungus across a montane multi-host community. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences , 371 (1709) , Article 20150454. 10.1098/rstb.2015.0454. Green open access

CNV and Schizophrenia Working Groups of the Psychiatric Genomics; (2016) Contribution of copy number variants to schizophrenia from a genome-wide study of 41,321 subjects. Nature Genetics , 2017 (49) pp. 27-35. 10.1038/ng.3725. Green open access

Collen, B; Dulvy, NK; Gaston, KJ; Gärdenfors, U; Keith, DA; Punt, AE; Regan, HM; ... Akçakaya, HR; + view all (2016) Clarifying misconceptions of extinction risk assessment with the IUCN Red List. Biology Letters , 12 (4) 10.1098/rsbl.2015.0843. Green open access

Collet, JM; Fuentes, S; Hesketh, J; Hill, MS; Innocenti, P; Morrow, EH; Fowler, K; (2016) Rapid evolution of the inter-sexual genetic correlation for fitness in Drosophila melanogaster. Evolution , 70 (4) pp. 781-795. 10.1111/evo.12892. Green open access

Contino, G; Eldridge, MD; Secrier, M; Bower, L; Fels Elliott, R; Weaver, J; Lynch, AG; ... Fitzgerald, RC; + view all (2016) Whole-genome sequencing of nine esophageal adenocarcinoma cell lines. F1000Research , 5 , Article 1336. 10.12688/f1000research.7033.1. Green open access

Costelloe, B; Milner-Gulland, EJ; Nicholson, E; Mcrae, L; Collen, B; Craigie, ID; Rondinini, C; (2016) Global Biodiversity Indicators Reflect the Modeled Impacts of Protected Area Policy Change. Conservation Letters , 9 (1) pp. 14-20. 10.1111/conl.12163. Green open access

Cowlishaw, GC; Douglas, CMS; Mulligan, M; Harrison, XA; Henschel, JR; Pettorelli, N; (2016) Widespread dieback of riparian trees on a dammed ephemeral river and evidence of local mitigation by tributary flows. PeerJ , 4 , Article e2622. 10.7717/peerj.2622. Green open access

Creemer, OJ; Ansari-Pour, N; Ekong, R; Tarekegn, A; Plaster, C; Bains, RK; Itan, Y; ... Bradman, N; + view all (2016) Contrasting exome constancy and regulatory region variation in the gene encoding CYP3A4: an examination of the extent and potential implications. Pharmacogenet Genomics , 26 (6) pp. 255-270. 10.1097/FPC.0000000000000207. Green open access

Crees, JJ; Carbone, C; Sommer, RS; Benecke, N; Turvey, ST; (2016) Millennial-scale faunal record reveals differential resilience of European large mammals to human impacts across the Holocene. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences , 283 (1827) pp. 2015-2152. 10.1098/rspb.2015.2152. Green open access

Cresswell, GD; Apps, JR; Chagtai, T; Mifsud, B; Bentley, CC; Maschietto, M; Popov, SD; ... Mifsud, W; + view all (2016) Intra-Tumor Genetic Heterogeneity in Wilms Tumor: Clonal Evolution and Clinical Implications. EBioMedicine , 9 pp. 120-129. 10.1016/j.ebiom.2016.05.029. Green open access

Cuff, AR; Sparkes, EL; Randau, M; Pierce, SE; Kitchener, AC; Goswami, A; Hutchinson, JR; (2016) The scaling of postcranial muscles in cats (Felidae) I: forelimb, cervical, and thoracic muscles. Journal of Anatomy , 229 (1) pp. 128-141. 10.1111/joa.12477. Green open access

Cuff, AR; Sparkes, EL; Randau, M; Pierce, SE; Kitchener, AC; Goswami, A; Hutchinson, JR; (2016) The scaling of postcranial muscles in cats (Felidae) II: hindlimb and lumbosacral muscles. Journal of Anatomy , 229 (1) pp. 142-152. 10.1111/joa.12474. Green open access

Cunningham, AA; Chaber, AL; (2016) Public health risks from illegally imported African bushmeat and smoked fish. Ecohealth , 13 (1) pp. 135-138. 10.1007/s10393-015-1065-9. Green open access

Cunningham, AA; Turvey, ST; Zhou, F; Meredith, HMR; Guan, W; Liu, X; Sun, C; ... Wu, M; + view all (2016) Development of the Chinese giant salamander Andrias davidianus farming industry in Shaanxi Province, China: conservation threats and opportunities. Oryx , 50 (2) pp. 265-273. 10.1017/S0030605314000842. Green open access

Curnick, DJ; (2016) The role of marine protected areas in conserving highly mobile pelagic species. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Curtis, D; (2016) Pathway analysis of whole exome sequence data provides further support for the involvement of histone modification in the aetiology of schizophrenia. Psychiatric Genetics , 26 (5) pp. 223-227. 10.1097/YPG.0000000000000132. Green open access

Curtis, D; (2016) Schizophrenia genetics moves into the light. British Journal of Psychiatry , 209 (2) pp. 93-94. 10.1192/bjp.bp.116.185405. Green open access

Czarkwiani, A; Ferrario, C; Dylus, DV; Sugni, M; Oliveri, P; (2016) Skeletal regeneration in the brittle star Amphiura filiformis. Frontiers in Zoology , 13 , Article 18. 10.1186/s12983-016-0149-x. Green open access


Davey, JW; Chouteau, M; Barker, SL; Maroja, L; Baxter, SW; Simpson, F; Joron, M; ... Jiggins, CD; + view all (2016) Major Improvements to the Heliconius melpomene Genome Assembly Used to Confirm 10 Chromosome Fusion Events in 6 Million Years of Butterfly Evolution. G3: GENES, GENOMES, GENETICS , 6 (3) pp. 695-708. 10.1534/g3.115.023655. Green open access

Davidson, AE; Liskova, P; Evans, CJ; Dudakova, L; Nosková, L; Pontikos, N; Hartmannová, H; ... Hardcastle, AJ; + view all (2016) Autosomal-Dominant Corneal Endothelial Dystrophies CHED1 and PPCD1 Are Allelic Disorders Caused by Non-coding Mutations in the Promoter of OVOL2. American Journal of Human Genetics , 98 (1) pp. 75-89. 10.1016/j.ajhg.2015.11.018. Green open access

Davies, RW; Flint, J; Myers, S; Mott, R; (2016) Rapid genotype imputation from sequence without reference panels. Nature Genetics , 48 (8) pp. 965-969. 10.1038/ng.3594. Green open access

de la Guardia, Y; Gilliat, AF; Hellberg, J; Rennert, P; Cabreiro, F; Gems, D; (2016) Run-on of germline apoptosis promotes gonad senescence in C. elegans. ONCOTARGET , 7 (26) pp. 39082-39096. 10.18632/oncotarget.9681. Green open access

Dean, R; Mank, JE; (2016) Tissue Specificity and Sex-Specific Regulatory Variation Permit the Evolution of Sex-Biased Gene Expression. The American Naturalist , 188 (3) E74-E84. 10.1086/687526. Green open access

Di Fonzo, MMI; Collen, B; Chauvenet, ALM; Mace, GM; (2016) Patterns of mammalian population decline inform conservation action. Journal of Applied Ecology , 53 (4) pp. 1046-1054. 10.1111/1365-2664.12659. Green open access

Ding, X; Bloch, W; Iden, S; Rüegg, MA; Hall, MN; Leptin, M; Partridge, L; (2016) mTORC1 and mTORC2 regulate skin morphogenesis and epidermal barrier formation. Nature Communications , 7 , Article 13226. 10.1038/ncomms13226. Green open access

Dyer, E; (2016) A global study of the distribution and richness of alien bird species. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Dylus, DV; Czarkwiani, A; Stångberg, J; Ortega-Martinez, O; Dupont, S; Oliveri, P; (2016) Large-scale gene expression study in the ophiuroid Amphiura filiformis provides insights into evolution of gene regulatory networks. EvoDevo , 7 (2) 10.1186/s13227-015-0039-x. Green open access


Echeverría-Londoño, S; Newbold, T; Hudson, LN; Contu, S; Hill, SLL; Lysenko, I; Arbeláez-Cortés, E; ... Visconti, P; + view all (2016) Modelling and projecting the response of local assemblage composition to land use change across Colombia. Diversity and Distributions , 22 (11) pp. 1099-1111. 10.1111/ddi.12478. Green open access

Ekong, R; Emmett, W; Dawson, NL; Futema, M; Plagnol, V; Humphries, SE; Povey, MS; (2016) Variants within TSC2 exons 25 and 31 are very unlikely to cause clinically diagnosable tuberous sclerosis. Human Mutation , 37 (4) pp. 364-370. 10.1002/humu.22951. Green open access

Eldholm, V; Balloux, F; (2016) Antimicrobial Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: The Odd One Out. Tends in Microbiology , 24 (8) pp. 637-648. 10.1016/j.tim.2016.03.007. Green open access

Eldholm, V; Pettersson, JH-O; Brynildsrud, OB; Kitchen, A; Rasmussen, EM; Lillebaek, T; Ronning, JO; ... Balloux, F; + view all (2016) Armed conflict and population displacement as drivers of the evolution and dispersal of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 113 (48) pp. 13881-13886. 10.1073/pnas.1611283113. Green open access

Eldholm, V; Rieux, A; Monteserin, J; Lopez, JM; Palmero, D; Lopez, B; Ritacco, V; ... Balloux, F; + view all (2016) Impact of HIV co-infection on the evolution and transmission of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. eLife , 5 , Article e16644. 10.7554/eLife.16644. Green open access

Eletto, D; Burns, SO; Angulo, I; Plagnol, V; Gilmour, KC; Henriquez, F; Curtis, J; ... Nejentsev, S; + view all (2016) Biallelic JAK1 mutations in immunodeficient patient with mycobacterial infection. Nature Communications , 7 , Article 13992. 10.1038/ncomms13992. Green open access

Emmett, WA; (2016) Computational identification of regulatory features affecting splicing in the human brain. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Essers, P; Tain, LS; Nespital, T; Goncalves, J; Froehlich, J; Partridge, L; (2016) Reduced insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling decreases translation in Drosophila and mice. Scientific Reports , 6 , Article 30290. 10.1038/srep30290. Green open access

Evans, T; Kumschick, S; Blackburn, TM; (2016) Application of the Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT) to a global assessment of alien bird impacts. Diversity and Distributions , 22 (9) pp. 919-931. 10.1111/ddi.12464. Green open access


Fayet, AL; Freeman, R; Shoji, A; Kirk, HL; Padget, O; Perrins, CM; Guilford, T; (2016) Carry-over effects on the annual cycle of a migratory seabird: an experimental study. Journal of Animal Ecology , 85 (6) pp. 1516-1527. 10.1111/1365-2656.12580. Green open access

Feuda, R; Marletaz, F; Bentley, MA; Holland, PWH; (2016) Conservation, Duplication, and Divergence of Five Opsin Genes in Insect Evolution. Genome Biology and Evolution , 8 (3) pp. 579-587. 10.1093/gbe/evw015. Green open access

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