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Achilli, F; (2007) Characterisation of two new mouse models of neurodegenerative diseases. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Adachi, Y.; (2007) An examination of the trans-nationality and applicability of Nonaka's theory of organizational knowledge creation to urban regeneration in UK. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Adams, V.C.; (2007) Immunoregulation by Mycobacterium vaccae: effects on CD11c+ antigen-presenting cells in a mouse model of pulmonary inflammation. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Agapiou, J.P.; (2007) Asymmetry in neural responses to interaurally time-delayed stimuli. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Ah-See, M-L.W.; (2007) Evaluation of the vascular response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in primary breast cancer. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Ahmed, Shahla Mumtaz; (2007) The relationship of the immune system in the female lower genital tract to HIV infection and the emergence of CIN. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Akhtar, N.; (2007) Cytokine profiles and immunomodulation of T cells in immune-mediated ocular diseases. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Akritas, P; (2007) A comparison of daylight measurement using radiance. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Al Nasa'a, R; (2007) Post occupancy review of comfort conditions at Heelis, central office building for the National Trust. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Al-Adeemi, Mahmoud Saeed Mugahid; (2007) The inspection and evaluation model of the future in Yemen. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Al-Izki, S.; (2007) Actions of the rubrospinal tract in the cervical spinal cord of the rat. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Al-Qassab, H; (2007) The role of insulin receptor substrate signalling pathways in the regulation of energy homeostasis. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Alam, T.; (2007) Changes in gene expression during human prostate epithelial cell differentiation. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Alam, TA; (2007) An in-vivo assessment of endothelial function and arterial wall biomechanics in the subgroups of scleroderma. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Alcalde, Carlos; (2007) Sustainable sports stadia: Potential and strategies for FC Barcelona's Camp Nou stadium. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Alexander, K; (2007) Minimalism in twentieth-century American writing. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Alexiou, Aikaterini; (2007) Understanding multi-agent design as coordination. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ali, K.; (2007) Role of phosphoinositide 3-kinase p110delta in mast cell biology. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Allott, N.E.; (2007) Pragmatics & rationality. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Almond, E.J.; (2007) Interaction between the paper wasp Polistes dominulus and its social parasite, Polistes semenowi. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Altuhafi, F.N.; (2007) The mechanical behaviour and critical state of glacial sediments. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Amador, ZC; (2007) Principles of two-phase flow microreactors and their scale-out. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Amaral Brilhante, A.; (2007) The centrality of accountability in John Stuart Mill's liberal-utilitarian conception of democracy. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Anastasios, C.; (2007) Effects of the urocortin family of peptides on cardiac neonatal myocytes, antiapoptotic and hypertrophic effects. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Andersen, B.; (2007) Ideology and narration: the works of Vaclav Rezac. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Anderson, Tessa Kate; (2007) A spatial analysis of road collision hotspots and their driver and casualty profiles. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Andoniadou, C.L.; (2007) Intrinsic factors controlling stem cell proliferation and differentiation in the central nervous system. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Angelidi, A; (2007) Delays in construction projects in Greece: Causes, effects and project management tools. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Antoniadis, GG; (2007) Knowledge management in project-based organizations. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Apostolakis, K; (2007) Space and water heating in UK multi-residential buildings: comparison of heating systems and heating design parameters. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Arqoub, H.A.; (2007) Modulation of haem oxygenase-1 by phytochemicals: a novel stratagem in the mitigation of cardiovascular tissue dysfunction. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Ash, E.S.; (2007) An investigation of the neurochemical mechanisms underlying the contrasting effects of d-amphetamine in two subregions of the rat anterior cingulate cortex. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Ashta, S; (2007) Relationship management between client and contractor in Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (DMRC), India. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ates, K.; (2007) A gene therapy approach for treating muscle degeneration in neuromuscular disorders using IGF-I splice variants. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Atti, O.F.; (2007) Modelling outflow and low temperature induced crack propagation in pressurised pipelines. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Attygalle, A.D.; (2007) Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma: Histologic, immunophenotypic and molecular genetic characterisation of the disease. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Avgoustis, G.; (2007) The politics of criticism and the question of morality. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Baidoo, L; (2007) Achieving value for money in facilities management. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bajaj, Y.; (2007) Causes of deafness in East London Bangladeshi children. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Balan, Sibu; (2007) Disulfide Bridging Poly(ethylene glycol) Reagents For Site-specific Protein Conjugation. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bamiou, D-E.; (2007) Auditory processing in patients with structural lesions of the brain. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Bara, A; (2007) Architectural and environmental review of thermochromic cladding case study: Wates House. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Barnes, J.; (2007) MRI-based measures in Alzheimer's disease and related disorders. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Barnett, R.; (2007) Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia in England and Wales 1945-1975. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Barry, C.J.; (2007) Terra cognita: representations of space in the rodent hippocampus and entorhinal cortex. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Basharat, S.; (2007) Precursor synthesis and chemical vapour deposition of group 13 oxides. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Battistella, S.; (2007) Semantic priming and verbal learning in current opiate users, ex-users and controls. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Beale, J.E.; (2007) Positron and positronium interactions with atoms and molecules. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Belyaev, N.N.; (2007) Functional and genetic identification of lineage committed intrathymic progenitors in adult mice. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Benedettini, M.; (2007) The structure and the origin of the molecular gas along chemically rich outflows. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Bennett, AJ; (2007) The characteristics of hard targets in SAR imagery. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Benzon, K.; (2007) A Poetics of Chaos: Schizoanalysis and Post modern American Fiction. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Beresford, K.S.; (2007) Men of Kent': gender and nationhood in regional perspective, 1815-1837. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Bernadt, G; (2007) Regeneration on the waterfront: The processes and effects. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Berry, C.J.; (2007) A single-system signal-detection theory of repetition priming and recognition memory. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Besong, C.; (2007) Towards a modern role for liability in multimodal transport law. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Bhattacharya, N.S.; (2007) Disease and the practices of settlement in a plantation economy: Medicine and healthcare in Darjeeling and Duars, 1860-1947. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Bhavsar, P.J.; (2007) The role of Vav proteins in macrophage morphology and migration. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Biggs, D.R.; (2007) Records management in the English New Towns, 1961-1999. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Bird, C.; (2007) Medial temporal lobe contributions to visuospatial memory and cognition. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Bird, J.E.; (2007) Wound repair in sensory organs of the avian inner ear. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Bishop, E.; (2007) Schooling and pastoralists' livelihoods: a Tanzanian case study. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Bizanis, P; (2007) Delivering the PPP promise in Greece: Current situation and lessons learned from the international experience. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Black, E.; (2007) A generative framework for argumentation-based inquiry dialogues. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Blackwell, R; (2007) Predicate acquisition: Is there an advantage for children learning British Sign Language? Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Blundell, M.P.; (2007) Molecular investigations into Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Blythe, J.E.; (2007) The stevor multigene family of Plasmodium falciparum . Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Bolaji, O; (2007) Analysis of the perception and management of risk in the delivery of major road projects: A case study of the Highways Agency. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Boone, J.J.M.; (2007) The role of ErbB2 and BRCA1 in repair of drug-induced DNA damage. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Borja-Lopetegi, Amaia; (2007) Measuring and Modelling Performance in the NHS Pharmacy Workforce. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bornat, D; (2007) Building schools for the community? Process, practice and wider outcomes in the Building Schools for the Future programme. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Borrion, H.; (2007) Study of processing techniques for radar non-cooperative target recognition. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Borrowdale, D.; (2007) Epicardium development in Xenopus. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Boughan, P.K.; (2007) Innate immune defence to Helicobacter pylori. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Branco, G; (2007) The development and evaluation of head probes for optical imaging of the infant head. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Brand, Sarah Louise; (2007) Task Switching and Distractibility. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Breckenridge, K.; (2007) The structure and function of attention in typical and atypical development. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Bremner, L.R.; (2007) The development of inhibition in the neonatal dorsal horn. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Bristow, D.J.; (2007) Monitoring and predicting actions and their consequences in the human brain. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Brooks, C; (2007) "A shared voice?" assessing the realities of community involvement: Focus on the historic village of Anegundi, core zone, Hampi world heritage site, Karnataka, India. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Buch, P.; (2007) Development of gene therapy strategies in rodent models of retinal degeneration. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Buchan, NE; (2007) The regulation of convergent extension during gastrulation in zebrafish. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bullock, K.A.; (2007) Lost in translation? An examination of the implication of problem-oriented projects. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Bulygina, E.; (2007) A comparative study of frontal bone morphology of Late Pleistocene fossil hominins from the territory of the former Soviet Union. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Burgarth, D.K.; (2007) Quantum state transfer with spin chains. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Burke, P; (2007) BOT: facilitating economic growth within the Jamaican context: Focus on concession roads. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Burnside, P.W.; (2007) Mass spectrometric studies of dication reactions. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Burren, K.A.; (2007) Metabolic analysis of neural tube defects. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Byron, D.; (2007) Student anxiety and performance: a comparison of training in self-hypnosis with progressive muscular relaxation to enable students to increase control of their anxiety. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Campbell, M.A.; (2007) Narcissism in the eating disorders: Impact on treatment engagement and drop-out. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Cannon, M.; (2007) A functional analysis of the Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus G protein-coupled receptor. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Cantley, J.M.; (2007) The molecular control of beta cell function by insulin and hypoxia cellular signalling pathways. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Carmel, D.P.; (2007) Top-down control of visual attention and awareness: cognitive and neural mechanisms. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Carp, S; (2007) BS EN ISO 14001: 2004: A critical review. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Carswell, K.; (2007) The impact of pre and post-migration stressors on the psychological wellbeing of refugees. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Casdagli, L.; (2007) Unheard voices: parents' and adolescents' experiences of multisystemic therapy for young offenders. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Casper, S.T.; (2007) The idioms of practice: British neurology, 1880-1960. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Cattermole, S; (2007) Barriers to domestic micro-generation. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Cayley, A.N.; (2007) Synthesis and photodegradation studies of analogues of the hop-derived iso-a-acids. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Ceron-Pena, Maria Mercedes; (2007) Defective perceptions: Vision as consumption in Spanish art, c. 1766-1794. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Cesca, F.; (2007) Analysis of the biological functions of Kidins220: from cells to organisms. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Chan, MCS; (2007) How people are positioned in space: Seat choice and orientation. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Chan, PW; (2007) Involvement of private developers in the sustainable development of heritage sites. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Chard, D.T.; (2007) Magnetic resonance imaging in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Charlton, M.; (2007) Ironworking in northwest Wales: An evolutionary analysis. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Cheng, L.L.L.; (2007) Efficient security management for active networks. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Cheshire, H.; (2007) A high-resolution multiproxy late Neogene palaeoclimate record from Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Chien, C-H.; (2007) On the steady-state harmonic performance of subsea power cables used in offshore power generation schemes. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Chin, Nancy Ngan Gee; (2007) Spatial analysis and the measurement of urban sprawl. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Chiu, M.; (2007) Galactin-3 and the development of autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Choi, C; (2007) Recovering history: Philip Morton Shand and the mission of modernism. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Choudhury, S.; (2007) The development of social cognition during adolescence. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Chow, A.H.F.; (2007) System optimal traffic assignment with departure time choice. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Chowdhury, T.; (2007) Investigation of the role of MLL-ENL in leukaemogenesis. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Choy, M.; (2007) MRI investigations into the pilocarpine model of status epilepticus. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Christodoulou, M.; (2007) Endothelial cell responses to thrombin and shear stress. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Chudziak, C.M.; (2007) Production, characterisation and modification of 1-deoxy-d-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase as a biocatalyst. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Coetzee, S.L.; (2007) Narrow band high resolution radar imaging. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Colin, GN; (2007) Applying Tverberg type theorems to geometric problems. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Connolly, S.; (2007) A genealogy of poetry: elegies for poets since 1939. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Constantinou, N.; (2007) Changes in inhibitory control and drug salience in response to stress: differences between opiate users, ex-users and non-users. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Cooke, L.J.; (2007) Children's eating habits. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Cooper, C.; (2007) Coping, anxiety and depression in caregivers of people with Alzheimer's disease. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Cooper, E; (2007) Predicting future dysgraphia therapy? The application of a word prediction package to an adult client with acquired dysgraphia and a plan for therapeutic intervention. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Cooper, J; (2007) Island interaction in the prehistoric Caribbean: An archaeological case study from Northern Cuba. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Cooper, Nectaroula; (2007) Design, synthesis and evaluation of novel C2-aryl pyrrolobenzodiazepines as potential anticancer agents. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Copperwheat, C.M.; (2007) The optical emission from ultraluminous x-ray sources. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Costagli, A.; (2007) Roles of reelin and disabled1 in neural development in zebrafish. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Cowman, F; (2007) Can chewing exercises improve mastication and articulation? A comparison of two different treatments. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Cox, S.J.; (2007) Psychological impact of cardiac testing in adolescents. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Coxell, Adrian William; (2007) Non-volitional sex in adult males. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Craft, B.R.; (2007) A sketching-oriented design method for information visualization software. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Crouch, N.S.; (2007) Gynaecological and psychosexual outcomes of feminising genital surgery. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Cummaford, S.J.O.; (2007) HCI engineering design principles: Acquisition of class-level knowledge. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Cummins, O.C.A.; (2007) Theory of mind, context processing and schizotypy. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Curran, C.; (2007) Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for persistent pain: does adherence affect outcome at one-month follow-up. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Cutler, D.; (2007) The Quality of Life of young people affected by Tourette Syndrome. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


D'Sa, S.P.; (2007) Immune reconstitution of B cell and T cell compartments following reduced intensity allogeneic stem cell transplantation for myeloma. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Daly, A.; (2007) Mechanisms of Smad regulation that determine the specificity of TGF-responses during tumorigenesis. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Davies, A.P.; (2007) A study of resuscitation-promoting factors in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Davies, C.A.; (2007) "Putting my shoulder to the wheel": America's homosexual epics in the twentieth century. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Dawas, K.I.; (2007) Selective endothelin receptor involvement in the development of colorectal cancer and liver metastases. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

De Almeida Simones, JM; (2007) An agent-based approach to spatial epidemics through GIS. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

de Bettignies, A.S.; (2007) Wnt/Fz interactions in the developing central nervous system. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

De Giorgi, G.; (2007) Direct and indirect effects of public policies. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

De la Pena, H; (2007) Development of a novel nanotechnology based artificial antigen presenting cell system for adoptive and active immunotherapy. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

De Riva, A; (2007) Role of major histocompatibility complex class II molecules in the maintenance of CD4 memory T cell function. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

De Santo, E.M.; (2007) Offshore marine conservation in the North-East Atlantic: Opportunities and challenges for the developing regime. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

De Witte, E; (2007) Design and development of spherical array antennas. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Dennis, P.G.; (2007) How do rhizosphere bacteria interact with their environment at the microhabitat scale? Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Derry, C.P.; (2007) Frontal lobe epilepsy, sleep and parasomnias. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Di Daniel, E.; (2007) Mechanisms of action of mood-stabilizing drugs. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Dias de Castro Rodrigues, A.F.; (2007) Structural studies on the H3 influenza A virus haemagglutinin : Receptor binding and membrane fusion. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Dimitrios, K.; (2007) Effect of strain and stiffness on matrix remodelling genes. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Ding, Zhiyi; (2007) A calorimetry study of drug/polymer interaction. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Dodding, Mark Peter; (2007) Interactions of retroviral capsid proteins with restriction factors. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Dohmen, A; (2007) Investigating sociocognitive skills in 2 and 3 year old German-speaking children with typical and delayed language development. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Donner, B.; (2007) Mainstream in-patient mental health care for people with learning difficulties: service user and carer experiences. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Dorner, R.W.; (2007) Host-guest interactions in microporous aluminophosphates. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Doss, N.; (2007) Calculated final state probability distributions for T2 decay measurements. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Douny, L.; (2007) A praxeological approach to Dogon material culture. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Dreyfuss, G; (2007) Out of place: Genius loci the boundaries of heritage interpretation. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Drye, ER; (2007) Sporadic colorectal cancers with microsatellite instability: A study of vascular endothelial growth factor. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Duckworth, C.; (2007) Market participation and embedded critique in John Rawl's theory of justice. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Dufaux, Francois; (2007) The origins of Montreal's housing tradition. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Duncan, T.J.C.E; (2007) Working Tourists: Identity Formation in a Leisure Space. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Dunton, J; (2007) Investigating the impact of unfamiliar speaker accent on auditory comprehension in adults with aphasia. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Eastwood, S.J.; (2007) Cinema into the Real. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Edwards, M.J.J.; (2007) The dystonic brain: Electrophysiological investigation of carriers of the DYT1 gene mutation. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Efklidou, S.; (2007) Functions of the vFLIP protein of KSHV. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Efstathiou, A.; (2007) Design considerations for a hybrid swing-arm profilometer to measure large aspheric optics. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Eklund, J.A.; (2007) The effects of preparation and conservation treatments on DNA. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Ekundayo, OO; (2007) Status, Solidarity and Social Mobility in Domestic Space: A comparative study of kitchens, cooking and culinary practice in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

El-Aziz El-Anwar Saad, MMA; (2007) Molecular genetics of autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Elliott, KJ; (2007) Pathological patterns of hippocampal sclerosis may predict post surgical seizure outcome in intractable temporal lobe epilepsy. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ellis, A.S.; (2007) Modelling chute delivery of grains in a food-sorting process. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Ellis, P.E.; (2007) The molecular pathology of Paget's disease of the vulva and the breast. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Ellul, C; (2007) Functionality and Performance - Two Important Considerations when Implementing Topology in 3D GIS. Doctoral thesis , University of London.

English, E.M.L.; (2007) Laser induced ultrafast dynamics in atoms and molecules. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Evans, R.J.; (2007) Identification and characterisation of RP2 interacting proteins. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Evans, V.; (2007) Intramuscular gene transfer of apolipoprotein E (ApoE) to reverse hyperlipidaemia and atherosclerosis in ApoE-deficient mice. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Fadda, Hala Muhammad; (2007) Probing physiological media composition and polymer- plasticizer interactions on dissolution of pH-responsive systems. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of London. Green open access

Fahy, P.; (2007) Cross cultural training and the effective integration of the construction supply chain. Doctoral thesis , University of London.

Fairbairn, J.; (2007) Stress, cortisol and executive function: a study of pre-adolescent school children. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Fairley, C.; (2007) Foundationalism and the idea of the empirical. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Falcetti, E.; (2007) Prostacyclin receptor signalling and cell proliferation: Role in pulmonary hypertension. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Farrimond, H.R.; (2007) Being a smoker': Investigating smoking identities in different socio-economic groups in England. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Faulkner, S.; (2007) Approaches towards aminopyruvates and syn-aromatic aminodiols. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Fenwick, O.; (2007) Scanning near-field optical lithography and microscopy of conjugated polymer structures. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Fersht, N.; (2007) The checkpoint role of Cdc18 in fission yeast. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Fidler, K.; (2007) The role of mannose binding lectin (MBL) in infection and inflammation. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Field, M.; (2007) In vitro and in silico examination of the alternative respiratory NADH dehydrogenase family in Arabidopsis thaliana and other species. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Fisher, Andrew Thomas; (2007) Existential spatiality and photography as social form. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Fleire, S.; (2007) Recognition of membrane ligands by lymphocytes. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Flores-Garcia, Lisbeth; (2007) Transcriptional regulation of the platelet-derived growth factor alpha receptor (PDGFRA) gene during development. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Foley, C.L.; (2007) Characterisation of human prostate epithelium colony forming cells. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Fonz, Jose Miguel Mora; (2007) The pre-nucleation of zeolites: a theoretical approach. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ford, Elaina Anna Katrina; (2007) Gravity waves and small-scale structure of the high-latitude upper atmosphere. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of London. Green open access

Fornells-Ambrojo, M.; (2007) Can virtual reality be used to understand persecutory delusions? Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Forster, A; (2007) Scaled definition of suburban centrality absorption as a measure of centrality. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Fotinopoulou, M; (2007) Using non-linguistic communication to investigate event processing: Evidence from drawing production in adults. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Foulkes, T.; (2007) The role of p11 (S100A10) in nociception. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Foxton, R.; (2007) Gene transfer as a potential treatment for tetrahydrobiopterin deficient states. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Fu, H.; (2007) Functional role of calreticulin in MHC class I antigen presentation. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Fung, Hon Chung; (2007) Genetic Characterisation of Neurodegenerative disorders. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Fushimi, I; (2007) An investigation into the personal carbon dioxide emissions: A cross sectional study of healthcare professionals in a teaching hospital. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Gafan, G.P.; (2007) A community analysis of dental plaque in pre-pubertal children. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Gaiottino, J; (2007) Long-term cognitive effects of temporal lobectomy for intractable epilepsy in children. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Gallipoli, G.; (2007) Essays on equilibrium policy analysis. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Gallon, N.J.; (2007) An investigation into the semantic-syntactic interface in typically developing children and children with grammatical specific language impairment. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Galyfianaki, C; (2007) Insulating thermal window shutters for a Mediterranean climate. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Gandonu, SA; (2007) A study of new building contract take up and the risk management opportunities they offer: A case study of JCT98 and JCT2005. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Garnjana-Goonchorn, C.; (2007) Evidential rules before international tribunals: towards common principles? Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Garraway, H.; (2007) A brother from another mother: mentoring for Africa/Afro-Caribbean adolescent boys. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Gatenby, PAC; (2007) The natural history of columnar-lined oesophagus. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Gebrim, Antonio Salvador Hales; (2007) The circumstellar environments of dusty main sequence stars. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Geddes, J.; (2007) Attentional biases in children's anxiety: The role of executive control. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

George, Jonathan Harry; (2007) Synthetic studies on the azinothricin family of antitumour antibiotics. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Gerontas, S.; (2007) Bioreactor design for the controlled formation of engineered tissues. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Gerrard, G.; (2007) Modulation of P-glycoprotein by zosuquidar trihydrochloride. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Ghidoni, M.; (2007) Young people leaving and returning home in Europe and the United States: a microeconometric analysis. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Giampellegrini, L.; (2007) Uncertainty in correlation-driven operational modal parameter estimation. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Gibson, A.; (2007) Characterisation of three novel genes and their role in neural induction. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Glantzounis, G.; (2007) Study of liver ischaemia-reperfusion injury and its modulation by N-acetylcysteine. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Glatz, C; (2007) Contact, interaction, control: The archaeology of inter-regional relations in late Bronze Age Anatolia. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Gomes Machado Leandro dos Santos, Maria Jose; (2007) Mechanisms of relapse in rheumatoid arthritis following B-lymphocyte depletion. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Gommers, R.; (2007) Symmetry and transport in cold atom ratchets. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Goodall, RL; (2007) Analysis of interval-censored failure time data with application to studies of HIV infection. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Gore, S.; (2007) Neuronal differentiation markers in basal cell carcinoma. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Goretta, SAE; (2007) Towards the synthesis of alpha-diazo-beta-ketosulfoximines. Doctoral thesis , (UCL) University College London. Green open access

Grafton, T.J.; (2007) The roll motion of trimaran ships. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Grandage, V.L.; (2007) Investigation of aberrant signal transduction in acute myeloid leukaemia. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Gray, A; (2007) Characterisation of the heat shock response in a transgenic mouse model of ALS. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Grayer, JP; (2007) The long-term effects of chronic recreational ketamine use on cognition and subjective experiences. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Grewal, Sukhwant Singh; (2007) The design, synthesis and evaluation of some duocarmycin prodrugs. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Griem, J; (2007) Traffic engineering for multiservice IP networks. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Griffiths, K; (2007) The role of the kinetochore-associated Dam1 complex during fission yeast mitosis. Doctoral thesis , (UCL) University College London. Green open access

Guettler, S; (2007) Regulation of the SRF cofactor MAL by actin. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Gunning, A.; (2007) Beliefs about illness, perceived stigma and service engagement in first onset of psychosis. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Guo, Z; (2007) Ultrasonic effects of crystallization processes. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Hackwill, Terence Martyn; (2007) A geological survey of basalts in Mare Humorum, southeast Oceanus Procellarum and Mare Serenitatis. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Halley, J; (2007) Production of HIV-2 envelope glycoproteins for structural and functional studies. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hamada, Yukihiko; (2007) Japanese firms in the EU: Europeanization of lobbying strategies and enduring national characteristics. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Hamilton, IG; (2007) Ergomorphology: Solar and anthropogenic exposed surface energy balance within the built form of the London urban environment. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hamilton, V.; (2007) An empirical study investigating the role of child-mother attachment security in predicting children's responses to the arrival of a sibling. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Haq, M.A.; (2007) The AmiR/RNA interaction of the amidase operon regulatory system of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Harris, Debra Leigh; (2007) A homopolymer complex of amphotericin B for the pharmacological treatment and immunotherapy of leishmaniasis. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Harris, E.T.; (2007) Anglo-Jewry's experience of secondary education from the 1830s until 1920. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Harris, S.M.; (2007) Cloth in prehistoric societies. The social context of cloth in prehistory, with case studies from northern Italy and the Alpine region from the Neolithic to Bronze Age. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Hartwell, E; (2007) Processes in resilience in offspring of parents with depression. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Harvey, E.L.; (2007) Early agricultural communities in northern and eastern India: an archaeobotanical investigation. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Hastie, C.L.; (2007) Differential protein expression on the cell surface of normal epithelial and prostate cancer cells. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Hataya, Noriko; (2007) The illusion of community participation: experience in the irregular settlements of Bogotá. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Hawkins, Rachel Marina; (2007) Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel PBD-Heterocycle Conjugates as Potential Transcription Factor Binding Inhibitors. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Heffron, H; (2007) The role of insulin receptor substrate 2 in beta cell function. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hickman, R; (2007) Reducing travel by design: a micro analysis of new household location and the commute to work in Surrey. Doctoral thesis , UCL.

Hickman, R.; (2007) Reducing travel by design: a micro analysis of new household location and the commute to work in Surrey. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Hill, K.V.; (2007) Regulation of Nkx2.2 gene expression in the vertebrate neural tube; a target of graded Sonic hedgehog signalling. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Hinds, L.; (2007) Identification and characterisation of a novel Plasmodium falciparum protein. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Ho, EL-E; (2007) Debating migration and citizenship in a transnational world. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hoare, DJ; (2007) Ecological change in shallow lakes through antifoulant biocide contamination. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hoffman, J; (2007) Revisions of the city: Boston's lessons in urban redevelopment from the top-down to bottom-up, 1950-present. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hoffman, KE; (2007) Reported pain in multiple sclerosis (MS) and its relationship with affect and attention. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Holguin-Veras, S; (2007) On the Under-Bridge. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Holmes, AM; (2007) Regulation of connective tissue growth factor/CCN2 gene expression in systematic sclerosis fibroblasts. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Holt, A; (2007) Final dissertation. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hornett, E.A.; (2007) Interactions between the inherited bacterium Wolbachia and the butterfly Hypolimnas bolina. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Hosking, CR; (2007) Signalling pathways downstream of cadherin. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hossain-Ibrahim, MK; (2007) Studies on axonal regeneration in the CNS and peripheral nerves. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Huang, Y.; (2007) Improving signalling performance of proactive MANET routing protocols. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Hughes, MC; (2007) Neurone and astrocyte response to Aβ25-35: Role in glutathione in neuroprotection. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hulls, J-M; (2007) The role of kingship in Statius' Thebaid. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hulme, A.T.; (2007) Combined experimental and computational studies of the polymorphism of small organic molecules. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Humphreys, E; (2007) Intrinsic not incidental: The role of urban design in the creation of socially and economically sustainable communities. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hunter, M.; (2007) Collecting bodies: art, medicine and sexuality in late nineteenth-century France. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Husain, K.Z.; (2007) Awareness of deficits after brain injury: The role of executive function and metacognition. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Hussain, W.; (2007) Characterisation and selection of room temperature ionic liquids as co-solvents for redox biocatalysis. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Hutchins, P.T.; (2007) In situ synthesis studies of silicon clathrates. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Hutchinson, E.; (2007) Private loss, public gain: Orphans in Malawi. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hutchinson, K; (2007) The body part in contemporary sculpture: A thematic consideration of fragmentation during the 1990s. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hutchinson, N.; (2007) New ultra scale-down principles for monoclonal antibody recovery and purifications. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Huys, Q; (2007) Reinforcers and control: Towards a computational aetiology of depression. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Ibekwe, Valentine Chidi; (2007) An investigation of the in vitro and in vivo performance of pH responsive polymer systems for ileo-colonic drug delivery. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Inglesant, P; (2007) Public policy, technology and lived experience: Three case studies of technology in support of urban transport policies in London. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ingram, K.I.M.; (2007) Computational studies of molecular actinide and lanthanide complexes. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Innocente, M; (2007) The occurrence of mood and anxiety difficulties in males and females with pervasive developmental disorders. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Inomoto, J; (2007) A cross-cultural study of domestic luminous environment in the United Kingdom and Japan. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ioannides, A.; (2007) Scale-space and the implicit coding of luminance in V1. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Ioannou, Y.; (2007) Investigating the molecular targets of antiphospholipid antibodies. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Isaacs, J.D.; (2007) Immunogenicity and immune function of the cellular prion protein. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Isfahani, H.B.; (2007) An analysis of the regulation of dorso-ventral patterning and T-box gene function in early eye development. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Islam, R.S.; (2007) Novel engineering tools to aid drug discovery processes. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Ismail, T.; (2007) Feed-forward linearisation of a directly modulated semiconductor laser and broadband millimetre-wave wireless over fibre systems. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Ivil, Kenneth Douglas; (2007) The genetic basis of carcinogenesis in the clam enterocystoplasty. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Izeki, M.; (2007) Conceptualization of 'xihuitl': history, environment, and cultural dynamics in Postclassic Mexica cognition. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Jackson, J; (2007) An investigation into factors affecting the communication of events through drawing. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Jacobs, K.; (2007) Illumination for mixed reality of complex-to-model scenes. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Jacobsen, MC; (2007) Regulation of endothelial E-selectin molecule expression by Neisseria meningitidis. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Jacoby, NM; (2007) Putting it in context: Negative overgeneralisations in depression. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Jain, S.; (2007) Discovery and characterization of LRRK2: Gene responible for PARK8-linked Parkinson disease. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Janke, V.; (2007) Control without PRO. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Jefferis, BJMH; (2007) How do childhood cognition and life course health behaviours affect adult glucose homeostasis? Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Jensen, L; (2007) Real estate investment funds: Comparative analysis of REITS in the UK and in Germany and their potential impact on the social housing markets in both countries. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Johns, J; (2007) The pathophysiology of threatened miscarriage and its effect on pregnancy outcome. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Johns, R.H.; (2007) Role of proteinase-activated receptor-1-dependent secondary mediators in lung fibrosis. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Johnson, L.R.; (2007) Nuclear localisation and function of the g protein-coupled receptor kinase 4 subfamily. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Johnson, MA; (2007) The role of mannose-binding lectin in health and disease. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Jones, OP; (2007) Modelling headland sandbank processes. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Jones, RK; (2007) A consideration of democratic participation in switzerland and britain :with reference to the management of an educational issue at local level in both countries,vol.1. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Jordan, FM; (2007) A comparative phylogenetic approach to Austronesian cultural evolution. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Jovceva, E.; (2007) Functional proteomic and genomic analysis of cytoskeletal organisation in Drosophila. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Joy, KH; (2007) Studies in lunar geology and geochemistry using sample analysis and remote sensing measurements. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Joyce, P; (2007) Organic matter transformation by Gammarus in lowland chalk streams. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Kahr, Olivia Zoe; (2007) The emergence of the image of the patriot soldier in the early American (1776-1778) and early French (1789-1792) revolutionary periods. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Kalia, P.; (2007) Enhancing the fixation of massive implants using bone marrow stromal cells. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Kalm, K; (2007) Neural correlates of syntactic dependencies in native English and Cantonese speakers. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Kanani, Mazyar; (2007) Clinico-morphologic integration in the surgical repair of atrioventricular septal defect with common atrioventricular junction. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Kannan, R.Y.; (2007) Development of silsesquioxane-polyurethane nanocomposites for use in microvascular networks. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Karadimitriou, N; (2007) Re-use of previously developed land: Housebuilder adaptation to a changing context. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Karam, S.M.; (2007) Morphine modulation of excitatory transmission in the rat spinal cord. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Karatzani, A; (2007) The evolution of a craft: The use of metal threads in the decoration of late and post Byzantine ecclesiastical textiles. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Karousakis, K.; (2007) The economics and policy of municipal solid waste management. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Katas, Haliza; (2007) Development of nanocarriers for siRNA based on cationic polymers. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Keakopa, SM; (2007) The management of electronic records in Botswana, Namibia and South Africa: Opportunities and challenges. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Keckesova, Z.; (2007) A study of host factors influencing retroviral infectivity. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Kee, S.P.; (2007) Microreactor engineering studies for asymmetric chalcone epoxidation. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Kell, H; (2007) Relationships between speech perception, phonological awareness and language in the development of literacy. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Kelly, Anthony; (2007) Functions of the comic in seventeenth-century Dutch art. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Kelly, L.; (2007) Regulation of calcium-permeable AMPA receptors at cerebellar interneuron synapses. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Kendall, Richard Andrew; (2007) Novel pH-sensitive microparticles for site-specific drug delivery to the gastrointestinal tract. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Kender, S.; (2007) Foraminiferal characterisation and taxonomy of Oligocene-Miocene Congo Fan deep sea sub-environments, offshore Angola. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Kennedy, P.; (2007) Stimulation requirement and pathogenetic significance of T cells during chronic viral hepatitis. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Kenyon, E.J.; (2007) Investigations into the Rab family of genes and their roles in signalling during vertebrate early development. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Kerr, K; (2007) Is increasing land supply the solution to the affordable housing crisis? The case of Nottingham and Portsmouth. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Khakshouri, S.; (2007) Developments in mean field density functional theory of simple fluids and charged colloidal suspensions. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Khan, S.; (2007) A computational modelling study of the catalytically active perovskite LaCoO3. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Khiun, Liew Kai; (2007) Specifying fevers: Positioning Malaya's health lobbies (1867-1941). Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Kiakos, K.; (2007) Molecular and cellular pharmacology of novel chiral and achiral CC-1065/duocarmycin analogues. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Killip, T; (2007) A study into customer's perceptions of service delivery and its impact on an outsourced fm service provider. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Kirk, U.; (2007) The modularity of aesthetic processing and perception in the human brain. Functional neuroimaging studies of neuroaesthetics. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Kirkpatrick, Alison; (2007) Cytokine gene polymorphism analysis and hpv typing in low grade cervical lesions. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Kitson, J; (2007) Put up or shut up: Can the government continue to justify their incentives supporting older people to 'stay put' in their traditional homes given the growing economic, environmental, social and policy impediments to this in contemporary society if not, how can the British planning system respond to the need for additional housing options for older people? Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Kivelia, J.; (2007) Cultivation trends in the buffer zones of East African rangeland protected areas: the case of Ngorongoro and Loliondo in Tanzania. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Klupsch, K.; (2007) Regulation and function of the mitochondrial protease HtrA2/Omi in the control of cell death. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Koh, P.H.; (2007) Methodology of optical topography measurements for functional brain imaging and the development and implementation of functional optical signal analysis software. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Kolias, AG; (2007) Extracellular fluid astroglial markers of brain injury after subarachnoid haemorrhage. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Kong, S.Y.; (2007) Plasmid DNA and bacterial artificial chromosomes processing for gene therapy and vaccination: studies on membrane sterile filtration. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Korda, M.; (2007) Regeneration of new bone in revision hip replacements using a tissue engineering technique. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Koziell, A.B.; (2007) The molecular basis of childhood nephrotic syndrome. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Kraev, U.M.; (2007) Flares on active M-type stars observed with XMM-Newton and Chandra. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Krcma, E.J.; (2007) Drawing time: trace, materiality and the body in drawing after 1940. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Krishnan, Nitya; (2007) A transcriptomic approach for studying the activation of dendritic cells in response to mycobacterial infections. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Kumar, A; (2007) Risks in transportation megaprojects in India. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Kyriafini, M; (2007) Narrative and exploration in small museums: The Wallace Collection and the Soane Museum. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Lahne, M.; (2007) Damage-induced signalling mechanisms in the neonatal rat cochlea. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Lally, Phillippa Jane; (2007) Habitual behaviour and weight control. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Lambrianides, A.; (2007) An investigation of the molecular basis of interactions between human monoclonal antibodies and antigens that are clinically relevant in systemic lupus erythematosus and the Antiphospholipid Syndrome. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Lan Fong, WTF; (2007) Tumour angiogenesis in epithelial ovarian cancers. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Langenberg, C.; (2007) Poor growth, social inequalities and coronary risk. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Laskey, P.; (2007) The interaction between the HPV E1^E4 protein and the cell cytoskeleton. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Law, HEM; (2007) Tools for analysis and evaluation of biocatalytic processes. Doctoral thesis , (UCL) University College London. Green open access

Lee, A.C.; (2007) Elastic scattering spectroscopy in the management of breast cancer. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Lee, S.F.K.; (2007) Understanding protein tyrosine phosphatase sigma function: Dimer formation and interacting proteins. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Lee, T.; (2007) The development of an alternative personality disorder coding manual for use with the adult attachment interview (AAI): A psychoanalytical approach. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Lee, Y-W.; (2007) Essays on empirical contract theory: evidence from car insurance data. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Leeson, R.M.A.; (2007) A comparison of medical and physical therapies in the management of facial arthromyalgia (temporomandibular joint dysfunction). Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Legarra Herrero, B.; (2007) Mortuary behaviour and social organisation in Pre- and Protopalatial Crete. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Leigh, F.; (2007) Developing a questionnaire to examine the psychological constructs associated with being a bullied child. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Leighton, J.; (2007) Automatic and intentional imitation: Experiments with typically developing adults and adults with autism spectrum disorders. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Lerma, I.C.; (2007) Transformations mediated by palladium-(n-heterocyclic)carbene complexes. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Leslie, JD; (2007) Studies on the function of Delta proteins in the zebrafish. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Leung, DCK; (2007) Physiological and biological thinking in late nineteenth-century English medicine with reference to Clifford Allbutt. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Levey, B.; (2007) Thought and being in the opening transitions of Hegel's "Phenomenology of Spirit". Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Lewis, W.J.K.; (2007) Novel llama antibody fusion proteins as deposition aids for particles containing encapsulated actives for use in industrial applications. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Lewis-Bowen, J.; (2007) Modelling grid architecture. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Li, Qiao; (2007) Using Watson perceptual model to improve quantization index modulation based watermarking schemes. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Lim, BYSY; (2007) The RhopH1/Clag gene family in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Linklater, J.; (2007) Mechanisms underlying sexual selection and sexual conflict in Drosophila melanogaster. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Loh, A.X.W.; (2007) Cis-acting polymorphism of MUC gene expression. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Lopes, Goncalo Miguel Furtado Cardoso; (2007) Envisioning an evolving environment - The encounters of Gordon Pask, Cedric Price and John Frazer. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Lovelace, R; (2007) Local people into local construction jobs and the system of section 106 planning agreements: Is there a better way? Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Lovell, A.; (2007) Tuneable graphite intercalates for hydrogen storage. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Lykidis, VA; (2007) Investigating power and leverage in long-term relationships between retail clients and contractors: The case of the Greek construction industry. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Lykostratis, K.; (2007) Mathematical modelling of shear stress signalling in endothelial cells. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Macarena Blanco Gonzalez de la Pena, Esperanza; (2007) Patterning biomolecules using AFM charge-writing on polymeric and silicon dioxide substrates. Doctoral thesis , (UCL) University College London. Green open access

Machtynger, Jonathan; (2007) Modelling graphemic buffer disorder: A connectionist approach. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

MacKeith, G.N.; (2007) Antonio Dal Masetto (1938-): A study of a writer's craft, and an exploration of his place on the Argentine literary map. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Mackelworth, P.C.; (2007) Convergence of marine protected area policy with common pool research theory, a case study: The LoSinj Dolphin Reserve, Croatia. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

MacQuillan, Anthony Howard Felix; (2007) The variance of nerve axon to muscle fibre ratio and its effect on outcome in functional muscle transfer. Doctoral thesis (MD), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Maie, I.A.S.; (2007) Nociceptin and the ORL-1 receptor: analgesic mechanisms and interactions with dorsal horn neurones in rat spinal cord. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Makein, Lisa Jane; (2007) Correlation of Near-infrared Chemical Imaging of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms with their Dissolution Performance. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Makovicky, NM; (2007) Material moralities: Crafts, networks and family cosmology in Central Slovakia. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Malton, S.P.; (2007) Laser interactions with high brightness electron beams. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Mani, A.; (2007) Cardiac rhythm abnormalities in cirrhosis. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Mannan, WH; (2007) Low dimensional algebraic complexes over integral group rings. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Manuel, RJ; (2007) Evaluation of diagnostic methods for invasive aspergillosis in haematological malignancy. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Marley, R; (2007) The role of oxidative and nitrosative stress in the development of circulatory changes in cirrhosis. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Marschner, Joanna; (2007) Caroline of Ansbach: The queen, collecting and connoisseurship at the Early Georgian court. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Marshall, DCA; (2007) Structural and functional studies of respiratory chain proteins using infrared spectroscopy. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Mascarenhas, M.S.D.; (2007) Role of Hfe and hepcidin in the homeostasis of body iron levels. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Masen, V; (2007) Rail transport and urban development: Regeneration opportunity for Whitechapel as a result of the realization of crossrail and overground orbirail. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Maskey, S.R.; (2007) An integrated hydrodynamic and adsorption model of expanded bed operation: Its development and application. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Massaccesi, C; (2007) Intertext and postmodern space in the work of Pier Vittorio Tondelli. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Mateos, P; (2007) An ontology of ethnicity based upon personal names: with implications for neighbourhood profiling. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Mathur, S.; (2007) A study of urinary catheter encrustation in patients with Proteus urinary tract infection. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Matsumoto, T; (2007) Main contractor and subcontractors relationship in international construction project: Japanese contractor's perspective. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Mavri-Damelin, Demetra; (2007) Characterizing and restoring urea cycle function in human hepatoblastoma-derived cell lines for use in bioartificial liver devices. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Mavrogianni, A; (2007) Impact assessment of climate change on thermal comfort in a naturally ventilated school. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

McAndrews, HJ; (2007) Cassini observations of low energy electrons in and around Saturn's magnetosphere. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

McCarthy, C.; (2007) Extracellular ATP signalling pathways in detrusor smooth muscle. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

McCutcheon, J.E.; (2007) Genetic background influences the effect of neurokinin-1 receptor "knockout" in the mouse. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

McIntyre, J.I.; (2007) Analysis of cohesin architecture and function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

McMahon, K.A.; (2007) An investigation into the role of Mll in murine haematopoiesis. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Meadows, J.C.; (2007) Regulation of mitotic progression by factors that influence spindle position and stability in fission yeast. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Mehmood, RK; (2007) In vitro assessment of cisplatin and oxaliplatin in oesophageal cancer. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Mehta, A.; (2007) Phenotypic spectrum of patients with congenital disorders of the hypothalamo-pituitary axis. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Meimaridou, E.; (2007) Calcium oxalate modulation of tubular epithelial cell mitochondria: oxidative vulnerability due to restricted glutathione homeostasis. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Mendes, H.F.C.P.; (2007) Pharmacological therapies for rhodopsin retinitis pigmentosa. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Menon, U.; (2007) Ovarian cancer screening in the general population. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Michelucci, F.; (2007) Essays on auction theory. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Mihoc, R.I.; (2007) Functional studies of calcium enriched titanium surfaces. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Mills, Elizabeth Ruth; (2007) Developing and evaluating a competency framework for pharmacists working in primary care. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Milne, C.A.; (2007) Analysis of neural development using ligand-trap transgenic lines. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Minoudis, P.G.; (2007) Malingering of cognitive symptoms. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Miranda, Adán López; (2007) Exploring the relationship between New Product Development, Concurrent Engineering, and Project Management to improve product development. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Mitchell, G.; (2007) Befriending adults with severe mental health problems: processes of helping befriending relationships. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Mitra, S.; (2007) The pathophysiology of fluid removal during haemodialysis: implications for blood volume monitoring and determination of dry weight. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Moaleji, R.; (2007) Adaptive control for ship roll stabilization using anti-roll tanks. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Moguel, MTC; (2007) Characterisation of a block to HIV-1 infection in rabbit cells as a model to study HIV-1 trafficking. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Mohammed, TE; (2007) An Investigation of Speechreading in Profoundly Congenitally Deaf British Adults. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Monti, Francesca; (2007) Allowing objects to speak, people to hear: The effective display of inconspicuous objects from Egyptian collections. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Mookerjee, R.P.; (2007) Portal hypertension and cirrhosis: the role of inflammation and nitric oxide. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Moore, C.; (2007) The role of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in central cardiovascular regulation. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Morgan, R.; (2007) Mechanisms of mindfulness: the role of feedback from the body. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Morland, T.; (2007) The predictive factors of subjective recovery in first-episode psychosis. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Muneer, A.; (2007) The investigation of corpus cavernosum smooth muscle dysfunction in low-flow priapism. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Muqit, MMK; (2007) Functional analysis of the Parkinson's disease associated genes, parkin and PINK1, in vitro. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Murray, H; (2007) Are social cognition deficits present in development prosopagnosics? Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Murtagh, DJ; (2007) Positron impact ionization phenomena. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Musolesi, M.; (2007) Context-aware adaptive routing for delay tolerant networking. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Nash, MJ; (2007) An investigation into the biochemistry of glycoprotein I and the interaction of the fibrinolytic system with antiphospholipid antibodies. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Nasrallah, A.J.; (2007) Statistics of gradient directions in natural images. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Natarajan, S; (2007) Stability of small molecular clusters modelled with stochastic and deterministic dynamics. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Naylor, AMP; (2007) Discourses of affect in the 1930s Hollywood horror film cycle and in its aftermath to 1943. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Netto, Vinicius; (2007) Practice, Communication and Space: A reflection on the materiality of social structures. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Neustadt, E.; (2007) Attachment at work: its construct, discriminant, and predictive validity. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Newton, Marcus Christian; (2007) Zinc oxide tetrapod nanocrystal diodes. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ng, K-E.; (2007) The distribution and function of the ATP-sensitive potassium channel subunit Kir6.1 in cardiac and skeletal muscle cell lines. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Ngiam, S.S.; (2007) The influence of surface residual stress on fatigue crack growth. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Nowicki, S.M.J.; (2007) Modelling the transition zone of marine ice sheets. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Nyambura, Bildad Kimani; (2007) Protein formulations for pulmonary delivery. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


O'Brien, Matthew Graham; (2007) Investigations into the formation of nanoporous materials. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

O'Donnell, Gemma Louise; (2007) Phytochemical and Antimycobacterial Studies on the Liliales. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

O'Sullivan, Denise Mary; (2007) Evolution of the mechanisms of drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

O'Sullivan, L; (2007) Can Epstein Barr virus infect human brain cells in culture? Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ocampo, RM; (2007) Understanding, modeling and using flow context. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ortega-Arjona, J.L.; (2007) Architectural patterns for Parallel Programming: models for performance estimation. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Osman, AM; (2007) Incidence, aetiology and morbidity of status epilepticus. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Otto, P.E.; (2007) Cognitive finance: Behavioural strategies of spending, saving, and investing. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Owoyemi, Olumuyiwa; (2007) CFD modelling of mono-component and binary gas-solid fluidized beds with application to industrial materials. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Oyekoya, Oyekoya; (2007) Eye Tracking: A Perceptual Interface for Content Based Image Retrieval. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Pacelli, L; (2007) Institutions and labour market performance in Italy. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Palgrave, R.; (2007) Chemical vapour deposition of nanoparticulate and nanocomposite thin films. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Palmer, G.; (2007) Species release from glass ionomer cement. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Panayiotou, C.M.; (2007) Characterisation of the anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative effects of natriuretic peptides in rodents. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Papadi, D.; (2007) Tragedy and theatricality in Plutarch. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Papageorgiou, A.C.; (2007) Surface studies of titania related nanostructures. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Papandreou, C; (2007) Bidding procedures - tendering policies in construction: Application of bidding models in Greek construction. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Parikh, AA; (2007) Effectiveness of intranasal lysine-aspirin in patients with aspirin-sensitive, and aspirin tolerant nasal polyposis: controlled trials. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Parrett, N.; (2007) Trauma and hearing voices: the experiences of refugees and asylum seekers. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Partridge, L.; (2007) Stress, Theory of Mind and emotional and behavioural difficulties in children. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Patel, J.D.; (2007) Synthesis and magnetic properties of cobalt nickel nanoparticles prepared by chemical reduction methods. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Patel, S; (2007) Structural insight into the catalytic mechanism of the unique glutathione-dependent peroxidase enzymes of Trypanosoma cruzi. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Pawling, Richard George; (2007) The application of the design building block approach to innovative ship design. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Pearce, Daphne Jill; (2007) Aspects of vocal function in male adolescent choristers. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Pearce, M.D.; (2007) The interaction of tone with voicing and foot structure: evidence from Kera phonetics and phonology. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Pearson, J; (2007) Evaluating an alternative coding manual for the AAI for use with people with Personality Disorders. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Pelling, RE; (2007) Agriculture and trade amongst the Garamantes and the Fezzanese: 3000 years of archaeobotanical data from the Sahara and its margins. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Pelman, A; (2007) Reference and modality: A theory of intensions. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Perkins, K.; (2007) The impact of liver disease on cognitive functioning and mood. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Pettitt, CS; (2007) Refinement of protein structure models with multi-objective genetic algorithms. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Pinteaux-Jones, F.; (2007) A study of microglial metabotropic glutamate receptor modulation of inflammation. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Piquette, K.E.; (2007) Writing, 'art', and society: a contextual archaeology of the inscribed labels of late predynastic - early dynastic Egypt. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Porter, Alexandra Claire Lachlan; (2007) The production, distribution, and use of ceramic jar, Type 4100, in South Arabia and the northern Horn of Africa. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Pothecary, C.A.; (2007) Kainate receptor function in rodent subcortical visual processing. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Potter, MJ; (2007) Strategies to optimise angiogenesis in synthetic dermal equivalents using in-vitro models. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Powell, HWR; (2007) Investigating brain structure and function in temporal lobe epilepsy. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Pozo, Karine; (2007) Molecular studies of GRIF-1 and GRIF-1 interacting proteins. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Prescott, A; (2007) Anomalous experiences, trauma and social support. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Press, C.M.; (2007) Automatic imitation and associative learning. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Purdy, SJ; (2007) Genetic analysis of the metabolic regulation of senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Pz-Juste Abascal, J.F.; (2007) Improvements in reconstruction algorithms for electrical impedance tomography of brain function. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Quarmby, LM; (2007) The impact of experiential avoidance in trauma encoding. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Qureshi, IF; (2007) The role of Lck in peripheral T cell responses. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Qureshi, U; (2007) Host thin films incorporating nanoparticles. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Raby, H; (2007) Investigating the relationship between speech discrimination skills in reception class and receptive language ability in year two. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Rafael Arenas-Pinto, A.; (2007) Studies on clinical and epidemiological factors associated with peripheral neuropathy and severe hyperlactatemia or lactic acidosis in HIV-infected adults exposed to nucleoside analogues reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Rajkumar, VS; (2007) The role of microvascular pericytes in systemic sclerosis. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ramadhan, Z.; (2007) To what extent does parenting style predict behavioural changes in a first-born child following the birth of a sibling? Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Ramlackhansingh, A; (2007) Comparison of methods for automated lesion identification in stroke patients. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ramos Allegre Branco, T; (2007) A study of the determinants of release probability in hippocampal synapses. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Rancz, E.A.; (2007) Dendritic spikes control synaptic plasticity and somatic output in cerebellar Purkinje cells. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Rashid, ST; (2007) Development of a hybrid vascular bypass graft using a tissue engineering approach. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Rassat, AMM; (2007) Cosmological probes of gravity. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Redfern, O.C.; (2007) Automated methods for the determination of homologous relationships and functional similarities between protein domains. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Redford, P.S.; (2007) Regulatory mechanisms inhibiting anti-mycobacterial immunity following Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Redvaldsen, D.A.; (2007) The British and Norwegian Labour parties in the interwar period with particular reference to 1929-1936: electoral prospects. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Reid, E.C.T.Q.; (2007) A tool-kit for in-process determination and control of structural and conformational authenticity of complex biopharmaceuticals. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Reilly, N.L.; (2007) Empathy and rejection sensitivity in relation to reactive, proactive and relational aggression in 10- to 12-year-old children. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Reissis, N.; (2007) A novel method of articular cartilage repair. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Rennie, Timothy William; (2007) Adherence to medical management in tuberculosis populations in northeast London: An exploration of medical and behavioural factors. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Rice, T.; (2007) Life after Birth: the Klan and cinema, 1915-1928. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Richardson, E.J.; (2007) Unlikely citizens? The manufacturers of Sevres porcelain and the French Revolution. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Richardson, J.; (2007) Living with foster siblings: the adjustment of adolescent sons and daughters in families who foster. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Richardson, NPV; (2007) Typhoid in Uppingham: a Victorian town and school in crisis 1875-1877. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Ricketts, CL; (2007) The reactions of the molecular nitrogen doubly charged ion with neutral molecules of relevance to planetary ionospheres. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Robinson, Alexis Anne; (2007) Molecular mechanisms of DJ-1 mutations in Parkinson's disease. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Robinson, T.O.; (2007) Gravity currents in the presences of water waves. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Robotti, O.P.; (2007) Transfer of learning in binary decision making problems. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Rogers, S.; (2007) Learning from the investigation of incidents in primary care. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Rossiter, C; (2007) 'Penguins don't fly': An investigation into typicality and its effect on naming in aphasia. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Rounis, E; (2007) The use of functional neuroimaging to study reorganisation of the motor system during task performance following altered corticospinal excitability caused by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Rump, OJ; (2007) Non-rotating and rotating free surface flows over topography. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Saadi, M; (2007) Synthesis of telomerase inhibitors based on polyoxazoles. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Sabbah, W.; (2007) Exploring pathways towards social gradients in oral and general health. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Salisbury, RS; (2007) The graphical determination of operating conditions for chromatographic sequences. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Samson, RS; (2007) Optimisation of quantitative magnetisation transfer (QMT) MRI to study restricted protons in the living human brain. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Sanchez Moreno, Ricardo; (2007) An approach to the prediction of chemosensory effects of volatile organic compounds on humans. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Sandes, C.A.; (2007) The conservation and presentation of 'fragmentary' archaeological sites in modern urban contexts: post-war redevelopment in London, Berlin and Beirut. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Sanoudaki, E; (2007) A CVCV model of consonant cluster acquisition: Evidence from Greek. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Saravanamuthu, J.; (2007) Laser doppler perfusion imaging of the normal and diseased vulva. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Sarri, M.; (2007) Spatial neglect and extinction: modulations by task, stimulus and prism therapy. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Sato, H; (2007) Acquired Dyslexia in Japanese: Implications for Reading Theory. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Sauter, D.; (2007) An investigation into vocal expressions of emotions: the roles of valence, culture, and acoustic factors. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Schller, A.C.; (2007) Protein recruitment to receptor tyrosine kinase-mediated early signalling complexes. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Schnädelbach, H.; (2007) Mixed reality architecture. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Schwab, RAV; (2007) Investigating the role of the transcription factor b-Myb in neuroblastoma. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Schwickerath, O.; (2007) Investigation of the use of cellular gene promoters in murine retroviral vectors. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Scott, CE; (2007) The effects of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on neural stem cell populations. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Senussi, TO; (2007) Directed evolution to modify the substrate specificity of transketolase, a carbon-carbon bond-forming enzyme. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Seville, L.; (2007) Study of tetracycline resistance determinants and their genetic supports in the oral and faecal metagenomes of six European countries. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Shah, F.T.; (2007) The relationship between non transferrin bound iron and iron overload in thalassaemia and sickle syndromes. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Shah, P.R.; (2007) Complex genetic approaches to neurodegenerative diseases. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Shah, T; (2007) Linking observational and genetic approaches to determine the role of C-reactive protein in coronary disease risk. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Shaw, PJ; (2007) A history of the provision of treatment for mental health in nineteenth-century Surrey. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Shawcross, D.L.; (2007) Ammonia, infection and inflammation in hepatic encephalopathy. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Sheridan, J.C.; (2007) Attitudes towards intellectual disabilities across cultures. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Shigeta, Y; (2007) Standard setting, compliance control and the development of international environmental law through the practice of international arbitral, judicial and quasi-judicial procedures. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Shirai, M; (2007) Experimental investigations of frustrated antiferromagnets. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Siddiqui, EJ; (2007) The role of serotonin (5HT) and 5HT antagonists in urological cancers. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Sideris, E; (2007) Gene expression data annotation, effective storage, and enrichment through data mining. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Silva-Vargas, V.; (2007) Characterisation and modulation of patterning of mammalian epidermis. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Silvanto, JT; (2007) Cortico-cortical interactions in visual awareness. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Simpkin, J.C.; (2007) Apelin a cardioprotective adipocytokine. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Singhal, S; (2007) Investigation into the application of adult human Muller stem cells in retinal ganglion cell replacement therapy. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Singhatanadgit, W; (2007) Expression and regulation of bone morphogenetic protein receptors in human alveolar bone cells. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Singleton, AD; (2007) A spatio-temporal analysis of access to higher education. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Skaria, Cyrus Victor; (2007) Stability Assessment Of Pharmaceuticals Using Isothermal Calorimetry. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Skene, J.; (2007) Language support for service-level agreements for application-service provision. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Slater, R.L.E.A.; (2007) Cortical pain processing in the infant brain. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Smart, A.J.H.; (2007) Paris, myth and demystification: Poetic and political hermeneutics in post-revolutionary France. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Smith, CJ; (2007) Methodological issues when investigating the prevalence and incidence of antiretroviral-related toxicities amongst HIV positive individuals. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Smith, K; (2007) Factors influencing persistence and recovery in stuttering: The role of ethnicity, self-esteem and bullying. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Smith, K.L.; (2007) Co-construction of narrative in verbally able children with autism. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Smith, R.B.; (2007) Design and integrity of deterministic system architectures. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Smith, RE; Jiang, MK; (2007) MILCS: A mutual information learning classifier system. In: (pp. pp. 2945-2952). Green open access

Snelson, EL; (2007) Flexible and efficient Gaussian process models for machine learning. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Soegiharto, B.M.; (2007) Skeletal maturation assessment in orthodontics. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Solomon, E.; (2007) "Multiple historicities" on the island of Crete: the significance of Minoan archaeological heritage in everyday life. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Sommerville, A.K.; (2007) The applicability of the EFQM Excellence Model to higher education. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Sorensen, EP; (2007) Postcolonial melancholia: Theory, interpretation and the novel. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Spackman, L.; (2007) Event-related potential studies of somatosensory detection and discrimination. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Spasis, G.; (2007) Heating, ventilation and air conditioning system optimization: a study of the effect of climate, building design, system selection and control strategy on the energy consumption of a typical office building in London and Athens. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Spencer, J.J.L.; (2007) An investigation into the scale-free nature of heterogenous networks. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Spencer, LC; (2007) Pottery technology and socio-economic diversity on the Early Helladic III to Middle Helladic II Greek mainland. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Srithai, B.; (2007) Geochemistry and petrogenesis of corundum from the Bo Ploi deposit, Kanchanaburi, Thailand. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Ssufya, A; (2007) Proteomics analysis of cerebrospinal fluid in patients with idiopathic dormal pressure hydrocephalus. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ssufya, A; (2007) Proteomics analysis of cerebrospinal fluid in patients with idiopathic dormal pressure hydrocephalus. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Stainsby, MA; (2007) Illness perceptions and recovery style in schizophrenia: A longitudinal study. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Standing, JF; (2007) Diclofenac for acute pain in children: Pharmacokinetics and safety. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Stellatou, AI; (2007) Final Neolithic and early Bronze Age settlement in the southern Aegean: A comparative spatial analysis of three regional surveys. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Stern, J.D.; (2007) The phoenix from the ashes. Orangism in word and image 1650-1672. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Stibbe, A.H.; (2007) Hans Nielsen Hauge and the Prophetic Imagination. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Stiebel, GD; (2007) Armis et litteris: The military equipment of early Roman Palestine, in light of the archaeological and historical sources. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Strauss, EJ; (2007) Roman Cargoes: Underwater Evidence from the Eastern Mediterranean. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Strouthidis, NG; (2007) Measuring progression in glaucoma. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Strydom, A; (2007) The prevalence and subtypes of dementia in older adults with intellectual disabilities. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Sulaiman, H; (2007) Pathophysiology of post-operative peritoneal adhesions. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Summers, A; (2007) Tell-tale elusiveness: A study of the narrative in Goethe's Die Wahlverwandtschaften. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Sunak, N.; (2007) The effects of ovarian enzyme modulators on folliculogenesis and cyst development in the porcine ovary. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Sutton, L.M.; (2007) Towards the development of a cell line stably propagating human prions. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Swann, G.E.A.; (2007) Diatom oxygen isotopes and biogenic silica concentrations: an examination of their potential for reconstructing palaeoenvironmental change. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Symonds, MT; (2007) Grub Street culture: the newspapers of Nathaniel Mist, 1716-1737. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Tabasum, F.; (2007) The mechanisms of metabolic regulation of the cloned equivalent of the vascular Katp/Kndp channel. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Takousis, P.; (2007) DNA replication in the human major histocompatibility complex. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Tamburelli, M; (2007) The role of lexical acquisition in simultaneous bilingualism. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Tang, L; (2007) Examine the incentive mechanism in the operational phase of school PFI projects. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Tanimoto, S; (2007) Experimental study of late Bronze Age glass-making practice. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Tate, SK; (2007) Clinical applications of pharmacogenetics. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Taylor, J.E.V.; (2007) First-person reference. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Tecchia, Franco; (2007) An image-based approach to the rendering of crowds in real-time. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Tegou1, G; (2007) Object and action naming in Greek aphasic patients and the effect of verbs with alternating transitivity and intransitive constructions in Greek language. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Thomas, L.; (2007) An exploratory study of the psychological content of writing produced by women recovering from surgery for gynaecological cancers. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Thomas, L.H.; (2007) Computational quantum chemical studies of main group and transition metal molecules and ions. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Thomas, R.M.; (2007) Csk is an important negative regulator of phagocyte responsiveness in vivo: characterisation of myeloid cell-specific Csk deficiency in mice by conditional mutagenesis (Cre/loxP). Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Thominet, O; (2007) Synthetic studies towards the total synthesis of the neocarzinostatin chromophore. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Thompson, H; (2007) Development of the vertebrate visual system - the role of Slit and Robo and signalling from the lens. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Thompson, S.R.; (2007) Genetic variation within the IL-18 system and its association with cardiovascular disease and obesity. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Thompson, SS; (2007) The development of social cognitive processes during adolescence. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Tiberghien, Arnaud; (2007) Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Pyrrolo[2,1-c][1,4]benzodiazepines (PBDs) Pyrrole/Imidazole polyamide conjugates. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Tisch, S.H.D.; (2007) Neuroplasticity following pallidal stimulation for dystonia. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Tisdall, M.M.; (2007) Non-invasive near infrared spectroscopy: A tool for measuring cerebral oxygenation and metabolism in patients with traumatic brain injury. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Tjalve, M; (2007) Accent features and idiodictionaries: on improving accuracy for accented speakers in ASR. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Tobitt, S.; (2007) Exploring the concept of mental health crisis. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Todd, AR; (2007) Optical studies in a firing stratified-charge G-DI engine. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Tohill, M.P.; (2007) Cellular and gene therapies for the enhancement of peripheral nerve regeneration through bio-engineered nerve conduits. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Tomatsopoulos, B; (2007) Design and implementation of low-power CMOS analogue convolutional decoders using the modified feedback decoding algorithm. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Tong, X.; (2007) The pharmacokinetics and neuropharmacological action of the new antiepileptic drugs vigabatrin and levetiracetam. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Torrisi, A; (2007) Simulation studies of the organic solid state. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Townend, E.; (2007) An experimental study of compaction band evolution in an anisotropic sandstone. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Townley, W.; (2007) An investigation into the role of matrix metalloproteinases in matrix remodelling and contraction by Dupuytren's fibroblasts. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Tribello, G.A.; (2007) Structure and energy relationships in ice and crystalline hydrates. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Trickett, SK; (2007) Mapping lithofacies within the D/K1 kimberlite pipe at Letlhakane, Botswana: An assessment of petrographic, geochemical and mineralogical indicators. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Trompeter, B; (2007) Victorian medical men and their understanding of the female condition, 1859-1900. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Trotter, MWB; (2007) Support vector machines for drug discovery. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Truswell, R; (2007) Locality of wh-movement and the individuation of events. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Tsikkos, Constantinos; (2007) The management of death in changing times: the Nicosia experience of continuity and death. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Tyler, J.J.; (2007) Oxygen isotope ratios of contemporary waters and diatom silica: implications for palaeoclimate research. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Tzortzi, Kali; (2007) The interaction between building layout and display layout in museums. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Ucci, M; (2007) The psychrometric control of house dust mites: Testing the validity in UK dwellings of two combined hygrothermal population models for beds. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ujam, SB; (2007) A scale-down evaluation of adsorptive process options for the recovery and initial purification of antibody fragments from crude E. coli feedstocks. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Unsworth, A.; (2007) The mitotic role and regulation of Kinesin-8 Klp5 and Klp6 in fission yeast. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Vaughn, J.C.; (2007) Russian public opinion and the two Chechen wars, 1994-1996 and 1999-2002: formation and evolution. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Vehlow, A; (2007) Signalling mechanisms contributing to integrin activation and immunological synapse formation in B cells. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Verghese, MC; (2007) Outcome of febrile seizures: A critical review. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Vespe, M; (2007) Multi-perspective radar target classification. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Vinay, V; (2007) The relevance of feedback for text retrieval. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Violet, JA; (2007) Optimising the therapeutic ratio of radioimmunotherapy; an investigation of the roles of chimerisation, fractionation and radiation dosimetry. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Vollmer, B; (2007) The neural basis of epilepsy and cognitive impairment in children born preterm: A neuroimaging study. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Voukali, E; (2007) Investigating the immunoreactivity of inhibitors of axonal regeneration in an animal model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Waite, EJ; (2007) Viral ion channel disruption of the somatotroph population in transgenic mice. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Walker, K; (2007) Analysis of repeated measurements from medical research when observations are missing. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Walters, M; (2007) Synthesis of A83586C/citropeptin hybrid and synthetic studies toward azinothricin. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Wang, CK; (2007) Investigations on dirty paper trellis codes for watermarking. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ward, C.; (2007) Behavioural and psychological outcomes in children treated for brain tumours. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Washer, P; (2007) Social Representations of Emerging Infectious Diseases. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Watari, M; (2007) In-plane mechanochemistry at model biological interfaces. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Watterson, G.; (2007) The efficacy and mechanism of peripheral opioids in paediatric inflammatory pain. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Wavre, ST; (2007) Endocytic regulation of chemokine receptor expression. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Weinberg, S; (2007) Pogroms and riots: The German conservative and the Jewish press and collective anti-Jewish violence in Germany and Russia, 1881-1882. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Weller, TE; (2007) Superconductivity in the intercalated graphite compounds C6Yb and C6Ca. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Werner, K.G.E.; (2007) Auditory processing in the syndrome of infantile spasms. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Westmoquette, MS; (2007) Super star clusters, their environment, and the formation of galactic winds. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

White, J; (2007) Dissociating the lesion sites that cause difference types of speech production difficulties. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Whitty, A.; (2007) Brief cognitive assessment and theory of mind in first episode psychosis, and their relation to community functioning. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Wickstead, H.; (2007) Land division and identity in later prehistoric Dartmoor, south-west Britain: Translocating tenure. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Wilkinson, P.; (2007) A clinical, genetic and biochemical study of hereditary spastic paraplegia. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Willey, S.; (2007) Antibody-dependent enhancement of HIV-1 infection. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Williams, A.; (2007) People cascades, land and livelihoods: Farmer and herder land-use relations in the Idodi rangelands, Tanzania. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Willmore, EJ; (2007) Genre and gender disturbance: Male perceptions of the self in Austrian novellen of the 1920s. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Wilson, EL; (2007) The interaction of Co with Pd supported on CeOx ultrathin films. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Wilson, M; (2007) Does theory of mind and empathy differ in patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia depending on the prevalence of psychopathic traits. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Wilson, RM; (2007) Image, Text, Architecture: Sites of Utopic Critique. Doctoral thesis , UCL.

Wingham, I; (2007) Taking a line for a walk': Axpanding architectural concepts of the line - preliminary course experiments at the Bauhaus. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Woiwode, C.; (2007) Urban risk communication in Ahmedabad - India: between slum dwellers and the municipal corporation. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Wollstonecroft, M.M.; (2007) Post-harvest intensification in Late Pleistocene Southwest Asia: plant food processing as a critical variable in Epipalaeolithic subsistence and subsistence change. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Wong, Y.M.; (2007) Investigation of the central molecular events that maintain persistent inflammatory pain states. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Woo, Y.L.J.; (2007) Ground deformation at Campi Flegrei, Southern Italy: an indicator for the magmatic feeding system. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Woodhoo, A; (2007) Signals that control embryonic Schwann cell development and myelination. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Wu, AE-T; (2007) Examination of transient transfection as a potential means of recombinant protein production. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Wu, W.; (2007) Exchange calculations between donors in silicon and metal-phthalocyanine dimer. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Yang, K; (2007) Policy-based model-driven engineering of QoS-aware pervasive services for wireless networks. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Yang, Y.X.; (2007) Characterisation of Parkinson's disease-associated genes and their regulation. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Young, A.J.; (2007) High power magnetic stimulation of the peripheral nervous system and the upper urinary tract. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Young, A.R.J.; (2007) Characterisation of mammalian Atg9 and its role in autophagy. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Zak, J.I.; (2007) Boundaries and trading zones between conservation and archaeological practice. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Zeng, X.; (2007) The effects of clinical dental status on eating difficulty and oral health-related quality of life in an older Chinese population. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Zenner, Helen Laura; (2007) The biogenesis of Weibel-Palade bodies. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Zhao, C.E.; (2007) Financial risk management of PPP projects in the UK and China: A comparative study. Masters thesis , University of London.

Zierhut, C.; (2007) The involvement of single-stranded DNA, replication protein A, and the DNA double-strand break dose in the damage checkpoint of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Zilbauer, M.; (2007) Innate immune defence to Campylobacter jejuni. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Zohar, Ayelet; (2007) Strategies of camouflage: invisibility, schizoanalysis and multifocality in contemporary visual art. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

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