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Abdelnour, S; Saeed, AM; (2014) Technologizing Humanitarian Space: Darfur Advocacy and the Rape-Stove Panacea. International Political Sociology , 8 (2) pp. 145-163. 10.1111/ips.12049. Green open access

Addae-Dapaah, K; (2014) Housing Loan and the Price of Housing in Singapore. Journal of Business and Economics , 5 (9) pp. 1513-1524. 10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/09.05.2014/007. Green open access

Addae-Dapaah, K; (2014) Real Estate Market Cyclical Dynamics: The prime office sectors of Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Hong Kong. International Journal of Managerial Finance , 10 (2) pp. 241-262. 10.1108/IJMF-10-2013-0108. Green open access

Addae-Dapaah, K; Juan, QS; (2014) Life Satisfaction among Elderly Households in Public Rental Housing in Singapore. Health , 6 pp. 1057-1076. 10.4236/health.2014.610132. Green open access

Adler, I; Campos, L; Bell, SJ; (2014) Community participation in decentralised rainwater systems: A Mexican case study. In: Memon, FA and Ward, S, (eds.) Alternative Water Supply Systems. (pp. 117-130). IWA Publishing: London, UK. Green open access

Agbota, H; Strlič, M; Mitchell, JE; Odlyha, M; (2014) Remote assessment of cultural heritage environments with wireless sensor array networks. Sensors (Switzerland) , 14 (5) 8779 - 8793. 10.3390/s140508779. Green open access

Agnolucci, P; Drummond, PT; (2014) The Effect of Key EU Climate Policies on the EU Power Sector: An Analysis of the EU ETS, Renewable Electricity and Renewable Energy Directives. (CECILIA2050 WP2 Deliverable 2.1. ). Institute for Sustainable Resources, UCL: London, UK. Green open access

Agnolucci, P; Smith, T; Rehmatulla, N; (2014) Energy efficiency and time charter rates: Energy efficiency savings recovered by ship owners in the Panamax market. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice , 66 173 - 184. 10.1016/j.tra.2014.05.004. Green open access

Aitken, V; Bell, S; Hills, S; Rees, L; (2014) Public acceptability of indirect potable water reuse in the south-east of England. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply , 14 (5) pp. 875-885. 10.2166/ws.2014.051. Green open access

Al-Sayed, Kinda; (2014) Urban morphogenesis; how form-function complexity coupled temporal changes on street configurations in Manhattan and Barcelona over the past centuries. Doctoral thesis (PhD), UCL (University College London).

Alipour, R; Rehren, T; (2014) Persian Pūlād Production: Chāhak Tradition. Journal of Islamic Archaeology , 1 (2) 231 - 261. 10.1558/jia.v1i2.24174. Green open access

Almadhoob, H; Pryke, S; Badi, S; (2014) The Influence of Social Networks on Firm's Success, Survival and Growth: A Social Network Analysis investigation of SMEs in the Bahrain Construction Industry. Presented at: International Sunbelt Social Network Conference (Sunbelt XXXIV), St. Pete Beach, FL, USA. Green open access

Amygdalou, K; (2014) Building the Nation at the Crossroads of ‘East’ and ‘West’: Ernest Hébrard and Henri Prost in the Near East. Opticon 1826 (16) , Article 15. 10.5334/opt.bv. Green open access

Amygdalou, Kalliopi; (2014) A tale of two cities in search of a new identity: The politics of heritage and modernisation in early 20th-century Izmir and Thessaloniki. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Anciaes, PR; Boniface, S; Dhanani, A; (2014) Community Severance glossary. [Digital scholarly resource]. http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1540248/ Green open access

Anciaes, PR; Boniface, S; Dhanani, A; Groce, N; (2014) Initiating dialogue between stakeholders and establishing a common language for community severance through cross disciplinary workshops. (Street Mobility and Network Accessibility Working Paper 01). University College London (UCL): London, UK. Green open access

Andres, L; (2014) Ville créative, entre richesse et fourre-tout. France Forum , 54 Green open access

Armstrong, RA; (2014) Vibrant architecture: How 'vibrant matter' may raise the status of the material world in architectural design practice and be recognised as a codesigner of our living spaces. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).


Babu, S; (2014) Architectured objects through Selective Laser Sintering. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Badi, SM; (2014) Collaborating for Sustainable Energy Innovation in PFI school projects. Presented at: Energy, Society and People: A multi-disciplinary UCL Symposium, UCL, London, UK. Green open access

Badi, SM; Pryke, S; (2014) Risk allocation and Sustainable Energy Innovation (SEI) in complex public-sector procurement: the case of the UK’s Private Finance Initiative (PFI) school projects. In: Proceedings of EURAM 2014. European Academy of Management (EURAM): Valencia, Spain.

Bai, X; (2014) Legitimating London 2012: Urban mega-events and the geography of Olympic place marketing. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Bailey, Tina Janice; (2014) The role of performance assessment in the management of facilities and support services in the public sector. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Batty, M; Morphet, R; Masucci, P; Stanilov, K; (2014) Entropy, complexity, and spatial information. Journal of Geographical Systems , 16 (4) 363 - 385. 10.1007/s10109-014-0202-2. Green open access

Baumann, H; (2014) The heavy presence of the Jerusalem Light Rail: why Palestinian protesters attacked the tracks. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/north-africa-west... Green open access

Baumann, H; (2014) Gaza’s Petrol Stations (photo essay). Scroope: the Cambridge Architecture Journal , 23 pp. 93-97. Green open access

Behrens, M; Schieck, AFG; Valkanova, N; Brumby, DP; (2014) Smart citizen sentiment dashboard: A case study into media architectural interfaces. In: PerDis 2014 - Proceedings: 3rd ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays 2014. (pp. 19 - 24). ACM: New York. Green open access

Bell, SJ; (2014) The socio-technology of alternative water systems. In: Memon, FA and Ward, S, (eds.) Alternative Water Supply Systems. (pp. 441-457). IWA Publishing: London, UK. Green open access

Bell, SJ; Chaytor, S; Crawford, K; Davies, F; Johnson, C; JooJoo, S; Jones, K; + view all (2014) Making Decisions on the Demolition or Refurbishment of Social Housing. (UCL Policy Briefing ). UCL (University College London): London, UK. Green open access

Biddulph, P; Gori, V; Elwell, CA; Scott, C; Rye, C; Lowe, R; Oreszczyn, T; (2014) Inferring the thermal resistance and effective thermal mass of a wall using frequent temperature and heat flux measurements. ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , 78 10 - 16. 10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.04.004. Green open access

Biel, R; (2014) Visioning a Sustainable Energy Future: The Case of Urban Food-Growing. Theory Culture & Society , 31 (5) 183 - 202. 10.1177/0263276414536624. Green open access

Bleischwitz, R; (2014) Transparency in the Extractive Industries: Time to Ask for More. Global Environmental Politics , 14 (4) 1 - 9. 10.1162/GLEP_e_00254. Green open access

Blyth, W; Gross, R; Speirs, J; Sorrell, S; Nicholls, J; Dorgan, A; Hughes, N; (2014) Low carbon jobs: the evidence for net job creation from policy support for energy efficiency and renewable energy. A report by the UKERC Technology and Policy Assessment Function. UK Energy Research Centre: London, UK.

Boano, Camillo; Talocci, Giorgio; (2014) Fences and profanations: questioning the sacredness of urban design. Journal of Urban Design , 19 (5) pp. 700-721. 10.1080/13574809.2014.943701. Green open access

Boano, Camillo; Talocci, Giorgio; (2014) The (in)operative power: architecture and the reclaim of social relevance. Studio© , 6 pp. 108-115. Green open access

Bolton, T; Vaughan, LS; (2014) The Past, Present and Futures of the High Street: report on the Closing Conference of the Adaptable Suburbs project. The Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, UCL (University College London): London. Green open access

Boontore, A; (2014) Sprawl and Distance Travelled: Evidence from European Metropolitan Areas. Doctoral thesis , (UCL) University College London. Green open access

Borden, Iain; (2014) The Spaces of Skateboarding. Architects' Journal 56 - 59. Gold open access

Borden, I; (2014) The Singapore Flyer: experiencing Singaporean modernity through architecture, motion and Bergson. The Journal of Architecture , 19 (6) 872 - 902. 10.1080/13602365.2014.984482. Green open access

Borden, IM; (2014) The World's Most Popular Architecture: the Technology and Interior of the Automobile. In: Lasansky, DM, (ed.) Archi-Pop: Mediating Architecture and Popular Culture. (163 - 176). Bloomsbury Academic: London, UK. Green open access

Borowczyk Martins, J; (2014) Placing the Digital Economy: the Spatiality of Work in 'Tech City', London. In: Cardoso, RV, (ed.) Taking Planning Forward: PhD research projects on the centenary of the Bartlett School of Planning 1914-2014. (p. 23). PhD Community at the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London: London, UK. Green open access

Boys, J; Hazlett, D; (2014) The spaces of relational learning and their impact on student engagement. In: Nygaard, C and Scott-Webber, L and Bartholomew, P and Branch, J, (eds.) Learning Space Design in Higher Education. Libri Publishing: Farringdon, UK. Green open access

Branscome, EM; (2014) Hans Hollein and Postmodernism: Art and Architecture in Austria 1958-1985. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Broto, VC; (2014) Viewpoint: Planning for climate change in the African city. International Development Planning Review , 36 (3) 257 - 264. 10.3828/idpr.2014.23. Green open access

Brown, D; Dodman, D; (2014) Understanding children’s risk and agency in urban areas and their implications for child-centred urban disaster risk reduction in Asia: Insights from Dhaka, Kathmandu, Manila and Jakarta. (Asian Cities Climate Resilience Working Paper Series 6:2014). International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED): London, UK.

Brown, D; McGranahan, G; Dodman, D; (2014) Urban informality and building a more inclusive, resilient and green economy. (Human Settlements Working Paper ). International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED): London, UK.

Buck, DN; (2014) Drawing Sound as Landscape. Opticon 1826 (16) 10.5334/opt.cb. Green open access

Burman, E; Hong, S; Paterson, G; Kimpian, J; Mumovic, D; (2014) A comparative study of benchmarking approaches for non-domestic buildings: Part 2 – Bottom-up approach. Building Research and Information: the international journal of research, development and demonstration , 3 (2) 247- 261. 10.1016/j.ijsbe.2014.12.001. Green open access

Burman, E; Kimpian, J; Mumovic, D; (2014) Analysis of the applicability of the UK National Calculation Methodology to energy efficiency finance of non-domestic buildings: A case study approach. In: Proceedings of the IBPSA-England Building Simulation and Optimisation Conference (BSO 14). International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)-England: London, UK. Green open access

Burman, E; Kimpian, J; Mumovic, D; (2014) Reconciling Resilience and Sustainability in Overheating and Energy Performance Assessments of Non-domestic Buildings. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Urban Sustainability and Resilience. Centre for Urban Sustainability and Resilience, UCL (University College London): London, UK. Green open access

Burman, E; Mumovic, D; Kimpian, J; (2014) A comparative study of the energy certification schemes implemented in the UK and ASHRAE building energy labelling programme. In: Proceedings of the CIBSE ASHRAE Technical Symposium 2014. Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE): Dublin, Ireland. Green open access

Burman, E; Mumovic, D; Kimpian, J; (2014) Towards measurement and verification of energy performance under the framework of the European directive for energy performance of buildings. ENERGY , 77 153 - 163. 10.1016/j.energy.2014.05.102. Green open access

Buyukcivelek, A; (2014) An investigation on the relationship between capitalism and formation of urban injustices: the case of organised food retailers in Ankara. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Capillé, C; Psarra, S; (2014) Space and Planned Informality: strong and weak programme categorisation in public learning environments. A/Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture , 11 (2) pp. 9-29. Green open access

Cardinale, I; Coffman, D; (2014) Economic Interdependencies and Political Conflict: The Political Economy of Taxation in Eighteenth Century Britain. Economia Politica , 31 (3) pp. 277-300. 10.1428/78897. Green open access

Carmona, MP; (2014) The place-shaping continuum: A theory of urban design process. Journal of Urban Design , 19 (1) pp. 2-36. 10.1080/13574809.2013.854695. Green open access

Chang, C; (2014) Practitioners’ perception of BIM incentive problems: A survey result. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management Green open access

Chiu, LF; Lowe, R; Raslan, RM; Altamirano, H; Wingfield, J; (2014) A socio-technical approach to post-occupancy evaluation: interactive adaptability in domestic retrofit. Building Research & Information , 42 (5) pp. 574-590. 10.1080/09613218.2014.912539. Green open access

Chrysikou, E; (2014) The SCP model: A three dimensional methodology for understanding, profiling and evaluating mental healthcare architecture. In: Yoxall,, A and Christer,, K, (eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Design 4 Health 2013 Sheffield. (pp. pp. 66-75). Sheffield Hallam University: Sheffield. Green open access

Cidik, M; Boyd, D; Hill, S; Thurairajah, N; (2014) BIM and conceptual design sustainability analysis: An information categorization framework. In: Proceedings of the 50th ASC Annual International Conference 2014. Associated Schools of Construction (ASC): Blacksburg, Virginia. Green open access

Cidik, MS; Boyd, D; Thurairajah, N; (2014) Leveraging collaboration through the use of building information models. In: Proceedings of the 30th Annual ARCOM Conference, 1-3 September 2014. (pp. pp. 713-722). Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM): Portsmouth, UK. Green open access

Claypool, M; Jimenez Garcia, M; (2014) Or the Thing Itself: Towards a Material Practice in Architecture. In: EAAE Annual Conference Proceedings. European Network of Heads of Schools of Architecture Green open access

Coote, Anna; Penny, Joe; (2014) The wrong medicine: A review of the impacts of NHS reforms in England. New Economics Foundation (NEF): London, UK. Green open access

Costanza, Robert; de Groot, Rudolf; Sutton, Paul; van der Ploeg, Sander; Anderson, Sharolyn J; Kubiszewski, Ida; Farber, Stephen; (2014) Changes in the global value of ecosystem services. Global Environmental Change , 26 pp. 152-158. 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2014.04.002. Green open access

Crawford, K; Johnson, CE; Davies, F; Joo, S; Bell, S; (2014) Demolition or Refurbishment of Social Housing? A review of the evidence. UCL Urban Lab and Engineering Exchange: London, UK. Green open access

Crescenzi, Riccardo; Nathan, Max; Rodriguez-Pose, Andres; (2014) Do Inventors Talk to Strangers? On Proximity and Collaborative Knowledge Creation. (SERC/Urban and Spatial Programme Discussion Paper 153). Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science: London, UK.

Curran, K; Underhill, M; Strlič, M; Možir, A; Gibson, LT; Fearn, T; (2014) Cross-infection effect of polymers of historic and heritage significance on the degradation of a cellulose reference test material. Polymer Degradation and Stability , 107 pp. 294-306. 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2013.12.019. Green open access


Davies, M; (2014) Marakwet Community Heritage Mapping Project: Reports years 1-3 2011-2013. Marakwet Heritage Project: London, UK. Green open access

Davies, A; MacAulay, S; DeBarro, T; Thurston, M; (2014) Making Innovation Happen in a Megaproject: London's Crossrail Suburban Railway System. Project Management Journal , 45 (6) pp. 25-37. 10.1002/pmj.21461.

Davies, A; Mackenzie, I; (2014) Project complexity and systems integration: Constructing the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics Games. International Journal Of Project Management , 32 (5) pp. 773-790. 10.1016/j.ijproman.2013.10.004. Green open access

Davies, MIJ; (2014) Archaeology in South Sudan past and present: Gordon's fort at Laboré and other sites of interest. Sudan and Nubia , 18 pp. 165-176. Green open access

Davies, T; Fry, H; Wilson, A; Palmisano, A; Altaweel, M; Radner, K; (2014) Application of an Entropy Maximizing and Dynamics Model for Understanding Settlement Structure: The Khabur Triangle in the Middle Bronze and Iron Ages. Journal of Archaeological Science , 43 pp. 141-154. 10.1016/j.jas.2013.12.014. Green open access

Dávila, JD; (2014) Urban fragmentation, 'good governance' and the emergence of the competitive city. In: Parnell, S and Odlfield, S, (eds.) Routledge Handbook on Cities of the Global South. (pp. 474-486). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Davoudian, N; Raynham, P; Barrett, E; (2014) Disability glare: A study in simulated road lighting conditions. LIGHTING RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY , 46 (6) 695 - 705. 10.1177/1477153513510168. Green open access

De Haas, CJ; (2014) The doll's house and the Enclave: a toolkit. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

DE MAGALHAES, CS; (2014) Business Improvement Districts in England and the (private?) governance of urban spaces. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy , 32 (5) 916 - 933. 10.1068/c12263b. Green open access

Demsar, U; Reades, J; Manley, E; Batty, JM; (2014) Edge-Based Communities for Identification of Functional Regions in a Taxi Flow Network. In: Stewart, K and Pebesma, E and Navratil, G and Fogliaroni, P and Duckham, M, (eds.) Extended Abstract Proceedings of the GIScience 2014. (pp. pp. 55-60). Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Vienna University of Technology: Vienna, Austria. Green open access

Devilat, BMD; (2014) 3D Laser Scanning of Heritage Areas after Earthquakes: San Lorenzo de Tarapacá, Chile. Opticon1826 (16) , Article 12. 10.5334/opt.cc. Green open access

Dillon, C; Bell, N; Fouseki, K; Laurenson, P; Thompson, A; Strlic, M; (2014) Mind the Gap: Rigour and Relevance in Collaborative Heritage Science Research. Heritage Science , 2 (11) 1 - 22. 10.1186/2050-7445-2-11. Green open access

Dodds, PE; (2014) Integrating housing stock and energy system models as a strategy to improve heat decarbonisation assessments. Applied Energy , 132 358 - 369. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.06.079. Green open access

Dodds, PE; Ekins, P; (2014) A portfolio of powertrains for the UK: An energy systems analysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , 39 (26) 13941 - 13953. 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.06.128. Green open access

Dodds, PE; Keppo, I; Strachan, N; (2014) Characterising the Evolution of Energy System Models Using Model Archaeology. Environmental Modeling & Assessment 10.1007/s10666-014-9417-3. Green open access

Dodds, PE; McDowall, W; (2014) Methodologies for representing the road transport sector in energy system models. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , 39 (5) pp. 2345-2358. 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2013.11.021. Green open access

Drummond, PT; (2014) Scenarios for a Low-Carbon Europe for 2050: Discussion of Results from the ETM-UCL Model, EXIOBASE Input-Output Model and the GINFORS Model. UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources: London, UK. Green open access

Drummond, PT; (2014) Understanding the Impacts and Limitations of the Current EU Climate Policy Instrument Mix: Synthesis and Conclusion. UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources: London, UK. Green open access


Ekins, Paul; McDowall, Will; (2014) Green innovation: industrial policy for a low carbon future. (Economic Report Series 2014 ). Trades Union Congress: London, UK. Green open access

Ekins, P; Baddeley, M; Medda, F; Nesheim, L; Radosevic, S; (2014) Greening the recovery: the report of the UCL Green Economy Commission. OVPR/UCL Public Policy: University College London. Green open access

Ekins, P; McDowall, WAS; Zenghelis, D; (2014) Greening the recovery: the report of the UCL green economy policy commission. UCL (University College London): London, UK. Green open access

El-Khouly, TAI; Penn, A; (2014) On an integrated analytical approach to describe quality design process in light of deterministic information theory. In: Gero, JS, (ed.) Design Computing and Cognition '12. Springer Green open access

Emo Nax, B; (2014) Real-world wayfinding experiments: Individual preferences, decisions and the space syntax approach at street corners. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Evans, TPO; Bishop, SR; (2014) A spatial model with pulsed releases to compare strategies for the sterile insect technique applied to the mosquito Aedes aegypti. MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES , 254 6 - 27. 10.1016/j.mbs.2014.06.001. Green open access

Eylers, E; (2014) Planning the Nation: the sanatorium movement in Germany. The Journal of Architecture , 19 (5) 667 - 692. 10.1080/13602365.2014.966587. Green open access


Fell, MJ; Chiu, LF; (2014) Children, parents and home energy use: Exploring motivations and limits to energy demand reduction. Energy Policy , 65 , Article C. 10.1016/j.enpol.2013.10.003. Green open access

Fell, MJ; Shipworth, D; Huebner, GM; Elwell, CA; (2014) Exploring perceived control in domestic electricity demand-side response. TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT , 26 (10) 1118 - 1130. 10.1080/09537325.2014.974530. Green open access

Ferm, J; (2014) Delivering affordable workspace: Perspectives of developers and workspace providers in London. Progress in Planning , 93 , Article C. 10.1016/j.progress.2013.05.002. Green open access

Fischbacher, A; Warris, A-M; Holloway, J; Palmer, K; Reid, K; Mortensen, N-B; Tunnel, P; + view all (2014) Goal-based approach to fuel and CO2 emissions monitoring - uncertainty considerations (MEPC 68/INF.3). International Maritime Organization: Marine Environment Protection Committee Green open access

Fouseki, K; (2014) Understanding 'Heritage Values': The Greek Perspective. In: Pereira Roders, A and Veldpaus, L, (eds.) Proceedings Understanding Heritage Values. (pp. pp. 27-31). Eindhoven University of Technology: Eindhoven, Netherlands. Green open access

Freeman, R; Jones, L; Yearworth, M; Cherruault, J-Y; (2014) Systems Thinking and System Dynamics to Support Policy Making in Defra – Project Final Report. Sustain Ltd.: London, UK. Green open access

Freeman, R; Yearworth, M; (2014) Review of Literature on Systems Thinking and System Dynamics for Policy Making. Sustain Ltd. for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Green open access

Futcher, Julie; Mills, Gerald; Korolija, Ivan; Zhang, Yi; (2014) Shadowlands. CIBSE Journal pp. 28-30. Green open access


Galera Zarco, Carlos; (2014) Servitized business models in project-based firms: The case of energy efficient architecture. In: Baines, Tim and Clegg, Ben and Harrison, David, (eds.) Proceedings of the Spring Servitization Conference (SSC2014). (pp. pp. 72-80). Aston Business School: Birmingham, UK. Green open access

Gatersleben, B; Murtagh, N; Abrahamse, W; (2014) Values, identity and pro-environmental behaviour. Contemporary Social Science , 9 (4) pp. 374-392. 10.1080/21582041.2012.682086. Green open access

Giamarelos, S; (2014) Πρόσωπα, θεσμοί και δεσμοί στις Biennali Αρχιτεκτονικής: Individuals, Institutions and their Ties at the Venice Biennale. Architects , 12/13 (May-June) pp. 41-44. Green open access

Giamarelos, S; (2014) The Art of Building Reception: Aris Konstantinidis behind the Global Published Life of his Weekend House in Anavyssos (1962–2014). Architectural Histories , 2 (1) , Article 22. 10.5334/ah.bx. Green open access

Giamarelos, S; (2014) Latent Dialogues in Whispering Voices: Exploring the Bartlett Library through its Readers. Lobby , 1 pp. 116-117. Green open access

Giamarelos, S; Penner, B; (2014) Flushing without Forgetting: An Interview with Barbara Penner. Lobby , 1 pp. 122-123. Green open access

Giamarelos, S; Rawes, M; (2014) Ecologies of Care and Architectures of Life: An Interview with Peg Rawes. Lobby , 1 pp. 126-127. Green open access

Gibbons, Stev; Nathan, Max; Overman, Henry; (2014) Evaluating spatial policies. Town Planning Review , 85 (4) pp. 427-432. 10.3828/tpr.2014.32. Green open access

Gibbons, Steve; Nathan, Max; Overman, Henry; (2014) Evaluating Spatial Policies. (SERC Policy Papers 12). Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science: London, UK. Green open access

Gleeson, CP; (2014) Understanding the field performance of domestic heat pumps: an analysis of recent residential heat pump field trials and training needs. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Gould, Polly; (2014) Antarctica Through the Archive: A Script. Opticon 1826 , 16 , Article 19. Green open access

Grau-Bové, J; Mazzei, L; Thickett, D; Malki-Ephstein, L; Strlič, M; (2014) CFD simulation of aerosol deposition in Apsley House, London. In: Malki-Epsthein, L and Spataru, C and Marjanovic Halburd, L and Mumovic, D, (eds.) Proceedings of the 2014 Building Simulation and Optimization Conference. The Bartlett, UCL Faculty of the Built Environment Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering: London, UK. Green open access

Grigoriadis, K; (2014) Mixed Matters: The Problems of Designing with Functionally Graded Materials. In: Proceedings of the What’s the Matter: Materiality and Materialism at the Age of Computation, International Conference, COAC, ETSAB, ETSAV. (pp. pp. 212-226). European Network of Heads of Schools of Architecture: Barcelona, Spain. Green open access

Guivarch, C; Trutnevyte, E; (2014) Innovative techniques for Quantitative SCenarios in ENergy and Environmental research (IQ SCENE). WholeSEM: London. Green open access


Hanna, S; (2014) Machine intuition. In: Graz, TU, (ed.) GAM 10: Intuition & the Machine. (pp. 40-53). Ambra Verlag MMag

Hao, Y; Kang, J; (2014) Influence of mesoscale urban morphology on the spatial noise attenuation of flyover aircrafts. Applied Acoustics , 84 pp. 73-82. 10.1016/j.apacoust.2013.12.001. Green open access

Harker, C; (2014) The ambiguities of cohabitation. Area , 46 (4) pp. 355-356. 10.1111/area.12138_6. Green open access

Harker, C; (2014) The Only Way Is Up? Ordinary Topologies of Ramallah. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research , 38 (1) pp. 318-335. 10.1111/1468-2427.12094. Green open access

Harker, CG; Shebeitah, R; Sayyad, D; (2014) Ghosts of Jerusalem: Ramallah's Haunted Landscapes. Jerusalem Quarterly , 58 pp. 7-12. Green open access

Hartmann, A; Roehrich, J; Frederiksen, L; Davies, A; (2014) Procuring complex performance: the transition process in public infrastructure. International Journal of Operations & Production Management , 34 (2) pp. 174-194. 10.1108/IJOPM-01-2011-0032. Green open access

Haworth, J; Cheng, T; Shawe-Taylor, J; Wang, J; (2014) Local online kernel ridge regression for forecasting of urban travel times. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies , 46 151 - 178. 10.1016/j.trc.2014.05.015. Green open access

Hebbert, M; (2014) Climatology for city planning in historical perspective. Urban Climate , 10 (2) pp. 204-215. 10.1016/j.uclim.2014.07.001. Green open access

Hebbert, M; (2014) Crossrail: the slow route to London's regional express railway. Town Planning Review , 85 pp. 171-190. 10.3828/tpr.2014.11. Green open access

Hernandez-Vela, A; Angel Bautista, M; Perez-Sala, X; Ponce-Lopez, V; Escalera, S; Baro, X; Pujol, O; (2014) Probability-based Dynamic Time Warping and Bag-of-Visual-and-Depth-Words for Human Gesture Recognition in RGB-D. Pattern Recognition Letters , 50 pp. 112-121. 10.1016/j.patrec.2013.09.009. Green open access

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