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Acosta-Jamett, G; Cleaveland, S; Bronsvoort, BMD; Cunningham, AA; Bradshaw, H; Craig, PS; (2015) Echinococcus granulosus infection in foxes in Coquimbo region, Chile. Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria , 47 (3) 10.4067/S0301-732X2015000300021. Green open access

Adhikari, K; Reales, G; Smith, AJ; Konka, E; Palmen, J; Quinto-Sanchez, M; Acuña-Alonzo, V; ... Ruiz-Linares, A; + view all (2015) A genome-wide association study identifies multiple loci for variation in human ear morphology. Nature Communications , 6 , Article 7500. 10.1038/ncomms8500. Green open access

Al Saud, SN; Summerfield, AC; Alic, N; (2015) Ablation of insulin-producing cells prevents obesity but not premature mortality caused by a high-sugar diet in Drosophila. Proc Biol Sci , 282 (1800) , Article 20141720. 10.1098/rspb.2014.1720. Green open access

Alic, N; Partridge, L; (2015) Myc mouse and anti-ageing therapy. Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism , 26 (4) pp. 163-164. 10.1016/j.tem.2015.02.005. Green open access

Allen, JF; (2015) Why chloroplasts and mitochondria retain their own genomes and genetic systems: Colocation for redox regulation of gene expression. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 112 (33) pp. 10231-10238. 10.1073/pnas.1500012112. Green open access

Altenhoff, AM; Škunca, N; Glover, N; Train, CM; Sueki, A; Piližota, I; Gori, K; ... Dessimoz, C; + view all (2015) The OMA orthology database in 2015: function predictions, better plant support, synteny view and other improvements. Nucleic Acids Res , 43 (Database issue) D240 - D249. 10.1093/nar/gku1158. Green open access

Amon, DJ; Sykes, D; Ahmed, F; Copley, JT; Kemp, KM; Tyler, PA; Young, CM; (2015) Burrow forms, growth rates and feeding rates of wood-boring Xylophagaidae bivalves revealed by micro-computed tomography. Frontiers in Marine Science , 2 (10) 10.3389/fmars.2015.00010. Green open access

Antwis, RE; Preziosi, RF; Harrison, XA; Garner, TWJ; (2015) Amphibian Symbiotic Bacteria Do Not Show a Universal Ability To Inhibit Growth of the Global Panzootic Lineage of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology , 81 (11) pp. 3706-3711. 10.1128/AEM.00010-15. Green open access

Arno, Gavin; Hull, Sarah; Robson, Anthony G; Holder, Graham E; Cheetham, Michael E; Webster, Andrew R; Plagnol, Vincent; (2015) Lack of Interphotoreceptor Retinoid Binding Protein Caused by Homozygous Mutation of RBP3 Is Associated With High Myopia and Retinal Dystrophy. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science , 56 (4) pp. 2358-2365. 10.1167/iovs.15-16520. Green open access


Bateman, IJ; Coombes, E; Fitzherbert, E; Binner, A; Bad’ura, T; Carbone, C; Fisher, B; ... Watkinson, AR; + view all (2015) Conserving tropical biodiversity via market forces and spatial targeting. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 112 (24) pp. 7408-7413. 10.1073/pnas.1406484112. Green open access

Bertrand, J; De Iorio, M; Balding, DJ; (2015) Integrating dynamic mixed-effect modelling and penalized regression to explore genetic association with pharmacokinetics. Pharmacogenet Genomics , 25 (5) pp. 231-238. 10.1097/FPC.0000000000000127. Green open access

Bettedi, L; (2015) A comparative study of the role of PI 3-Kinase in adipose tissue metabolism and ageing. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Bielby, J; Fisher, MC; Clare, FC; Rosa, GM; Garner, TWJ; (2015) Host species vary in infection probability, sub-lethal effects, and costs of immune response when exposed to an amphibian parasite. Nature Scientific Reports , 5 , Article 10828. 10.1038/srep10828. Green open access

Bitton, DA; Atkinson, SR; Rallis, C; Smith, GC; Ellis, DA; Chen, Y; Malecki, M; ... Bahler, J; + view all (2015) Widespread exon skipping triggers degradation by nuclear RNA surveillance in fission yeast. Genome Research , 25 (6) pp. 884-896. 10.1101/gr.185371.114. Green open access

Bitton, DA; Schubert, F; Dey, S; Okoniewski, M; Smith, GC; Khadayate, S; Pancaldi, V; ... Bähler, J; + view all (2015) AnGeLi: A Tool for the Analysis of Gene Lists from Fission Yeast. Frontiers in Genetics , 6 , Article 330. 10.3389/fgene.2015.00330. Green open access

Blackburn, TM; Delean, S; Pyšek, P; Cassey, P; (2015) On the island biogeography of aliens: A global analysis of the richness of plant and bird species on oceanic islands. Global Ecology and Biogeography , 25 (7) pp. 859-868. 10.1111/geb.12339. Green open access

Blackburn, TM; Dyer, E; Su, S; Cassey, P; (2015) Long after the event, or four things we (should) know about bird invasions. Journal of Ornithology , 156 (1) pp. 15-25. 10.1007/s10336-015-1155-z. Green open access

Blackburn, TM; Lockwood, JL; Cassey, P; (2015) The influence of numbers on invasion success. Molecular Ecology , 24 (9) pp. 1942-1953. 10.1111/mec.13075. Green open access

Blake, JA; Christie, KR; Dolan, ME; Drabkin, HJ; Hill, DP; Ni, L; Sitnikov, D; ... Westerfield, M; + view all (2015) Gene Ontology Consortium: going forward. Nucleic Acids Research , 43 (D1) D1049-D1056. 10.1093/nar/gku1179. Green open access

Böhm, M; Collen, B; (2015) Toward equality of biodiversity knowledge through technology transfer. Conservation Biology , 29 (5) pp. 1290-1302. 10.1111/cobi.12529. Green open access

Bond, ME; Brown, R; Rallis, C; Bahler, J; Mole, SE; (2015) A central role for TOR signalling in a yeast model for juvenile CLN3 disease. Microbial Cell , 2 (12) pp. 466-480. 10.15698/mic2015.12.241. Green open access

Bosch, J; Sanchez-Tomé, E; Fernández-Loras, A; Oliver, JA; Fisher, MC; Garner, TWJ; (2015) Successful elimination of a lethal wildlife infectious disease in nature. Biology Letters , 11 (11) , Article 20150874. 10.1098/rsbl.2015.0874. Green open access

Bratic, A; Kauppila, TES; Macao, B; Grönke, S; Siibak, T; Stewart, JB; Baggio, F; ... Larsson, N-G; + view all (2015) Complementation between polymerase- and exonuclease-deficient mitochondrial DNA polymerase mutants in genomically engineered flies. Nature Communications , 6 , Article 8808. 10.1038/ncomms9808. Green open access

Brown, JR; Morfopoulou, S; Hubb, J; Emmett, WA; Ip, W; Shah, D; Brooks, T; ... Breuer, J; + view all (2015) Astrovirus VA1/HMO-C: An Increasingly Recognized Neurotropic Pathogen in Immunocompromised Patients. Clin Infect Dis , 60 (6) 881 - 888. 10.1093/cid/ciu940. Green open access

Bryant, JV; Olson, VA; Chatterjee, HJ; Turvey, ST; (2015) Identifying environmental versus phylogenetic correlates of behavioural ecology in gibbons: implications for conservation management of the world's rarest ape. BMC Evolutionary Biology , 15 (1) , Article 171. 10.1186/s12862-015-0430-1. Green open access

Bryant, JV; Turvey, ST; Wong, MHG; Traylor-Holzer, K; (2015) Conserving the world's rarest ape: action planning for the Hainan gibbon. Oryx , 49 (03) pp. 391-392. 10.1017/S0030605315000563. Green open access

Burnouf, S; Gorsky, MK; Dols, J; Grönke, S; Partridge, L; (2015) Aβ43 is neurotoxic and primes aggregation of Aβ40 in vivo. Acta Neuropathologica , 130 (1) pp. 35-47. 10.1007/s00401-015-1419-y. Green open access


Chatterjee, HJ; Camic, PM; (2015) The health and well-being potential of museums and art galleries. Arts & Health , 7 (3) pp. 183-186. 10.1080/17533015.2015.1065594. Green open access

Chen, YC; Harrison, PW; Kotrschal, A; Kolm, N; Mank, JE; Panula, P; (2015) Expression change in Angiopoietin-1 underlies change in relative brain size in fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences , 282 (1810) , Article 20150872. 10.1098/rspb.2015.0872. Green open access

Correia, DLP; Chauvenet, ALM; Rowcliffe, JM; Ewen, JG; (2015) Targeted management buffers negative impacts of climate change on the hihi, a threatened New Zealand passerine. Biological Conservation , 192 pp. 145-153. 10.1016/j.biocon.2015.09.010. Green open access

Cryar, AJ; (2015) Quantitative Proteomic Studies Of Protein Misfolding & Disease. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Cuff, AR; Randau, M; Head, J; Hutchinson, JR; Pierce, SE; Goswami, A; (2015) Big cat, small cat: reconstructing body size evolution in living and extinct Felidae. Journal of Evolutionary Biology , 28 (8) pp. 1516-1525. 10.1111/jeb.12671. Green open access

Cunningham, AA; Beckmann, K; Perkins, M; Fitzpatrick, L; Cromie, R; Redbond, J; O'Brien, MF; ... Fisher, MC; + view all (2015) Emerging disease in UK amphibians. Veterinary Record , 176 (18) , Article 468. 10.1136/vr.h2264. Green open access

Curnick, DJ; Redding, DW; Head, CEI; Gollock, M; Jones, R; Koldewey, HJ; Wren, S; ... Turner, JR; + view all (2015) Setting evolutionary-based conservation priorities for a phylogenetically data-poor taxonomic group (Scleractinia). Animal Conservation , 18 (4) pp. 303-312. 10.1111/acv.12185. Green open access


Davidson, AE; Borasio, E; Liskova, P; Khan, AO; Hassan, H; Cheetham, ME; Plangol, V; ... Hardcastle, AJ; + view all (2015) Brittle Cornea Syndrome ZNF469 mutation carrier phenotype and segregation analysis of rare ZNF469 variants in familial Keratoconus. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science , 56 pp. 578-586. 10.1167/iovs.14-15792. Green open access

De Palma, A; Kuhlmann, M; Roberts, SPM; Potts, SG; Börger, L; Hudson, LN; Lysenko, I; ... Purvis, A; + view all (2015) Ecological traits affect the sensitivity of bees to land-use pressures in European agricultural landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology , 52 (6) pp. 1567-1577. 10.1111/1365-2664.12524. Green open access

De-Silva, DL; Ellias, M; Wilmott, K; Mallet, J; Day, JJ; (2015) Diversification of clearwing butterflies with the rise of the Andes. Journal of Biogeography 10.1111/jbi.12611. (In press). Green open access

Dean, R; Harrison, PW; Wright, AE; Zimmer, F; Mank, JE; (2015) Positive selection underlies Faster-Z evolution of gene expression in birds. Molecular Biology and Evolution , 32 (10) pp. 2646-2656. 10.1093/molbev/msv138. Green open access

Dean, R; Zimmer, F; Mank, JE; (2015) Deficit of mito-nuclear genes on the human X chromosome predates sex chromosome formation. Genome Biology and Evolution , 7 (2) pp. 636-641. 10.1093/gbe/evv017. Green open access

Di Marco, M; Collen, B; Rondinini, C; Mace, GM; (2015) Historical drivers of extinction risk: using past evidence to direct future monitoring. Procceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences , 282 (1813) , Article 20150928. 10.1098/rspb.2015.0928. Green open access

Dos Reis, M; Thawornwattana, Y; Angelis, K; Telford, MJ; Donoghue, PC; Yang, Z; (2015) Uncertainty in the Timing of Origin of Animals and the Limits of Precision in Molecular Timescales. Current Biology , 25 (22) pp. 2939-2850. 10.1016/j.cub.2015.09.066. Green open access

Durant, SM; Becker, MS; Creel, S; Bashir, S; Dickman, AJ; Beudels-Jamar, RC; Lichtenfeld, L; ... Pettorelli, N; + view all (2015) Developing fencing policies for dryland ecosystems. Journal of Applied Ecology , 52 (3) pp. 544-551. 10.1111/1365-2664.12415. Green open access


Egger, B; Lapraz, F; Tomiczek, B; Müller, S; Dessimoz, C; Girstmair, J; Škunca, N; ... Telford, MJ; + view all (2015) A Transcriptomic-Phylogenomic Analysis of the Evolutionary Relationships of Flatworms. Curr Biol , 25 (10) pp. 1347-1353. 10.1016/j.cub.2015.03.034. Green open access

Eldholm, V; Monteserin, J; Rieux, A; Lopez, B; Sobkowiak, B; Ritacco, V; Balloux, F; (2015) Four decades of transmission of a multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis outbreak strain. Nature Communications , 6 , Article 7119. 10.1038/ncomms8119. Green open access

Elding, H; (2015) Dissecting the genetics of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Essl, F; Bacher, S; Blackburn, TM; Booy, O; Brundu, G; Brunel, S; Cardoso, A-C; ... Jeschke, JM; + view all (2015) Crossing Frontiers in Tackling Pathways of Biological Invasions. BioScience , 65 (8) pp. 769-782. 10.1093/biosci/biv082. Green open access

Ewen, JG; Walker, L; Canessa, S; Groombridge, JJ; (2015) Improving supplementary feeding in species conservation. Conservation Biology , 29 (2) 341 - 349. 10.1111/cobi.12410. Green open access


Fontana, L; Partridge, L; (2015) Promoting health and longevity through diet: From model organisms to humans. [Review]. Cell , 161 (1) 106 - 118. 10.1016/j.cell.2015.02.020. Green open access

Ford, AGP; Dasmahapatra, KK; Rüber, L; Gharbi, K; Cezard, T; Day, JJ; (2015) High levels of interspecific gene flow in an endemic cichlid fish adaptive radiation from an extreme lake environment. Molecular Ecology , 24 (13) pp. 3421-3440. 10.1111/mec.13247. Green open access

Fournie, G; Goodman, SJ; Cruz, M; Cedeno, V; Velez, A; Patino, L; Millins, C; ... Cunningham, AA; + view all (2015) Biogeography of parasitic nematode communities in giant Galápagos tortoise: implications for conservation management. PLoS One , Article e0135684. 10.1371/journal.pone.0135684. Green open access

Friman, VP; Dupont, A; Bass, D; Murrell, DJ; Bell, T; (2015) Relative importance of evolutionary dynamics depends on the composition of microbial predator-prey community. The ISME Journal 10.1038/ismej.2015.217. Green open access


Gallagher, EM; Shennan, SJ; Thomas, MG; (2015) Transition to farming more likely for small, conservative groups with property rights, but increased productivity is not essential. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 112 (46) pp. 14218-14223. 10.1073/pnas.1511870112. Green open access

Gems, D; (2015) The aging-disease false dichotomy: understanding senescence as pathology. Front Genet , 6 , Article 212. 10.3389/fgene.2015.00212. Green open access

Groner, VP; Claussen, M; Reick, C; (2015) Palaeo plant diversity in subtropical Africa – ecological assessment of a conceptual model of climate–vegetation interaction. Climate of the Past , 11 (10) pp. 1361-1374. 10.5194/cp-11-1361-2015. Green open access


Haas, J; Frese, KS; Peil, B; Kloos, W; Keller, A; Nietsch, R; Feng, Z; ... Meder, B; + view all (2015) Atlas of the clinical genetics of human dilated cardiomyopathy. European Heart Journal , 36 (18) 1123-U43. 10.1093/eurheartj/ehu301. Green open access

Habel, JC; Borghesio, L; Newmark, WD; Day, JJ; Lens, L; Husemann, M; Ulrich, W; (2015) Evolution along the Great Rift Valley: Phenotypic and genetic differentiation of East African white-eyes (Aves, Zosteropidae). Ecology and Evolution , 5 (21) pp. 4849-4862. 10.1002/ece3.1735. Green open access

Hadjivasiliou, Z; Iwasa, Y; Pomiankowski, A; (2015) Cell-cell signalling in sexual chemotaxis: a basis for gametic differentiation, mating types and sexes. Journal of The Royal Society Interface , 12 (109) , Article 20150342. 10.1098/rsif.2015.0342. Green open access

Halliday, TJD; (2015) The enigmatic evolutionary relationships of Palaeocene mammals and their relevance for the Tertiary radiation of placental mammals. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Halliday, TJD; Goswami, A; (2015) Eutherian morphological disparity across the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 10.1111/bij.12731. Green open access

Hardy, K; Brand-Miller, J; Brown, KD; Thomas, MG; Copeland, L; (2015) The Importance of Dietary Carbohydrate in Human Evolution. The Quarterly Review of Biology , 90 (3) pp. 251-268. 10.1086/682587. Green open access

Harrison, PW; Wright, AE; Zimmer, F; Dean, R; Montgomery, SH; Pointer, MA; Mank, JE; (2015) Sexual selection drives evolution and rapid turnover of male gene expression. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 112 (14) pp. 4393-4398. 10.1073/pnas.1501339112. Green open access

Harrison, X; (2015) A comparison of observation-level random effect and Beta-Binomial models for modelling over dispersion in Binomial data in ecology and evolution. PeerJ , 3 , Article e1114. 10.7717/peerj.1114. Green open access

Hawkins, CL; Bacher, S; Essl, F; Hulme, PE; Jeschke, JM; Kuehn, I; Kumschick, S; ... Blackburn, TM; + view all (2015) Framework and guidelines for implementing the proposed IUCN Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT). Diversity and Distributions , 21 (11) pp. 1360-1363. 10.1111/ddi.12379. Green open access

Hoffmann, JM; Partridge, L; (2015) Nuclear hormone receptors: Roles of xenobiotic detoxification and sterol homeostasis in healthy aging. Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , 50 (5) pp. 380-392. 10.3109/10409238.2015.1067186. Green open access

Huang, J; Howie, B; McCarthy, S; Memari, Y; Walter, K; Min, JL; Danecek, P; ... Soranzo, N; + view all (2015) Improved imputation of low-frequency and rare variants using the UK10K haplotype reference panel. Nature Communications , 6 (811) 10.1038/ncomms9111. Green open access


Ivanov, DK; Escott-Price, V; Ziehm, M; Magwire, MM; Mackay, TF; Partridge, L; Thornton, JM; (2015) Longevity GWAS Using the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel. Journals of Gerontology: Series A , 70 (12) pp. 1470-1478. 10.1093/gerona/glv047. Green open access


Jack, CN; Buttery, N; Adu-Oppong, B; Powers, M; Thompson, CRL; Queller, DC; Strassmann, JE; (2015) Migration in the social stage of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae impacts competition. PeerJ , 3 , Article e1352. 10.7717/peerj.1352. Green open access

Jacoby, DMP; Siriwat, P; Freeman, R; Carbone, C; (2015) Is the scaling of swim speed in sharks driven by metabolism? Biology Letters , 11 (12) , Article 20150781. 10.1098/rsbl.2015.0781. Green open access

Jeffares, DC; Rallis, C; Rieux, A; Speed, D; Převorovský, M; Mourier, T; Marsellach, FX; ... Bähler, J; + view all (2015) The genomic and phenotypic diversity of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Nat Genet , 47 (3) 235 - 241. 10.1038/ng.3215. Green open access

Jones, BL; Oljira, T; Liebert, A; Zmarz, P; Montalva, N; Tarekeyn, A; Ekong, R; ... Swallow, DM; + view all (2015) Diversity of lactase persistence in African milk drinkers. Human Genetics , 134 (8) pp. 917-925. 10.1007/s00439-015-1573-2. Green open access

Jones, KE; Smaers, JB; Goswami, A; (2015) Impact of the terrestrial-aquatic transition on disparity and rates of evolution in the carnivoran skull. BMC Evol Biol , 15 (1) , Article 8. 10.1186/s12862-015-0285-5. Green open access


Karmin, M; Saag, L; Vicente, M; Sayres, MAW; Jarve, M; Talas, UG; Rootsi, S; ... Kivisild, T; + view all (2015) A recent bottleneck of Y chromosome diversity coincides with a global change in culture. Genome Research , 25 (4) pp. 459-466. 10.1101/gr.186684.114. Green open access

Kuijper, B; Lane, N; Pomiankowski, A; (2015) Can paternal leakage maintain sexually antagonistic polymorphism in the cytoplasm? Journal of Evolutionary Biology , 28 (2) pp. 468-480. 10.1111/jeb.12582. Green open access

Kumschick, S; Gaertner, M; Vila, M; Essl, F; Jeschke, JM; Py ek, P; Ricciardi, A; ... Winter, M; + view all (2015) Ecological Impacts of Alien Species: Quantification, Scope, Caveats, and Recommendations. BioScience , 65 (1) 55 - 63. 10.1093/biosci/biu193. Green open access


Labisko, J; (2015) Chytrid Fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) Undetected in the Two Orders of Seychelles Amphibians. Herpetological Review , 46 (1) pp. 41-45. Green open access

Lane, N; (2015) The unseen world: reflections on Leeuwenhoek (1677) 'Concerning little animals'. [Review]. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences , 370 (1666) 10.1098/rstb.2014.0344. Green open access

Lawson, B; (2015) Molecular characterization of Trichomonas gallinae isolates recovered from the Canadian Maritime provinces’ wild avifauna reveals the presence of the genotype responsible for the European finch trichomonosis epidemic and additional strains. Parasitology , 142 (8) pp. 1053-1062. 10.1017/S0031182015000281. Green open access

Lawson, B; Dastjerdi, A; Shah, S; Everest, D; Núñez, A; Pocknell, A; Hicks, D; ... Irvine, RM; + view all (2015) Mortality associated with avian reovirus infection in a free-living magpie (Pica pica) in Great Britain. BMC Veterinary Research , 11 (1) 10.1186/s12917-015-0329-5. Green open access

Lawson, B; Duff, JP; Beckmann, KM; Chantrey, J; Peck, KM; Irvine, RM; Robinson, RA; (2015) Drowning is an apparent and unexpected recurrent cause of mass mortality of Common starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). Scientific Reports , 5 , Article 17020. 10.1038/srep17020. Green open access

Lawson, B; Franklinos, L; Efstratiou, A; Macgregor, SK; Hopkins, T; Cunningham, AA; (2015) Streptococcus pyogenes infection in a free-living European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus). Ecohealth , 12 (4) pp. 689-692. 10.1007/s10393-015-1051-2. Green open access

Lawson, B; Petrovan, S; Cunningham, AA; (2015) Citizen science and wildlife disease surveillance. Ecohealth , 12 (4) pp. 693-702. 10.1007/s10393-015-1054-z. Green open access

Lehtinen, S; Bähler, J; Orengo, C; (2015) Co-Expression Network Models Suggest that Stress Increases Tolerance to Mutations. Scientific Reports , 5 , Article 16726. 10.1038/srep16726. Green open access

Lehtinen, S; Lees, J; Bähler, J; Shawe-Taylor, J; Orengo, C; (2015) Gene Function Prediction from Functional Association Networks Using Kernel Partial Least Squares Regression. PLoS One , 10 (8) , Article e0134668. 10.1371/journal.pone.0134668. Green open access

Leslie, S; Winney, B; Hellenthal, G; Davison, D; Boumertit, A; Day, T; Hutnik, K; ... Bodmer, W; + view all (2015) The fine-scale genetic structure of the British population. Nature , 519 (7543) 309 - 314. 10.1038/nature14230. Green open access

Leu, C; Balestrini, S; Maher, B; Hernández-Hernández, L; Gormley, P; Hämäläinen, E; Heggeli, K; ... Sisodiya, SM; + view all (2015) Genome-wide Polygenic Burden of Rare Deleterious Variants in Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy. EBioMedicine , 2 (9) pp. 1063-1070. 10.1016/j.ebiom.2015.07.005. Green open access

Lopes, LR; Syrris, P; Guttmann, OP; O'Mahony, C; Tang, HC; Dalageorgou, C; Jenkins, S; ... Elliott, PM; + view all (2015) Novel genotype-phenotype associations demonstrated by high-throughput sequencing in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Heart , 101 (4) pp. 294-301. 10.1136/heartjnl-2014-306387. Green open access

López, S; van Dorp, L; Hellenthal, G; (2015) Human Dispersal Out of Africa: A Lasting Debate. Evol Bioinform Online , 11 (Suppl 2) pp. 57-68. 10.4137/EBO.S33489. Green open access

Low-Décarie, E; Lofano, A; Samani, P; (2015) Phenotyping Microarrays for the Characterization of Environmental Microorganisms. In: Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology Protocols. (pp. 167-181). Springer: Cham, Switzerland.

Lucas, TCD; Moorcroft, EA; Jones, KE; Freeman, R; Rowcliffe, JM; (2015) A generalised random encounter model for estimating animal density with remote sensor data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution , 6 (5) 500- 509. 10.1111/2041-210X.12346. Green open access

Luis, AD; O'Shea, TJ; Hayman, DTS; Wood, JLN; Cunningham, AA; Gilbert, AT; Mills, JN; (2015) Network Analysis of Host-Virus Communities in Bats and Rodents Reveals Determinants of Cross-Species Transmission. Ecology Letters , 18 (11) pp. 1153-1162. 10.1111/ele.12491. Green open access


Mace, GM; Hails, RS; Cryle, P; Harlow, J; Clarke, SJ; (2015) Towards a risk register for natural capital. Journal of Applied Ecology , 52 (3) pp. 641-653. 10.1111/1365-2664.12431. Green open access

Maggs, G; Nicoll, M; Zuël, N; White, PJC; Winfield, E; Poongavanan, S; Tatayah, V; ... Norris, K; + view all (2015) Rattus management is essential for population persistence in a critically endangered passerine: Combining small-scale field experiments and population modelling. Biological Conservation , 191 pp. 274-281. 10.1016/j.biocon.2015.06.039. Green open access

Manning, K; Timpson, A; Colledge, S; Crema, E; Shennan, S; (2015) The Cultural Evolution of Neolithic Europe. EUROEVOL Dataset. [Dataset]. Green open access

Manning, K; Timpson, A; Shennan, S; Crema, E; (2015) Size Reduction in Early European Domestic Cattle Relates to Intensification of Neolithic Herding Strategies. PLOS ONE , 10 (12) , Article e0141873. 10.1371/journal.pone.0141873. Green open access

Marlétaz, F; Maeso, I; Faas, L; Isaacs, HV; Holland, PWH; (2015) Cdx ParaHox genes acquired distinct developmental roles after gene duplication in vertebrate evolution. BMC Biology , 13 , Article 56. 10.1186/s12915-015-0165-x. Green open access

McDowall, MD; Harris, MA; Lock, A; Rutherford, K; Staines, DM; Bähler, J; Kersey, PJ; ... Wood, V; + view all (2015) PomBase 2015: updates to the fission yeast database. Nucleic Acids Research , 43 (D1) D656-D661. 10.1093/nar/gku1040. Green open access

Medina, D; Garner, TWJ; Carrascal, LM; Bosch, J; (2015) Delayed metamorphosis of amphibian larvae facilitates Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis transmission and persistence. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms , 117 (2) pp. 85-92. 10.3354/dao02934. Green open access

Mencacci, NE; Rubio-Agusti, I; Zdebik, A; Asmus, F; Ludtmann, MH; Ryten, M; Plagnol, V; ... Wood, NW; + view all (2015) A missense mutation in KCTD17 causes autosomal dominant myoclonus-dystonia. Am J Hum Genet , 96 (6) pp. 938-947. 10.1016/j.ajhg.2015.04.008. Green open access

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