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Ackels, T; Erskine, A; Dasgupta, D; Marin, AC; Warner, TPA; Tootoonian, S; Fukunaga, I; ... Schaefer, AT; + view all (2021) Fast odour dynamics are encoded in the olfactory system and guide behaviour. Nature , 593 pp. 558-563. 10.1038/s41586-021-03514-2. Green open access

Al-Menhali, AS; Anderson, C; Gourine, A; Abramov, AY; D'Souza, A; Jaganjac, M; (2021) Proteomic Analysis of Cardiac Adaptation to Exercise by High Resolution Mass Spectrometry. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences , 8 , Article 723858. 10.3389/fmolb.2021.723858. Green open access

Alexander, SP; Mathie, A; Peters, JA; Veale, EL; Striessnig, J; Kelly, E; Armstrong, JF; ... Zhu, M; + view all (2021) THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2021/22: Ion channels. British Journal of Pharmacology , 178 (S1) S157-S245. 10.1111/bph.15539. Green open access

Almeida, RG; Williamson, JM; Madden, ME; Early, JJ; Voas, MG; Talbot, WS; Bianco, IH; (2021) Myelination induces axonal hotspots of synaptic vesicle fusion that promote sheath growth. Current Biology 10.1016/j.cub.2021.06.036. (In press). Green open access

Alsubaie, R; Wee, RWS; Ritoux, A; Mishchanchuk, K; Passlack, J; Regester, D; Macaskill, AF; (2021) Control of parallel hippocampal output pathways by amygdalar long-range inhibition. eLife , 10 , Article e74758. 10.7554/eLife.74758. (In press). Green open access

Ashlin, TG; Blunsom, NJ; Cockcroft, S; (2021) Courier service for phosphatidylinositol: PITPs deliver on demand. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids , 1866 (9) , Article 158985. 10.1016/j.bbalip.2021.158985. Green open access

Ashmore, J; Carragher, B; Rosenthal, PB; Weis, W; (2021) A resolution record for cryoEM. Faculty Reviews , 10 , Article 64. 10.12703/r-01-000002. Green open access

Benitez, DP; Jiang, S; Wood, J; Wang, R; Hall, CM; Peerboom, C; Wong, N; ... Cummings, DM; + view all (2021) Knock-in models related to Alzheimer’s disease: synaptic transmission, plaques and the role of microglia. Molecular Neurodegeneration , 16 (1) , Article 47. 10.1186/s13024-021-00457-0. Green open access

Booth, LC; Yao, ST; Korsak, A; Farmer, DGS; Hood, SG; McCormick, D; Boesley, Q; ... Gourine, AV; + view all (2021) Selective optogenetic stimulation of efferent fibers in the vagus nerve of a large mammal. Brain Stimulation , 14 pp. 88-96. 10.1016/j.brs.2020.11.010. Green open access

Brierley, DI; de Lartigue, G; (2021) Reappraising the role of the vagus nerve in GLP-1-mediated regulation of eating. British Journal of Pharmacology 10.1111/bph.15603. (In press). Green open access

Brierley, DI; Holt, MK; Singh, A; De Araujo, A; McDougle, M; Vergara, M; Afaghani, MD; ... Trapp, S; + view all (2021) Central and peripheral GLP-1 systems independently suppress eating. Nature Metabolism , 3 pp. 258-273. 10.1038/s42255-021-00344-4. Green open access

Bufacchi, RJ; Magri, C; Novembre, G; Iannetti, GD; (2021) Local spatial analysis: an easy-to-use adaptive spatial EEG filter. Journal of Neurophysiology , 125 (2) pp. 509-521. 10.1152/jn.00560.2019. Green open access

Campbell, A; Morris, G; Heller, JP; Langa, E; Brindley, E; Worm, J; Jensen, MA; ... Reschke, CR; + view all (2021) Antagomir-mediated suppression of microRNA-134 reduces kainic acid-induced seizures in immature mice. Scientific Reports , 11 (1) , Article 340. 10.1038/s41598-020-79350-7. Green open access

Carandini, M; Steinmetz, N; Cagatay, A; Lebedeva, A; Okun, M; Pachitariu, M; Dudman, J; ... Harris, TD; + view all (2021) Neuropixels 2.0: A miniaturized high-density probe for stable, long-term brain recordings. Science , 372 (6539) , Article eabf4588. 10.1126/science.abf4588. Green open access

Cardoso, BV; Barrera, I; Mosienko, V; Gourine, A; Kasparov, S; Teschemacher, AG; (2021) Expression of Microbial Enzymes in Mammalian Astrocytes to Modulate Lactate Release. Brain Sciences , 11 (8) , Article 1056. 10.3390/brainsci11081056. Green open access

Carpenter, JC; Männikkö, R; Heffner, C; Heneine, J; Sampedro-Castañeda, M; Lignani, G; Schorge, S; (2021) Progressive myoclonus epilepsy KCNC1 variant causes a developmental dendritopathy. Epilepsia 10.1111/epi.16867. Green open access

Carretero-Rodriguez, L; Guðjónsdóttir, R; Poparic, I; Reilly, ML; Chol, M; Bianco, IH; Chiapello, M; ... Guthrie, S; + view all (2021) The Rac-GAP alpha2-Chimaerin Signals via CRMP2 and Stathmins in the Development of the Ocular Motor System. The Journal of Neuroscience , 41 (31) pp. 6652-6672. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0983-19.2021. Green open access

Church, TW; Gold, MG; (2021) Preparation of Rat Organotypic Hippocampal Slice Cultures Using the Membrane-Interface Method. Patch Clamp Electrophysiology , 2188 pp. 243-257. 10.1007/978-1-0716-0818-0_12. Green open access

Church, TW; Tewatia, P; Hannan, S; Antunes, J; Eriksson, O; Smart, TG; Hellgren Kotaleski, J; (2021) AKAP79 enables calcineurin to directly suppress protein kinase A activity. Elife , 10 , Article e68164. 10.7554/eLife.68164. (In press). Green open access

Clayton, EL; Bonnycastle, K; Isaacs, AM; Cousin, MA; Schorge, S; (2021) A novel synaptopathy-defective synaptic vesicle protein trafficking in the mutant CHMP2B mouse model of frontotemporal dementia. Journal of Neurochemistry , 160 (3) pp. 412-425. 10.1111/jnc.15551. Green open access

Cockcroft, S; (2021) Mammalian lipids: structure, synthesis and function. Essays in Biochemistry 10.1042/EBC20200067. (In press). Green open access

Cockcroft, S; Lev, S; (2021) Mammalian PITPs at the Golgi and ER-Golgi Membrane Contact Sites. Contact , 3 pp. 1-14. 10.1177/2515256420964170. Green open access

Coombs, ID; Cull-Candy, SG; (2021) Single-channel mechanisms underlying the function, diversity and plasticity of AMPA receptors. Neuropharmacology , 198 , Article 108781. 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2021.108781. Green open access

Crimaldi, J; Lei, H; Schaefer, A; Schmuker, M; Smith, BH; True, AC; Verhagen, JV; (2021) Active sensing in a dynamic olfactory world. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 10.1007/s10827-021-00798-1. (In press). Green open access

Cull-Candy, SG; Farrant, M; (2021) Ca2+ -permeable AMPA receptors and their auxiliary subunits in synaptic plasticity and disease. The Journal of Physiology 10.1113/JP279029. (In press). Green open access

D'Souza, A; Wang, Y; Anderson, C; Bucchi, A; Barsucotti, M; Olieslagers, S; Mesirca, P; ... Boyett, MR; + view all (2021) A circadian clock in the sinus node mediates day-night rhythms in Hcn4 and heart rate. Heart Rhythm , 18 (5) pp. 801-810. 10.1016/j.hrthm.2020.11.026. Green open access

Dolphin, AC; (2021) How postdoctoral research in Paul Greengard's laboratory shaped my scientific career, although I never did another phosphorylation assay. Journal of Neuroscience , 41 (10) 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3002-20.2021. Green open access

Edwards, AV; Hann, C; Ivill, H; Leeson, H; Tymczyszyn, L; Cummings, DM; Ashton, MD; ... Cheneler, D; + view all (2021) Additive manufacturing of multielectrode arrays for biotechnological applications. Materials Advances , 2 (5) pp. 1600-1605. 10.1039/d0ma00484g. Green open access

Ferreira, APA; Casamento, A; Carrillo Roas, S; Halff, EF; Panambalana, J; Subramaniam, S; Schützenhofer, K; ... Boucrot, E; + view all (2021) Cdk5 and GSK3β inhibit fast endophilin-mediated endocytosis. Nature Communications , 12 , Article 2424. 10.1038/s41467-021-22603-4. Green open access

Field, M; Dorovykh, V; Thomas, P; Smart, TG; (2021) Physiological role for GABAA receptor desensitization in the induction of long-term potentiation at inhibitory synapses. Nature Communications , 12 (1) , Article 2112. 10.1038/s41467-021-22420-9. Green open access

Fitchett, A; Mastitskaya, S; Aristovich, K; (2021) Selective Neuromodulation of the Vagus Nerve. Frontiers in Neuroscience , 15 , Article 685872. 10.3389/fnins.2021.685872. Green open access

Galli, S; Stancheva, SH; Dufor, T; Gibb, AJ; Salinas, PC; (2021) Striatal Synapse Degeneration and Dysfunction Are Reversed by Reactivation of Wnt Signaling. Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience , 13 , Article 670467. 10.3389/fnsyn.2021.670467. Green open access

Gourine, AV; Spyer, KM; (2021) Geoff Burnstock, purinergic signalling, and chemosensory control of breathing. Autonomic Neuroscience , 235 , Article 102839. 10.1016/j.autneu.2021.102839. Green open access

Gurnani, H; Silver, RA; (2021) Multidimensional population activity in an electrically coupled inhibitory circuit in the cerebellar cortex. Neuron 10.1016/j.neuron.2021.03.027. (In press). Green open access

Illes, Peter; Mueller, Christa E; Jacobson, Kenneth A; Grutter, Thomas; Nicke, Annette; Fountain, Samuel J; Kennedy, Charles; ... Di Virgilio, Francesco; + view all (2021) Update of P2X receptor properties and their pharmacology: IUPHAR Review 30. British Journal of Pharmacology , 178 (3) pp. 489-514. 10.1111/bph.15299. Green open access

Ivica, J; Lape, R; Sivilotti, LG; (2021) Acidic pH reduces agonist efficacy and responses to synaptic-like glycine applications in zebrafish α1 and rat α1β recombinant glycine receptors. The Journal of Physiology 10.1113/JP282171. (In press). Green open access

Ivica, J; Lape, R; Jazbec, V; Yu, J; Zhu, H; Gouaux, E; Gold, MG; (2021) The intracellular domain of homomeric glycine receptors modulates agonist efficacy. Journal of Biological Chemistry , 296 , Article 100387. 10.1074/jbc.RA119.012358. Green open access

Izquierdo, P; Shiina, H; Hirunpattarasilp, C; Gillis, G; Attwell, D; (2021) Synapse development is regulated by microglial THIK-1 K+ channels. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 118 (42) , Article e2106294118. 10.1073/pnas.2106294118. Green open access

Jacobsen, RI; Keck, T; (2021) The Ups and Downs of Firing Rate Homeostasis. Neuron , 109 (3) pp. 401-403. 10.1016/j.neuron.2020.12.024. Green open access

Jose, A; Tareque, RK; Mortensen, M; Legay, R; Coles, SJ; Tizzard, GJ; Greenland, BW; ... Spencer, J; + view all (2021) Synthesis and biological evaluation of benzodiazepines containing a pentafluorosulfanyl group. Tetrahedron , 85 , Article 132020. 10.1016/j.tet.2021.132020. Green open access

Keck, T; Josselyn, SA; (2021) Editorial overview: Neurobiology of learning and plasticity. Current Opinion in Neurobiology , 67 iii-v. 10.1016/j.conb.2021.04.002. Green open access

King, Brian F; (2021) P2X3 receptors participate in purinergic inhibition of gastrointestinal smooth muscle. Autonomic Neuroscience , 234 , Article 102830. 10.1016/j.autneu.2021.102830. Green open access

King, BF; (2021) Burnstock and the legacy of the inhibitory junction potential and P2Y1 receptors. Purinergic Signalling , 17 (1) pp. 25-31. 10.1007/s11302-020-09747-6. Green open access

Klionsky, DJ; Abdel-Aziz, AK; Abdelfatah, S; Abdellatif, M; Abdoli, A; Abel, S; Abeliovich, H; ... Taylor, A; + view all (2021) Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition). Autophagy , 17 (1) pp. 1-382. 10.1080/15548627.2020.1797280. Green open access

Komilova, NR; Angelova, PR; Berezhnov, A; Stelmashchuk, OA; Mirkhodjaev, UZ; Houlden, H; Gourine, A; ... Abramov, AY; + view all (2021) Metabolically induced intracellular pH changes activate mitophagy, autophagy, and cell protection in familial forms of Parkinson's disease. The FEBS Journal 10.1111/febs.16198. (In press). Green open access

Kontou, G; Antonoudiou, P; Podpolny, M; Szulc, BR; Arancibia-Carcamo, IL; Higgs, NF; Lopez-Domenech, G; ... Kittler, JT; + view all (2021) Miro1-dependent mitochondrial dynamics in parvalbumin Interneurons. eLife 10.7554/eLife.65215. (In press). Green open access

Kontou, G; Josephine Ng, SF; Cardarelli, RA; Howden, JH; Choi, C; Ren, Q; Rodriguez Santos, MA; ... Smalley, JL; + view all (2021) KCC2 is required for the survival of mature neurons but not for their development. Journal of Biological Chemistry , Article 100364. 10.1016/j.jbc.2021.100364. (In press). Green open access

Koskela, T; Kendall, GS; Memon, S; Sokolska, M; Mabuza, T; Huertas-Ceballos, A; Mitra, S; ... Whitehead, K; + view all (2021) Prognostic value of neonatal EEG following therapeutic hypothermia in survivors of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Clinical Neurophysiology 10.1016/j.clinph.2021.05.031. (In press). Green open access

Kroll, F; Powell, GT; Ghosh, M; Gestri, G; Antinucci, P; Hearn, TJ; Tunbak, H; ... Rihel, J; + view all (2021) A simple and effective F0 knockout method for rapid screening of behaviour and other complex phenotypes. Elife , 10 , Article e59683. 10.7554/eLife.59683. Green open access

La Hausse De Lalouviere, L; Morice, O; Fitzgerald, M; (2021) Altered sensory innervation and pain hypersensitivity in a model of young painful arthritic joints: short- and long-term effects. Inflammation Research 10.1007/s00011-021-01450-5. (In press). Green open access

Lanore, F; Cayco-Gajic, NA; Gurnani, H; Coyle, D; Silver, RA; (2021) Cerebellar granule cell axons support high-dimensional representations. Nature Neuroscience , 24 pp. 1142-1150. 10.1038/s41593-021-00873-x. Green open access

Lawn, Timothy; Aman, Yahyah; Rukavina, Katarina; Sideris-Lampretsas, George; Howard, Matthew; Ballard, Clive; Ray Chaudhuri, Kallol; (2021) Pain in the neurodegenerating brain: insights into pharmacotherapy for Alzheimer disease and Parkinson disease. Pain , 162 (4) pp. 999-1006. 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002111. Green open access

Leray, X; Conti, R; Li, Y; Debacker, C; Castelli, F; Fenaille, F; Zdebik, AA; ... Gasnier, B; + view all (2021) Arginine-selective modulation of the lysosomal transporter PQLC2 through a gate-tuning mechanism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 118 (32) , Article e2025315118. 10.1073/pnas.2025315118. Green open access

Lezmy, J; Arancibia-Cárcamo, IL; Quintela-López, T; Sherman, DL; Brophy, PJ; Attwell, D; (2021) Astrocyte Ca2+-evoked ATP release regulates myelinated axon excitability and conduction speed. Science , 374 (6565) , Article eabh2858. 10.1126/science.abh2858. Green open access

Lezmy, J; Harris, JJ; Attwell, D; (2021) Optimising the energetic cost of the glutamatergic synapse. Neuropharmacology , 197 , Article 108727. 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2021.108727. Green open access

Longley, M; Ballard, J; Andres-Alonso, M; Varatharajah, RC; Cuthbert, H; Yeo, CH; (2021) A Patterned Architecture of Monoaminergic Afferents in the Cerebellar Cortex: Noradrenergic and Serotonergic Fibre Distributions within Lobules and Parasagittal Zones. Neuroscience , 462 pp. 106-121. 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2020.09.001. Green open access

López-Doménech, G; Howden, JH; Covill-Cooke, C; Morfill, C; Patel, JV; Bürli, R; Crowther, D; ... Kittler, JT; + view all (2021) Loss of neuronal Miro1 disrupts mitophagy and induces hyperactivation of the integrated stress response. The EMBO Journal , Article e100715. 10.15252/embj.2018100715. Green open access

Lynch, JW; Sivilotti, LG; Smart, TG; (2021) Glycine receptors in GtoPdb v.2021.3. IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology CITE , 2021 (3) pp. 1-7. 10.2218/gtopdb/f73/2021.3. Green open access

MacDonald, DI; Sikandar, S; Weiss, J; Pyrski, M; Luiz, AP; Millet, Q; Emery, EC; ... Wood, JN; + view all (2021) A central mechanism of analgesia in mice and humans lacking the sodium channel NaV1.7. Neuron 10.1016/j.neuron.2021.03.012. (In press). Green open access

Madden, ME; Suminaite, D; Ortiz, E; Early, JE; Koudelka, S; Livesey, MR; Bianco, IH; ... Lyons, DA; + view all (2021) Central nervous system hypomyelination disrupts axonal conduction and behaviour in larval zebrafish. The Journal of Neuroscience 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0842-21.2021. (In press). Green open access

Magno, L; Asgarian, Z; Pendolino, V; Velona, T; Mackintosh, A; Lee, F; Stryjewska, A; ... Kessaris, N; + view all (2021) Transient developmental imbalance of cortical interneuron subtypes presages long-term changes in behavior. Cell Reports , 35 (11) , Article 109249. 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109249. Green open access

Marin, AC; Schaefer, AT; Ackels, T; (2021) Spatial information from the odour environment in mammalian olfaction. Cell and Tissue Research , 383 pp. 473-483. 10.1007/s00441-020-03395-3. Green open access

Marks, J; Figueres, L; Beck-Cormier, S; Beck, L; (2021) The Complexities of Organ Crosstalk in Phosphate Homeostasis: Time to Put Phosphate Sensing Back in the Limelight. International Journal of Molecular Sciences , 22 (11) , Article 5701. 10.3390/ijms22115701. Green open access

Marks, J; Nati, H; Carsten, W; (2021) 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 stimulates active phosphate transport but not paracellular phosphate absorption in mouse intestine. Journal of Physiology , 599 (4) pp. 1131-1150. 10.1113/JP280345. Green open access

Marks, J; Unwin, R; Srai, S; Chichger, H; (2021) Diet-induced iron deficiency in rats impacts small intestinal calcium and phosphate absorption. Acta Physiologica , 232 (2) , Article e13650. 10.1111/apha.13650. Green open access

Mashanov, G; Nenasheva, TA; Mashanova, A; Lape, R; Birdsall, NJM; Sivilotti, L; Molloy, JE; (2021) Heterogeneity of cell membrane structure studied by single molecule tracking. Faraday Discussions 10.1039/d1fd00035g. (In press). Green open access

Mastitskaya, S; Thompson, N; Holder, D; (2021) Selective Vagus Nerve Stimulation as a Therapeutic Approach for the Treatment of ARDS: A Rationale for Neuro-Immunomodulation in COVID-19 Disease. Frontiers in Neuroscience , 15 , Article 667036. 10.3389/fnins.2021.667036. Green open access

May, Shaun M; Chiang, Eric; Reyes, Anna; Martir, Gladys; Patel, Amour; Karmali, Shamir; Patel, Sanjiv; ... Ackland, Gareth L; + view all (2021) Neuromodulation of innate immunity by remote ischaemic conditioning in humans: Experimental cross-over study. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health , 16 , Article 100299. 10.1016/j.bbih.2021.100299. Green open access

Mayston, Margaret; (2021) Telehealth for disability management: what really matters? Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology , 63 (2) p. 124. 10.1111/dmcn.14734. Green open access

McLean, BA; Wong, CK; Campbell, JE; Hodson, DJ; Trapp, S; Drucker, DJ; (2021) Revisiting the Complexity of GLP-1 Action from Sites of Synthesis to Receptor Activation. Endocrine Reviews , 42 (2) pp. 101-132. 10.1210/endrev/bnaa032. Green open access

Meyer, JO; Dolphin, AC; (2021) Rab11-dependent recycling of calcium channels is mediated by auxiliary subunit α2δ-1 but not α2δ-3. Scientific Reports , 11 (1) , Article 10256. 10.1038/s41598-021-89820-1. Green open access

Michno, W; Stringer, KM; Enzlein, T; Passarelli, MK; Escrig, S; Vitanova, K; Wood, J; ... Hanrieder, J; + view all (2021) Following spatial Aβ aggregation dynamics in evolving Alzheimer's disease pathology by imaging stable isotope labeling kinetics. Science Advances , 7 (25) 10.1126/sciadv.abg4855. Green open access

Munguba, Hermany; Chattopadhyaya, Bidisha; Nilsson, Stephan; Carriço, Josianne N; Memic, Fatima; Oberst, Polina; Batista-Brito, Renata; ... Hjerling-Leffler, Jens; + view all (2021) Postnatal Sox6 Regulates Synaptic Function of Cortical Parvalbumin-Expressing Neurons. Journal of Neuroscience , 41 (43) pp. 8876-8886. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0021-21.2021. Green open access

Ng, J; Barral, S; Barrigon, CDLF; Lignani, G; Erdem, FA; Wallings, R; Privolizzi, R; ... Kurian, MA; + view all (2021) Gene therapy restores dopamine transporter expression and ameliorates pathology in iPSC and mouse models of infantile parkinsonism. Science Translational Medicine , 13 (594) , Article eaaw1564. 10.1126/scitranslmed.aaw1564. Green open access

Nizari, S; Basalay, M; Chapman, P; Korte, N; Korsak, A; Christie, IN; Theparambil, SM; ... Gourine, AV; + view all (2021) Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor activation dilates cerebral arterioles, increases cerebral blood flow, and mediates remote (pre)conditioning neuroprotection against ischaemic stroke. Basic Research in Cardiology , 116 , Article 32. 10.1007/s00395-021-00873-9. Green open access

Nizari, S; Wells, JA; Carare, RO; Romero, IA; Hawkes, CA; (2021) Loss of cholinergic innervation differentially affects eNOS-mediated blood flow, drainage of Aβ and cerebral amyloid angiopathy in the cortex and hippocampus of adult mice. Acta Neuropathologica Communications , 9 (1) , Article 12. 10.1186/s40478-020-01108-z. Green open access

Novembre, G; Iannetti, GD; (2021) Hyperscanning Alone Cannot Prove Causality. Multibrain Stimulation Can. Trends in Cognitive Sciences , 25 (2) pp. 96-99. 10.1016/j.tics.2020.11.003. Green open access

Novembre, G; Iannetti, GD; (2021) Towards a unified neural mechanism for reactive adaptive behaviour. Progress in Neurobiology , 204 , Article 102115. 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2021.102115. Green open access

Peck, Liam J; Patel, Ryan; Diaz, Paula; Wintle, Yolanda M; Dickenson, Anthony H; Todd, Andrew J; Calvo, Margarita; (2021) Studying Independent Kcna6 Knock-out Mice Reveals Toxicity of Exogenous LacZ to Central Nociceptor Terminals and Differential Effects of Kv1.6 on Acute and Neuropathic Pain Sensation. The Journal of Neuroscience , 41 (44) pp. 9141-9162. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0187-21.2021. Green open access

Peruzzotti-Jametti, Luca; Bernstock, Joshua D; Willis, Cory M; Manferrari, Giulia; Rogall, Rebecca; Fernandez-Vizarra, Erika; Williamson, James C; ... Pluchino, Stefano; + view all (2021) Neural stem cells traffic functional mitochondria via extracellular vesicles. PLoS Biology , 19 (4) , Article e3001166. 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001166. Green open access

Pfeiffer, T; Li, Y; Attwell, D; (2021) Diverse mechanisms regulating brain energy supply at the capillary level. Current Opinion in Neurobiology , 69 pp. 41-50. 10.1016/j.conb.2020.12.010. Green open access

Prakash, P; Jethava, KP; Korte, N; Izquierdo, P; Favuzzi, E; Rose, IVL; Guttenplan, KA; ... Chopra, G; + view all (2021) Monitoring phagocytic uptake of amyloid beta into glial cell lysosomes in real time. Chemical Science 10.1039/d1sc03486c. (In press). Green open access

Ravagli, E; Mastitskaya, S; Thompson, N; Welle, EJ; Chestek, CA; Aristovich, K; Holder, D; (2021) Fascicle localisation within peripheral nerves through evoked activity recordings: A comparison between electrical impedance tomography and multi-electrode arrays. Journal of Neuroscience Methods , 358 , Article 109140. 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2021.109140. Green open access

Ronzano, R; Lancelin, C; Bhumbra, GS; Brownstone, RM; Beato, M; (2021) Proximal and distal spinal neurons innervating multiple synergist and antagonist motor pools. eLife , 10 , Article e70858. 10.7554/eLife.70858. (In press). Green open access

Russ, DE; Cross, RBP; Li, L; Koch, SC; Matson, KJE; Yadav, A; Alkaslasi, MR; ... Levine, AJ; + view all (2021) A harmonized atlas of mouse spinal cord cell types and their spatial organization. Nature Communications , 12 , Article 5722. 10.1038/s41467-021-25125-1. Green open access

Salih, D; Chaney, AM; (2021) Prodromal neuroinflammatory, cholinergic and metabolite dysfunction detected by PET and MRS in the TgF344-AD transgenic rat model of AD - a multi-modal and multi-centre study. Theranostics , 11 (4) pp. 6644-6667. 10.7150/thno.56059. Green open access

Schlingmann, KP; Renigunta, A; Hoorn, EJ; Forst, A-L; Renigunta, V; Atanasov, V; Mahendran, S; ... Konrad, M; + view all (2021) Defects in KCNJ16 Cause a Novel Tubulopathy with Hypokalemia, Salt Wasting, Disturbed Acid-Base Homeostasis, and Sensorineural Deafness. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology , 32 (5) 10.1681/ASN.2020111587. Green open access

Schreiber, F; Gleeson, P; Golebiewski, M; Gorochowski, TE; Hucka, M; Keating, SM; König, M; ... Waltemath, D; + view all (2021) Specifications of standards in systems and synthetic biology: status and developments in 2021. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics , 18 (3) , Article 20210026. 10.1515/jib-2021-0026. Green open access

Selezneva, A; Yoshida, M; Gibb, A; Willis, D; (2021) Nuclear BK channels regulate CREB phosphorylation in RAW264.7 macrophages. Pharmacological Reports , 73 pp. 881-890. 10.1007/s43440-021-00229-z. Green open access

Sexton, CA; Penzinger, R; Mortensen, M; Bright, DP; Smart, TG; (2021) Structural determinants and regulation of spontaneous activity in GABAA receptors. Nature Communications , 12 (1) , Article 5457. 10.1038/s41467-021-25633-0. Green open access

Smelt, CLC; Sanders, VR; Puinean, AM; Lansdell, SJ; Goodchild, J; Millar, NS; (2021) Agonist and antagonist properties of an insect GABA-gated chloride channel (RDL) are influenced by heterologous expression conditions. PLoS One , 16 (7) , Article e0254251. 10.1371/journal.pone.0254251. Green open access

Somervail, R; Bufacchi, RJ; Salvatori, C; Neary-Zajiczek, L; Guo, Y; Novembre, G; Iannetti, GD; (2021) Brain Responses to Surprising Stimulus Offsets: Phenomenology and Functional Significance. Cerebral Cortex 10.1093/cercor/bhab352. (In press). Green open access

Song, Y; Su, Q; Yang, Q; Zhao, R; Yin, G; Qin, W; Iannetti, GD; ... Liang, M; + view all (2021) Feedforward and feedback pathways of nociceptive and tactile processing in human somatosensory system: A study of dynamic causal modeling of fMRI data. NeuroImage , 234 , Article 117957. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.117957. Green open access

Suetterlin, K; Matthews, E; Sud, R; McCall, S; Fialho, D; Burge, J; Jayaseelan, D; ... Männikkö, R; + view all (2021) Translating genetic and functional data into clinical practice: a series of 223 families with myotonia. Brain 10.1093/brain/awab344. (In press). Green open access

Trapp, S; Brierley, DI; (2021) Brain GLP-1 and the regulation of food intake: GLP-1 action in the brain and its implications for GLP-1 receptor agonists in obesity treatment. British Journal Pharmacology 10.1111/bph.15638. (In press). Green open access

Valera, AM; Neufeldt, FC; Kirkby, PA; Mitchell, JE; Silver, RA; (2021) Precompensation of 3D field distortions in remote focus two-photon microscopy. Biomedical Optics Express , 12 (6) pp. 3717-3728. 10.1364/BOE.425588. Green open access

Vargha-Khadem, F; Cacucci, F; (2021) A brief history of developmental amnesia. Neuropsychologia , 150 , Article 107689. 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2020.107689. Green open access

Xydia, M; Rahbari, R; Ruggiero, E; Macaulay, I; Tarabichi, M; Lohmayer, R; Wilkening, S; ... Beckhove, P; + view all (2021) Common clonal origin of conventional T cells and induced regulatory T cells in breast cancer patients. Nature Communications , 12 , Article 1119. 10.1038/s41467-021-21297-y. Green open access

Yu, J; Zhu, H; Lape, R; Greiner, T; Du, J; Lü, W; Sivilotti, L; (2021) Mechanism of gating and partial agonist action in the glycine receptor. Cell , 184 (4) 957-968.e21. 10.1016/j.cell.2021.01.026. Green open access

Yu, Y; Payne, C; Marina, N; Korsak, A; Southern, P; Garcia-Prieto, A; Christie, IN; ... Lythgoe, MF; + view all (2021) Remote and Selective Control of Astrocytes by Magnetomechanical Stimulation. Advanced Science , Article 2104194. 10.1002/advs.202104194. (In press). Green open access

Zeppilli, S; Ackels, T; Attey, R; Klimpert, N; Kimberly Ritola, D; Boeing, S; Crombach, A; ... Fleischmann, A; + view all (2021) Molecular characterization of projection neuron subtypes in the mouse olfactory bulb. Elife , 10 10.7554/eLife.65445. (In press). Green open access

Working / discussion paper

Tripathi, T; (2021) Defective linear and circular RNAs biogenesis in Huntington’s disease: CAG repeat expansion hijacks neuronal splicing. bioRxiv Green open access

Conference item

Sinha, A; Appukuttan, S; Heitmann, S; Cakan, C; Jajcay, N; Metzner, C; Kern, FB; ... Stimberg, M; + view all (2021) INCF/OCNS Software Working Group. Presented at: INCF Neuroinformatics Assembly 2021, Online conference. Green open access


Howden, Jack Hartley; (2021) New insights into mitochondrial quality control mechanisms in neurons and astrocytes. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Sanchez Bellot, Candela; (2021) Investigating dichotomous projections from ventral hippocampus to prefrontal cortex. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

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