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Alfano, Vincenzo; (2021) Subtitling Gender Stereotypes into English: The Case of Comedy Italian Style. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Alshniet, Mohamed Ebrahim Al; (2021) Translating English political metaphors into Arabic: a cognitive perspective. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London. Green open access

Antonsson, H; (2021) Leitin ad Klaustrunum. Arbok hins Islenzka fornleifafelags , 108 pp. 199-208. Green open access

Antonsson, H; (2021) A Holy Queen for Northern Shores: St Sunniva and the Realm of Scandinavian Sainthood. In: Hommedal, A-T and O'Hara, A and Ommundsen, A, (eds.) Irish Queen, Norwegian Patron Saint. Alvheim & Eide Akademisk forlag: Bergen, Norway. Green open access


Baños, R; (2021) Creating credible and natural-sounding dialogs in dubbing: can it be taught? The Interpreter and Translator Trainer , 15 (1) pp. 13-33. 10.1080/1750399x.2021.1880262. Green open access

Baños, R; Marzà, A; Torralba, G; (2021) Promoting plurilingual and pluricultural competence in language learning through audiovisual translation. Translation and plurilingual approaches to language teaching and learning , 7 (1) pp. 65-85. 10.1075/ttmc.00063.ban. Green open access

Batchelor, K; (2021) Literaturübersetzen. Ästhetik und Praxis, by Rainer Kohlmayer, and Übersetzungskritik, by Rainer Kohlmayer. [Review]. The Translator , 27 (2) pp. 233-236. 10.1080/13556509.2021.1880814. Green open access

Batchelor, K; (2021) Re-reading Jacques Derrida’s ‘Qu’est-ce qu’une traduction “relevante”?’ (What is a ‘relevant’ translation?). The Translator 10.1080/13556509.2021.2004686. (In press). Green open access

Belejkanicova, Michaela; (2021) Solidarity of the Shaken: The Ethical and the Political in the Thought of Jan Patočka. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Belejkaničová, M; (2021) Solidarity of the shaken: from the experience (Erlebnis) to history. Studies in East European Thought 10.1007/s11212-021-09421-6. (In press). Green open access

Biedermann, Z; (2021) (Dis)connected history and the multiple narratives of global early modernity. Modern Philology , 119 (1) pp. 13-32. 10.1086/714972. Green open access

Biedermann, Zoltan; (2021) Escrituras cartográficas: imaginarios geográficos y representaciones portuguesas del espacio asiático. Diadorim , 23 (2) pp. 32-49. 10.35520/diadorim.2021.v23n2a40616. Green open access

Biedermann, Zoltán; (2021) Portugal in the Sea of Oman. Religion and Politics. Research on Documents, edited by Abdulrahman Al-Salimi and Michael Jansen and in collabaration with Pedro Pinto, Karsten Ley, and Helmut Siepmann. [Review]. Journal of Early Modern History , 25 (4) pp. 367-368. 10.1163/15700658-12342686. Green open access

Biedermann, Zoltan; (2021) Review of La Renaissance au grand large: Mélanges en l’honneur de Frank Lestringant, ed. Véronique Ferrer, Olivier Millet, and Alexandre Tarrête, Geneva: Droz, 2019. Sixteenth Century Journal: journal of early modern studies , LII (1) pp. 180-182. Green open access

Biedermann, Zoltan; (2021) Roundtable commentary on António Manuel Hespanha, ‘Filhos da Terra: Identidades mestiças nos confins da expansão portuguesa’. e-Journal of Portuguese History , 19 (2) pp. 156-161. 10.26300/3r9t-3y42. Green open access

Bolaños García-Escribano, A; (2021) The uses of post-editing in the subtitling classroom: What do subtitlers-to-be say? Presented at: APTIS 2021: Evolving Profiles: The Future of Translation and Interpreting Training, Dublin, Ireland. Green open access

Bolaños García-Escribano, A; Díaz-Cintas, J; Massidda, S; (2021) Subtitlers on the Cloud: The Use of Professional Web-based Systems in Subtitling Practice and Training. Revista Tradumàtica: Traducció i Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació , 19 pp. 1-21. 10.5565/rev/tradumatica.276. Green open access

Bolaños-García-Escribano, A; Díaz-Cintas, J; Massidda, S; (2021) Introduction: latest advancements in audiovisual translation education. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer , 15 (1) pp. 1-12. 10.1080/1750399X.2021.1880308. Green open access

Bolanos-Garcia-Escribano, Alejandro; (2021) Audiovisual Translation Migrates to the Cloud: Industry, Technology and Education. In: Mejías-Climent, Laura and Carrero-Martín, José Fernando, (eds.) New Perspectives in Audiovisual Translation: Towards Future Research Trends. (pp. 23-45). Publicacions Universitat de València (PUV): Valencia.

Bollington, L; (2021) Death and Life through the Tourist's Gaze: Reflections on Gianfranco Rosi's Boatman. The Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies , 10 (3) pp. 407-419. 10.1386/jicms_00136_1. Green open access

Bollington, L; (2021) Landscapes of desapropiación: Necropolitics and Hydropoetics in Recent Mexican Documentary Film. Journal of Romance Studies , 21 (2) pp. 263-290. 10.3828/jrs.2021.14. Green open access

Bowlby, R; (2021) The uses of shopping: Richard Hoggart goes to Woolworth’s. Textual Practice , 35 (12) pp. 2111-2127. 10.1080/0950236X.2020.1865675. Green open access

Bray, P; (2021) Le Roman de formation d'un critique: Moretti ou le bricolage littéraire. Romantisme , n° 192 (2) pp. 132-138. 10.3917/rom.192.0129. Green open access


Cangemi, L; (2021) Le figure dei guaritori nelle saghe: caratterizzazioni di uomini e donne nella medicina attraverso la performatività di genere. Bibliotheca Germanica. Studi e Testi , 48 pp. 225-247.

Cervera Ferrer, L; (2021) Towards a Latin American feminist cinema. Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media , 20 pp. 150-165. 10.33178/alpha.20.11. Green open access

Chant, Elizabeth Claire; (2021) Demystifying Desolation: Representing Patagonian Nature, 1745-1956. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Coxon, S; (2021) Beards and Texts: Images of masculinity in medieval German literature. [Book]. UCL Press: London, UK. Green open access

Cunliffe, T; (2021) Implicating the Social Order: The Story of a Discharged Prisoner. Film History: An International Journal , 33 (3) pp. 94-125. 10.2979/FILMHISTORY.33.3.04. Green open access

Cunliffe, Tom; (2021) Tracing the Science Fiction Genre in Hong Kong Cinema. In: Chan, Kenneth and Stuckey, Andrew, (eds.) Sino-Enchantment: The Fantastic in Contemporary Chinese Cinemas. (pp. 128-148). Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK. Green open access


Daly, Selena; (2021) Emigrant Draft Evasion in the First World War: Decision-Making and Emotional Consequences in the Transatlantic Italian family. European History Quarterly , 51 (2) pp. 170-188. 10.1177/02656914211006298. Green open access

Dell'Aversano, C; Mussgnug, F; (2021) Parenthood, Climate Justice and the Ethics of Care: Notes Towards a Queer Analysis. Phenomenology and Mind 10.17454/10.17454/pam-1906. (In press). Green open access

Demeyer, H; (2021) Lauren Berlant on Intimacy as World-Making. Extra Extra Magazine (16) pp. 90-100. Green open access

Demeyer, H; (2021) McKenzie Wark on Pleasure, Danger and Revolution. Extra Extra , 17 pp. 134-145. Green open access

Demeyer, H; Vitse, S; (2021) The Affective Dominant: Affective Crisis and Contemporary Fiction. Poetics Today , 42 (4) pp. 541-574. 10.1215/03335372-9356851. Green open access

Demeyer, H; (2021) McKenzie Wark: Weg uit de eenentwintigste eeuw. De Witte Raaf , 36 (211) Green open access

Dickie, John; Parisi, Francesca; (2021) Postfazione: a proposito del nome 'ndrangheta. In: L'arma dei carabinieri in provincia di Reggio Calabria 1860-1970: presidio e servizio nel territorio. (pp. 495-498). Rubbettino Editore: Soveria Mannelli. Green open access


Falkoff, Rebecca R; (2021) Possessed: A Cultural History of Hoarding. [Book]. Cornell University Press Green open access

Federici, Federico; Mannah, Pious; Knaurhase, Jonas; Franklin, Chloe; Pickering, Shaun; (2021) Community Preparedness and Linguistic Equality in Sierra Leone. Project Report. UCL Centre for Translation Studies (CenTraS): London, UK. Green open access

Frank, Karolina Barbara; (2021) Oracular inquiries and daily life. The oracle of Dodona in the Classical and Hellenistic period. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Geraghty, Niall HD; (2021) Becoming Menard? Geopolitical Readings and the Authorial Subject in Ricardo Piglia. Romance Studies , 39 (2-3) pp. 156-174. 10.1080/02639904.2021.1956213. Green open access

Geraghty, N; (2021) A Tuberous Fetish: The Potato as Protagonist in Claudia Llosa’s La teta asustada (2009). Journal of Romance Studies , 21 (2) pp. 185-208. 10.3828/jrs.2021.11. Green open access

Geraghty, N; Gasiorowski, D; Sequeira Brás, P; (2021) The cinematic, the personal, and the political in Latin America: A continuing conversation. Journal of Romance Studies , 21 (2) pp. 151-164. 10.3828/jrs.2021.9. Green open access

Gilbert, J; (2021) "An inert and neutral state of form": zero-degree writing, photography, and early prose narrative in French. Exemplaria , 33 (3) 234- -249. 10.1080/10412573.2021.1965431. Green open access

Greatrick, A; (2021) Asylum for Sale: Profit and Protest in the Migration Industry. Edited by Siobhán McGuirk and Adrienne Pine. [Review]. Journal of Refugee Studies , 34 (3) pp. 3554-3557. 10.1093/jrs/feaa117. Green open access

Grieveson, L; (2021) On Data, Media, and the Deconstruction of the Administrative State. Critical Quarterly , 63 (2) pp. 102-119. 10.1111/criq.12613. Green open access

Guangzhao, L; (2021) Waste People and the Vampiric Society. Extrapolation , 62 (3) pp. 309-329. 10.3828/extr.2021.17. Green open access


Hanrahan, Mairead; (2021) Genet Socialiste? Europe , 1103 pp. 86-98. Green open access

Hart, SM; Hart, J; (2021) Magical realism is the language of the emergent Post-Truth world. Orbis Litterarum 10.1111/oli.12297. (In press). Green open access

He, S; (2021) Cognitive Metaphor Theories in Translation Studies: Towards a dual-model parametric approach. Intercultural Pragmatics , 18 (1) pp. 25-52. 10.1515/ip-2021-0002. Green open access

He, S; (2021) Translating Concepts in Chinese: A case study based on The Wealth of Nations. In: Moratto, R and Woesler, M, (eds.) Diverse Voices in Chinese Translation and Interpreting: Theory and Practice. (pp. 3-22). Springer: Singapore. Green open access

Hermans, T; (2021) De wereld binnen taalbereik. Vertalen in de Lage Landen 1550-1700. In: Hermans, T and Koster, C and Leemans, I and Naaijkens, T and Schoenaers, D, (eds.) Vertalen in de Lage Landen. Boom (In press). Green open access

Hornsby, Asha; (2021) The pen and the scalpel: literature and vivisection, 1875-1912. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Jia, H; (2021) Reseña del libro: CALLUM, Walker; FEDERICI, Federico (Eds). Eye Tracking and Multidisciplinary Studies on Translation. Amsterdam, Benjamins Publishing Company, 2018, 299 pp., ISBN: 978-9-0272-0169-0. [Review]. Hikma , 20 (1) pp. 311-316. 10.21071/hikma.v20i1.13246. Green open access


Keen, Catherine; (2021) Immersive Spaces in and with Dante. In: Tomassini, Tess, (ed.) On Reflection: 700 Years of Dante Alighieri. (pp. 61-63). Cherryboy: London, UK.

Keen, Catherine; (2021) Introduction: Dante at 700. In: Tomassini, Tess, (ed.) On Reflection: 700 Years of Dante Alighieri. (pp. 15-16). Cherryboy: London, UK.

Keen, C; (2021) Lettura e interpretazione del canto XV. In: Barański, ZG and Terzoli, MA, (eds.) Voci sull'Inferno di Dante. Carocci: Rome, Italy. (In press).

Keen, C; (2021) Lettura e interpretazione del canto XVI. In: Barański, ZG and Terzoli, MA, (eds.) Voci sull'Inferno di Dante. Carocci: Rome, Italy. (In press).

Klaas, Brian; Shull, Aaron; (2021) The Canadian Election Template: Stronger Elections at Home, Stronger Canada Abroad. Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI): Waterloo, ON, Canada. Green open access

Knox, J; (2021) The world soul and individual souls Two notes on Giordano Bruno’s Lampas triginta statuarum. In: Giordano Bruno . Law, Philosophy, and Theology in the Early Modern Era. (pp. 275-300). Classiques Garnier: Paris, France.

Kostadinova, Viktorija; Wiemann, Marco; Dreschler, Gea; Gregersen, Sune; Gyuris, Beáta; Zhong, Ai; Scott, Maggie; ... Ahmed, Furzeen; + view all (2021) I English Language. The Year's Work in English Studies , 100 (1) pp. 1-158. 10.1093/ywes/maab001. Green open access

Kuldkepp, M; (2021) 100 aastat Skandinaavia maade tunnustusest Eesti iseseisvusele. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://arvamus.postimees.ee/7172149/mart-kuldkepp... Green open access

Kuldkepp, M; (2021) The 1915 German-Estonian phrasebook as an interface of German-Estonian language contact and a vehicle for annexationist propaganda. In: Multilingual Environments in the Great War. Bloomsbury Academic: London, UK. Green open access

Kuldkepp, M; (2021) Brexit and the Future of the European Union. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.deciphergrey.com/post/brexit-and-the-f...

Kuldkepp, M; (2021) Ühendkuningriik või kahendkuningriik? [Letter]. Sirp. Eesti Kultuurileht p. 40. Green open access

Kuldkepp, M; (2021) The political choices and outlooks of the Estonian Swedish national minority, 1917–1920. National Identities , 23 (4) pp. 409-431. 10.1080/14608944.2021.1873930. Green open access

Kuldkepp, M; (2021) Rahvasteliit ja Läänemere-äärsed väikeriigid. Postimees Green open access

Kuldkepp, M; (2021) Tartu ülikool eesti rahvusluse stardiplatvormina. Sirp. Eesti Kultuurileht pp. 10-12. Green open access

Kuldkepp, M; (2021) Scandinavian Neutrality in the Crimean War. In: Badem, C, (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of the Crimean War. (pp. 165-177). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Kuldkepp, M; (2021) „Kohad on siin silmale väga kenad vaadata.“ Eestlased Norras ja Norra eestlaste pilgu läbi, 1876-1940. In: Talivee, E-M and Vaik, K-M, (eds.) Omnibusega ümber Põhja- ja Kesk-Euroopa Väike Skandinaavia reisisaatja. Under and Tuglas Literature Centre: Talinn, Estonia.

Kuldkepp, M; (2021) Eesti ajaloo marginaalidest. Sirp pp. 17-19. Green open access

Kuldkepp, M; (2021) Eesti Vabariik astub maailmapoliitikasse. 100 aastat Eesti liitumisest Rahvasteliiduga. Horisont , 3 pp. 26-31. Green open access

Kuldkepp, M; (2021) Review: Frie ord i Norden? Offentlighet, ytringsfrihet og medborgerskap 1814–1914. Scandinavica , 59 (2) Green open access


Li, XA; (2021) Xi Xi’s Playful Image-texts: Ekphrasis, Parergon, and the Concept of Toy. Modern Chinese Literature and Culture , 33 (2) Green open access

Liu, Y; Wang, C; (2021) In Other Words: What’s Happened to Metaphors in the Translation of Political Texts. International Journal of Translation, Interpretation and Applied Linguistics , 3 (2) pp. 16-30. 10.4018/IJTIAL.20210701.oa2. Green open access

Lund, Arendse; (2021) Law as Literature in the Vernacular Codes of Early Medieval England. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Lyu, G; (2021) Divide in Time and Space: Social Stratification in Wei Ma's "Formerly Slow" and Hao Jingfang's "Folding Beijing". Vector , 294 pp. 33-30. Green open access

Lyu, G; (2021) A Nostalgic Return to the Future: The Utopian Dialectic in Hao Jingfang's Vagabonds. Utopian Studies , 32 (3) pp. 636-651. 10.5325/utopianstudies.32.3.0636. Green open access


Martin, D; Shaw, D; (2021) Chilean and Transnational Performances of Disobedience: LasTesis and the Phenomenon of Un violador en tu camino. Bulletin of Latin American Research 10.1111/blar.13215. (In press). Green open access

Marzà, Anna; Torralba, Gloria; Baños, Rocío; (2021) Assessing Plurilingual Competence: the Challenge of Designing Suitable Tests and Rubrics. In: Martínez-Sierra, JJ, (ed.) Multilingualism, translation and language teaching: The PluriTAV Project. (pp. 113-139). Tirant Lo Blanch: Valencia, Spain.

Maus de Rolley, T; (2021) Pierre de Lancre, chasseur de sorcières au Pays basque. L'actualité Nouvelle Aquitaine , 132 Green open access

Maus de Rolley, T; Vermeir, K; (2021) 'Concerning the Art of Flying': John Wilkins, utopiste. In: Poma, R and Weill-Parot, N, (eds.) Les utopies scientifiques au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance. (pp. 137-155). Sismel Edizioni del Galluzzo: Florence, Italy. Green open access

Maus de Rolley, Thibaut; (2021) Le Labérynthe. Par MIREILLE HUCHON. [Review]. French Studies , 75 (2) p. 260. 10.1093/fs/knab007. Green open access

Maus de Rolley, Thibaut; (2021) Le voir pour le croire: voyageurs français et bateleurs turcs à la Renaissance. Arcana Naturae , 2021 (2) pp. 75-98. 10.1400/286030. Green open access

McGiffin, E; (2021) Academic-practitioner collaboration in the neoliberal university. Canadian Journal of Development Studies , 42 (3) pp. 306-325. 10.1080/02255189.2020.1809359. Green open access

McGiffin, Emily; (2021) Review Essay of 'Anthropocene Poetics: Deep Time, Sacrifice Zones and Extinction' and 'The New Poetics of Climate Change: Modernist Aesthetics for a Warming World'. [Review]. Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment , 12 (2) pp. 231-234. 10.37536/ecozona.2021.12.2.4369. Green open access

Ming, Grégoire Ueli; (2021) The ethics of comedy in the representation of political violence in post-1945 European fiction. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Mitzel, Anthony Dion; (2021) Authenticity and Ephemerality: The Memes of Transcultural Production in Italian Diasporic Culture. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Mussgnug, F; (2021) Speculazioni ecologiche: impegno e retrotopia nel romanzo italiano contemporaneo. Narrativa , 43 pp. 207-218. Green open access

Mussgnug, F; (2021) World Literature and the Self-Conscious Anthropocene. In: Littératures et Cultures romanes. (pp. 207-214). Peter Lang: Brussels. Green open access

Mussgnug, Florian; (2021) Gli anni sessanta e le origini dell’intermedialità in Italia [The Sixties and the Origins of Intermediality in Italy]. Moderna , 23 (1-2) pp. 75-86. 10.19272/202101902006. Green open access


Nabugodi, Mathelinda; (2021) The Contexts of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Faust Translations. Publications of the English Goethe Society , 90 (1) pp. 31-52. 10.1080/09593683.2021.1887593. Green open access

Navarrete, M; Bolanos-Garcia-Escribano, A; (2021) TRADILEX: Applying an Action-oriented Approach (AoA) to Audiovisual Translation in Modern Foreign Languages. Presented at: Iafor: The 9th European Conference on Language Learning (ECLL2021), Online from UCL, Institute of Education, London, UK. Green open access

Nikolic, Kristijan; (2021) Quality Control of Subtitles. Journal of Audiovisual Translation , 4 (3) pp. 66-68. 10.47476/jat.v4i3.2021.182. Green open access

Nikolic, Kristijan; Bywood, Lindsay; (2021) Audiovisual Translation:The Road Ahead. Journal of Audiovisual Translation , 4 (1) pp. 50-70. 10.47476/jat.v4i1.2021.156. Green open access


Priviero, Tommaso; (2021) Of "Fire" and "Form": From Dante's Commedia to C. G. Jung's Liber Novus. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Pycinska-Taylor, Barbara; (2021) 'Schizomorphic visions': visuality and dissenting subjectivities in the poetry of the Italian neoavanguardia. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Ramalho, Joana Rita; (2021) Sexsationalist feminism in The Devil's Carnival project (2012, 2015). In: Lobalzo Wright, Julie and Shearer, Martha, (eds.) Musicals at the Margins: Genre, Boundaries, Canon. (pp. 99-111). Bloomsbury Academic: London, UK. Green open access

Ramalho, JR; (2021) The Failed Heroism of Ludwig II of Bavaria. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Steam Age Gothic. (pp. 179-202). Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Ring, A; (2021) Complicity. In: Thylstrup, N and Agostinho, D and Ring, A and D'Ignazio, C and Veel, K, (eds.) Uncertain Archives: Critical Keywords for Big Data. (pp. 87-97). MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, USA. Green open access

Ring, A; (2021) The Politics of ‘Primary Rejection’ in Herman Melville’s ‘Bartleby’ and Hito Steyerl’s How Not To Be Seen: Racism, (Il)Legibility, Surveillance, and Determinate Negation. German Life and Letters , 74 (1) pp. 67-89. 10.1111/glal.12292. Green open access

Rushworth, J; (2021) Barthes and mouvance. Exemplaria , 33 (3) pp. 312-326. 10.1080/10412573.2021.1977523. Green open access

Rushworth, J; Southerden, F; (2021) Editors’ Introduction: The Case for a Medieval Barthes. Exemplaria , 33 (3) pp. 209-219. 10.1080/10412573.2021.1977514. Green open access


Schaefer, Hanna Antonia; (2021) Theorizing Impasse: Affect, Agency, Politics. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Shih, Y-Y; (2021) Navigating the web: a study on professional translators’ behaviour. In: Wang, C and Zheng, B, (eds.) Empirical Studies of Translation and Interpreting: The Post-Structuralist Approach. (pp. 74-92). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Sidi, L; (2021) After the madhouses: the emotional politics of psychiatry and community care in the UK tabloid press 1980-1995. Medical Humanities 10.1136/medhum-2020-012117. (In press). Green open access

Sidi, Leah; (2021) Godot Was A Woman (Review). The Beckett Circle , Autumn Green open access

Silva, ACSD; (2021) As múltiplas leituras e traduções de "Tratantes" de Ana Maria Machado. In: Guerini, A and Amarante, DWD, (eds.) Ana Maria Machado Entrevista. (pp. 49-102). Medusa: Curitiba, Brazil. Green open access

Silva, ACSD; (2021) The Aims and the Stories of the Brazilian Translation Club. Qorpus , 11 (1) 08-14. Green open access

Smith, Macs; (2021) Between Memory and Mobilization: The Graffiti and Street Art of the Paris Commune. Nineteenth-Century French Studies , 49 (3-4) pp. 238-257. 10.1353/ncf.2021.0008.

Spencer-Hall, Alicia; (2021) An Intimate History: The Fires of Lust: Sex in the Middle Ages, by Katherine Harvey, Reaktion Books, 296 pages, £20. [Review]. BBC History Magazine p. 83. Green open access

Spencer-Hall, Alicia; Gutt, Blake; (2021) Introduction. In: Spencer-Hall, Alicia and Gutt, Blake, (eds.) Trans and Genderqueer Subjects in Medieval Hagiography. (pp. 11-40). Amsterdam University Press: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Green open access

Stougaard-Nielsen, Jakob; (2021) Hans Christian Andersen’s media ecology. In: Proceedings of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study (SASS) Conference. Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study (SASS): Virtual conference. Green open access

Stutzin Donoso, Francisca; (2021) From self-management to shared management in chronic care: an empirical ethics investigation into the lived experience of chronic disease in England. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Thomsen, Sigrid; (2021) Capturing Berserkería and Amor: Untranslatability and Migrant Belonging in Junot Díaz's This Is How You Lose Her. In: Erichsen Skalle, Camilla and Müller Gjesdal, Anje, (eds.) Transnational Narratives of Migration and Exile: Perspectives from the Humanities. (pp. 81-94). Scandinavian University Press Green open access

Tiedau, U; (2021) Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. Annual Register , 2021 pp. 42-44. Green open access

Tiedau, U; (2021) Dutch and Belgian artistic and intellectual rivalry in interwar London. Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies / Revue Canadienne d’Études Néerlandaises (CJNS/RCEN) , 40 (1) pp. 1-26. Green open access

Tiedau, U; (2021) Editorial. Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies , 2 (45) pp. 95-96. 10.1080/03096564.2021.1943619. Green open access

Tiedau, U; (2021) Lectori Salutem. Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies , 45 (1) pp. 1-2. 10.1080/03096564.2021.1875311. Green open access


Webb, Simone; (2021) Toward a feminist ethic of the self in dialogue with Mary Astell and Michel Foucault. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

White, Daniel Martin; (2021) On the origins of Þórðar saga kakala. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Zarate, S; (2021) Captioning and Subtitling for d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing Audiences. UCL Press Green open access

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