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Aligianni, S; Lackner, DH; Klier, S; Rustici, G; Wilhelm, BT; Marguerat, S; Codlin, S; ... Bahler, J; + view all (2009) The Fission Yeast Homeodomain Protein Yox1p Binds to MBF and Confines MBF-Dependent Cell-Cycle Transcription to G1-S via Negative Feedback. PLoS Genetics , 5 (8) , Article e1000626. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000626. Green open access

Asante, CO; Wallace, VC; Dickenson, AH; (2009) Formalin-induced behavioural hypersensitivity and neuronal hyperexcitability are mediated by rapid protein synthesis at the spinal level. Molecular Pain , 5 (27) -. 10.1186/1744-8069-5-27. Green open access

Attfield, S; Fegan, S; Blandford, A; (2009) Idea generation and material consolidation: Tool use and intermediate artefacts in journalistic writing. Cognition, Technology and Work , 11 (3) pp. 227-239. 10.1007/s10111-008-0111-6. Green open access

Au, C; Benedetto, A; Anderson, J; Labrousse, A; Erikson, K; Ewbank, JJ; Aschner, M; (2009) SMF-1, SMF-2 and SMF-3 DMT1 Orthologues Regulate and Are Regulated Differentially by Manganese Levels in C. elegans. PLOS ONE , 4 (11) , Article e7792. 10.1371/journal.pone.0007792. Green open access

Bauer, C; Nieto-Rostro, M; Rahman, W; Tran-Van-Minh, A; Ferron, L; Douglas, L; Kadurin, I; ... Dolphin, AC; + view all (2009) The Increased Trafficking of the Calcium Channel Subunit α₂δ-1 o Presynaptic Terminals in Neuropathic Pain Is Inhibited by the α₂δ Ligand Pregabalin. Journal of Neuroscience , 29 (13) 4076 - 4088. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0356-09.2009. Green open access

Berkes, P; Turner, RE; Sahani, M; (2009) A Structured Model of Video Reproduces Primary Visual Cortical Organisation. PLOS COMPUT BIOL , 5 (9) , Article e1000495. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000495. Green open access

Bourlat, SJ; Rota-Stabelli, O; Lanfear, R; Telford, MJ; (2009) The mitochondrial genome structure of Xenoturbella bocki (phylum Xenoturbellida) is ancestral within the deuterostomes. BMC Evolutionary Biology , 9 (May 20) , Article 107. 10.1186/1471-2148-9-107. Green open access

Burnstock, G; (2009) Purinergic mechanosensory transduction and visceral pain. Molecular Pain , 5 , Article 69. 10.1186/1744-8069-5-69. Green open access

Burnstock, G; (2009) Purinergic signalling: past, present and future. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research , 42 (1) pp. 3-8. Green open access

Cantley, J; Selman, C; Shukla, D; Abramov, AY; Forstreuter, F; Esteban, MA; Claret, M; ... Withers, DJ; + view all (2009) Deletion of the von Hippel–Lindau gene in pancreatic β cells impairs glucose homeostasis in mice. Journal of Clinical Investigation , 119 (1) pp. 125-135. 10.1172/JCI26934. Green open access

Chatterjee, H; Vreeland, S; Noble, G; (2009) Museopathy: Exploring the Healing Potential of Handling Museum Objects. Museum and Society , 7 (3) pp. 164-177. Green open access

Chatterjee, HJ; Ho, SYW; Barnes, I; Groves, C; (2009) Estimating the phylogeny and divergence times of primates using a supermatrix approach. BMC EVOL BIOL , 9 , Article 259. 10.1186/1471-2148-9-259. Green open access

Chavan, SS; Bauer, MA; Scutari, M; Nagarajan, R; (2009) NATbox: a network analysis toolbox in R. BMC BIOINFORMATICS , 10 (Su , Article S14. 10.1186/1471-2105-10-S11-S14. Green open access

Christie, D; Strange, V; Allen, E; Oliver, S; Wong, ICK; Smith, F; Cairns, J; ... Elbourne, D; + view all (2009) Maximising engagement, motivation and long term change in a Structured Intensive Education Programme in Diabetes for children, young people and their families: Child and Adolescent Structured Competencies Approach to Diabetes Education (CASCADE). BMC Pediatrics , 9 , Article 57. 10.1186/1471-2431-9-57. Green open access

Corney, D; Haynes, JD; Rees, G; Lotto, RB; (2009) The Brightness of Colour. PLOS ONE , 4 (3) , Article e5091. 10.1371/journal.pone.0005091. Green open access

Croucher, NJ; Fookes, MC; Perkins, TT; Turner, DJ; Marguerat, SB; Keane, T; Quail, MA; ... Thomson, NR; + view all (2009) A simple method for directional transcriptome sequencing using Illumina technology. Nucleic Acids Research , 37 (22) , Article e148. 10.1093/nar/gkp811. Green open access

Curtis, N; Fagan, MJ; Jones, MEH; Evans, SE; O'Higgins, P; (2009) Visualising muscle anatomy using three-dimensional computer models - an example using the head and neck muscles of Sphenodon. Palaeontologia Electronica , 12 (3) , Article 12.3.7T. Green open access

Dahlan, A; Alpar, HO; Stickings, P; Sesardic, D; Murdan, S; (2009) Transcutaneous immunisation assisted by low-frequency ultrasound. Int J Pharm , 368 (1-2) 123 - 128. 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2008.10.014. Green open access

den Eynden, JV; Ali, SS; Horwood, N; Carman, S; Brone, B; Hellings, N; Steels, P; ... Rigo, JM; + view all (2009) Glycine and glycine receptor signalling in non-neuronal cells. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience , 2 , Article 9. 10.3389/neuro.02.009.2009. Green open access

Eleftherohorinou, H; Wright, V; Hoggart, C; Hartikainen, AL; Jarvelin, MR; Balding, D; Coin, L; (2009) Pathway Analysis of GWAS Provides New Insights into Genetic Susceptibility to 3 Inflammatory Diseases. PLOS ONE , 4 (11) , Article e8068. 10.1371/journal.pone.0008068. Green open access

Franklin, BD; Taxis, K; Barber, N; (2009) Parenteral drug errors Reported error rates are likely to be underestimation. [Letter]. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL , 338 , Article b1814. 10.1136/bmj.b1814. Green open access

Freeman, E; Verghese, P; (2009) Peeling Plaids Apart: Context Counteracts Cross-Orientation Contrast Masking. PLOS ONE , 4 (12) , Article e8123. 10.1371/journal.pone.0008123. Green open access

Fuentemilla, L; Camara, E; Müunte, T; F, C; T, M-P; J, T; C, R-F; (2009) Individual differences in true and false memory retrieval are related to white matter brain microstructure. Journal of Neuroscience , 29 (27) 8698 - 8703. Green open access

Gardner, B; Davidson, R; McAteer, J; Michie, S; Evidence Recommendations Study Grp; (2009) A method for studying decision-making by guideline development groups. Implementation Science , 4 , Article 48. 10.1186/1748-5908-4-48. Green open access

Garfield, S; Barber, N; Walley, P; Willson, A; Eliasson, L; (2009) Quality of medication use in primary care--mapping the problem, working to a solution: a systematic review of the literature. BMC Med , 7 , Article 50. 10.1186/1741-7015-7-50. Green open access

Gerbault, P; Moret, C; Currat, M; Sanchez-Mazas, A; (2009) Impact of Selection and Demography on the Diffusion of Lactase Persistence. PLOS ONE , 4 (7) , Article e6369. 10.1371/journal.pone.0006369. Green open access

Gilbert, SJ; Meuwese, JDI; Towgood, KJ; Frith, CD; Burgess, PW; (2009) Abnormal functional specialization within medial prefrontal cortex in high-functioning autism: a multi-voxel similarity analysis. BRAIN , 132 869 - 878. 10.1093/brain/awn365. Green open access

Grandison, RC; Piper, MDW; Partridge, L; (2009) Amino-acid imbalance explains extension of lifespan by dietary restriction in Drosophila. Nature , 462 (7276) 1061 - 1065. 10.1038/nature08619. Green open access

Grandison, RC; Wong, R; Bass, TM; Partridge, L; Piper, MDW; (2009) Effect of a Standardised Dietary Restriction Protocol on Multiple Laboratory Strains of Drosophila melanogaster. PLOS ONE , 4 (1) , Article e4067. 10.1371/journal.pone.0004067. Green open access

Gurel, Guliz; Blaha, Gregor; Steitz, Thomas A; Moore, Peter B; (2009) Structures of Triacetyloleandomycin and Mycalamide A Bind to the Large Ribosomal Subunit of Haloarcula marismortui. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy , 53 (12) pp. 5010-5014. 10.1128/AAC.00817-09. Green open access

Hall, CN; Garthwaite, J; (2009) What is the real physiological NO concentration in vivo? [Review]. Nitric Oxide , 21 (2) 92 - 103. 10.1016/j.niox.2009.07.002. Green open access

Harvey, VL; Caley, A; Müller, UC; Harvey, RJ; Dickenson, AH; (2009) A Selective Role for alpha3 Subunit Glycine Receptors in Inflammatory Pain. Front Mol Neurosci , 2 , Article 14. 10.3389/neuro.02.014.2009. Green open access

Harvey, VL; Dickenson, AH; (2009) Behavioural and electrophysiological characterisation of experimentally induced osteoarthritis and neuropathy in C57Bl/6 mice. Molecular Pain , 5 , Article 18. 10.1186/1744-8069-5-18. Green open access

Hathway, GJ; Vega-Avelaira, D; Moss, A; Ingram, R; Fitzgerald, M; (2009) Brief, low frequency stimulation of rat peripheral C-fibres evokes prolonged microglial-induced central sensitization in adults but not in neonates. Pain , 144 (1-2) 110 - 118. 10.1016/j.pain.2009.03.022. Green open access

Hoeppner, MP; White, S; Jeffares, DC; Poole, AM; (2009) Evolutionarily Stable Association of Intronic snoRNAs and microRNAs with Their Host Genes. Genome Biology and Evolution , 1 420 - 428. 10.1093/gbe/evp045. Green open access

Horne, R; Kovacs, C; Katlama, C; Clotet, B; Fumaz, CR; Youle, M; Kulasegaram, R; ... Tsoukas, C; + view all (2009) Prescribing and using self-injectable antiretrovirals: how concordant are physician and patient perspectives? AIDS Res Ther , 6 2 -. 10.1186/1742-6405-6-2. Green open access

Horne, R; Petrie, KJ; Wessely, S; (2009) H-index pathology: Implications for medical researchers and practitioners. BMJ (Online) , 339 (7735) , Article b5356. 10.1136/bmj.b5356. Green open access

Houston, CM; Bright, DP; Sivilotti, LG; Beato, M; Smart, TG; (2009) Intracellular Chloride Ions Regulate the Time Course of GABA-Mediated Inhibitory Synaptic Transmission. The Journal of Neuroscience , 29 (33) 10416 - 10423. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1670-09.2009. Green open access

Huang, Z; Walker, MC; Shah, MM; (2009) Loss of Dendritic HCN1 Subunits Enhances Cortical Excitability and Epileptogenesis. J NEUROSCI , 29 (35) 10979 - 10988. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1531-09.2009. Green open access

Itan, Y; Powell, A; Beaumont, MA; Burger, J; Thomas, MG; (2009) The Origins of Lactase Persistence in Europe. PLoS Computational Biology , 5 (8) , Article e1000491. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000491. Green open access

Izarzugaza, JMG; Baresic, A; McMillan, LEM; Yeats, C; Clegg, AB; Orengo, CA; Martin, ACR; (2009) An integrated approach to the interpretation of Single Amino Acid Polymorphisms within the framework of CATH and Gene3D. BMC BIOINFORMATICS , 10 , Article S5. 10.1186/1471-2105-10-S8-S5. Green open access

Jones, MEH; Curtis, N; O'Higgins, P; Fagan, M; Evans, SE; (2009) The head and neck muscles associated with feeding in sphenodon (Reptilia: Lepidosauria: Rhynchocephalia). Palaeontologia Electronica , 12 (2) , Article 12.2.7A. Green open access

Kabiljo, R; Clegg, AB; Shepherd, AJ; (2009) A realistic assessment of methods for extracting gene/protein interactions from free text. BMC BIOINFORMATICS , 10 , Article 233. 10.1186/1471-2105-10-233. Green open access

Kadosh, RC; Walsh, V; (2009) Non-abstract numerical representations in the IPS: Further support, challenges, and clarifications Authors' Response. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 32 (3-4) 356 - 373. 10.1017/S0140525X09990987. Green open access

Kadosh, RC; Walsh, V; (2009) Numerical representation in the parietal lobes: Abstract or not abstract? BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 32 (3-4) 313 -328. 10.1017/S0140525X09990938. Green open access

Lapraz, F; Besnardeau, L; Lepage, T; (2009) Patterning of the Dorsal-Ventral Axis in Echinoderms: Insights into the Evolution of the BMP-Chordin Signaling Network. PLoS Biology , 7 (11) , Article e1000248. 10.1371/journal.pbio.1000248. Green open access

Lawrenson, K; Gayther, SA; (2009) Ovarian Cancer: A Clinical Challenge That Needs Some Basic Answers. PLoS Medicine , 6 (2) , Article e1000025. 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000025. Green open access

Lever, C; Burton, S; Jeewajee, A; O'Keefe, J; Burgess, N; (2009) Boundary vector cells in the subiculum of the hippocampal formation. Journal of Neuroscience , 29 (31) 9771 - 9777. 10.1523/​JNEUROSCI.1319-09.2009. Green open access

Long, P; Mercer, A; Begum, R; Stephens, GJ; Sihra, TS; Jovanovic, JN; (2009) Nerve Terminal GABA(A) Receptors Activate Ca2+/Calmodulin-dependent Signaling to Inhibit Voltage-gated Ca2+ Influx and Glutamate Release. Journal of Biological Chemistry , 284 (13) 8717 - 8728. 10.1074/jbc.M805322200. Green open access

Losito, O; Szijgyarto, Z; Resnick, AC; Saiardi, A; (2009) Inositol pyrophosphates and their unique metabolic complexity: analysis by gel electrophoresis. PLoS One , 4 (5) , Article e5580. 10.1371/journal.pone.0005580. Green open access

Marks, J; Debnam, E; Unwin, R; (2009) New insights into phosphate homeostasis. British Journal of Renal Medicine , 14 (1) pp. 4-7. Green open access

Mozaffari, M; Hoogeveen-Westerveld, M; Kwiatkowski, D; Sampson, J; Ekong, R; Povey, S; den Dunnen, JT; ... Nellist, M; + view all (2009) Identification of a region required for TSC1 stability by functional analysis of TSC1 missense mutations found in individuals with tuberous sclerosis complex. BMC Medical Genetics , 10 , Article 88. 10.1186/1471-2350-10-88. Green open access

Muallem, D; Vergani, P; (2009) ATP hydrolysis-driven gating in cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (series B) , 364 (1514) 247 - 255. 10.1098/rstb.2008.0191. Green open access

Murdan, S; (2009) Painting Medicines on the Nail. [Magazine_article]. London Sharad Utsav Pujo Brochure 28 - 28. Green open access

Murphy, S; Winship, A; Dabin, W; Jepson, PD; Deaville, R; Reid, RJ; Spurrier, C; ... Northridge, SP; + view all (2009) Importance of biological parameters in assessing the status of Delphinus delphis. Marine Ecology Progress Series , 388 pp. 273-291. 10.3354/meps08129. Green open access

Newhouse, S; Farrall, M; Wallace, C; Hoti, M; Burke, B; Howard, P; Onipinla, A; ... Munroe, PB; + view all (2009) Polymorphisms in the WNK1 Gene Are Associated with Blood Pressure Variation and Urinary Potassium Excretion. PLOS ONE , 4 (4) , Article e5003. 10.1371/journal.pone.0005003. Green open access

Newhouse, S; Farrall, M; Wallace, C; Hoti, M; Burke, B; Howard, P; Onipinla, A; ... Munroe, PB; + view all (2009) Polymorphisms in the WNK1 gene are asociated with blood pressure variation and urinary potassium excretion. PLoS ONE , 4 (4) , Article e5003. 10.1371/journal.pone.0005003. Green open access

Nguyen, D; Deng, P; Matthews, EA; Kim, DS; Feng, GP; Dickenson, AH; Xu, ZC; (2009) Enhanced pre-synaptic glutamate release in deep-dorsal horn contributes to calcium channel alpha-2-delta-1 protein-mediated spinal sensitization and behavioral hypersensitivity. Molecular Pain , 5 , Article 6. 10.1186/1744-8069-5-6. Green open access

Picker, A; Cavodeassi, F; Machate, A; Bernauer, S; Hans, S; Abe, G; Kawakami, K; ... Brand, M; + view all (2009) Dynamic Coupling of Pattern Formation and Morphogenesis in the Developing Vertebrate Retina. PLOS BIOL , 7 (10) , Article e1000214. 10.1371/journal.pbio.1000214. Green open access

Pinner, S; Jordan, P; Sharrock, K; Bazley, L; Collinson, L; Marais, R; Bonvin, E; ... Sahai, E; + view all (2009) Intravital Imaging Reveals Transient Changes in Pigment Production and Brn2 Expression during Metastatic Melanoma Dissemination. Cancer Research , 69 (20) pp. 7969-7977. 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-09-0781. Green open access

Pinner, SE; Sahai, E; (2009) Integrin-independent movement of immune cells. F1000 Biology Reports , 1 , Article 67. 10.3410/B1-67. Green open access

Powell, A; Shennan, S; Thomas, MG; (2009) Late Pleistocene Demography and the Appearance of Modern Human Behavior. Science , 324 (5932) 1298 - 1301. 10.1126/science.1170165. Green open access

Rahman, W; Bauer, CS; Bannister, K; Vonsy, JL; Dolphin, AC; Dickenson, AH; (2009) Descending serotonergic facilitation and the antinociceptive effects of pregabalin in a rat model of osteoarthritic pain. Molecular Pain , 5 , Article 45. 10.1186/1744-8069-5-45. Green open access

Raychaudhuri, S; Plenge, RM; Rossin, EJ; Altshuler, D; Daly, MJ; Purcell, SM; Sklar, P; ... Macedo, A; + view all (2009) Identifying relationships among genomic disease regions: Predicting genes at pathogenic SNP associations and rare deletions. PLoS Genetics , 5 (6) , Article e1000534. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000534. Green open access

Redfern, OC; Dessailly, BH; Dallman, TJ; Sillitoe, I; Orengo, CA; (2009) FLORA: A Novel Method to Predict Protein Function from Structure in Diverse Superfamilies. PLOS COMPUT BIOL , 5 (8) , Article e1000485. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000485. Green open access

Schwarz, Q; Maden, CH; Davidson, K; Ruhrberg, C; (2009) Neuropilin-mediated neural crest cell guidance is essential to organise sensory neurons into segmented dorsal root ganglia. DEVELOPMENT , 136 (11) 1785 - 1789. 10.1242/dev.034322. Green open access

Sehadova, H; Glaser, FT; Gentile, C; Simoni, A; Giesecke, A; Albert, JT; Stanewsky, R; (2009) Temperature Entrainment of Drosophila's Circadian Clock Involves the Gene nocte and Signaling from Peripheral Sensory Tissues to the Brain. Neuron , 64 (2) 251 - 266. 10.1016/j.neuron.2009.08.026. Green open access

Sujkovic, E; Mileusnic, R; Fry, JP; (2009) Metabolism of neuroactive steroids in day-old chick brain. Journal of Neurochemistry , 109 (2) 348 - 359. 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2009.05965.x. Green open access

Szabo, Z; Lőrincz, A; (2009) Complex Independent Process Analysis. Acta Cybernetica , 19 177 - 190. Green open access

Takeuchi, F; McGinnis, R; Bourgeois, S; Barnes, C; Eriksson, N; Soranzo, N; Whittaker, P; ... Deloukas, P; + view all (2009) A genome-wide association study confirms VKORC1, CYP2C9, and CYP4F2 as principal genetic determinants of warfarin dose. PLoS Genet , 5 (3) e1000433. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000433. Green open access

Tazzyman, SJ; Pizzari, T; Seymour, RM; Pomiankowski, A; (2009) The Evolution of Continuous Variation in Ejaculate Expenditure Strategy. The American Naturalist , 174 (3) E71 - E82. 10.1086/603612. Green open access

Tibber, MS; Anderson, EJ; Melmoth, DR; Rees, G; Morgan, MJ; (2009) Common Cortical Loci Are Activated during Visuospatial Interpolation and Orientation Discrimination Judgements. PLOS ONE , 4 (2) , Article e4585. 10.1371/journal.pone.0004585. Green open access

Vega-Avelaira, D; Geranton, SM; Fitzgerald, M; (2009) Differential regulation of immune responses and macrophage/neuron interactions in the dorsal root ganglion in young and adult rats following nerve injury. Molecular Pain , 5 , Article 70. 10.1186/1744-8069-5-70. Green open access

Waessle, H; Heinze, L; Ivanova, E; Majumdar, S; Weiss, J; Harvey, RJ; (2009) Glycinergic transmission in the mammalian retina. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience , 2 , Article 6. 10.3389/neuro.02.006.2009. Green open access

Waghabi, MC; Coutinho-Silva, R; Feige, JJ; Higuchi, MD; Becker, D; Burnstock, G; de Araujo-Jorge, TC; (2009) Gap junction reduction in cardiomyocytes following transforming growth factor- beta treatment and Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz , 104 (8) pp. 1083-1090. Green open access

Wagner, MV; Smolka, MB; de Bruin, RAM; Zhou, HL; Wittenberg, C; Dowdy, SF; (2009) Whi5 Regulation by Site Specific CDK-Phosphorylation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PLOS ONE , 4 (1) , Article e4300. 10.1371/journal.pone.0004300. Green open access

Warwick, C; Galina, I; Rimmer, J; Terras, M; Blandford, A; Gow, J; Buchanan, G; (2009) Documentation and the users of digital resources in the humanities. J DOC , 65 (1) 33 - 57. 10.1108/00220410910926112. Green open access

Warwick, C; Rimmer, J; Blandford, A; Gow, J; Buchanan, G; (2009) Cognitive Economy and Satisficing in Information Seeking: A Longitudinal Study of Undergraduate Information Behavior. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology , 60 (12) pp. 2402-2415. 10.1002/asi.21179. Green open access

Watt, AJ; Cuntz, H; Mori, M; Nusser, Z; Sjostrom, PJ; Hausser, M; (2009) Traveling waves in developing cerebellar cortex mediated by asymmetrical Purkinje cell connectivity. Nature Neuroscience , 12 (4) 463 - 473. 10.1038/nn.2285. Green open access

Wong, R; Piper, MDW; Wertheim, B; Partridge, L; (2009) Quantification of Food Intake in Drosophila. PLOS ONE , 4 (6) , Article e6063. 10.1371/journal.pone.0006063. Green open access

Wu, JH; Xu, H; Dayan, P; Qian, N; (2009) The Role of Background Statistics in Face Adaptation. The Journal of Neuroscience , 29 (39) 12035- 12044. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2346-09.2009. Green open access

Wujastyk, D; (2009) A Body Of Knowledge: The Wellcome Ayurvedic Anatomical Man And His Sanskrit Context. Asian Med (Leiden) , 4 (1) pp. 201-248. 10.1163/157342109X423793. Green open access

Wujastyk, D; (2009) Interpreting the Image of the Human Body in Pre-modern India. International Journal of Hindu Studies , 13 (2) pp. 189-228. 10.1007/s11407-009-9077-0. Green open access

Wuliji, T; Carter, S; Bates, I; (2009) Migration as a form of workforce attrition: A nine-country study of pharmacists. Human Resources for Health , 7 , Article 32. 10.1186/1478-4491-7-32. Green open access

Book chapter

Evans, Susan E; (2009) Evolution and Phylogeny of Amniotes. In: Binder, Marc D and Windhorst, Uwe and Hirokawa, Nobutaka, (eds.) Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. (pp. 1192-1194). Springer Berlin Heidelberg: Heidelberg, Germany. Green open access

Szabo, Z; (2009) Complete Blind Subspace Deconvolution. In: Adali, T and Jutten, C and Romano, JMT and Barros, AK, (eds.) Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation: 8th International Conference, ICA 2009, Paraty, Brazil, March 15-18, 2009. Proceedings. (138 - 145). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Green open access

Szabo, Z; Lőrincz, A; (2009) Controlled Complete ARMA Independent Process Analysis. In: IJCNN 2009. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2009. (3038 - 3045). IEEE Green open access

Szabo, Z; Lőrincz, A; (2009) Fast Parallel Estimation of High Dimensional Information Theoretical Quantities with Low Dimensional Random Projection Ensembles. In: Adali, T and Jutten, C and Romano, JMT and Barros, AK, (eds.) Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation: 8th International Conference, ICA 2009, Paraty, Brazil, March 15-18, 2009. Proceedings. (146 - 153). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Green open access

Proceedings paper

Crook, S; Silver, RA; Gleeson, P; (2009) Describing and exchanging models of neurons and neuronal networks with NeuroML. In: Eighteenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS*2009. BIOMED CENTRAL LTD Green open access

Faisal, S; Attfield, S; Blandford, A; (2009) A Classification of Sensemaking Representations. In: (Proceedings) CHI 2009 Workshop on Sensemaking. Green open access


Cornford, T; Dean, B; Savage, I; Barber, N; Jani, YH; (2009) Electronic prescribing in hospitals - challenges and lessons learned. NHS Connecting for Health: Leeds. Green open access


Szabo, Z; (2009) Separation Principles in Independent Process Analysis. Doctoral thesis , Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. Green open access


Roudi, Y; Nirenberg, S; Latham, PE; (2009) Pairwise Maximum Entropy Models for Studying Large Biological Systems: When They Can Work and When They Can't. UNSPECIFIED, US. Green open access

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