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Abell, J; Lassale, C; Batty, D; Zaninotto, P; (2021) Risk Factors for Hospital Admission After a Fall: A Prospective Cohort Study of Community-Dwelling Older People. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences. , 76 (4) pp. 666-674. 10.1093/gerona/glaa255. Green open access

Abell, JG; Steptoe, A; (2021) Why is living alone in older age related to increased mortality risk? A longitudinal cohort study. Age and Ageing , Article afab155. 10.1093/ageing/afab155. (In press). Green open access

Ahmed, Norin; Bone, Jessica K; Lewis, Gemma; Freemantle, Nick; Harmer, Catherine J; Duffy, Larisa; Lewis, Glyn; (2021) The effect of sertraline on emotional processing: secondary analyses of the PANDA randomised controlled trial. Psychological Medicine , 52 (13) pp. 2814-2821. 10.1017/S0033291720004985. Green open access

Ajnakina, O; Das, T; Lally, J; Di Forti, M; Pariante, CM; Marques, TR; Mondelli, V; ... Dazzan, P; + view all (2021) Structural Covariance of Cortical Gyrification at Illness Onset in Treatment Resistance: A Longitudinal Study of First-Episode Psychoses. Schizophrenia Bulletin , 47 (6) pp. 1729-1739. 10.1093/schbul/sbab035. Green open access

Ajnakina, O; Rodriguez, V; Quattrone, D; di Forti, M; Vassos, E; Arango, C; Berardi, D; ... EU-GEI WP2 Group; + view all (2021) Duration of Untreated Psychosis in First-Episode Psychosis is not Associated With Common Genetic Variants for Major Psychiatric Conditions: Results From the Multi-Center EU-GEI Study. Schizophrenia Bulletin , 47 (6) pp. 1653-1662. 10.1093/schbul/sbab055. Green open access

Ajnakina, O; Stubbs, B; Francis, E; Gaughran, F; David, AS; Murray, RM; Lally, J; (2021) Employment and relationship outcomes in first-episode psychosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Schizophrenia Research , 231 pp. 122-133. 10.1016/j.schres.2021.03.013. Green open access

Ajnakina, O; Agbedjro, D; McCammon, R; Faul, J; Murray, RM; Stahl, D; Steptoe, A; (2021) Development and validation of prediction model to estimate 10-year risk of all-cause mortality using modern statistical learning methods: a large population-based cohort study and external validation. BMC Medical Research Methodology , 21 (1) , Article 8. 10.1186/s12874-020-01204-7. Green open access

Akasaki, M; Nicholas, O; Abell, J; Valencia-Hernández, CA; Hardy, R; Steptoe, A; (2021) Adverse childhood experiences and incident coronary heart disease: a counterfactual analysis in the Whitehall II prospective cohort study. American Journal of Preventive Cardiology , 7 , Article 100220. 10.1016/j.ajpc.2021.100220. Green open access

Aknin, LB; De Neve, JE; Dunn, EW; Fancourt, DE; Goldberg, E; Helliwell, JF; Jones, SP; ... Amor, YB; + view all (2021) The neurological consequences of contracting covid-19. Acta Neuropsychologica , 19 (3) pp. 301-305. 10.5604/01.3001.0014.9953. Green open access

Aksoy, O; Bann, D; Fluharty, ME; Nandi, A; (2021) Religiosity and mental wellbeing among members of majority and minority religions: findings from Understanding Society, The UK Household Longitudinal Study. American Journal of Epidemiology 10.1093/aje/kwab133. (In press). Green open access

Almeida-Meza, Pamela; Steptoe, Andrew; Cadar, Dorina; (2021) Erratum to: Is Engagement in Intellectual and Social Leisure Activities Protective Against Dementia Risk? Evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. [Corrigendum]. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease , 84 (4) p. 1849. 10.3233/JAD-219016. Green open access

Almeida-Meza, P; Steptoe, A; Cadar, D; (2021) Is Engagement in Intellectual and Social Leisure Activities Protective Against Dementia Risk? Evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 10.3233/JAD-200952. (In press). Green open access

Arafa, A; Eshak, ES; Shirai, K; Cadar, D; Iso, H; Tsuji, T; Kanamori, S; (2021) Impact of various intensities and frequencies of non-occupational physical activity on the risk of dementia among physically independent older adults: the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study. Public Health , 196 pp. 204-210. 10.1016/j.puhe.2021.05.022. Green open access

Aughterson, H; McKinlay, AR; Fancourt, D; Burton, A; (2021) Psychosocial impact on frontline health and social care professionals in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative interview study. BMJ Open , 11 (2) , Article e047353. 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-047353. Green open access


Balata, H; Ruparel, M; O'Dowd, E; Ledson, M; Field, JK; Duffy, SW; Quaife, SL; ... Crosbie, PAJ; + view all (2021) Analysis of the baseline performance of five UK lung cancer screening programmes. Lung Cancer , 161 pp. 136-140. 10.1016/j.lungcan.2021.09.012. Green open access

Baldwin, DR; Brain, K; Quaife, S; (2021) Participation in lung cancer screening. Translational Lung Cancer Research , 10 (2) pp. 1091-1098. 10.21037/tlcr-20-917. Green open access

Bar-Yam, Y; Gurdasani, D; Baker, MG; Scally, G; George, S; Kvalsvig, A; Fhaoláin, SN; ... Ziauddeen, H; + view all (2021) The World Health Network: a global citizens' initiative. Lancet , 398 (10311) pp. 1567-1568. 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02246-7. Green open access

Barclay, ME; Abel, GA; Greenberg, DC; Rous, B; Lyratzopoulos, G; (2021) Socio-demographic variation in stage at diagnosis of breast, bladder, colon, endometrial, lung, melanoma, prostate, rectal, renal and ovarian cancer in England and its population impact. British Journal of Cancer 10.1038/s41416-021-01279-z. (In press). Green open access

Beard, E; Brown, J; Jackson, S; Tattan-Birch, H; Shahab, L; (2021) Differences between ethnic groups in self-reported use of e-cigarettes and nicotine replacement therapy for cutting down and temporary abstinence: A cross-sectional population-level survey in England. Addiction 10.1111/add.15431. (In press). Green open access

Beard, E; Brown, J; Jackson, S; West, R; Anderson, W; Arnott, D; Shahab, L; (2021) Who would be targeted by increasing the legal age of sale of cigarettes from 18 to 21? A cross-sectional study exploring the number and characteristics of smokers in England. Addiction 10.1111/add.15421. (In press). Green open access

Beard, E; Jackson, S; Anthenelli, R; Benowitz, N; Aubin, L; McRae, T; Lawrence, D; ... West, R; + view all (2021) Estimation of risk of neuropsychiatric adverse events from varenicline, bupropion, and nicotine patch versus placebo: secondary analysis of results from the EAGLES trial using Bayes factors. Addiction 10.1111/add.15440. (In press). Green open access

Beard, E; Lorencatto, F; Gardner, B; Michie, S; Owen, L; Shahab, L; (2021) Behavioral Intervention Components Associated With Cost-effectiveness: A Comparison of Six Domains. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 10.1093/abm/kaab036. (In press). Green open access

Becker, J; Burik, CAP; Goldman, G; Wang, N; Jayashankar, H; Bennett, M; Belsky, DW; ... Okbay, A; + view all (2021) Resource profile and user guide of the Polygenic Index Repository. Nature Human Behaviour , 5 pp. 1744-1758. 10.1038/s41562-021-01119-3. Green open access

Bender, JL; Babinski, S; Wong, G; Tricco, AC; Englesakis, M; Cyr, AB; Potts, H; ... Witteman, H; + view all (2021) Establishing best practices in cancer online support groups: protocol for a realist review. BMJ Open , 11 (11) , Article e053916. 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-053916. Green open access

Bloomberg, M; Dugravot, A; Landré, B; Britton, A; Steptoe, A; Singh-Manoux, A; Sabia, S; (2021) Sex differences in functional limitations and the role of socioeconomic factors: a multi-cohort analysis. The Lancet Healthy Longevity , 2 (12) e780-e790. 10.1016/S2666-7568(21)00249-X. Green open access

Bloomberg, M; Dugravot, A; Dumurgier, J; Kivimaki, M; Fayosse, A; Steptoe, A; Britton, A; ... Sabia, S; + view all (2021) Sex differences and the role of education in cognitive ageing: analysis of two UK-based prospective cohort studies. The Lancet Public Health , 6 (2) e106-e115. 10.1016/S2468-2667(20)30258-9. Green open access

Bone, Jessica; (2021) Social information processing in adolescence: Gender differences and associations with depressive symptoms. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bone, Jessica; Fancourt, Daisy; Fluharty, Meg E; Paul, Elise; Sonke, Jill K; Bu, Feifei; (2021) Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between arts engagement, loneliness, and social support in adolescence. PsyArXiv Preprints: Charlottesville, VA, USA. Green open access

Bone, Jessica; Mak, Hei Wan; Sonke, Jill K; Fluharty, Meg E; Lee, Jenny; Kolenic, Anthony J; Radunovich, Heidi; ... Fancourt, Daisy; + view all (2021) Who engaged in home-based arts activities during the COVID-19 pandemic? A cross-sectional analysis of data from 4,731 adults in the United States. SocArXiv Papers: Charlottesville, VA, USA. Green open access

Bone, Jessica Katherine; Pike, Alexandra Claire; Lewis, Gemma; Lewis, Glyn; Blakemore, Sarah-Jayne; Roiser, Jonathan Paul; (2021) Computational mechanisms underlying social evaluation learning and associations with depressive symptoms during adolescence. PsyArXiv Preprints: Charlottesville, VA, USA. Green open access

Bone, JK; Bu, F; Fluharty, ME; Paul, E; Sonke, JK; Fancourt, D; (2021) Who engages in the arts in the United States? A comparison of several types of engagement using data from The General Social Survey. BMC Public Health , 21 (1) , Article 1349. 10.1186/s12889-021-11263-0. Green open access

Bone, JK; Lewis, G; Roiser, JP; Blakemore, S-J; Lewis, G; (2021) Recall bias during adolescence: Gender differences and associations with depressive symptoms. Journal of Affective Disorders , 282 pp. 299-307. 10.1016/j.jad.2020.12.133. (In press). Green open access

Boo, YY; Rai, K; Cupp, MA; Lakhanpaul, M; Factor-Litvak, P; Parikh, P; Panda, R; (2021) What are the determinants of childhood infections in India’s peri-urban slums? A case study of eight cities. PloS One , 16 (10) , Article e0257797. 10.1371/journal.pone.0257797. Green open access

Bradbury, Alexandra; Warran, Katey; Mak, Hei; Fancourt, Daisy; (2021) The Role of the Arts during the COVID-19 Pandemic. University College London (UCL): London, UK. Green open access

Bradley, SH; Barclay, M; Cornwell, B; Abel, GA; Callister, MEJ; Gomez-Cano, M; Round, T; ... Neal, R; + view all (2021) Associations between general practice characteristics and chest X-ray rate: an observational study. British Journal of General Practice (BJGP) , 72 (714) e34-e42. 10.3399/BJGP.2021.0232. Green open access

Brand, JS; Lawlor, DA; Larsson, H; Montgomery, S; (2021) Association Between Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes Among Offspring. JAMA Pediatrics , 175 (6) pp. 577-585. 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.6856. Green open access

Breathnach, S; Koutoukidis, DA; Lally, P; Boniface, D; Sutherland, A; Llewellyn, CH; (2021) The effect of messaging on the acceptance of swaps to reduce the energy content of snacks and non-alcoholic drinks ordered in an experimental online workplace canteen: A randomised controlled trial. Appetite , 162 , Article 105171. 10.1016/j.appet.2021.105171. Green open access

Brocklebank, LA; Blackwell, AKM; Marteau, TM; De-Loyde, K; Morris, RW; Burgoine, T; Hobson, A; ... Munafo, MR; + view all (2021) Electronic cigarette and smoking paraphernalia point of sale displays: an observational study in England. Tobacco Control 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2020-056314. (In press). Green open access

Brocklebank, LA; Blackwell, AKM; Marteau, TM; Hollands, GJ; Fletcher, PC; De-Loyde, K; Morris, RW; ... Munafò, MR; + view all (2021) Straight-sided beer and cider glasses to reduce alcohol sales for on-site consumption: A randomised crossover trial in bars. Social Science & Medicine , 278 , Article 113911. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.113911. Green open access

Brown, James; Beard, Emma; Jackson, Sarah; (2021) 9.3 Triggering quit attempts, in: Smoking and health 2021: a coming of age for tobacco control? (pp. 111-113). Royal College of Physicians (RCP): London, UK.

Brown, J; Shahab, L; (2021) Smoking cessation support for dual users of cigarettes and electronic cigarettes. The Lancet Public Health , 6 (7) e441-e442. 10.1016/S2468-2667(21)00034-7. Green open access

Brunner, EJ; Maruyama, K; Shipley, M; Cable, N; Iso, H; Hiyoshi, A; Stallone, D; ... Llewellyn, C; + view all (2021) Appetite disinhibition rather than hunger explains genetic effects on adult BMI trajectory. International Journal of Obesity 10.1038/s41366-020-00735-9. (In press). Green open access

Brunner, EJ; Maruyama, K; Shipley, M; Cable, N; Iso, H; Hiyoshi, A; Stallone, D; ... Llewellyn, C; + view all (2021) Correction: Appetite disinhibition rather than hunger explains genetic effects on adult BMI trajectory. International Journal of Obesity , 45 , Article 711. 10.1038/s41366-021-00770-0. Green open access

Bu, F; Bone, JK; Mitchell, JJ; Steptoe, A; Fancourt, D; (2021) Longitudinal changes in physical activity during and after the first national lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic in England. Scientific Reports , 11 , Article 17723. 10.1038/s41598-021-97065-1. Green open access

Bu, F; Fancourt, D; (2021) How is patient activation related to healthcare service utilisation? Evidence from electronic patient records in England. BMC Health Services Research , 21 , Article 1196. 10.1186/s12913-021-07115-7. Green open access

Bu, F; Mak, HW; Fancourt, D; (2021) Rates and predictors of uptake of mental health support during the COVID-19 pandemic: an analysis of 26,720 adults in the UK in lockdown. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 10.1007/s00127-021-02105-w. (In press). Green open access

Bu, F; Steptoe, A; Fancourt, D; (2021) Relationship between loneliness, social isolation and modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease: a latent class analysis. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 10.1136/jech-2020-215539. (In press). Green open access

Bu, F; Steptoe, A; Mak, HW; Fancourt, D; (2021) Time use and mental health in UK adults during an 11-week COVID-19 lockdown: a panel analysis. The British Journal of Psychiatry 10.1192/bjp.2021.44. (In press). Green open access

Burton, A; Bradbury, A; (2021) Protecting the mental health of groups needing NHS care this winter. BMJ: British Medical Journal , 375 , Article n3063. 10.1136/bmj.n3063. Green open access

Burton, A; Cooper, C; Dar, A; Mathews, L; Tripathi, K; (2021) Exploring how, why and in what contexts older adults are at risk of financial cybercrime victimisation: A realist review. Experimental Gerontology , 159 , Article 111678. 10.1016/j.exger.2021.111678. Green open access

Burton, A; McKinlay, A; Aughterson, H; Fancourt, D; (2021) Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health and well-being of adults with mental health conditions in the UK: a qualitative interview study. Journal of Mental Health 10.1080/09638237.2021.1952953. (In press). Green open access

Burton, A; Rapaport, P; Palomo, M; Lord, K; Budgett, J; Barber, J; Hunter, R; ... NIDUS study team, .; + view all (2021) Clinical and cost-effectiveness of a New psychosocial intervention to support Independence in Dementia (NIDUS-family) for family carers and people living with dementia in their own homes: a randomised controlled trial. Trials , 22 (1) , Article 865. 10.1186/s13063-021-05851-z. Green open access


Cadar, D; Ma, Y; Ajnakina, O; Steptoe, A; (2021) Authors' response to comments on: Higher risk of dementia in English older individuals who are overweight or obese. International Journal of Epidemiology , 50 (3) pp. 1041-1042. 10.1093/ije/dyab063. Green open access

Case, P; Angus, C; de Vocht, F; Holmes, J; Michie, S; Brown, J; (2021) Has the increased participation in the national campaign 'Dry January' been associated with cutting down alcohol consumption in England? Drug and Alcohol Dependence , 227 , Article 108938. 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.108938. Green open access

Castle, E; McBride, E; Greenwood, J; Bramham, K; Chilcot, J; Greenwood, S; (2021) Do Exercise, Physical Activity, Dietetic, or Combined Interventions Improve Body Weight in New Kidney Transplant Recipients? A Narrative Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Kidney and Dialysis , 1 (2) pp. 100-120. 10.3390/kidneydial1020014. Green open access

Charles, H; Heron, J; Hickman, M; Brown, J; Hines, L; (2021) Testing the validity of national drug surveys: comparison between a general population cohort and household surveys. Addiction (add.1537) 10.1111/add.15371. Green open access

Chater, AM; Shorter, GW; Swanson, V; Kamal, A; Epton, T; Arden, MA; Hart, J; ... Armitage, CJ; + view all (2021) Template for rapid iterative consensus of experts (Trice). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 18 (19) , Article 10255. 10.3390/ijerph181910255. Green open access

Chevance, G; Baretta, D; Heino, M; Perski, O; Olthof, M; Klasnja, P; Hekler, E; (2021) Characterizing and predicting person-specific, day-to-day, fluctuations in walking behavior. PLoS One , 16 (5) , Article e0251659. 10.1371/journal.pone.0251659. Green open access

Coclite, D; Napoletano, A; Gianola, S; Del Monaco, A; D'Angelo, D; Fauci, A; Iacorossi, L; ... Iannone, P; + view all (2021) Face Mask Use in the Community for Reducing the Spread of COVID-19: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Medicine , 7 , Article 594269. 10.3389/fmed.2020.594269. Green open access

Conway, RE; Rigler, FV; Croker, HA; Lally, PJ; Beeken, RJ; Fisher, A; (2021) Dietary supplement use by individuals living with and beyond breast, prostate, and colorectal cancer: A cross-sectional survey. Cancer 10.1002/cncr.34055. (In press). Green open access

Cox, S; Brown, J; Kock, L; Shahab, L; (2021) Prevalence and characteristics of ever regular use of non-combustible nicotine for one-year or more: a population survey in England. Harm Reduction Journal , 18 , Article 114. 10.1186/s12954-021-00562-9. Green open access

Cox, S; Brown, J; McQuire, C; De Vocht, F; Beard, E; West, R; Shahab, L; (2021) Association between cigarette smoking status and voting intentions: Cross sectional surveys in England 2015-2020. BMC Public Health , 21 , Article 2254. 10.1186/s12889-021-12304-4. Green open access

Cox, S; Notley, C; (2021) Cleaning up the science: the need for an ontology of consensus scientific terms in e-cigarette research. Addiction , 116 (5) pp. 997-998. 10.1111/add.15374. Green open access

Cox, S; Ward, E; Ross, L; Notley, C; (2021) How a sample of English stop smoking services and vape shops adapted during the early COVID-19 pandemic: A mixed-methods cross sectional survey. Harm Reduction Journal , 18 , Article 95. 10.1186/s12954-021-00541-0. Green open access

Cox, S; Ford, A; Li, J; Best, C; Tyler, A; Robson, DJ; Bauld, L; ... Dawkins, L; + view all (2021) Exploring the uptake and use of electronic cigarettes provided to smokers accessing homeless centres: a four-centre cluster feasibility trial. Public Health Research , 9 (7) 10.3310/phr09070. Green open access

Cox, S; Goniewicz, M; Kosmider, L; McRobbie, H; Kimber, C; Dawkins, L; (2021) The time course of compensatory puffing with an electronic cigarette: Secondary analysis of real-world puffing data with high and low nicotine concentration under fixed and adjustable power settings. Nicotine & Tobacco Research , 23 (7) pp. 1153-1159. 10.1093/ntr/ntab013. Green open access

Cox, S; Naughton, F; Kimber, C; Sideropoulos, V; Vangeli, E; Notley, C; Brown, J; ... Dawkins, L; + view all (2021) Text messages to support e-cigarette use for smoking cessation: a tool for researchers. Qeios , Article W0GEL2. 10.32388/w0gel2. Green open access

Crawshaw, AF; Deal, A; Rustage, K; Forster, AS; Campos-Matos, I; Vandrevala, T; Würz, A; ... Hargreaves, S; + view all (2021) What must be done to tackle vaccine hesitancy and barriers to COVID-19 vaccination in migrants? Journal of Travel Medicine , 28 (4) , Article taab048. 10.1093/jtm/taab048. Green open access

Cross, AJ; Myles, J; Greliak, P; Hackshaw, A; Halloran, S; Benton, SC; Addison, C; ... Raine, R; + view all (2021) Including a general practice endorsement letter with the testing kit in the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme: Results of a cluster randomised trial. Journal of Medical Screening 10.1177/0969141321997480. Green open access


Danckert, B; Falborg, AZ; Christensen, NL; Frederiksen, H; Lyratzopoulos, G; McPhail, S; Ryg, J; ... Jensen, H; + view all (2021) Routes to diagnosis and the association with the prognosis in patients with cancer – A nationwide register-based cohort study in Denmark. Cancer Epidemiology , 74 , Article 101983. 10.1016/j.canep.2021.101983. Green open access

Dawes, J; May, T; McKinlay, A; Fancourt, D; Burton, A; (2021) Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health and wellbeing of parents with young children: a qualitative interview study. BMC Psychology , 9 , Article 194. 10.1186/s40359-021-00701-8. Green open access

de Bruin, M; Black, N; Javornik, N; Viechtbauer, W; Eisma, M; Hartman-Boyce, J; Jess WIlliams, A; ... Johnston, M; + view all (2021) Underreporting of the active content of behavioural interventions: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials of smoking cessation interventions. Health Psychology Review , 15 (2) pp. 195-213. 10.1080/17437199.2019.1709098. Green open access

de Oliveira, DC; Maximo, RDO; Ramirez, PC; de Souza, AF; Luiz, MM; Bicigo Delinocente, ML; Nisihara Chagas, MH; ... Alexandre, TDS; + view all (2021) Is slowness a better discriminator of disability than frailty in older adults? Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 10.1002/jcsm.12810. (In press). Green open access

de Oliveira Máximo, R; de Oliveira, DC; Ramírez, PC; Luiz, MM; de Souza, AF; Delinocente, MLB; Steptoe, A; ... da Silva Alexandre, T; + view all (2021) Dynapenia, abdominal obesity or both: which accelerates the gait speed decline most? Age and Ageing 10.1093/ageing/afab093. (In press). Green open access

Delinocente, MLB; de Carvalho, DHT; Máximo, RDO; Chagas, MHN; Santos, JLF; Duarte, YADO; Steptoe, A; ... Alexandre, TDS; + view all (2021) Accuracy of different handgrip values to identify mobility limitation in older adults. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics , 94 , Article 104347. 10.1016/j.archger.2021.104347. Green open access

Di Gessa, G; Maddock, J; Green, MJ; Thompson, EJ; McElroy, E; Davies, HL; Mundy, J; ... Patalay, P; + view all (2021) Mental health inequalities in healthcare, economic, and housing disruption during COVID-19: an investigation in 12 longitudinal studies. MedRxiv: Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA. Green open access

Dicken, SJ; Mitchell, JJ; Le Vay, JN; Beard, E; Kale, D; Herbec, A; Shahab, L; (2021) Impact of covid-19 pandemic on weight and bmi among uk adults: A longitudinal analysis of data from the hebeco study. Nutrients , 13 (9) , Article 2911. 10.3390/nu13092911. Green open access

Dutey-Magni, P; Brown, J; Holmes, J; Sinclair, J; (2021) Concurrent validity of an Estimator of Weekly Alcohol Consumption (EWAC) based on the Extended AUDIT. Addiction 10.1111/add.15662. (In press). Green open access


Erridge, S; Lyratzopoulos, G; Renzi, C; Millar, A; Lee, R; (2021) Rapid Diagnostic Centres and early cancer diagnosis. British Journal of General Practice , 71 (712) pp. 487-488. 10.3399/bjgp21X717413. Green open access

Estevao, C; Bind, R; Fancourt, D; Sawyer, K; Dazzan, P; Sevdalis, N; Woods, A; ... Pariante, C; + view all (2021) SHAPER-PND trial: clinical effectiveness protocol of a community singing intervention for postnatal depression. BMJ Open , 11 (11) , Article e052133. 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052133. Green open access

Evins, A Eden; West, Robert; Benowitz, Neal L; Russ, Cristina; Lawrence, David; McRae, Thomas; Maravic, Melissa Culhane; ... Anthenelli, Robert M; + view all (2021) Efficacy and Safety of Pharmacotherapeutic Smoking Cessation Aids in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: Subgroup Analysis of EAGLES. Psychiatric Services , 72 (1) pp. 7-15. 10.1176/appi.ps.202000032. Green open access


Fancourt, D; Aughterson, H; Finn, S; Walker, E; Steptoe, A; (2021) How leisure activities affect health: a narrative review and multi-level theoretical framework of mechanisms of action. The Lancet Psychiatry , 8 (4) pp. 329-339. 10.1016/S2215-0366(20)30384-9. Green open access

Fancourt, D; Bhui, K; Chatterjee, H; Crawford, P; Crossick, G; DeNora, T; South, J; (2021) Social, cultural and community engagement and mental health: cross-disciplinary, co-produced research agenda. BJPsych Open , 7 (1) , Article e3. 10.1192/bjo.2020.133. Green open access

Faric, N; Potts, HWW; Rowe, S; Beaty, T; Hon, A; Fisher, A; (2021) Running App "Zombies, Run!" Users' Engagement with Physical Activity: A Qualitative Study. Games for Health Journal , 10 (6) pp. 420-429. 10.1089/g4h.2021.0060. Green open access

Fisher, A; Roberts, A; McKinlay, AR; Fancourt, D; Burton, A; (2021) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and well-being of people living with a long-term physical health condition: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health , 21 (1) , Article 1801. 10.1186/s12889-021-11751-3. Green open access

Fluharty, M; Bu, F; Steptoe, A; Fancourt, D; (2021) Coping strategies and mental health trajectories during the first 21 weeks of COVID-19 lockdown in the United Kingdom. Social Science & Medicine , 279 , Article 113958. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.113958. Green open access

Fluharty, M; Paul, E; Bone, J; Bu, F; Sonke, J; Fancourt, D; (2021) Difference in predictors and barriers to arts and cultural engagement with age in the United States: A cross-sectional analysis using the Health and Retirement Study. PLoS One , 16 (12) , Article e0261532. 10.1371/journal.pone.0261532. Green open access

Fluharty, Meg E; Bone, Jessica; Bu, Feifei; Sonke, Jill K; Fancourt, Daisy; Paul, Elise; (2021) Associations between extracurricular arts activities, school-based arts engagement, and subsequent externalising behaviours: Findings from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study. PsyArXiv Preprints: Charlottesville, VA, USA. Green open access

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Wright, L; Steptoe, A; Fancourt, D; (2021) Does thinking make it so? Differential associations between adversity worries and experiences and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of epidemiology and community health 10.1136/jech-2020-215598. (In press). Green open access

Wright, L; Steptoe, A; Fancourt, D; (2021) Predictors of self-reported adherence to COVID-19 guidelines. A longitudinal observational study of 51,600 UK adults. The Lancet Regional Health - Europe , 4 , Article 100061. 10.1016/j.lanepe.2021.100061. Green open access

Wright, L; Steptoe, A; Mak, HW; Fancourt, D; (2021) Do people reduce compliance with COVID-19 guidelines following vaccination? A longitudinal analysis of matched UK adults. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 10.1136/jech-2021-217179. (In press). Green open access


Xu, Y; Smith, KA; Hiyoshi, A; Piehl, F; Olsson, T; Montgomery, S; (2021) Hospital-diagnosed infections before age 20 and risk of a subsequent multiple sclerosis diagnosis. Brain , 144 (8) pp. 2390-2400. 10.1093/brain/awab100. Green open access


Yu, B; Steptoe, A; Chen, Y; Jia, X; (2021) Social isolation, rather than loneliness, is associated with cognitive decline in older adults: the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study. Psychological Medicine 10.1017/S0033291720001026. (In press). Green open access


Zaninotto, P; Iob, E; Demakakos, P; Steptoe, A; (2021) Immediate and Longer-Term Changes in the Mental Health and Well-being of Older Adults in England During the COVID-19 Pandemic. JAMA Psychiatry 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2021.3749. (In press). Green open access

Zhou, Y; Walter, FM; Singh, H; Hamilton, W; Abel, GA; Lyratzopoulos, G; (2021) Prolonged Diagnostic Intervals as Marker of Missed Diagnostic Opportunities in Bladder and Kidney Cancer Patients with Alarm Features: A Longitudinal Linked Data Study. Cancers , 13 (1) p. 156. 10.3390/cancers13010156. Green open access

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