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Number of items: 123.


Agbota, H; Strlič, M; Mitchell, JE; Odlyha, M; (2014) Remote assessment of cultural heritage environments with wireless sensor array networks. Sensors (Switzerland) , 14 (5) 8779 - 8793. 10.3390/s140508779. Green open access

Anam, MA; (2014) Precision-Energy-Throughput Scaling of Error Tolerant Signal Processing Applications. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Anam, MA; Whatmough, PN; Andreopoulos, Y; (2014) Precision-energy-throughput scaling of generic matrix multiplication and convolution kernels via linear projections. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology , 24 (11) 1860- 1873. 10.1109/TCSVT.2014.2321071. Green open access

Andreopoulos, I; Atan, O; Tekin, C; van der Schaar, M; (2014) Bandit framework for systematic learning in wireless video-based face recognition. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (99) 10.1109/JSTSP.2014.2330799. Green open access

Araujo, JT; Landa, R; Clegg, RG; Pavlou, G; (2014) Software-defined network support for transport resilience. In: Pach, AR and Zuckerman, DN, (eds.) NOMS 2014: IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium. IEEE Green open access

Araujo, JT; Landa, R; Clegg, RG; Pavlou, G; Fukuda, K; (2014) A longitudinal analysis of Internet rate limitations. In: Bianchi, G and Fang, Y and Shen, X, (eds.) Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2014: 33rd IEEE Conference on Computer Communications [Proceedings]. (pp. pp. 1438-1446). IEEE: Toronto, ON, Canada. Green open access

Ash, M; Brennan, PV; Keylock, CJ; Vriend, NM; McElwaine, JN; Sovilla, B; (2014) Two-dimensional radar imaging of flowing avalanches. COLD REGIONS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 102 41 - 51. 10.1016/j.coldregions.2014.02.004. Green open access


Baghsiahi, H; Selviah, DR; Wang, K; Pitwon, R; (2014) Polymer waveguide end facet roughness and optical input/output coupling loss for OPCB applications. In: Proceedings of SPIE. Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers Green open access

Baghsiahi, H; Wang, K; Selviah, DR; (2014) Optical loss and crosstalk in multimode photolithographically fabricated polyacrylate polymer waveguide crossings. In: Proceedings of SPIE. Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers Green open access

Balakier, K; Fice, MJ; Ponnampalam, L; Seeds, AJ; Renaud, CC; (2014) Monolithically integrated optical phase lock loop for microwave photonics. Journal of Lightwave Technology , 32 (20) 3893 - 3900. 10.1109/JLT.2014.2317941. Green open access

Balakier, K; Fice, MJ; van Dijk, F; Kervella, G; Carpintero, G; Seeds, AJ; Renaud, CC; (2014) Optical injection locking of monolithically integrated photonic source for generation of high purity signals above 100 GHz. Optics Express , 22 (24) pp. 29404-29412. 10.1364/OE.22.029404. Green open access

Bourtsoulatze, E; Thomos, N; Frossard, P; (2014) Decoding Delay Minimization in Inter-Session Network Coding. IEEE Transactions on Communications , 62 (6) pp. 1944-1957. 10.1109/TCOMM.2014.2318701. Green open access

Bourtsoulatze, E; Thomos, N; Frossard, P; (2014) Distributed Rate Allocation in Inter-Session Network Coding. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia , 16 (6) pp. 1752-1765. 10.1109/TMM.2014.2328320. Green open access

Brennan, PV; Nicholls, K; Lok, LB; Corr, H; (2014) Phase-sensitive FMCW radar system for high-precision Antarctic ice shelf profile monitoring. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation 10.1049/iet-rsn.2013.0053. Green open access

Brown, MS; Gundacker, S; Taylor, A; Tummeltshammer, C; Auffray, E; Lecoq, P; Papakonstantinou, I; (2014) Influence of Depth of Interaction upon the Performance of Scintillator Detectors. PLoS One , 9 (5) , Article e98177. 10.1371/journal.pone.0098177. Green open access

Buranapanichkit, D; Deligiannis, N; Andreopoulos, Y; (2014) On the stochastic modeling of desynchronization convergence in wireless sensor networks. In: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). (pp. 5045 - 5049). IEEE: Florence, Italy. Green open access


Carpintero, G; Balakier, K; Yang, Z; Guzman, RC; Corradi, A; Jimenez, A; Kervella, G; ... Seeds, AJ; + view all (2014) Microwave Photonic Integrated Circuits for Millimeter-Wave Wireless Communications. Journal of Lightwave Technology , 32 (20) pp. 3495-3501. 10.1109/JLT.2014.2321573. Green open access

Chen, Boli; Pin, Gilberto; Parisini, Thomas; (2014) An Adaptive Observer-based Estimator for Multi-sinusoidal Signals. In: 2014 American Control Conference. (pp. pp. 3450-3455). IEEE: Portland, OR, USA. Green open access

Chen, Boli; Pin, Gilberto; Parisini, Thomas; (2014) Robust Parametric Estimation of Biased Sinusoidal Signals: a Parallel Pre-filtering Approach. In: 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. (pp. pp. 1804-1809). IEEE: Los Angeles, CA, USA. Green open access

Chen, B; Pin, G; Ng, WM; Lee, CK; Hui, SYR; Parisini, T; (2014) An Adaptive Observer-Based Switched Methodology for the Identification of a Perturbed Sinusoidal Signal: Theory and Experiments. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , 62 (24) pp. 6355-6365. 10.1109/tsp.2014.2362105. Green open access

Chen, H; (2014) Beamforming optimization for two-way relay channel. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Chen, S; Tang, M; Jiang, Q; Wu, J; Dorogan, VG; Benamara, M; Mazur, YI; ... Liu, H; + view all (2014) InAs/GaAs quantum-dot superluminescent light-emitting diode monolithically grown on a Si substrate. ACS Photonics , 1 (7) 638 - 642. 10.1021/ph500162a. Green open access

Chen, S; Tang, M; Wu, J; Jiang, Q; Dorogan, V; Benamara, M; Mazur, Y; ... Liu, H; + view all (2014) 1.3-μm InAs/GaAs quantum-dot laser monolithically grown on Si Substrates operating over 100°C. Electronics Letters , 50 (20) pp. 1467-1468. 10.1049/el.2014.2414. Green open access

Chin, Hou-Man; Thakur, Manoj P; Thomsen, BC; Savory, SJ; (2014) Estimating divergently routed nonlinearly interfering channel powers using cross phase modulation. Optics Express , 22 (21) pp. 25506-25515. 10.1364/OE.22.025506. Gold open access

Claeys, M; Tuncer, D; Famaey, J; Charalambides, M; Latre, S; De Turck, F; Pavlou, G; (2014) Towards Multi-Tenant Cache Management for ISP Networks. In: Proceedings of 2014 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC). (pp. pp. 378-382). IEEE: Bologna, Italy. Green open access

Colchester, RJ; Mosse, CA; Bhachu, DS; Bear, JC; Carmalt, CJ; Parkin, IP; Treeby, BE; ... Desjardins, AE; + view all (2014) Laser-generated ultrasound with optical fibres using functionalised carbon nanotube composite coatings. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS , 104 (17) , Article ARTN 173502. 10.1063/1.4873678. Green open access

Constantinou, L; (2014) Novel CMOS Integrated Current Driver Circuits for Bioimpedance Measurements. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Constantinou, L; Triantis, IF; Bayford, R; Demosthenous, A; (2014) High-power CMOS current driver with accurate transconductance for electrical impedance tomography. IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst , 8 (4) 575 - 583. 10.1109/TBCAS.2013.2285481. Green open access


Demosthenous, A; (2014) Advances in Microelectronics for Implantable Medical Devices. Advances in Electronics , 2014 , Article 981295. 10.1155/2014/981295. Green open access

Diamare, D; (2014) Optical characterisation of silicon nanoclusters embedded in SiO2 and SiOxNy matrices. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Duan, J; Lachhani, K; Baghsiahi, H; Willman, E; Selviah, DR; (2014) Indoor rigid sphere recognition based on 3D point cloud data. In: Coleman, S and Gardiner, B and Kerr, D, (eds.) Proceedings: IMVIP 2014: 2014 Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing. (pp. pp. 28-33). Irish Pattern Recognition & Classification Society: Derry-Londonderry, UK. Green open access


Eder, C; Valente, V; Donaldson, N; Demosthenous, A; (2014) A CMOS Smart Temperature and Humidity Sensor with Combined Readout. Sensors (Basel) , 14 (9) 17192 - 17211. 10.3390/s140917192. Green open access


Fernandez, FA; Seddon, L; James, R; Day, SE; Mirshekar-Syahkal, D; Bulja, S; Deo, P; (2014) Accurate modelling of liquid crystal-based microwave devices. In: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Liquid Crystals for Photonics (WCLP 2014). Workshop on Liquid Crystals for Photonics: Erice, Italy. Green open access

Foley, JG; (2014) Sensor Networks and Their Applications: Investigating the Role of Sensor Web Enablement. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Galdino, L; Liga, G; Lavery, D; Maher, R; Xu, T; Savory, SJ; Sato, M; ... Bayvel, P; + view all (2014) Unrepeatered Transmission Over 253.4 km Ultra Low Loss Fibre Achieving 6.95 (b/s)/Hz Se Using EDFA-Only Pre-Amplifier. In: Proceedings of 2014 The European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC). (pp. 5.2-5.2). IEEE: Cannes, France. Green open access

Garcia-Rodriguez, A; Masouros, C; (2014) Power loss reduction for MMSE-THP with multidimensional symbol scaling. IEEE Communications Letters , 18 (7) 1147 - 1150. 10.1109/LCOMM.2014.2325023. Green open access

Giagka, V; Eder, C; Donaldson, N; Demosthenous, A; (2014) An Implantable Versatile Electrode-Driving ASIC for Chronic Epidural Stimulation in Rats. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (99) 10.1109/TBCAS.2014.2330859. Green open access

Giotsas, V; (2014) Improving the Accuracy of the Internet Cartography. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London);. Green open access

Griffiths, HD; Cohen, L; Watts, S; Mokole, E; Baker, C; Wicks, M; Blunt, S; (2014) Radar Spectrum Engineering and Management: Technical and Regulatory Issues. Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) , 103 (1) pp. 85-102. 10.1109/JPROC.2014.2365517. Green open access

Guiazon, RF; Wong, K-K; Wisely, D; (2014) Capacity Analysis of Interference Alignment With Bounded CSI Uncertainty. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters , 3 (5) 505 - 508. 10.1109/LWC.2014.2344656. Green open access


Halai, S; (2014) Active target location using crossed-dipole based circular array FMCW radar. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Hari Narayanan, A; (2014) Developments in co-located MIMO radars for geophysical and terrestrial imaging applications. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).


Ives, DJ; Bayvel, P; Savory, SJ; (2014) Adapting Transmitter Power and Modulation Format to Improve Optical Network Performance Utilizing the Gaussian Noise Model of Nonlinear Impairments. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY , 32 (21) 4087 - 4096. 10.1109/JLT.2014.2346582. Green open access

Ives, DJ; Bayvel, P; Savory, SJ; (2014) Physical layer transmitter and routing optimization to maximize the traffic throughput of a nonlinear optical mesh network. In: 2014 International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling. (pp. 168 - 173). IEEE: Stockholm, Sweden. Green open access


James, R; Fukuda, J-I; (2014) Twist transition of nematic hyperbolic hedgehogs. Physical Review E , 89 (4) 10.1103/PhysRevE.89.042501. Green open access


Kassanos, P; Constantinou, L; Triantis, IF; Demosthenous, A; (2014) An Integrated Analog Readout for Multi-Frequency Bioimpedance Measurements. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL , 14 (8) 10.1109/JSEN.2014.2315963. Green open access

Katsaros, KV; Chai, WK; Vieira, B; Pavlou, G; (2014) Supporting Smart Electric Vehicle Charging with Information-Centric Networking. In: Proceedings of the10th International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness. (pp. pp. 174-179). IEEE: Rhodes, Greece. Green open access

Katsaros, KV; Chai, WK; Wang, N; Pavlou, G; Bontius, H; Paolone, M; (2014) Information-Centric Networking for Machine-to-Machine Data Delivery: A Case Study in Smart Grid Applications. IEEE Network , 28 (3) pp. 58-64. 10.1109/MNET.2014.6843233. Green open access

Katsaros, KV; Saino, L; Psaras, I; Pavlou, G; (2014) On Information Exposure through Named Content. In: Proceedingd of the 10th International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness. (pp. pp. 152-157). IEEE: Rhodes, Greece. Green open access

Kawade, SS; (2014) Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing System: Regulatory, Technical and Stakeholder Perspectives. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Kenyon, AJ; Mehonic, A; (2014) New Paradigm Technology. International Innovation (136) 88 - 90. Green open access

Keylock, CJ; Ash, M; Vriend, N; Brennan, PV; McEwaine, JN; Sovilla, B; (2014) Looking inside an avalanche using a novel radar system. Geology Today , 30 (1) 21 - 25. 10.1111/gto.12033. Green open access

Khandaker, BMRA; Wong, K-K; (2014) SWIPT in MISO Multicasting Systems. IEEE Wireless Commun. Letters , 3 277-280 . 10.1109/WCL.2014.030514.140057. Green open access

Kitching, H; Kenyon, AJ; Parkin, IP; (2014) The interaction of gold and silver nanoparticles with a range of anionic and cationic dyes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics , 16 6050 - 6059. 10.1039/C3CP55366C. Green open access

Konstantinou, G; (2014) Acousto-optic Lens Control: a frequency synthesiser for random access microscopy and wavefront engineering. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Kumar, S; Thomas, KJ; Smith, LW; Pepper, M; Creeth, GL; Farrer, I; Ritchie, D; ... Griffiths, J; + view all (2014) Many-body effects in a quasi-one-dimensional electron gas. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , 90 , Article 201304(R). 10.1103/PhysRevB.90.201304. Green open access


Lachhani, K; Duan, J; Baghsiahi, H; Willman, E; Selviah, DR; (2014) Error Metric for Indoor 3D Point Cloud Registration. In: Coleman, S and Gardiner, B and Kerr, D, (eds.) Proceedings: IMVIP 2014: 2014 Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing. (pp. pp. 34-42). IPRCS Irish Pattern Recognition and Classification Society: Derry-Londonderry, UK. Green open access

Lam, P; (2014) The Effect of Rapid Thermal Annealing on InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Solar Cells. IET Optoelectronics Green open access

Lam, P; Hatch, S; Wu, J; Tang, M; Dorogan, VG; Mazur, YI; Salamo, GJ; ... Liu, H; + view all (2014) Voltage recovery in charged InAs/GaAs quantum dot solar cells. NANO ENERGY , 6 159 - 166. 10.1016/j.nanoen.2014.03.016. Green open access

Lam, P; Wu, J; Tang, M; Jiang, Q; Hatch, S; Beanland, R; Wilson, J; ... Liu, H; + view all (2014) Submonolayer InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot solar cells. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS , 126 83 - 87. 10.1016/j.solmat2014.03.046. Green open access

Lavdas, S; Zhao, S; Panoiu, NC; Driscoll, JB; Grote, RR; Osgood, RM; (2014) Wavelength conversion and parametric amplification of optical pulses via quasi-phase-matched four-wave mixing in long-period Bragg silicon waveguides. Optics Letters , 39 (13) 4017 - 4020. 10.1364/OL.39.004017. Green open access

Lavdas, S; Panoiu, NC; Driscoll, JB; Grote, RR; Osgood Jr, RM; (2014) Quasi-phase-matched four-wave-mixing of optical pulses in periodically modulated silicon photonic wires. In: Proceedings of SPIE. Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers Green open access

Li, J; Taylor, A; Papakonstantinou, I; Zhang, E; Beard, P; (2014) Highly sensitive optical microresonator sensors for photoacoustic imaging. In: Oraevsky, AA and Wang, LV, (eds.) Proceedings of the Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2014. (pp. 89430C-1-89430C-10). SPIE: San Francisco, CA, United States. Green open access

Liu, Z; Kakande, J; Kelly, B; O'Carroll, J; Phelan, R; Richardson, DJ; Slavik, R; (2014) Modulator-free quadrature amplitude modulation signal synthesis. Nature Communications , 5 , Article 5911. 10.1038/ncomms6911. Green open access


Macfaden, AJ; Reno, JL; Brener, I; Mitrofanov, O; (2014) 3 mu m aperture probes for near-field terahertz transmission microscopy. Applied Physics Letters , 104 (1) , Article 011110. 10.1063/1.4861621. Green open access

Manzalini, A; Saracco, R; Buyukkoc, C; Chemouil, P; Kukliński, S; Gladisch, A; Fukui, M; ... Mueller, J; + view all (2014) Software-Defined Networks for Future Networks and Services: Main Technical Challenges and Business Implications. (IEEE SDN Initiative White Paper ). IEEE: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Marantis, L; (2014) Spherical array antennas for LEO Satellite communications. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Masouros, C; (2014) Improving the Diversity of Spatial Modulation in MISO Channels by Phase Alignment. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS , 18 (5) 729 - 732. 10.1109/LCOMM.2014.031414.140233. Green open access

Masouros, C; Sellathurai, M; Ratnarajah, T; (2014) Maximizing Energy Efficiency in the Vector Precoded MU-MISO Downlink by Selective Perturbation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS , 13 (9) 4974 - 4984. 10.1109/TWC.2014.2329480. Green open access

McKinley, AF; (2014) The Physics and Mathematical Theory of Nano-Scaled Ring Resonators and Loop Antennas. Doctoral thesis , Australian National University. Green open access

Mehonic, A; (2014) Resistive Switching in Silicon-rich Silicon Oxide. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Meng, X; Grote, RR; Osgood, RM; Dadap, JI; Panoiu, NC; (2014) Engineering metal-nanoantennae/dye complexes for maximum fluorescence enhancement. Optics Express , 22 (18) 22018 - 22030. 10.1364/OE.22.022018. Green open access

Mitchell, JE; (2014) Integrated Wireless Backhaul Over Optical Access Networks. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY , 32 (20) 3373 - 3382. 10.1109/JLT.2014.2321774. Green open access

Mitchell, JE; Thakur, M; Mikroulis, S; (2014) Investigation of a robust remote heterodyne envelope detector scheme for cost-efficient E-PON / 60 GHz wireless integration. In: Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2014 16th International Conference on. IEEE Green open access

Mitchell, JE; Thakur, M; Renaud, C; Mikroulis, S; (2014) DWDM-PON/mm-Wave wireless converged Next Generation Access Topology using coherent heterodyne detection. In: Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2014 16th International Conference on. IEEE Green open access

Mitchell, JE; Tilley, E; Peters, J; (2014) Teaching self-awareness, diversity and reflection to support an integrated engineering curriculum augmented with problem and scenario-based learning. In: Proceedings of SEFI 2014. SEFI- European Society for Engineering Education: Birmingham, UK. Green open access

Moskvitch, K; (2014) When light listens to your every step: Distributed acoustic sensing. Physics World , 27 (8) pp. 29-31. 10.1088/2058-7058/27/08/37. Green open access

Moss, GWJ; Del Linz, SJ; Willman, EJ; Caldwell, M; Klenerman, D; Fernández, FA; (2014) Contact-free scanning and imaging with the scanning ion conductance microscope. Analytical Chemistry , 86 (5) pp. 2353-2360. 10.1021/ac402748j. Green open access

Mosse, CA; Colchester, RJ; Bhachu, DS; Zhang, EZ; Papakonstantinou, I; Desjardins, AE; (2014) Fiber-optic Ultrasound Transducers with Carbon/PDMS Composite Coatings. In: Oraevsky, AA and Wang, LV, (eds.) Proceedings of SPIE Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2014. (pp. 89430P-1). SPIE: San Francisco, CA, United States. Green open access

Mussina, R; Selviah, DR; Fernandez, FA; Tijhuis, AG; de Hon, BP; (2014) A Rapid Accurate Technique to Calculate the Group Delay, Dispersion and Dispersion Slope of Arbitrary Radial Refractive Index Profile Weakly-Guiding Optical Fibers. PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH-PIER , 145 93 - 113. 10.2528/PIER13031203. Green open access


Oladipo, AO; Lavdas, S; Panoiu, NC; Lucibello, A; Sardi, GM; Proietti, E; Marcelli, R; ... Kienberger, F; + view all (2014) Analysis of a transmission mode scanning microwave microscope for subsurface imaging at the nanoscale. Applied Physics Letters , 105 (13) , Article 133112 . 10.1063/1.4897278. Green open access


Pin, Gilberto; Chen, Boli; Parisini, Thomas; (2014) A Nonlinear Adaptive Observer with Excitation-based Switching. In: 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. (pp. pp. 4391-4398). IEEE Green open access

Pin, Gilberto; Chen, Boli; Parisini, Thomas; Bodson, Marc; (2014) Robust Sinusoid Identification With Structured and Unstructured Measurement Uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 59 (6) pp. 1588-1593. 10.1109/TAC.2013.2293415. Green open access

Pin, Gilberto; Karimi-Ghartemani, Masoud; Chen, Boli; Parisini, Thomas; (2014) Sinusoidal Signal Estimation from a Noisy-Biased Measurement by an Enhanced PLL with Generalized Error Filtering. In: 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. (pp. pp. 4071-4076). IEEE: Los Angeles, CA, USA. Green open access

Pluntke, C; (2014) Modelling users in networks with path choice: four studies in telecommunications and transit. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Psaras, I; Chai, WK; Pavlou, G; (2014) In-Network Cache Management and Resource Allocation for Information-Centric Networks. IEEE Transactions On Parallel And Distributed Systems , 25 (11) pp. 2920-2931. 10.1109/TPDS.2013.304. Green open access

Psaras, I; Saino, L; Arumaithurai, M; Ramakrishnan, KK; Pavlou, G; (2014) Name-Based Replication Priorities in Disaster Cases. In: 2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). (pp. pp. 434-439). IEEE Green open access

Psaras, I; Saino, L; Pavlou, G; (2014) Revisiting Resource Pooling: The Case for In-Network Resource Sharing. In: Katz-Bassett, E and Heidemann, JS and Godfrey, B and Feldmann, A, (eds.) HotNets-XIII: Proceedings of the 13th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks. ACM: New York, USA. Green open access


Razavi, SM; Ratnarajah, T; Masouros, C; (2014) Transmit-Power Efficient Linear Precoding Utilizing Known Interference for the Multiantenna Downlink. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY , 63 (9) 4383 - 4394. 10.1109/TVT.2014.2317716. Green open access

Redondi, A; Buranapanichkit, D; Cesana, M; Tagliasacchi, M; Andreopoulos, Y; (2014) Energy consumption of visual sensor networks: impact of spatio-temporal coverage. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology , 24 (12) pp. 2117-2131. 10.1109/TCSVT.2014.2329378. Green open access

Ren, S; Deligiannis, N; Andreopoulos, Y; Islam, MA; van der Schaar, M; (2014) Dynamic Scheduling for Energy Minimization in Delay-Sensitive Stream Mining. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , 62 (20) pp. 5439-5448. 10.1109/TSP.2014.2347260. Green open access


Saino, L; Psaras, I; Pavlou, G; (2014) Icarus: a caching simulator for information centric networking (ICN). In: Barros, F and Perumalla, K and Ewald, R, (eds.) Proceedings of SIMUTools 2014: 7th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques. (pp. pp. 66-75). ICST: Lisbon, Portugal. Green open access

Selviah, DR; (2014) Advanced interconnect backplanes for cloud computing and data centres. Presented at: UNSPECIFIED. Green open access

Selviah, DR; Baghsiahi, H; Wang, K; Tao, R; (2014) Optical Interconnects: Test and Measurement. Presented at: EPIC Symposium on Optical Interconnect in Data Centers, Berlin, Germany. Green open access

Selviah, DR; Baghsiahi, H; Wang, K; (2014) End facet roughness and coupling loss. Presented at: International Electrotechnical Commission IEC Annual International Conference, IEC SC86B JWG9, Charlotte USA. Green open access

Selviah, DR; Baghsiahi, H; Wang, K; (2014) End facet roughness and coupling loss. Presented at: International Electrotechnical Commission IEC Annual International Conference IEC SC 86B WG 4, Charlotte USA. Green open access

Selviah, DR; Tao, R; (2014) Far Field Measurement of light diverging from multimode optical fibres and encircled angular flux. Presented at: International Electrotechnical Commission IEC/SC 86B WG 4 meeting, Ixtapa, Mexico. Green open access

Selviah, DR; Tao, R; (2014) Far Field Measurement of light diverging from multimode optical fibres and encircled angular flux. Presented at: International Electrotechnical Commission IEC/SC 86B JWG 9 meeting, Ixtapa, Mexico. Green open access

Shi, X; Chen, X; Ye, F; Malomed, BA; Panoiu, NC; (2014) Anderson localization at the subwavelength scale for surface plasmon polaritons in disordered arrays of metallic nanowires. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , 89 (19) , Article 195428. 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.195428. Green open access


Tan, B; Woodbridge, K; Chetty, K; (2014) A real-time high resolution passive WiFi Doppler-radar and its applications. In: 2014 International Radar Conference (Radar). (pp. pp. 1-6). IEEE: Lille, France. Green open access

Tasiopoulos, AG; Psaras, I; Pavlou, G; (2014) Mind the gap: modelling video delivery under expected periods of disconnection. In: Gerla, M and Passarella, A, (eds.) CHANTS '14: Proceedings of the 9th ACM MobiCom Workshop on Challenged Networks. (pp. pp. 13-18). ACM: New York, USA. Green open access

Taveira Araújo, J; (2014) Traffic Re-engineering: Extending Resource Pooling Through the Application of Re-feedback. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Thompson, RJ; (2014) Topographical, chemical and optical studies of single crystal rubrene. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Tilley, E; Peters, J; Mitchell, JE; (2014) Teaching self-awareness, diversity and reflection to support an integrated engineering curriculum augmented with problem and scenario-based learning. In: (Proceedings) SEFI 2014: Educating Engineers for Global Competitiveness: 42nd European Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, 15-19 September 2014, Birmingham, UK. (pp. No. 133). European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) Green open access

Toni, L; Aparicio-Pardo, R; Simon, G; Blanc, A; Frossard, P; (2014) Optimal set of video representations in adaptive streaming. In: Zimmermann, R, (ed.) MMSys '14: Proceedings of the 5th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference. (pp. pp. 271-282). ACM: New York, USA. Green open access

Toni, L; Maugey, T; Frossard, P; (2014) Correlation-aware packet scheduling in multi-camera networks. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia , 16 (2) pp. 496-509. 10.1109/TMM.2013.2291531. Green open access

Tummeltshammer, C; Taylor, A; Kenyon, AJ; Papakonstantinou, I; (2014) Homeotropic alignment and Förster resonance energy transfer: the way to a brighter luminescent solar concentrator. Journal of Applied Physics , 116 , Article 173103. 10.1063/1.4900986. Green open access

Tuncer, D; Charalambides, M; El-Ezhabi, H; Pavlou, G; (2014) A Hybrid Management Substrate Structure for Adaptive Network Resource Management. In: 2014 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS): Proceedings. IEEE Green open access

Tutu, FKK; (2014) InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Solar Cells. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


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